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"Cyber Polygon 2021:" Klaus Schwab, Central Bank Cyber Attack & The Great Currency Reset

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By Lee Austin

Klaus Schwab is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum in Davos, which annually brings together the heads of state of the world’s major countries to discuss the future of world affairs. Schwab is a devout transhumanist, architect of “The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” His dream is to merge the New World Order with transhumanism.  As Schwab once stated “What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and biological world.” 

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology, Specifically artificial intelligence, digital surveillance, big data collection, and the transformation of industry, resulting in total control via a social credit score, enabling the technocrats to rule the world. Their goal is to eliminate all status quo governmental institutions, in favor of an singular, omnipresent AI. Whereby the rule of the law is predetermined by algorithms, conforming to the transhumanist agenda.

Which brings us to the next possible move by The World Economic Forum to usher in their technocracy. Concerning the possibility of a future cyber attack, Schwab made a curious statement correlating the attack to Covid-19.  Here is the clip…

The following is the transcript of the clip  ”We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack. To use the Covid-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons cyber security community can draw and improve our in preparedness for a potential cyber pandemic” – Klaus Schwab, Dec, 2020. 

 On July 9th 2021, Schwab will be part of a conference call “Cyber Polygon,” which is described on their website as “a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world’s largest technical training for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organizations and leading corporations. Every year, the training brings together a wide range of global businesses and government structures while the live stream gathers millions of spectators from across the world. The international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience and the expansion of intersectoral cooperation against cyberthreats.”

Schwab had this to say about “Cyber Polygon. “Cybercrime is now more than just the money stolen: human lives and our environment could potentially be at risk. The probability of a global cyber crisis is growing every day. In order to prevent a catastrophe, it is necessary to invest in the protection of each individual company, increase the level of cyber literacy and develop competencies of technical specialists. That is the reasoning behind the Cyber Polygon exercise, which has already proven itself effective. I hope that subsequent exercises will bring even more value to the international community.”

Dmitry Samartsev, ECO of BI.Zone made the following connection between COVID-19 and cybercrime. “Technology and cybersecurity are of crucial importance in this COVID era. One of the most striking and exciting transformations caused by the pandemic has been our transition to the digital ‘everything’, both in our professional and also in our personal lives. I am glad that Cyber Polygon has proved itself as one of those brilliant initiatives that address the need for developing and enhancing global cyber resilience in the fight against cybercrime and cyberattacks.”

So was the Colonial Pipeline hack in fact a dress rehearsal for a world wide currency cyber attack of the central  banking system? Think of it as Event 201 for your money. If an emergency, international bank holiday is declared, transitioning from a dollar based currency, to a digital one world currency would be a valid consideration. The heads of state would frantically clamor for a quick resolution, before the entire world collectively falls into a great depression.

At that moment of complete chaos, a solution is brought to the forefront. A Great Currency Reset.  Since all of the worlds central banks no longer have a ledger of outstanding debts and assets. It is determined all debts will be forgiven, while all the currencies of the world are eliminated in favor of singular world digital currency. In return, citizens subsequently receive a Universal Basic Income, in exchange of all personal assets being forfeited to the technocrats. 

Or as Klaus Schwab once famously said, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy about it.    

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”  

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