Vatican Hiding Evidence Convicting Pope Frances of Killing and Trafficking Children! Evidence Piles Against Him - Court April 7th - Must Read Update!
Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis), Adolfo Pachon (Jesuit Superior General), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury), and many others linked to the Vatican, have been accused of operating a global child trafficking network involving routine and systematic kidnapping, rape, torture, and sacrificial murder of newborn infants and children up to the age of fourteen.
This ‘trafficking network’ is supposed to be part of the NINTH CIRCLE, an alleged Vatican global occult organization. The CIRCLE operates within Roman Catholic cathedrals throughout the world, including: Montreal, New York, Rome, London, Holland, Canada, and other places. It routinely takes children from orphanages, adoption agencies, hospitals, schools, and Indian reservations. These children are then used as sacrifices or for mere pleasure.
The Office of Chief Prosecutor (OCP) has uncovered one such case at a Jesuit run Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. The habitual torture, rape, and sacrificial killing of aboriginal children connected with the Mohawk Confederacy began with the opening of this facility in 1832 and persists today in sub-basement vaults. The OCP made the discovery when forensic remains of children were pulled at mass grave sightings near the school. They also have eye-witness testimonies to the event and para-psychological evidence and documentation from hidden archives of the Church of England in London, Ontario.
The eye-witness persons both agree seeing nine figures in red robes assemble about an altar in a sub-basement chamber under the west wing of the school. A young Mohawk girl age five or six was bound and gagged on the altar, repeatedly raped by all participants, and then killed and disemboweled and dismembered with a ceremonial knife, and her blood was consumed by the nine. The further reported that the corpse was then burned and buried in the woods west of the school.
Excavations commenced based on the eyewitness testimonies that uncovered numerous buttons, uniforms of female students, burnt clothing, and bones that had been chopped.
To see videos on archeological findings of these children click here and here.
There are similar accusations of Jesuit sacrificial rituals involving small children and newborns at Catholic Indian schools in both South Dakota and Omak.
In addition to the evidence above the OCP obtained copies of hidden NINTH CIRCLE files that were under lock and key in the Vatican library. They now have it to be used as evidence against the defendants in court on April 7th. This is a substantial find that could convict Jorge Bergoglio and the others of child trafficking and sacrifice.
All three defendants, Welby, Bergoglio, and Pachon have conspired to conceal the evidence against them. After attempts to publicly discredit their accuser the ITCCS and Kevin Annett failed. They lead a misinformation campaign lead primarily by government-controlled media in Canada, including the misnamed “Aboriginal Peoples’ Television Network” (APTN), to attack the agency. Furthermore they silenced Mohawk elders and eyewitnesses in Brantford through intimidation tactics.
With the court date, just days away, The Secretariat of the Court released the following public statement:
“Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon (Jesuit Superior General) and Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury) will stand trial in absentia on Monday, April 7 after refusing to challenge or deny the criminal charges made against them in the Trial Division of the Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
“The Prosecutor’s Office will commence its case against these three chief defendants on that day and will present evidence linking them to the trafficking, torture and death of children, and to the concealment of these crimes.
“The Court has delayed the opening of the trial by one week, from its original commencement on March 31, after it received confirmation that a covert operations team has been dispatched by the Vatican to disrupt and destroy the work of the Court. The team consists of paid agents of the so-called “Holy Alliance”, the Jesuit-run spying and assassination agency responsible for the silencing and murder of papal opponents.
“The Court has accordingly established new security arrangements for its members and especially its key public spokesman, Reverend Kevin Annett, ITCCS Field Secretary. The Court’s initial sessions will be closed, and conducted at an undisclosed location. However, the Prosecution’s evidence presented to the Court will be made public during the trial through a newly-established Public Information Agency attached to the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.”
See and for further updates.
Here is an important update from Kevin Annett…
This is probably why Pope Francis’ “peace doves” were attacked by another bird…
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You pick a priest who has never been to north America, who urges all of us to help the poor, who has asked the American people not to let the country become communist, and defame him. Why do you hate Catholics so much?
Pope Francis IS the False Prophet. Here is the Proof..
I don’t know about all that but they could sell all those vestments and feed a lot of poor people!
If aliens took over our planet, would they allow our religious leaders to keep lying to us about who we are and our history?
And here is why he APPEARS “benevolent”..
Very intelligent to advertise for free.
your sites that is !
It’s not about Catholicism – it’s about the SATANIC Illuminati Cabal that is really ruling the the Vatican, who abuses Christianity – see:
1. at –
Concurrent satanic rites reportedly took place in the U.S. and St. Paul’s Chapel in the Vatican on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI
Fr. Malachi Martin affirmed:
Satanism has been practiced in the Vatican
2. at –
Vatican Owns £21m Of Apartments In Same Rome Block Housing Europe’s Biggest Gay Sauna Europa Multiclub
By Sara C Nelson, 12/03/2013
3. and at –
Paedophile Priest ‘Exposes Satanic Vatican Rent-Boy Sex Ring’
By Sara C Nelson, 28/06/2013
You really need to look into this before you make a boneheaded comment like that, a world “Grand Jury” was held a couple of years ago to see evidence of these crimes, this story is true and Queen Elizabeth and the pope were both indicted put on trial and found guilty of the crimes stated and served with papers stating that were found guilty of these crimes in “absentia”, or absence of their presence. Come on, get with the program, “Letfreedonring” and lets get the truth out and “let freedom reign”.
Because you won’t stop your priests from raping little boys.
Clear enough? I am SICK of people pretending it is not RAMPANT in the church YOU support.
To be clear, I do not hate you. You are much more than “a Catholic” and I am sure you have fine attributes. Being Catholic is not among them.
I am no fan of the Vatican,
but this article refers to
It is purveying false hope and is very misleading to act as if any human
is currently close to bringing the vatican “to justice”.
Why not just “report the facts” and start a war?
Worked for Randolph Hearst….
Is it any different when minuscule minor media wannabes
want to lie&distort when it better serves their cause?
This goes for ALL of the people on here whatever your political/religious stripe or lack thereof !
I hope that some of you at least may begin to realize that
it doesn’t take absolute power to corrupt absolutely…
it only takes “a little more”.
Most of the people on here are no different than their enemies-
just abusing,distorting&fabricating however it may best serve their cause.
I used to be Catholic. Just remember this, anyone could put up a front. The Bushes put up a front, the Clintons do, etc. Are they Christian? No, they aren’t. They are Satanic. Pope Benedict happens to be in the Illuminati. They sacrifice children to Lucifer. Truth is truth. Even Jesus said, John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
No one hates Catholics as you claim. It isn’t attack. It’s a shock to people who have such a strong belief in their faith and too blind to see the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, which in this case it really does. Even Father Malechi brought up that Satan has infiltrated the church.
I hate the Catholics because it’s the second most ridiculous religion on the planet, first is being a Jedi. If you can’t see the child abuse the misery and the theft the candles have committed, you need Jesus to make you see again, or go to specsavers, because the rest of us have been seeing it for years.
God came down from Heaven and established the Holy See for the spiritual edification of mankind. Lisa Haven and BIN thank God by slandering the Holy See with lies.
Lisa Haven is a brainless moron. Scumtard needs to leave! Tired of seeing your posts.
Here’s a novel idea. If you’re tired of seeing her posts don’t read her articles. Simple as that. Just like I learned not to read articles that don’t allow comments. Don’t trust them for some reason.
Spoken by a simple minded troll.
Dregone is a Dragon of Demonic possession. Lucifer loves You.
BRILLIANT article Lisa!
It’s so baffling (but we can guess why alright!) that the MSM been silent on this very important news and work of Rev. Kevin Annett , and his brave org. , the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State ( – to prosecute the Vatican for its long hidden murderous Pedophilia cult. See – , Biography – Rev. Kevin Daniel Annett, M.A. , M.Div. , January 1, 2013; and at , HIDDEN FROM HISTORY, The Canadian Holocaust: Through the Canadian residential school system, the Christian churches along with state authorities, the judiciary, doctors and the police implemented a policy of genocide against the native population, by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv.
I had thought the German Pope, Ratzinger, with his NAZI past, was scary alright! And then he went on to elect a a German lawyer and financier to head the Vatican bank just before he retired, and still wanting to live in the Vatican after ‘retiring’!
And I do think the new deceiving-looking Pope, with his ‘humility’, was shady when he wanted to QUICKLY legalize gay marriage, abortion and then went on to even bless the Hell’s Angels Satanic Illuminati’s cult! See – ttp:// , POPE JOINS HELLS ANGELS, By Hideaki Tailor on June 17, 2013; and at ; B.C.’s Hells Angels: Rich and Powerful, By The Vancouver Sun September 12, 2004:
The rich and powerful Hells Angels motorcycle club in B.C. — whose members largely eluded criminal charges and flew below society’s radar screen for two decades — are now expanding across the province, bolstering their multi-million-dollar business network and cementing their territorial stake on organized crime…..
It looks like Pope Ratzinger has a good retirement package, free room and board and all the children he can eat.
The only work you are doing here is the work satan. Spreading lies and calumny about the Vicar of Christ because you are either ignorant of the truth or simply too blind to accept it. Instead of defaming a man who is far holier than you are, you might put your talents to a more constructive use.
What’s wrong with you? The Pope is not elected by God, but by men! And we’re talking about the most evil sexual mass murder/sacrifice of CHILDREN, including inside Churches, for goodness sake? Don’t you care about those children – if you’re really a Christian? Vatican has became the Church of Satan, it looks like!!
I would really like to get some proof for these very strong allegations. Specifically, the Pope’s knowledge and involvement of murder currently happening. That would alleviate the arguing going on here, for sure.
How many hail Mary’s would it take to cleanse the vatican for their countless, Godless sins?. Killing in the name of God, only to further the evil empire. How can anyone support the disgusting history of the Catholic Church? Raping children is forgivable in your opinion? You enjoy the invoking lucifer during mass?
By your own admission (your screen name), you are in service to Mary. MARY!!! In the bible (that you obviously haven’t read, as you rely upon MEN in your “church” to TELL YOU what to believe), Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” I would say that’s pretty clear. Then there’s Jeremiah 7:18 – “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” That’s right; tribute to “the queen of heaven” provokes God to anger. I would say that’s pretty clear, also. You are being led astray. Do a little research; start with Semiramis and go from there. Your very soul depends upon it.
Pope Benedict XVI is still holding the reins of power, that benevolent-looking old rat, similar to the Queen of England – the poor old dear, I saw a recent tabloid cover story which commiserated with her because she is supposed to be on the verge of bankruptcy! Pope Francis was brought in to do a PR campaign, and he has suckered millions with his ‘humble pie’. Frankly, every time he kisses a child, I cringe. I am a Catholic, by the way. I don’t doubt at all that the Popes after WWII have been fiends and perverts. JMJ.
When you learn how to pick a title for an article and leave out the disgusting drama in your titles, perhaps I might say something positive about your article.
I have looked at the articles on your bio page and find that you incessantly use drama to try to lure readers to your articles.
Good journalism does not ely upon sensationalism in the titles.
I have a question also. Did you write the entire content of this article? Did you steal it from somewhere else? Did you credit the person from whom it may have been “borrowed?”
I have noticed that there are there who regularly post their articles using the same drama and attention grabbing verbiage in the titles. TMZ, the gossip rag also does this. What does this say about you?
If you are a serious journalist then may I suggest that you act like one?
I only just yesterday stumbled upon this site. After looking it over I felt disgust, actually. As I reviewed the
Bio of a number of individuals posting, cough, news here, I saw a distinct pattern of screaming titles geared toward drawing foot traffic into the store. Even Walmart has a bit more integrity than that.
It’s your comment which is really DISGUSTING and trying to create deceitful LIES of real human misery! Bravo to Lisa’s article here, which is well-researched but obviously, maroons like you love to ignore or they simply can’t read complex stuffs! And those mass murdered children especially the 50, 0000 or more of poor Indigenous Canadian children as exposed by the brave Rev. Annett – are for real! And don’t think lies from the likes of you can simply shut up brave people like Lisa and Rev Annett here!
Hey fool.
I addressed the title.
What is with the TMZ style titles by some of these writers??
She is a big girl. Are you her daaaaadddy?
A story will stand on its own legs and does not need these drama titles. They serve only one purpose… increase views and ratings. That says nothing about the article other than the writer is afraid to let these articles stand on facts alone. Let the titles relay facts……not hollywood drama.
Are you so unable to comprehend what is written that you were unable to glean that from my post.
Go lay down and take a nap Junipr.
Brave Annett, a defrocked[2] United Church of Canada priest.Why was he defrocked/?Annett had made his money claiming to represent the interests of native Canadians. Until they told him to damn well stop it.[4][5]Before his press releases about arresting popes, Annett was known for making extensive claims of exposing ritual murder of native children by government schools. He was active in native activist organisations in Canada[13] — which he had a habit of using to raise money for himself (Wiki) ,yep Bravo good research Lies a Haven.If you’re not disgusted enough do your own research like i did.
no PeterPan is right on the money there. The top stories are all sensational titles and topics that push out the important information being posted.
As to the story in question, yes they did have a court hearing a few years back for the PREVIOUS pope and the queen and so on. They were convicted by that court yet it has no power to back up the conviction. It was up to the rest of the world to go from there and make it happen. It was ignored or thrown into the deepest pit they can find. Why do you think the pope stepped down instead of holding his position till death like all other popes.
Not all priests are like that, but even one is to many.
Ratzoinger was pushed by this “Pope” he didn’t step down. Proving he is innocent. He is a holy man. Unlike the current ‘abomination of desolation’.
The problem with an article like this on BIN is that it is difficult to believe due to all the nonsensical stories that are posted on this site. This could be a well researched and truthful article but because of the many stories that are not researched and properly investigated it is difficult to discern the truth from fiction on here sometimes.
This well-researched article and the TRUTHS by Lisa here is too complex, for your brain!
Why we hate Catholics ……they are the Broad Road leading off to destruction..
they seem to do good.. just like the Mafia who build schools and hospitals..would you be a part of the Mafia? No…well best you get out of the Catholic Church which is very soon to be set upon by the Nations of the world and burned to the ground…Rev 18… read int..
You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. … Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all ..Matthew 24:9
This is why you hate Catholics.
lisa haven if you and your followers will bow down and worship me I will give you power beyond your imagination, just say yes Satan you are my master and lord
Lies a haven is Zionist shill just like annett,he failed to mention that U.N have spread cholera in Haiti and failed to take responsibility,even though they admitted that they were the cause,just like what they are doing in the Philippines with the excuse of polio they are sterilizing all the children.
Revelation 17:15,is referring to the U.N ,cause it says many peoples,nations and languages.
Yeah, right, Lisa and Rev Annett try to expose sexual child murderers by those ‘untouchable’ elite pack of wolves in the ZIONIST-controlled Illuminati Round Table that suspectedly to include the Vatican- and these brave people are supposed to be Zionists?!
Read this – and it might expand your brain!
At –, The Order of Skull and Bones, The Order of Skull and Bone:
……Putting the CFR, TC, Bilderberg Group, and Skull and Bones Secret Societies together with others is known as the ‘Round Table’ organization. They all play a key part in the day to day manipulation of politics, banking, business, education, and the Military, namely NATO…..Rhodes was instrumental in the British taking over Southern Africa and says the goal of the Round Table was to create a World Government that would be controlled by Britain (home base of the Illuminati)…. Although Rhodes founded the Round Table it is controlled and funded by the Rothschild’s banking dynasty.
The inner elite of the Round Table in the US and the UK were key administration members of World War I whom are believed to have engineered the circumstances that led to World War I and World War II…….
And see the most shocking hidden history of how Zionists collaborated with the German Nazis – including discovered by Jewish scholars themselves, at, The hidden history of Zionism, Annie Zirin, International Socialist Review, issue 24, July 2002;, Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion, by ALISON WEIR, Weekend Edition March 4-6, 2011;, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, Lawrence Hill & Co; Revised edition (December 1983), by Lenni Brenner; and, Zionism and Anti-Semitism, By True Torah Jews: against Zionism.
Did lies a heaven ever mention the Zionists involvement at any time? nop cause you cannot serve two masters at one time!Matthew 6:24
Hey! That’s my line!
There is No hiding! Darkness is fading, all will be in the light… dont stress over what you cant control. there is no reason to fight/argue all is done and under control. Enjoy the life you have without harming others physically OR mentally ! Each soul walks their own path physically/emotionally. What one believes another may not. You are who you are ! Live in peace and love. Being considerate of the feelings/beliefs of others! If we agreed about everything we’d die of bordom..the wrath has begun if you look around you will see the world is being torn apart! When all is complete those who remain will have to work together in the new world or all will be lost.. Do you want a happy loving life or war its up to you! Freewill…decide and stand by it! Or be moved out of tje the way…..
If what you say is confirmed then this world is in the “end of days”…. How much worse will it get after this. I pray for these lost children and pray the Holy Spirit for guidance.
“Jesuit run Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.”
I lived in Brantford most of my life, my job is here, and my kids still live here. There was no report of any mass grave or exhumed bodies of children in any local news…. when was this grave found? And there are no schools on the reserve that are not native run, their population won’t allow it. I dated a native girl for 3 years and got to know the reserve, and the people pretty well. If the natives heard about this, they would literally destroy every Catholic church in Brantford. They have the firepower. A little digging explains alot: This school was closed in 1970 as per this article:
I don’t support ANY church, although I do believe in God. From a journalistic standpoint, details regarding the goings on at a school that was last open 44 years ago are at best REALLY sketchy, and in no way can relate to the Pope and clergy who’s trial begins in April.
That said these guys should burn if they are guilty of these crimes…anyone who preys upon children deserves the worst fate imaginable…X 10.
What has the church of England got to do with the Vatican? Just because they were wearing red robes doesn’t mean they were roman Catholics.
I thought Ratzinger was charged with this crime.
I think I read that as well, but he’s hiding in the Vatican so nobody can arrest they do!
In 1953 former Secretary of the Communist Party, USA, Bella Dodd, testified before House and Senate Intelligence Committee’s on how she personally had infiltrated thousands of agents into American government, education, social institutions, etc, and over 1400 agents, many of whom were homosexuals, into the Catholic seminaries who later became Bishops, Cardinals, etc.
In 1962, twelve Vatican Theologian/Historian, while studying documents and papers in the Vatican Archives, in the original languages, discovered the largest conspiracy in world history.
How thousands of Jews who had faked conversion, i.e. called “Marranos” to the Catholic Church had infiltrated up to the highest echelons in order to undermine and destroy the faith. Many of these Marranos are satanic. In 1962 these priest published a book called “The Plot Against the Church” under the pen name “Maurice Pinay” available online to read, which documents the Jewish mission to establish a One World Satanic Judeo-Freemasonic Dictatorship and how they have infiltrated every religion, government, social institution, etc in the world. In 1968, the Roman authorities raided a violent anti-Catholic Masonic P2 Lodge in Rome and discovered lists of its membership, initiation rights and names, which included over 102 high level Cardinals and Archbishops.
Much of this has been warned of previously by many Catholic mystics, who warn that soon both the hierarchy of the Church and the world will be severely punished for its sins. How many Catholics and other Christians for that matter have actively participated or supported abortion, homosexuality, contraception, “immodesty in dress”, divorce, pornography (in near every home via movies and media), drugs, etc, making them as guilty of sin as anyone else – go ahead throw the first stone.
Yet God knows and He will shortly correct these aberrations and the punishment will be severe. The Ten Commandments are in order of their severity, the first three are the most serious as they are against God’s Majesty Itself, the other seven are sins against God’s laws and against charity. Imagine, using the Lord’s name in vain is worse than murder, going to a social or sports function on Sunday, thus ignoring ones obligation, is worse than murder. God’s ways are not our ways and man is attempting to make a new god, one in “his” own image, one who ok’s ones passions and desires over God’s, a material, subservient and mushy god. Do you put a sports game, your car, house, job, wife, children, situation, money, etc, above God when the two conflict, is God second to any of these even on one day or so – then you are guilty of worshiping false idols, you put something or person above God.
Generally agree with what you say, but I hope you are not suggesting that Sunday is the Sabbath Day. And remember that “the evening and the morning” constitute God’s days, so the sabbath begins on Friday at sundown and continues until the following day at sundown.
Its up to the age of Puberty, while 14 is said.. before the age of Puberty the Soul is said to be Pure
Its also said they perform these child sacrifices inside a pentagram to trap or bind the soul, since blood is the essence of the soul
1.3 Million Children go Missing from America alone each year, an est. 500,000 not reported and 800,000 reported some to never be seen or heard from again
These people ? are all RH Negative Blood Types, they are the spawn of Demons and hybrid Reptilians, whether you want to believe it or not
There is a Frequency Fence of Dark Matter from Sirius to Earth Blocking the Light of God/Universe from coming through
You can stop this Madness if you only Realize the Spirit of God is Within You, Bring the Light of God/Universe to you through the Darkness that surrounds it, look to the East beyond the Dark Morning Sun
You are much more then they want you to believe, you were created in the image of God/Universe from the star-dust of the earth a Celestrial Being and one with God/Universe the Father
You have the best comment on this article, your words resonate the truth. If you only convince a few people with your words, you have succeeded. It only takes a few to pick up on what you are saying to start a landslide change.
Lol And meanwhile the real predators of children and the pornography industry goes unnoticed because of jews like Annet the JEWS pay to keep you distracted.
They better hope we never STORM that santanic palace of theirs…For is coming…
Purity has nothing to do with being a physical y The purity is: purity of heart….if your heart is pure then your soul/spirit is pure. Who are you ? A spirit of love to all? Or a spirit of violence, destruction?the unpure are being removed…the creator knows All and knows who will go and who will stay! There is no hiding… All souls can change. thats why theres time gaps between his events. Hes watching and waiting for change within. Time is short… Time to wake up and change the world around you…love spreads quickly like a virus, so does hate. What each person puts out…All recieve
look at the behaviors of those around you and test it.. For 3 days smile and be kind, loving to All that you see. No negative emotions be helpful when needed. you will see the others begin to change… It starts with one and becomes All! Those around you will be kinder and loving to others and so on….. Spreads like a virus…..
Hey! You don’t get to be second in command to the coming antichrist for nothing….but you don’t really need this. His demeanour alone tells the story. Watch him closely for a little longer than 3 secs.
I thought Rev. Annett’s mentioning the Canadian serial killer, Robert Pickton in another video was puzzling and I did some more research! I could not believe what I found! Rev. Annett is one brave man to pursue this area.
Pickton’s case in reality wasn’t just a typical serial-killer stuff but very much political too – where most of the victims are most tragically ‘undesirable’ and poor First Nations’ Indigenous Canadian children (treated as ‘undesirable’ by the racist Vancouver’s police/authority and dismissed simply as missing ”prostitutes and drug addicts” that allowed Pickton and his alleged accomplices to mass murder, rape and cannibalize (suspectedly sacrificed Satanically) children for ten long years! And many Indigenous children are still missing!
Pickton’s case might also be linked the alleged Pedophilia Satanic Illuminati’s Cabal of the notorious Vancouver Club and Dick Cheney – see , Dick Cheney to Speak at Notorious Child Trafficking Center in Vancouver on September 26: A Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State , Posted on September 26, 2011 by itccs.
The Illuminati Cabal are usually murderous Pedophiles anyway (see – , Illuminati Satanism [Documentary] About Satanic Rituals , by EYEOFILLUMINATI2012 (note: Strangely the link does not work at Google or Yahoo – go straight into You Tube website and print: Illuminati Satanism [Documentary] About Satanic Rituals + EYEOFILLUMINATI2012)., as from this Vatican case here; it might be the reason why the Illuminati Cabals are also increasingly forming NGOs to target children refugee orphans, from the wars that they created in the first place, in refugee camps or the ones that they brought over to notorious part of Europe such as Bulgaria, Kosovo and Romania; also for organ trafficking I suspect too – thus also part of the ‘sacrifice’.
Now, since Pickton, his brother, who lives with Pickton (but strangely this brother is not convicted), and even the authority are linked to the Vancouver’s Illuminati’s Hells Angels (see link below), thus, we can see why Pickton does not seem to act alone.
And then to see the Pope/Vatican blessing thousands of Hells Angels as in, POPE JOINS HELLS ANGELS, By Hideaki Tailor on June 17, 2013; and the murderous and criminal, but powerful Hells Angels at, The Illuminati, Satanism, Drugs & the Music Industry, By Exposure on March 4, 2012; and B.C.’s , Hells Angels: Rich and Powerful, By The Vancouver Sun September 12, 2004
- the dots are indeed connecting, within the very dark murderous world of the Satanic Illuminati Cabal!
See –
Cover-ups and controversy
By David P. Ball
….Robert “Willy” Pickton’s property felt like ghosts were reaching out of the ground. Crying for attention.
That’s the recollection of Bill Hiscox, one of the serial killer’s employees, from Pickton’s Port Coquitlam, B.C. pig farm back in 1998—where DNA of 33 women, mostly indigenous, was found. Pickton confessed to killing 49…. The province’s appointed Commissioner, Wally Oppal—who as ex-Attorney General had overseen the controversial dropping of charges—will submit his final report on Oct. 31.
But the inquiry was marred by a mounting barrage of scandals, from baffling to sinister.
Starting with the province’s refusal to fund organizations’ legal counsel—leading to a mass boycott by Amnesty International, the Assembly of First Nations and others—the MWCI’s executive director was suspended after a string of anonymous sexual harassment allegations within its own ranks. Another officer testified that police were having sex with the very women Pickton targeted.
Oppal himself was lambasted for moonlighting as a serial killer victim in a slasher film. He was later seen publicly embracing a Hells Angel (HA) member, despite banning discussion of Pickton-HA links:…..
Lisa, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but those websites
are a total fraud. Every word is a lie. They are the fantasies of
a man named Kevin Annett in Canada who runs them out of his
basement, there are no court cases and no organization except
in his mind.
Wake up! Beforeitsnews is primarily fake. It’s about getting people to click. More clicks means more ad revenue. It’s an internet, supermarket tabloid rag. It’s about pulling emotional strings such as fear and hatred. It’s about getting armies of delusional paranoiacs to click. It’s seldom about real news. It isn’t about truth. Your telling some “Featured” click ho, some born deceiver, that their source is lying garbage is preaching to the choir. They sit around dreaming up lying headlines to lure. They just want the clicks. That’s all. It has nothing to do with reality, documentation standards. Have you not noticed this? When intentionally creating piles of crap is how they make money, what effect do you think telling them their crap is crap will have?
BS! So we’re supposed only to hear to NASTY CIA-Mossad Disinformation project BS LIES from the MSM like CNNoBrainer-Fock News?! Get LOST!
Its also about sucking the good energy from the planet and its source, truth truthtellers, by burying their stories under this crap.
“Its also about sucking the good energy from the planet and its source”
Put most excellently. It has come down to a dark void. Degenerate, silly, ridiculous deception and fantasy that sucks the life out of everything around it. Society is in real trouble. Most of the people here don’t even recognize truth. You could paste pages from a comic book and people would be commenting how the New York Times is covering up the Batman and Green Hornet “news”. Completely delusional.
Somehow I think this story is BS, and I do love a good anti-Catholic conspiracy theory. The links provided above, are all not any reputable sources, by any means. I really do wish there was some proof for these allegations.
What more can you expect from a church that’s sole purpose is to help Satan deceive the entire inhabited Earth. The Catholic church is pagan, involved in politics and war, and operates as though it were a giant for profit corporation. Just like the Anglican church of England. In fact, all religions claiming to be Christian, are in fact false Christian churches. They totally ignore the scriptures and the commands of God and Jesus. They are totally disgusting and abhorrent.
Nice article Lisa..
“Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”)
oilgogreB egroJ (name backward)
g g g
6 6 6 (upside down)
REV 13:18 ‘Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.’
I have always wondered if the mark of the beast could manifest through the action of ‘a blessing’ in the sign of the (invisible) cross on the forehead as a disguise. Does anyone know for sure its put right side up??
The most horrific thing about humanity, is beyond that we are our own worst enemy, it is that absolute power in the hands of humans will always, and I mean always corrupt those who have it. We must learn why this is such a conundrum for mankind. Why is it that our ethics and morals go out the window when we have the power to do whatever we want with impunity.
AND, here is one of the cruxes we face; What God or alien race would want humanity out in the universe spreading its filth and dissonance amongst the stars? Right now, humanity is like a recalcitrant and petulant child, stomping its feet refusing to do what it was told to do.
Humanity should know better. What is holding us back? What are we afraid of? It is now time to come together and accept our differences, but yet be intolerant of those wishing to manipulate us for their own advantage. What long term loving couples have as their advantage, is their ability to be vulnerable with each other, knowing that the other will not take advantage of that vulnerability !!! Get wise people, it is time !!!
The problem with all you people is that you’re so easily sucked into bigotry and disinformation. You are inclined to believe ANYTHING that affirms you in your hatred of Jesus Christ and His Bride, the Holy Catholic Church. You will risk believing anything to prevent yourselves from being wrong and thereby forced into repentance.
Quit knocking the pope. You have no REAL evidence to convict him beyond falsified documents and slanderous rumors. So shut up already. Find something REAL to complain about.
This reply fits right in with Before It News, because after tomorrow is will be news.
We are going to take you all into the Deep Web, to a place that would of never been found, if it was not for Internet Gamers tracking a Anonymous Hacker.
Here is another one and I bet this network is so large, it will make this finding look like a drop in the bucket…
Well we found one of the largest child pron rings, over
1000 photos and hundreds of hidden links, where you must be a member to
see the children.
International Child Porn Ring- Just Busted
This video was band by youtube for copyright infringements. We did not know there was a copyright on child porn images.
Internet Child Porn Ring- Just Busted by the Internet Warlords
Every time I hear Kevin Arnett’s name, I throw up a little. Anti-Vatican rhetoric, under the “guise” of “legal legitimacy”. What a moron.