Pizzagate is the term given to the flow of news and revelations about a possible network of pedophiles that operated in Washington through symbols and keywords within a couple of family pizzerias. In this article we will cover many details about this accusation of child abuse.
When researchers from Reddit and 4Chan began to delve into the subject of Podesta’s leaked emails, they found something a little strange. Strange references to pizza, ping pong, and a small establishment in northwest Washington DC called Comet Ping Pong.
It turns out that within the thousands of Podesta emails that left Hillary Clinton in a bad position in handling the situation in Libya and Syria when she was Secretary of State of the Obama administration, there were also strange emails in which words and words were persistently repeated. phrases that seemed to have no meaning, or contextual meaning.
Only when it was understood that there was a code language in the words of the same, it was possible to measure what was being said in those emails. Podesta and his perverted friends talked about child abuse with an encrypted language that has been widely used in pedophile circles on the Internet for years.
They substitute words related to pedophilia with “innocent” words, some related to fast foods and related ingredients such as “pizza”, “hodotgs”, “masa”, “salsa”, “queso” or more exotic things like “Nuez” or “bandanas” ” of colors”.
According to the archives of the FBI, these terms are used in the most elitist pedophile networks, referring to sexual situations with children that in some cases suggest the practice of more macabre occult ceremonies.
John and Tony Podesta, were also related to a case of great media resonance. The case of the disappearance of a girl named Madeleine McCann, happened in Portugal. It turns out that this little girl vanished from the hotel room where she was vacationing with her parents and little brothers and never appeared again.
The few witnesses who saw something on the day of the events, described two suspicious subjects accompanied by a small girl at the time that Madeleine disappeared, very close to the hotel where she was sleeping.
The identikit realized thanks to its description, is supremely similar to the Podesta brothers, who were on the day of the disappearance of Madeleine, less than 1 km from where the McCann family stayed. The Podesta were staying in the house of another known pedophile, a guy named Clemence Freud, grandson of Sigmund Freud, who had rented their house while he was away.
Returning to the pizza-gate, the thing gets darker when investigating the senders and receivers of John Podesta’s emails. This guy, who spoke in his ear to what could be the president of the United States, turns out to be very close to a scary “artist” named Marina Abramovic. This is a recognized artist who focuses on the occult theme with a rather disturbing aesthetic, and is admired by Hollywood stars such as Lady Gaga or JayZ, among others of the American Jet set.
This character organizes dinners according to the indications of an occult ritual called “spirit cooking” or “spiritual cooking”, which was a “sacrament” created by the black magician par excellence, Aleister Crowley, in which menstrual blood is mixed, breast milk, urine and semen, to create a “painting” … and guess who invited to those venerable dinners ?. Well, nobody but John and Tony Podesta among others. Some claim that Hillarita herself went to those esoteric rumbas.
Brothers Podesta and Abramovic are very close friends of another guy named James Alefantis (name and surname that seems to be a reference in French to “J’aime les enfants” which means “I love children”).
This character seems to be the central axis of the pedophilia network of the pizza-gate. He is the owner of a pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong, a place that in addition to selling pizzas and drinks, is rented for different events; infantile and adult birthdays, presentation of different musical and plastic artists and meetings of a political nature, such as when it was used to raise funds for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the last US presidential election, an event that is organized and announced with the signature and presence by John Podesta.
This type Alenfantis, appears ranked as one of the 50 most influential people in US politics, despite owning only a couple of pizzerias, not a chain of restaurants or a multinational pizza, not the type It has a couple of restaurants and it turns out that it has a huge influence power on the American political elites.(PizzaGate)
But there is another character much loved by many who also appears mentioned by the Podesta emails. The friendly former president of the United States, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. This is an email sent by a guy named Fred Burton from a contractor intelligence agency of the United States government, to several people belonging to the Podesta network.
It is titled as:
“Get ready for the Friday of hot dogs in Chicago.”
And in the message he says:
“I think Obama spent about $ 65,000 from taxpayers on the flight of pizzas and hotdogs from Chicago, for a private party in the White House, not long ago, I have to assume that we are using the same channels.(PizzaGate)
It seems they are talking about a pizza and hot dog delivery service, brought from Chicago for a private Obama party that cost $ 65,000. It makes no sense to take it literally, but it does make sense when we analyze it in the context of the encrypted language used by these networks of pedophiles.(PizzaGate)
And what does this mean? What Obama, the charismatic former president of the United States, is a pedophile? Possibly; it would not be the first time that some president of the United States participates in networks not only of pedophiles, but in openly satanic networks.
It is a complex and spooky issue that precisely because of the strange thing that results, has been disqualified and ridiculed by the mass media disinformation, but surely must be taken up with all this pizza-gate. For example, it has always been said that gleaming figures of Hollywood music and entertainment are slaves or mkultra slaves:
Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Justine Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Natalie Portman, Christina Aguilera, Macaulay Culkin … the list would be endless.(PizzaGate)
The pizzagate scandal was silenced and discredited by the media using the parapet of the term “fake news” or “false news”. Even some investigators in the case, like journalist Andrew Breitbart who worked at the Washington Post, died in rather strange circumstances.
They even carried out a false flag operation with a “vigilante” who made a couple of shots in Comet Ping Pong to give the idea that the whole scandal is the subject of crazy conspiranoicos. All the information that came out on the case in the mass media of disinformation, went with the label of “fake news”.
Thus the dark elite covers their most terrible sins and although they may never get the punishment they deserve in this life, they can not escape the law of karma that will inevitably charge their miserable actions in their other existences.
” HR Puff n Stuff…What to do When Things get Rough’ …
Even hollywood was making fun of this shit. Top positions in government going back decades…ordering the kiddies by the six pack