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The Messenger for this Era, Speaks to the World!

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Diserning False Messengers!  Explore

Remember the Message is much more important than the Messenger. The Message is over 750 Spoken Revelations. Given in a Pure form. The Magnitude and Scope that has never been heard or seen in our World. Here to Prepare, Protect and to sound the Warning to a Human Race in desperate need of a new way forward. Here to empower the individual.

Today God;s Messenger will speak to the World.  How will you know what he says is true, and how will you know who he really is? It will taken investigation of the Message he has recieved to give to the World. None of the Great Messengers in the Past have been recieved. They were not God’s, They were Messengers. Bringing forth to the world a great message so that Humanity could evolve. Once again God has given a vast Message to once again raise Humanity. 

He is not a God, he will not be worshipped, OR bowed down to . He will not be made into a Diety as other Messengers have been made those thingsin the past, by Humanity. He is just a Messenger, it is the MESSAGE HE BRINGS THAT IS MOST IMPORTANT!

 He is  The Messenger for these times we live in. For you are living in a time of Revelation!

All things are Revealed with the Revelations. Will you be wise enough to investigate this? After all Investigating it does not mean you have to change your beliefs. Investigating means just that. You are looking but waiting and seeing what is there. Then you will KNOW.

This Message and the Messenger are not here to add a New Religion, or change yours. You may keep your Religion. The Message is here to enhance your understanding of your Divine Nature within your own Religion.  AT the core of all Religions is Knowledge/Holy Spirit, This is true within your World and in other Worlds in the Universe. It is this that gives the individual their experience of their Divine Nature within. 

Each Persons Journey is unique to them and it is the journey that tells the truth.

December 15, 2013: “A Global Message from God’s Messenger

” – Live Broadcast – 9:00 AM Mountain Time, 

The first message of its kind is bestowed upon the world.


The Angelic Assembly speaks about the Message and the Messenger.

Here is where you can investigate this Vast New Message. You will see here all the Revelations that have been given and continue to be given. It is worth Investigating!

It will speak to YOUR HEART AND YOUR SOUL. For You are a Spiritual Being, living in a Physical Reality. When you leave this world you will go back to being a Spiritual Being in Heaven

Over the last week what you have been reading is some of the Vast New Revelation for our Humam Family. Here to Warn, Prepare and to Empower the Individual. At the core of this magnificent series of Messages, is Knowledge/Holy Spirit. Knowledge can not be manipulated, corrupted, controlled, or overtaken. It is your Inner Guidance System. You have experienced it throughout your life. In times of Instinctive, Intuitive, and in your Gut Feelings.  For a Spirituality to be Universal it must serve All Worlds, All Religions, All Races and be within All Beings.

 For the first time in the History of our Civilization and our Collective Evolution there is a New Message that encompasses all.  This is a  Message that in easily interputed, it comes in a Pure form. It speaks for it’s self. It gives the answers to all questions. It tells of Life in the Universe, it gives the core of Spirituality that is  the essence of all Religions. It explains, how Heaven works, it explains Creation and Separation, it gives Knowledge and Wisdom from the Universe on a Scale that is truly magnicifent. It explains what Humanity is facing as a Collective Race.

The Lord of all the universe recognizes this great threshold and has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for a new world experience and to prepare humanity for the Greater Community, for humanity knows nothing about this.

The goal of God’s Revelation is to assist humanity in getting through this very difficult transition period, where the temptation to conflict, war, aggravation, grievance and economic dissolution is so very great.

The goal of the Revelation is to shepherd humanity through this great, difficult and dark passage in such a way that it [humanity] can build a new foundation for human civilization and begin to prepare itself and gain the wisdom to deal with a universe full of intelligent life—a non-human universe, a competitive universe, a universe that humanity knows nothing about.

God has also sent another Revelation(over 9300 pages) about life and spirituality in the universe and has provided the Steps to Knowledge so that each person can have the opportunity to develop the greater strength that God has given to each person—to guide them, protect them and lead them to a greater life of service and fulfillment in the world.


The Messenger,Marshall Vian Summers, is speaking to the world…Tomorrow at 9am Mt.

 The Angelic Assembly has sent one of their own into the world. The Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers, though he is a man, is also something much more. He comes from the Angelic Assembly which watches over our world. It is this Assembly that has sent all the great messengers to Earth throughout our time and history.

Marshall Vian Summers was sent to the world to impart a vast New Message from God that revealsthe true nature of human spirituality and human destiny and the great change that is coming to the world.
He brings a gift from the Creator for all people in the human family, people of all nations and faiths, given to a literate world of global communication.

It is not about the Messenger, but it is about the Vast Message he is bringing and giving to the world.

Over the past 30 years the Angels of God have been speaking to the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. The Revelation is spoken, recorded, transcribed and then presented to the world. 
The largest revelation ever given,(over 110 spoken Revelations).It is for not one tribe, nation or culture, but for all of humanity.

The Messenger continues to yield to the Angelic Assembly and receive the Revelation to this day, giving his life to the will of God again and again in service to those who sent him.
He is speaking to a worldwide community – broadcasting around the globe to the entire world to meet a greater and deeper human need.

The New Message from God is now available in 19 languages and studied by growing numbers of people around the world who are responding to a calling of great magnitude.

We are living at a time of Revelation and humanity is being presented a great gift. A gift of historic proportions and great consequence. Marshall Vian Summers is the Messenger for this time and the times to come. It is his time. It is our time.

Receive the Angel and the New Revelation
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Free Books:

Steps to Inner Knowledge.

Life in the Universe

Great Waves of Change

The Allies of Humanity

The Intervention and the growing chaos in the world will strengthen your commitment to Knowledge and your preparation. God has given the preparation. There is no other way to prepare.

 We honor God by bringing Knowledge/Holy Spirit and Universal Wisdom into our relationship with ourselves, each other and the world. God Honors us by giving us the gift of Knowledge.

“Your practice is your gift to God, for God wills that you receive Knowledge so that you may give it to the world. Thus, you are honored as the recipient and as the vehicle for Knowledge, God is honored as the source of Knowledge, and all who receive it will be honored as well. This is your gift now—to undertake the true preparation that you are involved in currently.” Step 148

When I hear of influential people in the world, who are honored and morned by the world… I think of the Messenger. Will he be honored by the world? Will he be held to high esteem and recognized for his contribution in the world? The one person who the Teachers,(The Angels of God) has said is the most important person in the world… Will he be known? Will the Message be recieved?


 For it will be centuries before another Messenger is sent. This is it! This is the one! This is the real Message for the world for this time and the times to come.



People have no idea what it means to be a Messenger or how Messengers are selected or prepared. They want to worship heroes or deny them altogether. They want to believe the Messenger is the Message, but the Message is always greater than the Messenger. People will base their whole view and approach on their attitude towards the Messenger, but the Message is always more important.

People cannot live with the Message, so they obsess over the Messenger, but they do not understand the Messenger. They have no idea where the Messenger comes from, how the Messenger is selected above and beyond everyone else. Many people think there cannot be one Messenger. There must be many Messengers, or they themselves should be a Messenger.

Into a world of Separation, one representing a greater union will be misconstrued and misperceived. It cannot be avoided. The Angelic Host, the Angelic Assembly, selects the Messenger for every particular world where a Messenger is required, and a Messenger is only selected at times of great change, difficulty and opportunity for a race, for a given world. Such great turning points only come very infrequently. Despite the great events that are occurring in your world at any given time, Messengers will only come very infrequently.

In the interim, there will be prophets—giving warnings, setting standards for behavior. There will be visionaries. There will be reformers. There will be advocates. But the Messenger brings a whole new reality.
This individual is not simply one who gives warning to the great hazards of the future or the present day or provides higher standards, greater vision of peace, cooperation and equanimity amongst the human family, for there are many who can do this. But only a Messenger from God can bring an entire new reality and change over time the awareness and the consciousness of large numbers of people, even affecting the attitudes of the entire human race.

A prophet cannot do this, for prophets speak of what is occurring now or in the near future. Their prophecies are not for all time or all peoples. They are specific to certain peoples, places and events.

And those who teach a higher standard, they must reinforce a standard that has already been given, many times over, by others who were called to such a valuable service.

But a Messenger brings a whole new reality. They are not charged with meeting every need of the day or resolving every problem or crisis of the hour. They are bringing something to change the whole approach and future of humanity.

Messengers are condemned, crucified and destroyed because people do not get what they want from the Messenger. They do not get wealth or greater security or advantages or special favors, endowments from God.
The Messenger points to the present and to the future and brings a new reality into the world. People who are needy and ambitious do not get what they want in the moment from this, and so they turn away from the Messenger. They deny the Messenger. They condemn the Messenger. They are looking for someone who is going to benefit them right now in the ways that they want and prescribe.

They have no idea what they are looking at. They have no idea what they are judging. They have no idea what their greater needs really are—the need of their soul. This is a dilemma for all peoples in the world—rich or poor, from any nation or culture or religious affiliation—they are not yet aware of the great need of the soul. And those few who are, are reaching within their traditions or beyond their traditions. They are reaching to find this connection inside and this connection with God and this connection with their future and their destiny and purpose for being in the world. Everyone else is like cattle grazing in the field, only content to have feed for the day and more pleasures for tomorrow and to be protected, either legitimately or illegitimately, from the hazards of the world.

God speaks to those who have and who have not. God speaks to those who rule and those who are ruled. God speaks to those who are honest and those who are dishonest. God speaks to those who are rich and those who are very poor, and the Messenger brings a Message for them all.

He is not a reformer. He is not just an advocate. He is not just a visionary. He is not just a prophet warning of the consequences of hazards in the world today. He brings a reality for everyone who can receive him, in humility and honesty. And his presence in the world will cast in contrast everything else that is deceptive and manipulative and self-serving and grievous and unforgiving and angry.

But the Messenger is not perfect, for none of the great Messengers have been perfect. And the Messenger is not a god, for none of the great Messengers have been gods.

His origin is from beyond the world. He was selected and prepared by the Angelic Presence to enter into the world at a certain place and a certain time. His destiny was to become basically educated about humanity and the human condition and to be insulated from the world sufficiently that his greater promise and calling could occur later in his life when he reached a point of maturity. His life was planned out, you see, unlike everyone around him. His life was really planned out and watched over.

This is the reality of all the Messengers. And it is the reality of the Messenger who is in the world today, bringing a New Revelation from God, for God has spoken again to prepare humanity for the hazards of living in a diminishing and declining world, and the great and unseen dangers of Contact with invasive forces in the universe who are here to take advantage of human weakness, ambition and disunity.

The Messenger was given the Message beyond the world, not intellectually, but imbued at a deeper level of the mind, beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect. Who can understand this? Who in the world today can understand this but a very few?

He would be a humble man. He would be educated, but not highly educated. He would be influenced by the world, but not highly influenced by the world. He would be observant of others, but not captivated by others. He would have to remain available, open and receptive through all of the formative years of his life. Very difficult to achieve this is without Divine oversight.

Held back from great careers, held back from committing in relationships until he met his true partner, held back from interests and hobbies, held back from becoming an advocate or reformer—held back for years and years. Failing the standards of society, failing the expectations of society, failing the expectations of family, waiting, preparing for the moment of Initiation. For God’s Messenger this time, it happened at the age of 33. He would have to wait a long time.

The Message was within him, but beyond his awareness. He was carrying it like a secret cargo, for the cargo must be secret so it cannot be tampered with. It cannot be revealed prematurely. It cannot be misused, misallocated and misunderstood. It must wait for the Initiation, the Great Rays of Initiation, which would strike him so forcibly that it would shatter his life and send him on a new direction entirely.

People think that the Great Messengers are all very saintly, very pure, never having made an error in life. This is foolishness. Of course, they all made errors in life. Some of them have suffered greatly for it. What made them Messengers was the power of the Message imbued in them and their ability to withstand the seductions, the tragedies and the pressures of the world to such a time where their Initiation could begin. And this could not have happened without Divine oversight, careful management of their lives.

People think this oversight is available to everyone, but that is not the case. In all cases, the Messengers did not know who they were or what they were carrying or what it would mean for the future until the point of Initiation and the process of Initiation that would ensue that would carry them forward through many thresholds into the future.

Time and place was always important here and the degree of support they received from certain individuals, very important here. This is truly a unique individual in the world and always has been. And though their origins are ordinary and humble in most cases, they end up being the most important people in the world.

They are sent by the Angelic Presence. They are imbued with the Message, which is greater than them, which is greater than their understanding, which is greater than anything they could conceive of themselves. It has the Power of God within it. It has the Power of Initiation. No Messenger could think this up! No Messenger could conceive of this and construct this! This is not a teaching based upon an eclectic approach or a revised version of existing traditions. Spiritual teachers around the world in all traditions do this, but the Messenger brings something greater.

The Messenger is not magnificent. The Messenger is not so awe inspiring that everyone around him immediately recognizes this person’s importance and uniqueness. This has never been the case for God’s Messengers. They were treated very poorly. They were ignored or denied or brutally treated, hardly recognized by those around them. Only a very few had this recognition, and they would play an important part in the Messenger’s development and early ministry and later successes.

Now for the first time the power of Revelation is being given around the world all at once—not in one tribe, not in one specific region, not in one important place in the world, for the world now is connected, so the Messenger will speak to the whole world, and the whole world can turn against him as well. The opportunity is immense, but so are the hazards involved.

As always, religious figures will be threatened once his voice becomes heard, once the impact upon people grows, once his Message begins to take hold. And though he is not here to attack governments or overturn brutal dictatorships or to be revolutionary in this way at all. Though he brings peace, cooperation and equanimity, he will be treated like an enemy by those who claim to be religious, by those who claim to represent God and God’s Will, by the followers of all the previous Messengers. Many will consider him an enemy and a threat.

This shows you how far they really are from the Source of their own traditions and how weak is Knowledge within them, the greater mind that God has given to all people.

It will be easier for the ordinary person to recognize the Messenger. It will be easier for the person who has few preconceived notions and no investment in their position in society to recognize the Messenger.

You can deny him. You can disclaim him. But he has the Message, and he is bringing it forth, in the purest form possible. You can even hear the Voice of Revelation now, which was never possible before and which has never happened before. Yes, Angelic Voices have been heard speaking to very specific things and this has been recorded at times, but a New Message from God has never been recorded in its pure form.

To recognize the Messenger, you must have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. You must be willing to set aside your preconceived notions and your grievances against religion and your firm beliefs about God and religion and spirituality to have a pure and real experience.

The Messenger will not condemn religions of the world, but he will provide in contrast the very essence of their teachings that has been lost or forgotten or denied. And he will bring a new reality into the world that will require all religions to reassess their primary and fundamental ideas and beliefs. Though he has no violence within him, he will turn the tables upside down by his Proclamation, by his presence in the world and by the Revelation itself.

People will become obsessed about who he thinks he is or says he is or who he could be because they are afraid of the Revelation. They cannot deal with the Message, so they will become preoccupied with the Messenger. They will complain. They will accuse him of things. They will think for the Message to be true, the Messenger has to meet their criteria, and they will complain as if they know what the criteria for the Messenger is. Such foolishness and arrogance, but many people hold these views and base their ideas upon them.
Oh, he must give people what they want, or they won’t want him! All Messengers have faced this fundamental and unavoidable dilemma. He is not here to give you what you want. He may not even give you what you think you need in the moment, but he is giving you the pathway to your own personal revelation, to your restoration and your redemption. And he is bringing it to you in the clearest possible terms. He is speaking to a literate world now, so the Teaching is not clothed and concealed in pastoral terms or anecdotes or stories that have to require human commentary for people to understand their meaning.

The Revelation is given pure and simple, but it is so deep that people will have to be with it in a new way, for it is not an intellectual enterprise. It is a matter of the heart and of the soul.

The Angelic Assembly understands the predicament of bringing something this powerful and pure into the world and the crisis it will create for people as to whether they can receive and accept this and the challenge it will give to them to reform their own lives and to establish their connection to Knowledge, the greater intelligence that God has given them, which waits to be discovered.

It is for this reason that the Revelation has provided the Steps to Knowledge at the very beginning of the Revelation so that the pathway would be established and not created later by imaginative peoples. And that the clarity and purpose would be established clearly and not re-established later by those who did not know the Messenger.

The risk of corruption is so great. The risk of misinterpretation is so great. The risk of misunderstanding is so great. That is why the Revelation is repetitive, repeating over and over again its purpose, its aim, its pathway and the obstacles and problems that people will have to face to begin to gain a true relationship with their deeper nature and to have the chance of discovering their greater purpose in the world, and all the forgiveness and reconsideration that this will require, given how they view themselves and the world today.

The Messenger does not bring peace. He brings challenge. He brings opportunity. He brings restoration. He brings work. He brings true relationship. He brings the Divine Will and purpose into the world. He brings the Revelation that can save humanity from collapse within the world and from the risk of subjugation from beyond the world. He brings things that are so great that people have never even thought of them before.

He speaks to the needs of the future as well as the present. He speaks to the needs of the people a century from now who are facing a world catastrophically changed. He speaks to those who will have to face the Greater Community of life in the future and even those who are experiencing Contact at this moment. He brings the solution to a thousand questions and problems, beyond what people know of today—what will secure and create human freedom and sovereignty in the universe, where freedom is rare, where everything will be done short of invasion to take advantage of a weak and unsuspecting humanity.

People know nothing of this. People know nothing of the real hazards facing the world today. They are living in their own little dream, preoccupied with their needs and problems. They have no idea what is going to threaten human civilization, both from within and from without.

But the Revelation brings this awareness, for only God can reveal what God is like in the universe, and this is part of the Revelation. Only God can reveal what is coming over the horizon for humanity, and this is revealed in the Revelation. Only God can speak to the deeper needs of the heart and the soul, and this is the center of the Revelation.

From the needs of the whole world, both now and in the future, to the fundamental and core needs of you, the individual at this moment, the Revelation speaks of all these things, for they are all connected, you see.
The Messenger speaks of living a greater life in service to a world in need. Surely, this need is growing with each passing day and will escalate beyond what people estimate today. He calls people out of their miserable attempt at self-fulfillment, their tragedies, their predicaments, their entrapment, out of political and social and religious oppression to find the voice that God has put within them to find and to follow.

For this, he will be denied and condemned by those who have invested in other things; by those whose views are threatened, whose position in life is questioned; whose values, ethics and firm beliefs are thrown into doubt by his Proclamation and by the nature of the Revelation itself.

The Angelic Presence knows that if he can reach enough people within the span of his time, the Revelation will take hold in the world. But many things have delayed the Messenger. People have not responded who were destined to do so. There have been financial setbacks, grave serious illness. And the great challenge of penetrating the ignorance and preoccupation of humanity.

That is why anyone who can respond to the Messenger must truly respond. And time is of the essence, for he is an older man and his presence in the world is of critical importance for the future of humanity.
This time the Angelic Presence presented the Message first before the Messenger would even proclaim himself. In that way, the Message has been preserved and imprinted. It has been established. Even if the Messenger should meet calamity tomorrow, the Message is here, and there are enough people now to speak for it and carry it forward. This is to prevent usurpation and corruption, for the Message speaks clearly without a great need for human commentary or intervention.

Yet the Messenger contains more than what is in print and what has been recorded. That is why if you can reach the Messenger and hear the Messenger, you will hear things beyond what has been printed and recorded, for he carries the Message within him like a fire. It burns. But it warms the soul and illuminates the landscape. The Fire of Knowledge within the Messenger is unlike any fire in the world. It is so powerful even he can barely stand it for long periods of time.

Your relationship with him is important. You do not yet realize its importance, but he must be seen correctly. He must be seen from the soul and the heart. He must be heard, and the nature of Revelation must be understood sufficiently so that you can understand the great opportunity this is giving to you and to the world. For it will be centuries before another Messenger is sent. This is it! This is the one! This is the real Message for the world for this time and the times to come.

Fail to respond here, and the consequences will be great for your life and for the world. You will not find your destiny. You will not find your calling. You will be lost at sea with everyone else—groping, searching, suffering. Knowledge within you will be alive, but you may never find a way to connect with it. And your grievance against the world will grow as the world diminishes and your grief and your anguish will increase as human suffering around you increases, and you will feel helpless and hopeless regarding your position in the universe, for you have not found the power of Knowledge yet to redeem you.

This is the consequence of living at a time of Revelation. It is not just a matter of choosing this over that. It is not one teaching vs. another teaching. It is the crucial thing that will make all the difference. And success and failure here is utterly consequential for the individual, for you.

This is why people think that Revelation cannot happen again because they really do not want to deal with the challenge and the opportunity and the re-evaluation it will require and present. Better to live with old Revelations that have been well established, where human commentary has overlaid them so completely that it is hard to really understand what the Revelations were talking about in the first place. They have become the establishment. They have become the institution. They have become the accepted norm.

There are individuals who recognize their true value and attempt to live this value, but for most people this is simply what is expected of them in their culture and nation—to believe and to follow, to some degree at least, but never with great seriousness or great devotion.

So into this compromised environment God has spoken again and sent a Messenger into the world, sent from the Angelic Presence and Host to deliver a new reality, to shake people out of their complacency, to call people out of the shadows of their past, to bring clarity and resolution where there is only opinion and speculation, to take people beyond belief and the intellectual understanding to a greater reality of recognition and redemption.
If you can understand the origin of the Messenger, you will begin to understand your origin and what has called you into the world, which is an entirely different way of looking at your life—your present life, your past life and your future. And indeed a remarkable way of looking at the world, for there will be no condemnation here, only recognition and determination and great compassion for humanity as it struggles to find its real strength at a time of Revelation.



Who Are the Allies of Humanity?

Humanity is not alone in the universe, for the universe you will encounter is full of intelligent life. Living in a well-inhabited and long-established region of space, your world will find itself in a greater neighborhood.

Allies of Humanity Book 3, Now Available

Within this neighborhood are many powerful nations that have created vast networks of trade and commerce that are tightly governed. Most nations in this region of space are dependent on these networks for the essential resources they need to support their technology and, in some cases, essential resources just to provide the basic requirements of life.

The world, therefore, is not in some remote and unexplored region of the universe. Your proximity to this great establishment of life gives you certain advantages and certain disadvantages.

Your advantage is that war and conquest are suppressed in this region of space. They are suppressed to maintain order and to provide security and stability for the larger networks of nations and their commerce and trade with one another. After going through long eras of war, competition and conflict, these larger networks have been established.

In this region of space, war is suppressed and outright conquest is not allowed. If a nation wishes to gain advantage and influence in another world, such as in an emerging world like your own, they must use more subtle means and employ other agents to carry out such an intervention.

You are facing a non-human universe where freedom is rare, a universe that will seem foreign and even hostile to your presence should you escape the bounds of this solar system.

Here you will find that you have few friends and allies. But to your advantage, there is a network of free nations in this region of space who do not participate in these vast networks of trade and commerce. They have, over time and through great effort, established their insulation and their freedom to function without outside interference. For it is always difficult for a free nation to exist around unfree nations. It is a delicate situation and has been an ongoing challenge for those free races whom you may consider to be the Allies of Humanity.

It is important to have this larger perspective. Otherwise, you will not understand what restrains your potential allies and why they are not interfering in the world today. They have, through secret means, sent an expedition to be near the Earth to witness the alien Intervention that is taking place here—an Intervention carried on by more unscrupulous races and organizations who seek to gain control of the world and its people through subtle and persuasive means.

Your Allies are here to provide wisdom, guidance and the perspective that humanity will need to comprehend the neighborhood of space into which you are emerging and what advantages and disadvantages there are. Indeed, there are great disadvantages because other worlds view your world with envy, and they see humanity in its warlike, divided state destroying the wealth and the value of this world. This, more than anything else, has led to the Intervention that is occurring here today.

Their expedition to observe this Intervention and to report on its activities and intentions is functioning here without the awareness of the free nations’ governments. This is very important to understand. For these governments could be held accountable for the fact that humanity is gaining benefit from these free nations, which violates the agreements that the free nations have established—agreements of non-interference in the affairs of the Greater Community.

Such is the price that they have had to pay to keep the Greater Community out of their regions and to avoid ongoing interference and attempts at persuasion that have plagued them for so very long.

It is for this reason that the Allies will not describe themselves, give their names or speak of their home worlds. For this expedition is functioning to serve humanity in secret, without the awareness or approval of greater powers, even without the awareness and approval, officially speaking, of the governments of their own nations.

It is a delicate situation. To understand this, you have to really consider the difficulty of establishing and maintaining freedom amongst greater powers, where freedom is suppressed and avoided. It is a problem that humanity will have to face as it proceeds, as the human family emerges into a Greater Community of intelligent life.

How does a race such as yours maintain its freedom and self-determination amidst the presence of powerful and persuasive forces who will seek to undermine your confidence, your unity and your courage?

It is not a battle of weapons. It is not a battle of military might. It is a battle of will and intentions, a battle that is being played out on the mental environment—a great environment of influence where more powerful minds can influence weaker ones, an environment that humanity knows very little about.

The free nations in this part of the universe seek to promote freedom wherever they can. They view your world as showing great promise because spirituality and religion have not been destroyed or forgotten here. They see that the power of Knowledge, the greater spiritual power, is still alive in individuals, despite humanity’s grave mistakes and foolish activities.

The Allies of Humanity have sent a series of Briefings into the world to advise and to prepare humanity for its engagement with the Greater Community. These Briefings present information that no one on Earth could create or know for themselves. They give a perspective that humanity does not presently have regarding the prospects for Contact and the consequences of Contact.

The Briefings correct many of humanity’s false assumptions and uninformed beliefs—assumptions and beliefs that make you vulnerable to foreign manipulation and persuasion. The Briefings themselves encourage humanity’s independence in the universe and the importance of not allowing foreign nations to establish their interests here and foster dependence upon their foreign technology.

This is a great service to an unwary and unsuspecting humanity, who believes the universe is either a great empty place awaiting exploration or that it is filled with benign and ethical races of beings who would be eager to assist humanity in its quest for technological solutions and greater power.

This naïve and foolish perspective, of course, means that you are uninformed and uneducated about the realities of life beyond your borders. You still think that technology can overcome the power of nature. The Allies of Humanity Briefings, along with God’s New Revelation for humanity—the New Message for humanity—will give you a much clearer and more correct understanding. You need this if you are to proceed with wisdom, caution and discernment.

After the publication of the first set of the Briefings from the Allies of Humanity, the Allies’ position in this solar system was discovered, and they were forced to flee. Now they have to report from a hidden location far beyond your solar system. In the third set of The Allies of Humanity Briefings, they speak about the realities of life—trade and commerce, interactions—that exist in your neighborhood of space and the requirements for freedom that humanity will have to foster and support if it is to remain self-sufficient and self-determined within a Greater Community of life.

It is important for you to understand that the Creator of all life, through the Angelic Presence, has called upon these free races to provide this assistance to humanity. They are here guided by a Divine mission, the expedition itself. The governments of the free nations will claim no knowledge of this expedition, for they have very little knowledge of it. This is being guided by a greater force and set of powers in the universe—spiritual powers serving the Creator of all life, seeking to support freedom wherever it can be established.

It is important for you to understand also that the Allies of Humanity have a debt to pay, for they were served by an expedition at an earlier time that helped to free them from the grip of intervention, opening the way for them to establish their freedom and autonomy in the universe. They now have an opportunity to repay this debt by providing a similar service to humanity, as you yourselves face intervention and all of the dangers and misfortune it can bring.

Humanity knows not of its vulnerability in space. You still think the universe is there to serve you and that you are special and that anyone who would come here would come here seeking to assist you, to enlighten you or to save you from your own errors. Such are the misconceptions of an isolated race, which has never had to adapt itself to the realities of the Greater Community.

Therefore, great assistance is being brought to humanity—great assistance providing wisdom and knowledge that humanity cannot provide for itself, great assistance that has been prompted by the Will of the Creator and carried out by certain individuals from several different worlds. It is an expedition that has been very dangerous for its participants and has taken a great deal of time.

Therefore, when you begin to study the Briefings from the Allies of Humanity, it is important to consider the risks that have been taken to provide this wisdom and the immense importance of the wisdom and perspective that are provided in these teachings.

Take them to heart and think of them deeply. Ask your questions, but understand that you are at the very beginning of your Greater Community education and that you will have to live with certain questions that cannot yet be answered, building, while you proceed, a growing and concise understanding of humanity’s advantages and disadvantages.

There are many sets of eyes watching the world at this time. That is part of your disadvantage. But military conquest will not be sought here because the world is too valuable, and the foreign races who seek to establish themselves here need humanity as their workforce—a compliant and willing workforce—for these foreign races cannot live in this environment for reasons that you would not guess.

It is a situation that must be understood correctly, which requires a great deal of information and perspective and a correction of many ideas that are prevalent still in the world today.

One person has been chosen to receive the Allies of Humanity Briefings. He is the individual who is also receiving God’s New Revelation to prepare humanity for the great change that is coming to the environments of the world and for humanity’s encounter with the Greater Community itself. He has been guided by the Lord of the universe through the Angelic Presence, and he has also been the recipient of the Allies of Humanity Briefings, Briefings which have been guided and prompted by the Lord of the universe through the Angelic Presence.

You must see that this had to come through one person who was sent into the world for this purpose, to serve this role. Otherwise, the message would become contaminated, and it would certainly become lost if it were given to more than one individual, with many different versions and interpretations.

It has taken the Messenger decades to prepare to receive the New Message and to receive the Allies of Humanity Briefings. The Briefings themselves were received on very distinct dates, with long periods of time intervening where no contact occurred at all. The Briefings were made available with the assistance of the Angelic Presence, being communicated through a spiritual means that did not require the use of technology, a means of communication that the Intervention itself could not intercept or interpret. Again, this was done to protect the location of the Allies’ expedition as well as the purity and integrity of the message itself.

We give you this perspective and this background so that you may understand the significance and the nature of the communications that are being sent to the world today from those free nations that exist in your region of space.

It is not an easy thing to consider because there are other messages being sent to the world at this time—messages from the Intervention, speaking of the nobility of their presence here and humanity’s dependence upon their guidance and their wisdom, speaking of lofty beings and great kingdoms and establishments and a network of wealth and prosperity that humanity is encouraged to become a part of.

These are the seductions and inducements of the unfree nations, speaking to humanity’s fears and ambitions. Many people have fallen under this persuasion. Many individuals in leadership positions in government, commerce and religion are swayed by such things, being promised tremendous power, tremendous wealth and advantage.

Within the Allies of Humanity Briefings, you will hear a very different presentation, one that speaks to humanity’s inherent strength, courage and ability. It will advise humanity not to receive any technology from the Greater Community, for it is only being offered to develop dependence—dependence upon foreign powers and the great networks of trade. Once you become dependent upon these things for your technology or basic requirements, your freedom will be lost, and you will be governed from afar to meet the terms of engagement.

It takes great heart to face these things, but face them you must, for this is your world. Your isolation in the universe is over. From here on, there will be attempts at persuasion and intervention. The Allies will not intervene here. They will not establish bases in the world or try to manipulate human perception or seduce leaders of government, commerce or religion. They know that humanity must gain the freedom on its own, without outside control and manipulation.

This is a dangerous time for humanity, for your resources are declining, and your climate is becoming ever more unstable. Your environment is deteriorating, and ever greater numbers of people are drinking from a slowly shrinking well.

This is a dangerous time for humanity, for you are vulnerable to persuasion and manipulation and deception, knowing little or nothing about the realities of life in the universe or how your freedom must be sustained and defended as you emerge into this larger arena of life.

The Allies of Humanity seek no relations with humanity because they recognize that humanity is not ready for Contact. Humanity does not have the maturity, the unity or the discernment yet to tell friend from foe and to understand the complexities of life where thousands of races are interacting with each other.

If you think of this for a moment and imagine how difficult it is to establish agreements or negotiations with races that think differently, look different and have different concepts, different histories, different priorities, it would make your human negotiations seem simple and obvious in comparison.

It is a vast and complicated situation, and you must grow up to participate in this universe of life. You cannot be adolescent and destructive and aggressive, for you will find yourself alone, with great opposition around you.

For humanity to be self-sufficient and a sovereign race, free from outside governance and control, you must then follow what the Allies Briefings are providing for you. The Allies will not come to save humanity from intervention through the use of force or military means, for this would destroy their autonomy in the universe, which they have taken centuries to establish.

They give you the wisdom that you cannot give yourself. They give you the perspective you cannot give yourself. They give you the information you cannot gain yourself. It is now up to humanity—the strength of humanity, the integrity of humanity and humanity’s native wisdom—to teach you how to offset the Intervention and to build your capacity and your strength as a free race.

This would mean the cessation of conflict in the world and a far greater cooperation between nations than currently exist or that has ever existed. What will be the impetus for this, but the threat of facing a universe where freedom is rare and where many are looking at the world with envy.

You do not yet realize what a prize this world is and why other nations would intervene here to try to save it for themselves, using humanity as but a resource in and of itself.

It is time for you to grow up and think of greater things—to think of the welfare of your planet, to think of the stability of your environment, to think of world security now and not merely the security of your own nation. This is a great opportunity for human unity, perhaps the greatest you will ever have, for the need is the greatest you will ever face, and the challenge is the greatest you have ever encountered.

It is a situation that requires courage and objectivity and the willingness to learn things you have never learned before, and the willingness to realize what humanity has learned through its long and difficult history regarding intervention and the dangers to the freedom and self-determination of the native peoples.

All of humanity are now the native peoples of the world facing intervention—an Intervention that is here to use you for itself, for its own wealth and acquisition.

You do not realize the biological wealth of this world and the resources that exist within the complex web of life here that are sought after and valued in a universe of barren planets.

There is so much for humanity to learn. And that is why God has sent a New Revelation into the world and has called upon the Allies of Humanity to provide their wisdom and their counsel to assist in this great effort to educate humanity and to alert humanity about the great dangers and opportunities that exist as it stands at the threshold of space.

The Revelation of the New Message and the importance of the Allies of Humanity Briefings should not be underestimated. They represent the most important documents in the world today and the greatest need facing humanity, which are still unknown to so many.

You are fortunate to receive this. You are blessed to receive this. Proceed now with a courageous heart, and allow yourself to receive the gift of love from the Creator of all life and the reassurance that you have other races in the universe who support humanity’s freedom and independence. In time, you will come to depend on these two great sources of comfort as never before.

The power and the presence of Knowledge that lives within each person is the greater intelligence within the individual. It is this greater intelligence that the New Message speaks to and speaks of. It is this greater intelligence that the Allies of Humanity expedition is attempting to ignite and to communicate to you.

This holds the secrets of humanity’s spirituality and the promise of your greater destiny in the universe—a destiny as a free and self-determined peoples. But your destiny is not assured. The outcome is uncertain. You as an individual must have great faith in the power of Knowledge within yourself and within others to turn the tide in humanity’s favor.

The risk to humanity’s freedom in the universe and the decline of the world that you live in are the two great motivations for human freedom and unity, for humanity’s wisdom and greater cooperation.

But these two threatening realities can also lead humanity into conflict, war and deprivation, leading to a certain subjugation to foreign powers. So the risks are great, and the rewards of choosing correctly are immense, paving the way for a greater future for the human family.

Let this be your understanding.

Read the Briefings that the Allies of Humanity have given to Humanity.

Humanity must set the terms of Engagment.


You cannot stop the Great Waves of change. You can mitigate them and their impacts and you can prepare for them, but you cannot stop them now. If people cannot change, based upon their conscience and their vision of the world, then they will have to change in the face of demanding situations and crises. It is a poor way of learning, of course. It is a fool’s education, of course. But the education must happen because humanity must adapt to a world in change, to a declining world.
The world will become warmer. Lands will open up, but you will not be able to grow much food on them. And violent weather will be a problem everywhere—depleting nations’ resources, creating catastrophes one after another.

Humanity will have to move to a different kind of equilibrium with life in the future, a different kind of stability in the world. The great question facing you is what will happen between now and then? If people are blind and do not see the Great Waves of change coming over the horizon; if people are unwilling to reconsider their lives, their obligations and their circumstances; if people are unwilling to overlook their cultural and national prejudices and grievances, then humanity is heading towards a great calamity, or series of calamities, to be more precise.

Technology will be important, but it will not save humanity. A political system may be preferred over another, but it will not save humanity. Nor will it be shared everywhere sufficiently to produce the cooperation and the assistance that will be required.

You must look ahead, with clear eyes, being willing to see whatever is coming over the horizon—without condemning it, without denying it, without drawing immediate conclusions. Like the captain of the ship at sea, you are watching and responding to changing circumstances. You must have this inner security and the strength of Knowledge to do this, or you will not be able to do it. You will go into denial. You will try to hide. You will try to live under a rock. You will put all your faith in some notion or ideology. You will dismiss the Great Waves as just a negative approach to life. You will be blind and foolish under the guise of being clever and intelligent.

Humanity’s stupidity is most tragic when it is hidden behind a veneer of rationality and intelligence. You will see this all around you, of course. You will see the denial. You will see the projection of blame. You will see the wishful thinking. You will see the blind faith in science and technology, in good governance or a particular leader.

People believe these things because they have no foundation. They have no real inner strength. They can endure hardship in the world, but they do not have the clarity of mind to see what is coming, what is heading their way and what will change their life. So they miss life’s great opportunities. They miss life’s signs. They miss life’s warnings because they cannot look and see with clarity. It is a fundamental problem for each person.
he future and the outcome are in the hands of every person because whatever happens will be the result of individuals making decisions. The question arises: What will inform those decisions? Will it be the power of Knowledge or will it be everything else that masquerades as power?

Do not think you have no power in this matter, for your future will be based on the decisions you make today and the actions you take today. These decisions will be dependent upon the people you associate with and their influence upon you


The Great Waves and Your Life
Chapter 2
People will ask, “What will these Great Waves look like?
What can we expect? What are we really preparing for? Is it
a difficult situation or is it a terrible situation?” The answer
depends upon many things—upon human response and

Certainly, the resources of the world will be diminished,
and there will be great difficulty in securing them, particularly
in poor countries and for poor people. And the risk of conflict
and war over these diminishing resources will be very great.
The risk will be very great.

How will people respond? Will humanity destroy itself as it
struggles and fights over who will get the remaining resources,
or will there be a greater union and cooperation? The answer
is uncertain, but in either case you are moving into a time of
great difficulty.

The climate of the world will change and become warmer
in most places—diminishing food production, diminishing
water supplies, creating great difficulties in certain regions of
the world. The risk of the breakdown of society is extremely
great under these circumstances, and the fact that most people
are either unaware of this or are taking it far too lightly gives
great concern.

Humanity has overspent its natural inheritance. It has
overused the world, this place of magnificence and abundance.
Humanity has not planned for the future. It has not restrained
its behavior. It has wasted its great
natural inheritance through greed
and through conflict, through misuse and corruption, and now it
will have to face the consequences. You will have to pay for the sins of
the past, as your children will have to pay for the sins of the present

These sins are errors, fundamental errors, and in some cases tremendous errors.

Therefore, you cannot escape this. You cannot move

somewhere else and be immune from the Great Waves of change.

You will have to live very differently, and only

Knowledge within you can guide you specifically in this matter.
Beyond following the “Recommendations for Living in a Great
Waves World” that are included in this book, it will be up
to Knowledge within you, the strength of your relationships
with others and the courage and objectivity you can bring to
your circumstances that will determine the path that you must
follow. For everything will be changing, and there will be great

 THE GREAT WAVES OF CHANGE world. You have come at a time when humanity would have

to deal with competition from the Greater Community, from
invasive forces from the Universe around you. You have come
at a time of great difficulty and uncertainty, a time of great
discord and risk of war. Therefore, do not be in complaint. Do
not deny or condemn the circumstances of the world when, in
fact, they hold the greatest possibility for your redemption and
for your fulfillment here


Humanity has had to endure violent weather, droughts, floods, pestilence—all manner of things because this is all part of living within a changing environment governed by physical laws & natural laws. Entirely different this is from your Ancient Home, from which you have come and to which you will return.

To be in an environment like this requires constant adaptation and constant problem solving. It is not easy. And while the world is beautiful and magnificent, it is also hazardous and difficult, placing great requirements on all intelligent creatures who live here, on all biological entities, but particularly upon those who are self-aware and who are aware of the future and the past.

The fact that your life here is temporary and that your physical vehicle is temporary, as you experience being in the world, this places a further burden on you—a psychological burden now, and a great anxiety about the possibility of future difficulty and even the loss of your life.

You have come into the world to live in the face of these Great Waves of change, and these Great Waves of change are already occurring in the world today. Perhaps you have not faced them yet. Perhaps you are yet unaware of the magnitude of the Great Waves of change. This is now having a great impact, altering the balance of the natural environment, setting in train forces of change in your climate, creating greater disasters—hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts, extreme and violent weather conditions in many parts of the world.

Humanity’s overuse and abuse of the world is now changing the natural balance, and this change is not in your favor. And even at this moment, nations and peoples do not seem to comprehend the magnitude of what is happening. People do not want to give up their privileges. Networks of trade and the exploitation of resources are now well established. People do not want to restrain themselves. In certain wealthy nations, limits will be placed, but in other nations, there are no such limits and no such restraints.

This means that humanity will further impact the natural environment, and the natural environment will further impact humanity. In the end, of course, nature will be victorious, but this creates a dilemma, you see, a fundamental dilemma because greater than your national laws, greater than your social customs, greater than your religious beliefs, greater than your individual or national attitudes or perspective is your fundamental relationship with nature—your relationship with your environment.

Humanity as a whole has lost touch with this, has lost the recognition of the power and the importance of your relationship with your environment. You feel that with technology you can overcome the forces of nature, and to a certain degree, you can harness these forces, but you cannot overcome them. Throughout the Universe, powerful nations have tried but have only found themselves to be at the mercy of the greater powers and forces of nature.

At this moment, humanity, like an adolescent, is giddy with its own power, thinking that it has the ability to transcend the natural world, to create an environment not subject to the forces of nature. But this is not true. And you are experiencing, even at this moment, the powerful response, the powerful reaction of natural law to human abuse and human irresponsibility, and the results are tragic.

Your planet is getting warmer. Hotter. Drier. It is driving change. The world will change to a new kind of balance, but it will not be a balance that will be favorable to the human family. And the only way to alter this and to prevent this outcome would be a radical change in human behavior and activity and governance, which are unlikely to happen any time soon.

If humanity continues in its present course, it will generate more events of this kind. Large parts of the world will be heavily damaged, and great droughts will fall upon the arid regions, driving people out. Nations will collapse. There will be millions of refugees with nowhere to go.

Humanity will lose its most valuable resources through overexploitation, through ignorant use, through a heedlessness of the future. Not thinking ahead, humanity is going to take everything now, robbing your children of their future, creating a future of unimaginable difficulties. There is no punishment here. It is merely consequence.

It is your responsibility to learn of the natural world and to use it effectively, in a manner that can be sustained. This has been learned throughout the ages. It is not a new learning. But humanity has forfeited this Knowledge out of greed, out of corruption, out of ambition, and now the world has a great many people in it. The boat is full.

How will you manage such circumstances? How will you face the Great Waves of change? How can you bring and restore greater balance in the natural world for your benefit? The answer is beyond your intellect though you may have very good ideas, and there are many solutions that are being proposed that will be very helpful over all if brought together and if utilized fully, but really the answer to these questions has to go deeper than the intellect, deeper into you. It is not a problem for other people to solve for you. It is a problem for everyone. It is not merely a problem for governments, or for science, or for politicians. It is a problem for everyone.

This represents your relationship with nature. If you violate the relationship, you will have a bad relationship. It will be unhealthy. It will be unstable. There will be friction. There will be difficulty. Just like you having a relationship with another person, if you abuse that person, if you do not respect that person, they will behave in a manner and will respond in a manner that will be unpleasant and discordant. There will be difficulties between you. You will not function in harmony together.

It is like this with your relationship with nature. If you show no respect for nature, if you do not respect how it functions and how you must behave within this relationship, then the relationship becomes discordant—producing unwanted results, unpleasant experiences.

If you don’t take care of your home, it ceases to be a desirable place to live. If your house is falling apart, if you cannot or will not keep it up, it becomes an undesirable place to live. The world represents the home of humanity. If it is not supported and sustained and managed properly, as far as you can manage it, it ceases to become a desirable place to live.

You cannot change the laws of nature. You can limit the impact of nature’s difficulties. You can enhance and develop its opportunities and its benefits. You can utilize natural forces to your benefit, as has humanity. That is what humanity has been doing all along, but it is a balance. And humanity has lost the balance.

Gaining technology has given you a sense of pre-eminence, and you have taken it too far. If humanity were intelligent, you would be rationing fuel today and not waiting for when rationing will be forced upon you. You would be preserving your finest energy and resources instead of using them up as quickly as possible, believing, assuming, that there will be something there to replace them, without any difficulty in transition.

But humanity has created a style of living that far exceeds the carrying capacity of your environment and which places you out of balance with the natural world, and even places you out of harmony with your own nature. Now you are driven to excess—excessive behavior, excessive busyness, excessive use of the world’s resources, excessive indulgences.

Your relationship with time has changed. Your relationship with nature has changed. And your relationship with one another has changed. Now you are busy trying to sustain a lifestyle that deprives most of the human family—where the very rich are driving the engine of war, robbing nations and peoples of their own sustaining resources, driving headlong as if you did not have a future, as if you did not care, under a whole array of assumptions that somehow your technology and your cleverness and ingenuity will find a way to keep it all going.

You have abandoned your relationship with nature. You have taken on a mistress of technology, forcing a kind of adultery that has set you out of accord with yourself, with one another and with your environment.

All of the forces that are driving humanity to its own demise are counteracted by the presence and the power of Knowledge. What will restrain people from destroying their natural inheritance here? Good ideas? Reform movements? These will not be strong enough to counteract what has been set in motion by human greed and human ignorance. It will have to be a more powerful force.

The Great Waves of change that are coming to the world represent nature’s response, the consequences of your violation of nature and your squandering of your natural inheritance. You will have to face these consequences. And they will either defeat you or uplift you, depending upon how you respond, depending upon whether you respond with Knowledge or with idealism, compromise and greed. One leads to cooperation and unity. The other leads to conflict and breakdown.

This is not simply a matter for governments or policy. It has to do with how you see the world and how you respond to the world. It has to do with whether you are being guided by Knowledge or by all the other things that are the substitutes for Knowledge.

Your relationship with nature, then, is not simply one of admiring its beauty and its complexity. It really has to do with how you live in nature, how you work with nature. If your relationship with nature is to be more than a romance—more than romancing nature, being infatuated with its beauty—you have to deal with how you are going live with nature and in nature and to deal with its adversities and to enjoy its splendors in a working relationship. And how are you going to deal with other people and the differences with other people?

Half the world’s forests should be preserved. Fuel should be rationed. It should have been rationed twenty years ago. You will have to control human population growth and human consumption if you are ever able to attain stability and security. You cannot devour the Earth without losing the ability to live here. And you cannot migrate to other planets because they are owned by others. Beyond this solar system, it is private property. You must put your house in order, and God has given you the power, the strength and the wisdom to do this.

You have to begin with taking the steps to Knowledge and with re-evaluating your life. Before you commit yourself to other actions, you must do this, or you will not have a foundation, and you will not be able to experience the source of your wisdom, your power and your strength. You will launch yourself on some kind of campaign of reform, but you will not really have the power and the strength and the wisdom that you will need to be successful.

For that, you must come to Knowledge within yourself. That is where you must begin. You begin with what is essential and fundamental. You learn to be still so you can experience Knowledge and feel its presence and hear its guidance, so you can feel its restraint and its motivations. You step out of the world of over-stimulation into a deeper, more quiet world within yourself. And you will find that there is a greater strength within you waiting to be discovered.


Humanity has crossed a critical threshold where we will have to adapt to a whole new set of circumstances.

This will require a united effort between governments and peoples to bring new levels of skill, technology and cooperation to meet the requirements of living in a radically changing world.

At the core of this united effort are the courage and the
ability within people to see what is coming, to know what to
do and to act wisely in the face of increasing uncertainty and
upheaval. Nature has given us this courage and this set of
abilities, but they have become latent and forgotten within the
human family. More than anything else, it is these abilities that
will determine how, and even if, humanity will prepare for the
Great Waves of change and the kind of world we will all have
to face as a result.

In facing the Great Waves of change, preparation is the
key. The preparation is not merely about fortifying your outer
life or attempting to build a sustainable lifestyle. Instead, it is
about preparing for a whole new reality. This new reality will
require that you become self-reliant and able to call upon a
deeper strength within yourself and within others, a strength
that few people are yet aware of. This strength is within you
now and has been with you all along. This book will reveal to
you where it can be found and how it can be used.
The preparation begins with what you see in the world and
what you are aware of within yourself. As you proceed, the
preparation strengthens your ability to be perceptive, resourceful
and wise in responding to changing and unpredictable circumstances.

If you can recognize the reality and the power of the Great
Waves to impact your life, this will naturally begin a long
process of re-evaluation regarding how you live, where you
live, your use of resources, the strength or weakness of your
relationships in helping you to prepare and the direction your
life really needs to follow.

In facing great change and uncertainty, particularly if it has
not been anticipated, people do not rely upon logic and reason
as much as upon assumptions, habits and the behavior of the
people around them. This is why the inner preparation is so
important. Without this inner preparation, people will tend to
wait until the last moment to react when their options will be few, if any.
When many people respond in this way, there is chaos.

We each have a greater intelligence within us called
Knowledge that is not afraid of the future or the challenge
of changing our lives. This native intelligence has the power
to move us or to restrain us when necessary and to enable
us to find the people and the opportunities that hold the
greatest promise for our lives. The significance, power and
application of this greater intelligence go far beyond our
notions of intuition and instinct. Here the Great Waves of
change, though dangerous and largely unforeseen, hold the
ultimate opportunity for those who can prepare to reclaim this
deeper intelligence to secure their lives and to find their unique
contribution to a world in need.

Here you will find, presented in the most clear and uncompromising
manner, the gravity of the Great Waves of change
and the kinds of fundamental decisions each of us will have
to face and to make if we are to wisely prepare. There are
two minds within us: a worldly mind that is shaped by the
prevailing beliefs and attitudes of our families and culture
and a deeper, more powerful mind that is free from these

Which voice within us we respond to and choose to follow will make

all the difference in our ability to see, to know and to act wisely when others

around us seem unable or unwilling to do so.

This book confronts us with dangerous scenarios that
are the logical outcome of our collective failure to respond
adequately to the Great Waves of change that are already
beginning to impact our world. It speaks to the fundamental
question, “How will you know what to do in the difficult times
ahead?” Governments cannot tell you. Scientists cannot tell
you. Religious leaders cannot tell you. How will you answer
this question for yourself? This book shows you how.

The message of The Great Waves of Change is direct and
challenging. Its assault upon human ignorance, assumptions
and arrogance is unrelenting. Yet this book gives us real
vision about the kind of world we will have to face and where,
above all other things, we will find the source of our strength,
wisdom and courage to navigate the difficult times ahead.
Those difficult times have now begun. The Great Waves of
change are upon us.


In the face of this great threshold that Humanity is facing,, your governments will not have an answer. Your philosophers will not have an answer. Perhaps people will see part of the solution and attempt to express that, and that is necessary, but the answer must come from a Greater Power within you and a Greater Power beyond you.

For what will be required is a great shift in human understanding and a change in human behavior. These things must be necessitated by a Greater Power and by a greater response within you and within people all around the world. Not everyone will have to respond, but enough people in many places will need to experience this calling and this response.

The time is short. It is not time now to become listless and indecisive. There is no luxury in remaining ignorant and foolish in the face of the Great Waves of change.

For there is a Greater Darkness in the world. It is a darkness more profound and more consequential than anything that humanity has ever faced before. It enters the world at a time of great vulnerability for the human family—as you face a world in decline and as you face the great decision before you as to whether humanity will choose the path of self-destruction—a path born of competition, conflict and war—or whether the other path, the other way, will be recognized and claimed, required and expressed—a path towards cooperation and unity in the face of great danger.

You are entering very turbulent times in the world. The world is in decline and its resources are diminishing. Yet human populations continue to grow. There has been great damage to the life-sustaining resources of this world, and the environment has been compromised to a very great degree. And there are forces from beyond the world who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

People around the world are beginning to see the evidence of this great danger, but many people are still asleep, dreaming of their own personal fulfillment, unaware and inattentive to the Great Waves of change that are already washing over the world.

It is really now a race to save human civilization from collapse and ruin. This is something that any person can see once they are alerted to the Great Waves of change, once they begin to listen to the sounds of the world and see the signs that the world is producing.

People today feel already that things are not normal, things are not right. There is great anxiety concerning people’s view of the future. Already the Great Waves are beginning to impact the peoples of the world, diminishing nations’ economies, forcing people into ever greater situations of strain and competition. Even today there is a great struggle over who will have access to the food, the water and the energy resources in many, many parts of the world.

Yet who is watching the signs, the signs that Great Waves of change are now coming? Who is paying attention? And for those very few who are, who has the courage and the strength to recognize that this is a calling—a calling for service and contribution, a calling for them to reconsider their lives, their circumstances, their activities and their obligations?

It will therefore be necessary for those who can respond to respond fully—to recognize the great threat, to hear the great warning and to receive the great Blessing from the Creator of all life.

There is an answer for humanity, but it is not an answer that humanity can invent for itself. For the answer must have the power to call people into a greater service to one another. It must have the power to overcome and override the psychological, the social and the political ideologies and tendencies that continue to cast humanity in opposition to itself. It must be a power great enough to incite compassion, tolerance and forgiveness in the human family.

It is not the end for humanity, but it is a transition to a different kind of world—a new world, a world of declined resources, a world of diminished assets, a world that will require tremendous cooperation between nations if human civilization is to survive.

What is Responsibility, it is the power to respond!


This Event is to give humanity this one great chance in its hour of greatest difficulty, challenge and uncertainty—greater than even the world wars and conflicts this will be; greater than anything that humanity has ever faced before. Do not wait until the wave crests and the threshold becomes too overwhelming to begin to prepare, or it will be too late and you will be swept away, swept along with a sea of change that you did not foresee and for which you are unprepared.

It is a time of great trial for humanity. The decisions made in the next two decades will determine the outcome of what kind of journey the human family will have to take in the future. Will it be one of desperation, conflict and war, facing ever growing influence from the Greater Community around you to divide and overtake humanity without the use of force, using the powers of persuasion, inducement and discouragement, which have been cultivated to a much higher degree than has been accomplished here in the world?

Never before has such a challenge been given for the human family, but such a challenge is before you now. If you can look with clear and objective eyes, you will see the signs of this around the world. You will see the anxiety in people’s faces. You will hear the complaints and the aggravation borne of fear and uncertainty. You will see the disruption to humanity’s establishments and economies. And you will see the experts struggling, unable to control or direct the situation successfully.

Watch the world without judgment and condemnation, and you will be able to see the signs. You will feel things and hear things and sense things. Do not come to conclusions, but allow these experiences to build within your awareness, and you will have a whole new experience of the world. 

There are two great dangers facing the human family, greater than you yet realize. There is the Great Waves of change coming to the world in terms of environmental degradation, in terms of diminishing resources, and the great risk of competition, conflict and war that these will generate. The second great threat to humanity is Intervention from beyond by races who are here to seek the world for its resources, who are here to use humanity and to establish this world as part of their network for its strategic and biological value.

These are the greatest events in human history. These are the most perilous threats to human freedom and sovereignty. These are the most consequential events in human history, and yet how few people ever think of these things. How few people concern themselves with these things. It is not part of the public agenda of any government. It is not the concern of world religious leaders or institutions, at least not publicly.

“It is not the end of time. It is a great transition. It is not the end of the world. It is a great reckoning. Many things will come to an end. Many ways of life will have to be altered. Human understanding will have to change. Human responsibility will have to grow. Human compassion will have to grow. Human forgiveness will have to grow. It will seem like the end of time, like the whole world is coming down on you – a time of cataclysmic change and upheaval. But this is really a time for humanity to grow up, to become wise and to prepare for its future.


It is the first great Event to be given to a world community, to a literate population. And that is why it must speak now with greater clarity, greater emphasis, greater sophistication and complexity. For you cannot be a child and face what you will be facing in the world and beyond. You cannot be simply a blind follower and prepare yourself for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world.

The world is changed, but people have not changed with it. The Great Waves are coming, but people do not know. Intervention is occurring in the world, but people are unaware or perhaps think it is a wonderful thing.

Humanity does not have time for this now, for the hour is late. This is not merely for certain individuals. It is for the whole human family to prepare in the most practical and essential ways for the great change that is coming to the world and that is already beginning to strike the shores and to overwhelm the cities, to cast nations in conflict with one another, to darken your skies, to pollute your rivers and to threaten the very resources you depend upon every day.

You do not yet realize how important and central this is to your life.

For humanity must prepare for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world if human civilization is to survive and to be stable and to be a foundation for humanity’s greatest accomplishments in the future.

It is a great Message for a future that will be unlike the past—for a world in decline; a world of declining resources; a world of environmental destruction; a world where it will be more difficult to take care of people, to provide food, water, medicine and energy around the world; a world of greater danger and contention; and beyond this a world that is facing intervention from races in the universe who are here to take advantage of human weakness and expectations.

It is not a time to believe in a great leader, an emancipator, a savior.

Humanity is going to have to save itself now.

You have great promise. But you have great problems, and you have some disabilities as well—the tendency towards human denial. And your tribalism, which has served you in the past, can blind you now.
If you cannot feel and see these things We speak of, then where is your mind going? What could be more important than this to you? Your happiness? Your security? Your approval from others? Your social standing? This is a question and a dilemma for each person who can respond.

So the Message must be pure. It must be clear. It cannot be a compromise. It cannot be designed merely to appeal to people’s current notions and appetites. It must bring great warning, power and restoration, for such great Messages only happen at pivotal times of humanity’s history and evolution.

You are fortunate to be living at this time. It is the greatest time ever to be in the world. And you are here. You have been sent here to be living at this time—a time of great tribulation and upheaval, a time of great difficulty. Living in a world of diminishing resources and growing population, what will give you the strength and the power to avoid constant war and constant strife?

Destiny has to do with where you have come from and where you are going and why you are in the world and where the world is going—things that are far beyond most people’s consideration or awareness.

New Updates tomorrow!



It will be a great shock to many. It will be resisted by many. It will be received by many. But it will take a great shock to awaken humanity to the reality of its situation and to the circumstances for which it must prepare. It will take the shock of this Event.. It will take the shock of the future.

Without this information, humanity will fall into grave conflicts and precipitous decline, making you vulnerable to foreign powers who are already in this world to gain influence and authority here. People do not realize they are standing at the precipice, not only of great change, but also of subjugation.

This is the Greater Darkness in the world, a Greater Darkness that most people are too afraid to even think about. But it is something that humanity must prepare for.

“It is a great turning point for the human family. But humanity is unaware and unprepared and is very vulnerable to deception and misunderstanding.”

For the first time in the history of this world, you are able to witness This Great Event. Never Before has this been given to a Global Community! It is New and revolutionary. It is Amazing and Stunning and will seem Unreal. But deep within you, Past your fears,doubts and anxiety’s, You will know what you will witness will be pure and true.

It is a great test and a great testimony, a great challenge for the listener.

But it is not only a challenge. It is a call to awaken and to prepare.

For you are facing a hazardous future, a dangerous future—a dangerous and difficult passage into the Greater Community, a dangerous and difficult passage into a new world, a world of diminishing resources and growing political and economic upheavaL.

You will have many questions, of course.

You may have fears and suspicions.

You may have grave doubts.

That is all to be expected.

But the challenge for you is, can you respond, can you See and Hear the Truth of This.

This is A Great Event !!  It will change Human Destiny, and lead our Civilization to Wisdsom and Knowledge from the Universe.!

This will be Updated daily!!

It is a dangerous time, but for you, it is the right time to be in the world, for this is why you have come—not to hide out in fantasy, not to enrich yourself, not to pretend to be something you are not, not to live a life of avoidance and irresponsibility, but to be in the world to be of service to the world at this time, not only to meet the current needs of life, but to prepare for the future itself. 

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