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“It’s Trump Vs World War III” – Martin Armstrong Warns “The Swamp Is Now An Ocean”

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“It’s Trump Vs World War III” – Martin Armstrong Warns “The Swamp Is Now An Ocean”

Via Greg Hunter’s,

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024. 

Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%.  Armstrong explains,

It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean.  This is completely crazy.  The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. 

The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. 

He’s not really in charge.  He’s not making any decisions.”

Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating? Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number.  With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers?  Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking…”

” I have been in politics for more than 40 years.  I know how it works.  All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors.  That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. 

They are floating a balloon to see how it goes.  All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate.  Before, no debates.  Why?  Because they know he’s going to look bad

At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.”

The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains:

“You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. . . . You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war.  China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024.  That means China are sellers and not buyers.  You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ 

It didn’t work.  This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%.  Why?  If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes.  If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what?  It’s done.  

This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end…

This is why they need war.  This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default.  If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin…

In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. 

If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing.  Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.” 

And the neocons clearly want war–a big one.

There is much more in the 1-hour and 3-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong as he gives his analysis about unpayable global debt, world war and the 2024 Election for 6.8.24.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden Mon, 06/10/2024 – 18:25

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