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Why Dinosaurs May Still Rule The Earth

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Surprising evidence, culled from research over the past century, leads some investigators to believe that the race of dinosaurs never completely died out: the most intelligent of them survived.

The highly adaptive and cunning raptorspredecessors to what some scientists agree would have become a highly intelligent, evolved racemay have survived millions of years past the Yucatán asteroid impact and the subsequent massive climate change.

Those dinosaurs may have eventually created advanced technologies and a super-science leading to amazing technology including interstellar spacecraft. Over time they might have explored and colonized other planets creating a network of offworld societies.

Some researchers of extraterrestrial contactee cases argue that many of the ETs encountered today are not aliens from another world, but the original masters of Earth.

Has the dinosaur race watched Mankind evolve over millions of years, subtlely nudging humans toward an unknown goala goal that drives a mysterious, perhaps frightening, agenda that only the dinosaur overlords know?

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Chicxulub impact-artistimpression [NASA]

65 million years ago

For many years scientists envisioned the demise of the dinosaur race as a mass extinction following on the heels of a gigantic asteroid’s catastrophic collision with Earth in the Chicxtulub Yucatán region. ["Dinosaur-Killer" Asteroid Crater Imaged for First Time] They described a darkened world, an atmosphere choked with dust and swirling carbon storms from tens of thousands of blazing forest fires. Their scenario matched popular astonomer Carl Sagan’s nuclear winter hypothesis.

Years ago, scientists believed most of the plants died after the impact resulting in herbivore starvation, and when the plant-eaters died so did the carnivores that fed off them. Even the mighty T. Rex eventually succumbed.

But that was then, and this is now. And now a different picture has emerged. New evidence points to the strong possibility that all of the dinosaurs did not die out within a few thousand years of the asteroid impact. Some survived for many hundreds of thousands of years.

New data has also revealed the Chicxtulub impact actually occurred as much as 300,000 years before the originally accepted timeline, so it could not account for the mass extinction of the dinosaur race that followed. [Yucatán Asteroid Didn't Kill Dinosaurs, Study Says]

Another disturbing fact has bothered some paleontologists for many years: how could the most successful species on Earth that weathered many changes in the climate over a span of nearly 230 million years succumb so rapidly from climate change?

The answer, say other scientists, is the dinosaurs didn’t succumb rapidly. It took up to 700,000 years for dinosaurs to disappear.

Evidence dinosaurs survived past Chicxulub Event

During the past decade mounting evidence points to an entirely new picture of dinosaurs, their physiology, how they lived, and how they died. Scientists have done a major rethinking of the dinosaur extinction hypothesis.

Dinosaurs were also much more agile that scientists long believed. Some dinosaurs developed rudimentary hands that could eventually enable them to fashion and use tools. Some had brains evolving toward true intelligence, such as the velociraptors.

With the evidence that some dinosaurs actually survived many hundreds of thousands of years after the supposed extinction event, the post asteroid concept of the dinosaurs suddenly changed drastically. [Researchers: Dinosaurs survived 700 millennia after asteroid impact]

Remarkably, all the elements required to permit some of the dinosaur race to develop intelligence at least as high as early Man have been confirmed . And once dinosaurs attained that level on the evolutionary scale they had a much better chance of surviving.

But is there any real evidence of the emergence of intelligent dinosaurs?

Yes, there is.

A Bioparaptor (by John McLoughlin)

Rise of the intelligent dinosaurs

Having an aware brain that can think through solutions and extrapolate is an important step towards intelligence, but to be fully effective, the brain needs to be linked to appendages that can significantly modify the environment. Such an appendage must be very adaptable and able to manipulate small things with a high degree of dexterity. Although dolphins are intelligent, they lack manipulative appendages, but humans have appendages that fit the criteria: hands; so did some of the dinosaurs.

Such appendages, concurrent with evolving intelligence, allows for manipulating habitats, the creation of rudimentary tools and weapons, and the ability to better master the environment.

Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, a dinosaur that inhabited the North American continent neary 200 million years ago, was a small herbivore. But what Sarahsaurus lacked in bulk, it more than made up for with handsmanipulative hands that were similar in size to human hands. And, according to leading paleontologists, the creature’s hands gave it great power and leverage.” [Strong-handed dinosaur reveals edgier side of Herbivores]

John C. McLoughlin’s Evolutionary bioparanoia, posits the development of intelligent dinosaurs. Other researchers followed up with the concept. The only restriction the researchers saw to the possibility of intelligent dinosaurs was that the extinction came upon them too fast. They ran out of time to outhink it and survive. [How intelligent dinosaurs conquered the world]

Author Thomas P. Hopp writes in his blog that “Among the paleontologists of our time, the notion of dinosaurian intelligence crops up more often than you might guess. Although no current dinosaurologist would risk his or her reputation by actually proposing a human-like intellect among the creatures of 65 million years ago, there have been plenty of scientific discussions of the brain power that existed inside the crania of Cretaceous creatures large and small.”

The velociraptor’s intelligence was evolving

Yet another blogger speculates about a recent theory that intelligent dinosaurs rule other planets. In Extremely Intelligent Dinosaurs Could Rule Other Planets In The Universe the writer references an intriguing study appearing in the Journal of the American Chemical Society envisioning that “advanced versions of T. Rex and other dinosaurs, monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans may be the life forms that evolved on other planets in the universe.”

FoxNews also picked up on the intelligent dinosaur theme and reported: “…there are likely hyperevolved, hyperintelligent dinosaur aliens in space,” and that “you would be better off not meeting one of them.”

The original dinosaur extinction time frame, however was skewed. Some dinosaurs continued on for as long as 700 millennia, more than enough time for dinosaurs like the velociraptor to evolve a much higher degree of intelligence, create agriculture, weapons, shelters from the elements, and eventually towns and cities.

The dinosaurs would have developed a language, eventually writing, more advanced tools and weaponry. Factions may have even warred with each other as evolving societies competed for prime land and resources.

As the dinosaur cultures developed they would necessarily become more sophisticated. The intelligent dinosaurs would protect themselves from the elements designing clothes, more advanced shelters, and more efficient agricultural methods.

Conceptual advanced Dino Earth city – 50 million years ago

Discoveries would progress and energy would be mastered. Eventually, many millions of years before some mammals became Mankind, the dinosaur race had flying machines, satellites, and spacecraft. Eventually they explored other star systems.

Yet, still they advanced, and for the most part abandoned their home world, visiting it only sporadically to observe and monitor the life still evolving on Earthincluding the early hominids that eventually became Homo Sapiens.

Sketch of one of David Icke’s Reptilians

Dinosaur masters: the Reptilians?

Master conspiracy weaver David Icke garnered world fame with 19 international best-sellers and a huge following. Icke is the driving force pushing back against a cabal of secret reptilian-humanoids (variously called Reptilians, Reptoids, or Reptiloids), the “Babylonian Brotherhood” that manipulates and steers unsuspecting humans for their own purposes.

Promoter of the Reptilian conspiracy, David Icke [Stef]

In one book, The Biggest Secret, he claims humans are the product of a diabolical Reptilian breeding program that mutated simple apes into semi-intelligent humanoid slaves doing their reptile masters’ bidding. Adopting the Sumerian hypothesis of Zecharia Sitchin’s alien Anunnaki race, Icke has created a horrifying scenario of twisted nature, artificial existence, demonoid lizard overlords, and manipulation of consciousness. In essence, reality is no more than an illusion masterminded and manipulated by cold, soulless reptile beings.

The only reality, Icke argues, is the reptiles’ realm of the Absolute.

Could any of this be true?

Incredibly, intelligent reptilesthe dinosaursmay have a basis in reality. But their origins are more likely Earth than distant worlds orbiting alien stars. Intelligent dinosaurs may have migrated outwards from the solar system and colonized habitable worlds many eons ago, but always kept ties with their home planet, the third world from the sun.

Some paleontologists have given serious thought to how intelligent dinosaurs may have evolvedif they hadn’t been wiped out by the Yucatán asteroid impact. Their extrapolations may be closer to the truth than they realize since the evidence is emerging that the smarter dinosaurson track toward high cognitive awarenesswere not destroyed by a worldwide conflagration, but had nearly three-quarters of a million more years to achieve human-like intelligence.

The concept, as may be imagined, is very controversial. Some paleontologists support it, or are intrigued by it; other scientists blast the idea as being unfounded or the height of Homo-centric arrogance.

A Dinosauroid as featured in BBC’s fascinating video

The BBC explored the idea and offered a look at a “Dinosauroid” as created by computer extrapolations. The video, How dinosaurs might have evolved is fascinating.

The Troodon on it’s way towards intelligence?

Continuing the theme of evolved, intelligent dinosaurs, The Dinosauroid: A Humanoid Dinosaur, writes about Dr. Dale Russell, the “discoverer of Stenonychosaurus (now called Troodon), then of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Ottawa, Canada.” Russell “postulated that late Cretaceous dinosaurs were well on the way to becoming intellectual animals, and would have succeeded if the dinosaurs had not suffered extinction. Stenonychosaurus had an opposable thumb, stood upright about three feet tall and had binocular vision. Russell commented: ‘It had all the ingredients of success that we see later in the development of the apes.’”

Again, in light of the new discoveries about the dinosaur extinction timeline, the question must be asked, did the velociraptors or Troodons, or dinosaurs like them survive those extra hundreds of thousands of years and achieve a high order of intelligence?

The odds appear to be increasingly good.

Overlords or future allies?

Ufologist investigators generally agree that extraterrestrial visitors seem to come in many shapes and sizes. A few researchers claim as many as 81 different ET races are visiting Earth piloting craft of every imaginable size and configuration.

Most researchers familiar with ET contact and abduction cases agree that the majority of humanoid beings fall into several major categories including the well-known Greys, the Nordics (tall, fair-haired, well-developed beings indistinguishable from men and women, and sometimes seen with Greys), the Drones (insectoid-like creatures that sometimes accompany the Greys), and the Reptilians.

Of all the ETs, the Reptiliansand legends and myths about themare the only beings that permiate human history.

Famed Ufologist and theorist Jacques Vallee calls the ETs “messengers of deception.” Other researchers have called them interlopers, invaders, or manipulators. Still other investigatorsfamiliar with cattle and human mutilations, bizarre tracking programs, and abductee terror sessions conducted aboard craft so advanced some of the technology seems almost magicalcall them demons and murderers.

Records stretching back many thousands of years reveal that an alien intelligence or intelligences directed the course of human civilization in ways not always beneficial to the human race.

So are aliens here to help, remain ambivalent, assimilate humans through DNA mutation, or rule as masters of the world?

On the scienceblogs’ Universe Everything writer Claire L. Evans muses over the Reptilian Agenda. While much of it is tongue-in-cheek, she does accurately define the basic conspiracy hypothesis revolving around reptilian humanoids. They are “intelligent, supernatural, and highly developed reptile-human hybrids, or Reptoids, which are capable of shape-shifting and allegedly control all the major secret societies, royal bloodlines, and governments on Earth,” Evans notes.

While many are aware of David Icke, Evans also points to researcher John Rhodes. The theory that Rhodes promotes is the very one that emerging evidence is beginning to support: some of the so-called aliens are actually evolved dinosaurs that survived and are now much more advanced than humans. But then they would be, given that the intelligent dinosaur race had a multi-million year head start on the human race.

Rhodes was “the first to seriously investigate and publicly present claims of reptilian-humanoid sightings by founding the Research Center in the late 90s,” Evans reveals. “Rhodes contends that these cryptozoologic mysteries are not extra-terrestrial in nature, nor do they have anything at all to do with world governments. That kind of talk is just some knee-jerk collective fear of the current global political climate. His lizard men, rather, are evolved from dinosaurs.”

If intelligent dinosaurs do exist, what are their motives? What is their agenda? Is it benign, or sinister?

Perhaps they are conducting anthropological studies, or a long range sociological study of a fellow intelligence that took a different evolutionary path, but shares their mother world with them.

Or perhaps the dinosaurs’ motives are much darker and ominous.

One thing humanity can take comfort in: even if the dinosaurs are the real masters and are undertaking some sort of breeding program, at least their ultimate aim is not to produce high quality meat for their dinner table.

Read my exciting NEW book ‘MYSTERIES OF THE MULTIVERSE’ learn more now – click here

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    Total 3 comments
    • kquinn

      Maya paintings at Mexico’s Bonampak shows the Indians carrying a dinosaur head that they are getting ready to sacrifice along with some human heads to their gods.

    • Anonymous

      close but not there yet. Dinosaurs were like as we say, a delicacy of the real reptilians that control you now. just like you have outback and beef obrady’s (hate that guy…3 teeth in his mouth and he has them whitened), steakhouses at this time that serve up freshly killed mammals for you eating enjoyment. the reptilians had their own cattle hordes of different varieties of dinosaurs. now they have humans……..get me a little tabasco sauce waiter.

    • Amacha

      Hmmm. Interesting. People don’t realize that hundreds of millions of years is a long time and a lot of things can happen. It would be nice to see some artifacts scattered among all the dino bones, a knife, a ring, something. The other objection I have is that a cold blooded animal doesn’t have much need to evolve intelligence since it doesn’t have a constant need to eat. And egg laying is not conducive to building families necessary to develop anything beyond the drive to survive and reproduce. But the asteroid impacts could have provided a drive for smaller and more intelligent lizards in addition to providing a niche for the mammals to develop.

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