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When The Vaxxed Are Dead & Alive: Nanobots Morph Into Black Goo

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By Lee Austin

The following is speculation. Spiritual discretion is advised…

Without a doubt, this is the most insane article I’ve ever written. When the vaxxed are dead & alive: nanobots morph into black goo, will require a suspension of disbelief by the reader and an understanding of the satanic agenda looming behind the COVID-19 injections.   

From a technological frame of reference, man already has the tools available to create artificial life from inside a cadaver. For example, there are 3D bio printers capable of making blood vessels out of stem cells based on bio-ink, a material used to create artificial tissue and human organs. In concert with synthetic biology, the definition of life can now be based on a digital code.

In its simplest terms nanotechnology is atomically precise manufacturing. Tissue engineering is removing the dead cells from a human and leaving only the protein scaffold, which is repopulated with stem cells and incubated. Once the process is completed, it becomes possible to produce a 3D organ. 

Synthetic biology allows man to use computer software word processors to create DNA. Desktop biotech, push button DNA. Genetically engineered machines. Simple bacteria little robots producing steroids, the building blocks of organ printing. The bacterial genome has five megabits of information, enough to program a human being  

It’s become quite apparent the COVID-19 injection contains graphene oxide nanobots, which consume the iron oxide contained in the bloods hemoglobin. While the nanobots slowly replicate, a magnetic, metallic structure is simultaneously constructed in the body. The build is completed when the iron oxide is finally depleted.

Of course human life is terminated at some point in the process, as the body cannot survive without blood.  And although the body is dead, I believe the graphene oxide nanobots will finally morph themselves into a sentient substance called “Black Goo.”  

As a forewarning, this is where it gets very dark and stranger….

Black Goo Programmable Matter is an intelligent, self-aware, self-organizing liquid crystal. It is a magnetic substance emitting, receiving, and corrupting the RF spectrum within the universal 5G network. In the esoteric occultic religion, Black Goo is considered by some as the elusive philosopher’s stone and tangible storehouse for demons. 

Once Black Goo Programmable Matter is embedded and activated in the dead, the body will become animated as a vehicle for demons.

Black Goo defies the laws of physics in our physical world. It can stretch to thirty five times it’s girth; Build pliable circuits onto human skin;  Embed itself into the body; Function as a bio-sensor that would mold itself to the human body; If broken the pieces can easily stick together again;  Placed on the forehead Black Goo can read and translate facial expressions; When stretched over the throat Black Goo turns speech into electrical signals. In the future it could provide the foundation for soft bodied robots. 

Black Goo has been featured in many movies such as  Lucy, Stranger Things, Spider-Man 3,  Alien Covenant, Prometheus, A Haunting In Connecticut, Ares, The Matrix and  The Silver Surfer.  Predictive Programming has been announcing the advent of Black Goo for the last thirty years.

Fashioned into an implantable microchip, Black Goo Programmable Matter could be the demonic fuel to power the mark of the beast. The Book of Daniel prophesied four separate ages, representing gold, silver, bronze, and iron/clay.  During the present fourth age of iron/clay, man will access the philosopher’s stone and its legendary alchemical substance Black Goo. Mixing the iron of technology, with the clay of man, creating an eternal Trans-human. 

Luciferian’s believe Black Goo Programmable Matter can transmute mans mortal double helix DNA genome, made in God’s image, into a triple helix DNA genome reflecting the Light Bearer, Lucifer Morning Star. Once this occurs, the opportunity for salvation is nullified as man becomes a hybrid abomination. 

Alchemy is the occult science and black magic art of unifying matter and spirit. On a physical level, the process of burning off lead impurities transforms the matter of lead into gold via the legendary philosopher’s stone.  Alchemy functions spiritually as a mystical agent of Black Goo Programmable Matter. 

When the vaxxed are dead & alive: nanobots morph into black goo, does sound insane until you realize our battle is with the powers of darkness. 

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”

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    Total 4 comments
    • Twinflame1111

      People will encounter “Black Liquid Goo” while they are still alive.

      I barely survived my encounter.

      The key to surviving Black Liquid Goo is to NOT fear it….

      It will feel like the end of the world – and that Hell itself has arrived inside of your head – but do not fear – it will pass – and you will be back to normal – but with more psychic power and being closer to GOD than ever before!

      (1) Keep still.
      (2) Keep calm.
      (3) Do not react.
      (4) Do not harm yourself or others!

      Pray to GOD for HEAVENS SOOTHING HEALING INFINITE WHITE LIGHT (which is at this very moment on its way to you) to wash away The Horrible Hellish Infinite “Black Liquid Goo” Horror Dread Terror!

      It will be the hardest thing that you have ever done but you must hang on in there and STAY ALIVE for your pets children parents family relatives and friends. It is NOT the end of the world! It will very soon pass.

      We are made in GODS IMAGE and must endure EVERYTHING in EXISTENCE including HELL and HEAVEN!

      by reading my twinflame1111 comments at this link…

    • Twinflame1111






      I KNOW because I WENT THROUGH IT!

      THE INFINITE DREAD OF HELL itself is spread by “THE HAT MAN (Shadow Person / Jinn) DEMON” WHO IS suddenly (night or day) PERSONALLY APPEARING to people and they are INSTANTLY SELF SUICIDING!

      If “The Hat Man Demon” does SUDDENLY appear to YOU then DON’T PANIC!

      YOU will be HIT BY the “INFINITE DARKNESS” and by the “INFINITE DREAD” of real “HELL” itself!

      IF it SUDDENLY happens..

      Do NOT react!

      Keep STILL!
      Keep CALM!

      Do NOT harm yourself!
      Do NOT harm others!

      It will be the hardest thing that you will ever deal with but…

      Just let HELLS UNBEARABLE DARKNESS wash over – and around – and through YOU!

      Please TRY to STAY ALIVE (if only for your pets, friends, family)!

      PRAY TO JESUS CHRIST/GOD to send the LIGHT of “HEAVEN” (to wash away that real Infinite Dark Force Of “HELL”)!

      will very soon “ARRIVE”
      and will WASH AWAY
      the infinite horrible “HELLISH” DARKNESS!

      YOU will then be over the worst!

      Much adventure and excitement awaits!

      You may very soon even meet ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF while you are still alive!

      Take care.

      GOD BLESS!

    • Slimey

      Then we have CERN (a demon porthole created?). Spiritual wickedness in high places (Mole Bitem and Demoncraps). Unnecessary experimental vaccine mandates with false promises to get your life back (the opposite will happen).

      We are UCKFED man. :mad:

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