How AI Digital Clones (Digital Twins) Have Been Made as Simulations of Everyone on the Internet to Predict Their Actions and Manipulate Them. Targeted Marketing Pays For it All
How AI Digital Clones (Digital Twins) Have Been Made as Simulations of Everyone on the Internet to Predict Their Actions and Manipulate Them.
Targeted Marketing Pays For It All
You Are Not Only a Commodity Sold on the Internet, You have a Digital Simulation of Yourself that is Owned by Big-Tech that Knows You, Better Than You Know Yourself…
An AI Digital Simulation of YOU Has Already Been Created, to Predict Your Actions and to Manipulate You. Yes, they Sell Your Private Information that is Used to Target you For Marketing. But This is FAR MORE POWERFULL than Merely Targeted Advertising. If Big-Tech has this Secret Simulation of us, you can Bet the Government and Intelligence Agencies.
After all, DARPA and The CIA Created Big-Tech. They Are Their Puppets.
With the Speed that Technology Advances, it will just be a matter of a couple years that the Full Level of a Simulation will be Total.
When you combine the Power of DARPA Total Information Awareness with a Digital Twin, You Have a Terrifying Digital Monster…
@OratorBlog 11-4-2021
The DARPA Total Information Project created a Tremendous Backlash once it was Exposed. But 9/11 was a Game Changer. The Project was Rebranded as a Tool to Hunt Terrorists.
Regardless of ANY LAWS, DARPA BLACK OPS Continue Unimpeded as Unacknowledged.
The Homeland Security Act and the proposed DARPA “Total Information Awareness” (TIA) program.
Under the guise of combating terrorism, our federal government proposes to assemble — absent probable cause and/or search warrants — comprehensive investigative data dossiers on ALL American citizens as well as foreigners in the U.S.
If You Don’t Know What DARPA Is, You Should Probably Read This
6. DARPA sponsored Bio surveillance program Bio-ALIRT, which collected the medical records of millions of Americans without their knowledge or consent.
Even before 9/11 sent government agencies into Orwellian overdrive, DARPA had been leveraging a surveillance program known as Bio-ALIRT, for Bio-Event Advanced Leading Indicator Recognition Technology. Supercomputers did the job, scanning all available databases of medical records of American citizens.
5. Under the umbrella of a system known as Total Information Awareness, DARPA spearheaded many of the surveillance programs abused by the NSA.
DARPA’s Total Information Awareness concept created a veritable buffet of advanced surveillance and data mining programs, many of which ultimately were folded into NSA’s PRISM. We now know that PRISM culled citizens’ personal data from companies like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, and was later leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden. Total Information Awareness programs include:
— Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery program (EELD) – Sole purpose is to gather as much information about both terror suspects and average American citizens as possible, using “phone records, computer searches, credit card receipts, parking receipts, books checked out of the library, films rented, and more.” Goal is to assess Megadata on 285 million people a day in real time.
— Scalable Social Network Analysis (SSNA) – Program “monitors telephone calls, conference calls, and ATM withdrawals … also sought to develop a far more invasive surveillance technology.”
— Activity Recognition and Monitoring (ARM) – With England’s CCTV surveillance cameras as a model, ARM created a massive database of people going about their everyday lives. Using advanced facial recognition software, the program highlighted any behavior that was outside the realm of a preprogrammed “ordinary,” the definition of which remains classified.
— Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text (DEFT) – Operating on a 28-million-dollar budget, this program utilizes advanced computer algorithms to analyze text-based messages in all shapes and forms, from text messages to reports, with the aim being to comprehend “implied and hidden meanings through probabilistic inference.” The full use of DEFT in the United States is classified.
— Nexus 7 – With a classified budget, this particularly murky program studies and tracks social network content. First used in Afghanistan in a defense capacity, when aimed at domestic networks the use of the program is a mystery.
[Source: The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top Secret Military Research Agency.]
2. DARPA’s Narrative Networks program developed classified techniques used to manipulate trust in humans.
For its Narrative Networks (N2) program, DARPA collaborated with a CIA agency called the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA) to develop methods of overwriting messages in the human mind. In an article for entitled “DARPA looking to master propaganda via Narrative Networks,” the program was described as having two parts: first, to understand what happens in the human mind when someone sees or hears a message; second, to figure out how to control how the brain interprets the message.
One researcher described Narrative Networks as an attempt to “detect narrative influence … [for the] prevention of negative behavioral outcomes … and generation of positive behavioral outcomes, such as building trust.”
“The government is already trying to control the message, so why not have the science to do it in a systematic way?”
Human Digital Twins. What Are They and Why Are They?
Human digital twins – for digital natives
Another meaning of digital twins is the purely true digital meaning of it.
Imagine that you as a person are represented digitally. Your digital activities, behavior, decisions, and future decisions are not only known but silently influenced by your digital shadow.
And no, don’t think about a 1:1 digital simulation of your body, because it’s another meaning within the health context. We’ll address futuristic digital replicas next, so let’s focus now on near term meanings and consequences. “Down in the park, with a friend called Five”
The dystopian AI (Artificial Intelligence) future usually portrays humanoid robots who are cruel to people. They live among the people and interact with them in the physical world. In other words, it’s a digital being which becomes physical by using human-like shape, skin and motion.
In the case of human digital twins, it is the humans who are being gradually replicated into the digital world, without any individual physical representation (ok, you can think of fiber optics and huge data centers, and yes, you are correct).
And no, it’s not the Matrix-kind, or a Second Life type of representation. It’s much more in the shadows. No 3D models, ‘just’… your behavior, emotions and decision patterns. Sorry, there may not even be another funny avatar of yours anymore.
Your digital twin lives somewhere within the layers of complex neural networks and petabytes of data, so as to help train them even better. Yet, it’s always close to you, following your every step and even making you do things it wants for its creators.
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn’t go away”
Every time you access a digital device, even when you move or just sit with your smartphone, there’s data generated. And, this data is used to build your digital profile. With enough data fed constantly to the cloud and into new AI and machine learning technologies, your digital twin is being created. Yes, at this very moment, and the moment after.
It’s not just your web browser, not even your smartphone, but also your car, and all the IoT-based wearable devices such as smartwatches that monitor your heartbeat as you watch another episode of a Netflix series or watch online advertisements.
There are modern ways of combining all of this real-time data into a single digital image of your digital twin.
In our context: if it clicks/taps like you, if it searches like you, if it buys like you, if it goes/drives to the places like you, if it sleeps and walks like you, then it is you, your digital twin.
This trend and idea is not about the classical analysis of your behavior and predicting your behavior in the future, and it’s not even about just emulating your future actions. It’s about softly, kindly, and inevitably making these decisions for you.
Influencing the results of elections or filling your e-basket with useless items is just the beginning.
So, what actually happened? Your smartphone becomes your primitive digital twin/companion constantly following you and you empower “him” to get familiar with the other digital twins around you, but without your special confirmation. In this case you delegate to him some primitive functions. But who stops you, for example, from allowing your digital companion to talk to cafes around you and check for specialties and personal propositions?
The most popular reaction to this trend is, well, the lack of any, mainly because of the total lack of awareness of this phenomenon.
Digital detox – starve your digital twin!
One of the concepts to defend against massive privacy violations leading inevitably to the digital twin, is to deprive it from its food; and the food in this case is data.
The most dangerous situation for your privacy is when all your data belongs to the one organization. Hint: do you know why Android OS is free and open sourced?
Switch off your smartphone and just use it as dumb phone. Use VPNs, TOR, local navigation instead of internet maps, Linux, etc. and block tracking cookies. The delete Facebook (#deletefb), delete Google (#deletegoogle), and delete Instagram movements are getting stronger, etc.
The company Eternime offers the possibility of creating a virtual clone by uploading all our personal information in a digital form. According to the website ( “Eternime collects your thoughts, stories and memories, curates them and creates an intelligent avatar that looks like you. This avatar will live forever and allow other people in the future to access your memories.”
Another cloud-based company Replika ( offers an “AI companion who cares. If you’re feeling down, or anxious, or just need someone to talk to, your Replika is here for you 24/7.”
This is what is being MARKETED TO THE PUBLIC.
Think About how much more Advanced Big-Techs Secret Applications really are?
And You can be CERTAIN Intelligence Agencies and Military Research (DARPA) is Completely Beyond what we could even Believe.
This is Not Merely Conjecture. It is Now Being Done in the Real World.
[VR Human Documentary] Mother meets her deceased daughter through VR technology. CAN YOU SAY, CREEPY?
Have you missed someone, in your memories?
Jang JiSung, a mother of four children, had to let her third child, NaYeon, seven-year-old, three years ago. And today she reunites with Na yeon again through VR(Virtual Reality) technology.
Will she be able to say goodbye?
The Journey to Digital Immortality 2015
Eternime avatar
Could an AI avatar collect all your thoughts and memories, then become a digital clone of yourself and “live” forever?
It is 2015 and we are closer to launching the Eternime avatar that will eventually become your digital alter ego, your immortal bits-and-bytes clone. Two years, two pivots, all personal savings invested, a new team, more than 30,000 people waiting for it, and we’re one step further on this amazing journey, ready to launch and start fundraising for the next chapter. The past two years have been “part poetry, part hero’s journey, part weird Tarantino movie” as a friend of mine says, so here’s the story of the Eternime journey until today.
It seemed the best opportunity to take the crazy “Skype with the dead” idea to the next level and get onboard with mavericks that could bring this absurd thing closer to being real.
CNET: Eternime wants you to live forever as a digital ghost
An upcoming service aims to keep a digital version of you alive for your loved ones after you die.
When people die, they leave behind a gaping chasm in the lives of their loved ones. People sometimes talk to the dead. Sometimes they look for the dead to speak back, as centuries of séance and Spiritualism will attest.
Startup Eternime, founded by MIT fellow Marius Ursache, seeks to offer similar comfort. Rather than ghosts or spirits, however, Urasche is using digital avatars and chatbots. He draws inspiration from science fiction, not spirit guides.
Give Eternime access to your social media profiles and the startup’s algorithms will scrape your posts and interactions to build a profile. It will see the photo of the muffin you posted to Facebook and the article on retirement finances you shared on LinkedIn. The algorithms will study your memories and mannerisms. They’ll learn how to be “you.”
The result: a digital copy of you.
How Everyone is ALREADY Being Tracked and Programmed Through Your Smart Devices
The Entire System is Completely Hidden from Users and They Are Never Told, let alone Asked if They Want to Participate with ANY OF THIS. But Private Data is the New Gold that is Preferred Above All Other Capital, and it is Being Stolen and Sold to the Highest Bidder.
Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary. 4,240,755 views Dec 20, 2019
Facebook’s Predictive Programming is SO POWERFUL they Can Guarantee their customers a SALE with 100% Assurance. They Have So Much Data Collected From Users that they KNOW What You Are Going to Do BEFORE You Do.
CA Cambridge Analytica was Exposed for Using Facebook User Data to manipulate Their Voting Preferences.
Whistleblower Chris Wilely Revealed They Knew SO MUCH that they Could TARGET and Manipulate Users Fears and Emotions or Feed their Desires.
“There IS an alliance between Big-Tech companies and Big Government that is enabling the surveillance of our citizens outside of the normal legal controls in our respective countries … but that takes us into the territory of Edward Snowden’s “Permanent Record”.
Digital Immortality Wikipedia
Digital immortality (or “virtual immortality”) is the hypothetical concept of storing (or transferring) a person’s personality in digital substrate, i.e., a computer, robot or cyberspace (mind uploading). The result might look like an avatar behaving, reacting, and thinking like a person on the basis of that person’s digital archive. After the death of the individual, this avatar could remain …
Intelligent Virtual Personas and Digital Immortality
Intelligent Virtual Personas and Digital Immortality
Over the last few years, two, linked aspects of the virtual human concept have been of particular interest to me: virtual personas and digital immortals.
“Whilst most of today’s Virtual Influencers seem to be the non-real-time creations of brand makers and art departments, a logical next step is for them to become more real-time so they can engage in a wider variety of activities.”
Virtual personas are virtual humans based around a specific person and are increasingly being referred to as Digital Twins. Whilst that person could be an artificial person, such as a virtual influencer, my real interest, and probably the more challenging task, is the creation of personas based on real, living (not historical) people.
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, The Book-
“The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” is an important work: a landmark describing the massive, shadowy forces that are driving much of the Digital Revolution in the West. Reading it will cause you to consider whether we are being swept unwittingly into digital people-hives constructed by Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft solely for their commercial gain and whether in the process we are inadvertently relinquishing human agency. Prof. Zuboff’s evidence and argument challenged my core values – and they may do the same for you. Reading through over 500 pages of core content (far more if you follow through the copious end notes) will take significant time and effort, but it was an investment that I found returned much more than I had to put in myself.
“Surveillance Capitalism”, says Zuboff, “concerns the science of prediction”. Like traditional capitalism, it takes things hitherto outside the market, commoditizes and trades them in the marketplace. Surveillance capitalism seizes ownership of our private human experience as a free raw material to be turned into behavioral data. It is fed into the surveillance capitalism supply chain and converted into ‘Prediction Products’. These products are traded, claiming to predict what we will do now… soon … and later. It is this market that drives the precision targeting of digital advertising today but will eventually underpin all forms of advertising and promotion. Surveillance capitalism was born at a moment of financial emergency: after the crash, when Google’s premier investors were questioning whether they would ever see a return. Google already knew the potential value to be gained from analyzing the digital exhaust of our web searches but had rejected using it on the grounds that it would taint the value of their search results. In early 2000 they suspended their historic rejection of advertising revenues and started to capitalize on that ability to predict click-through rates.
The Beginning
The story begins back in 2000: the early days of the Digital Revolution (what World Economic Forum calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution).
Zuboff describes a Georgia Tech project called the “Aware Home”; designed to be a “living laboratory” for the study of “ubiquitous computing”. They were combining information from in situ sensors with that coming from wearable devices. Three assumptions underpinned this work:
1) Information produced from this study would represent an entirely new domain of knowledge;
2) the rights to use that new knowledge would belong exclusively to the occupants of the house and
3) the home however modern, would remain the private sanctuary of those who live there.
We are now entering an explosive phase of growth in ‘Smart Home’ products. In 2018 the market was worth $36bn USD and it is expected to grow to $151bn by 2023. However, that growth has come at a high price for consumers. Google/Nest is a leading provider of Smart Home devices. They (along with most other players in the market – though not all) have seized control of this new domain of knowledge for their own benefit. They have obscured their activity behind a byzantine web of complex end-user agreements. In a study cited by Prof. Zuboff, University of London researchers estimate that accepting the standard user agreement that accompanies a single Nest smart thermostat (which is required to use the device effectively) gives assent to almost 1000 connected agreements. Companies like Google, who own the Android mobile phone operating system as well as Nest and sell many other ‘smart’ devices use the information they can gather to build incredibly intimate, near real-time pictures of the daily lives of individuals and households in their reach. Far from being a private sanctuary, most ‘smart’ homes are now well-equipped people labs, providing industrial volumes of raw behavioural data to equipment providers. To suggest that the smart home users have given informed consent to this use of the private information is absurd. The dream of a ‘smart home’ envisaged at Georgia Tech has turned very sour.
In Zuboff’s mind, this intrusion goes even further when we are ‘required’ to wear smart watches or install black-boxes in our cars that provide telemetry information in order to provide insurance companies with near-certain outcomes to their contracts. The Digital Revolution has created massive asymmetries of power and knowledge in modern life, where the rights of individual self-determination are being overwhelmed by the Surveillance Capitalists.
Where Google led, others followed
Google may have been the first to exploit the ‘behavioural surplus’, but Facebook followed close behind. Wrestling with the same financial challenges as Google, they hired Sheryl Sandberg from Google to help them make money. Sandberg took her Google experience and applied it to Facebook; leading Prof. Zuboff to give her the epithet the ‘Typhoid Mary of surveillance capitalism’. Facebook’s surveillance data has one massive advantage over most of the competing surveillance businesses, in that their information was provided directly by us, and from our own networks. Amazon under Jeff Bezos and Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella are also described as ‘mainlining surveillance capitalism’. The growth of their advertising revenues suggests the recipe is working well for them as well. Surveillance capitalism is a powerful engine that generates massive profits for the few who have the means to use it.
Google and businesses like them have discovered that staggering wealth can be generated by harvesting every trace (seemingly by fair means or foul) of behavioural surplus, enriching it and trading ‘Prediction Products’. The initial forms of surveillance capitalism were built entirely from our forays into the virtual world through search engines on the internet. Now this surveillance has moved into the physical world: in public and increasingly in spaces we considered to be private – like our cars and our homes.
Authoritarianism versus Instrumentarianism
We can see many parallels between the behaviour of the surveillance capitalists with authoritarian regimes, like China. The Chinese experiment in the Social Credit system looks like the kind of behavioural controls that Sandy Pentland and BF Skinner have advocated. Though there are similarities of action, Zuboff draws a firm distinction between the motives and sources of power exercised by the Chinese State and the Western Technology Giants.
(I say she is Self Decieved or Lying)
Big-Tech will soon not only be Able to Predict Your Behaivior, but CONTROL IT
Nov 24, 2020
A New Economic Order that uses Human Experience, Oneline and Offline Activities, Private Information, Personal Preferences, Behaiviors and Personalities To Predict your Behaivior.
The Next Phase that we are in NOW, is the Working Towards the Advancement of the Ability to Program, Manipulate and Control You.
(Re)Creating “Society in Silico”: Surveillance Capitalism, Simulations and Subjectivity in the Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal
Vito Laterza
This article provides a different angle to understand the Cambridge Analytica (CA) data scandal.
It focuses on the role of “MODELS and SIMULATIONS” in the big data campaigning tools CA allegedly used, and their epistemological and ontological potential to produce and reproduce voters’ “DIGITAL DOUBLES” that would first colonize and eventually replace the analogue selves they were related to.
By integrating and revising Zuboff’s surveillance capitalism framework with Debord’s classic theory of the Spectacle, the article argues that-
the Dystopian Simulations Played as real-life experiments by surveillance capitalist firms such as CA have-
the ultimate goal of replacing analogue humanity with digital humanity –
the two kinds are ontologically different albeit dialectically related. The predictive models that these simulations produce is only as good as the capacity of the-
Digital Doubles in the Simulations to shape the Behavior of Analogue Selves in line with the Simulations’ parameters and goals.
Book: The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility
Kevin D. Haggerty
Richard V. Ericson
Welcome to the Society of Control: The Simulation of Surveillance Revisited (pp. 55-78)
Here are two illustrations of the simulation of surveillance, one from an Internet advertisement for Spector, a piece of software that monitors and records people’s computer use, the second from an editorial outlining the dangers of a plan by the U.S. Defense Department, called Total Information Awareness (TIA), to create a universal database that will supposedly thwart terrorists and enhance ‘homeland security.’
Imagine a surveillance camera pointed directly at your monitor, filming away everything that is done on your Macintosh. That is the idea behind the number one selling Internet Monitoring and Surveillance software, Spector.
Spector works by automatically taking…
The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary explosion in technological means of reproducing and simulating human-like behavior. AI chatbots such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Apple’s Siri, are being continuously improved and optimized to give the impression of conversing with a human person who is omniscient, fun and endlessly obliging. AI powered smartphone apps offer to provide a vast range of simulated human interactions including cognitive behavioral therapy, personal coaching and 24/7 companionship.
The chatbot Woebot, which bills itself as “your charming robot friend who is ready to listen, 24/7,” uses artificial intelligence to offer emotional support and talk therapy. The bot checks in on users once a day, asking questions like “How are you feeling?” and “What is your energy like today?” Alison Darcy, Woebot’s founder said that humans open up more when they know they’re talking to a bot. “We know that often, the greatest reason why somebody doesn’t talk to another person is just stigma,” she says. “When you remove the human, you remove the stigma entirely.”
The company Eternime offers the possibility of creating a virtual clone by uploading all our personal information in a digital form. According to the website ( “Eternime collects your thoughts, stories and memories, curates them and creates an intelligent avatar that looks like you. This avatar will live forever and allow other people in the future to access your memories.”
Another cloud-based company Replika ( offers an “AI companion who cares. If you’re feeling down, or anxious, or just need someone to talk to, your Replika is here for you 24/7.”
A major goal in the race for ever more realistic simulation of human conversation is to enable AI chatbots to monitor in real time the emotional state of the human they are interacting with, using a variety of techniques including face, movement and voice analysis. Affectiva makes AI software that can detect vocal and facial expressions from humans, using data from millions of videos and recordings of people across cultures. Rana el Kaliouby, Affectiva’s CEO and co-founder, said “What if you came home and Alexa could say, ‘Hey, it looks like you had a really tough day at work. Let me play your favorite song and, also, your favorite wines in the fridge so help yourself to a glass,’
It seems likely that interactions with apparently human-like and ‘emotionally intelligent’ AIs will become common-place within the next 10 years. But how should we think of these ‘relationships? Can they play a helpful role for those struggling with loneliness or mental health problems, or those merely wishing to have an honest and self-disclosing conversation? Or could synthetic relationships with AI’s somehow interfere with the messy process of real human-to-human interactions, and with our understanding of what it means to be a person?
Baudrillard’s analysis of the different stages of simulation provides an instructive lens to view these technological developments. The first stage of simulation is when the representation provides an accurate and trustworthy reflection of a profound reality; “…the image is a good appearance – representation is of the sacramental order.” Perhaps an example of this would be the way that many human-to-human relationships have been initiated via the internet. In the beginning the human person was only exposed to a digital avatar of the other. But the digital avatar turned out to provide an accurate and trustworthy representation of the other human, leading to the development of an authentic and life-enhancing relationship.
In Baudrillard’s second phase the simulation masks and denatures a profound reality. Perhaps an example of this would be the numerous internet-based scams, in which one human being uses digital technology to deceive and manipulate another person. The avatar appears to offer human friendship or romance, but in reality, it is the tool of a pedophile, a conman, a cybercriminal. The ultimate consequence for the person who has been scammed and abused may be a lessening of trust and openness to others. The effect of the simulation is both to hide what true relationships can be, but also to ‘denature’ or permanently damage their reality. Hence Baudrillard highlights the evil potential of a simulation which “masks and denatures” the profound reality of what it means to be human and to have an authentic trusting human relationship with another human being.
In the third phase the simulation masks the absence of a profound reality; “it plays at being an appearance – it is of the order of sorcery.” This may be seen in simulated relationships with ‘emotionally sensitive’ AI chatbots. The impression is of a human person who is empathic, caring and genuinely interested in my welfare. ‘It looks like you had a really tough day at work. Let me play your favorite song and, also, your favorite wines in the fridge so help yourself to a glass,’ But of course the chatbot doesn’t care about anything. Its ‘empathy’ is merely clever programming. The simulation is designed to mask the fact of its inauthenticity – of the absence of the profound reality of human compassion. In a similar way the “intelligent avatar that looks like you and will live forever and allow other people in the future to access your memories” seems to be designed to conceal the reality that I cannot live forever in this limited human body. Digital immortality seems a pale and inauthentic simulation of the real thing!
In Baudrillard’s final stage the simulation breaks free from reality completely – it becomes its own pure simulacrum. When it comes to AI simulated relationships, this stage seems at present to be mainly explored in science fiction. But perhaps one real world example would be the media furor that developed in 2017 over research undertaken by Facebook. The company had been experimenting with AI bots that negotiated with each other over the ownership of virtual items and the bots were programmed to experiment with language in order to see how that affected their dominance in the discussion. It was reported that over time the bots seemed to invent a new language to communicate with each other, leading to sensationalist media coverage that they were trying to outwit their human masters. The creators of the bots responded that the media conspiracy theories were pure nonsense. But the interaction between two AI bots, no longer engaging with human beings but entirely with each other perhaps illustrates a way in which the simulation of human-to-human relationships can turn into a pure simulacrum, divorced from human experience.
In a future article I will discuss the possible implications for human society of increasingly accurate simulations of human relationality and the development of bots that appear to be ‘emotionally intelligent’. We cannot be naïve about the effects of powerful technology which is capable of simulating some of the most God-like and profound of human emotions, like compassion, friendship and empathy. Perhaps one of the complex challenges which will confront us is how to discern the point at which emotionally responsive technology changes from a good and valuable representation of humanity to a manipulative and deceptive mask for evil?
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