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Breaking Hal Turner: What's About to Happen in September — The Troubles We Have Are About to Get Worse; Much, Much Worse — "You've Been Warned"

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BREAKING Hal Turner: What’s About to Happen in September — The Troubles We Have are About to Get Worse; Much, Much Worse — “You’ve Been Warned”

EXCLUSIVE Insider Intel!

“This is the mother of all set ups against we the people.”


He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. (Deut 28:44)

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. (Job 33:14)


Notes from August 29, Show: The Troubles we have are about to get worse; much, much worse.


These are the intelligence notes I transcribed from my activities Saturday night-into Sunday Morning.  They deal with all aspects of the troubles plaguing the country and how everything is going to get MUCH WORSE within 3 to 4 weeks.  Disastrously worse.  These are the notes I used for my August 29 radio show . . . 

The typical American looks at the economic situation and cannot rectify in their own minds how the market says one thing and their eyes and ears sense another.

We see record homelessness, we see record drug deaths, we see moral degradation in our schools, we see accelerating decay in every single one of our cities, and we see a media and government that has been captured by fraud. We see a uni-party that exists to enrich itself and not the people. We see the largest wealth gap in our country’s history with no end in sight…

SO because of this we cannot understand how it is that the market is 20000pts higher than it was a decade ago. We cannot for the life of us see how housing prices are so absurdly high as the price of a SFH went from 190k to 370k in ten years. We cannot for the life of us understand how anyone pays the now $2,000 dollar AVERAGE in rent, or how anyone pays a utility and food bill triple what it was two years ago, and yet asset valuations NEVER seem to fall!

We see the homeless, we see the despair, we see the drug deaths, we see the absolute decay of Western society on every street corner in America and Europe. We see hollowed our rural towns and cities with no jobs or hope left.

We see ALL this and wonder… how are the prices so high? For 14years the Bears have seen with their own eyes and ears that the prices make absolutely ZERO sense. They have applied LOGIC to an ILLOGICAL moment in history so they are unable to understand how both things are possible. Because of this they perpetually tell you it’s all coming down because there’s no way this can last.

They’re wrong.

For the last 14years the world has been collapsing into the United States. This is the main #1 reason for the disconnect between the common American’s senses and their nation’s market prices.


One can see the effect of this on real estate in say California, Oregon, or Washington – You can see first hand how many of the buyers of your inflated real estate are not from this country.

The SAME THING has been happening in our stock market. The difference is you can’t see who it is that’s been buying stocks the way you can see with real estate in your own town.

This foreign capital has MUCH MUCH bigger issues to deal with than we do. We, as Americans, stay focused on our own nation and are unable to comprehend the crisis that has unfolded beyond our borders.

One example of this would be in 2014 when the European Central Bank made the unprecedented move of imposing NEGATIVE interest rates at the ECB. At various points over the last 8 years the EU members bond markets have yielded NEGATIVE. There were various points during 2019-2021 when the United States was the ONLY bond market in the Western World NOT yielding NEGATIVE.

The insanity of this cannot be understated!

A bond market exists to raise capital – you give me X and I give you Y yield in return after Z period of time. The concept is simple and has been used by governments throughout history to generate money. The citizens invest in the government and the government gives them a guaranteed rate of return. If the government needs money the YIELD RISES to make the bond more attractive. If times are good and the government doesnt need the money the YIELD stays low. That is how it’s suppose to work but once we embarked on QE4EVA we completely destroyed the function of the bond market itself.

Luckily for the USA we were never stupid enough to let yields actually go negative…

But what happens when you actually flip that yield negative like the ECB did? What happens when you literally start driving capital OUT of your trade union because your yields no longer make any logical sense to invest in?

You, as an individual, realize you’ve LOST your guaranteed rate of return with your nation’s bond markets so what do you do? Well you pivot towards American bonds still yielding SOMETHING! You see the average foreign investor understands the American markets are the most secure in the entire world – We’re protected by two oceans. Our border is practically impenetrable. Our currency has not been canceled in almost 160years. Our military might is unmatched. There’s no other industrialized nation in the world you can make these claims about. Not one. This is the real value of America.

The foreigner ends up more interested in protecting their capital in American Real Estate and stocks. The dividend yields in our stock market have become the NEW GUARANTEED RATE OF RETURN as people realize they’ll yield more in stock dividends than in bonds. There’s also a great risk of a debt default in the Western World and in that scenario you are 100% screwed if youre the bondholder. At least with the stocks you maintain ownership of something REAL. The bonds are just paper promises by a government you can’t sue.

So you pour your money into American markets… real estate, stocks, bonds, and yes, THE DOLLAR.

As a foreign investor it makes no difference to you what the standard of living for the average American is. It makes no difference to you their markets no longer reflect their own nations economic picture. Youre just protecting your own capital and how the average American is doing has no real bearing on your investment. All the aforementioned reasons regarding geography, military, and our currency don’t change regardless of how the American consumer is doing.

You don’t care about the average American. You just buy it when it dips and you hang on because you see the world collapsing into America’s markets and the dollar first.

Which brings me the dollar itself…

This process has been ongoing in the dollar as well for some time. It’s why Gold bugs cannot figure out how gold and silver will not take off in this environment.

When the ECB went negative the USDX (Dollar chart) was at 80. By 2018 the USDX was at 90. Today it appears it will close at 108 – the highest close for the dollar since the Summer of 2002.

Despite the record number of dollars printed over the last 10years it has made ZERO DIFFERENCE to the value of the dollar itself. In fact the dollar is UP 35% over the last 10 years!

Go ahead and read that back – THE DOLLAR IS UP 35% IN THE LAST 10 YEARS! Now ask yourself how many “The dollar is dying” articles have you read over the same time period? Every single one of them were DEAD WRONG. I have all the respect in the world for people like Peter Schiff because my introduction into markets was in 2008 with Ron Paul and getting into the Austrian school but what all of these people FAILED to realize is that our ability to EXPORT our dollars outside the border gave us the ability to keep printing without worry of a value collapse in the dollar itself.

The million dollar question is what will cause all those dollars to come back? What is the alternative right now to the dollar? The truth is there is no currency that can act as an alternative at the moment in world commerce. None. In the coming years that may change but for the time being there is no alternative.

Don’t believe me?

Think about this…

It’s the Summer of 2019… the Fed has been raising rates or keeping them flat practically every quarter Trump has been in office (Side note – funny how rates went up or stayed flat every quarter Trump was in office and the DOW doubled in the same time period and Real Estate kept hyperinflating. Yet today the same “experts” will tell you rising rates will collapse the markets even though we literally just watched the markets double in 3years with rising rates during Trump’s Presidency) in August of 2019 the REPO MARKETS BLEW OUT. This was an incredibly significant event that was totally ignored (intentionally I might add) by the Mainstream financial news.

The REPO market is, in a sense, an overnight bond market. Where standard bonds operate in months or years or decades the repo bonds are overnight bonds. Typically the yield on these bonds stayed well below .5 to 1% because it’s literally a 12-24hr note.

In August of 2019 the rates BLEW OUT to 10% in a single night! This was historic because it PROVED there was a SERIOUS dollar shortage in the system. The Fed panicked because it had insisted on tightening – and with the markets at raging all-time highs in 2019 there was absolutely NO justification for reversing course on rates or stimulus.

They had to manufacture a crisis because the DEMAND FOR DOLLARS was so intense.

The decision was made in August of 2019 to reset the system BECAUSE the demand for dollars was so unbelievable it was collapsing the euro. By October 2019 we have event 201 – our covid simulation. By December COVID is making mainstream news. By March were locked down and creating 40% more currency than has ever existed in history.

NOT because of covid but because the market was literally about to die without a massive injection of new dollars. This is how I knew covid was BS from Day 1. Anyone who had paid attention to the economics of the dollar understood EXACTLY what these people were actually doing. It was all a farce to create the dollars they needed!

ALL OF THIS was done to inject dollars in the global monetary system. That’s how serious the dollar demand is! These people were literally willing to destroy the global economy just to come up with a reason for why they just HAD to create all those dollars.

Two and a half years later and the dollar is STILL gaining strength despite ALL the currency creation the fed embarked on when covid started.

Conclusion? The demand for dollars is almost impossible to service! The inflation today has NOTHING to do with the dollar’s value or the currency they printed up. NOTHING. All one has to do is look at the USDX chart to see the truth. The people who keep blaming the dollar do not understand what is actually happening here.

Over the past 10 years our dollar is up 35%, The DOW is up 100%, the price of a SFH is up 75%.

How can all this be if the dollar is doomed and our markets are doomed?

This entire 14year rally happened in the face of a massive BEAR narrative from the alt-media. Practically NO ONE in the alt-media predicted what would happen. No one. In fact they didn’t just miss it they were completely wrong – the alt-media was the DUMB money this entire time. It was all sky is falling non-sense the ENTIRE 14year rally! It’s safe to say this was the most HATED Bull Market in United States history!

The purpose of these bearish narratives was to keep YOU POOR so you’d be easier to control when the entire thing collapsed. They knew the game was over in 2008 so they created a situation where they get to buy everything at 0% and turn you turn into a serf while doing it! By believing the Bears this whole time you got left behind… The bad guys always knew how this would end but by hyperinflating you out of a normal life they basically made you powerless to stop them.

So why is this all important? Because it sets up what’s about to happen in September…

The Fed believed that if the inflation were to run out of control due to the actions that were taken in March of 2020 that they would simply raise rates and deflate the asset bubbles – bringing deflation to asset prices and preventing a hyperinflationary collapse.

The Fed embarked on this quest over a year ago with the yield on a 10yr note at around .7%.

Today the yield is roughly 3% and the bubbles have not popped. We’ve had pullbacks but not relative to the rise in rates.

In fact we are experiencing hyperinflation in our energy markets which is causing hyperinflation in everything else. No matter what the interest rates or dollar say the ENERGY is driving the hyperinflation. The Fed cannot control this!

Where the Fed screwed up is they didn’t understand this isn’t 1980 anymore. In a typical scenario they would raise rates and the consumer would pay down debts – destroying dollars – and bring deflation. Today the GOVERNMENT holds the VAST majority of the debt – NOT THE CONSUMER – so the raising rates will do NOTHING to stop the Government from spending. They will simply continue to borrow no matter what the rate is. It could be 20% and the government is NOT going to stop spending. This is why raising rates to deflate asset prices WILL NOT WORK ANYMORE.

Where the Fed did their job is they got the USDX up to 108, they’ve got 10yr yields over 3%. BUT! What they didn’t anticipate was that the new administration would COLLAPSE the global energy markets for their own political reasons.

The combination of the Biden administration destroying our energy markets – with ZERO alternatives – combined with the fact the government holds all the debt now – not the consumer – created a situation where the rising rates MAKE ZERO DIFFERENCE TO INFLATION AND ACTUALLY MAKE IT WORSE!

This is why EVERYONE is starting to PANIC!

The Fed has fired all it’s bullets and we are still experiencing a hyperinflation. The Kenyesian economic model told them this was not possible. They literally cannot comprehend what is happening.

The dollar is rising, the rates are rising, the market is rising, real estate is rising, energy is rising, food is rising, ALL OF IT is hyperinflating outside of their control and raising rates isn’t going to stop it! They have no idea what to do but to keep raising rates in the hopes it stops the inflation.

It wont!

The energy issue is totally separate from the financial issues. The Fed cannot control what the government does to oil, gas, and diesel. The collapse of our energy markets is what’s currently driving the hyperinflation here and around the world. But ask yourself what happens once they have to reverse course and kill the dollar’s value again? Imagine if the USDX goes back to 72 with there being a shortage of energy on top of that? That’s how you get to $10-15 gas!

The realization is dawning on these people that they can’t simply pop the bubble with rising rates. It won’t work. They’ll keep trying because they have ZERO cards left to play but it will make no difference in the end.

THIS IS THE FINANCIAL HURRICANE DIMON, MUSK, BEZOS, ETC ARE WARNING YOU ABOUT! It’s not going to be a crash you fools it’s going to be a hyperinflationary collapse! They are going to price you out of existing as a way to CONTROL YOU and CONTROL YOUR LIFE. What they’ve done to you the past 14years WILL ONLY ACCELERATE!

What makes this time different…

Russia and China – the BRICS nations and those allied with them – have noticed what’s going on here and they aren’t too happy.

They are the actual producers in this game and they aren’t going to take this anymore. The WEF is hellbent on destroying their energy markets and the BRICES refuse to accept that. The BRICS recognize the game is over and so they have moved on to the inevitable conclusion of the game – WAR.

The Russians have made their move on Ukraine and right now the Chinese are gearing up for an invasion of Taiwan and the South Chinese sea (perhaps even more). These lockdowns in China are about converting their economy into a war-machine without people noticing – There was a leaked 60min CCP meeting on this released a few months ago that confirms this.

The Russians and Chinese realize the game is over and now they’re preparing for the next phase. Russia went in first so America and Europe would bog themselves down on one front, then the second front gets opened by China this fall.

World War III is here. It will start this fall.

The West’s financial problems have grown too great – there is absolutely no way they can get themselves out of this mess now. Meanwhile Russia and China see a window of opportunity to become the world’s leading superpowers as the United States and Europe crumble economically and cannot provide their populations sufficient ENERGY going forward.

The real crisis the United States, Europe, Canada, and Japan face is that 15years of 0% or negative yielding rates has BANKRUPTED their national pension funds. They required, by law, these pension funds be heavily overweight bonds and the lack of yield DESTROYED these funds. How can you beat inflation when 50% of your pension fund is invested in a debt note yielding 1% for 15years?

The West has to explain to ALL it’s people that ALL the promises of socialism they made were FALSE and they will NEVER bring themselves to do that so WAR it will be. That is why absolutely NO ONE in America is interested in peace in Ukraine or anywhere else. THEY NEED THIS.

The financial mismanagement of the last 51years will be blamed on the WAR – not the political class or the central banks like it should be. They will do everything in their power to convince you the Chinese and Russians are the reason you are now broke. They are already attempting to do this with the Russians with Food and Gas.

Let me be the first to tell you that is completely BS.

The western political class is the reason youre going to end up broke. The Russians and Chinese had nothing to do with it. Do not forget this as the propaganda is about to go into WW3 overdrive.

Recognizing that the West needs this war to reset itself Russia took the first step and now China prepares to take theirs…

So what is the hold up from these two?

These nations know the greatest strength they have at the moment is their energy sectors. They do not want to escalate this situation until the weather starts to turn COLD again.

I strongly suspect our political class and military are well aware that WW3 is coming this fall but they do not want to start a panic because they know the war will create a never before seen hyperinflation that’ll make the last year look like a picnic. People would panic horde to an even worse degree than they already are if they knew the truth today.

This is why the gun issue is now front and center. They know what’s coming will be uncontrollable and the less guns people have the better off they’ll be.

In September it will be known World War 3 has officially started…

Once the realization has been made by the masses that WW3 has started THE BUBBLE WILL FINALLY POP selling will be as intense, if not more so, than March of 2020. We will see 2-3k down days again in the DOW. The market will crater, housing will crash, rates will spike, the USDX will leap towards 120. The Dow will crater down to 18-21k, housing will crash roughly 25%, and commodities will get crushed.

I suspect this massive collapse in 3-4weeks away. The second we cross over until Fall (9-22) the Chinese are going to make their move and it’ll be obvious to everyone what is going on.

In the face of this asset collapse, and the realization WW3 has started, the fed will be forced to do the only thing it can – with the intense dollar strength and higher yields WW3 will bring the Fed will reverse course, AGAIN, and the dollars created will be in an even larger amount than EVER before – yields will be driven lower again as well but what makes it worse this time is the GAS and DIESEL will be needed for the war.

It’s not going to be like March of 2020 where the collapse hit energy and saved people with lower prices.

The hyperinflation at that point will be driven by BOTH the shortages in energy AND a falling dollar value due to the restart of QE and Stimulus. This is how we get to never before seen levels of price far FAR worse than today…

Gas and Diesel will be rationed. So too will most food items. We will live again as our grandparents and parents did during WW2. Our government will use the chaos of this situation to advance their Great Reset agenda…

Around this time I suspect the government will justify more lockdowns and a mail-in only election with some sort of political false flag relating to the beginning of WW3.

The lockdowns will have many benefits to the political class as itll force mail-in voting, deter folks from using gas and diesel, keep people locked up and segregated (less likely to organize), and will make the rationing/delivering easier to pull off.

Whatever happens in the midterms will happen and half the country will believe the other half cheated – creating further angst amongst the general population.

As the Fed rips up the dollar and lowers rates again for the war the DOW will, by 2024, eventually close in on 40-50k, the average SFH will reach 600-700k, and a Gallon of gas will go well over $10 (if you can buy it) and I suspect we’ll see all of these price levels before the next Presidential election.

This is the mother of all set ups against we the people… BUT the collapse we are about to witness this fall will represent one of the greatest buying opportunities in history and just like the Spring of 2020 the opportunity will be a very SMALL window (3-4months).

The Chinese and Russians are going to advance while we have a shortage of energy, food, and a winter we may or may not stay heated for. Not to mention the general angst and division between the left and right we’ll get from the mid term elections… all of it plays into their hands.

The Bears will, as always, be there telling you the end is here – and in some respects they will be correct as the world will never be the same – but in the end the exact same thing that happened over the last 14years will happen over the next 10. We will experience the same hyperinflation all over again and if you believe the bears you’ll just keep getting poorer like you have the last 14years.

Foreign capital – now dealing with a World War on their doorsteps – will flee into the dollar, American Real Estate, and American stocks (where dividend yields will represent the new guaranteed rate of return). There will be less and less buyers of bonds as the realization is made that the war will eventually wipe out the bond markets.

The dollar will rise, rates will rise, the market will rise, real estate will rise, commodities will rise, crypto will rise, all of it will go up and absolutely no one will believe it.

We will watch as our markets whipsaw from a massive dump this fall into a hyperinflationary spike as the war progresses into 2023 – 2032.

When the crash hits this fall BE READY TO BUY!

Understand this… NO ONE has any idea how all of this is going to end up at the conclusion. Not Klaus, Not Biden, Not Trump. NO ONE CAN CONTROL THIS LEVEL OF MADNESS! It’s quite possible a revolution breaks out in America before we even enter into the war. It’s possible they are successful in using the war to implement the Great Reset. How the future unfolds after the war and hyperinflation get going is anyone’s guess but the name of the game is simple – OWN PRIVATE ASSETS.

American stocks will be a great buy after the fall crash because the dividend yield WILL become the new guaranteed rate of return bonds used to be. Housing will continue to skyrocket because of the collapse in energy and the large swaths of foreign capital looking to park itself here on our land. We will experience rationing in all essential commodities and what tech was to the 2010s FOOD/Agriculture will be to the 2020s.

You want ALL THE PRIVATE assets because what the world looks like on the other side of this war is anyone’s guess but at least you’ll own something REAL and however the new monetary system and bond markets are hammered out in the end your REAL PRIVATE assets will maintain relative value to everything else. This is why Blackrock and the big boys won’t stop buying. They all damn well know what’s going on here.

I suspect roughly half the world’s population will not be here in ten years. Starvation, pandemics caused via malnutrition, world war 3, bioweapons (vax deaths), energy collapse, coming climate change (hot or cold), take your pick it’ll likely be a combination of all of them but I’d guess at least half of us won’t make it.

The name of the game is to make it to the other side ALIVE with some form of wealth in hand. They are flipping the table over and they don’t care how much it hurts you or I. They are incapable of just admitting what they’ve done to the monetary system and pension funds as they fear the people would likely revolt and kill them if they came clean. They have no choice left but to flip the table over and start World War 3.

Those of you who listen and buy this fall when it collapses will make an immense amount of money as the hyperinflation takes hold in the coming years – if you survive. Just remember the higher the prices go the WORSE the civil unrest in America becomes because the LARGER the wealth gap will get and believe me the wealth gap will GET FAR FAR WORSE before it gets better.

Buckle up folks… this fall… when the realization is made were already in WW3 this baby is gonna hit 88 miles per hour. I give myself and all of you a 50% chance of surviving what’s coming. Again I’m just nobody in a cabin in the woods but even still I don’t like my chances.

What can you do to prepare?

-It goes without saying if you’re still in a city you need to leave. Find a way to work from home but sell your real estate now and go rural. Get out of the population centers while you still can. The cities will be ground zero.

-FOOD FOOD FOOD! You need FOOD! You need to buy food now with a long shelf life. I have spent the last two years passively buying a 10-20lb bag of rice every time I go shopping and I’ve made it a point never to eat any of it. You need food with a long shelf life and if you stack frozen goods be sure you’ve got the energy to keep the freezer on.

-Guns and Ammo. Argument is simple… better to have them and not need them then to need them and not have them.

-Stack Silver. Forget gold they are going to make it illegal to own again and even if they don’t it’s worthless in small transactions. If you got some gold keep it but future purchases should be silver only. In the midst of this hyperinflation they will offer Central Bank Digital Currencies as a solution – RUN FROM THEM! It may end up we have no choice in using them but once all the money is put onto the grid silver is the new underground currency. Once the CBDCs go live the metals will finally have their day.

-Anything the WEF pushes – push back – this organization is the one pulling the strings on this entire nightmare and these people are the real enemy of humanity. Whatever we can do to break free of these tyrants we must attempt to do. The Western governments are totally and completely controlled by this organization – and we’ve decided to listen to them because their solution means more power for our political class. We must fight these people, and their horrific ideas, every step of the way regardless of how much pressure it puts on us. They cannot win this window or they win the next 84year cycle.

I’ve done my best to explain the situation as it truly is. Whether you listen to me or not is your choice but this once in a century wild ride is about to launch.

Get ready. You’ve been warned.





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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 11 comments
    • Follows TheWay


      Corporatized Health Care Now Presides Over A Harvest Of Medically-Induced Death, Pretending Dumbly That There Is Nothing To See – Globalist Tyrants Must Be Held Accountable — 8/30/2022

    • GJ

      The US as a Nation fell following the murder of JFK. An international criminal organization took it’s place and has been robbing and murdering and plundering our Country ever since then. There is no way to free ourselves from this system by using the same criminal system. There is also no way to free ourselves by going to their global masters for help. We must free ourselves and start again.
      The concept that this Country was founded on is sound. We must get rid of all the crappy laws that were pasted by these criminals and start on a solid foundation. We The People!

    • LeathalInjection

      hal turner x fbi agent is the definition of fake alt news! :!:

      • Anonymous

        Dont take a Hal Turner to know the dateline. JEWISH HOLIDAYS. They stage and plan their false flag terrorism to coincide w/ jewish holiday dates (within a day or 2 on either side) to ‘prove’ Ywyh’s triumph over the goyim and then proclaim the event “prophecy fulfilled”. Meanwhile THEY did it themselves, but the idiot EVILgelicals fall for it in their apostate, undiscerning spiritual blindenss.
        SEPT and OCT are their PRIME months– Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Shim etc….
        Not to mention the occult number 2022. Its ALL planned and rigged and FAKE.
        PS: I warned a MONTH in advance that some big event would occur for TISHA BAVV. It DID,
        8/8/22 and Trump was raided by FBI. And 8/7-6/22 was the Bill to form IRS DEATH SQUADS to hunt Americans.
        Know your enemy and face them

    • Counter Analysis

      Superb reporting, HT at his finest.

      I’m sure on many tiers of the financial/political establishment, this crisis appears out of control, and is believed to be unintended consequences from mismanagement and corruption. However, I can’t help but believe it is what it is, because someone wants it that way. The Biden regime, surely controlled by the elite and sabotaging energy, speaks volumes. If this info ever becomes widely acknowledged in the msm, it may become a talking point to sell a one world currency initially composed of a basket of currencies similar to special drawing rights. Except that the new currency may be required for the issuance of govt bonds necessitating a central world bank to approve and distribute the loan proceeds across the world. The new currency may also be required for all international trade and for all equity markets open to international participation. The new central world bank may be controlled by AI from a joint project between many nations. Through treaty, AI may then creep into many other areas of governance, and may seem to be the fair and objective means of world governance to avoid WWIV, or possibly WWIII if it is somehow narrowly avoided after a major scare in the near future. This crisis may be the deliberate vehicle used to bring about the beast kingdom.

    • truck driver

      VA clinic sent agents to Hustle me for missing a yearly appointment saying in the apartments he’s a US Veteran he’s not allowed to live he’s to dangerous for civilian lifestyle.

    • @OratorBlog Information Warrior

      Interesting Stuff. Thanks

    • DrOZ

      Big pharma and NIH push Remdesivir as treatment while killing patients with this drug. Dr Harvy Risch stated HCQ and Ivermectin have similar results and government and corporate corruption illegitimately cut it off from treament protocols. Dr Richard Urso also stated that even if HCQ and Ivermectin are blocked from doctors to use these medicines as treatment for Covid. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

    • shelzy

      All I know is that the evil ones want the dollar to fall and we cannot let that happen.

    • GAN

      Hal Turner is not the only one predicting the Shit Will Hit The Fan in September, there are many others. It’s now September 1st so be warned.

    • Truth Liberty Justice

      fuck you and the horse you rode in on -

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