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A World View Altered by Tesla - Walk with me a while...

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The life of Nikola Tesla has niggled in my mind since I first heard of him – not in second grade science, but rather well into adulthood. I was recently graced with the time and inclination to try to see the world as Tesla saw it. I did NOT try to channel Tesla or anything “supernatural” but I did try to just let myself be led where the Universe wanted to take me. What I found on my stroll down Tesla Lane is not something I will ever be able to explain, but let me at least give you the type of tour the nice old men used to give on the trolley cars in New Orleans. My trolley was pretty much youtube and google, so please, feel free to take the steering wheel and find your own route, I have barely scratched the surface and would be very interested in seeing what others might dig up.
It began with this video, which got my curiosity at several points by telling me things I did not know, and I was not ignorant of Tesla’s work.

I was a bit disgusted by the opening nonsense about his dream being “fully realized” at his death, and by the closing proclamation that maybe his secrets are best left where they are after admitting they are in government hands. All that aside, I was blown away by details that I had never heard before. On this day, I had time to surf and ask questions.

Youtube was my primary source, and everything I found can be found on the internet. New paths were found by typing “Tesla” and a word or phrase in the search field. I did the same with google, and I watched / read the first post or 2 and any that caught my eye. This was a heart-walk, catching my eye was a big factor. I read lots of comments, I wanted to know what others saw as they walked down this street, too. After a day of mind expanding realizations, I went back and tried to sketch an outline of where I had been, and then maintained it through the next day. After a couple of days to just think, I am now coming back and fleshing it out a bit. Chronology and sourcing are both poor, and huge pieces of the landscape I saw are left out, but I am just a tour guide.
I am not an expert in any of the fields I am about to comment on, just a passer-by, trying to make observations in layman’s terms. I did not do my “due diligence” – if anything I say proves to have been hoax fodder or misquoted, please accept my apologies. I admit I was “cherry picking” quotes and such, but only by what interested me, not to seek any particular outcome. Some topics that I found of interest:

Tesla’s “politics” -
Tesla gave key components of some highly advanced technology (HAARP?) to 5 different nations to avoid any of them gaining absolute military superiority. The video indicates that the Russians developed the technology as early as the late 1960′s, the US remains silent on their efforts. This and other videos also mention his ability to visualize so fully that it was as if he had a blueprint or even prototype in his head.

Lucid dreaming?
In other videos, I find mention of his dreaming also. At first, I suspect he was a lucid dreamer savant, but come to think perhaps he was very aware of what he was doing. One video claims he only slept 2 hours a day and was able to go into a “lucid dreaming” state at will, even from a waking state. I find modern dreamers talking about this ability as “WILD” – Wake Induced Lucid Dreams. Nice acronym!

I check back to the site where I posted the video, wondering if anyone else is having a Tesla trip. A comment in the forum gives a Tesla quote:
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

OK, google, what about Tesla and 3-6-9?
Expecting Masonic or Biblical theories, I am stunned to find MATH. Resonance, specifically. I do find websites linking Tesla to shady characters, but it is quite conceivable to me that JP Morgan (the actual man from whom so much global tyranny has sprung) might have taken advantage of Tesla, who literally lived in a “dream” much of the time. Furthermore, today I don’t care about banksters (OK I still care, but…) I want to know what Tesla knew, at least how he knew it. One interesting site links Edward Leedskalnins, Tesla and Egyptians:…

I am intrigued by comments about utilizing magnetic force, as I have long scooted things around with magnets thinking “that energy is free enough for my needs, how do I get at it?” Today it is the significance of these numbers to resonance that catches my eye, and so I follow that path.

Solfeggio tones – The concept is not new to me, but I have a deeper appreciation with my view through Tesla glasses. By using tuning forks at the correct vibration, they claim you can restore harmony to the physical and energetic body. Funny, perhaps you can tune both piano and fish, and even humans? (Now I want a bumper sticker that says “Fork Yourself,” but I had probably better not…) I wonder if Tesla got into healing, and find that “Purple Plates” are still being marketed; a product initially developed by Tesla to utilize resonance for healing.

At this point, my son reminds me that we saw compelling evidence that the Egyptians used certain chambers of the pyramids to maximize benefit from sound-based healing. He gets me thinking, the “Om” chant has been around a while for some reason. And there is that whole A440 versus A432 thing. The guitar vibrates more harmoniously tuned to 432, at least to my hand it feels so. Then there is the Rife machine, another bunny hole I went flying by years ago. It is not the first or last “blast from the past” and it starts to feel like many, many bunny holes are finally coming together.

I forget what term I used but one “Tesla +” search offered a video in Russian with English subtitles. I was very curious what Russia had to say about Tesla, in light of the implication that Russia actually put his work to use.
The translation was crude, but well worth my time. Many Russians seem to suspect that Tesla is responsible for the Tunguskee event, and they make a pretty good argument. There is another tale where Tesla experimented on a steel building frame with men working on it, so his curiosity seemed to override “better judgement” at times. He also is said to have had a premonition and warned JP Morgan not to get on the Titanic. Again with the poor judgement… I find more indications that he was a deliberate “dreamer.” Another mind blowing video and I decide to step back a bit. I follow some side videos, not Tesla-titled.

Energy becomes matter by sound.
This concept gets presented to me three times in rapid succession as I watch what youtube chooses as “related” videos. As sound is a form of energy, I am less than comfortable with this description, but the “energy becomes matter” part sounds right, so I see where this leads. There is another common theme, that thoughts produce energy patterns, and so even our thoughts effect the energy fields, and so it is possible that we are helping to manifest what is brought into being with our thoughts. “The Secret” alludes to this also. When I seek Tesla’s opinion on the matter, I find him quoted as saying:
“Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it.” Perhaps he was being poetic, perhaps he understood that even thoughts produce measurable energy. I suspect it was the latter. He’s also quoted as saying:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Very interesting, especially coupled with his 3, 6, 9 comment. It also makes the implications of this video something worth pondering:

Vibratory effect on water – frequency / intricacy correlation.

The sound waves do seem to cause the water to become more structured, increasingly complex as the frequency increases. And we are walking, talking mud puddles biologically.

Somewhere in here (I think by a tuning fork proponent and retailer video) I was advised that we are not bodies generating auras, but auras creating the body, and he suggests adjusting chakra meditations and such in accordance with that viewpoint. Chakra work and acupuncture look increasingly scientific as pharmacology based medicine looks increasingly like snake oil. Someone makes an analogy to a fish tank: If we have a vile, polluted tank that is growing algae and fungus and it is killing our fish, do we save them by injecting the fish with more toxins? Treating our physical bodies while we poison our electronic environment is equally ludicrous. Using energy to “clean the tank” makes a lot of sense to me.

I recall a comment somewhere, perhaps a quote, that essentially Tesla saw everything, including the Earth, as an electrical entity. Here comes another bunny hole I never had time to dive down…

The Electric Universe
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Tesla.
“Science ” may still be focused on matter, but I know of some folks who are trying to kick-start that decade. Gravity based models of the universe focus on how matter interacts with matter. Orbits are what they are due to the gravitational fields of the objects involved and the gravity field is dependent upon the mass of the objects. Years ago, I found myself intrigued by a Thnunderboltsproject video about an alternate explanation of how the Grand canyon was formed, and I was introduced to the model of an electric universe. If you are unfamiliar, start here:
This day, I chose to watch the featured video on the thunderboltsproject youtube channel.
It pretty well proved their theory that this was an electric comet, but the mind blowing part was that an electrical interaction with the comet CREATED WATER! By the dirty snowball theory, the water is carried in frozen form from some distant region, a finite supply that originated in a far-flung corner of the galaxy. Having an electrical event that causes hydrogen and oxygen to join and form water around comets in flight makes the whole “life got here on a comet” theory a lot more interesting. Makes the whole HHO car thing more interesting, too. My husband built one, I have seen electricity split the water with my own eyes. If we learned to give passing comets a little zap, would we have an endless source of clean water, for drinking and for fuel? My goodness, so many bunnies around here. I’ve been wabbit huntin’ a long time; this is an astonishing day.

My son returns, we pick one of the videos and let him watch and I take a few minutes to just think, or not think. An image forms in my mind, a concept of “dimensions.” In one dimension, energy movement appears as a wavy line. In 2 dimensions, it appears as a ribbon, in three dimensions as a bundle of tubes; but all maintain the wave form. I see the Milky Way. The galaxy is spinning, generating energy that causes it to fling matter in one plane primarily. We are near the point where we bisect that plane and I see that this alignment is striking the wave our solar system rides at what I interpret as an harmonic interval, but I am bothered by that. My brain thinks the image should place us at wave or trough to be harmonic, but the image persists at this midpoint. I have the impression that there is a fundamental change, electronically, about to happen. Possibly open a fourth dimension to our availability? Transcend time? I don’t know, I just had this visual image, and I share it here. Our solar system looked like a molecule, to put this in scale. We were riding a wave of energy and nearing a point where a later video showed me, we will be not at the “harmonic” point, but at the zero point. (Bunny!) Electrically, whatever energetic event the Milky Way is generating, it will “pluck” our wave at this zero point.
It leaves me with lingering questions:
What “electronic appliance” is the Milky Way?
If mere thoughts generate energy, what will this pluck do?
On my guitar, a freshly plucked string vibrates more quickly, a higher vibration. Higher frequency vibrations add dimensions to water droplets. Is it possible that our little bundles of water droplets might see new dimensions begin to emerge?

Singularity. I have seen this word come up a few times recently and it comes to mind now. I google it. Ironically enough, I see 2 kinds of singularity to chose from. (There was a third I simply did not notice.)
I scroll down to the website with the name “singularity” and find a book. Back to Wiki.
Gravitational – Interesting, over my head a lot of the time, but I am amused by words they have highlighted: “spacetime,” “geodesics,” but my favorite is “degrees of freedom.” I try the other.
Technological – All linked back to the book at the website which bills itself as a “True story of the future.” I dig deep enough to find the author compared to Edison… (hello, Tesla!) and that he is the child of Holocaust survivors, with an uncle who worked at Bell Labs. I am amazed at the tale of this “rags to riches” kid when I learn he wrote a computer program in 1963 at the tender age of 15. In 1977, I was 15 and wrote my first computer program. I was told I was lucky enough to be a student at one of the first schools in the US to have such an opportunity. It was a monster that took up most of a classroom, and it had to take off its shoes to count to 20. I guess if you want to be “ahead of your time” it helps to have an uncle at Bell Labs. Anyway, that was an unexpected bunny, they just keep showing up. Bottom line? This man’s vision of singularity is a biological AI / human interface, “transhumanism.”

Chips, anyone? None for me, I’m not hungry at the moment…

So as I see science and spirit finally merging in what I think might best be called a “lawful” manner, I wonder if Tesla ever saw these paths merge. I recall that a video claimed it was a Buddhist monk who taught Tesla words he felt could describe his concept of energy. Interestingly enough, this leads me to a base 3 math system from India, Vaastu math. I have wondered if we limit our brains by limiting ourselves to base ten, in the way we limit them when we only learn one language as a child. But what I find most interesting is Tesla’s theory on “Solar Rays” – one that again echoes the Electric Universe project. Maybe it is pie in the sky. Maybe this is NOT where I was being led, I just got tired. But this is where the drive to keep digging finally let up. I find this comment, and think it could be very important.

Tesla stated that if any radioactive element were to be shielded from these (solar) rays, the material would cease to be radioactive.

Read that again, please.

I think every human with one functioning neuron left will agree, we need major change on this planet. We may be about to experience change on a cosmic scale beyond our comprehension, I don’t know. I do know that we are here now, and we have to make every day count. If I were to be so bold as to guess what Tesla might suggest… I believe it is vital that we awaken our dream body, it may be that we are about to move beyond the material plane and the shift will be much smoother if you already know how to operate without mass. But even our mundane world needs our full mental capacity and it was from this dream state Tesla claimed to have found access to all knowledge. To leave that potential unexplored may be a fatal mistake. Start using sound to heal, yourself and the planet. Viewing our bodies as the matter produced by energy fields makes sense, so deliberately tuning our energy may provide more harmonious operations of our mass. Be open to possibilities as they unfold. I don’t know if it was mere flight of fancy or moment of insight unlike any I’ve ever had, but I saw what I saw. Even if accurate, I don’t know what effect it would have. It may bring nothing, maybe just a change in the wind, but it may be a change in the course of humanity. It may be, that like the wave / particle paradox, it will be both, and we will choose which future we experience by where we direct our energy. Regardless, is it too much to ask you to dream, to sing, and to think of a better world?

I shall close with the last quote that caught my eye:
“What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife… Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment…”

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