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The Beast of Revelation

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There exists so much evidence of the first century prophecy of Revelation that it is hard to keep narratives brief, and I am unable to make this a short post.  I ask that you bear with me.

The previous post, “The Whore of Babylon”, presented the evidences of the identity of the woman of Revelation 17 & 18 as Jerusalem.  The beast that carried her is also identifiable through scripture and secular history.   I will include some discussion of historical events around both Rome, and the destruction of Jerusalem.  Secular sources for research include Seutonius, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, Eusebius, and Josephus among others.  Their history is rich if one is willing to study.

The time of the Revelation must also be established, as too many readers make the mistake of moving the prophesy out of time and place.  Jesus told his disciples that they would not go through all of the cities of Israel before he came again. (Matt. 10:23)  Jesus told them that all would be fulfilled in that generation.  (Matt. 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke 21:32)  Jesus told them that some would still be living when He returned in His kingdom.  (Matt. 16:28; Luke 9:27)

The disciples asked him when “shall these things be” meaning specifically the destruction of the temple which He had just told them would be torn down (Matt 24, Luke 21). Thereby, we know that the things He told them would happen happened before and at the destruction of that temple in A.D. 70.  He told the disciples in Luke 21:31 that when they saw all these things to know that the kingdom was at hand. That limits the time frame to the first century A.D, and places the coming of His kingdom in power in the first century A.D, specifically in A.D. 70.

Peter stated in Acts 2:16-17 that what was happening on the day of Pentecost after the crucifixion was that from the prophet Joel, that “in the last days” He would pour forth His Spirit upon the people.  Peter proclaimed that the day of Pentecost occurred in the last days, in the first century A.D.

So, the last days identified throughout the New Testament, and prophesied throughout the Old Testament, were when Jesus was manifested on earth, and was crucified, and was raised from the dead, and the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the people, and His church was established, and His kingdom came in power and glory.  That special generation when Christ appeared on earth was the end of the old covenant, the last days of the old covenant.  See the posts “It’s Not The End of The World… Parts 1 -X” at my contributor profile for a more complete discussion of these evidences.

Knowing now the time period of the prophesy was that generation of the first century A.D, and that today we are standing on the other side almost 2,000 years later, we need to look at history to see some of the clues.

The woman of Revelation is sitting upon a scarlet colored beast that has seven heads and ten horns.  (Rev. 17:3)   And, the woman is sitting upon seven heads which are seven mountains.  (Rev. 17:9)   The beast that carries the woman is not the woman.

The beast of Revelation was knowable in the day that John wrote the book. That means that the beast existed when John wrote the book, otherwise the symbolism would be of no benefit to the first century Christians, who were for the most part converted Jews, and were being warned of things which “must shortly come to pass”.  (Rev. 1:1)    “Shortly” did not mean 2,000 years later!

Rev. 17:7,  And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.“  (KJV, bold emp. mine throughout)

The beast rises up out of the sea. (Rev. 13:1)  Rome ruled the Mediterranean Sea by virtue of her armies and navy.  Jerusalem, the whore of Babylon, was riding the beast, Rome.  Jerusalem was influencing her military occupiers. They were in collusion, and for a time, were cooperating for a common economic and political goal.

Rev. 13:2, “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

There is a multitude of symbolism in this verse, but note that the standard bearers of the Roman Legions often wore the skins of leopards, bears, and lions.  The beast of Revelation is the Roman Empire of the first century A.D.  And, it is the Roman Empire of the first century A.D. which was the 4th empire of Daniel’s dream. (Dan. 2)  The first was Babylon, overtaken by Cyrus the Great in 539 BC; the second was Mede-Persia, overtaken by Alexander the Great 334 & 330 BC; the 3rd was the Greco-Macedonia empire, which was overtaken in 188 BC by Rome.  See recommended reading at Note 3 below.

Because Daniel 2 stated that Christ’s kingdom would be established in the days of those kings of the 4th empire.(Dan. 2:44), then we know that as Christ appeared on earth, was sacrificed, rose again the 3rd day, established His church on the day of Pentecost, and His kingdom in the first century A.D, the 4th empire had to be the one that existed when He established His church and His kingdom in the first century A.D.  It was the Roman empire of Christ’s day.

Rev. 17:10, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

The Caesars were the rulers and emperors of Rome at the time John wrote Revelation, and were therefore “kings”.  Seven “kings” are mentioned in verse 10.  Five were fallen: the first of the Roman empire was Julius Caesar; then Augustus; Tiberius; Caius (or Caligula);  and Claudius.  The sixth emperor was…Nero.  He was ruling at the time John wrote Revelation.  Nero reigned from 54 A.D. to June 68 A.D.

The seventh king of Rev. 17:10 had not yet come when John wrote Revelation, and he would only rule a short time.  The seventh was Galba who assumed power upon Nero’s death and ruled six months from mid – June 68 A.D. to Jan. 69 A.D.  Therefore, John had to have written Revelation before  June 68 A.D.

After Galba, came Otho, and Vitellius, all three within the space of one year.  Vespasian was the tenth Caesar of Rome, or the tenth horn of Rev. 17:3.

The death of Nero was the end of the Julian line of emperors of Rome.  There was turmoil immediately following in civil wars between Galba, Otho and Vitellius with such destruction that horrified the world at that time.  Rome and Italy suffered famines, earthquakes, and pestilence (disease).  The destruction was so terrible that it left Rome in ruins.  Tacitus’ account of the ruin that befell Rome almost describes the horror of the destruction of Jerusalem.  Josephus records that “heavy calamities came about Rome on all sides”.  He records that General Vespasian had to abandon the Judean wars and return to Rome to fight for the stability of the empire.

So the Roman empire (the beast) was mortally wounded with Nero’s death, suffered near ruin “going down into the abyss”, and was revived under Vespasian.  (Rev. 13:3, Rev. 13:12, Rev. 17:8)  Once Vespasian held control, he became the head of the beast, and the tenth king, or tenth horn.

Vespasian then sent his son Titus out as General to end the war with Judea, and Titus becomes the mouth of the beast. (Rev. 13:5)  Titus declared great blasphemies against God, and stated his intention to destroy the temple at Jerusalem.  It was Titus that oversaw the destruction of Jerusalem with the burning firebrands.  Titus, therefore, was the one who “maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth…“. (Rev. 13:13). 

In God’s figurative prophetic language “heaven” was a ruler or ruling nation, and the “earth” was a symbol for land or the dwelling place of the people, and most often was Israel.  So, Revelation 13:13 was Rome (heaven) sending fire upon Israel (earth) under Titus’ command.  Titus commanded the 12th Legion whose symbol was the lightning bolt…”fire …from heaven“.

Vespasian and Titus (both pronounced Caesars) conducted the final war against Israel over a 42 month period, from March A.D. 67 to Sept. A.D. 70 when Jerusalem fell.  Rabbinic tradition confirms this 42 month assault.  Forty-two (42) months is 3-1/2 years, or 1260 days. (Rev. 11:2, Rev. 13:5)  

Titus surrounded Jerusalem on the day of the feast of the Passover, the anniversary of the day of our Lord’s death.  All of the “strangers” and foreigners had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover.  Understand, these were the people of the communities of Israelites of the dispersion that still gave allegiance to the Sanhedrin and Jerusalem.  Josephus calculated almost 2-million people were in the city.  Their continued celebration of the feast of the Passover was a denial of the sacrifice of Christ as that once and forever sacrificial lamb slain from the foundation of the world meant for all.  It was blasphemy!

The siege of Jerusalem was sudden, and encompassed all those who had come into the city from the surrounding areas.  (Matt 24:27-30, Luke 21:35.)

Luke 21:22, “ For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.”

Titus fully intended to destroy the temple at Jerusalem, and thus God’s dwelling place which he and his father viewed as a threat to their “divinity” as emperors of Rome, and to then destroy all branches of the Jews, namely the Christians.  The destruction of Jerusalem was horrible, reaching its pinnacle with mothers killing and eating their own children to survive, and the Romans wading through the blood in the streets. 

So, during the interim after the death of Nero, and the resumption under Vespasian, there was a lull of the war in Judea of 12 months, or the year of 4 emperors.  It was at this time that the Christians fled Jerusalem to Pella.  After the destruction of Jerusalem, Vespasian ordered that all descendants of King David be searched out and killed so that no one of the Messianic line would dispute Vespasian’s authority as emperor.  Thus, the power of Rev. 13:7 to make war with the saints.

Rome was the beast that carried the woman.  The ruler of Rome at the time Revelation was written was Nero.  It was Nero who began the worst persecution in history of the saints, and it was Nero who was the man John numbered 666.

Rev. 13:18, Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (KJV)

Present tense of the verb, “is”, as written by John in the first century A.D.   And, it is the number of a man!  Not an organization, not a church, not a nation.  But the number of a man!

The number 666 was used to conceal the name of the man that was in power and ruling at the time John wrote Revelation (A.D. 66 -68), so as to protect the readers of the book who were suffering his extreme persecution.  John could not be forthright and name Nero for fear of further drawing his anger.  The numbering method used to signify the name was a common practice of the day for numbering letters of a name.  It was used in both the Greek and Hebrew languages.  

But, the Jewish Christian, and indeed all Jews, thought and wrote the name of Nero in Hebrew.  Their language was Hebrew, so the symbol was to the Hebrew spelling, “Neron Kesar.”  Only the consonants carried the numeric value.  Vowels were not included or numbered. 

Rendered in the English (as I don’t have a Hebrew keyboard), NRWN QSR:

N = 50; R = 200; W = 6; N = 50; Q = 100; S= 60; R = 200…. for a total of 666.

In the Aramaic, RSQ NWRN:

R = 200; S = 60; Q = 100; N = 50; W = 6; R = 200; N = 50…. for a total of 666.

Nero Caesar was THE antichrist of Revelation.  There were and are many antichrists, as anyone who denies Christ is an antichrist.  But, the one numbered by John, whom he was warning the persecuted Christians about in the first century A.D. was Nero.

“Foremost in the rank of those emperors, on whom the church looks back with horror as her persecutors, stands Nero, a prince whose conduct towards the Christians admits of no palliation, but was to the last degree unprincipled and inhuman. The dreadful persecution which took place by order of this tyrant, commenced at Rome about the middle of November, in the year of our Lord 64. . . . This dreadful persecution ceased but with the death of Nero. The empire, it is well known, was not delivered from the tyranny of this monster until the year 68, when he put an end to his own life.” (L. von Mosheim, Historical Commentaries, I:138,139).

Apollinius of Tyana, a contemporary of Nero, wrote, “In my travels, which have been wider than ever man yet accomplished, I have seen many, many wild beasts of Arabia and India; but this beast, that is commonly called a Tyrant, I know not how many heads it has, nor if it be crooked of claw, and armed with horrible fangs. . . . And of wild beasts you cannot say that they were ever known to eat their own mother, but Nero has gorged himself on this diet.”   (bold emp. mine)

“Nero was the first of the emperors who showed himself an enemy of the divine religion.”  Eusebius. 

Pliny the Elder called Nero “the destroyer of the human race” and  “the poison of the world.”

Nero killed by the sword and died by the sword.  Seutonius stated that he “drove a dagger into his throat, aided by Epaphroditus, his private secretary.”

Rev. 13:10, “ He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.“  

Nero was commonly called a beast.  He murdered almost everyone close to him, including his mother, his aunt, his wife Poppaea, and his relatives by marriage.  Tacitius records Nero’s persecution of the Christians…

 ”And their death was aggravated with mockeries, insomuch that, wrapped in the hides of wild beasts, they were torn to pieces by dogs, or fastened to crosses to be set on fire, that when the darkness fell they might be burned to illuminate the night.”

The Christians were crucified, beheaded, burnt alive, and used as torches to light Nero’s garden parties.

Nero began his persecutions of the Christians in mid. 64 A.D., and it lasted until his death in June 68 A.D.  A period of 42 months, or 3-1/2 years.  This began the great tribulation of Daniel 12 .  Jesus told the disciples in Matt 24:15-21 citing Daniel and specifically stating,

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matt 24:21)

“…and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:….”  Dan. 12:1

Jesus was answering the disciples’ question in Matt. 24 of when the temple was going to be torn down.  His citing of Daniel 12 makes the link clear.  The great tribulation was the persecution of the saints and lasted approximately 6 years, from mid Nov. A.D. 64 to the destruction of Jerusalem in Sep. A.D. 70.  (70 weeks, Dan. 9:24-27)  At which time the sacrifices and the oblations ceased.

Rev. 7:14, “….These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

The sealed of Rev. 7 were those washed in the blood of the Lamb that had come out of the persecution of the great tribulation; they were those converted to Christ, and had been severely persecuted by the Jews and Romans.

Vespasian would revive the beast and finish the war against the woman, whom they hated, which was Jerusalem.  (Rev. 17:16, Je 50:41, Ez. 16:37)

The woman, who was carried by the beast, also sits upon seven mountains. (Rev. 17:9)

Ancient Jerusalem was built upon seven (7) hills: Mount Zion, Mount Ophel, Mount Moriah, Mount Bezetha, Mount Acra, Mount Gareb, and Mount Goath.

While Rome was built upon seven hills, where Romulus and Remus deliberately chose an area of the Tibur River because of the universally understood symbolic perfection of the number 7, so was Jerusalem known as the “City of Seven Hills”. 

Jerusalem was the center of the Jewish world, and all of the Jewish communities throughout the Roman empire sent their tribute annually to Jerusalem.  The Jewish communities all gave their allegiance to the Sanhedrin Council in Jerusalem.  Thus, Jerusalem had “dominion over the kings of the earth.”  (Rev. 17:18)

The words “great city” in the Greek in Rev. 11:8 in which our Lord was crucified, which was Jerusalem, are the same words used in Rev. 16:19 where “God remembered great Babylon”, and in Rev. 17:18 which had “dominion over the kings of the earth”, and in Rev. 18:10, “thou great city, thou mighty city, Babylon!”, and in Rev. 18:18, “What city was like the great city?”, and in Rev. 18:19, “Alas, alas, for the great city where all who had ships at sea…”, and in Rev. 18:21, “…so shall Babylon, the great city be thrown down with violence…”

The city that was thrown down was Jerusalem.  Jerusalem was the harlot, and was referred to as Sodom, Egypt, and Babylon. (Jer. Ch  3; Jer. 23:14; Ez. Ch.16)  All of the references to the “great city” are references to Jerusalem. The great tribulation of Daniel 12, is the same great tribulation which Jesus warned his disciples they would have to endure in Matt. 24.  The destruction of Jerusalem were the days of vengeance (Luke 21:22)

The destruction of Jerusalem marked the end of the nation of Israel, and the finality of the old covenant. 

The Jews had used their influence with Rome and colluded with them to remove a troubling matter that threatened their economic and political power, the Messiah and the Christians.  They stirred up Rome to perform the crucifixion of Christ, and they stirred up Rome to persecute the Christians.  God, in vengeance and judgment, then used the Romans to destroy Jerusalem.  Ironic, and fitting wasn’t it?  Rome was the beast, and the tool and messengers from God.  (Rev. 17:17)

The book of Revelation was written to the Christians of the first century A.D. as a warning of the destruction of Jerusalem and encouragement to persevere through that time of great tribulation.  It is a book concerning the covenant city of God, one who was once married to God, and became unfaithful, became a harlot turning her back on God. (Ez. 16:36-41)

Rome was never a covenant city of God!  Rome was never in a covenant relationship with God, and thus cannot be considered as the harlot woman of Revelation 17 & 18.  Jesus was not crucified in Rome.  He was crucified in Jerusalem.  Rev. 11:8 identifies the great city as the city where Jesus was crucified.

There is much more evidence from both within the scriptures and from secular history that the beast of Revelation was the Roman empire of the 1st century A.D., and specifically Nero.  Time and space prevents me from including all of it here.  Please see the recommended readings below, and my other posts at my contributor profile.

Revelation was the prophesy to the first century Christians of the then future destruction of Jerusalem, and the 2nd coming of Christ in A.D. 70 to fully remove the temple worship of the old covenant, and to establish forever His spiritual kingdom.  It serves as an example for all generations that God will judge all those who turn their backs on Him.  As He continues to rule from the right hand of God, He continues to come in judgment against the nations that sin against Him. 

I am certain that the world faces the wrath of God today.  There are some humanly devised parallel events that exist today, and have existed throughout history, but the immediate prophesy of Revelation was to the first century Christians. 

Recommended reading:







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    Total 8 comments
    • Pix

      “Secular sources for research include Seutonius, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, Eusebius, and Josephus among others.”

      Out of those only Josephus Flavius was contemporary, and he lived with Roman emperor Titus Flavius, was adopted into the royal family, was Titus Flavius court historian and a member of the political party of wealthy influential money lenders called the Pharisees. The Pharisees invented Judaism after 70 CE, nothing what so ever to do with the Israelites beliefs. He was not secular, but wrote about the ‘saviour of Rome’ his benefactor Titus Flavius as a living god. Titus had quite a large following as the messiah and saviour of Rome, complete with churches and priests.

      Tacitus is a well known 6th century CE forgery, the word Tacitus used was Chrestus (good people) as a people being fed to the lions, not Christus (Christians). The word Christus was faked in the 6th century CE, the original can be clearly seen under black light.

      From the list you have given, there are no others.


    • Amminadab

      Sad to see you agreeing with the Roman Catholic’s preterist lies.

      • Gina

        The Roman Catholic Church did not write the Bible. I would ask rather why you do not believe what Jesus said? The Bible is clear, but the Zionists and Jesuits have blinded people for the last few centuries teaching the blasphemy that Jesus failed to do what He said He was going to do, and removing the hope of the Christian.

        Did He or did He not say:

        John 21:22, speaking of John, “Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.” John was going to see Jesus’ return in the first century A.D.

        Matt. 10:23, instructing His disciples, “…for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.”

        Mark 1:15, at the beginning of His ministry, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

        The time of the coming of His kingdom was in the first century A.D. when He appeared on earth!

        Matt. 16:28, again speaking to His disciples, “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

        You cannot move the second coming of Christ past that generation.. or else you are allowing the impossible idea that some of that generation are still living on earth!

        Luke 21:31-32, speaking to His disciples, “So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.”

        Matt. 24:34, speaking to His disciples, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

        Why is it that you do not believe what the Bible says? It clearly says within the texts that the appearing of Christ on earth occurred in the last days, and therefore that generation of the 1st century was a special generation marked for the end of the old covenant in the OT prophesies.

        Heb. 1:1-3, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:”

        The Hebrew writer stated that Jesus spoke to the people “in these last days”, that when Jesus had purged our sins He sat down on the right hand of God… still in these last days. He was sacrificed in “these last days”… in the first century A.D.

        All of the time statements in the NT of “these last days” are referring to the last days of the Old Covenant. These are not statements from the Roman Catholic Church, but from the inspired writers of the Bible.

        Acts 2:16, Peter speaking on the day of Pentecost, ” But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;”

        Verse 16 ends with a semicolon, indicating a continued thought…. and Peter begins repeating the prophesy from Joel in verse 17…

        Acts 2:17. ” And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:”

        The pouring forth of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost occurred in “the last days”.

        1 John 2:18, writing in the 1st century A.D. to the 1st century Christians, “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.”

        Rev. 22:10, when John was writing the book in the first century, he was told, “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.”

        There is much more which I have detailed in my first 10 posts “It’s Not The End of The World…” but everyone seems to be so brainwashed by the prevailing futurist view they will not carefully examine what the Bible actually says.

        The latter days happened in the first century A.D. just as Jesus said they did. He came back in that generation just as He told them He would, and He established His spiritual Kingdom where He reigns now at the right hand of our Heavenly Father.

        • they.pierced.My.hands.and.My.feet.

          Gina, as I read your reply, I saw that so much emphasis on the “future fulfillment s” blinds some from seeing Messiah’s present reigning, from seeing the flow of His Holy Spirit still proceeding from Him on the Throne.

          • Gina

            Yes, the focus on a future “2nd” coming leads away from the fact that Jesus reigns now. It also leads them to think that they don’t need to do anything, because the “world” is coming to an end, so why bother….. This of course is the mind set that the Zionists and Jesuits are counting on, as they re-established Israel through their plots in 1948 in the face of God’s destruction of it, for their purposes…. Middle Eastern Wars, WWIII, one world gov’t again, one world money system for the international bankers, one world religion which you hear the pope encouraging today…. They plotted the futurist view of Revelation for their purposes, and too many people are swallowing that view without analyzing what the Bible says.

            Let’s ask the question another way…. Since Jesus established His church and His kingdom, since He established that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him, since He made that substitutionary sacrifice for all of us…. why would it be incomplete? What is lacking that requires more from Him? Why would anyone think that He has to abandon His reign in Heaven to come physically back to earth to do anything else?

            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

              “What is lacking that requires more from Him?”

              Revelation 2:26

              And he that overcometh, and keepeth My works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations…


              And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of My Father.


              And I will give him the morning star.

              Any version of events which holds that these verses have already been fulfilled, subscribes to a frail and paltry understanding of August Majesty. These verses mean what they say. Messiah’s people will rule the nations with a rod of iron. That hasn’t happened yet, despite any and all valiant efforts to demand observation believes what it does not see.

              “Why would anyone think that He has to abandon His reign in Heaven to come physically back to earth to do anything else?”

              If the veil was rent in twain, why would He have to abandon anything to come here? There is no abandoning the Heavens to come to Earth. The sky rolling up as a scroll in Revelation should be evidence enough of that. But in a ‘been-there-and-done-that’ view of all prophecy, John’s authoritative descriptions need be attributed to pretentious literary device.

              The Word of God means what it says, madam. Your view demands that too much is left unaccounted for. In the end, no prophetic accounting will be left unsatisfied; not a single word of prophecy shall fall to the ground. One stone shall not be left standing upon another. No exceptions.

    • Klemens

      No to imposition of gender ideology in EU schools!


      “Jesus told them that all would be fulfilled in that generation.”

      That is one understanding of what Messiah said, and it is not incorrect. But in the light of other possibilities, such as distant future fulfilment of Messiah’s promises, another understanding is easy to attain according to the plainly-worded verses.

      “Jesus told them that some would still be living when He returned in His kingdom.”

      And the Apostles were astonished at the suggestion that John should not die. Messiah corrected them, saying in effect: ‘What business is it of yours if I say that he should tarry till I come?’ Now why would the Apostles have been so awe-struck by Messiah’s words, if He was to return within the span of one natural lifetime?

      “He told the disciples in Luke 21:31 that when they saw all these things to know that the kingdom was at hand.”

      And didn’t He also say: ‘NO stone shall be left standing one upon another’? He did. But what is the reality of the situation? The reality is a partial fulfilment of Messiah’s promise. The complete fulfilment is yet future when it is likely that even the stones themselves will not survive the transaction.

      “That limits the time frame to the first century A.D, and places the coming of His kingdom in power in the first century A.D, specifically in A.D. 70.”

      Not if we demand a perfect and complete fulfilment of Messiah’s prophecy, it doesn’t. Also, bear in mind the words of the Prophet Hosea:

      Hosea 6:2

      After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

      What is a day again, according to the Apostle Peter?

      2 Peter 3:8

      But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

      And wouldn’t that put us at about the end of the Sixth Day and closing in on the Seventh Day? It most certainly would. And what is the Seventh Day but the Sabbath Rest of God – and the Thousand Year Reign of His Son here on Earth.

      “So, the last days identified throughout the New Testament, and prophesied throughout the Old Testament, were when Jesus was manifested on earth…”

      Your insistence that the last days took place during the time of the final purging of Judah from the land, is not incorrect, but neither is it complete. Just ask Job, who wrote the following:

      Job 33:14

      For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

      The timeline was never completed. The shadows of the things to come were complete shadows, but you have mistaken them for the ultimate concern.

      “…today we are standing on the other side almost 2,000 years later…”

      Altogether explicitly as Hosea said we would be. Don’t you find that compelling?

      “The beast that carries the woman is not the woman.”

      That is no doubt true.

      “The beast of Revelation was knowable in the day that John wrote the book.”

      Knowable to John, who was given special Revelation.

      “That means that the beast existed when John wrote the book…”

      This is faulty speculation. All that would have existed then was a shadow of the Beast.

      ““Shortly” did not mean 2,000 years later!”

      Is two days ‘shortly’? See Hosea.

      “Jerusalem was influencing her military occupiers.”

      The shadow rears its head. Has anything changed? All that’s changed is ‘Jerusalem’ is now the occupier, albeit through much obfuscation and subterfuge.

      “It was the Roman empire of Christ’s day.”

      But not the Roman Empire of today?

      “Titus, therefore, was the one who “maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth…“. (Rev. 13:13).”

      There’s that shadow we talked about…

      “Vespasian and Titus (both pronounced Caesars) conducted the final war against Israel over a 42 month period, from March A.D. 67 to Sept. A.D. 70 when Jerusalem fell.”

      That almost certainly has to be true.

      “Present tense of the verb, “is”, as written by John in the first century A.D.”

      You know full well (or at least you should) that you can never apply such rules to a man ‘time-traveling’ in prophetic vision. Present tense of the verb applies just the same even if the vision was ALSO for a time in the distant future.

      “John could not be forthright and name Nero for fear of further drawing his anger.”

      This calls for the operation of John’s mind, which is something none of us are privy to. This sort of brazen speculation leads precipitously and inevitably into stagnating error. Previously I insulted you by suggesting you are blind. You are not blind. But you may have disqualified yourself from seeing a more complete picture.

      “The numbering method…”

      The numbering method is called Gematria and it comes directly from the Kabbalah. It is not something we should ever concern ourselves with, and is never an authentic indicator of scriptural truth.

      “Rendered in the English…”

      Gematria usage is for the Hebrew and Greek languages only.

      “Nero Caesar was THE antichrist of Revelation.”

      It is likely Nero was AN antichrist. It is more than likely.

      “Jerusalem was the center of the Jewish world, and all of the Jewish communities throughout the Roman empire sent their tribute annually to Jerusalem. The Jewish communities all gave their allegiance to the Sanhedrin Council in Jerusalem. Thus, Jerusalem had “dominion over the kings of the earth.” (Rev. 17:18)”

      Again I would ask: Has something changed?

      “The city that was thrown down was Jerusalem.”

      A shadow of things to come. Had she then made the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication the way she has done and is doing today?

      “Rome was never in a covenant relationship with God, and thus cannot be considered as the harlot woman of Revelation 17 & 18.”

      A claim based in sound scriptural deduction and reasoning.

      “I am certain that the world faces the wrath of God today.”

      And it will all unfold precisely by the manner in which it is written:

      Ecclesiastes 1:9

      The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

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