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By Dr. Rita Louise
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Quantum Physics Supports Life After Death

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Physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he delves into the possibility of reincarnation, life after death and consciousness from a physics perspective.




Amit Goswami is the author of the highly successful textbook Quantum Mechanics. His two volume textbook for nonscientists The Physicist’s View of Nature traces the decline and rediscovery of the concept of God within science.

Goswami has also written eight popular books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. In his seminal book, The Self-Aware Universe, he solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect while paving the path to a new paradigm of science based on the primacy of consciousness.

Subsequently, in The Visionary Window, Goswami demonstrated how science and spirituality could be integrated. In Physics of the Soul he developed a theory of survival after death and reincarnation. His book Quantum Creativity is a tour de force instruction about how to engage in both outer and inner creativity. Goswami’s most recent book, The Quantum Doctor integrates conventional and alternative medicine.

In his private life, Goswami is a practitioner of spirituality and transformation. He calls himself a quantum activist. He appeared in the film “What the Bleep Do We Know”.


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    • Truthseeker007

      Quantum Physics is a very good field to get into and is finding out a lot of information.

    • Truthseeker007

      The Tibetan Book of the Dead, * as well as The Egyptian Book of the Dead and other teachings and books of the past recognized that when one left the physical, one began a journey back to what has been called by various names—the names of heaven, Celestria, and Nirvana being but a few. But this is 5th dimensional consciousness, when one is reintegrated into the soul or Divine Spirit. But before this is reached, there is the journey through the 4th dimensional states of consciousness,the levels of 4th dimensionality, from the lowest to the highest. It is here that what are known as the Bardo levels exist. It is here that purgatory or limbo exists.

      Thus, when one dies and does not understand that the purpose is to pass through the Bardo levels as quickly as possible in order to reach 5th dimensional consciousness, one runs the definite risk of being lost in the Bardo levels, because if one holds a strong belief as one dies that one must answer for one’s sins,one will direct one’s consciousness into experiences that make this so.

      If one is a fundamentalist Christian and believes one is dying in a state of sin, one will experience a judgment. One will experience a punishment for one’s sins. This equally holds true for other religious belief systems. As a Muslim, if it is believed that Allah will greet you with 72 virgins for an act of atrocity that killed others, then that individual crossing will have such an experience, for it is what they believed when they were crossing.

      Therefore, this question is of great relevancy, for if one holds any level of a belief system that allows oneself to perceive and hold that one may be punished, this may be experienced directly after one’s physical death. However, as was the purpose of the books of the dead and the teachings of the past, there was the understanding and the teachings that one can pass through these illusionary levels through the Bardo levels.

      The general teaching that many hold is to focus on the White Light, and It will guide them forward. Generally speaking, this is so, but this Awareness would add that not only does one focus on the White Light, but one also focuses on Divine Love, and to be open to the energies that will not only guide with the Light, but guide with the heart as well. As one perhaps goes through a conscious crossing, knowing that the body may not survive, one calls to one’s High Self and one’s low self. One calls to one’s spiritual brothers and sisters, those aspects of one’s own spiritual soul family that are available. One calls to the highest levels of the Divine and opens up one’s heart and one’s mind to be guided back through the Bardo levels to the 5th dimensional state of consciousness and beyond.

      Therefore, if one finds themselves in the position that the illusion of physicality is ending, rather than going into fear and doubt, rather than going into traditional concepts that have been imparted to the individual through the course of their lives, through their religion and their socialization process, one holds rather that one is simply releasing the hologram, releasing the physical form that houses the spiritual spark, and that one is open to the guidance, the light and the love of those higher aspects of their own being that are there to guide them back. If they wish to see this as an angelic being that has come to guide them, then this would help the crossing. If one wishes to see a loved one coming to gather them in their arms and take them home, then this will help their crossing.

      If one wishes to enter into the white tunnel to ascend to higher levels, then this will help their crossing. The most important matter here is to simply realize that as one door closes, a new door opens, and the door that will open will always lead back to one’s Spirit Source of origin, one’s spiritual home.

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