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Materialism Breeds Ignorance. You are No Longer Fed by Secret Springs Because You Have Drowned in Stranger Waters.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

I thought I might mention something about the metaphysical side of existence that also directly translates into the physical side of existence… immaterial science into material science. With all that is made manifest, some things from the invisible remain invisible. Some things that are visible… remain obscure.

When Humanity’s attention is turned away from God and drawn into material darkness, you could say that one has broken The Greatest Commandment. That is the same as breaking a natural law… though it exists on a supernatural plane… it also acts out on this plane. When you break The Laws of Nature… there are consequences. Often you get sick. Sometimes you go mad. You can develop impulsive… compulsive… and obsessive behavior patterns.

Ignorance is a by-product of Materialism. You are no longer being fed by the secret springs because you have drowned in stranger waters; if I can put an allegorical spin on it. In more direct and simple terms, Materialism makes you stupid. Stupidity is a form of blindness whereby you… more and more… as you advance into stupidity… are unable to see and correctly interpret what is going on around you, AND… inside you.

You mistake one thing for another. You are easily confused. The presence of Right and Wrong is dependent on the force and direction of your appetites. You might say that smart people do that too. I would point out that smart people can be stupid also. 

Smart and clever are no indications of Wise and Insightful. They are a form of surface intelligence, so… no matter how smart you might think you are… you are missing half of the picture at all times.

The cleverness of the fox cannot forever evade the determined pursuit of the hounds. A wise fox moves where there are no hounds, though sustenance might be harder to find at times. It is better to be hungry than to be dead; perhaps… perhaps not.

You could say that all of us are missing half of the picture at all times because physical sight exists within a specific bandwidth. I would say that there are other means by which the other half of the picture can be seen, but you can’t tell smart and clever people anything because… they are smart and clever.

The Greatest Commandment is a COMMANDMENT! Think about that for a moment. Please suspend your sense of being offended and put off by being told you have to do something; who does he think he is to command me to love him/her/it with all my heart… all my soul… all my strength/will… and all my mind? What kind of a power trip is he on?

First… it might help to consider what God is… insofar as you are capable of understanding it. One thing I can say for certain that is true… is that God is a part of you. God is the higher self of your own being, so… who is it that you are loving, and… more importantly… what does this love do?

It feeds. This love you express… it feeds your higher nature. It focuses your attention and brings it into conscious residence within. You attract it. You draw it down. This is how The Kingdom of Heaven comes to Earth. Love is… The Attractive Force! This is a form of Yoga.; The more you engage in it… the more real the dynamic becomes. It is a commandment because… if you don’t do it… you die.

If you exist in your higher nature, then you exist in your angelic nature. If you reside in your lower nature then you exist in your animal nature.

If your attention is focused on outward things… this is what your love and attraction flow toward, and you have condemned yourself to death because you do not live by bread alone. The fall into lower appetites does not feed The Higher Nature. It feeds The Lower Nature. STILL… you need The Lower Nature. Do not kid yourself about this. Everything that is part of you is part of you for a reason.

You have to put each facet of your being in the proper order. Then… you wait for the lighting of God’s Presence to galvanize and awaken you. This is metaphysics that is also proven in physics as well. The Universe is thought-born. What are you thinking into being? As you think… so are you.

If you love The Lord your God with all your heart… all your soul… all your strength/will… and all your mind, then you are in the proper relationship where everything is in the proper order. Otherwise… death is the inevitable outcome.

This dynamic 0f life and death… life and death… goes round and round and round until you get it. That’s it. That’s existence and the purpose of existence. All the needless complexities of scholars and philosophers are just a big pool of shit in which The Lower Self wallows. It’s The Mind playing tag and catch-the-tail. It is the disturbance in the water that hides the reality of The Light reflected there. It is the distraction that waves its scarves before your eyes.

I was sitting before The Altar of The Sun this morning and… as… what I thought was the angel speaking, I noticed what I imagined was a sinister tone. I remarked on it. The angel/deva said, “There’s nothing sinister about it. I’m being direct. I’m telling you what’s coming and how it’s going to be. Listen up, visible… I’m already here.

Then I realized it was The Avatar speaking. Of course, that should have been obvious because he comes here from The Sun. He might have been speaking through a filter, but it was him. 

He continued; “I’m here but I am not going to present as a single person. I am presently resident… though not yet active in many cases… in select individuals around The World. I am going to appear in them… in the form and manner of their culture… in the language they speak… in an easy familiarity with all they know.

They will be like spiritually magnetized transmission centers, very similar to what The Dark Side is trying to do with The Killer Vaccines and telepathic invasion, but diametrically in opposition to… as far as intention goes. These individuals will radiate a calming… healing sense of harmonic resonance… an atmosphere of security and sanctuary… an aura of control… with the higher nature of everyone so disposed to it. No one and nothing will be able to oppose them.

On the other hand… all those seeking to harm life in its variety of forms, who willfully disregard The Will of Heaven, will have a demon appointed to them who is bigger and stronger than they are, and every time the idea of harm or injury to another life rises in them, it will activate the disciplining demon. It will be automatic. I am appointing legions of angels to maintain this conditioning force.

All force comes from Heaven and is then interpreted and applied… according to the understanding and intentions of the ones exercising it. The whole of it has gone out of order. It is all going to be set in order again.

Humanity should understand that in a moment, with simply a thought, I can bring existence into absolute obedience to my will. I chose rather to bring it about through a series of changes so that understanding can gradually dawn on The Hive Mind and bring a unity, and return to balance around The World.

This will necessitate some extreme measures here and there. I wish it would be different but the minds of those few are steeped too deeply in evil to respond to any humane appeal, and the masses are so conditioned that only specific forms of trauma can awaken them. This will not apply to everyone. For some… a gentle nudge will be all that is required. Make no mistake… I am intimately connected to every living thing.”

As you can imagine… the effect of hearing this had a powerful impact on me… especially in light of what I heard at sundown the night before.

I would rather not have communicated these things. It will set some people’s heads on fire. Their anger and outrage will not be long in coming, but… since it was given to me to say… I have said it. 

In conclusion, let me also say… we shall see and time will tell. If I have been deceived or misled it will make itself known. What I can say is that so far… much of what we have mentioned here has come about… especially what has been said about the progressive insanity that continues apace.

Evil will destroy itself. Those in a state of violence will turn upon each other. Evil will cancel itself out. This is the sense of it that I was left with.

I am no one of any consequence in the sense that The World understands such matters. I have no ambitions other than to abide by The Greatest Commandment. Every other possible course of action that might exist for me is subsumed into that one. I make no claims except to say I believe what I have been told to be true. I regularly see the evidence of what I am told materialize around me in all that I think… and feel… and experience.

Here, I must add that second commandment that The Master gave… thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. I know this is a very difficult thing to do. Perhaps it is something you have to accomplish before you understand why it is so very necessary.

Prayer and devotion will bring you through the stages needed in order for you to love indiscriminately and impersonally. Once the wave of profound and lasting change begins to broadcast from Heaven it will feel like the most natural thing in The World to love everyone else.

End Transmission…….

Some interesting and entertaining links await at GAB=

See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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