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End of Times: Hanukkah and the Refiner’s Fire

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Discussing current events and how they relate to Biblical prophesy. What are some critical signs are pointing to the imminent Rapture of the Church?

The Beast is the supreme embodiment of man’s rebellion against God and rejection of God’s laws. He is also called the son of perdition, the one who is headed for a lost eternity. Why will Satan give his power to this person? Because that will enable this person to gain dominion over the entire human race and to persuade the entire human race to do the one thing that Satan wants most: to worship him. This is his goal.


They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against him?”

A mouth was given to him to speak boasts and blasphemies. He was also given authority to act for 42 months. He began to speak blasphemies against God: to blaspheme His name and His dwelling—those who dwell in heaven. And he was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. He was also given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All those who live on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered. (Revelation 13:4-8)


Is it possible that a future Hanukkah will mark the deliverance of Israel from the Antichrist?

If the Lord had not been on our side
when men attacked us,
then they would have swallowed us alive
in their burning anger against us.
Then the waters would have engulfed us;
the torrent would have swept over us;
the raging waters would have swept over us. (Psalm 124:2-5)

Psalm 124 recounts how God saved His people from destruction in the Exodus. Prophetically, this points to Satan trying to destroy all of the Jews during the Great Tribulation. They are airlifted to a secure location. This is symbolically detailed in Revelations:

When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. The woman was given two wings of a great eagle, so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, and half a time.


The refiner’s fire and launderer’s soap indicate the holiness and burning judgment of the Messiah when He returns to reign in Jerusalem at His second coming. His purifying brightness and absolute holiness will affect those who serve Him, creating a cleansed temple and purified priesthood. “See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him” (Isaiah 40:10).


Now to Him who has power to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation about Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept silent for long ages but now revealed and made known through the prophetic Scriptures, according to the command of the eternal God to advance the obedience of faith among all nations—to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ—to Him be the glory forever! Amen. (Romans 16:25-27)

If you are not sure that you are a member of the family of God, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”


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Current events are aligning with Biblical prophecy


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    Total 4 comments
    • Berserker

      Jewish mindfuckery .

      “Maimonides also admits that Christianity made the world familiar with the Old Testament, i.e. with Torah, but adds that its interpretation was erroneous and that the errors will be evident at the arrival of Jewry’s political Messiah who, as leader of Jewry’s armed power, will subjugate the non-Jewish nations of the world and will exterminate, together with their women and children, all those who refuse to accept the laws of Noah. (Jewry and Christianity, by Canon Lipot Huber, p. 141)

      • Anonymous

        yup-jooish mindscrew–the coming nuke war will be the end result of the joos control of the money system world wide–the rootchilds and their buddies think they are going to ride it out for 20 years in their underground shelters after the nuke war that starts next month but the zombies left after the nuke exchange will dig them out and eat them and their goods…

    • Anonymous

      freakin bible humps have been saying this same bullshit for 10,000 years because it increases their power and cash flow–bible humps are lying grifters trying to scare you to get your money and sanity–no wonder the romans fed them to the lions–in about 380AD when king constantine created the hoely bible out of thin air and you have the start of the cath o lick church —they started the salvation con game which uped their cash flow a bunch–then all the edicts came from the “church”,obey or die–10,000 years of religious histroy is nothing but murder,rape,torture,theft,perescution–the last 2000 years has been really bad because of the almigthy flithy cath o lick “church”–when others saw the huge cash flow,power, they started their own “churches”— all religion is the anti christ,ask jesus,the bible humps killed him and the bible humps of today like ruptureendtines will do the same when jesus walks the earth once more–these filthy bible humps are satan walking the earth

    • Gordon

      Ezekiel 38, 39 prophecy where Gog/Magog is prompted to come take Israel’s spoils. More specifically we discover in Genesis 10:2 that Noah’s son Japheth had a son named “Magog” who just so happens settled in the region of Turkey.
      Biblical insights regarding this invasion paint the antichrist as being an Assyrian from that nation. You may have heard that the Turkish President Erdogan went to the temple Hagia Sophia in Istanbul and declared himself god. Furthermore Satan’s seat is in Pergamum, which is in present day Turkey. (Revelation 2: 12- 13) How’s that for inspiration when it comes to eventually wanting to attack Jerusalem?

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