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Russian Coup Attempt Was A Failed USA Operation That Only Made Putin Stronger! - Mike Adams

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    Total 6 comments
    • VOR

      Yevgeny is fucking KM UAW/MF :twisted:

    • HTLIII

      The REAL America supports the elimination of the human trafficking, adrenochrome extraction, money laundering, lies and ethnocentric MURDEWR of the Zionist contingent. In 2014, the freely elected Ukraine government was murdered by mercenaries purchased by America’s Victoria Nuland. They were replaced with a second rate stripper, though jewish, has been less than entertaining. Victoria Nuland was RECORDED over the telephone BRAGGING about ‘the cheap price’ she coughed up from American tax payers to rent the mercenaries. Russian coup? Not likely.

    • Counter Analysis

      I doubt America had anything to do with this. I suspect Shoigu and others in the MOD were plotting a coup and were too ensconced for Putin to remove without assistance. Prigozhin had been repeatedly complaining about lack of resources and support from the MOD, and yet, Putin seemed unable to rectify the situation with well deserved support for Wagner which was outperforming other Russian forces. Shoigu probably wanted to starve Wagner of supplies, not so much out of jealousy, but out of the need to ensure no one could challenge him. He also likely hoped Wagner would languish in battle along with its reputation. How is it that Wagner could outperform official troops with superior backing? If anything, Shoigu may have had a deal with the West, for support when he made his planned move. Putin likely asked Prigozhin to march toward Moscow to prevent a coup. At that point, had Putin been immediately deposed, Prigozhin would immediately garner popular support for a counter coup. Now Shoigu has been cast in a very negative light, and it is doubtful he would have the needed support to challenge Putin; hence, it’s safe for Putin to remove him. Deeper questions remain about who in Russia might have been behind Shoigu that would have given him any hope of prevailing in a coup. Perhaps some oligarchs have interests that coincide with the West. They may be unhappy if the war has damaged their financial empires. All speculation, but this is the most likely scenario in my mind.

    • feral pa paw

      Pooty Poot and his Buddy Wagner General just scammed the Pentagon/CIA Marxist out of that 6 billion Surplus they found a week ago. They pulled the old bait and switch on the CIA Stooges with a fake Coup to get the money. LOL To most rational people, Pooty Poot got a big win in this stunt. And showed what Morons Miley and his merry band of Marxist Idiots are. And it was all on OUR DIME.

    • C.C. Forche

      I agree that the USA was in on this…but ..I think so was Putin. Think. what if Wagner group was playing both sides with loyalty to Russia. This benefitted Russia/Putin. what if it wasn’t a brilliant reaction,but a brilliant plan to begin with. I should have waited until the end before commenting. Youare saying the same thing. 5 dimensional chess Russian style.



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