
AOYcascade (Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade) is a Israelism -Yahwism Biblical website. Israelism -Yahwism is the name of the true Biblical belief promoted in the Hebrew Bible. It was believed and used by Jesus (who\'s true Hebrew name is Yahshua), He was the prophet recorded throughout the New Testament writings. Jesus was not a Christian. He was a Israelite - Yahudi. Christianity was developed in it\'s present form and promoted by Constantine a Roman Emperor in his attempt to unite the various religions in his Empire. This resulted in NT Christianity. Christianity is a polluted religious belief because it has divorced itself from the original Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew Bible is the only record we have of words inspired by the Almighty Creator He provided to the anointed Hebrew Prophets. The Hebrew Bible contains all the precepts for righteous living, and to obtain eternal life, by keeping the 10 Commandments and but worshiping our One Creator.
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