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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New Dark Outpost: Q JFK Jr. Return Imminent! George Magazine is Back!

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As many of us know… Q has returned. George Magazine of course, was started by JFK Jr…. and many have speculated that Q is JFK. Jr. who is still alive. So it’s quite the timing for Q to return at the same time as George Magazine is back! s the return of JFK Jr. far behind?

We have a full report. John Carman provides intel from inside and outside the Beltway. Janine Linehan has the latest conspiracy updates. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!


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    Total 7 comments
    • decleateed

      It would certainly be interesting if Junior was still alive . . . but what level of expertise would he bring to the table when it comes to rebuilding this current disaster?

      He is/was the son of one of our country’s most famous and popular Presidents but that does not necessarily equate into becoming the next ‘Savior.’

      I for one will be withholding my excitement if he does return until I see the plan.

      Too many people get caught up in name recognition/popularity instead of actual results.

      Time is short . . . either way.

    • HawkBowler

      *doesn’t that sound better… rolls right off the tongue with a fizzle. Get your lickbuz at the dark outpost… “I’m glad you’ve found your way”

      No, it is properly pronounced Zublick…not Zoodick…

      “Personally speaking, I think direct energy weapons should be used more often.”
      –dude in 17 jersey swingin on a bench

      Don’t let the famial optics fool U, this is not a man on the bench but one taken off the bench to deliver an important message from coach 107:

      Information source: “My Source”
      Obtained: last couple of weeks
      [victimized by Rumble]\\\\\\\\\\\

      “For reasons you will understand shortly… have U noticed that the supreme justices have gone off into hiding?

      Think it’s just Roe v Wade? No.

      Kavanaugh, Barret… others under military protection… being moved around the country… for their own protection…

      ‘John Roberts, now, he’s under NATO protection not just US Military, just an aside..’

      Under protection cuz these justicessessss have just overturned the 2020 election. U heard that right now. Confirmed. “My Source”… guy on bench.. as reported by guy from the far reaches of the dark outpost – 44 Lickbuz… FM

      • HawkBowler

        Special Report From Ground Central Ghetto
        (aka Seattle 206… in year 222 (military intel)… relax, wise guy military…)

        Liberal freak show experiments gone wrong. Uncontrollable nuclear cockroach experiments gone wild… worse than herding cats now…

        EMERALD CITY 115
        *do i need to prompt U to think Dorothy?

        U are Dorothy
        (U didn’t know)
        it’s not your fault

        U… were conditioned to accept a world of black and white. Of limitted expansion and personal staking… no, black white poorage, … live the colorful life inside instead. U don’t need anything outside.. in this worthless world that U see… so turn inward…. “tune in and turn off”…

        This moment would be the when the fantastic four are triumphantly running towards the Emerald City… “”with the wtches broom now”"… when hold on now.. poppy seeds… becoming sleeping….

        ‘Snow Snow’

        • HawkBowler


          Got it, zoodick?

          Meaning that the Lord provides a fail safe.. an elixer… an anointment.. comforting ala vera bath… in which ALL ails are cleansed. Doubting Thomas? Wishing to put your finger into the matter? No way…

          The ‘other side’…

          The scorpion that can’t keep himself from stinging the frog in which he rides the back to cross the river… without which the scorpion will not survive.
          Even so.. call it ‘Nature’… can’t help… one meant to abuse and the other to be abused. This is what sweet dreams are made of (EU).

          And yet.. love covereth all the trangressions no matter the nastiness and filth, debautchery… and outright rambunctionous behaviour….


          immutable now…

    • Clare Marshall

      Well Trump didn’t help ANY of his supporters who are stuck in jail!!!! So much for helping the people!

    • DangerWillRoberson

      good show , potty mouth bad. :razz: :?:

    • Olza

      I am in a country far away and I have been watching all you truthers for many years now. What you did today to defame a truther was a very, very bad thing to do. all his followers knows everything about him as he does not go around and defame other people. Why did you do that, are you jealous? instead of defaming some-one else you actually defamed yourself. Needless to say I am done watching you. Bye

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