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By Freedom Bunker
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Courts, guns, and trouble

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 The Blaze reports on the SCOTUS 6-3 decision to overturn the Trump-Biden regulatory interpretation for the BATFE to classify bump-stocks as a method of turning semi-automatic weapons into “machine guns.” The Blaze (and many others) labels this as overturning a “bump-stock ban” that The Donald put into place after the Las Vegas massacre a few years ago.

One could call this a victory for common sense. But think about it.

The hoploclasts (gun haters) of course characterize this as suddenly allowing Americans to own previously-banned machine guns (which they consider all automatic weapons to be). Panic, of course, ensues across the mainstream media and the Regressives and Woke. The attitude seems to be familiar: suddenly the streets will be filled with hundreds of gun nuts running amok with their AR-15s, AK-47s, and no doubt Kaer automatic pistols and unlimited-capacity magazines strapped to the weapons. Gunning down hundreds of infants, children, seniors, cops, and anyone else in range. Blood running full in the gutters and polluting the waterways. Hospitals and morgues overflowing with wounded and dead. And no doubt a new “landfill capacity” problem: how many new cemeteries will have to be permitted, designed, and built? Or air pollution, as cremations fill our skies with particulate matter (known to the Dineh (Navajo) as “corpse dust.”

So of course many, many headlines scream out that the Court is allowing Americans to own machine guns. Automatic weapons. Guns of mass destruction. But not just the media and the activists are screaming.

At least some of that panic and fear and misunderstanding of basic physics and common sense was exhibited by the three Woke Nazgul who dissented.  We especially chuckle over the picture of even the finest-made AR-15 firing “400-800 rounds per minute” apparently for eternity as one of them worries about. (Oh, we forgot to whinge about soil pollution with all that high-speed lead!)

Some media clearly raise the alarm over what new horror the six “Republican” Nazgul will release next. We suggest deep breathing and calming down – or holding their breath until they turn black.

Of course, Nazgul Alito pointed out that there is a solution to this fearmongering. If people don’t like their decision based at least somewhat on reason and a common-sensical reading of the statute empowering the BATFE to be one of many FedGov agencies with Stasi- and KGB-like powers? All Congress has to do is amend the law. If nothing else, add bump stocks (by statute, not twisted interpretation) to the list of prohibited accessories. Like silencers. (And common sense; though I admit that is an inferred ban, not an explicit one. BATFE actions over the years amply support this thought, though.)

The Woke enemies of liberty of course reject so simple a “solution.” So they demonstrate not just their hypocrisy but their stupidity. Hypocrisy? They constantly proclaim their love for democracy but they know that enough people are willing to be courageous enough to vote against their pet (bought and paid for) Senators and Representatives to bring into question whether such a thing would really pass.  

And they fear that the Nine Nazgul might decide that other Imperial Decrees (excuse me, Executive Orders) might also clearly violate US Statutes: that is, laws passed by Congress. And fear their own number: not all Democrats in Congress are truly Woke: some are just still a little bit sleepy: they have the gall to believe that Congress should not (always) issue Carte Blanche to the White House. But keep in mind, this case and decision did not address constitutional issues: simply obedience to laws by the very agencies which are supposedly enforcing those laws.

Alito says this is just common sense, to use established democratic methods in a republican form of government to address the issue. If it is really such a threat.

But as with so much else, there is little common sense. Here is one, though its potential for being enacted is only slightly better than the chances that Secretariat will rise from the dead and win next year’s Triple Crown.

The solution isn’t an administrative one or a slap on the risk of Uncle Joe and his minders. It is to eliminate the BATFE: as unconstitutional an agency (much less a jack-booted gang of thugs) as any. “Shall not infringe” is ignored daily, even hourly, by the existence and operations of this arm of tyranny.

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