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By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)
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1.5 Million Fans Willingly RFID-Chipped at Lollapalooza Raises Debate

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Hundreds of thousands of young and old alternative music fans lined up to willingly be tracked with RFID micro-chips at Lollapalooza in Chicago’s Chi-town on Friday.

The chipped “non-removable wristbands” were provided by organizers so that attendees could gain entrance to Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago’s Grant Park, that began Friday August 2nd, according to’s Martin Hill, whose article appeared on the Daily Paul website.

[Watch the YouTube video below, courtesy of We The People Will Not Be Chipped.]

The chipping of people’s wearables is old hat, but the fact that many Americans voluntarily do so raises debate about being tracked and newer tactics used to chip people.

For years, innocent targeted individuals (TIs) have seemingly outlandishly complained of being involuntarily covertly micro-chipped, not just by small chips left in personal belongings, but also via “non-removable” injection.

“Hitachi holds the record for the smallest RFID chip, at 0.05mm × 0.05mm,” according to Wkipedia.

Some of those TIs have provided medical evidence of injected RFID chips to courts, such as James Walbert in Kansas.

[See: Secretly forced brain implants, a four-part series]

Some were selected to appear before Obama’s Bioethics Commission where they recounted their miseries.

[Click here to watch a video of TI Lisa Becker providing her testimony to the Bioethics Commission]

“In what has become a controversial story as time goes on, due to the increasing research into RFID technology, it still remains a little unclear as to exactly why Mythbusters was not able to do a show discussing RFID technology,” says Joe Martino for IntelHub.

At North Dakota State University, “researchers developed a new way of embedding traceable chips within ‘smart’ paper — raising the possibility of banks and governments guarding against counterfeiting and even tracking the usage of paper money,” IEEE Spectrum reporeted in May.

On the Lollopalooza festival website, organizers “put a positive spin on the RFID tags, explaining, ‘We’re saving paper and saving you the hassle of redeeming a paper ticket for your wristband!’

A warning to fans was issued: If you remove the wristbands for any portion of the three day event, it is automatically invalidated and can not be re-used. No refunds or replacements are given.

The event warns of their “crack security” team and an infamous “trouble” table if any anomalies are noticed in a wristband, which “will be confiscated” if they appear “messed with.”

Could such control and violation of privacy happen outside the arena of a music festival, without knowledge or consent, or is this fear overblown?

Due to overwhelming complaints in Missouri about the capacity to implant RFID without knowledge or consent, the state became the fourth to ban their use on employees.

The Associated Press reported that ”Missouri has passed HB 2041, which makes it a misdemeanor for any employer to ‘require an employee to have personal identification microchip technology implanted into the employee for any reason.’ Radio frequency identification (“RFID”) technology transmits data wirelessly and is usually used to track packages in warehouses or pets.”

Missouri joined CaliforniaNorth Dakota (pdf) and Wisconsin (pdf), both of which also passed legislation forbidding mandatory RFID implantation in humans. 

A number of other states are reviewing RFID privacy issues.

Washington state passed a law to prevent “skimming” (unauthorized gathering of data from RFID tags), and California has also debated similar legislation.

Alaska and New Hampshire have also considered legislation and a bill that would create penalties for illegal use of RFID technology, prohibit electronic tracking of individuals without valid court order or consent, and prohibit forced implantation of RFID devices in humans, according to the AP.

Some conceptualize a future where every movement is tracked by the government, says Wikipedia:

“In the book SpyChips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre, one is encouraged to “imagine a world of no privacy. Where your every purchase is monitored and recorded in a database and your every belonging is numbered. Where someone many states away or perhaps in another country has a record of everything you have ever bought. What’s more, they can be tracked and monitored remotely”.

Others worry that the chip can be used not only for passive information gathering, but is also reversable: Used to send signals to the chipped human.

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    Total 31 comments
    • rtmichigan

      Should’ve called It chip-a-paloosa!

      No waiting in line for FEMA-camp-a-paloosa!

      And after that Plastic-coffin-paloosa!!

    • Fr.Duffy Fighting 69th

      Baaaa Baaa Baaaaaaa

      • yahuashua

        I see you are fluent in speaking SHEEP ! LOL

        • tayronachan

          Probably a baa idea to know baaaa-baa Sheeple. Never know when baaa might baaa ba handy.

    • GK

      Wow. So now removable paper wristbands scare the crap out of you? Better secure that tin foil hat! They’re coming for you!

      Seriously though, this is the dumbest thing to be scared of. Every event anywhere that uses paper wristbands warns you that of you remove them, you cannot use them again. Get over it. The chip makes out easier and faster to scan and get you through the lines and into the show. GET OVER IT.

      Combine the two technologies and now we suddenly have FEMA sheep camps? You have successfully deluded yourself beyond the point of help, and are officially insane. Eff you.

      • Scared Soldier

        Sheeple! Go ahead and get one, My cat died from cancer and inside the main tumor was one of these chips.

      • MAC JAM

        I agree with you i am absolutely against injected or permanent RFID of any kind But it does seem to me that if its going to be used at all on human beings, that this is an example of a relatively harmless way of doing it, I mean removable paper wrist bans that you only have on for a short time Now i know the RF frequency can be harmful over time i have seen the animal studies but for the amount of time you have it on for some event, well i don’t see the harm.

        • LightandLife

          It has nothing to do with “harming someone”… these people are afraid it is the “Mark of the Beast”

      • IronDog

        GK…really..tin foil hats?…I thought that joke was over already. clearly when one makes such flippant statements without any to present to the contrary is not only foolhardy but is quite dangerous in the manner of “not being too sure of”, so….you honestly believe that the implications present in having the said technology is there just for the sake of being “easier and faster”…grow up…and take a look around you…ah…but you won’t do that now will ya?? fact you will just scoff at what is right in front of your face..heaven forbid you actually do some research into these questions: Why was there a world-wide switch from analog to digital signal? Why did the cable companies switch from co-axial to uni-axial? or What is the “tone” you here when you are hearing “nothing”….and What does it mean when the “tone” changes?
        happy sleuthing or whatever you do…

    • Rick

      This is really a tool that has been used for a while. In hospitals the use of RFID chips on newborns to prevent abductions has been used for at least the last 10 years. It’s even rumored that the ID badges used in some businesses have RFID chips that security departments can use if ordered to track employees. Every time you use badges on card readers it tracks what door you used. Some businesses have tailgating policies because of this practice. Nothing new to see here. Oh and by the way there are no disclosure requirements for this equipment. But just wait until you see the new cloud system telemetry equipment used by healthcare facilities. You know what would be really cool… put RFID’s in all the illegals or better yet make them mandatory for voters.

      • Freeamerican

        No citizens do not need surveillance chips for voting, the illegals need to go back to where they came from. Your come on of pretending it’s for safety is the same as the government. That cloud goes with the smart grid and rfid listening chips that are being put into all new appliances and clock radios, which is – not cool. This isn’t a tool for our benefit it’s a surveillance and control agenda. Time to stop being sheep. Read some facts here

    • Ladyjo

      such a mistake on their they not know that they can now be turned off?…all they have to do is send an impluse and it will stop their hearts..need protection..investigate this

    • Болеслава

      Missouri sounds like best place to be.

    • Wiggletooth

      I think the worst think about America is how extremely gullible and uneducated people are that believe and promote this garbage. They were/are paper wristbands… PAPER, like we all use at every major event. No INJECTIONS. LMMFAO! … :mrgreen:

      • SAC Crewdog

        Please, read the article and look at the pictures.
        They are not discussing paper wristbands, but rfid chips that are actually injected below the skin.
        Try to stay on subject, and ignore the squirrels.

        • Kwisatz Haderach

          Maybe you should take your own advice. They did not inject 1.5 million fans with implanted RFID chips. They gave them wristbands with RFID chips.

      • Deborah Dupre

        Right – but it was written to offer opportunity for people to discuss and debate how far Americans will go so they can be tracked and controlled. Thank you for reading it and commenting.

    • Jerry

      We now know where you go, who you meet, what you say, and the sexual position you last used comrade.

    • Wiggletooth

      I KNEW you wouldnt post it. HA HA HA!!!

    • Anonymous

      So? They are 1.5 millions moron living in USA!
      USA! USA! USA! USA! :wink:

      • Joerg Klaemt

        You can add another three zeros behind that figure

      • Deborah Dupre

        Thanks for the laugh. “USA!”…

    • Antirerrorist

      With scanners that can read your finger prints, retinal, facial recognition, voice and movement recognition programs who in there right mind would want to be chipped? Unless you like being branded as an animal.

    • Anonymous

      Those are old.

      The new ones can be placed on this . (dot)

      Meaning they can inject you without you knowing about it.

    • Yikes!

      Wow, was this terribly written. Still good info, but sheese it was a chore to read. Jumped all OVER the place with no organization or sense.

    • silverbutton1

      Looking for a job in RFID ! Look no further. China has jobs open for you !

      just an FYI folks.

    • Louis

      And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and [upon] them which worshiped his image

      This sounds just like the plague that the book of revelations speaks of. I can see this coming with the ilk we have controlling those, our representatives, in Washington.

      Excellent article.


      No one got chipped did they, no. They just had to wear the wristband for entry. I love these hyped up BS stories. Thanks for wasting my time.

    • Cleareyes

      I picture one day humans on conveyer belts systems weekly on Sabbath probably being led a culling. Everything about you they will know, especially their financial history, cause that’s what it’s all about, you owe you go. The bottom falls out above a great canyon, to be filled with the carcasses, and to feed the condors!

    • Gojiroiscoming

      Millions of people willingly RFID-chipped at the grocery store every day.

      • Deborah Dupre

        Exactly. What you buy can be traced right into your home and your credit card if you did not use cash to buy it.

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