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Warning: Mockers in the Last Days

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By John McTernan

There shall come in the last days scoffers/mockers:

2 Peter 3:3, 4 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming…”

I recently noticed a tremendous increase in mockers and scoffers attacking Christianity and the Bible in general. In the past a very small percentage of the population were atheists, agnostics and others who would attack the authority of the Bible.

But in the last few years, there has been an explosion of rejecting the Bible to the degree that about 20 percent of the population fall into the category and increasing all the time. This rejection is not passive but militant and aggressive. The spirit behind this rejection reminds me of the spirit of the French Revolution. This is serious rebellion against the Bible.

What was so significant to me about the mocking was the power of it. There seemed to be a vicious, disarming spiritual power associated with the mockers. It seemed impossible to cut through this mocking spirit to defend and proclaim the faith. In a sense, the mocking felt overpowering, which greatly alarmed me, as I never had encountered this power before. It is the rise of the spirit of antichrist preparing the way for the “man of sin.”

Because of the effect of this mocking power, I studied the Bible to find out what is so significant about mocking and this dangerous evil power it was generating. I was stunned with what I found. The spiritual implications for both the mockers and America are frightening.

On two occasions the Bible warns that the closer the coming of the Lord Jesus, the greater the mockers/scoffers will become. These verses are found in 2 Peter 3 and Jude, and what is so significant is both verses stress that the prophets and apostles warned about the mockers.

Apparently the mockers are a sure indicator that the “last time” or Day of the LORD is near. It is going to be a powerful force as the Lord’s Second Coming draws near. The driving force of the mockers is sinful lusts. Sin has taken over and controls a person, and this is the power behind the mockers!

Notice one of the main focuses of mockers is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:2-4 “That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’”

Jude adds something very important about the mockers. They are completely given over to sin and are without the Spirit of the Lord in their life; therefore, they are reprobates with a mind that is at war with God. Their mind is void of anything connected with God.

Jude 1:17-19 “But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit”

The ultimate mocking was found when Jesus Christ was in the hands of evil men and He was dying on the cross. This mocking was Satan using men to directly attack the Lord Jesus and it was with an all-out mocking attack. You will notice when reading these verses that the mocking involved action.

As they were torturing the Lord, they were also mocking Him. This was an all-out brutal attack by Satan to try and break the Lord. The full hatred of Satan was being unleashed against the Lord, and at the heart of it was mocking! Mocking is one of Satan’s most powerful tools against believers.

Matthew 27:29 “And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!”

Matthew 27:31 “And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. Mark 15:31 Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.”

Luke 22:63 “And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him.”

Luke 23:11 “And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate.’

Luke 23:36 “And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar.”

Mockers are the Seal of God’s Coming Judgment

There are two criteria for a society to fulfill which seals its destruction from God. The first is to legalize iniquity while the second is to mock God and those that warn of the coming judgment for sin. God clearly lays out in the Bible what are the conditions for triggering His righteous judgment on a nation. America is now almost completed these requirements and is ready for judgment. A judgment from which there is NO remedy.

The First Criteria

The Ordinaces of the Amorites/Americans

Genesis 15:16 “But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”

God told Abraham that his descendants were going to leave the land of Canaan for 400 years because the iniquity of the people living in the land was not complete. There is a process for a society to be engulfed by iniquity. In the case of the Amorites/Canaanites, God gave these people 400 years to stop iniquity. God knew that after 400 years the iniquity of the people would reach its peak. The people would not turn from sin, but they would completely embrace it.

When studying Genesis 15:16, there is a key word in this verse. It is the Hebrew word translated full. This word is directly connected with the idea of friendly or friendship. The concept of this word is that when a society is friendly with iniquity at that point it is subject to judgment from God.

Iniquity is no longer shameful or a disgraceful. It is not hidden or done in the dark. The people are friendly with it. They are accustomed to it. In Genesis 15:16, the Bible does not define iniquity: it simply states that there is a time for it to mature in a society and become full.

After the 400 years, the Jews left Egypt and came back to the land of Canaan. Today it is called the land of Israel. At this time, the Bible identifies what is iniquity. In Leviticus 18, God warned the Jews not to follow the Ordinaces of the Canaanites who lived in the land. The Canaanites and Amorites blended into one people; therefore it is also the Ordinaces of the Amorites that are mentioned in Genesis 15:16.

Leviticus 18:3 “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinaces.”

In the above verse, the key word is ordinaces. The Hebrew word means an enactment and is also translated custom, manner, and statute. By using the word ordinance the Bible is describing a society that is “friendly” with iniquity. Iniquity had become ingrained in the Canaanite society by both customs and laws, which made it a way of life.

For this reason, God is about to judge the Canaanites and drive them off the land. The judgment comes because iniquity is an ordinance of the society and not because individuals are committing sin. When a society makes iniquity an ordinance, this is extremely serious with God. It is a trigger and the first requirement for judgment.

Later in Leviticus chapter 18, the Bible defines iniquity. It includes such acts as: fornication, adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality and bestiality. Homosexuality is singled out from this group and described as an abomination. Without any doubt, God strongly condemns the homosexual act as iniquity. There is no section in the Old Testament where God approves or condones homosexuality. The homosexual act is a very serious offense to God. It is linked with child sacrifice and bestiality. When homosexuality becomes an ordinance, it is a leading trigger for God’s judgment.

The Scriptures to show this follow:

Leviticus 18:20-23:

“Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her.” (Adultery) “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.” (Child sacrifice.) “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” (Homosexuality) “Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.” (Bestiality)

The Bible warns that when homosexuality becomes an ordinance, social custom or norm, it will bring God’s judgment on that nation. When the Bible defines iniquity, the homosexual act would automatically fall under the description of this word. In the strongest language possible, the Bible says, because of iniquity being made an ordinance, the land will vomit out its inhabitants. The Scriptures to show this follows:

Leviticus 18:24-27:

“Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (for all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled.)”

The United States now is enacting, by both customs and laws, the Ordinaces of the Amorites; therefore the nation is defiled before the holy God of Israel and faces His judgment. By promoting homosexuality, America has become like the ancient pagan Amorites and has now come under the direct judgment of God.

America promotes homosexuality by custom with events such as Gay Pride Day, Gay Awareness Month (June), Gay day at Disney land, Gay Day at sporting events and events like Southern Decadence in New Orleans. There are gay clubs in high school and colleges. The political parties are pandering to the homosexuals for their votes. By custom, homosexuality has woven into the fabric of America. It is an ordinance.

America is continually making ordinaces to advance the homosexual agenda. They can legally “marry” now in all states. Homosexuals are now able to adopt children and gain custody of children during a divorce. There are now numerous hate speech laws which are being used to silence opposition to the homosexual agenda. Both federal and state courts are declaring that homosexuality is a “right.”

America is a long way down the road to enacting all the Ordinaces of the Amorites.

The Bible warns of God judging a nation that enacts these ordinaces. When the corporate attitude of a nation is friendly toward homosexuality then at this point the iniquity is full. It is apparent that “the cup” of America’s sin is rapidly filling up. Americans hardly blush anymore at fornication and adultery.

The nation kills over one million babies a year with up to 55 million killed “legally” since 1973. The legalizing of abortion was an additional “Ordinance of the Amorites/Americans”. Homosexuality is fast becoming a constitutional right.

The only ordinance left to fulfill Leviticus 18 is bestiality. This sin is most likely being performed “under the radar” and is probably next on-line to become an ordinance. Please do not think that this is impossible as just fifteen years ago few thought that “homosexual marriage” would be legalized was thought impossible. This ordinance came very fast and swept across the nation in a few years.

Psalm 107:33, 34 “He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground; a fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.”

The Second Criteria

Mockers and Scoffers at the Warning of the Coming Judgment:

God is merciful and always warns before judging a nation. At God’s core He is holy, and His holiness will only allow a nation to go so far with iniquity. This is what happened to the Canaanites, as they enacted all the Ordinaces of the Amorites and would not repent of these sins. Remember, that God is merciful and judges a nation only as the last resort. He desires for people to repent of their sinful ordinaces and turn to Him for forgiveness.

Ezekiel 33:11 “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

The last act before God judges a nation is that He warns of the coming destruction. This is seen in what happened with ancient Israel before it was destroyed by the Babylonians in 600 BC. The destruction was complete as the nation was destroyed with only a very small remnant of the people surviving. Jerusalem was burned along with the magnificent temple. The religious system of worship was stopped and the kingdom was taken away. God warned this was going to happen, but the people wanted to live in the Ordinaces or Amorites.

The religious and political leaders were leading the people into the iniquity! There were practicing all the Ordinaces of the Amorites and had no intention of repenting.

2 Chronicles 36:14 “Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem. The Babylonians were on the way to destroy Israel, but God moved in one last effort of compassion toward the people.

He sent final messengers to warn the people of the imminent destruction. They refused to repent and mocked the warning messengers of the Lord and also they despised His words. Their mocking was the final trigger for judgment. The Bible states that God reacted to the mocking with wrath and it sealed the judgment with NO remedy.”

The combination of the Ordinaces of the Amorites and the mocking sealed their destruction. The last act before judgment is that the people are so hardened in sin, they mock God, His word, and those that warn of the impending doom.

2 Chronicles 36:15-16 “And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes (early), and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place: But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.”

God warns that mockers will make their bands of judgment or chastisement much stronger. He will not allow mockers to get away with their arrogance.

Isaiah 28:22 “Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.”

The Swift Judgment

Once God sends His last warning and the people mock, the judgment is very swift with no way to stop it. There is no remedy, and the people are sealed into the destruction. When the mockers take over, the destruction SUDDENLY hits.

Proverbs 6:15 “Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.”

Proverbs 29:1 “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”

How to Handle Mockers

Proverbs 14:9 “Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favor.”

The Bible clearly states that the power behind mockers is their sinful lusts. Mockers will protect their lusts at all costs. The Bible then identifies mockers as fools. It is the fool’s mouth which sets his destruction and a snare to the soul. The mocking then seals them into judgment.

Proverbs 18:7 “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. Proverbs 23:9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words”

If you understand that mockers and scoffers are fools then it easy to deal with them. It is best not to engage a fool. I will not engage a mocker at his level as it is folly. There is great power in mocking as it is energized by hell. What I think is best to do is not to engage a mocker or proclaim judgment and repentance to them. I will proclaim warnings from the word of God to the mockers and go no further.

America’s Future

The nation is NOW very hardened in the Ordinaces of the Amorites with no sign of turning back to the Holy God of Israel. Most of the church has lost the fear of God and thus cannot see the judgment coming. The key now is to watch the growth of mockers. Atheists were a very small percentage of the population, but in the last 10 years the percentage has shot up to over 20 percent. As they grow in numbers, they also grow in power which energizes their mocking.

At the speed America is free-falling spiritually, in a very short time the mocking will be at the level of the final judgment. It is very sad to watch America die like this, But, when a nation turns from God to the Ordinaces of Amorites, judgment awaits and there is no remedy.

Our job is to stay a faithful witness for the Lord to the end. We are to stay focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus for His bride. This is the Blessed Hope.

Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”




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    Total 103 comments
    • plsnogod

      ”mockers and scoffers are fools” are they?

      how very condescending of you all knowing one.

      people like yourself have been saying the same thing on behalf of many different deities for thousands of years,
      each equally believing themselves to be right.

      these are all ”faiths”..such as they are..based on no evidence WHATSOEVER, ever. this includes the current fad for monotheistic gods and prophets.

      i think more people are mocking and scoffing as time goes on because they begin to realise what nonsense it all is.

      we may well be coming to the end of our pathetic destructive civilisation,but this will be more to do with yellowstone,an asteroid or WW3. it certainly will not be about the returning of the ‘lord jesus christ’. lol.

      i imagine the muslims and hindus believe it will not be about the return of jesus also!

      the koran and the bible are not history books or factual books,they are medieval fantasy novels written over centuries by different authors and mistranslated many times.

      so when you say it is ‘the word of the lord’,surely you must recognise in your heart or subconciously that it is not.

      i understand you pity me as a fool because i have not taken jesus,god,allah,elephant god,mohammed into my heart and repented of my sins and…etc,you know the drill.

      can you not understand that it is i who think you are the fool. i see that you will not engage with the mockers and the scoffers. do you not see that is because apart from spouting ‘scriptures’ as the ‘word of the lord’,you really have no argument at your disposal.

      so lets agree to pity each other. i do wish you luck in your eternal afterlife(sounds pretty tedious to me).

      i for one will be doing something useful, and providing fertiliser for the plants on this stunningly beautiful planet.

      • maxxy

        …well son….If your ultimate goal in this ‘visit’ to this planet, is to become decomposed organic plant food, then I say you have a wonderful chance to do just that…congratulations. I would say that, after reading your “carefully” reasoned posts for the time you’ve been here, you have the exact same idea, I have, for your final dissipation.

      • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

        if you are ultimately not drawn by Father Almighty to Y’shua His Son,
        you are simply not of Him, so there is would be no pity for you
        any more than for the devil, who has to tediously contemplate the lake of fire,
        which tediously with bated breath, anticipates that devil diving there for a swim.

        Your body might provide fertilizer for plants, might get nuked,
        so what use would that be ?
        But that ain’t you. The devil clearly has you deceived.
        Those demonic spirits you listen to have no argument against the Spirit of Truth.
        You bring them into the Presence of Father Almighty and they will
        shut their false doctrine mouths.

        Would you like to test your satanic humanistic spiritual power
        against the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Name of Y’shua ?

      • plsnogod

        great stuff guys,

        i just try to provoke some thought,thats all.

        however,a quick word with ‘maxxy’,and in particular ‘everygreen…’. look at your contributions.

        you present nil,zero,zip ideas to the debate.
        in particular,the latter descends to the usual bullying religious threats of being judged,and no doubt me suffering in the pits of hell for eternity….etc. please try not to be frightened. the devil and nasty demons almost certainly do not exist. certainly no evidence for them.

        sorry to keep using that word ‘evidence’. i know it is anathema to religious people.
        ‘why can’t people just accept it’s true,and stop asking awkward questions’!

        you have no idea do you,of how daft you sound?

        keep the comments rolling…

        • maxxy

          …puleease…Is this a debate? really? Naw…. it is obstinance. Like two big slabs of rock leaning against one another. You will be a memory (?) before any purchase is gained, either way.

        • maxxy

          “sorry to keep using that word ‘evidence’…..”
          …I could try giving you evidence, but the only part of it that you haven’t already been buried in, is purely ‘esoteric’, in nature. And that’s the only part of the scenario, that could possibly be of any ‘proof’.
          .. I’ve got a feeling that you are ‘familiar’ with the ‘spirit world’, magick, and otherworldliness. You know how hard it would be to explain that stuff to a true novice….Well that’s how hard it would be to explain to you, the divinity of Jesus Christ the Son of God. This not a debate. You are not prepared.

          • plsnogod

            yes,it is a debate.

            i do not believe in magic or nasty demons or satan or whatever you believe otherworldliness may be.

            of course you cannot explain the divinity of ‘jesus christ the son of god’. it is only in your mind that he exists. same as allah and mohammed only exist in the minds of brainwashed muslims.

            btw, i suggest you look up esoteric in your thesaurus…

            • maxxy

              ….Esoteric…..I would have thought you of all people would know what it means. Your world is esoteric… has no substance. The ether…netherworld….and all the other places where “plsnogod” hangs out. Any where there is no room for God…..that’s your place. You chose it. live in it…die there.

            • Bill Lyle

              I had no idea that you could get an internet connection, in the “netherworld”, plsnogod. Impressive……

              IMO, religion, faith, whatever you want to call it, has outlived it’s usefulness. The main reason why you see such an upsurge in Atheism, Agnosticism and whatnot, is because people are tired of chasing an absentee parental figure. When a child grows up without a parent, that child learns to live without the need for said parent.

              The faithful usually point to the free will cop out, to justify God’s reluctance/ inability/ downright refusal to fix a world that is in desperate need of fixing. Where’s the Creator’s sense of responsibility to it’s creation?

            • maxxy

              Bill…What you fail to see, is the conflict we have on this planet between the forces of evil and the rest of us. You either are part of one force or the other…there is no middle ground. I call you a coward and a traitor.
              Your big mistake is in believing you can understand what’s going on…..without the aid of the scripture…..You can’t. That’s why we have it.

            • Bill Lyle

              You can call me Susan, if it makes you happy, maxxy. Your opinion of me, matters not one bit.

              A coward? Hardly. I’ve said it many times, on this site:
              I am perfectly happy to admit when I’m wrong. If and when I face my judgement, I will happily accept punishment, IF I’m wrong. Unlike many here, I’m not afraid of what awaits me when I die. I’ve already been there. Unlike many, I’m not trying to hedge my bets, on the afterlife.

              A traitor? That would imply that I took a side, and betrayed it. By it’s very definition, I’m no traitor. I pledge my devotion to no deity, because I’m unsure (but ultimately still open to the possibility) of their existence. There’s nothing in your book, that convinces me of anything.

              Your big mistake is presuming to know what I understand. I have no need for your scripture, to tell me how to be a good person, nor do I need the fear of a God, to make me act in a particular way. Good and evil are very much a matter of perspective. Even the villain thinks he’s doing the right thing.

              A question to ponder, though I’m sure the arrogance of certainty will prevent an objective answer:
              How would you feel, if after spending your whole life believing in that which the bible tells you, you found out that there was nothing awaiting you when you die? No heaven, no God, no salvation- nothing but your thoughts, for eternity? Can you kick yourself in the arse, when you have no legs?

            • maxxy

              bill lyle….Ok bill….I’m done with you. Though i must respect your stand on the matter, I’m actually required to relate to you as “unfinished”.
              But, that’s ok too….there’s a lot of that.
              Why hang out on the spirituality section? Wouldn’t a website about carpentry or car repair be more like it for ya? Here you’re just another scoffer….maybe you could be more ‘productive’ elsewhere? what draws you to a subject you have no marbles bet on? :cool:
              Your opinions on the matter seem to be set in stone….The only input you have is ‘negative’, here. …..Maybe that’s what you want…..Lord only knows why.

            • Bill Lyle

              I wish to understand faith. Nothing more. It’s because I have none, that I want to figure out why it’s good to put your spiritual well being in hands, other than one’s own. I actually envy those who believe.

              When confronted with negativity (like being referred to as a traitor and coward), you expect any different?

            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

              “Where’s the Creator’s sense of responsibility to it’s creation?”

              The Creator is responsible for the very next breath of air you draw. Literally. Your lungs continue to function and your heart continues to beat at His good pleasure.

              “You can call me Susan, if it makes you happy…”

              We’ve lost Gorgeous George.

              “I have no need for your scripture, to tell me how to be a good person…”

              Sure you do. You also need the written Word to tell you why we are to do the things we should be doing. And that takes a good bit of digging.

              “…nor do I need the fear of a God, to make me act in a particular way.”

              The emphasis should be on ‘reverence.’ At least, there should be reverence included with the fear. Any punishment we receive is truly a corrective measure – entirely UN-like the punishment disbursed by the legal system of man. But the punishment we’re speaking of is a fearsome, and entirely just, punishment. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

              “Good and evil are very much a matter of perspective.”

              The hell you say. Good and evil are absolute and ultimate. The problem is, hardly any of us are qualified to rightly discern either one. And I’m not being rude when I ask you – why on Earth you think you know good from evil. I can personally guarantee that you do not. I can also guarantee that this concept can’t be adequately grasped until we’ve been schooled for a while by a higher Intelligence; that is, the Creator of Good and Evil Himself.

              “Even the villain thinks he’s doing the right thing.”

              In my experience, that’s very rarely the case. Villains are liars, so they lie about what they think is the right thing. But, as you say, sometimes they’re such good liars that they manage to lie to themselves. Convincingly. That’s never an indication of subjectivity with respect to good and evil, however. There is nothing subjective about good or evil.

              “How would you feel, if after spending your whole life believing in that which the bible tells you, you found out that there was nothing awaiting you when you die? No heaven, no God, no salvation- nothing but your thoughts, for eternity? Can you kick yourself in the arse, when you have no legs?”

              The Apostle Paul addressed that very matter as perfectly as it can be addressed: If we who believe believe in vain, then we are, of all men in this world, the most miserable. The kind of commitment we’re discussing would be nothing worth if it didn’t require a very substantial and positive act from us, which it does. Nothing as valuable as what we’re speaking of here can be had cheaply. A man ‘sells everything he owns’ so that he can ‘buy’ it.

              “I wish to understand faith. Nothing more. It’s because I have none, that I want to figure out why it’s good to put your spiritual well being in hands, other than one’s own.”

              We are privileged if we learn the consequences of believing we CAN put our spiritual health and well-being in our own hands to favorable effect. The fact is we can’t. That’s a major lesson found written large throughout the pages of the Book and in the lessons of life as well. And these lessons are clearly not concocted from the backwaters of some charlatan’s imagination. These lessons, once pondered sufficiently, show themselves in a light altogether beyond the ‘wisdom’ of man. That’s because man is a selfish animal. He’s a selfish animal because he was created to be a selfish animal for a reason.

              “I actually envy those who believe.”

              But do you think our belief is a cop-out, and that we’re somehow gaining peace of mind through sheer force of ignorance?

              “When confronted with negativity (like being referred to as a traitor and coward), you expect any different?”

              Having hoed a row or two with you myself, I’ll vouch for you personally. You’re no traitor and I don’t believe you’re a coward. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you’re among the few non-believers who have not yet written themselves into total hopelessness. I say that solely because you remain alert to the fact that you are a limited intellectual creature, as we all are, and that the matters we are now discussing pertain to limitless wisdom. You act prudently when you place and acknowledge limits on your faith in yourself. Those among us who imagine no such limits, have virtually secured their position in spiritual darkness.

            • Mayhem

              I’ll second that WALTER.

              As it happens Bill Lyle possesses an admirable intellect and likes, very much, to do his own thinking. His logic is sound, even though we disagree on certain concepts, and he reasons well when measuring his responses.

              Would that there were more like him.

            • Bill Lyle

              First off, it’s good to speak with you again.
              ” Your lungs continue to function and your heart continues to beat at His good pleasure.”
              I don’t think I’ve ever heard it put so ominously. As part of my work, I have seen many people have their lives cut short in some pretty horrific ways. “At His good pleasure” seems pretty macabre, at times.

              “We’ve lost Gorgeous George.”
              Where’d ya lose him? It’s not as though he’s a set of keys….

              “You also need the written Word to tell you why we are to do the things we should be doing.”
              I have to respectfully disagree. Most will do the right thing, just out of a sense of human decency. It’s been my experience, that the written Word has been used to justify some very evil acts (you’re aware of the usual examples, so I won’t bother going into them). That doesn’t just apply to Christians, either. All faiths use their holy books to assuage the guilt that comes with acting in a horrible ways.

              “The emphasis should be on ‘reverence.’ At least, there should be reverence included with the fear.”
              I’m going to have to quote Magneto, on this one: “I always thought of God as more of a teacher”. I agree that one should revere a great teacher. I’ve also found that I can’t learn from a teacher that instills fear. How does one learn, when they’re preoccupied with being afraid?

              “– why on Earth you think you know good from evil.”
              Do my actions cause harm? If so, than they are evil. Do they help my fellow man? If so, they are good. See, it’s my opinion that the very concepts of Good and Evil are not something that needs to be taught. We know. How we know, I can’t say. It may very well be, that the knowledge was imprinted into our DNA, by a God. All I know, is that humans know the difference between good and evil. Some just choose to ignore it.

              In the matter of villains……
              I hold villains like Hitler and Pol Pot up, as an example of the subjectivity of good and evil. Both, without question, are responsible for some of the most heinous, evil acts, in the history of humanity. However, they felt that they were doing the right thing, for their country and their people. I’ve come to think that good and evil may just be a matter of agreement. If the community at large agrees with one’s actions, then one is touted as a hero. If they disagree, you become the villain.

              On the Apostle Paul:
              I may be missing the overall message here, but what I’m getting from it is that if one is wrong in their faith, then oh well? If there is in fact, no Supreme Being, you simply feel silly, for eternity? Perhaps that quote was more a warning to those who believed differently than Paul?

              “We are privileged if we learn the consequences of believing we CAN put our spiritual health and well-being in our own hands to favorable effect…..”
              That’s been a bit of a sticking point, for me. With my stance on the bible, and much of what’s presented, I have difficulty with the idea that there may be some sort of punishment awaiting me, when I die. Let’s face it. No one’s come back to complain about their treatment, in either Heaven or Hell (whatever those may be). I feel that all one can do in life, is minimise the damage they do, while they’re alive and hope for the best, once they’re not. If I were to die tomorrow and I went before a God to be judged, I don’t think I’d have a word to utter. If how I lived my life didn’t please God, what am I really going to do about my fate? I’m already facing judgement- it’s a wee bit too late for deathbed repentance. If I were to repent at the feet of God, it would be grovelling for nothing- I’m already condemned to Hell. Just my opinion…..

              “But do you think our belief is a cop-out, and that we’re somehow gaining peace of mind through sheer force of ignorance?”
              Absolutely not, Walter. I would never think that it’s a bad thing, to hope for something better than this life. How one feels that it’s accomplished, is up to them. Whether it’s a God, or not, makes no difference to me. I don’t care how one envisions the next level of existence. If it brings them peace, it can’t be bad. If I thought it was “sheer force of ignorance”; I’d assert, in no uncertain terms, that there was nothing beyond this life. As we’ve discussed before, I can’t say for sure, what awaits us. I just know that we’re here now, and that is what is of paramount importance.
              This is not to say that I don’t find some of the beliefs to be rather silly, but hey, who am I to judge where one finds their solace?

              As for the last paragraph in your comment and Mayhem’s comment, below: I have to say thank you. I’m very appreciative and humbled by your comments, as I do have a great deal of respect for both of you gentlemen. *Cue Piggy….. :lol:

              Very few believers here in the BIN (like our friend maxxy) are willing to “get into it” with the likes of me, without it descending into name-calling and insisting that I’m “unfinished”, or “of the devil”, simply because I question their position.
              So again, thank you, gentlemen.

          • Pix

            maxxy Stop pretending you’ve read the bible. We all know you haven’t.


            • maxxy

              Pixie….Do you like it orally or do you take it up the poop-chute?

            • V. Religious

              Little maxxxxy, the christo-PANSY,

              Christian values convey a message of submission towards evil.

              The forgiveness and acceptance of human atrocities without any ad vented repercussions for such acts.

              There is a universal law that is being purposely erased from the human psyche, which implies common sense retaliation against those that wish harm onto our human brethren.

              Our planet is a jewel, humanities greatest possession.

              Apathy towards its safety and value is slowly being indoctrinated into the masses.

              Making the strong passive, thus we turn a blind eye towards a critical thinking mechanism the brilliant have been gifted from an unknown cosmic inheritance.

              Our natural instincts for survival are being muddled with an overload of useless information, creating mass confusion.
              Extreme mental stress that is wearing down our will, making us think our unwritten fate is already set in stone.

            • Chet

              Pix is just a bitter old house-wife maxxy.

              Even still… you can be sure “the chute” is well greased on that one.

            • Chet

              re: “V. Religious”

              Speaking of “well greased chutes” ….. Hi Chris :!:

            • Mr. Chet Friend

              Take that big, black thing out of your mouth, Chet, you Sodomite of a judeo-christo-CREEP, you!
              HEY, you all stocked up on toilet paper, pussy boy? :wink: :wink: :wink:
              You can hide out then, for months!
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

            • MARK

              Mr. Friend,

              You seem to be under the illusion that any self muttered Christian Identity-alist Redneck or WASP Zionist Yankee MIND SLAVES (like Chet) are CAPABLE of individual thought!

              These are the feudal slaves of the powerful WHOEVER that happens to be in Power at the time.

              And, by definition, their definition, they are there to be the beaten, as well as the beaters of black and blue in all matters.

              For judeo-christo-FREAKS, like Chet, are DANGEROUS to all others because of the brain washing from birth they receive!

            • Chet

              Do you still follow the yellow-skinned man-god named “LEE” who asks the young lady’s in his congregation to burn themselves alive for his senseless whims ?

              Not that I care much but you seem like an ocean buoy bobbing up and down with no tether whatsoever. This BBQ cult you’ve embraced appears to be the first home-made religion you could find after loosing the faith you where given at birth.

            • i am David

              Hey Chad. I think you are barking up the wrong tree with this Chris guy.

              Guy makes himself sound like a real hero. A real peaceful warrior!

              “Chris says Fury Dong gives him a sense of peace like never before. At the same time, the ongoing persecution in China compels him into action. To him, his involvement in efforts to expose and stop the persecution is a natural expression of the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. His conscience tells him it is the right thing to do.”

              Thank GOD he is at peace like never before… his vision has returned… and his conscience is guiding him.

            • V. Religious

              LOOK, Chet, at my avatar!
              See the people being burned alive at the stake with their christian friends and neighbors standing around, watching, and doing nothing to stop the wanton MASS torture and slaughter?
              :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
              Those judeo-christo-CREEPS are your euro ancestors, Chet!
              You brain-washed from birth :evil: :evil: :evil: one-god MONSTERS :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: are the problem, Chet!
              NOW, with your BOMBS from the air, you burn people by the MILLIONS!
              Want to debate that, Chet?
              You are just a christo-Patsy come round to harass!
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              And, a stupid patsy, too boot! :wink: :wink:

            • Chet

              Chris “LOOK, Chet, at my avatar!”

              I tried but it’s too small to make out anything but a mole.

              Why don’t you run for office?

              I mean… just how many self inflated girdle wearing “BEHOLDEN” rich men with messy gray hair can there be in the race?

              At least Trump is honest about his race theories.

            • Mayhem

              Speak for yourself, Pix, because it’s very clear that maxxy has indeed read the Bible and has a thorough understanding of what it says. That he reads it through Arnold Murray tinted glasses is a completely separate issue.

            • Rev. Poohbah

              And, Caucasian male brain-washed from birth judeo-christo-FREAKS do have credibility, there Egg FOOL Fung?
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              IGNORE every christo-CREEP comment on this post!
              For, they are ALL the insane one of BIN, jedadieanjdouchebag!
              HELLO, jed!

            • Pix


              That’s low even for you.

            • maxxy

              Pixie…yeah I’m sorry……I guess i don’t know how to relate to homosexuals ……..what am I supposed to say? I think you’re all nasty…too nasty to touch. But at least ya’ll don’t re-produce……

            • Pix

              maxxy “Pixie…yeah I’m sorry……I guess i don’t know how to relate to homosexuals ……..what am I supposed to say? I think you’re all nasty…too nasty to touch. But at least ya’ll don’t re-produce……”

              Well, read it and weep,.. I have two strapping sons and two beautiful grand daughters because I’m not homosexual. But it does prove that the brain damaged like you use slander to vilify people who disagree. You’re pathetic… “thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor”… so according to YOUR belief you’ll be going straight to hell.

              So make up your mind, are you a believer or not? Because so far everything you’ve said, says you’re not.


            • maxxy

              pix…not a homosexual…ok just an enthusiastic supporter of the darkness….that makes even less sense…..I would guess that you just don’t care what kind of world your grandchildren grow up in….can’t you see the whole anti God thing is anti-family, anti-decency, Anti-LIFE, itself.
              Grandchildren are a blessing. Family is a blessing……it seems to me you mock your good fortune…..How do you even hold one of the little ones, without worrying that the evil that is, right now, assembling against us…wants their blood.
              And really, I thought for sure you were proudly gay…..those are the only people I’ve talked to, anywhere, that are as willfully blind as you are.

            • Chet

              And if Pix found out that one of her “beloved” grandchildren believed in God she would gladly sneak “the anti-religion” vaccine into their drinking water against their will to “fix them”

              I kid you not.

            • maxxy

              chet….I know….sad.

        • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

          No evidence, no contribute ?
          I went straight to the evidence factor, welcoming you to
          ‘throw down’ whatever ‘spiritual’ power you have derived from your
          personal beliefs, and my Father will give you some Light from His position. :cool: :cool: :cool: Sunglasses are required for some. :lol:

          Words in a book have limited use, but those words that are
          spoken by Father Almighty have eternal power for good, which
          naturally is a problem for evil, so evil attacks, or ‘tries’ to.

          There is no bullying going on, I didn’t see Father bullying anyone,
          I was just relaying facts for you, so in case you end up there,
          in that place that doesn’t exist ( you said), you won’t be completely
          lost for words, for Y’shua said that those mockers would remember
          our words too.
          No I will not engage with unbelievers, or anyone else who doesn’t abide
          in Y’shua. There are other ways besides engaging to communicate.

          Since true followers of Y’shua are only interested in His righteousness,
          and the evidential good news of His Kingdom, those evil ‘christians’
          you and some others are speaking about are obviously unrepentant
          apostates, or they were never born of the Holy Spirit of Father Almighty; so they are self-deceived about BEing a true christian, and are NOT,
          but are probably some form of a Legalist, living off of dead words on
          pages books, rather than:
          “man shall not live by bread alone, but by ever Word that proceeds
          from the mouth of God”_and yes, Him, He is a Person, a Holy Spirit,
          who doesn’t lie, and Who confirms HIS Word with signs following,
          and who Watches over HIS Word to perform it.

          Would you like ( the “non-existant )” Y’shua to give you a visit ?

          His ways are not our ways but are way above, so there is actually
          no way to presume how He will bring Light to you.


          • maxxy

            ….Thanks green herb….beautiful. But you know…there’s that abrogation to not cast pearls before those who will trample them underfoot. I’ll pick em up, and wipe em off.


        Well you mock.. so therefore you’re a fool. Soooooooo I’m not supposed to waste my time on you. :lol:

        • plsnogod

          suits me tex!

        • Pix

          Is that a promise?


    • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

      John, shoot, let em, persecute, but the good news is that there IS Judgement.
      Pay Back time, when they have to face us, and are at our mercy.
      This ain’t no one way street the children of hell are pushing,
      they will reap what
      they sow against Him and us.

      • plsnogod

        oh dear oh dear,

        this is like shooting dead ducks.

        who is ”him”?

        have you met ”him”?

        oh yeah,you have in in your heart and mind right? nothing to do with being indoctrinated from a young age in your family and community,till you are so convinced it is true,you actually believe it.

        if i sound techy,it’s because you religious people have caused so much death,torture and destruction over the centuries,without the remotest scrap of evidence,that yes,it annoys me a little.

        get a grip and start utilising the brain ‘god’ didn’t give you.

        • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

          I answered above.

          Brains, minds, and hearts, is all you covered, far as I remember.

          Since Father Almighty is a Spirit, those who abide in Y’shua
          live by His Spirit from within their spirits.
          They do not live like ‘natural’ man, such as yourself.

      • Bill Lyle

        “Pay Back time, when they have to face us, and are at our mercy.”
        That’s pretty presumptuous of you Herb. As a believer, do you really believe that you will be a participant, along side God himself, in the Judgement of the human race? I thought Judgement was for God, alone. Pretty arrogant of you, to presume that you’d be a member of the Rapture panel….

        • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

          Bill, I understand how it could sound arrogant and presumptuous.
          Don’t give much time to ‘rapture’. :lol:

          He tells me that it is enough that the disciple be as his Lord.
          He tell me to abide in Him and He in me.
          He tells me to follow Him.

          Bill, those things you questioned me about are spoken in the context that some of His sons and daughters presently participate in His ‘judgement’.
          Judgement especially
          against demons and devils and their works, but especially For people.

          Hope that helps make it clearer.

      • Pix

        EveryGreenHerbGenesis9.3 “.. but the good news is that there IS Judgement.”

        Sure, I’d be willing to witness to your deity just what a bunch of insane genocidal maniacs you truly are. You speak with a forked tongue, you ‘religious’ types always have. You say one thing but practice the complete opposite.


    • Guntherian

      Pro_3:32 For the perverse one is an abomination to יהוה, And His secret counsel is with the straight.

      Pro_28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination1. Footnote: 1See also 15:29, Isa. 59:1-2, John 9:31, 1 John 3:22.

      KA POW, “if you dont want to listen to Bible, then even your prayers are utterly hated to the highest degree,”

      • plsnogod

        as for the recent ‘coming’ of guntherian.

        i don’t think any of us have the faintest clue as to what you are gibbering about.

        • moochie2

          And I doubt you could ever comprehend it anyway

      • Bill Lyle

        “Pro_3:32 For the perverse one is an abomination to יהוה, And His secret counsel is with the straight.”
        Ok, we get it. You don’t like gay people.

        “Pro_28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination1. Footnote: 1See also 15:29, Isa. 59:1-2, John 9:31, 1 John 3:22.”

        So, a loving, forgiving God hates the prayers of those we’re told he loves? That’s ridiculous. As for the insistence that one “hears the Torah”, how does that apply to non-Jews? Is this quote to mean that if you’re not a Jew, don’t waste your time praying, because God hates your very thoughts and prayers?

        • Mayhem

          Is it possible, Bill, that God hates the game and not the player?

          • Bill Lyle

            Entirely possible, but we’ve spoken at length about (what I think is) the safe bet that those who physically penned the books of the bible, added their own biases and presumptions to the text. I’m still coming to grips with the 180 turn in God’s demeanor; and how quickly some are to ignore Christ’s teachings, in favour of those that paint the Almighty as vengeful and hot-headed, simply because it suits their own prejudices.
            If one clings to the Old Testament and ignores the New, then it’s my opinion that one is not suited to Christianity. Perhaps a Yarmulke is in order.

            • maxxy

              Bill….where you go wrong, is the difference between the OT and the NT. OT was to keep the blood pure to bring Christ…NT shows believers how to stay alive in a world bent on wiping them out. Jesus really pissed off the devil, you see….

            • Bill Lyle

              I was always under the impression that Christ came to earth, to update the already existing Jewish law- an addendum, if you will. If he brought a new law for his followers, then why would his faithful cling so desperately to the old one? Christ rendered the OT obsolete. Otherwise, there would have been no point in showing up, at all. Hence, why I don’t understand why people hold onto the part of the book where God is so temperamental. The only explanation I can come up with, is that it coincides with their pre-conceived biases. It gives them a justification to be mean and bigoted, because God said it was ok, until Jesus showed up.
              If it takes me a while to respond to any reply, don’t take it personally. I’ll be back.

            • Mayhem

              I’m sometimes surprised, Bill, that you only see one side when you’re so very close answering your own questions. It’s all a matter of perspective, don’t you see.

              Jesus paid the ransom, for all sin, by freely giving up His life. Therefore sacrificial sin atonement and the death penalty are done away with but that is all. Apart from those two specific aspects the remainder of the teachings (Law) stand. In Matthew 5:17,18 Jesus spoke specifically against abolishing the Law as did Paul in Romans 3:31.

              But of course the two testaments are inseparable given that the old prophesied of the new and the new substantively quoted, or referenced, the old. I’d go so far as to say that the one cannot be understood without the other.

              You’ll have heard that Jesus is the Savior but have you ever considered what it is that He saves us from? I put it to you that we need saving from the God that Nahum 1:2 describes. From an all consuming fire (Deut 4:24), a jealous God whose anger is great against all who forsake him (Ezra 8:22).

              So i say it’s perspective that often clouds understanding and there is seldom any need of a paradigm shift for many to see and hear the truth of the word.

            • maxxy

              Bill Lyle…..Mayhem said something very important…..
              ..The tribulation that the devil, is designing, right now, is absolutely survivable….it takes the “armor of the gospel” to do it, but it can be done…at least, in spirit….The “wrath of God”, which comes after, will cleanse this planet, of all that offends. All corrupt spirit as well. The Lord calls himself “jealous”, he wants his children to BE his children. All he needs from us is love. What the whole world is headed for does not have to take you with it….there IS a way out of the trouble that is multiplying, before our eyes.
              You want to believe….i can tell by your attitude. I guess it comes down to the ability to PRAY. You don’t have to get on your knees or make any preparations….Just ask your ”FATHER” in Jesus’s name, :cool: to strengthen your faith and your desire to know the truth.
              A Christian believes that the O.T. prophets, explain where and how our faith, has come to reality…..And prove it, in current events. They tell us how it all came down….from the Lord. There is info about the son of God in the O.T., that is found no where else in scripture….O.T. is necessary for understanding the WHOLE story…..
              ….If you don’t accept the O.T…….you’ll never understand the threats we face today.

            • Bill Lyle

              You may have a point, that the two books are necessary, to understand either. What I get stuck on, is the vast difference between the God of the OT, and the God of the NT. It seems that there was a complete about-face, with regards to God’s temperament. In the OT, many of the stories are about the world getting wiped out, or others which involve his “wrath”. Suddenly, Jesus appears with a quite different take.
              With that being said, my original point had more to do with the application of OT scripture, as it pertains to modern life. Christ preached a message of love, yes? If you look in many of the threads on this site, you don’t see a whole lot of it, coming from Christians. Most of their condemnations of others comes straight out of the OT. Many seem to ignore Christ’s message, wholesale, until is suits them not to. Why call one’s self a Christian, if one is going to ignore Christ?

            • Bill Lyle

              “The Lord calls himself “jealous””
              Perhaps you can explain this one to me. Others have tried, but I can’t get over the idea that an omnipotent, omniscient being could have such a petty, human emotion. See, I see it breaking down like this:
              1) Of whom is God jealous?
              If the God of Abraham is in fact, the only god to have ever existed, “No other Gods, before me” goes right out the window. Why would that commandment even be necessary? There couldn’t be any competition, as The God of Abraham is supposed to be the only one. There’s no need for jealousy.

              2) Why is God jealous?
              As I said earlier, jealousy is a petty, human emotion. Now, if the Scripture is truly “The Word of God”, but penned by men, the idea of a jealous deity makes sense, if those who held the pens editorialised a bit. They added a human dimension, which projected a human flaw, on their God.

              I must make one thing very clear to you, maxxy. It’s not so much that I want to believe, as to understand. I prefer ideas, to beliefs. Beliefs are rigid, and unchanging. Ideas can adapt.

              As it relates to understanding the OT, in order to understand the events of today:
              I don’t hold much faith in prophecies. Think of Dr. Turi. Now, before you think I’m comparing him to the OT prophets, you’re only half right. People who claim to be prophets, all believe that they have some sort of connection to a celestial being of one kind, or another.
              In my opinion, what they have is an uncanny ability to realize that both mankind and the earth work in cycles. It doesn’t take a psychic to see that there will be earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They happen with regularity. I don’t need celestial help to tell me that “a great civilisation will fall”, because they always do. Something always comes out of those falls, as well.
              To me, many of the prophets were simply those with a knack for history, and interpreting the events that led to the historical events. From there, they can extrapolate approximately when those events will occur, in the future.

              As for what’s coming, I firmly believe that we’re on our own. The OT is full of stories where God intervenes, to set mankind straight. The last time He did, He sent Christ. You know how that story ended. God gave man so many chances to get their S#i! together, and we stubbornly refused. It goes a long way, to explaining His absence. I wouldn’t blame God for giving up. How many chances can He give us, before he washes His hands of us?
              We got ourselves into this mess, and we’re either going to have to fix it ourselves, or wait for the world to explode.

    • moochie2

      I don’t care if people don’t agree I just wish they would keep their dumb mouths shut and keep their opinions to themselves. This is no different than the typical liberal crowd we have running our government now. They own our press and media and use it as a weapon even though they are the lawbreakers. Oh, and do they lie.

      • plsnogod

        so,with more respect than you afforded me, i ask you the question,why are you not ”keeping your dumb mouth shut and keeping your opinion to yourself” ?

        if there was no discussion or opinion,how do you propose we all exist together.

        • Heart Of Winter

          Uh-oh, now moochie2′s foot is in his/her mouth. ZING! :lol:

        • maxxy

          …plant food….You finally made a point that I can support. Opinions are everywhere.
          Talking to mockers…like yourself, is thankless and turns nasty too easily. I’ve got that ‘nasty’ propensity, too…, I plead guilty, but with special circumstances. I am genuinely concerned with the spiritual state of all people…….I know that could make anyone crazy, so……I try to be as honest about it all, as I can…..let the Lord plant his seeds, where He can.
          …..There REALLY is a an expiration date on this world age. The last age ended in total destruction of the face of this planet. Believers in the Gospel, KNOW, without doubt that the same sort of cataclysm, is occurring, as we speak. This time, in all probability, it will end the same way. Look around you….if you are aware….at all….you can see (if you have eyes), that this world has passed the point of no return…despite what our political and ‘religious’ ‘leaders say about it.
          Personally, I have nothing against you. I know you have a problem with intellectualism, and a dearth of any metaphysical understanding, but that does not mean I hold any ill feelings toward you….you, at least, try to be civilized, although you I wouldn’t trust you with my children.

      • Bill Lyle

        That’s odd. Liberals usually complain about the “Conservative-owned media”. Which one is it?

    • Faither

      The Word brings life to some and death to others. When the disciples asked Jesus why He spoke in parables, He told them that some would have knowledge of the secrets of heaven and others would not be able to see or understand. When Jesus had an audience the contained proud people or ones who were resistant to instruction He spoke in ways that insured they would not understand.

      • plsnogod

        it is ‘ensured’. very different meaning.

        what makes you believe this stuff???

        i guess you read it in the ‘bible’.

        there is as much truth in tolkien’s lord of the rings.
        it sure makes a better movie,and rather more

        thanks for your deity’s word bringing me death. and life to you.

        sounds like what most believer’s in idols think. ”death to the unbeliever”.

        you come a close second,muslims are even better than christians at that game.

        maybe that’s why you have been slaughtering each other for millenia.

        you religious people are truly wonderful.

        • Faither

          I’m talking about the eternal soul and not your mortal body. I don’t threaten you with death.

          What makes me believe “this stuff?” Years and years of study, not just secular but also non-secular sources. Sorry, you won’t get it, you won’t ever get it, because you’re willfully blind.

          • maxxy

            Faither….about 90% of the conflict i see among the posters on this ‘spiritual’ category, is a profound misunderstanding of the spiritual/physical paradigms we live within. The human race has been spiritually “dumbed down”, purposely. Satanic forces have ruled this world for a very, very long time. (death)
            The “worldly” physical side of life is celebrated, while the Godly spirituality of mankind is, all but forgotten…..unnoticed for the most part. Certainly not celebrated, but by a faithful few.
            Modern man must, against his will, forsake egoistic self, in favor of humility before God…..or perish. No compromises. That’s the part ”worldly man” finds, stuck in his throat.
            Earthly man asks, “How can YOU believe in something that does not exist?”
            Christian man knows all the civilizations that have paraded through this world since the beginning of recorded history, have all been temporal.
            There is only one lasting REALITY…..and the wholeness of it, will not fit into the confines of a mortal mind. :cool:

            • Bill Lyle

              What you’re describing, is the decadent nature of a people, just prior to the fall of a civilisation. Yes, the population is getting dumber, by the hour. I don’t think Satan has anything to do with human laziness. Many are so lazy, that picking up a book seems like work- let alone taking the time to read it. Remember the Roman Empire. They got so fat, lazy and stupid, that they rotted from within. The same is happening in North America. It’s not the devil doing this, it’s mankind doing what we’ve always done: build something amazing, and get lazy.

        • Faither

          BTW, J.R.R. Tolkien was a devout Catholic who used his literature to illustrate the universality of the eternal struggle between good and evil.

        • maxxy

          ….plant food…..I’m going to tell you something that I know you will not accept. God loves you and is willing to forgive your adamant rejection of his supremacy. You still have not condemned yourself…..although it looks to me, that is what you’re trying to do……Maybe you are not meant to understand what’s going on, in the spiritual plane. That can happen, I’m sure. Just not enough there for the Lord to work with…Gotta be some kind of spark of some kind of real “need” to know. You have it or you don’t. All you can do is speculate, as to what’s happening. The “holy” bible might as well be a sears catalogue, for all the good it can do you.
          … I think you are a seeker who is attempting to find a worldly explanation of reality, that can satisfy your quest for truth. I’m here to tell you that it does not exist in any form.
          …Intellectuality could help in your quest, but its got to be made a servant to truth.

    • conscious soul

      There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus/ Yashaya. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus/Yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!

    • truthlovingsoul

      john rolls, for a professed CHRISTIAN i was wondering why every one of your stories relates to the jews, israel, hebrew……

      almost seems like you are a christian zionist. the worst kind of zionist and the worst kind of christian.

      just come out and tell us you are a jew already. why so sneaky?

      • SunshineGirl

        It references to the Jews, Israel and Hebrew because our Redeemer is a Jew. If we say we love Him we are all part of the same family. Our Creator gives us all free will to choose or not to choose- so it’s not for anyone to convince anyone of anything. However, for those who are seeking… Their hearts are open to the witness of what I can testify happens when you believe and act on that faith. I pray one day your heart will seek so it too can find the peace that is offered freely- Shalom!

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      It must be extremely stressful to live with the sword over your head like that, thinking that the world is going to end: TOMORROW, NEXT WEEK, NEXT MONTH, 6 MONTHS FROM NOW, NEXT YEAR…

      Don’t you PEOPLE have a LIFE?? Don’t you enjoy being with others?? If you can’t wait to die, well I can. I make PLANS!!

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        Oh & BTW, not all of you will die in a nice way – you won’t all BE HAVING ORGASMS like this RAPTURE IDIOCY YOU’RE MADE TO BELIEVE.

        • Pix

          Doggoneit! Big dog/small fish… “Oh & BTW, not all of you will die in a nice way – you won’t all BE HAVING ORGASMS like this RAPTURE IDIOCY YOU’RE MADE TO BELIEVE.”

          Did your eye twitch when you typed that vile death threatening rant?


          • Big dog.../small fish...

            ”Warning: Mockers in the Last Days”

            Just typical violent self promotion we’ve come to expect from evil minions called Christians. ‘If you disagree with my brutal draconian dictatorship, you’re a fool, I’ll torture you for all eternity’. = Mafia thug. Thanks for confirming you’re an evil minion.

            I don’t see how nasty my comment is different from yours and I STAND BY IT – whether you like it or not.

            • Big dog.../small fish...

              BTW, your agressive replies to women is unacceptable. Don’t you think that I see how you behave with men?? You never shoot their comments down. Back off – I won’t use the word you used for me – but I’ll say stop getting all your knickers in a bunch when a reply comes from a woman…

            • Gus Fung

              Doggoneit quote: “BTW, your agressive replies to women is unacceptable. Don’t you think that I see how you behave with men?? ”
              We’ve all seen the lack of class and integrity demonstrated on here by the persecuting female troll named Pix.

              Just ignore her Doggoneit… Pix has ZERO credibility

            • Mr. Chet Friend

              And, Caucasian male brain-washed from birth judeo-christo-FREAKS do have credibility, there Egg FOOL Fung?
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              IGNORE every christo-CREEP comment on this post!
              For, they are ALL the insane one of BIN, jedadieanjdouchebag!
              HELLO, jed!

            • Pix

              Well then, let’s all hope you die in a nice way, rather than the opposite you’re threatening other people with.

              It’s nothing like my comment, I’m not the one threatening other people with an horrible death, just pointing what a bunch of evil minion hypocrites you all are.


            • Pix

              Doggoneit! Big dog/small fish… “BTW, your agressive replies to women is unacceptable.”

              *Shrugs* Adults can take care of themselves, regardless of what they have between their legs. I have no respect for adults who act like retarded kids.

            • Chet

              Quote ‘I have no respect for adults who act like retarded kids.’

              Self hater.

            • Pix

              Chet “Quote ‘I have no respect for adults who act like retarded kids.’ Self hater.”

              What you mean as opposed to you, a politician? I call someone out for being hateful, who then randomly accuses me of deliberately attacking women but not men. Presumably because they think I’m telepathic when it comes to peoples pseudonyms. Followed by a bunch of trolls jumping on the bandwagon.., but it’s me being hateful. = political spin.


            • Chet

              No need to awkwardly defend yourself for something you aren’t even sorry for. Why should a woman apologize for insulting another woman anyways? :wink:

              Quote ‘What you mean as opposed to you, a politician?’

              Did you stroke a suffer while writing that?

            • Pix

              Doggoneit! Big dog/small fish… “BTW, your agressive replies to women is unacceptable. Don’t you think that I see how you behave with men?? You never shoot their comments down. Back off – I won’t use the word you used for me – but I’ll say stop getting all your knickers in a bunch when a reply comes from a woman…”

              Really? What do I have to go on:

              Your avatar image is of a dog sniffing a fish. I assumed that was a fair representation, you are the person who posted it to represent themselves after all.

              What are you playing at? Do you think I have some kind of super power telepathy thing going, where I can tell what gender you are? Your home page is blank. So eff off with the stupid sexist accusations. Even if I did know, I couldn’t care less what gender people are. If people spew vitriolic bs, I’ll feed it right back at them. Because I’m like that and I can.

            • Pix

              Chet “Did you stroke a suffer while writing that?”

              I don’t have a suffer or a big stick to stroke it with, is that a new type of piñata?


            • Chet

              Take it easy Pix. You are going to hurt yourself “trying to understand” what’s going on.

              Perhaps you would feel better if you had a good face-down rogering or simply acquired a job you could be successful at. If there is one thing I can tell you are good at… it’s pride.

            • maxxy

              …chet…Pixie has a bigger problem than we can imagine. He/she hasn’t gotten over her/his sexual inadequacies/predelictions. You can tell by his/her reactions to criticism…..He’s/she’s really getting touchy. I’m expecting him/her to either melt into a puddle or get even more nasty and insulting…..The other nut case, ‘plsnogood’, will soon fall flat on his face into a pile of the lies he’s been programmed with. Eewww :!:

            • Pix


              Don’t be stupid, if I had a pride problem, I wouldn’t be playing chess with pigeons on BIN. They strut around, crapping on the board and knocking the pieces over, then fly off thinking they’ve won.

              :wink: :lol:

            • Pix

              maxxy “…chet…Pixie has a bigger problem than we can imagine. He/she hasn’t gotten over her/his sexual inadequacies/predelictions.”

              Knock yourself out searching for a single post where ‘I’ve’ brought gender into it? You on the other hand seem to be obsessed. Are you some kind of gender pervert? Or just a common troll?


            • Pix

              maxxy “The other nut case, ‘plsnogood’, will soon fall flat on his face into a pile of the lies he’s been programmed with. Eewww :!:

              = 13 year old girl talk. What kind of bloke would publically go all girly squeamish over their own imagined vision?

              That’s called being ‘hoisted by your own petard’. The old adage is true, ‘give a fool enough rope and they’ll hang themselves’. Little girly.

              :wink: :lol:

            • Chet

              I’d put up a blast shield if I was you Maxxy. Pix is about to blow her remaining ovary in frustration.

              Pix you called Doggoneit a “twat” which is the worst thing a man (snicker) can call a woman and you know it. You’ve also never bothered to apologize to her for saying that. You only sink to excuses and talking in circles when confronted with your behavior.

            • maxxy

              Oh pixie…..this is just a research project for me. Look you’re not really taken very seriously. I was hoping that if i really pissed you off you’d be honest about yourself….and might say something that would show us who you really are.
              I see you are staying in character. I suppose that’s what i expected. You don’t have much of an opinion without mining for data to see what it is. You raised a family, huh…..How?…. from where i stand you don’t even have spine.

            • maxxy

              …pixie….how dare you?…..I’m almost 15 thank you…..A lot of the boys say I’m pretty.

            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!


              Are you feeling unwell?

            • BEEF SUPREME

              For, WALTER, chet & maxxxy,
              YOU both have a terrible MENTAL disease, and WE the SANE humans of this earth, NOW have the means to eradicate FOREVER the curse of Faith!
              So, remember, screw you, AND screw your god, also!
              :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
              We are NOT playing around, judeo-christo-CREEPS, as you will soon see!
              :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Pix

      “Warning: Mockers in the Last Days”

      Just typical violent self promotion we’ve come to expect from evil minions called Christians. ‘If you disagree with my brutal draconian dictatorship, you’re a fool, I’ll torture you for all eternity’. = Mafia thug. Thanks for confirming you’re an evil minion.


    • Louis

      Who appointed Rolls and McTernan as spokesmen for God? The Catholic Church’s magisterium alone was Divinely designated for that role and for 2,000 years it has fulfilled that role flawlessly. No pope has ever spoken from the chair of ecclesiastical authority in erroneous fashion on matters of faith and morals.

      So who needs the inferior, unsanctioned opinions of Rolls and McTernan?

      • qaneh-bosem honestyherb

        “The Catholic Church’s magisterium alone was Divinely designated for that role”

        Hi Louis, do you have proof for that ?

        • maxxy

          ….there’s less proof for that, than there is for active homosexuals in the Catholic clergy. I predict that even Louis will object to the normalization of homosexuality in the Vatican……Homo- sexuality is the new religion of the world….The Vatican, being totally worldly, will fit right in….Political correctness has already begun replacing/superceding the 10 commandments. For expedience, the Vatican WILL capitulate….Gotta grow the diocese…..even if it means bringing more evil into the church…….devils’ work.

    • carsonking

      Still religious folk spouting their ridiculous rhetoric on a conspiracy site, oh how the irony makes me chuckle like a kid seeing side boob. Ya gotta love em, they have kept me entertained for years.

      • Bill Lyle

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

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