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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Breaking: This Is Bigger Than JFK! Local SWAT Team Confesses Horrifying Truth in Butler, PA 2024

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Breaking: This is BIGGER Than JFK! Local SWAT Team Confesses HORRIFYING TRUTH in Butler, PA

A local SWAT officer from Butler, Pennsylvania, has reported that his team had no communication with the Secret Service prior to the assassination attempt on President Trump🚨BREAKING: This is BIGGER Than JFK! Local SWAT Team Confesses HORRIFYING TRUTH in Butler, PA💥 BREAKING: Butler, PA SWAT Team Confesses SHOCKING TRUTH! This is BIGGER Than JFK!

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    Total 5 comments
    • truefreedom

      Yea his name (real name) is Donald (6) Johann (6) Drumpf (6) and he is Israels king, chosen one, and moshiach … he fits the description perfectly. Most of you didn’t learn when “the mark” was administered and if that devil ever gets back in the WH again the second round will be administered and unless you have “the mark” you will not be able to buy or sell anything within the system of the anti-christ.

      Israel’s Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine

    • trumster 79

      His name is Donald JOHN TRUMP He was adopted by the trumps when a few months old His rela Father is General Patton and Jean
      he was havinfg affair in service He was poisened she committed suicide. Real mother was related to Mrs trump. 6 4 5 D
      JT 4 10 20 He is King of The world, One of the 7 Trumpets. God calls hi m His DAVID.
      He is related to Lincoln DRUZE Bloodline. Jfk sr and his Brother Joseph was adopted by the Kennedys ,They are Kohloonie there all related trump is not a zionest. stop spreading the untruth. karma is Watching you.

      middle name is JOHN 4 Letters. not how you spelled Stop copying peoples lies. Learn how to Investigate.There is no Mark he is is still wartime president . since 2017 gave the power to military. Try Researching the facts learn the codes and comms and executive orders.
      Gov will not be in the whitehouse in DC Thats been closed Fake biden goes to the Fake whitehouse in georgia. wake up. Fake KM ran Isreal pertended they were jews But not. bad ones will be taken down most are.We are going to the new Quantum system. we will have a smaller gov like 10%. no elections 2020 will be fixed. dc will be hit by the rods of God ,34 Places will dint learn anything either.

      • Sequoia

        You wear your dunce cap proudly, as only you should. You can be spotted a mile away… a genuine idiot. STOP LYING you researched NOTHING, you don’t have a clue on how to research, I know for a fact you didn’t research anything, because if you did you would be in meltdown mode after reading the facts and truth. You couldn’t handle the truth. Your comment is full of lies and disinformation, because you are a MAGA sheep. You can only repeat lies told to your flock by Judy Lyington from Restored Republic, I remember when she wrote that BS and how she was humiliated for it. She learned real fast that not everyone is stupid like she and you are. She has people watching her and the lies she tells, she was one of the reasons that Biden wanted to declare an office to stop disinformation, instead he told his FBI henchmen to take care of it. They could decide what to do with filthy liars. So they told NSA to keep track of her BS.
        Trump is a filthy pedo, Jewish ass kisser. A pathological LIAR, narcissist, Freemason. The military tells him what to do, he just follows orders. He’s the CEO of the foreign for profit British USA INC CORPORATION of DC. Time to round up all the brainless maga and charge them with treason like their hero fake hoax Trump and his despicable fake assassination attempt. His lips are so far up BIBI’s nut sack his nose looks like a dick. King of Satan.

    • Jude

      Suddenly, the Trump supporters are SO concerned with the due process of Presidential elections. Trump’s policies have hurt millions of people. Of those hurt, a tiny fraction, who are brain damaged by Trump’s vax, will decide that Trump must die. If you will notice, sir, Trump is alive and well, thanks to…the Secret Service! Who kept the shooter at a distance, and killed the shooter as soon as he began firing. While other Secret Service members protected Trump, with their own bodies! Thank you Secret Service, for each day that you heroically protect our President, and leading Presidential candidates.

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