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Why Is America Building These Secret Facilities In All 50 States? (Video)

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I’ve reported on lawless executive orders that have been put in place for decades that criminals will, no doubt, seek to use to take over the united States unless the People stop them.  I’ve also reported on the locations of hundreds of FEMA camps across the US, as well.  Now, secret facilities are going up in all fifty states of the Union.  For what will they be used?

Clayton Morris of Redacted explains:

America is secretly building large scale detention facilities in all 50 states. Will they be used to house illegal immigrants? The answer is no and the real reason is far more nefarious. Former customs and border protection, supervisor JJ Carrelll shares this unbelievable story.

You can pre-order J.J.’s new documentary called Treason right here:

Watch this short segment on this important issue.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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Total 5 comments
  • SnakeEyes40

    To “house” all of the illegal scum when they’re all finally rounded up by TRUMP. Let me guess…you’ll whine about that when it happens too, TDS Timmy

    • Patient4Him2

      @SnakeEyes40 — Yes, ALIENS! BARRY OBAMA planned to use the pedophile circuits’ D.U.M.B.’s (deep underground military bases) and closed Walmart stores (above ground) to murder / eradicate Americans. OBAMA and COMEY ordered 100,000 custom-made guillotines (housed in Colorado) to behead (1) homeless veterans and drug addicts, and then, (2) all non-Nazi, non-Fascist, non-Communist, non-Socialist etcetera Americans. Obama was HITLER’s grandson BASTARD that was shared out among Europe’s pedophiles from childhood to adulthood. OBAMA, his mother, grandfather HITLER were BASTARDS of ROTHSCHILDS … all were serpent seeds.

      According to the military-sourced REAL RAW NEWS website, and AMG-news website, beginning in 2017 the US MILITARY / world’s Militaries began executing centuries-old Deep State and their pedophile mercenaries worldwide: Secret Society members, nation-state Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Royals, and then, executed pedophiles downward of the chain-of-command that is ongoing (e.g., US Congress, Supreme Court justices, Military Admirals and Generals, the industries of law, banking, movie, music, sports, and etcetera), to include the “not human,” “offspring of Satan” “worshipers of the Synagogue of Satan (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch et al.)” whose blood is type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain discovered in 1901, and who declared their namesake JEW with the suffix “ISH” that means APPROXIMATE … the APPROXIMATE JEWS who are as JESUS said in…

      • Patient4Him2

        @SnakeEyes40 — /continued …. the Holy Book of JOHN 8: JEWS are “not human,” are “offspring of Satan” are “worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.” Yes, JEWS are the renegade angels that Father God Jesus Judged twice (body and spirit to Hell) and gave them a swift punt-kick to the ass to roam Earth until humans’ Judgment at the end of time.

        These evil beings’ deaths are the achievements of world Militaries working together to eradicate pedophiles and evil on Earth for the near DEMOCIDE and GENOCIDE of humanity … 8 MILLION CHILDREN ANNUALLY MURDERED FOR DECADES: WHITE people blood type-A, BROWN people blood type-B, and BLACK people blood type-O. All 8 BILLION humans are COUSINS by Noah’s sons SEM (white), JAPHETH (light brown), and HAM (medium and dark brown people, and black people).

        All COUSINS must pull together to fight back harder against “non-humans” and “evil humans” who “worship the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN demons” so that humans survive until the day of Judgment. PEACE unto humanity and Earth!

        • Kingfish Stevens

          I’m on board.

  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    My Fellow Americans:

    “Reacting Jews” is a Cointel-Op (FBI), FBI controlled opposition.

    If you want to check this yourself, notice two central tactics used here,…

    1 – You will NEVER hear this pys-op agent (Reacting-Jews) mention the role of the JEWS in all this treason and nation destruction.

    2 – In this video, he is “talking” about all this housing (detention camps) being built, or already built, but he shows ZERO footage of them, nor does he give locations (addresses) or GPS locations of any of these sites that can supposedly hold TEN’S OF THOUSANDS in single location (meaning they are large!) which makes them easily visible from the air and can be photographed.

    Where is the video of any of these large sites, what are the addresses or GPS locations???

    Oh yeah,.. they conveniently don’t present any of that in this video.

    JD – US Marines: Do Tell Me,… SHOW ME!


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