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Amazing NDE Cases, Irrespective of Religion. The God of Death is Gracious!

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There are hundreds, if not thousands of videos from people who have had NDE, Near Death Experience. Since 1960 UWA has done research on NDE. Their research shows that 23% cardiac arrest cases experience NDE. Patients are able to give detailed description what they saw during NDE, although their eyes were closed. Even after decades memories of NDE are more clear than other memories. Only 1- 10 % of all 1000 NDE cases have had negative experience.

Professor Ed Kelly concludes that mind can operate separately from physical body. While Professor Kim Penberthy, clinical psychologist tries to find ways to reach similar states than NDE, using mindfulness, yoga etc.

Here some NDE cases and what they learned

CHILDREN’S NDEs. As nine months old a boy had emergency surgery. He told later how he was floating above his body and could see parents crying. He went to a dark tunnel and then saw a bright light. He had telepathic communication with God, who came to help him, ‘you have purpose of life, you should go back’.

Family died in tornado, all went together to heaven. A 5 years old girl Ari was told by angel, that she has to come back and help other kids that have lost their parents. She was the only one of the family that survived. She has written a book, To Heaven After the Storm,

Mother of 7 year old boy drove a car which fell down from bridge. The boy was withdrawn into colourful spiral tunnel. There was separate animal and human heavens. He flew towards a beautiful flower. Huge friendly honey bee came to help him in heaven. One more amazing child’s story in BIN, /alternative/2014/05/10-year-old-sees-future-during-near-death-experience-2962044.html

HEAVEN. Neuroscientist Eben Alexander was one week in state of Coma. Having reached to heaven, his spirit met God, accompanied with young woman. Afterwards he came to conclusion that this scenery must have happened outside of his brain, because his brain was not functional at that time. He was surprised to find a photo of the woman who had appeared with God. He found out that she was her deceased sister, although he never before had even heard about her.


After suicide in hell, she felt hell was just a manifestation what she was already experiencing in real life. She saw in hell other suicided in agony, concentrating only on themselves. She had life review and felt also others perspective. She was shown what would happen to her children if she would die. Eventually light came in the form of loving God. God said; ‘You can’t take your life, it is not yours. Life suppose to be hard’.

Bishop entered darkness after his suicide. He heard people’s fearful voices and joined screaming. Then he was taken to place of regret. There was fire on ground. In third place there was satan. Compassionate Jesus appeared and gave him another chance. He came back to life.

After suicide woman heard noises in darkness. Then she was taken in a peaceful place with beautiful colors. There was no time. She could go to places with thought. She was loved and shown her soul plan – that suffering was part of it. She had to come back to take care of her son. She was advised to tell others about her NDE. In death there is no pain, but coming back is painful,

He had just committed suicide, but Christ appeared with intense love. He learned, suicide affects others also. Love is the best choice. Enjoy your life’, (Notice if these people really would have died, their life review would have been quite heavy, and they would have been in same suicidal situation in their next life, so suicide is not a solution).

ALIENS IN HEAVEN. A Christian woman went first to darkness, then she was she was taken by by guardian angels in front of bright light being, the heavenly father (crying). She was shown of getting two children in the future, and that she would be involved in book of revelations. Then she was shown all kind of aliens, good and bad, small and big. She was told not to be afraid of them. God pushed her back,

PETS SEEN. Melinda got allergic reaction. In hospital she saw light, but the paramedic couldn’t see it. Soon she was with loving God, who said, ‘I have always loved you, nothing can prevent me of loving you’. Her wild parakeet had died before her NDE in her hands, which she had felt quilty. Now the parakeet appeared and spoke to her telepathically, ‘my death was not your fault. Although you behaved badly, you had to also stand all my bitings. I always love you’. She learned, ‘on the other side we are all one, we speak language of love. God is not in church, he is within us’.

Pet Spirit Guides. Jan got sick and was taken to hospital. Her husband saw spirit of Jan rising out of her body, and her deceased dog to appear. Jan saw her own body from above. Her dog was guiding her in heaven. She was pulled back to her body. Paramedic says, ‘Jan told afterwards every detail of the emergency response although she had been clinically dead that time’. ‘There are many plains of spiritual existence. We should live our life with joy and in wander each moment’.

ATHEISTS SEE GOD. Ian was bitten by shark, left his body and saw himself transparent. Evil eyes were watching in the dark hell, but he was withdrawn through tunnel to warm brilliant light, the energy source of universe. He heard a voice ‘if you wish to return you have to understand, God is light’. He knew now he was created by God, and felt he had come home. He was asked to return to tell others there is God. He became Christian.

Nathan came back to life in hospital, but missed “home”, a heavenly place, where four angels had taken her to. Before NDE she had been doubting heaven, but now admits, ‘Heaven is great. The only important thing in life is to serve God’,

BLIND SEES. A blind from birth had accident, and her spirit went out of body. She saw her own body, and was terrified of seeing first time herself. She heard doctors discussing and even their thoughts. After darkness she met Jesus, who told her to go back, and ‘teach unconditional love and forgiveness to others. Let them know that I AM’.

NO RELIGION. After death she went to dark tunnel, and then saw the beautiful universe. Godly being asked if she was ready to return to life. She was shown her life purpose, and given access to universal knowledge. ’There is no reason to fear death, one can’t die. All are one beyond religion’.

Karla had car accident and found himself hovering above his body. He saw garden with unimaginable colors. He met women with light energy pulsating from her, who said, ‘we are all combination of the same. It’s not about religion, it is about love’.

Dr Rajiv Parti, Indian doctor working in US, lived selfish materialistic life. During his emergency surgery, he could see doctors and nurses joking. He ‘flew’ to see his relatives in India. Then he was taken to place of fire, his abusive father appeared, but now he was lovingly helping Rajiv to the light. During life review he felt the pain of those that he had neglected. His advice is to start care about people. Consciousness is eternal using body during lives. There are divine beings like Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Cakra system and different levels of consciousness exist. If you hurt others you heart yourself,

ASKED TO WRITE A BOOK. She died in dentist and went through tunnel and saw beautiful ball of light, like diamond, pulsating. Telepathic voice said; ‘I’m the light, God’, you should write a book if you want to go back to life,

She had 3 NDEs in 3 months, and she had to relearn walking, etc. She says, ‘you feel pain before you die, but no pain on dying. On the other side you feel like expanded. I was energy, light, joy, and never since lost that sense’. She became more caring and couraged to face dark times. Voice spoke, ‘you are to write one book for each death’.

She was hit by track. During surgery, she left her body second time, got download of life info from beautiful light being for writing a book. ‘Humans can make heaven on earth and learn to love everybody with gratitude’,

CHRISTIAN. Woman in ICU was calling Jesus. She fainted and ‘died’. A scary being appeared, demon and god in the same form. Then she felt his love, and realized he was Jesus. When she was returned to life, she just wanted to go back to be with Jesus.

He saw his own body dying. He went through dark tunnel to white light. Impossible to describe. Every question was answered, like tapping into universal database. Jesus was loving, God himself took him to his lap. He was shown living pictures from his life, and he felt others feelings. He learned, ‘every soul is connected to God. It is better to give than take, and have gratitude’.

BAPTIST. As 7 years old she met St Francis in tunnel and asked, ‘why I don’t have anyone to greet me?’ He said; ‘you die usually so early that there is no relatives to receive you’. She saw kids, and knew they were her in past lives. ST Francis told, ‘there is only one place in heaven’. She asked, ‘where is Hitler then?’ He told, ‘there is reincarnation’… She told of being Baptist and not believing in reincarnation. He said; ‘religions don’t change that fact, where those not your past lives?’ She had to admit they were. As a nurse she is now channeling and advicing others. The soul runs the life. If you combine all soul lights, that is God. God is within us and he is in charge of hell also’.

HINDU. Dr. Parti had surgery. He saw himself operated and relatives discussing. His consciousness went to a dark place. He was tortured, and other souls were also crying. His deceased father helped him towards light. He had bad and good life, and also past lives review. Time is not linear. As Hindu he was surprised to see angels. He heard beautiful mantra. When his consciousness got higher, he saw the brightest loving light. Life will change, give up materialism and help people’.

Hindu man died due to typhoid. He was taken by ten people to other side. He didn’t want to go, so they cut his legs. Only then someone looked his papers and asked, ‘why have you brought him here, take him back’. He got his legs re-attached. He came back to his body, but there were marks where the knees were cut. He couldn’t bent his knees for long time. Someone with the same name, died soon after he was returned. His faith to God has increased.

BUDDHIST. He was gambling and not sleeping - got stroke and went into coma. He was crying amongst skeletons in the hell. He did’t get water to drink, because he had never donated water to monks. He was returned to home. Second time when he died, he was shown heavenly home like paradise with invisible beings and monks. Also he met old deceased friends. Since he returned to life, he has donated to monks.

Non believer Lee saw Buddha. He asked Buddha, ‘did’nt you disagree of eternal God?’ Budha admitted, that he didn’t believe in God, which was his biggest mistake. He adviced Lee, ‘go back and believe eternal God’. Lee said, ‘but I am dead’. Buddha said, ‘believing to eternal God will cure‘.

MISSION TO HELP OTHERS. After being electrocuted by lightning, Dannion died. He saw first a dark tunnel, then angels gave him 117 revelations about the future. He got ability to read minds. During second NDE angels advised him to use his psychic gifts to help the dying. Since then, he started working with the sick and elderly, and sharing his fantastic story.

Jessica was in Labor pain and drifted up to light, a beautiful place of peace and love. Divine golden light enveloping her was all that mattered, but she was sent back to body. ‘The source of the universe is love. We are part of God. Love oneself. Suffering is lesson to learn’. She is volunteering in hospice to help those in fear of death,

THERE IS NO DEATH. Michaela saw details of her future life, her partner and grandchildren. Death is like celebration and graduation’,

Elisabeth Taylor had love and light welcoming during her NDE. She appreciated music and colors. She didn’t want to come back. NDE made her feel grateful to God, and she had no more fear of death.

MIRACULOUS CURE. Julie was brain dead in a coma, and saw Lord’s presence in heaven. She felt peaceful, happy, and as being at real home, but Lord said, ‘go back’. Her disabled body had miraculous cure. She has now purpose in life,

GOD grants her favour. She drowned, was in dark, but went towards light. She merged into loving God and felt ecstasy. Her questions were answered with telepathy. God showed her the life that she left, like a movie. Once she had neglected grandmother. God asked, ‘what did you learn from it? Earth is for learning’. God advised her to help him by showing love to people. She asked God ‘can you do me a favour, can we again merge together’. She felt again ecstatic love,

DOCTORS’ NDE. Dr Rene Turner, Jew, was in car accident. He arrived to glorious light and was standing before a man of wisdom, love and indescribable peace. He had life review and felt also the hurt that he had caused to others. His deceased granddad told that grandmother has cancer and will come soon. (Grandmother died after 3 months). God gave message to all, ‘put your house in order’. Dr Rene states that his NDE memory is more clear than what he did yesterday,

EVIDENCE. Pam had brain aneurysm, everything was monitored in hospital. She witnessed opeartion done to her. She could describe unknown-to-her equipments used and words spoken, although her eyes were closed and ears plugged,

Most of the NDE cases feel peace and love. They have usually encounter with loving light being, even merge into him. They hardly find words to describe the bliss and beautitude what they experience. Those of us who do meditation experience daily some of these feelings.

Quite often the NDE seems to start negatively, however eventually light appears. Many cases recover physically amazingly. They have messages to others. Their attitudes, beliefs and way of life change; being more spiritual, compassionate and grateful. Fear of death and material interest reduces. DA.

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti; ‘It sometimes happens that due to sudden accident or the attack of a deadly disease, the body is so disturbed that its vital force becomes paralysed and navel breathing stops. It seems apparently as if death has occurred while actually it has not. During this condition, if the respiration can be re-established by an artificial process, the vital energy wakes up. As long as the vital energy is paralysed, there will be no sign of decay in the body. In olden days, whenever a person’s vital energy became paralysed, the people used to float it in water. In the open atmosphere of the river, the vital energy, in some cases, became fully active again’.

MORE WISDOM OF NDE There is no death only different world. God is inside and around everyone. We are part of God. We are not separate beings. Universe is benevolent and meaningful, There is eternal life beyond, a beautiul place of God, but there is also hell,

We are love and light, part of infinite being. No judging, or blaming, The light was formed from millions of tiny lights, and he also became part of that light with unconditional love’, You start to know who you are. Smile doesn’t cost anything – put it on,

You can’t die, only your body dies. All souls with earth have plan to co-create new earth, far beyond religion. We are one, although what ever race, sex etc, God is all oneness, the source of the universe. NDE explains more life than death. We humans are co-creators of the Creator.

LINKS; Children At Death, NDE witnessed by medical professionals, More stories in or Deathbed - Hospice Nurses Share Their Stories. More Pet Stories, NDE are just interpretation in different frequency of existence.


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    Total 11 comments
    • Didianna

      10 more Amazing Near Death Experiences,

    • Didianna

      Is Consciousness More than the Brain?

    • goastdale

      123’s of true Christianity v popular & damnable heresies
      (simply because you “confess” it does not mean you actually are, the devil has deceived many of his own children to believe they are Christians 2Tim 3:5)

      “WHO” it was (what person) that came “IN THE FLESH”, IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! Even Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the flesh) they all deny “WHO” it was (what person) that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!…….To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one and the same person that came in the flesh!

      JOHN 14: 8-20 where Christ specifically identifies himself (his person as the person of both the father and the HS; the only distinction is in “location” and “method of manifestation” …….Note Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: …: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, … the everlasting Father ….The son, father/Holy Spirit are all the same person, NOT like two different persons working together even as “one flesh” ….The “oneness” between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man & his wife, for only a fool would say “When you have seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?” Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip…..Now image some fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? You want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!

      Jn 14 continued….…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way, THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU, (present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU… (future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing next to them in flesh… ….latter it would come to them to be inside of them (inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given)…..that is why. he would send the spirit…… However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you”

      The whole point to Gal 3:20.a mediator is NOT A MEDIATOR OF ONE, (HEIS) but GOD IS ONE. (HEIS) again, point blank, identifies the number of persons of God! The “but” points out the contrast between multiple persons in a mediation party v the “one” of God. God is not like a mediation party with multiple different persons. …..”the express image of his person” ( the person of God; singular not plural).Any attempt to lay claim otherwise is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense

      NOTE: don’t be that one in prov 26:12 over my use of the word “fool” here prov 18:13 ( ) “But but, the gospel of John…the Gospel of John …look look…” which is quite ironic since the gospel of John does not leave ANY room for multiple different persons of Jesus and father. However the gospel of John does leave a few verses that facilitate God’s promise in 2 Thess 2:11/ Isaiah 66:4 (take note of “HAND” in verse 2,14..You just can’t make this stuff up…God is surely laughing at these fools; Ps 2:1&4)

      ……Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment of all? 29. …Hear, O Israel; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment….. 31. And the second is…..

      TRINITARIANS CONFESS JESUS /THEY ARE NOT POLYTHEIST BUT ARE MONOTHEIST LIKE A LIAR & THIEF WHO “CONFESS” THEY DO NOT LIE OR STEAL The simple fact is that just because you confess or deny that you are in an adulterous relationship and denounce all forms of adultery has nothing to do with whether or not it is in fact adulterous! .. …A rose by any other name is still just a rose AND calling it a water lily does not change the definition of what a water Lilly or a rose is either!…No, Trinitarians confess & preach literally …”ANOTHER JESUS” 2 Cor 11:4

      - Like a thief in your house caught stealing your things insisting he was not there stealing “I CONFESS I am NOT stealing”. You just do not “properly understand” what he is doing/saying. Further, since you never had a “proper understanding” of what he is doing/saying you have no business accusing him since you do not even know what you are talking about in the first place. It is with and in your own ignorance that you base your “false accusations” & “ad homonym attacks” against him…… Ridiculous of course it is ……2Thess 2:11; Titus 1:16; 2Tim 3:5;

      - A Favorite tool for pathological liars is to use incongruent definitions or create oxymorons out of synonyms such as “a person” and “a being” so as to claim that your god is THREE DIFFERENT PERSONS but ONLY ONE BEING: Which is (1) no different then trying to claim that “THREE DIFFERENT CARS” is “THE ONE VEHICLE” (2) blatant demonstration of the dishonesty & sorcery these children of hell will employ with “a strait face” (which is in part what it means to be a pathological liar)
      ……but, ah i remember how this game is played… “God is three in one” (or 1in 3 or 3in one et al) should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son.. However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: “NO, that is just a figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really saying is that God is three different persons”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image!

      You can download the complete FREE book from

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast
      till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And
      they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES.
      2Thess 2: 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups :

      (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD

      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHRUCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven,

      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I
      will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST”

      Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      • Didianna

        Do you thinks someone will read all that you wrote? I hope so, while it is now here obviously for the purpose that someone would read it. The little that I tried to read made me only confused. You seem to be Christian, but then your video link is about; Most true Christians go to hell…?

        You made me to ask many questions, may I ?

        Why would true Christians have to go to hell if there is a hell? Why would God have created such a horrible place as hell to torture people there? Would any laws created by humans allow that kind of eternal punishment? Would any loving father put his children to eternal hell? If some people feel already in earthly life that they are experiencing hell, why would God grant still more suffering? May be better to start believing into loving and gracious God?

    • Didianna

      Hare Krishna’s Spiritual teacher tells all, before he dies. In past, present, future you exist, but body changes. The soul is eternal. Unless one comes to this understanding one is animal. We are getting new body according our works. If I work like animal, I will get animal body. Animal can’t understand what is God. If human being doesn’t understand what is God, then he is animal. Religion means to understand God. Chanting mantra constantly keeps vibrational connection to God.

    • Didianna

      Near-Death Experiencer Reinee Pasarow: “The Greatest of All Actions”. Every loving action that one commits to other person is forwarded by the that person to next person and then next one. So loving person is more important than president or great scientist, resonating love all over the world.

      NDE – Religions of the World by professor Huston Smith,

    • Didianna

      Why people experience NDE? Usually it is question about person who has forgot his mission or task in life, and got lost onto something else. ‘Death’ is needed to make the person to change the direction and to remind what is his life purpose.

      Real death means that one has fulfilled his life purpose, or ready to move to next life to continue fulfilling his mission. When someone on lower level dies, one may stay around on earthly plane for sometime confused of his condition, and end up to to heaven to have life review, and for waiting new suitable body for next life. One in that state identify more with physical existence and third dimention. One might not even feel strong attraction towards cosmic consciousness yet.

      When highly spiritual person dies she goes straight to light and may be born to higher dimensional planet, or still on earth with higher mission for helping humanity. One who has earnt salvation can merge ultimately to cosmic consciousness.

    • Didianna

      Beverly Gilmour has had ab 100 NDEs or Out of Body experiences, a New Insight About Consciousness |350|,

    • Didianna

      Interesting how sadhguru explains death; You are much more than the body. Your body is just a bit loan that you have taken from mother earth. She is very generous with the loan, but when the time comes she will take it back… willingly or unwillingly. When you die your logical discriminatory mind also dies, but there is still left the (pranic) mind with energy, karma and tendencies.

      If one dies while ones is in fear, and has no more discriminative, controlling mind, then the fear snowballs into paranaoya. But if you leave with pleasantness it also increases million fold. Heaven and hell are not geographical places, but states of mind.
      If left with intense negative energy, I.e you suicided or someone broke your heart, it takes long time before your tendencies and energy becomes calm, as you don’t have now discrimination.

      So pranic mind with intense vibration, can’t stay in body, it will slip out. Also a new body can’t tolerate the intense energy, until it gets a bit balanced. It might take 1000 years to be ready for new body and life. If one is in restless state, having still subtle physicality on one’s spirit, this person’s presence can be felt much more easily. That is why people who die in accident can be seen as ghosts. So one should not do suicide also. Another way to die is old age.

      You may see more Another video,

    • Findottier

      One more story. I was pregnant and according doctors the most sick person in the hospital. I saw a vision of my Guru who touched my back. During an unsuccessful operation to save my baby, I departed my body and carried my baby with me through a dark tunnel towards light. I saw my Guru there and asked if I had done what I wanted for His mission. I felt I had not done enough. I had to leave my baby there and return back to life.

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