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Declaration of War by Mexico & Guatemala, Trump Urged to Enact "War Powers Act" +Videos

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AP Photo / Fernando Antonio

Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

As the American Flag is burned by so-called asylum seekers, we’re now learning a “pact” between Mexico and Guatemala presidents are joining together to help the army of invaders, now estimated to be 14,000 plus, to gain access to the United States with help along the route(s).

Trump is said to be invoking the “War Powers Act” which defines the difference between “Posse Comitatus” versus military action on U.S. soil if America is under attack by a foreign government.


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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina have agreed to assist the invaders…..

“Labeled “The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage,” it is an officially-sanctioned, coordinated effort on the part of Mexico and the nations of Central America to invade the United States.”

“The agreement provides a network of border checkpoints through which an internal Mexican travel document will be issued, which is valid for a period of 72 hours. That document, known as a Regional Visitor’s Card, will provide temporary legal status to those in Mexico illegally for the sole purpose of invading the United States.”

Trump is treating the invasion as a threat to National Security and NOT a humanitarian crisis, which the Dems are pushing a federal judge to stop the regular military from being deployed.

“Sources in Washington tell me the Administration is looking to use this as a lawful casus belli – (cause for war) . . . . not only to put a stop to vast illegal immigration, but to wipe out the Drug Cartels and human trafficking networks operating openly in Mexico.” –Hal Turner (Former FBI)

“Pursuant to 50 U.S. Code § 1541 (c)(3) the President may use such troops in a “national emergency created by an attack”

Patriot analysts believe the Deep State will TRY to use the invasion by conducting an act (at the border) which will “turn the stomachs of Trump supporters.” Thus far…..the invasion (their Caravan of hope) is backfiring on Dems and will suffer a major blow at the polls this November.

While 14,000 are moving north, Mexico is helping them while an estimated 40,000 in northern Mexico, waiting to join the invasion. This is an ACT of War by Mexico and offers an opportunity for Trump to cross into Mexico with military force.

Reference the 82nd Airborne being deployed, there is obviously a media blackout in-order to NOT scare the majority of invaders until such time, they are much closer to the U.S. border. Family members of the 82nd Airborne are tweeting and confirming the deployment.

The 1st Armored Division is (also) on deployment orders…..

How the military will be used is the big question, but it appears they will have the power of arrest (IMO). We also can expect injuries including death for whatever reason, because it is expected to be an overwhelming invasion at the Port-of-Entries in Texas, California and now Arizona, (according to FoxNews) including intel that thousands within the invasion are criminals having been deported from the U.S. and will enter the U.S. border in remote areas.

It would be wise and reasonable for all county sheriffs along the entire border to begin deputizing retired former military and law enforcement types to assist.

Ranchers along the border need to ramp-up security and citizen border watch groups need to mobilize immediately.

—Dave Bertrand



It is the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen. We are being invaded by a rabble of disease carrying criminals interested in only bringing down America. And the media is on their side! Notice they only want to enter through California, not Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas; they will only accept California. Tell me it is not all orchestrated! And the left is encouraging their believers that these are just women & children seeking asylum. What in hell are the average left leaning citizens thinking? Have they lost their minds? Where I live the neighbors all think we should help those poor, persecuted people who only want to improve their lives. TB, Whooping Cough, Measles, Polio, are not an issue. Crime – so what? Jesus-H-Christ, has a substantial part of America completely lost their minds? In the meantime Feinstein and Pelosi are doing their best to rathole as much money as they possibly can against the day America falls.Thank God we have an RV that works and can travel.

Dave C.

George M. advice to the President.
Get on TV and announce:

1 – All foreign aid to Honduras and Guatemala will stop as of midnight today.
2 – All foreign aid to Mexico is cut in half as of midnight today. The financial aid will be restored if the Mexican authorities arrest all invasion leaders and financial backers and extradite them to US.
3 – All money originally designated to be used to help to these countries will be put into a fund to pay for the cost of this emergency.
4 – The southern border will be manned by US troops. They will be instructed to use all no-lethal means to stop this unlawful invasion of our country. But they will have permission to use lethal force in self defense, prevent lethal attacks on US citizens and US territory and as necessary to suppress violence. They will have the authority to arrest all whose impair their ability to protect the US sovereignty.
5 – All those who still somehow manage to cross the border will be arrested and deported within days after this emergency is brought under control.
6 – US, with or without the Mexican gov help, will immediately begin a campaign to inform all members of the unlawful invasion of all actions we are taking to prevent their entry into the US.
7 – All US consular offices in Mexico will, within few days. increase staff to be able to handle greatly increased demand for asylum.
8 – As part of the process US consular offices will provide asylum applicants who left the invasion force with ample funds to return to Honduras or Guatemala or settle in Mexico.
9 – All participants in the invasion force who help the US to arrest the leaders and financial backers of the invasion will be entitled to a substantial rewards.
10 – All those who leave the invasion force and return to Honduras or Guatemala may apply at consular offices for financial help.
11 – I hereby once more request that the US Congress passes the necessary legislation to build the border fence on our southern border.
12 – I hereby strongly suggest to all US citizens to use the forthcoming elections to vote those who are unwilling to protect the country form foreign actions like this one out of the office.

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It Begins, Remember Think Mirror – Video (Discussion of latest Khashoggi death revelations and midterm election fraud expected…Deep State planning to set-up Trump)

Sean Hannity Fox News 10/22/18 Hannity October 22, 2018 (Border Invasion)

U.S. National News

This is an update to the original coverage of the so-called “Migrant Caravan” (a.k.a. Foreign invasion force) approaching the US Border at Mexico. That original story is HERE.

*** BULLETIN ***

“Premeditated act of war by Mexico and Guatemala”

UPDATE 11:18 PM EDT -See Bottom update

The 72 hour “ready-standby” order was given to the 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss, TX. This story mistakenly reported the base as Fort Campbell, KY. The story has been corrected.

The White House is under a virtual onslaught of politico types from Congress and various Executive Branch Departments (State Dept / Homeland Security et. al.) who are screeching “Posse-Comitatus” and saying the US military cannot be used for civilian law enforcement concerning the approaching migrant caravan.

The position of the White House is that the military is being deployed on US soil “to protect America from a known, approaching, foreign invasion.” The White House points to Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution as its authority; specifically the provision requiring the United States to “protect (each state) from invasion.”

The politicos and various left-wing groups are now threatening to seek a restraining order via the federal courts to prevent the President from using the military in this border situation.

The position of the Administration is that the Constitution makes the President Commander-in-Chief of the military and his authority over the military is plenary, (absolute) which the courts have no say over.

The administration also points out that the War Powers Act empowers a President to use the US military in defense of the nation for up to 60 days without Congressional involvement. More importantly, MOST of the War Powers Act is only applicable when US military forces are operating OUTSIDE the United States, not when they are actively defending US Territory. However, pursuant to 50 U.S. Code § 1541 (c)(3) the President may use such troops in a “national emergency created by an attack . . .” It is irrefutable that hordes of illegal aliens storming our border would constitute an “attack,” and as all of you already know, the President himself has already referred to this situation as a “national emergency” — so the legal language is already now in-place to use troops.

Internal Administration documents are ALL referring to this “migrant caravan” as a “foreign invasion force” with zero mention of immigration/refugees or migrants. It is being treated as a direct threat to our national security, to our territorial integrity, and to our sovereignty, REQUIRING a military deployment.

The President is being harassed to use the National Guard instead of the military, but he flatly refuses to do so “because that will involve Governors who have interfered in the past. We won’t allow that this time.”


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READ MORE…………………..

SEE ALSO……………….

‘National Emergency’ Declared by Trump, Military Forces to be Mobilized to Border


From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int’l Airline Freight Captain on the DC-8 stretch jet / B-727 series 200 jet & First Officer DC-6 prop & DC-10 wide-body jet), 72′ to 76′ U.S. Army Veteran (Military Police) ‘Comms Sergeant’ (Korea), Law Enforcement (State), DHS Trained Counter-Terrorism Instructor for HWW, Border Security Specialist, Political Analyst and Activist to help “Make America Great Again” while exposing the “Deep State” shadow government enemy.

My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.


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    Total 16 comments
    • Justin Case

      Maybe Trump should ask Congress for a declaration of war on Mexico and Guatemala. They are trying to invade our territory and their governments are aiding them. I know they will deny it. But it then puts it on them if they do. It would send a strong message to the world. And he still can invoke war powers as needed…

    • Chris

      Trump is getting some help from God (Hurricane Willa)!!! The name Willa is a girl’s name of German origin meaning “resolute protection”. How ironic!!!

    • Redheadedlady63

      One has to ask a question about who is paying for the food, water, and care that this group is receiving as they travel north? Is it Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, George Soros, the Democratic party? All I can say is we best be prepared both individually (those living on the border in the border states) and our President must be prepared to stop this invasion at all costs.

    • dufus

      now we look like bigger fools for paying foreign aid to these people. STOP ALL foreign aide NOW. Man the border with troops. If the troops won’t go , send the citizens. WE ARE READY.

      • IAMPEACE

        I agree. Who is funding this?

      • watchman48

        I was just wondering, how many K-9 units do we have nationwide ? I would think there must be several thousands…

    • Redlist Renegade

      Hopefully the Mexican government and their military will send them all back to Rotamala and Goneduros !!!

      • Sue Rosenorn

        THEY WONT

        • DieJobi

          Whether they will or not is left to be seen, but they ARE aware that they have that option…..

    • freedomfirst

      one tenth are women with some carrying children, notice trucks or big trucks carrying men and not women of kids are all guys. Part to this high march is by Satan’s pope F. And the Zionist jews to infiltrate to destroy the Nationalists ownership to our country! I have mollinials in my family I have tried to bring politics up to them with Dems are today’s progressives to bring our once great freedom country under progressive New World gov. Of sub-servatude they are so dumbed down they can not get it no intellectual value in their brain…..very sad!

    • Mike

      Beforeitsnews has a Forum now. Did you know?

      This is your chance for a grass roots effort to get involved in something new to help nurture and help it grow into a thriving place for discussion.

      This caravan topic is ripe for discussion.

      Come stop by and introduce yourselves and check out the convo and perhaps start some of your own.

    • Viking

      Good plan, but cut all funding…period.

      Place land mines and barbwire all over the border areas. Put our military behind that.

      Now, what are we going to do about the ones that are already here? Time to clean house.

    • Wity

      People you are in the league of nationa aka the NWO666 and the G8 sorry 9….

      Youve watched the NWO control ” British commonwealth import thousands of unpopulars aka muslims & blacks
      youve watch Europe being overrun with this and done nothing….

      What made you think you yankies would be excempt from this takeover eh!
      Millenialism or just braindeadness ???

      Did you not see South Africa broken and turned Anti-white Socialist under its new black leaders the ANC….

      Now its your turn ….. Pay backs a Bitch….

    • Anonymous

      No you are the 9/11 melting-pot, everything goes. And you are stupid too.

    • raburgeson

      What did you expect from these countries operated by cartels? We send them hush money for our crooks. Mean while we find golden guns and exotic cats at these cartel mansions. Close that border and shut down our own crooks’ illegal incomes. The problem is on our side of the border too.

    • truck driver

      Lou Dobbs on fox news says George Soros is funded this with tax payers money

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