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If You Only Read One More Email Of Mine - Need To Read This One!!! This Maps It Out Completely!

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—– Original Message —–

Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:45 AM



PDF Version: World Affairs Brief November 9, 2012

World Affairs Brief,November 9, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



US Democracy: Have We Passed the Point of No Return?

Sequestration Battle Looms

Censoring the Evidence on Body Scanner Danger

Where is the German Gold?



Yes, I know very well that this country was not crafted as a democracy. It was a republic of individual sovereign states. Democratic elements were there, to be sure, but they were strictly limited by a constitution which restricts the lawmaking powers of the majority. Rights of the individuals were stipulated and the lawmaking authority was delegated to representatives of the states, not the people at large. But our constitutional limits have been gradually interpreted away by the courts and we have become more of a democracy than a Republic with all the inherent dangers of a tyranny-by-the-majority. What has become apparent, after this week’s victory for Obama, is that adherents to limited government are no longer the majority in this nation. Where do we go from here?


First, let’s analyze the results: Obama won all of the swing states except North Carolina, gaining a total of 302 electoral votes (331 if Florida holds for Obama) to Romney’s 206. The popular vote count was much closer, separated by a mere 3 million votes out of 120 million.


As I predicted, the Powers That Be (PTB) pulled out all the stops to re-elect Obama. It was a must-win election for two reasons: 1) to preserve and solidify the implementation of Obamacare, the foot-in-the-door legislation leading to total government control of health care in America. 2) to make sure that Romney, the non-insider, did not gain access the White House. There are too many illegal operations and black operation going on (like the Benghazi stand down order) and they fear what a non-puppet president may see and object to.


Do not confuse Romney’s bending over backward to please the establishment with being an insider. That’s a reflection of excess ambition and blindness to conspiracy. The PTB don’t allow moral people inside the dark side of government. They may use them as useful idiots and fronts, but they don’t let them inside. They want people against whom they have blackmail-able offenses —lots of dirt to make sure they are controllable. Obama has so many skeletons and has been afforded so much protection against discovery of his foreign status that he doesn’t dare disobey orders.


However, the polls may not have been as skewed as I thought, in order to project Obama as the likely winner. I’m sure there was some push-polling, but they may not have had to do too much this time. It appears that 12 million people stayed home that voted in 2008, which may have given the advantage to the millions of minorities and illegals the leftist brigades registered to vote for Obama.


In other words, the results were skewed as much by illegal registrations as they were by electronic fraud. The Democratic political machines, labor unions, and Leftist activists like ACORN went all out registering millions of ineligible voters, and driving them to the polls to make sure they voted—sometimes more than once at different locations.


Controlled judges in swing states helped out by blocking new state voter ID requirements, even though it’s normal in most states to require ID at the polls. Democratic Pundits chimed in that the voter ID requirement was like the old poll tax—denying poor minorities access to the polls. But it was nothing of the sort. Every citizen has ID or can easily get one. It doesn’t disenfranchise anyone except illegals, who shouldn’t be voting anyway. In Pennsylvania a judge simply blocked implementation until after the election—a blatant pro-Democrat political move.


It looks like there is now a solid block of pro-government votes that isn’t going to shrink in size, especially as more austerity measures are imposed in future budget slowdowns. There will be no actual cuts in federal spending overall. In fact, we’ll see a much faster growth in the benefit-corrupted majority as government uses the continual economic problems to bolster support for more government bailouts and aid—from unemployment compensation, to disaster aid. Everyone seems to be for limited government until they want something the free market won’t give them.


Sadly, it looks like we have crossed the point where good conservatives and libertarians have been out-voted. 120 million people cast votes, which means that millions stayed home. The way that the Republicans mistreated Ron Paul supporters at the Tampa convention certainly ensured that most would never vote for Romney. But the majority of those that stayed home are too lazy and apathetic to vote and are most likely not the kind of voters who will support real change.


The Possibility of Vote Fraud: Yes, I believe there is a lot of vote fraud going on—though most of it now goes on unseen in the bowels of computer tabulations—almost impossible to trace. However, we do see when impossible glitches surface, like this: Godfatherpolitics reported that “A couple from Forest Park showed up yesterday at the polls to vote just like they have ever since they turned 18. When it was their turn, they were both told that they had already voted via absentee ballot. The couple said that they have never voted absentee and wanted to know how this could happen. Precinct officials told them that they could fill out a provisional ballot, which they did.


“Before long, a number of other voters in the same precinct were told the same thing, that they had already voted via absentee ballots and that they also needed to fill out a provisional ballot. Eventually, voting officials said that the mistake was due to ‘human error’ and that anyone else in the same situation would likewise have to cast a provisional ballot. In Ohio, provisional ballots are not counted until 10 days after the election.”


In one precinct of Pennsylvania 99% of the voters voted for Obama. Even in an all-black precinct, that kind of one sided voting doesn’t happen, unless there is fraud or coercion. Also, it is important that very little exit polling occurred in this election, and almost none of it reported. Exit polling results are what keeps the PTB from skewing the electronic tallies too far. Without it, they are free to do as much as they need. Apparently, the establishment did not want exit polling to showcase any difference with the official tallies.


Congressional Results: The House remains in Republican hands (234 Rep to 195 Dems), but establishment hack John Boehner needs to be replaced, if conservatives expect to defund Obamacare and other Leftist causes.


The Senate gained in Democratic strength (54 Dems to 45 Rep) which, combined with predictable liberal Republicans means there is a real chance the president can push through dangerous UN treaties and liberal Supreme Court nominees that would not otherwise pass in the former Congress.


Here were key Senate race results:

Almost all won by liberal Democrats:

Wisconsin: Lesbian Tammy Baldwin (D) beat establishment conservative former Gov. Tommy Thompson (R)

Missouri: Claire McCaskill (D) beat Todd Akin (R) after the media pounced on Akin’s unwise remark about “legitimate rape.”

Indiana: Joe Donnelly (D) beat Richard Mourdock (R) after another rape misstatement the media wouldn’t let go of: that pregnancy resulting from rape was ‘something God intended.’”

Virginia:Tim Kaine (D) narrowly defeated for Gov. George Allen (R) in an expensive race.

Massachusetts: Liberal Elizabeth Warren (D) beat Liberal Republican Scott Brown (R)

Ohio: Establishment favorite Sherrod Brown (D) defeated Josh Mandel (R)

Connecticut:Chris Murphy (D) defeated business woman Linda McMahon (R) for retiring Joe Lieberman’s Senate Seat.

Pennsylvania: Bob Casey (D) defeated Tom Smith (R)

Florida: Bill Nelson (D) defeated establishment conservative Connie Mack (whose wife, Rep Mary Bono Mack (R), also lost her House seat in California).

Maine: Maine elected former Gov. Angus King (Independent), to replace liberal Republican Olympia Snowe.

The only Republican win was in Mississippi: Roger Wicker (R) defeated Albert Gore (D), distant relation to the infamous Al Gore.


Key House lossesfor black conservatives were Allen West (probable, though recount on the way) and Mia Love of Utah, challenging Democrat Scott Matheson. Conservative/Libertarian Art Robinson lost his second bid to unseat corrupt Democrat Peter DeFazio in Oregon. DeFazio put up billboards misrepresenting Robinson’s positions, deceptively masking their origin so as to give the impression they were put up by Robinson. Robinson is suing him in court for that stunt.


Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R, MD), a 10-term conservative incumbent, lost his seat to gerrymandering as his district was redrawn to include many more Democrats. Florida Democrat Joe Garcia defeated GOP Rep. David Rivera and in Texas, Republican freshman Quico Canseco was defeated. California elected many new Democratic representatives, as the state turns increasingly to the Left. NOTE BY VICTORIA: MAY CALIFORNIA FALL INTO THE OCEAN AND TAKE THE LIBERALS WITH IT!


House Saves for Conservatives: Rep. Michele Bachmann has narrowly won a fourth term as she defeated Democrat Jim Graves. Steve King of Iowa defeated Christie Vilsack, the former first lady of Iowa. Staunch conservative/libertarian Justin Amash won reelection in Grand Rapids MI, by 9 points, but that victory was down from his 22 point victory last election.


Small businessman and Texas state representative Randy Weber, won Ron Paul’s vacated seat in the 14th district, defeating former Democratic Congressman Nick Lambson. While Weber is no Ron Paul, he was voted the “most conservative member” of the Texas State House.


Did the anti-Romney vote on the Right sink the GOP?

The Ron Paul movement is the largest anti-establishment, pro-constitution movement in the United States. The total votes for Paul in the Primaries was 1,227,000. Due to all the reports of vote fraud it was probably more like 1,300,000. There are an estimated additional 100-200,000 in independent ranks who did not vote in a Republican primary, but would have voted for Paul had he been in the general election.


The most recent totals I have for votes cast for third party candidates is just shy of 2,000,000.

Libertarians (Johnson): 1,300,000

Green Party (Stein) 400,000

Constitution (Goode): 110,000

Peace and Freedom (Barr): 50,000

Justice Party (Anderson): 35,000

others 150,000


The popular vote difference between Romney and Obama was about 3,000,000. Even if all the Constitution and Libertarian votes had gone to Romney, it would not have equaled the difference in popular vote. However, if we consider only the swing states, it may have given Romney the minimum win necessary: In New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia the margin of victory for Obama was considerably less than the total of Ron Paul supporters voting.


If we assume that all of the Ron Paul people voted third party, it would have been enough votes to deny Romney the victory. However, some of the Paulists did vote for Romney as the “lesser of two evils,” and thus we cannot be sure that all of those RP primary totals can be counted as potential extra Romney votes. In like manner, almost all of the Green Party, Peace and Freedom and Justice party votes would have accrued to Obama, had they not voted in protest. My conclusion is that the Ron Paul protest vote was close to denying Romney the victory—but only in the swing states.


Nevertheless, it doesn’t pay for Republicans to vent their anger at principled people who won’t vote for the lesser of two evils. Save your anger for the unthinking moderates and liberals who are now the majority and getting bigger. They are the real enemy of liberty, albeit in large part due to ignorance and bad education. Millions of Americans are swayed each election by sophisticated globalists and shills for government that dominate the airwaves and give respectability to socialist philosophies that should be viewed rightfully as direct violations of other’s property rights.


Key Ballot Issue Losses:

Florida voters rejected a ban on taxpayer-funded abortion and the legalization of marijuana in four counties. They rejected a measure that would have exempted residents from the Obamacare mandate.NOTE BY VICTORIA – FLORIDIANS ARE IDIOTS IF THEY VOTED YES ON # 1…now we are stuck with OBAMACARE…MAY YOU BE RATIONED TO DEATH…for you will be! COUNT ON IT!


Wyoming, Florida, Alabama, and Montana also had ballot measures that would prohibit any individual or employer from being forced to participate in Obamacare but few doubt the courts would uphold them since they believe Federal law pre-empts state law. While the Supreme Court has ruled that the tax penalty of Obamacare is constitutional, which qualifies for federal pre-emption, the health portion does not, which states can decline to participate in. I predict that few will exercise that state’s right now that all legal battles against it appear to be lost.


Traditional marriage supporters also suffered a big blow Tuesday after all four states that had ballot initiatives on same-sex marriage – Maryland, Maine, Minnesota and Washington State – voted in favor of gay marriage. Previously, voters had chosen to protect traditional marriage. That leaves only 32 states left where Americans overwhelmingly support marriage as the exclusive union of a man and woman.


GMO labeling in California (Prop 37) was defeated due to an unprecedented $45 Million scare campaign funded by Monsanto, et al. Several states are jumping on the bandwagon to approve property tax exemptions for military service personnel and veterans. They should be giving exemptions to those who home school or who pay for private schooling, instead.


The mainstream explanation for Romney’s loss is mostly about missteps in his professional campaign team. They point fingers at his advisors mismanagement of the timing of his criticism of Obama during the attacks on the various embassies after the emergence of the anti-Muslim video provocation. When the ambassador to Libya was killed the media allowed all that sympathy to accrue to Obama.


Here’s an inside view from Daniel Larison: “Within hours, on the advice of his messaging shop and with the blessing of his foreign policy advisers, Romney approved a statement that accused Obama of sympathizing with anti-American interests in the Muslim world [a standard neocon charge that masks the globalist agenda which promotes the Muslim threat to a greater extent than it really exists]. It was sent out shortly after 10 p.m.


“By sunrise the next day, it was clear to Romney that they had acted too quickly. The campaign learned that four Americans had been killed in an attack on a U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Even to some Republicans, Romney’s hasty statement looked insensitive. ‘We screwed up, guys,’ Romney told aides on a conference

call that morning, according to multiple people on the call. ‘This is not good.’


“His advisers told him that, if he took back his statement, the neoconservative wing of the party would ‘take his head off.’ [Do you see the irony here? His neocon advisors are telling him how “the other neocons” are going to criticize him. When a candidate doesn’t really know what side his advisors are on, or refuses to see, it’s easy for him to be manipulated in this manner]. So Romney understood that he and his campaign had erred, he knew that they ought to retract the statement, but instead of doing that he defended his initial response [something Romney often does out of pride] and refused to let it go because he was afraid of the backlash from neoconservatives.”


But now that he was successfully neutered in the attack on Obama, Romney was even less able to take advantage as the story unfolded a month later about the stand down orders to US Special Forces, ensuring that the Ambassador didn’t survive. That could have been the death knell to Obama but the media refused to cover it. They also spiked the story about the sacking of an Army general and a Navy Admiral for refusing those orders. Romney’s advisors could have really done damage to Obama, but they joined in quashing those “evil conspiracy theories.” I doubt if Romney even knew about the wider ramifications of the stand down order, so controlled is the flow of information once he begins receiving “daily briefings” from the CIA—who are experts in hiding crucial truths from politicians and the public.


Romney’s advisors had a tough job. Being neocons and globalists they had a mission to appear to be helping him, while quietly making sure that his campaign was not as effective as it could be. Romney was never allowed to venture toward taking advantage of Obama’s secret background as a foreigner (the birther-gate issue). He was never allowed to focus on how Obama got wealthy ($8-$14 million, estimated) when never having a salary over $100k until recently. He was talked into reneging on his anti-abortion promises, and compromised on accepting a lot of Obamacare into his promised reform of the euphemistically titled Affordable Health Care Act. None of these helped his appeal to his base, and it turned out Romney didn’t get enough of the independent vote to make a difference. It was a lackluster campaign, as Romney was more interested in avoiding traps than making a difference.


The establishment isn’t satisfied with defeating Romney. They want to make sure that third parties or anti-establishment champions like Ron Paul never gain traction again. Justin Raimundo wrote about the shenanigans in California to keep third parties down:


“Take the case of Richard Winger, the third party expert and political analyst, editor of Ballot Access News, who, together with other interested parties, sued the state of California so that all candidates would have an equal right to show their party label on the ballot. With the passage of an ‘open primary’ law, which effectively abolished third parties, California’s third party candidates couldn’t even identify themselves on the ballot. The lawsuit failed, however, and the judge ruled that the plaintiffs had to pay the court costs of the big corporate moneybags who had sponsored the ‘open primary’ legislation to being with. Winger and his fellow third partiers got a bill for $243,279.50.”


Most importantly the demographic trends in this country are ominous and do not portend a recovery of liberty. From now on there is going to be a lot of pressure on the Republican Party to compromise—to offer amnesty to illegals, and every other government benefit they can use to “win over” the growing benefit-corrupted majority. From now on it will be almost impossible to keep the Republican Party on its stated mission of smaller government.


Here’s a view of the political trends by Rick Dunham, an establishment hack for the Hearst Washington Bureau. His views are typical of the mentality of professional politicians and campaign managers whose only goal is to win, not to stand on principle. Any candidate like Romney who is determined to win above almost any consideration, will take the kinds of positions Dunham and others are mandating, at the peril of principle:


“1. There truly is a demographic tidal wave sweeping over the nation, and Republicans ignore it at their own peril [meaning: compromise with the growing majority of liberals or never win again, which, sadly, may be true. Once you lose the majority, you can never regain liberty without revolution to force a reestablishment of constitutional limitations upon majority rule].


“The percentage of the electorate made up of non-Hispanic Caucasians (“white voters”) has dropped from 91 percent to 72 percent since the Seventies. Election strategies must keep up with the times [i.e. keep pandering to amnesty]. As we all know, the Latino population is the fast-growing bloc in the United States [due to purposeful non-enforcement of the law and leaving an open border], and Hispanics favored President Obama by more than 40 percentage points over Republican Mitt Romney. The Latino vote tipped the balance of power in Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico, and gave the Democratic incumbent a cushion in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Iowa. If Republicans don’t make inroads — and fast — Arizona, Tennessee and then Texas will become competitive at the presidential level [and these states are continuing to gain Hispanic immigrants].


“Other demographic warning signs for the GOP:

– Asian Americans favored Obama by 3-to-1 [due to the rising influence of the liberal youth in this block, as opposed to their business oriented parents]. As recently as 2000, they were a Republican-leaning swing voter bloc.


– The percentage of the electorate that identified as white evangelical Protestant (a strong GOP bloc) is declining. In Virginia, their smaller share of the electorate accounted for Romney’s margin of defeat. Romney won 78 percent of the white fundamentalist vote and still couldn’t claim a majority in Virginia or Florida (and just barely in North Carolina).


– The urban/rural split. Obama carried urban America by about the same percentage that Romney won in rural areas. Urban areas are growing. Rural areas are shrinking. Bad for Republicans [and being pushed by the State-wide planning crowd, associated with Agenda 21].


– The generation gap. Younger voters are the most Democratic age group [due to Leftist-oriented public education]. The oldest voters are the most Republican. Today’s young voters will be picking presidents for decades after today’s seniors have died. Republicans must manage to persuade more under-30 voters to abandon the Democratic Party [only Ron Paul has been able to do this, because his positions are specific attacks on the establishment institutions that are causing the problem. Romney never attacked the core problems, and thus had an uninspiring message, compared to Paul].


– The gender gap. Obama’s support among women was almost the same from 2008 to 2012 [a great disservice to “women” to lump them all together. Obama only appealed to liberal white working women and minority women—hardly representative of American stay at home moms], while male voters shifted toward the GOP by double digits. Republicans must figure out ways to improve their appeal to mothers [already there], working women and highly educated women [lost in liberalism and feminism].


“2. The polls were right [yes and no]. First, there is no liberal polling conspiracy, despite what you may have heard on talk radio. It’s a ridiculous notion, anyway, because Fox News’ own polling was in line with the supposedly biased polls. [Yes, but not the full answer: The polls were only were correct during the final weeks because they had no need to fudge anymore—the majority of likely voters love government programs—so they could report without skewing the results by more than a few points. But they were doing lots of manipulative push-polling during the Republican nomination process—generating four phony surges for Romney competitors in their attempt to keep Romney from getting the nomination. By the way, pollsters are more than liberal, they are linked to the PTB and the globalist agenda, pushing the public toward the neocon Right when they want war, and toward the Left when they want to change social mores.]


“3. Independent voters are no longer the key ‘swing’ group. Let’s face it: Most of the time, most people who call themselves Independents end up voting Republican [Not so. In 2008 they didn’t. They are capable of going both ways depending on the candidate]. Mitt Romney won a narrow majority among Independents. He also lost a number of swing states where he carried the Independent vote. We should look at moderates [another name for liberals who are embarrassed about labels], which tend to lean Democratic (56 percent for Obama in 2012).


“For a Democrat to win the presidency in this decade, they’ll probably need to win 55 percent of moderates. For a Republican to win the presidency in the foreseeable future, they’ll probably need to win 55 percent of Independents. Let’s stop pretending that a simple majority of Independents means anything.


“5. Suburbs can’t be analyzed as a single unit [true]. Mitt Romney carried America’s suburbs, 51 percent to 47 percent. So What? The reason: Suburban voters act very differently based on the region of the nation. In the Mid-Atlantic and West Coast states, suburban voters leaned heavily Democratic. They helped bury Romney in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) and Virginia (Washington, D.C.). Other suburban Democratic bastions: San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.


“In the South, suburbanites tend to be heavily Republican. Think Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Atlanta, Charlotte and South Carolina [but even that is changing as the youth growing up in big cities are liberal]. In western swing states, they tend to be swing voters [no, it is just that the liberals and Hispanics have not totally consolidated control]. Look at Denver, Las Vegas and Phoenix [mostly liberal cities with high Hispanic populations].


“6. We have to rethink the way we contemplate the role of money in politics [There is no way to stop the role of money without curbing liberty. As the PTB consolidate political and financial control, they will always have an advantage in campaign money. Transparency is the only thing we can require]. Campaign spending in 2012 is expected to top $6 billion. For what? A status-quo election [that’s because the really big corporate and private money comes from people who are tied to the political control system---playing both sides and giving to both sides, as long as they aren’t a threat to the globalist agenda. Only a lone big donor libertarian gave to Ron Paul].


“You have to give a special thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, which opened the floodgates with its 2010 Citizens United decision that equated unlimited political money with free speech [a proper decision that blocked the really bad part of Campaign Finance Reform].


Wall Street reacted negatively to Obama’s reelection, but you need to interpret why. It isn’t because they feared Obama’s socialism. Most of the big players in the markets know that Obama had the backing of the PTB. What the markets did react to was the knowledge that a wave of layoff announcements was coming—layoff notices that had been specifically delayed till after the election in order to qualify for government reimbursement of layoff costs. I wouldn’t be surprised if major players were shorting the markets to take advantage of this, so it will be short lived.


Glenn Beck’s The Blaze had the rundown, which I have edited to include the significant ones: “In the last 48 hours, the following major corporations have announced layoffs in America:

Hawker Beechcraft – The company says 240 employees will lose their jobs with the closing of Hawker Beechcraft Services facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Mesa, Ariz.; and San Antonio, Texas.

Boeing (30% of their management staff) – Boeing Co.BA +1.24% said Wednesday it plans to employ 30% fewer executives at its Boeing Defense, Space & Security unit by the end of 2012 compared to 2010 levels.

US Cellular – The move will result in 980 job cuts at U.S. Cellular, with 640 in the Chicago area, according to a spokeswoman. The cuts are slightly under 12 percent of the approximately 8,400 total employees U.S. Cellular had at the end of the third quarter.

Momentive Performance Materials – About 150 workers at Sistersville’s Momentive Performance Materials plant will be temporarily laid off later this month, officials said this week.

Rocketdyne – About 100 employees at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, most of whom work in the San Fernando Valley, were laid off Wednesday in response to dwindling government spending on space exploration, the company said.

Brake Parts – The leader of an automotive parts plant in Lincoln County has told state officials that there are plans to lay off 75 workers starting in late December…The layoffs are expected to start Dec. 28 and continue in the first quarter of 2013

Vestas Wind Systems – Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) is seeking to sell a stake of as much as 20 percent and said it’s reducing headcount by 3,000 to raise the staff cuts by the biggest wind turbine maker to almost a third over two years.

Husqvarna – Husqvarna AB (HUSQB), the world’s biggest maker of powered garden tools, plans to cut about 600 jobs in a move that will save 220 million kronor ($33 million) a year by 2014.

• Center for Hospice New York- The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care plans to temporarily lay off as many as 40 employees next year as it embarks on a major renovation of the inpatient unit at its Cheektowaga campus.

Bristol-Meyers – Bristol-Myers Squibb ($BMY) is following up its lackluster third-quarter results with almost 480 layoffs. As Pharmalot reports, the company notified the New Jersey government that it would scale back in Plainsboro, which means the cuts will hit its sales operations.

OCE North America – Trumbull printer- and scanning-equipment provider Oce North America, Inc. will lay off 135 workers in three Connecticut communities, including East Hartford, according to its notice with the state Labor Department.


There will be more to come in December.


The Next Four Years: Here’s what we have in store with another four years of a globalist puppet in the White House:


1) Renewed effort to overthrow the government of Bashar al Assad of Syria, which will pave the way for the long-awaited attack on Iran. The US will quickly exhaust the facade of negotiations and start building a justification to attack. Britain will now be more engaged on Syria and PM Cameron is already calling on Obama to join in the attack.


2) A big push to enact the UN Treaty against small arms. As the Second Amendment foundation wrote, “Less than 24 hours after winning re-election, President Barack Obama’s administration joined with China, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and more than 150 other governments, in supporting renewed debate on the proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, confirming the worst fears of the American gun rights community.”


With 54 Dems in the Senate, it only takes 12 liberal Republicans to crossover and vote for ratification. They don’t have that many right now, but who knows what pressure can be brought to bear on compromised politicians. Internationalists have an even greater chance at enacting the dangerous “Law of the Sea” treaty and a possible international financial transaction tax to boost UN funding for all the radical social and environment causes it pushes. Sen. Diane Feinstein (D Ca) is already moving ahead to ban all assault rifles, high capacity magazines, and pistol grips


3) More disarmament treaties with Russia, and tolerance of China’s aggressive meddling in the Western Pacific. Russia is hoping to cash in on Obama’s off-the-mic comment to former pres. Medvedev that after the election he would have “more flexibility” in defeating that pesky anti-missile shield Russia knows is aimed at its rockets.


4) Obama will continue his pro-abortion and pro-gay actions over the next four years. Americans also rightly fear more violation of their religious liberty, particularly through the Health and Human Services contraceptive mandate forcing Church-run agencies and charities to provide contraception and medical coverage of abortion to their employees.


5) Obamacare will be fully implemented and only a few favored minorities will be excused. Cost increases will crush profitability and force many insurers to go out of business because of the coverage mandates. Premium price controls will be instigated, and government will have every excuse to come to the rescue with “cheaper” government controlled insurance—the door into full socialized medicine. Millions of doctors will retire, and healthcare will be rationed.


6) The Obama team will hasten their attack on the natural health industry to crush competition and to make sure people have less options to flee the failing drug-driven health care system. Vaccines will become more and more mandated in various professions and schools.


7) Taxes will rise, especially for the rich, even if the Bush tax cuts are extended. They should be made permanent. At some point in the future, the establishment will have the votes to deny any further extensions, and then the dreaded Alternative Minimum Tax will start devouring all of us as inflation pushes us up in the higher brackets. The unfair estate tax will be back and government will start gobbling up all your hard earned assets at death.


8) Energy costs will rise due to continued restrictions of coal and bogus claims of man’s carbon footprint and global warming. Obama’s war on Coal will cost the nation with electric production costs expected to rise from $167 per megawatt to $357 per megawatt. U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that coal-fired power plants are now generating just 36 percent of U.S. electricity, versus 44.6 percent just one year ago.


9) There will be more amnesty granted for illegal aliens.


10) Obama will continue to use executive orders to push through what he cannot pass through legislation, and Congress will do nothing to impeach him for illegal use of this power.


But with it all, the Republicans still control the House. As Chuck Baldwin put it so well, “the GOP controls the purse strings for ALL federal spending. If the Republican Party is serious about reducing spending, they have the power to do it. All monies appropriated for federal expenditures must be authorized by the House of Representatives. So, Republicans should quit crying in their milk and start demanding that House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership start growing some man-stuff and stop funding all of these big-government, unconstitutional expenditures-including all of these foreign wars that are sapping both our freedom and our prosperity.” That won’t happen, of course, but it’s the right kind of pressure for now.



Since Congress could not agree on budget cuts last fall, automatic budget sequestration (automatic, across-the-board spending reductions) will begin starting January 2. That means across-the-board cuts will impact a lot of government’s sacred cows: According to the NY Times, “Army operations and maintenance would lose nearly $7 billion next year, and the Navy more than $4 billion under a looming series of automatic cuts in federal spending. Educational achievement and special-education programs would be shaved by $2.3 billion. Medicare payments to hospitals would fall by $5.6 billion.”


I say let it happen—it’s better than continued spending at the horrendous rate money is being created and spent. Kevin Bogardus writes that “A variety of interests on K Street have amassed their forces to stop the dreaded $1.2 trillion budget sequester (over 10 years), new lobbying disclosures reveal.


“President Obama said in Monday night’s debate that the cuts in the sequester won’t happen — a remark that was well-received by the defense contractors, healthcare providers, business groups and unions doing everything in their power to stop it [and I think he’s right. Congress doesn’t have the guts to cut. They’ll find some way to stop the sequestration mandate].”


But the Obama administration has been playing politics by bribing companies to delay notifying people that they will be laid off until after the election dust settles, to prop up opinion in Obama’s favor. In order to do that Obama’s people are proposing to reimburse contractors for severance costs if the firms DON’T send layoff notices—which is against the law. They are required to notify employees 60 days in advance.


Nearly half a dozen companies are planning huge layoffs, the biggest of which is defense contractor Lockheed Martin which intends to lay off 123,000 workers. Those kind of numbers, combined with all the other hundreds of thousands unemployed will ensure there is no recovery soon. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says that he will do anything he can to block the Obama administration from reimbursing defense contractors in this manner—which he feels is simply a bribe to support the illusion of recovery.



Since I travel a lot, I’m really bothered by the dangers of x-ray full body scanners. I have to endure the pat down because I don’t feel they are safe. Apparently, my concerns are valid and there is a cover-up going on even as the TSA starts replacing x-ray based machines with lower frequency radio wave machines. The X-ray units are round. The radio wave units are two telephone booth-looking units on either side of the walkway. broke the story this week that “Former Governor Jesse Ventura exclusively revealed to Infowars that a show set to air as part of Ventura’s popular Conspiracy Theory series that exposed how TSA body scanners were a major cancer threat was canceled by Time Warner-owned TruTV.


“This year we did eight of them but they’re only going to air seven, they won’t do the one we did on the TSA – that one apparently ain’t gonna make show time,” said Ventura, speaking to the Alex Jones Show.


Pointing out how radiation-firing body scanners had recently been removed from larger airports, Ventura explained how the censored show was an investigation of the safety and money motivation behind the body scanners. “They’re still not admitting that they’re not safe, well then why are they replacing them?” asked Ventura.


“‘We exposed that these things are not safe, we exposed that the radiation levels are at an unsafe level, we exposed the fact that TSA employees aren’t allowed to wear radiation badges for their own protection,’ added Ventura, explaining that the government was trying to avoid lawsuits by avoiding having any system in place that monitor radiation levels.”



Sven Böll and Anne Seith write that German citizens are upset that their government has allowed the Federal Reserve to hold its gold for decades – since the US invited it to safeguard its gold during the cold war when the Soviet threat was looming. Now that the continuing Soviet threat is rising again, Germans don’t trust the Fed to keep its gold.


“For decades, almost half of Germany’s gold has been stored deep below the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now, with the euro crisis swirling, German politicians are asking their central bankers to take stock of the metal. Some even say that the gold should be shipped home.


“Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann wanted to personally convince Peter Gauweiler that the German gold was still where it should be. Early this summer, the head of Germany’s central bank took the obstinate politician from the conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), a party that is a member of the government coalition in Berlin, and a number of his colleagues into the Bundesbank’s inner sanctum: the gold vault.


“But even this personal inspection wasn’t enough to reassure the visiting member of parliament — on the contrary: ‘The Bundesbank monitors its domestic gold in an exemplary fashion,’ Gauweiler says, ‘and this makes it all the more incomprehensible that the bank doesn’t look after its reserves abroad.’”


And, well it should worry. The FED has never allowed its gold stocks to be audited, insisting that everyone including Congress just “trust us.” There is worry that the vaults in the US are empty or that no specific gold is allocated to each of the countries the FED is holding gold for. In other words, how do we know which gold bars are really ours if the FED does not have them numbered and accounted as such?


“According to the report, the bar list from New York stems from ‘1979/1980.’ The report also noted that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow the gold’s owners to view their own reserves.”


The only way to ensure that is to have the gold repatriated. If you don’t have physical possession you have nothing. “Heinz-Peter Haustein of the business-friendly Free Democratic Party (FDP) was even quoted by Germany’s mass-circulation Bild newspaper as saying that ‘all the gold has to be shipped back.’” Indeed. And, it’s time for a US audit of America’s gold as well. [END]








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    Total 16 comments
    • Anonymous

      you’re a shallow racist

      • Anonymous

        Melting pot & multiculturalism, breed racial hatred!

    • truthseekerinmo

      It’s just beyond my ability to understand how folks are so PO’d about
      losing an election when the candidate had no understanding of foreign
      policy and didn’t get the Latino vote! Which by the way is going to grow
      in power as the number of white male right leaning voters dies off. And
      right wingnut candidates alienated modern women voters with stupid
      comments about “legitimate rape” and a “womans body knows how to
      prevent a pregnancy from rape”. You are sore losers. If this country is
      no longer to your liking then hop a slow boat to China!

      • getreal

        won’t need to CHINA will be here very soon!

      • Pateriot

        China is still officially Communist, although they have been embracing some free-market principles. We are trying to keep our country from becoming Communist and abandoning free-market principles and Freedom. I suggest that the Leftists in this country take the slpw boat to China or North Korea. Then you won’t have to struggle to live in the worker’s paradise… you will be there already… and you won’t have to ruin it for the rest of us!!!

    • Goldbug36

      Sadly, we Americans are all losers. Our government has been co-opted by FASCISTS, our courts have been bought and paid for, our Constitution has been shredded, our Presidency has been usurped, and our economy is in the tank. Soon, our currency will collapse, as it has already lost its place as the world’s reserve currency. As is typical, though, the commenters are bashing each other rather than the perpetrators. They will soon learn the folly in believing and regurgitating the lies spoon fed to them by their beloved media.

    • oilgenrl7

      the only understanding Obammie had in International policy before he was elected was when he ate at International House of Pancakes…So i guess that makes them about equal huh?

    • Fred C Dobbs

      Sorry but I couldn’t even read your one email. I got to the part about republicans couldn’t get off their butts to vote. The right wing/conservative/republican that didn’t vote did so because they could not again vote for a false conservative of a bought and paid off republican party.

    • Chris P Bacon 420

      They are all insiders…which part don’t you get? It runs much further up the pyramid than the US election puppet show we just witnessed. Hilarious. If the people would come together, WE would have the power. But the sheeple love to bitch and complain and blame each other.
      Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far……far, far away….to another freaking planet!

      • Anonymous

        I totally agree, it is so wrong, on such a massive scale of corruption, and people just do not (like this girl) realize that Clinton, Bush, Bush and even with Romney and Reagan, they were all being controlled. For freak’s sake, the electoral college is so wrong, and we all still just stand by and take it.

        But although I agree with the idea of just wanting to quit it all, and go fly away like you say, please be aware that that instinct, although we all feel it, is going to be used to work against us, by our enemy.

        That is what they are gearing us all up for, trauma, collective psychic stress/fear/terror/pain inflicted by the spirit world for whom the corrupt and vicious leadership works. They hold that if the pain is great enough and the people are primed as we have all been worked on for the last _____ years or decades (young and old alike in different ways, methods) breaking us down to the point that we will do as they planned for us to do: and in their words, ‘not ascend’ or refuse to raise the frequency of conciousness/converge harmonically ‘become as one’ with the light-bearer of humanity – (horus, lucifer, lucifera Satan behind him/her) and so, when that time comes, the time of panic and fear, please keep your bearings, struggle as though your life depends on it, to stay here, do not fly with the flow, fly away, just keep your feet on the ground and reject the harmonic convergence of the light-bearing liar they hold and serve, is this becoming clear to you, or shall I explain it in a better way?

    • Anonymous

      It will be a very very powerful force, used to defeat humanity, to get us in our weakest (now very weak) DNA and mental links/emotional and (very lacking) spiritual links. They have this planned for generations, generations and thousands of years besides, but the last couple of generations have been really worse than probably ever before in history, and we seem to be at the culmination generation now. People are not prepared, even though they have been warned for years about this, and the enemy tells us to our faces what they are going to do (to us) for the ‘good of humanity’, the majority must die. (their doctrine)

    • Anonymous

      And I’m not saying that the majority of parts of the world are not rife with evil, and it would be for the benefit of the benign humans to not have to deal with murderous barbarians intent on the destruction of the rest of us, but this is two different matters, (1) their doctrine and (2) the reality or from a Benign and all-powerful Life Force point of view, (opposites in perspective and goal).

    • Anonymous

      And from a Satanists’ point of view and doctrine, that last point re: parts of the world (Muslims) although they use them for obvious ends (to cause desruction, confusion, war and chaos) yet after they have finished serving their purpose they will destroy them too. I guess that’s the only good part in all of this, at least the many countries of murdering pedophilic barbarians will be stopped once and for all.

      The bad news is that peaceful people will also be destroyed, and that is the best sacrifice.

    • mmkkpro

      If you think your vote counts you need to wake up,tptb put who they want in the white house it has always been that way,it doesnt matter poor folks are but pawns always have been always will be,the best you can do is get right with your maker,the gnostics spoke of these archons thousands of years ago,they create a false reality for humans to be decieved and lead away from the one true god,they may win and create a one world government but it doesnt matter because that will be here on this plane of existance,the people that truly have faith in god will removed from this corrupt world,they are going to do what they want peroid,we must prepare spiritually,try to help others and live now love our families,judgement day is coming thats what im preparing for.

    • Anonymous

      See why would Romney even try to be the Republican Nominee with this Baggage and Why did the republican party push so hard to get Romney nominated when they knew this Would be used by Democrats against them and Certainly if Romney would have won just Think the OUT CRY ????
      I SAY this shows us it’s all Theater , Republicans didn’t want a candidate that could have won .,
      Remote Vote Tampering Attack on a Sequoia AVC Voting Machine by Argonne National Lab

    • Anonymous

      Romney,Cheney,Kerry,Bush,Obama, cousins.You were voting for the same family.Try ancestor .com next time. :neutral:

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