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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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US Under Siege! See Plan for Nationwide Riots, Staged Events (Video)

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If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship crap. 

(N.Morgan) Since the historic election upset by dark horse Donald Trump, US cities have erupted in protests, violence, and looting. 

The events that are unfolding are believed to be well-planned out, heavily funded, anti-American plot to incite chaos by elitist George Soros, race baiter Al Sharpton, and left-wing anti-democracy eccentric, Michael Moore.

CNN, MSNBC, and other North Korea-style government-run, propaganda media are reporting on these “protests” like they’re some “All American Grassroots” movement that popped up out of the hearts and minds of concerned citizens.

“Those that are stirring it up, and many of them do work for Soros-fronted organizations are really telling those innocent protesters, and perhaps less innocent protesters, they are in danger by Trump, even though Trump has done nothing but preach unity since he won the election,” Marko Gasic, a British-Serbian political commentator told RT on Friday.

The global elite’s objections to in President-elect Donald Trump is perhaps different from what they are telling protesters, Gasic said.

“It’s an election where they had all of the media, power and money and yet they’ve lost to him,” said Gasic. “It’s a toss-up now between the Clinton-Soros view that the only democracy allowed is a one party democracy that agrees with what they say and if that doesn’t happen they are ready to do a counter-revolution to destroy that democracy and that democratic vote.”

It’s an all out “Down with America” organized effort to destroy the very foundation of this country.

If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship crap. 


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    Total 15 comments
    • Pink Slime

      Hello Angle#3,

      Charlie here. No, this is what the MSM want you to think. These are nothing but fatherless punks running amok because they may be kicked out of their mother’s basement by big daddy Trump.

      DM had a picture of these losers mug shots caught and honestly, out of the dozens and dozens only one or two looked normal. Some look like the had been crying (help, I have no father… please help me!) :lol:

      So are we under a seige? No, just dozens and dozens of punks looking for their father. :lol:

      Males in our society have to be more responsible. None want to take responsibility or grow up producing many others like themselves. That’s the real siege. :twisted:


      Charlie (get MARRIED, have children, eat doughnuts…. ) :lol: :lol:

      • sitrep

        SitRep, Veteran SGT, US Army Rolling Thunder

        I along with many, many more brothers ” Band of Brothers” took an oath to protect our country, Yes America. We are professionals, and handle everything in a Non-Violent Manner.

        Even though it is a relief Trump is now President Elect.

        We must now watch the Evil Cabal Democrats, Yes they are holding some types of emergency meetings, pulling in all the money they have stolen from taxpayers to use against everyone they dislike, and they do not even like each other, and hate themselves.
        The Evil Democrats have some followers, these people (Sheep) follow blindly

        Yes, (Over Past 8 Yrs) the Evil Cabal has infiltrated almost every Government Dept’s

        These cry baby Evil Democrats are everyplace, sure not all are bad although they still blindly, follow the evil cabal, the so called “Cabal” ‘Elite” , “The Evil Ones”.
        Yes The George Soros foundation, Clinton Foundation, along with many more So called Tax free Organizations are committing treason by holding meetings to scheme Evil plans, they may be scheming to overthrow the government. If you donate be sure your not supporting theses groups, and check out, they are in with the bunch, slated to be at the Soros meetings.
        Do your research find out which groups are aligned with Evil Cabal Democrats!!!!!!!

        President Elect Trump Won the election, and very fairly, I 100% support him, as with my Band of Brothers.
        The Evil Elite Democrats, are now scheming, and funding riots, chaos across America, They have committed High Treason, and Investigations should be launched immediately.

        Yes, Like you I am very happy, very relieved We Now have a Great President for America,
        God Bless America, Do not let your Guard Down, because these Evil Democrats are deep rooted, they need to be ousted, re-called, booted out of office.
        Not all of these Evil Elite Democrats are elected, They also have several layers, branches in their command structure.
        Yes, the Evil Elite Democrats also have the Evil Cabal, like George Soros, and many others whom are not elected, and they wanted Clinton to be President so they could fully infiltrate, to gut, to destroy America

        They have already been caught bringing in bus loads of paid protesters whom are illegals, criminals, and not even allowed to vote. This alone is treason, They already have a cache of leaked emails from George Soros, this along with his very own statements is enough to start a real investigation.
        These Evil Democrats are trying to destroy America.

        I will give an example of how, and why these Evil Cabal Democrats are destroying America.
        Yes the SitRep, Veteran SGT, US Army Rolling Thunder

        I along with many, many more brothers ” Band of Brothers” took an oath to protect our country, Yes America. We are professionals, and handle everything in a Non-Violent Manner.

        Even though it is a relief Trump is now President Elect.

        We must now watch the Evil Cabal Democrats, Yes they are holding some types of emergency meetings, pulling in all the money they have stolen from taxpayers to use against everyone they dislike, and they do not even like each other, and hate themselves.
        The Evil Democrats have some followers, these people (Sheep) follow blindly

        Yes, (Over Past 8 Yrs) the Evil Cabal has infiltrated almost every Government Dept’s

        These cry baby Evil Democrats are everyplace, sure not all are bad although they still blindly, follow the evil cabal, the so called “Cabal” ‘Elite” , “The Evil Ones”.
        Yes The George Soros foundation, Clinton Foundation, along with many more So called Tax free Organizations are committing treason by holding meetings to scheme Evil plans, they may be scheming to overthrow the government. If you donate be sure your not supporting theses groups, and check out, they are in with the bunch, slated to be at the Soros meetings.
        Do your research find out which groups are aligned with Evil Cabal Democrats!!!!!!!

        President Elect Trump Won the election, and very fairly, I 100% support him, as with my Band of Brothers.
        The Evil Elite Democrats, are now scheming, and funding riots, chaos across America, They have committed High Treason, and Investigations should be launched immediately.

        Yes, Like you I am very happy, very relieved We Now have a Great President for America,
        God Bless America, Do not let your Guard Down, because these Evil Democrats are deep rooted, they need to be ousted, re-called, booted out of office.
        Not all of these Evil Elite Democrats are elected, They also have several layers, branches in their command structure.
        Yes, the Evil Elite Democrats also have the Evil Cabal, like George Soros, and many others whom are not elected, and they wanted Clinton to be President so they could fully infiltrate, to gut, to destroy America

        They have already been caught bringing in bus loads of paid protesters whom are illegals, criminals, and and most not even allowed to vote. This alone is treason, They already have a cache of leaked emails from George Soros, this along with his very own statements is enough to start a real investigation.
        These Evil Democrats are trying to destroy America.

        I will give an example of how, and why these Evil Cabal Democrats are destroying America.
        Yes the Evil Cabal Democrats have fully infiltrated the Veterans Hospitsls Administrations, all the good employees are threatened, and harrassed.
        These, Evil Cabal Democrats have made the lives of Veterans a pure living hell, many, many made sacrafices, and obtained wounds/injuries serving on the front lines, to protect YOU, to come back home, and be killed at the VA hospitals by the hands of the Evil Cabal Democrats. Most of the VA Doctors, Not all are in on it with the Evil Cabal Democrats.
        They never fixed the VA, instead the Evil Cabal Democrats held meeting to come up with more schemes, evil ways to hurt Veterans, Oh, long appoint waiting times, what did they do, the VA just quit making appointments.
        They started using the Veterans disabilities to their advantage to trick, and scheme against the Veterans, even with holding vital medications, and they hit the Veterans hard during voting time periods.
        The VAMC Quality Manage Office is a joke, The only person in the local office was sound asleep.
        The Patient Representatives are within the VA system, and paid by the VA system, their hands are tied, they cannot help Veterans, and if a Veterans seeks help, the Evil Cabal Democrats will full force retaliate against the Veterans, and the Veterans families will also face the wrath of these Evil Cabal Democrats.
        Off the Record I have been told the truth, and I know this 1st hand.

        People Wake up now, stand by President Elect Trump.

        Root out, Oust, Recall the Evil Cabal Democrats

        In a Professional Non Violent Manner, although very firmly Stand up, speak up, voice yourself, speak to each other, do not let the Evil Cabal Democrats threaten you, do not be intimidated by them, Stand up now, voice yourself, Support President Elect Trump.

        President Elect Trump needs us to be strong, I am by his side, all the way.

        In a Professional Non Violent Manner, although very firmly Stand up, speak up, voice yourself, speak to each other, do not let the Evil Cabal Democrats threaten you, do not be intimidated by them, Stand up now.

        President Elect Trump needs us to be strong, I am by his side, all the way.

        • Lastnerve

          you are only part correct, you left out the evil cabal republicans, the bush family, the never
          trump republicans. These people ,with few exceptions, are globalist. The new world order
          will use anyone to take over this planet.

      • sitrep

        Now Sites like FB, Twit, etc are trying to shut down sites like BIN
        Wake up Now!!!!

        SitRep, Veteran SGT, US Army Rolling Thunder

        I along with many, many more brothers ” Band of Brothers” took an oath to protect our country, Yes America. We are professionals, and handle everything in a Non-Violent Manner.

        Even though it is a relief Trump is now President Elect.

        We must now watch the Evil Cabal Democrats, Yes they are holding some types of emergency meetings, pulling in all the money they have stolen from taxpayers to use against everyone they dislike, and they do not even like each other, and hate themselves.
        The Evil Democrats have some followers, these people (Sheep) follow blindly

        Yes, (Over Past 8 Yrs) the Evil Cabal has infiltrated almost every Government Dept’s

        These cry baby Evil Democrats are everyplace, sure not all are bad although they still blindly, follow the evil cabal, the so called “Cabal” ‘Elite” , “The Evil Ones”.
        Yes The George Soros foundation, Clinton Foundation, along with many more So called Tax free Organizations are committing treason by holding meetings to scheme Evil plans, they may be scheming to overthrow the government. If you donate be sure your not supporting theses groups, and check out, they are in with the bunch, slated to be at the Soros meetings.
        Do your research find out which groups are aligned with Evil Cabal Democrats!!!!!!!

        President Elect Trump Won the election, and very fairly, I 100% support him, as with my Band of Brothers.
        The Evil Elite Democrats, are now scheming, and funding riots, chaos across America, They have committed High Treason, and Investigations should be launched immediately.

        Yes, Like you I am very happy, very relieved We Now have a Great President for America,
        God Bless America, Do not let your Guard Down, because these Evil Democrats are deep rooted, they need to be ousted, re-called, booted out of office.
        Not all of these Evil Elite Democrats are elected, They also have several layers, branches in their command structure.
        Yes, the Evil Elite Democrats also have the Evil Cabal, like George Soros, and many others whom are not elected, and they wanted Clinton to be President so they could fully infiltrate, to gut, to destroy America

        They have already been caught bringing in bus loads of paid protesters whom are illegals, criminals, and not even allowed to vote. This alone is treason, They already have a cache of leaked emails from George Soros, this along with his very own statements is enough to start a real investigation.
        These Evil Democrats are trying to destroy America.

        Yes, (Over Past 8 Yrs) the Evil Cabal has infiltrated almost every Government Dept’s

        I will give an example of how, and why these Evil Cabal Democrats are destroying America.
        Yes the Evil Cabal Democrats have fully infiltrated the Veterans Hospitsls Administrations, all the good employees are threatened, and harrassed.
        These, Evil Cabal Democrats have made the lives of Veterans a pure living hell, many, many made sacrafices, and obtained wounds/injuries serving on the front lines, to protect YOU, to come back home, and be killed at the VA hospitals by the hands of the Evil Cabal Democrats. Most of the VA Doctors, Not all are in on it with the Evil Cabal Democrats.
        They never fixed the VA, instead the Evil Cabal Democrats held meeting to come up with more schemes, evil ways to hurt Veterans, Oh, long appoint waiting times, what did they do, the VA just quit making appointments.
        They started using the Veterans disabilities to their advantage to trick, and scheme against the Veterans, even with holding vital medications, and they hit the Veterans hard during voting time periods.
        The VAMC Quality Manage Office is a joke, The only person in the local office was sound asleep.
        The Patient Representatives are within the VA system, and paid by the VA system, their hands are tied, they cannot help Veterans, and if a Veterans seeks help, the Evil Cabal Democrats will full force retaliate against the Veterans, and the Veterans families will also face the wrath of these Evil Cabal Democrats.
        Off the Record I have been told the truth, and I know this 1st hand.
        The VAMC also like the Fake MSM has Fake, and manipulated Veteran Quality Health Care Polls.
        I also have 1st hand knowledge, The VAMC is with holding Pain Medication from Veterans just after Major surgery, and sexually assaulting them, to humiliate the so they do not speak up, canceling vital mental health appointments so the Veterans have no way to document what the Evil Cabal Democrats are doing. The VAMC Doctors, do not even follow up on major surgeries to insure the surgery was even performed as prescribed, or to check if the surgery was botched.
        Americas Veterans are here for you, where are you at?

        People Wake up now, stand by President Elect Trump.

        Root out, Oust, Recall the Evil Cabal Democrats

        In a Professional Non Violent Manner, although very firmly Stand up, speak up, voice yourself, speak to each other, do not let the Evil Cabal Democrats threaten you, do not be intimidated by them, Stand up now, voice yourself, Support President Elect Trump.

        President Elect Trump needs us to be strong, I am by his side, all the way.

    • Dave 1963

      Go ahead! Burn down all the blue counties! That’ll show those Trump supporters! That they made the right choice.

    • dagiles

      I think if the media wouldn’t publicize these events maybe no one would show up. If people don’t want trouble stay away from trouble makers. Anyone hurt during one of these revolts can thank themselves.

    • Air Quotes Shill Air Quotes

      This would be alarming if you had a better track record.

    • what if...

      Seeing as we have no jobs anymore, since George Soros took all the money for himself, at least theres some good news….

      He is paying for part-time protesters, and occasionally a few crisis actors! Beats joining the military for a living, which is another attractive opening available!

      Thanks Hillary! :lol:

    • Daffers

      The final election results are in – Trump won fair and square by a good margin – your candidate lost – you’re pathetic. Dave1963 ‘s comment below is spot on if you are the calibre of person who voted for Hillary, America and the rest of the world have had a lucky escape: sheeple who are boo hoo sore losers – GET OVER IT

    • Judge Roy Bean

      Nothing better than dead RED communists.

    • charlie2dogs

      whats a matter, americans not satisfied with what their voting has produced over the years, its funny watching it all decay and now americans want to whine when the civil war begins, its too late for ya to get a life.

    • Sucking Chest Wound

      General riots Like everything the dark side has tried so far….

      won’t work.

      Go get yourself a happy meal hills, this week you get a free Darth Fader mask.

    • Decoy409

      Please don’t twist the contributors message on simply reporting what the media is presenting,

      “CNN, MSNBC, and other North Korea-style government-run, propaganda media are reporting on these “protests” like they’re some “All American Grassroots” movement that popped up out of the hearts and minds of concerned citizens.”

      All the contributor is doing is showing the crappy position of country decaying and if not quelled will be by those in charge. As a ‘protest’ is now considered a ‘riot’.

      You mention males having to be more responsible and I agree. However dive into those numbers floating about and stop buying into the main feed yourself in a few areas,

      Nov. 4,2016 –

      Yes be more responsible by trying to keep up on the fast changing landscape. many have been paying attention for years but not enough. If you follow with the good book the story of the ladies and the keeping of oil in their lamps is just that. And since the old main spiket has had the tap on full for years it’s good to keep that oil in the lamp.

    • Uncle_Scam

      It’s the ‘time-out generation’. Pathetic, but that is one problem- no corporal punishment in schools. No one to really give them something to cry about as kids. This is the result. The radical left wing liberal cry baby Trumpaphobic’ panies. Get ‘em outta here, perhaps merkel will take them too- 3 for every muslim she imported.

    • The Clucker

      :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

      WHAT YOU ALL ARE SEEING IS END RESULT OF “COMMON CORE” AFTER EFFECT! NEVER FORGET! This is all “molded” by Soros and all the politiciians who sold out our nation…. I wonder why no one ever took out Soros yet….?


      Too, don’t you all think they would all be whistling a different tune if any of them had a actual paying job, and not still living with a allowance from their parents… Then they can give 3/4ths of their money to the Gov to pay for these illegals.

      If only America would do air drops of soap and water… Maybe then they wouldn’t all come to the US to shower… Oh yeah, lets not forget toilet paper… Remember, the Middle East does NOT HAVE TP! If you ever been their, you know what I’m talking about. They lift their robs, and bend down and relieve themselves in holes… Fact people… Only like 15% of all people in the world have American toilets, so dont’ think they are everywhere… Do you really think they have water pipes in the Middle East, or India, etc…?? NO!
      :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :razz: :razz: :razz:

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