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Why there can never be a World War III?

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Why there can never be a World War III?

Some could argue the 67 wars USA initiated around the world since 1945 constitute WWIII, and they would be right, which begs the question what constitutes a “world” war.
Using the above definition it means the USA against the world.
Without those two sides it could not constitute a World War.
The Cold War was global, cost a lot of money but had no primary casualties so it wasn’t really a war, just a way for the USA and its proxy the Soviet Union to destabilise the mind of modern man so that it wouldn’t get too uppity and think it owned the place ie. the earth.
Everyone thinks WWIII would be nuclear but if nuclear weapons were fired it would be over in 10-20 minutes.
That plus the non use of troops in this scenario disqualifies it from being a “war”, at least according to the definition that has been defined and refined ever since Cain wiped out his brother Abel.

10-20 minutes….is it worth it?
You couldn’t even make a movie out of it. It would be too short.
You could barely scrape enough enough material together to make a 30 minute doco without adding a whole bunch of filler.
Basically “They fired, we died”, end of story.
That’s not a war. Certainly not a world  war. We need another definition; “planetary explosion”,
“Nuclear Holocaust”, “earthicide”,
“All Winners lose, all losers win”,
“death of the planet”
Just don’t call it WWIII. It loses something, the bravery, the struggle, the jingoism, the lies, the war bonds. It’s just not there.


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    • DON ROBER>to

      [" WHY? Because Historically and de facto its still World-War 1.3 in the new version, called " the4th.Ind.Revolution" which is nothing else, than the 4th.TRYOUT to install the 4th. jisraelian-babylonian One-World-ZIONISM-EMPIRE. UNO. NAEU+EURABIA+EURASIA. So The Prussian Empire 1871-1919 is still existing, but occupied by the 4th ALLIEN, but under the DICTATORSHIP by the FREEMASONS with GB-US-CHINA and, under the Status of WORLDWAR One. Because mission not accomplished, The Germans are still existing. So the DEPOPULATION-PLAN and the UN2001REPLACEMENT MIGRATION. In the 2nd Part, the ROTSCHILDS ZIONIMS installed the NATIONAL-SOCIALIMS as their Camoflage CORP. with the half-jew SCHIKLHUBER aka HIDLER ala HITLER, but he recognized the FLASE-FLAG-OP. of the ZIONISM and created the 3rd.Reich. The DANZIG-QUESTION was on the agenda to built a Highway between BERLIN and enclave DANZIG. POLEN recgognized the power of Hitler, so the in the last moment, POLEN sent a Depeche to allow the Highway, but the ZIONIST blocked the shipment, so HITLER made the wrong decision. It was a terrible FALSE FLAG OPERATION, as today the UKRAINA WAR, covered as TRADE-WAR. UNO-UN-NATO are private commercial CORPORATIONS and the real hateful WARRIORS as CONTRACTORS of the ZIONISM to sell and o install their PRODUCTS ; NWO(TM) and EUROPE(TM) as UNO. Old ideological war ANTICHIRST versus MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANITY. And please, an ATOMIC BOMB never exists, probably small enriched for the FEAR-BUSINESSES, because its NOT in the BUSINESS-INTERESTS for the FREEMASONS-ZIONISM to destroy their own BUSINESS-TRADE-WAR-FIELDS..."]

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