
Real Chief Police
I am a retired a Chief Of Police. During my Police career which spans over two decades, I was involved in many undercover operations with the Attorney Generals Office, the FBI, and the DOJ. During the time of these investigations I gained valuable contacts with these organizations. When I was appointed Chief of Police I discovered that the city council, the county commissioners, and the Sheriff were corrupt. The sheriff knew I was after him so he put a hit out on me because I couldn\'t be bought. That hit still exists today. In 2016 I became a delegate for Trump. I met Candidate Trump in Las Vegas and spoke with him. I was not awake at the time. He told me to check out several people. We became good friends. I started investigating these people he told me to check out and that was when I found out what was really going on. I know exactly what is going on. I write Political Truths I have been banned by Twitter & Patreon for telling the truth and secrets. When I was banned on twitter I was impersonated by several people. You can join me and comment on these posts without getting banned. Please join me at and learn the truth of what is going on.
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First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

