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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Quayle Alert: Can Anyone in Law Enforcement Confirm this Meeting and It's Accuracy?

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Steve Quayle Alert

A concern in Nebraska. A close friend of my wife and myself just informed
us that a family member of an officer of a police department in southeast
Nebraska told the family member that there was a state wide meeting of
police departments who were informed of a leak that ISIS was planning on
commencing terror attacks starting in the middle of the country (Nebraska)
and move outward from there. Is there anyone in Nebraska and bordering
states getting any word this is in the makes. 

Bill in Nebraska——Steve,
I e-mailed a copy of the alert on ISIS in Nebraska to a co-worker and he said he already knew that and said his brother-in-law had told him that and that in particular they were concerned about them striking polling places and in Omaha. I think his brother-in-law has some kind of military connection.Gary In Nebraska

Nov 4, 2016

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    Total 10 comments
    • David Gordon

      Great strategy Obama/Saudi sponsored ISIS! Commence obvious operations in the middle of the American patriot firing-squad.

    • StarsInDust

      This is not suppressing my vote! Trump/ Pence 2016

      • Tennessee Dan

        That is exactly the intent. Every registered voter who doesn’t show up will have a vote cast on their behalf for Hildebeast.

    • trashman

      My wife and I have been receiving numerous calls from our County Disaster Force expecially in the last 6 months. Supposedly having too do with some sort of Natural disaster such as earthquakes, or Flooding, however ,, lately their has been meeting after meeting after meeting at our Town Hall. The town i live in is only about 400 ppl. Their has been more meeting s in the last month than the last year.. Something is up i know it for sure. BTW i live in SE, kansas. Also want too pass this along ::: My son works in a Wal-Mart store, and heard that in the state of Missouri, it has been reported that , ( and please dont take this Racist ), Arab looking men have been buying up Literally Hundreds of Disposable Cell Phones at a time!!!! My parents spent years in the middle east btw , and they said that the vast majority of Muslim ppl are peace loving people , who Hate!!, racism, and who hate Muslim extremists!! Pls remember this when the shtf. The muslim community will be in total shock like the rest of us when it all goes down , and will need help like the rest of us. I dont know what is exactlly going down but i do know that our County police, are almost totally driving 4- wheel drive trucks now , and their not small ones, their Heavy 3/4 ton or 1 ton trucks. So when i read this articles headline i definitely wanted too let u know anything i know. Nebraska is only 100 miles too my north!!! If i hear anything , ill try too pass it on, and please if anyone out their hears anything please let us know. GB

      • Uncle_Scam

        Islam is a religion/cult- not a race, besides there is only one race here- the Human race.

    • TC

      When it comes to hiring mercenaries foreign and domestic we are an equal opportunity employer. The only influence on hiring is the President’s Affirmative Action Program to place the more aggressive and ruthless individuals in leadership positions. There’s no need to worry about any racial or religious prejudice.

    • ConfuciousSay

      Good God. Cops meet at conferences and meeting’s all the time. They have big golf outings and … stop the fear mongering please.

    • Eggzactly

      My Friends Aunt’s Cousin Grandma’s Stepsister Neighbor told me that their Half Brother Bosses Wife said,,,,,,, :roll:

      • wiseoldlady

        This sounds like D Hodges….but there weren’t fifty “I”s and “ME”s like whistling while he talks Hodges does.

    • Eggzactly

      I Voted for Trump last Tuesday, A Big Ole Middle Finger to You ISIS Idiots! :grin:

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