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Heavenly Events Leading up to September Day of Trumpet Judgments in 2015

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Heavenly events leading up to September Day of Trumpet Judgments in 2015 
A Disclaimer: ..Under no circumstances should anything in this article be interpreted as advocating that the practice of astrology was ever or is now sanctioned by God or used by God-fearing people. It has always been condemned by God in his Word, the Bible. 
Comet Hale Bopp 1996/97
     In 96/97 we had a Tetrad in which ALL the lunar eclipses were SEEN FROM ISRAEL.
      And 2 of the lunar eclipses were accompanied with two bright comets; Hyakutake on Passover of 96 and Hale-Bopp on Passover of 97.
       Hale-bopp the most widely observed comet of the 20th century, one of the brightest seen for many decades and visible to the NAKED EYE FOR A RECORD 19 MONTHS. TWICE AS LONG AS THE PREVIOUS HOLDER, THE GREAT COMET OF 1811. It was also brighter than magnitude 10 for eight weeks, longer than any other recorded comet. 
     Also, the lunar eclipse was in conjunction with Saturn, a rare event which hasn’t been seen from Israel since the year 611.

Rosh Chodesh 3 May 5, 2000: The date that Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up with the sun and moon–the first time in 6000 years.” TIME Magazine, Jan 17, 2000.  
Rosh Chodesh is Hebrew and means the first sliver of the new moon. The first month is in March/April on the first sliver of the new moon.
Month 7, Day 6 (Sukkot 21, Sept 30) Hoshanah Rabbah, Day of Salvation 5 Planets lined up. Uranus (Mediator), Jupiter (Almighty God) in Pisces, Earth, Sun, Saturn (Covenants: Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, Renewed Covenant (NT), Marriage Covenant, Covenant of Peace (Shalom)(Millennium) in Virgo in a line. Sept. 27, Venus was at its greatest brillance. Saturn, the Sun, Earth, Jupiter and Uranus are in an approximately straight line. Mars, Mercury, Venus (all in Virgo) and Neptune are either not quite in alignment or well off to one side. Hoshanah Rabbah/Day of Salvation/Judgment is Delivered. 
FD 2011
Virgo and 2011 Month 7 Day 5 (Sept 29) Rosh Codesh (1st sliver of the new moon). Comet Elenin. Virgo formed into a specific mode. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. (Rev 12:1). The constellation had the moon at the feet while the sun shone, and comet Elenin had broken apart giving the 12 stars at her head in Leo. “And she, being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered” (Rev 12:2). Found in the womb of Virgo was the planet Venus (Savior) on 10/4. “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Draco), having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads”. (Rev 12:3). There was also in the womb with Venus, Saturn, the dragon star (Satan) and both occupied the womb together. “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them down to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born”. (Rev 12:4) About the time of Hanukkah, Christmas time 2011, Venus had exited the womb of Virgo. Satan exited Virgo on 11/11/11 which is a bad omen for occultists. Note: According to Stellarium 0.10.0, on Sept. 29, Sun and Mercury were next to each other in the upper half of Virgo. Saturn and Venus were in the mid section of Virgo. Venus enters the birthing canal on 10/4. 10/9 Mercury enters the womb and Venus exits. On 10/ 11, Mercury exits. On 11/6 Saturn enters the birthing canal. Jesus said in Revelation 22:16, “I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Venus, the morning star, is in the “womb” of Virgo at this time. It will be “born” soon. The star Spica is the branch/root of David. 
    When the comet broke up, three pieces went into Leo and created a Revelation 12:1-2 event.

Dec 12, 2012 During Hanukkah on Wednesday the 4th day, we had a lineup of 7 planets in the constellation of OphichusScorpio. They were Mars (Red Planet) and Pluto (Last Adam)in Saggitarius; Mercury (Savior), Moon, Sun in Scorpio; Venus (Morning Star) in Libra; and Saturn (Covenants) in Virgo at her feet. As the serpent is cast down, he ascend to power. He (Christ) replied, “I saw satan fall like lightning from Heaven. -Luke 10:18 ‘Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and YOU that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he hath but a short time left.’ -Revelation 12:12.
2013 and Comet Ison.  Comet ISON was discovered on Month 7, Day 6 (Sept. 21), 2012 in images taken by Russian astronomers Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski of the constellation Cancer. September 21, 2012 was 5 Tishrei 5773, the fifth day of the new year of 5773, halfway between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It starts in Gemini (Satan attacks Israel), then into Cancer (providing eternal security of Israel) Comet Ison grazes the Sun on Nov 28 Thanksgiving/Chanukkah start. Month 9, Day 6 From the time Comet ISON first becomes visible to the naked eye it traverses the constellations of Leo, then in November it makes its way into Virgo and into Libra (Scales)(Conjoins with Saturn (Covenants) Day 2 Nov 24) then Scorpius in December. Late December it moves into Serpens, then Hercules and finally Draco before it is no longer visible with an unaided eye.  If you follow the path of the comet, it reads like a book. The seed of the woman, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who shall punish the enemy, will redeem His atoning work through conflict with the enemy who assaults mans heel. His mightiness will reign victorious as He bruises His heel casting down the dragon and trodding him under His foot and then rededicating the temple of God. 
FD 2014 

Tishrei 7th month Sept/Oct. Fulfillment of Fall Feasts and Messianic Kingdom. 2014/2015 Lunar and Solar Eclipses In 2014 and 2015 there will be 4 blood moon total lunar eclipses all falling on feast days supposedly. Year 6000 1. Month 1 , Day 2, (Unleavened Bread, Total Lunar Eclipse, April 15th).
  2014 Rabbinic Pentecost event  Judgement is coming
A picture of a cross in a solar flare, 6/4/2014 on Pentecost. Just to let you know but the cross in the Sun Solar Flare or Corona was on the fourth day (4) and was on the Rabbinic Pentecost and this was the 3rd Pentecost event. Four is the center candle or the Christ Candle on the Menorah, and it ties into the 4th day of Creation. Pattern  4′s; Number Count 4 fours. 2014 


   Also on this day there was an near miss asteroid and One World Religion Signed.

Great natural disasters, such as the Northwest quake in America, coupled with the Psalms 83 War, (The First End Time War) will trigger panic buying of food and panic selling on Wall Street, leading to a collapse of the stock market in the fall of 2015.
Lunar Eclipse. On October 8th, Tishrei, Day 4, 2 days before Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles was a total Lunar Eclipse. Moon and Uranus are close in Pisces on the horizontal fish. The horizontal fish refers to the church or the Gentiles. What does this mean. It means trouble for the church for they will have to give a tax. What does that mean? We do not know but it may be our lives in the US. It may mean the church going underground in the US. Also on this day will be the Draconid Meteor shower in the head of Draco.  The good news in 2014 is that the the planets Mars and Saturn, plus the star Antares, the brightest in the constellation Scorpius, light up the southwest sky at nightfall.  Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse observers might also be able to see an extremely rare cosmic sight – selenelion – an effect when the total eclipse of the moon and the rising sun can be seen simultaneously, something celestial geometry says cannot happen.  For a short window of roughly 2 to 9 minutes observers will have a chance to see both total eclipse of the moon and the rising sun, simultaneously.

On Oct 16, 7th day of SukkotFeast of Tabernacles, Hoshana Rabbah, Venus/Morning Star, Sun/Son, Mercury/Blood, and Spica/Branch in Virgo/Woman/Israel are in close proximity of one another. What does this mean? It means war for Israel but Yeshua may/will protect them. 

Solar Eclipse. On Oct 23rd, Day 5, is the Solar Eclipse. The Sun is in Virgo and Venus and it is close. The Moon is near Spica and Mercury is near the upper middle section of Virgo.

Comet 2013 R1 Lovejoy
   Lovejoy begins his birth in the head of Eridanus on May 1st, Month 2, Day 4, 2013 where he becomes the Judge over Earth. He now becomes a triumphant glorious Prince who is also a mighty warrior. He rides in on a white horse. He is the Redeemer of man. He binds His chosen into His house as He binds the unacceptables to Hell. His chosen are now in His sheepfold. He now hunts down Satan and his followers. He is crowned the King and she a Queen. Satan is cast into the Dungeon for 1000 years (Rev. 20:1-2). The King is victor over Satan and his dominion. He shields His chosen from the enemy. Satan as Scorpio is defeated.
   The comet ends its life supposedly on November 2, Month 8, Day 1, 2014.

December 23 Rosh Codesh events 
     On this day we had three events occuring in the heavens. First we had lightning coming from the sun at the end of a eleven day events beginning on Rosh Hashanah 2014.
Tuesday Day 6 of Chanukkah on Rosh Chodesh (First sliver of the new moon) which is the first day after the Winter Soltice. 
   This is also a part of the eleven day event cycle on End Times Forecaster which began on Rosh Hashanah.
9/25/14—Rosh Hashanah Rosh Chodesh/Yom Teruah Thursday/Friday Sabbath; 10/5/14—Hoover Dam Earthquake Sign (antichrist related) Yom Kippur Sun Sabbath; 10/17/14—Hurricane Gonzalo (maybe haarp related) Shemini Atzeret Fri Sabbath; 10/28/14—Antares rocket explodes (antichrist related) Tuesday; 11/8/14— Super storm Nuri (maybe haarp related) Sabbath Sat Sabbath; 11 19/20 Wednesday/ 4th day; November 30/Dec 1 Death of Alexander L. Jannaeus (Golden Eagle torn down) Fast of the 9th Month Sun/Mon; Thursday/Friday 12 11-12; Winter Solstice/ Last Day of Hanukkah/Rosh Chodesh 12 22-23 Mon/Tue End Times Forecaster.;;
   Major Ursid Meteor Event. Normally the Ursid meteor shower, which peaks each year on December 21-23, is a minor event, producing no more than about 10 meteors per hour. However, in 2014 it was different. The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) detected a significant outburst near 0 UT on December 23rd. CMOR recorded close to 100 Ursid orbits during the 1.5 hours of outburst (from 2315 UT Dec 22-0045 Dec 23). This was more than a factor of two above any other Ursid outburst CMOR has recorded in the last doden years.;
    Comet 15 P Finley  It is interesting that Mars and Finley’s paths intersect on December 23, when the duo will be in close conjunction on about apart (1/3 the diameter of the Full Moon) or 1/6th of a degree from Mars. They will continue to remain almost as close on Christmas Eve. Comet reaches its perihelion which is the closest approach to the Sun on Dec 27 on Shabbat. ;; in outburst;
   This  ties into John 10; Jeremiah 31:31-34 and the Big Dipper (Israel) and Little Dipper (Judah) sheepfolds.

FD 2015

2015 (5+1+2=8 A new Beginning) Year 6001 (6+1 =7 Total Completion) 3. Solar Eclipse/Spring Equinox: March 20th, 2015, Total, Day 6 Day before Rosh Codesh First sliver of the New Moon). March 21, 2015 Sabbath, Nisan/Abib 1. Vayikra “and he called” Leviticus 1:1-5:26; Exod 40:1-2. Lunar Eclipse: Month 1, Day 7, Pesach/Passover, April 4, 2015 (Joel 2:31?) Possible Exodus from America. 
According to the G20 plans to steal all your money that is the bank at the next banking crisis. According to some sources on the talk radio show, if you have $100,000.00 at the beginning of 2015, by the end of 2015 you may only have 1200.00 if that much.
Civil war, martial law should come sometime this year. The goal of the government is to destroy 300 million Americans this year or next year.
Food Issues.  The food drought will start in the poorest cities and work its way to the rich stores this year. The shelves may be all empty by September. So plan on 3 year supply of food and water in cans and gallons of water. 
2013 Comet UQ4 Catalina  10:23:2013 to 3:25:2015
     Purity purified herself after being judged by the Eridanus of fire and then was shaped and molded before being tested by Satan and turn by self doubts and lack of faith. Due to Spiritual warfare, she became a chained woman and at the same time to be set up as a queen. She passes by a lizard as she clung to the ground by her weights of life. She is strengthened by the Lord Himself who carries her and lifts her up as His Queen where they conquer the Dragon, Satan himself and cast him into the lake of fire and brimstone.
    With the Shepherd, her King,by her side, she is a Queen and she knows it. The Sheep nations goes to the left and the goats to the right of King Yeshua “My Salvation” at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev.19:7-9, when Armageddon occurs on the Day of Atonement. On this day the King and Queen and they begin their life together as echad (One person). And they live happily together throughout eternity. 
Nibiru update for those of you who believe in Nibiru. Nibiru cluster is at perihelion with the Sun supposedly on May 6th 2015 which is a 4th day event. (–Indian in the Machine comment)
Comet 2014 E2 Jacques 10:1:2013-5:25:2015 
    Jacques the supplanter crosses the serpent and becomes like him in character. He is abhorred. He is pumped up with false lies and given a unfunctioning compass that never points north. He picks up the four horsemen that brings a false peace and bring death. He is warring against the bride. But alas the Savior of mankind comes to the rescue and fights for His bride to be. He delivers her from the clutches of Jacques. He has a staff, a rod of iron. His bride is now the queen set up in heaven where she belongs. He comes as a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He comes to Judge at Armageddon and through the other judgments. The Antichrst and others fall and die, and He who had fallen now rules for eternity.
    On Month 7, Day 3 Comet Jacques was born on the same day as Israel Set Apart. Israel turns to the Lord יהוה in Their Distress. Nememiah 9:1-38  holiday in 2013. The comet finished on 5:25 on Month 3, Day 2 on Shavuot/Pentecost. 
This is the fifth Shavuot event. Lets go over them. We have: The Marriage with the ten commandments (Ex 20; 24:1-8), Marriage in the N. T. with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, Israel becoming a nation on May 14, The Cross in the Corona of the Sun, and now this Comet ending on this day possibly. According to, Israel was set apart in Month 7, Day 2 which was October 8, 451 B.C. If my calculations are correct that was 2500 years between the two Feast of Tabernacles. I believe that Israel was set apart in Nehemiah 9 in 445 BC based on and Stellarium. This day was October 1 which was on Day 4 (Gen 1:14; Menorrah Christ or servant candle) and that the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars were in Virgo; Moon and Jupiter were in Pisces. The reason for not 451 BC was that the planets were scattered everywhere and the same in 444 BC. The amount of planets in Virgo and Pisces are major players when events in the past occurred concerning things of God. 
Comet 2013 V5 Oukaimeden 11:1 2013-6:24:2015
The King is coming as a fierce judge riding on a white horse giving life while abhorring Satan weighing against Satan as He separates the hairs (of the sheep from the goats (Matt 25) or wheat from the tares).
   June 24 catches my attention in that it is the fourth month on the fourth day. It is 600 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.  Or 1 year, 7 months, 23 days excluding the end date.
Nibiru in September 2015   Nibiru/ Planet X/ Wormwood/The destroyer    John Moore says Nibiru/Planet X will be the closest to Earth on August 17 and is scheduled to leave our solar system September 26, 2015.  It is many times the size of earth and traveling at thousands of miles per hour and will come between the earth and our sun.  
Planet X is real, this is a threat to our safety as a planet.  Prepare yourself, your family and all you love and make sure all your neighbors know so they can all help each other.  If you live on a coast – you may want to take a long vacation inland.
Worst case scenario:
Pole shift
When Nibiru passes between the Earth and the Sun, its tail will shower the Earth with all sizes of meteors.
Small red dust will rain down coloring drinking water reddish. Many larger meteors will rain down as fire consuming much of our atmosphere’s oxygen.
Nibiru’s magnetic grip will slow the Earth’s rotation until rotation ultimately stops for a few days, as a final warning before the Earth will shift on its axis 90 degrees.
Crustal plates will shift abruptly. Suddenly, some continents will move apart.
Others will crash together, building mountains rapidly skyward.
The Atlantic Ocean will expand, the Pacfic Ocean will deminish. Stronger-than-ever-before earthquakes will topple city buildings and create enormous ocean whirlpools.
The oceans will flood the coastlines, and hurricane winds will flatten ground objects. Many old and new volcanoes will erupt, darkening the skies with ash.
Nuclear power plants will explode. Much land will go underwater, and other lands will rise. The new North Pole will be near Brazil, the new South Pole will be India.
The resulting cataclysms caused by the approaching comet/planet will take everyone by surprise.
To prevent mass panic, the general public will not be informed of the coming changes.
Very few will be prepared for the magnitude of the devastation to all things on the Earth.
Ninety percent of the human population will perish. Only the self-reliant with faith in God will survive the challenging times ahead.


The reason I find this article interesting is that August 17 is the Day after Rosh Chodesh 6 and it is on Elul 1 which is a Jewish event. It begins the 40 day account of heaviness repentance that Jews go through. September 26 is on a Sabbath just after Day of Atonement on September 23.
Matthew 24:29. Immediately after the tribulation of those days (Matt 24:21-25) shall the sun be darkened (solar eclipse), and the moon shall not give her light (lunar eclipse), and the starsmessengersnukes? (kowkabiym; Gen 1:16; Mk 13:24; Isa 34:4; Rev. 6:13) shall fall from heaven (has sa mayim; Dan 8:10), and the powersarmy of the heavens (the Jews. Dan 4:35) shall be shaken (Hosea 9:17). See also Lk 17:37; Jb 39:30; Hab 1:8; Ezk 39:17. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe 3:1-5; 2:28-32; Isa 13:9-10). Darkened: Rev:6:12 (v. 16/17 wrath of the lamb); Amos 8:9 (Day of the Lord); Isa 13:9-10; Joel 2:31; Joel 3:15–Armageddon; Rev 8:12 4th Trumpet 1/3 darkened. This astral phenomena which will accompany the return of the Son of Man are foretold in Isa 13:9-10 and Joel 2:31, 3:15. (Is 34:4; Rev 6:13; Mt 24:21; Is 13:10; Ezek 32:7; Acts 2:20; Rev 6:12; 8:12) Here we have a Hebrew idiom. The word powers can also refer to army. Shaken can also mean wonder around. Therefore, mankind will be in chaos. After the tribulation of those days refers to end of Worldwide persecution of all saints by death. It also refers to the rest of the seals and birthing pains. Will we see the birthing pains be over or not, time will tell. Some people believe this will occur at the end of Armageddon (Joel 3:15) Stars falling refers to meteor showers and/or asteroids. This verse also tells us to look into the Heavens and watch the Heavens. Since Virgo ties into the birth of Christ and Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah which is above Virgo’s head is the end (Rev 12:1-2) and refers to the day of Christ’s return for Armageddon then should we not be looking to heaven (i.e. events happening on the Zodiac constellations such as 7 planets (3,2,2) lining up in three constellations on a feast day in Sept. 2015, 2017; 5 planets in 2 (3,2) constellations on a feast day (Sept. 2015, 2017). Genesis 1:14 The sun, moon and stars (constellations and other events such as asteroids) are for signs (signals) and seasons (Moed/Moedim: God’s appointed times (Lev. 23 which also ties into Lev. 25 (Jubilee’s)). Everything in the heavens is declaring the coming of the Messiah for His bride. In Psalm 89:37, God says the moon is His faithful witness in the heavens. It testifies of His covenantal faithfulness to the seed of King David and that it will be one of his seed who will rule on the throne of Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel! (Biltz) Mankind wil be running in fear with chaos. Rev 6:16-17 has men hiding in caves and under rocks because they do not want to face the Wrath of the Lamb. 
Solar Eclipse: September 13,Partial, Day 2, Month 6 Elul 29 1 day before Rosh Codesh. On September 16, 2015, right in-between Rosh HaShana & Yom Kippur, a Revelation 12 Woman clothed with Sun at head & Moon at feet will appear. However some say they are not a perfect crown. Yom Kippur 2015 During the times we are living, during this Sabbatical cycle, a very rare blood moon tetrads will occur over Jerusalem. 
From The Coming Epiphany End Times Synopsis we pick up more information.
10. Seal 6: Signs of the sun, moon, and stars, worldwide earthquake, appearance of Christ in the sky, wrath of God begins. (Rev 6:12-17) September 14, 2015 Day of the Trumpet (Leviticus. 23:24ff)     Views on Wrath of God. 1)  Trumpet then bowl judgments and then Armageddon. 2) Bowl judgments and then Armageddon. 3) Armageddon. On first sliver of the new moon (Day of Trumpet Lev. 23:24ff) before Armageddon in September or in the 49th Shemitah year (2015) at its end.
11. America (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016 
12. Sealing of the 144,000 (Rev 7) 
13. Seal 7: 7 Trumpet judgments. (Rev 8:1-6) global earthquake 
   I am guessing that by the study above that these events may or will occur on a Sabbath, 4th day, First sliver of a new moon or on a full moon.
14. Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Day of the Trumpet, September 13/14, 2015 Haftarah Portion: Hosea 14:2-10. Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15-27 ; Deut 31:1-30 
15. Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Day of Atonement September 23/24, 2015 
16. Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Day of Atonement September 24, 2015 Wormwood
17. Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) 2015 
18. Trumpet 5: First woe—Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) CERN Project 2015 September Isa 13:2-3 Emblem has a triple 6 and a dual 6.
19. Trumpet 6: Second woe—Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2015 September/October
20. Ministry of 2 witnesses ended. (Rev 11:1-13) 
21. Trumpet 7: Third woe—7 Vial Judgments. (Rev 11:14-19) 
   Nibiru passing by at Passover 2016
22. Vial 1: Boils on men. (Rev 16:1,2) 
23. Vial 2: Sea turned to blood. (Rev 16:3) Pacific Ocean?? Fukushimi accident ?? 
24. Vial 3: Freshwater turned to blood. (Rev 16:4-7) Began in 2012 and continues to present with different rivers turning to blood. 
25. Vial 4: Great heat. (Rev 16:8,9) 500 to 1000 degrees or enough to melt the elements.
26. Vial 5: Darkness. (Rev 16:10,11) 
27. Vial 6: Euphrates dries up. (Rev 16:12-16) 2016
       Mark of the Beast for USA is 2017. For other nations 2016. Perry Stone was my third witness. As for witnesses, I wait 3 mentionings before I post to here.
28. Vial 7: The Lord Jesus Christ and His saints return to the earth and defeat the antichrist and his armies at Armageddon with 100-pound hailstones. Great earthquake, every island and mountain destroyed, America the Babylon sinks under the ocean. (Rev 16:17-21, Rev 18:21, Jer 51:42) 
29. Jesus is anointed as King of the World and the Millennium begins! (Rev 19) Chanukkah 2016 or Feast of Tabernacles 2016/2017. 
2015/2017 Comparison. In September on the first sliver of the new moon which is also Rosh Codesh/Yom Teruah, there is 5 planets (3,2) in two constellations. We also see this on Day of Trumpet/Atonement in 2017 in September. On the first annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles in 2015, there are 7 planets (3, 2, 2) in 3 constellations. We also see this in 2017 at Tabernacles. 2015: Jupiter, Mars, Venus in Leo; Sun, Mercury in Virgo; Uranus, Moon in Pisces/ 2017: Jupiter, Sun, Mercury in Virgo; Venus, Mars conjoined in Leo; Uranus, Moon in Pisces. This does not happen in 2014 or 2016. 2016 (2,2,2). Oct 15 Jupiter (King planet), Venus (Morning Star), Mars (Red Planet, Blood) conjoin under the feet of Leo who is Lion of the Tribe of Judah. 

Solar/Lunar Eclipses March 9 Day four on Menorrah calendar, Total solar, (Amos 8:9?); March 23 Day 4 on the Menorrah, Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Sept 1 , Day 5, Annular solar eclipses (Ezek 30:18?; Amos 8:9?). Sept 16 Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Isa 5:30, Read Isa 5:20-30 for context. Sept. 16 is on a Saturday on Sukkot 1 (Annual Sabbath). Nasa Eclipse Website, 
In 2016 you have three retrogrades going at once in the latter half. Mercury is in VirgoLeo. Mars and Saturn in Scorpio.  These three retrogrades mean the God is fighting for Israel against the antichrist who is the enemy.
2012 Comet K1 Pan-starrs
    Ophiuchus Panstarrs is born May 17th, Month 2, Day 5, 2012 in Ophiucus and loops between Hercules and Ophiuchus but most of the time stays in Ophiuchus. He loops between Hercules and Serpens. He picks up his crown and becomes King. He now becomes the Shepherd of His sheep. The sheep are gathered into the fold. The angels (2 dogs) help to gather the sheep. The sheep can be pictured as little lions as well. The King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah protects His sheep from the clutches of Satan the Serpent. He brings them into the Messianic Kingdom which will be their home. He anoints them with the Word to where no one needs a teacher (Jer 31:31-34). He gives us a clock to watch the passing of time. The sheep go through a second baptism of fire and are judged. All of mankind in the end will be judged for every thought, spoken word, or action committed. No one gets to skip out on this judgement. The wife of Yeshua are priests just like Aaron. They were molded to be who they are. Satan is bound to the Abyss for 1000 years. Yeshua/Jesus is the only one who can give you live through His Living water. Are you one of His?
   Ophiuchus ends on Month 10, Day 1, December 11, 2016

The climax of this story ends on the Day of Trumpet in 2017.
The Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017 and Giza Pyramids of 2017.
About John Ashcraft. I began my career of Bible researching in 2007 after an encounter with Jesus Christ in a dream which was my 4th God dream out of 7 by 2011. He told me this: You are my beloved bride who I love. May my peace that passes all understanding cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind for all eternity. 
From the above you know that we are out of time. If you do not know Yeshua as your personal Lord and Savior, I suggest that you believe on Him and recieve Him into your life. It is a free gift from God to you for God so loved you (insert your name here) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) (to die on the cross for you and all of humanity) that whoever should believeth on Him shall have eternal life. (John 3:16). 
If you agree to this, then go to the nearest Messianic Church near you, stop sinning, repent from your sins and get baptize. Upon your confession of faith before God and man, I know welcome you into the family of Elohim/God. At that time start walking a new life and believe with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind that no matter what comes your way that you will have peace/Shalom all the days of your life.


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    Total 5 comments
    • Guntherian


      right, i think i found someone who may understand this, mwhahahahaaa

      this happened in south afrika in 2010… on th 10/10/10 the obelisk was cut down by the messenger of destruction, for judah and benjamin, which reside south of the river kush, only those whose spiritual eyes have been opened , will understand this, and the other videos in this channel, from a man who claims to be from the 16th century. very interesting. because, whats worse, having the real ivan the terrible here, or having someone who is convinced he’s ivan the terrible , ressurected.

      and watch the other videos on his channel, aye caramba

    • Jardalkal

      Go check out Aviv Moon Network (rood). Join and then search out 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Shemitah, Return of Yeshua Soon, Asteroid 2015 (Renee M’s) work, Nibiru in September and Feast Dates.

    • Guntherian

      xD 52 reads in a week, o dear, it seems no one cares aboot this here article, cept me, classic, the single most profound article on the BIN, and the chumps downvote you, dont worry i dont count you as merikan, cause you aint no assyrian , your part of the Remnant, and they rare, :D o well, i took note, my birthday is on 14 sept and i wish for Ragnarok

    • Jardalkal

      At Aviv Moon, this article has been seen possibly by 7 people now and it is copied under many video comments on BIN and it has been passed out to over 2000 people so far.

      Return of Yeshua Soon on Aviv Moon Network has had 309 views.
      Asteroid Wormwood has had 158 views.
      Feast Dates and 2015 Part 3 which has this article on it has had only 7 views.
      Feast Dates and 2015 Part 1 has had 9 views.
      Introduction to Second Coming has had 8 views. Bin Article copy.
      Nibiru in August and September 2015 has had 86 views.
      Pentecost 2015 reads like a book from Heaven has had 33 views.

      The picture of my Chihuahua. Her name is Button. She is 11 with arthritis and acts like a baby left alone who cries all the time when I go to another room of the house or leave for the day. She whines when I am gone from her presence. I love both her and her brother deeply.

    • Jardalkal

      First Day of Tammuz and judgment of the Nation in September of 2015
      Rosh Chodesh 4, 2015 event.

      On June 19th, something exciting happens:
      On that evening, the crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter will form a bright isosceles triangle in the sunset sky. Isosceles means that two sides of the triangle are the same length. The moon is under Venus.
      One night later, on June 20th, the vertices rearrange themselves, Forming yet another isosceles triangle. Now, the moon is under Jupiter.
      These two days are important to me because they occur on Rosh Chodesh 4 and on the Sabbath. Parashah #38 Scripture Readings Korach (Korah) Torah Numbers 16:1-18:32 Haftarahs 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22.
      Yeshua/Jesus is binding and holding his own who are born of water. He is weighing and judging the His own with His Torah to cause them to become more wife like while time still remains and He is judging the nations against Him. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Yeshua is interceding for His beloved Church. Yeshua now turns and begins His judging of the globe with fierceness of a raging bull. He comes as the Savior and Hero. Pre-wrath rapture comes for the church now and so do the plagues of judgment.
      The location of the planets using Stellarium and Meaning of Planets in Constellations tell the story.
      Here is an example of the Sun and Mars at the time of this event.
      Sun: Tarus. Glory of the Millennial King (Isa 24:23; Mt 16:27-28); King’s royal majesty (Psa 45:3); Highest glory (Lk 19:38); Gemini: Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7-8); Resurrection (Matt 17:2-3; Mk 9:2-4); Psalm 45 as the glorious mrriage.
      Mars: Tarus. Blood at Second Advent (Isa 34:2-8; Heb 10:13-14); Death of Sennacherib’s army (Isa 37:36); Destruction of Egypt, the world, the plagues (Ex 9:14; Rev 6:4), world war. Gemini: Bloody bridegroom (Ex 4:25), witnesses (Rev. 11:3-7; 17:6) ; Deadly suffering of witnesses, in marriages (Eph 5:25).
      The month of Tammuz begins this Friday night and runs for 29 days. Some see it as a time of suffering.
      In history according to wikipedia, we have nothing on the first two days of Tammuz, but on day 3 we have Joshua’s longest day when the Sun stopped for a part of the day. It is found in chapter 10.
      Friday is Rosh Chodesh, Shabbat is Korah readings, and Sunday is the Summer soltice. It is interesting that the first day of the week will commemorate Joshua’s longest day.
      The name of the month was adopted from the Assyrian-Babylonian calendar, in which the month was named after one of the main Mesopotamian gods, Tammuz. This is referred to in Ezekiel 8:14. Tammuz is also a month in the modern Assyrian calendar of the ethnic Assyrian Christians.
      Wailing for Tammuz was a Babylonian ritual marking the death and descent into the underworld of the Sumerian god Dumuzi. The mythical course of death and return for Dumuzi Hammuz) was thought to be parallel to the annual rhythm of nature.
      Tammuz. A Babylonian deity, husband of Ishtar, who after his death supposedly became god of the underworld. Some have understood him as a vegetation-diety, dying in the heat of the summer and rising in the spring. Base immorality was connected with his worship.
      Where ever you see a picture of Mary and Baby Jesus or a Statue of Mary and Jesus, you are actually seeing a picture of Semiramis and Tammuz.; Semiramis and Tammuz (Mary and Jesus);…
      Mother and Son Babylonian Religion
      Mother and son worship is a perfect example of how Satan has set up a counterfeit religion. His plan is to make a copy of Gods plan but make it so that humans will worship him. As you will see in almost every religion there is a mother and child. It all leads back to the mother goddess of Babylon after the death of Nimrod, his adulterous wife gave birth to a child who she claims was supernaturally conceived. She taught that Tammuz-the son was a God child; that he was Nimrod, reborn and that her and her child were divine. Thus establishing MOTHER AND CHILD WORSHIP.
      You see these pictures or statues in many Catholic Churches.
      But Judgment comes soon or now for all religious groups tied to her and her abominations.
      Elaboration on the Destruction of Babylon (17:1—19:10)
      The whore on the scarlet beast: Rome (17:1-18)
      The fall of Babylon: Rome’s destruction (18:1-24)
      The remainder of the article can be found at [email protected]. It has about 5-10 pictures of Tammuz and a lengthy discussion on Astronomy.
      This article can also be found at Aviv Moon Network (rood).

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