The Mughal Emerald: The World’s Largest Engraved Emerald
Precious jewels have been symbols of wealth and status for thousands of years. From rubies to sapphires to emeralds, societies all across the world have desired these stones for their use in beautiful jewelry. Usually, the bigger the stone the better. And in the case of emeralds, there are few bigger or better than the Mughal Emerald. The stone is worth a whopping $2.2 million and dates all the way back to 1695. The story behind the world’s largest engraved emeralds is fascinating.
The Mughal Emerald was carved during the reign of the last of the four great Mughal emperors of India, Aurangzeb, who reigned between 1658 and 1707. The emerald is actually the only known emerald carved and dated during the classic Mughal period. For this reason, it has become somewhat of a standard for dating all other carved Indian emeralds.
- The Bloody Legacy of Emeralds – The Gemstone of Lovers
- Controversial Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb & Mughal Wars of Succession – Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past