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Archangel Uriel via Goldenlight ~ Illuminating Your Life with Clarity & Discovering Your Life’s Purpose as You Proceed into this Bountiful...

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Dear friends,
the past two weeks I have been in the knowingness that I would bring in
some messages from Archangel Uriel and Archangel Jophiel. I have been
seeing references to Archangel Uriel strongly over the past couple of
weeks, and also plan to begin creating and then add these two paintings
to the Archangel Series of lightworks of art. In particular, I have been
seeing a ruby red and gold painting in my mind’s eye, a sign that I
will be creating this painting and bringing it into manifestation. I may
begin on this painting tonight as I am back in the studio again. I have
also been getting an intuitive message that I need to bring in a
message about discovering and following your soul mission or life’s
purpose for being here on earth at this time. When I had the
Reconnection done in the summer of 2013, I was able to reconnect in
strongly with my Council of Angels and my higher self and have been
discovering and tuning into my life’s purpose since then (bringing in
telepathic messages from the angelic realm and creating light-coded
works of art are two of my main soul missions on earth in this

through synchronicity as I went back into my art studio and connected
in with Archangel Uriel, it all came together….the beautiful painting in
my mind’s eye which I will begin creating, the message on finding your
life’s purpose which has been in the background wanting to come though,
and Archangel Uriel coming into my presence. It is always so beautiful
when I connect on an artistic and spiritual level with the archangels as
their essence begins to permeate my life, my mind, body and soul, and
just feels so good. I am honored to be able to bring through this
message for you tonight on illuminating and finding clarity in your life
and discovering your life’s mission and soul purpose.

evening this is Archangel Uriel and I wish to speak to you tonight of
illuminating your life with the clarity of finding your true life’s
mission or soul purpose. This is a time of the Great Awakening for
humankind on Earth and we of the angelic realm are assisting
energetically with this illumination of your spirit which is connecting
you into discovering with great clarity your true purpose for being here
on earth at this time. Each of you has a very special purpose and
function here, and each human being is a most precious and beautiful
creation of our Source Creator.

Each of you is a spark of Source Creator, and each of you decided
before you came into this lifetime, what some of your specific soul
missions on earth would be. For some it is in assisting with spiritual
growth, for others in creating beauty and harmony….for many of you
reading this, you are the “way-showers” and “illuminators” and guiding
lights during this time of great awakening on earth. Your earth is now
surrounded with the higher dimensional energies which have been embedded
into the crystalline grid of Mother Earth Gaia’s body and surrounding
your earth is the higher energetics of the Photon Belt. There are new
energies on, in and around your earth which are raising the frequencies
of every being on earth. Of course within the earth are the Agarthan
civilizations who live as higher dimensional (5th dimension and above)
societies, and those on the surface of earth are raising their
frequencies now to match all of these energetic patterns in, around, and
on the earth.

Also coming into your awareness now will be a remembrance of your
“pre-birth” agreements before coming into this lifetime on earth. The
channel found that having this spiritual technique of “The
Reconnection®” (1) done is what helped her to hone in on remembering her
pre-birth agreements and in doing this she also connected with us of
her Council of Angels so that she is able to receive direct telepathic
messages from us at any time by first connecting in with her higher self
and then connecting in with us. We have been able to show her, her
origins as a soul, the birth of her soul, her pre-birth contracts and
agreements set up by her, and she has been able to assist with the grand
plan of ascension of humanity by tuning into our messages to assist
mankind with this great transitional period of harmonizing with the
higher dimensional realms and transitioning into a galactic and higher
dimensional society. She has also been able to tune into her Pleiadian
family and have telepathic conversations with them, as well as to bring
in messages of enlightenment for all, and has also found a source of
healing in connecting with them, as well as a remembrance of some of her
Pleiadian lifetimes with them. (The majority of her lifetimes as a soul
have been in the Pleiades.)

Many of you feel like earth is not your true home and indeed it
is not, many of you would refer to yourselves as starseeds, meaning you
are from other galactic races and families and have agreed to come here
to earth at this time to assist with the transition to the Golden Age of
Enlightenment. You will begin to wake up more and more to your origins
and pre-birth plans and agreements as the veil between lifetimes is
lifting and as you begin to connect with your higher multidimensional
selves you will have access to this information as well as information
about your current lifetime contracts and agreements.

There are many methods that can assist you in tuning into this
information about your life’s purpose, and much of it is done via
connecting first with your higher and multidimensional self. You can
then bring in messages for yourself from your higher self and
multidimensional self about finding clarity in discovering your life’s
purpose. If you are already clear on this, you may wish to ask about how
to manifest energetically more of your life’s purpose into your daily
life and how you interact with the world. Meditation and writing will
assist you with this.

Connecting into your higher self and multidimensional self, as
well as your soul origins and missions will assist in bringing in and
anchoring in the higher dimensions into your earthen societies, as your
higher self lives in the higher dimensions, and merging with this then
creates your multidimensional self. Living and breathing as your
multidimensional self on an individual basis then begins to create a
multidimensional society as many people who are living a
multidimensional life begin to connect with each other, this then forms a
type of multidimensional society which is the basis of your New Earth
in the Golden Age which you have now crossed over the threshold
into………this is a beautiful light-filled world. The cities of light are
humming with a golden effervescent light-filled luminescence which
shimmers sparkles of love and healing, transmuting all of the old into a
new energetic construct.

As you connect in with your higher dimensional self, you
then begin to live from the perspective of the higher dimensions and
begin to leave behind all that is of the lower vibrations that no longer
serves you and you are transmuting and healing these aspects of
yourselves which belong to the old world which is now falling away and
crumbling at such a rapid pace….this is intersecting with the dynamic of
the “speeding up of time” from your perspective which will accelerate
into an oscillating crescendo, spinning faster and faster and leading
you into the space of “no-time”, a higher dimensional space that your
bodies, minds, and souls will begin to resonate more and more with.

you begin to shed the light of illumination into the discovery of your
life’s purpose, following your life’s purpose, and being into tune with
that on a daily basis, your life will become lighter, more joy-filled,
and more loving towards yourself and others. You will begin to find the
joy and the peace that passes all understanding as you tune into your
soul’s harmonic energy and begin to merge energetically with the harmony
and energy of your soul. You will begin and are beginning to live from a
standpoint of a higher dimensional spiritual being and beginning to
assist your former 3rd dimensional earthen bodies into higher
dimensional crystalline bodies which never age or have pain. The is the
body and life you are moving into. This is what is possible by tuning
into your higher dimensional self and living from the standpoint of a
higher dimensional spiritual being – something which you already are but
now your awareness of it is increasing – into embracing your entire
being as you live this lifetime leaping into this bountiful harmonious
Golden Age.

a joyous occasion! And as we watch it all happening from the angelic
realm it is truly miraculous, joyous and loving and we are ever and
always sending you our loving harmonious energy to assist you in all
good things, in the discovering of your true soul and life’s purpose,
and in bringing in your higher dimensional self into a transformed
higher dimensional human body. You are amazing beings and are creating
now beautiful lives for yourselves by tuning into your higher
dimensional soul’s purpose and creating a beautiful new higher
dimensional harmonious society. We stand ever ready to assist you with
this process and in sending you the softest of love and light to
illuminate your earthen journey into joy and love.

Channeled by Goldenlight,
© The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit,
and full message without alteration when re-posting this message.

(1) For more information on The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing®, visit
The energies of The Reconnection® were discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl.
The Reconnection® is a once-in-a-lifetime 2-day spiritual process
wherein you spend about an hour or two for two days in a row with a
Reconnection®-certified practitioner. Reconnective Healing® is another
modality that brings in similar energies during a healing session, but
in my experience is not as profound of an experience as The
Reconnection®. Everything changed for me after I had the Reconnection®
done. You can find a list of practitioners on the website. I am not
endorsing this method, but I do recommend it highly for tuning into your
soul’s purpose and galactic blueprint.


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