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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Did Nostradamus See World War Three or the Crust Shift? Or both at the Time Limit of His Vision?

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One explanation for his ability to see is that it was not a “future” he was seeing, but an extended 400-year “Now”, unlike most of us who live in an apparently constant, continuous succession of existential ‘nows’ we call duration or the  passing of time.

Nostradamus has made some startling prophecies that have come true. He has also made some that have been misunderstood and dismissed incorrectly mostly because he wrote in quatrains and veiled,

coded references we don’t understand.

Because the Church was after him, friends of his in the European nobility often sheltered him and some tried to trick him, to expose him as a charlatan..

One such nobleman asked what was on the menu for that evening.  “Roast suckling pig!” replied Nostradamus. “Quite so”, said his friend, “but what color will it be?”

“why, pink,’ replied the seer.

The nobleman is alleged to chuckle to himself for he had ordered his kitchen to prepare a black and white piebald suckling he had found for the occasion.

When dinner was served, the sucking was a pink pig.

The nobleman is said to have roared into the kitchen bellowing for the chef, who confessed that, while quite happy to cook the piebald pig, it had escaped and, not knowing his master’s intent, simple replaced the pig with another, pink one.

The seer once asked a young girl why she was crying and she told him that her cycle had been stolen.

“Oh, don’t worry,” said the seer, “it has been hidden on the other side of yonder pasture.” The girl recovered here machine.

That he predicted WWars One Two and Three is the present debate.

This was one comment on WW 1:

For a long time peace and populated lands: One will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave. Then the wars stirred up anew. 

They will think they have seen the Sun at night.




When they will see the pig half-man

                              WW One pilots’ gas mask                          WW Two pilot’s facemask


Noise, song, battle, fighting in the sky perceived, And one will hear brute beasts talking.

What he may have seen are certainly things that did not exist at his time, so a man in a gas mask seen through a glass darkly ( the limits of his ‘now’) could easily have been a WW One pilot with a gas mask!

Here is an interpretation of his ‘sight’ of the present time, near the edge of his perception - Tom Dennen


NO RIGHTS RESERVED – Any part of this may be copied in whole or in part under no restrictions.

“Because of the new awareness that western civilization has come upon, and because of the accelerated rate of the shifting of the earth’s crust, and because of the conjunction of the planets, the Third World War “might” be avoided, depending on the speed at which the natural events occur. For as in any civilization, when natural disasters occur, this is more prominent than military conquest.

During the time of troubles and WWWIII there will be massive naval, air, and land battles. The ultra-secret weapons that are brought forth will shock and stun the world.

The Antichrist will not hesitate to use bacteriological warfare, as well as conventional warfare, causing hunger, fire and plagues. The causative organisms will be more virulent than ever before and, hence, increasingly


When the Antichrist is taking over Europe, nuclear weapons will wreak havoc like lighting strikes, and from them a “milky rain” will occur. Weapons currently beyond our imagination will wreak unparalleled devastation. Corpses will litter the landscape. The very earth will “cry out in pain.” The Antichrist will be so terrible, horrible, and powerful that the rightful rulers of countries will be utterly terrified and will not do anything to stop his ravages. Entire dynasties will be wiped out.

Before the Antichrist takes over a place, he will rain down death and destruction so that he can seize without opposition. He will travel far from his resting place in doing this. Some of this devastation will make past heinous events of the prior world wars “look like child’s play.” Unlike Hitler’s “rain of blood,” he will use a “rain of blood and milk.”

Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East

A major nuclear confrontation will occur in the Middle East. The aggressor will have broken a promise not to use nuclear weapons in warfare. Naval fleets kept in the area by other powers will be scattered in ruins from the violence of the blast.

Radioactive fallout (or Depleted uranium) will have adverse effects on people, animals, and weather; and erupting volcanoes will turn the water of that part of the ocean a muddy red color. Because of this, bodies will appear to float in blood. Because of the blasts and earth changes, rivers will change their course, and political boundary lines based on them will

be redrawn.

The U.S. will have a Democratic president at the time. He will get involved with the conflict as a way of trying to stimulate the economy from a depression.

Mediterranean campaign and the battles of Gibraltar

The Antichrist, during the Mediterranean campaign, will take over Monaco as a crucial strategic position to advancing toward Italy and southern Europe. The successor to Prince Ranier, apparently one of his sons, will be imprisoned after the takeover as an obstacle.

In the Antichrist’s Mediterranean battle, Gibraltar will play a key role. The key general, a naval officer, will succeed in saving Gibraltar from the Antichrist’s forces but will later die in an automobile accident.

The Rock of Gibraltar will be a strategic position, captured and retaken three times by various forces.

Marines on naval battlecarriers will confront the Antichrist when he attempts to invade Eurpoe in the area of Crete and Thessaly, but they will be outgunned and have to retreat, probably to Gibraltar. In the very fierce and bloody battle, the Antichrist will have to transfer many of his troops to a supply ship after a fighting ship is sunk.

Bomb sent at New York by the Antichrist, France retaliates

In WWWIII, many existing diplomatic ties between nations will be broken and realigned. One that will continue to hold however is the alliance between France and the U.S. A force aligned with the Antichrist will send a bomb aimed at New York City. It will be spotted and tracked as it approaches. The U.S. defense system will feverishly concentrate on diverting or disabling the bomb, and the U.S. will not be able to retaliate. As proof of their loyalty, the French will be asked to retaliate, which they will do with several bombs and weapons.

The response will be immediate. The American leader will use a hotline to communicate to the French Marshal, who will launche self-propelled bombs with “tongues of fire” against the aggressor. In this war, some of the bombs will hit New York and some will be diverted. The bomb referred to here will be prematurely detonated along the flightpath, saving the city. Many human lives will be spent when planes flying around the bomb, trying to divert or destroy it, are blown up.

Bacteriological warfare strikes New York and London

New York and in London will be hit with scourges from bacteriological warfare, a deadly “bug,” either bacterial or viral or some type of disease-causing organism. It will be released into the atmosphere to affect the populations of New York and London. Because of separation and different gene pools, spontaneous mutations in the organisms will affect the two populations in different ways. It will appear to be two different diseases, even though it will have been caused by the same organism.


As a result of this plague, the metropolitan infrastructures will break down. The people near but outside the cities will panic and shun the cities and refuse to deliver available food, effectively putting them into quarantine. The city dwellers will starve to death in droves. People will loot and raid stores, and soldiers will stab them off at bayonet point. The government will try to distribute the remaining food evenly, but the people will panic and call upon God to relieve them from their misery.

Antichrist conquers Europe

The Antichrist will take over Europe and begin to toy with the idea of establishing some kind of dynasty. Because of his background, he will be obsessed with power and attracted to the way that a ruling family line can have a major effect on the flow of history, manipulating society over a long span of time through familial line, far beyond the influence of a single individual. But his plans will not materialize because he will be overthrown by Ogmios, and his monstrosities will be counterbalanced with positive forces to heal the earth, directed by the Great Genius.

The Antichrist invades Britain

In his European campaign, the Antichrist will attempt to overtake Britain, particularly to seize its naval forces for further advances. England will resist and initially will fend off the advance, with support from the U.S. However, it is likely that the Antichrist eventually will overcome England, and the more passionate members of the underground will flee to Ireland and Scotland. The Antichrist will not succeed in overtaking the entire island. Northern England, Scotland, and Ireland will not succumb, possibly aiding the reunification of Ireland to fight the Antichrist. Patriotic and stubborn Irish and Scottish spirit will play a favorable role in turning the tide.

The British prince, a member of the English royal house, will be eager to lead his troops into battle to defend his own and neighboring countries that have treaties with Britain. He will confront the Antichrist’s forces in two major engagements and will be defeated in one. He will be outflanked and will have to retreat in disgrace.

Nevertheless the opposing forces will curse him because he will be a valiant fighter, and his brashly engaging in battle will have disrupted some of the Antichrist’s carefully laid plans for the conquest of Europe. The man will return to England, and the population will give him a hero’s welcome for his bravery, despite the defeat.

The crucial meeting on the naval carrier

 We do not really know if Bin Ladin was actually killed. We were told that his ‘body’ was thrown out of a Navy chopper, but not the circumstances that required that very strange action.

“During WWWIII and the great turmoil, an airplane will come in for a landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. It will be from a nation foreign to the country that owns the carrier. The balance of political powers of the two sides involved will be very complex and delicate.

The plane will be from a power “slightly more aligned to the other side,” although still basically neutral. But to have any kind of contact with the country that owns the carrier will have severe political repercussions relative to the war, so the generals of the carrier will be reluctant to give permission to the plane to land. The plane will carry an important political or military leader, and an important emissary who needs to deliver important documents and messages. The situation will be very fragile and volatile.

During WWWIII shipping and normal trade will be seriously disrupted. Some countries will have excesses of food, such as bushels of wheat, but the price will be so out of proportion that no one will be able to buy it. In countries where there is famine, people will resort to cannibalism to stay alive. The wheat in other countries will be stored in silos and rot because they cannot get rid of it and cannot sell it. The price of the wheat will be enormous, partly because it will be very dangerous to deliver or ship it anywhere during wartime.

A very great drought will occur in the European continent during the time of the Antichrist. Fish will die as seas, rivers, and lakes boil. The Antichrist will be behind it. This event will not be the same but will be related to the boiling fish at the Dark Point. Two sites will be in distress from “fire in the sky”.

The extremes in weather during the time of the Antichrist will affect a battle. Extreme rain and hail will take by surprise two armies lined up to do battle. As an alternative plan to confrontation, they will try to fly planes above the clouds to drop bombs on the opposing forces, “fire and stones falling from the sky.”

   Remember that the the Mayan Dalendar had a 13th sign

   THE SERPENT. At the end of the Calendar, in December 2012,

   spot    on the equnox and five thousand years of astonomical

   accuracy, it gave us eighteen years before the crust shift.

   We have just over 15 left…

The earth, after a relative period of peace, will suffer a great natural disaster, involving severe earthquakes that rip the crust open, spewing lava. The cataclysmic earthquake will trigger other earthquakes that will destroy large land areas. Famine and fighting will set in. Countries will fight with each other over surplus food; India and China will march to seize the corn and wheat fields of Russia and eastern Europe. Communications will break down. Religious leaders will lose credibility because of their inability to explain the earth changes. Christianity will falter.

The climactic changes, caused by the detonation of the terrible weapons, will cause famines in scattered areas, and conditions will get worse. The uninhabitable regions will continue to grow until the areas connect large surfaces of the earth’s land masses, and the majority of humanity will be suffering. People will become virtually insane with the persistent lack of food, and will eat things like tree roots, and even seize newborn infants.

Antichrist’s commander succumbs to key strategic failure

The Anti-Christ’s supreme commander will make a major failure of judgment on the field in an extremely strategic battle, and the bulk of his forces will be captured or killed. The supreme commander will misuse some technology that has not yet been developed, causing his downfall.

Russia breaks free of the Antichrist

The Antichrist will seem all powerful and all conquering, and the situation will appear hopeless. But “his star will be falling” and his power will crack in crucial places. The U.S., Canada, Russia, and later, northern Europe, will unite together. In particular, even though the Antichrist will have taken over all of Asia, after a period he no longer will be able to control Russia. Russia will break free and unite with the unconquered countries.

The alliance will strike terror into the Antichrist, who will glimpse the beginning of the end and his potential failure. He will choose another field commander to continue his campaign, but the effort will fail. Rhodes and Byzantium, the site of his regional headquarters, will be engaged in the most intense fighting. The “northern pole alliance” will diminish his power by breaking down his chain of command, communication capabilities, etc., and attempt to break his stranglehold on his conquered territories. This will be the beginning of a turning point in WWWIII.

North Pole Alliance of North America, Europe, Russia forms

At a point, the Antichrist’s forces will become complacent from so many frequent and rapid conquests. They will begin to lose some battles and see their power is not forever.

The Antichrist will have taken over a large part of the world and will become complacent. “Three brothers,” the “alliance of the pole” (i.e., North America, Europe, and Russia), will trouble the Antichrist, and his world will tremble. France will be united with the alliance in spirit, if not actually physically, because the country will have been weakened seriously from the Antichrist’s degradations.

Ogmios confronts the Antichrist, fate of world in balance

A leader figuratively referred to as “Ogmios” will confront the Antichrist in battle. The crux of the pivotal struggle of WWWIII will be in the “gray area” between Europe and Asia. The outcome will be questionable for some time. During the time the Antichrist is in power, there will be constant skirmishes and battles between his barbarian forces and those still free of his tyrannical rule.

Ogmios eventually will emerge triumphantly victorious over the Antichrist, but it will be a long, gradual, arduous struggle.

Antichrist eventually dethroned

The Antichrist will rule for “less than the revolution of Saturn,” far less than the grand span of time he envisions. His reign will be temporary, because his power will be like building a fire with grass; it burns very hotly but quickly. His effect on history and his “time in the limelight” will be limited.


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    Total 11 comments
    • InquisitiveMind

      ‘The seer once asked a young girl why she was crying and she told him that her cycle had been stolen.’

      Were cycles invented when Nostradamus was alive?

      • Dustdevil

        Exactly, good catch.

        And, while the story of the suckling pig is presumed accurate (to some degree), the example of war used to justify his call on WWI was incorrect, we were not flying around all over the place by 1917 (or 1914, if European). Yes, there were a few hot air balloons then, but it was not ‘for travel’. He was well-versed, and would not have ‘repetitively stated’ an obvious point, such as “by air, land, sea and wave” (by sea and by wave are the same thing).

        The reference to ‘seeing the sun at night’ refers to 1945 and the bombs Fat Man and Little Boy, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The reference is to WWII, not WWI. There was little gap between the two (1918 to 1939 is only 21 years).

        Everyone has the right to see things and be paranoid, but Tom, you’ve got to get your details right before you enter into the professional world of BIN ‘Fear Porn’, if you want us to buy into it.

    • carsonking

      Tom, I don’t know how to break this to you but but, your a freaking idiot to even contemplate nostrbollocksdamus ever predicted anything but the nice reward he got for being a sycophant to whatever French king he was working for (can’t remember his name but it’s a good bet it was a Louis’. The guy was a charlatan and wrote so much tripe, as long as you don’t mind taking and adding clues you can attribute me hitting my toe on the bed this morning to one of his predictions. Close the book and make love to your misses, your wasting your time.

      • Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

        I read that story some years ago and couldn’t find the source. I may have been a rolling barrel hoop or a ball…

        • carsonking

          Ha ha ha. I started reading him just after I read the book dan Browne copied and studied and lived it for a good six months. It’s all circumstantial, the code is so loose, mars could pass right through it, without touching the sides. He was a fortune teller and with what he got paid, he was a very happy medium. To say he could read the future would be like telling me some old crow faced hag with no teeth no money and living in a caravan can read the future. If anyone can read the future, read Forbes top ten list for a clue.

        • Dustdevil

          Carsonking, your ramble about gypsy fortunetellers makes me remember encountering an old lady back in the 1970′s, who actually did something akin to that.

          Since you brought the subject up, you don’t know where an old fortuneteller could be found, do you? Their accuracy FAR-EXCEEDS the current BIN writers and prognosticators, that’s for sure.

    • homeservicespro

      Doesn’t look like he predicted anythimg about WWIII:

      • Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

        Statistical Analysis is a mathematical discipline that can ‘predict’, say, Brownian Movement in terms of trends, or on a larger scale, sociological timelines that, because of past behaviors can be seen to have directions in time that can be seen to possibly be on a line to intersect other event lines.
        For instance, if ANYONE attacks Iran, Russia will see it as a direct threat and ‘probably’ act as she has in the Ukraine in view of western activities there.
        On a more practical note, if you know that the average shopper spends between nine and fifteen minutes in a large supermarket you can safely ‘predict’ that there will be a parking space open at the front door every twelve minutes on average.
        I don’t think Nostrils or Carsonking’s old hag are doing much more than that.


      Those ”veiled” coded references the author speaks of, we DO now understand.

      FIRST one needs the very original works and NOT the Chinese Whispered versions.

      What NostraDAMUS ”SAW” (physically via the cronus visor-looking glass)
      [research LOTUS PROJECT and Andrew Basagio for a start]
      was nature interrupting the first offensive which was by militiamen
      ”invading” L.A. at night… see Centuries 11 42 below

      This is told in the Centuries he hid in the wall of his home behind his hearth,
      His hearth was ”Vulcan” in his Preface to his son Cesar.
      He had hidden the remainder of Centuries Seven, Eleven and Twelve
      ”after having read them”…

      There are a few comments he did leave us within this ”Preface” to his son –
      and they relate to:
      being abducted by the Pleiadians of the Cassiopeian-Eloim alliance
      (as was Da Vinci who alse left comments)
      To read these comments one needs the ”Alkhemye List”
      which will give the reader those words in which ”God speaks twice” in the Bible.
      This Hidden List comprises those key (quai) words with which to decipher the face value words.
      These ”key” words can be used with documents/manuscripts covering the entire period from very early in the age of Pisces, including the original quatrains and presages, the communications & letters written in Latin, the Monstre d’Abvs manuscript the Epistle to Henri and the Preface.

      I really detest authors who happily quote the good doctor
      without giving the quatrain or presage reference number,
      is the one quoted 1 63? This quatrain has two versions – the 1555 and 1562 …
      where one says ”serre” ”flying squeezing the waves”
      (air waves, jet propulsion, sonic weapons)
      and the other says ”terre” that is: flying [over] earth and sea waves.

      >1 63 Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller,
      >for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully.
      >They will travel through the sky squeezing sea and waves
      >then wars will start up again.

      Then 1 64 STARTS with the line quoted by this author
      who seems to have almagamated two quatrains to suit his story
      >1 64 At night they will think they have seen the sun (Nibiru?)
      >When they see the half pig/boar [from Ursa] man [Orion Group]
      >Noise, screams, battles seen fought in the skies
      >The brute beasts will be heard to speak.
      ( ”Lon” minus apostrephe are the Uan/Anu/Oannes)
      DA VINCI SAYS THE SAME only he calls them ”creatures”

      Centuries 11 (Eleven) 42
      • La grand cité où est le premier homme,
      • Bien amplement la Ville ie vous nomme,
      • Tout en allarme, & le soldat és champs
      • Par fer & eau, gran dement asligée,
      • Et à la fin des François soulagée,
      Mais ce sera des six cents & dix ans.

      The [La] mighty city where is the principal man
      I’ve named the place — just read the line again!
      Is sore alarmed, with soldiers all afield.
      Both war and flood the city shall assail
      Till Frenchmen rescuing shall once more prevail.
      [1 70 3 Those (actions) started in France will end there]*
      Six hundred ten: [C6 Q10] then see these things revealed.
      *these actions are the court actions regarding Monsanto
      which France has banned, followed by China then Russia

      and Centuries 6 10 says:
      Un peu de temps les temples de couleurs
      De blanc & noir des deux entre meslee:
      Rouges & jaunes leur embleront les leurs,
      Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu d’eau affollee.

      In a short time the temple of colors
      [ The Sirius UFOs/or One World Religion]
      Of white and black of the two intermixed :
      Red (Erid.anu) and yellow ones belonging to them
      [ Khazars. Yellow Hordes – see King of Fear 10 72 forum]
      Blood, land, plague, famine, fire [all] extinguished by water.

      Might I suggest that one ”googles” THE HIDDEN TEXTS OF NOSTRADAMUS



      5 83 4 Quant le plus grand a table lira Bible
      While reading the greatest Bible table (Mazzaroth)

      [but ''all bulbs'' can mean all growing things.
      A, winter solstice YULE Where I is Halloween thru December 21 & Noel]
      [core of the Earth – supervolcano]
      [ the Serbian Basin is on the same latitude.
      ''Bed'' means the Earth, as in Da Vinci's ''shaking the bed to make it''.
      ''Translation'' is a geographical term for ''moving earth'' includes tectonic plates. ]
      (latitudes four lateral latitudes means four times ca 70 miles, about 280 miles ”roll” putting Rio de Janeiro that much closer to the south pole and Saudi Arabia towards the North.)
      (”Absent [quadrilateral] the golden mean ” – breaking apart the current orbits.
      We do currently have a 377* day year and as the lines have been saying –
      this is going to only grow larger.
      As Da Vinci did say, we would hardly feel the moves.
      Apart from altered seasons. This is the ”dance” of Isaiah.)
      very early in the forums (in AUSTRALIE) the word Craton told us it ”rules migrant”.
      Put simply this means that the moving earth creates refugees all over.

      **377 day year
      And here is the formula these guys use:

      † Able slab means ”craton”

    • David Montaigne

      Not sure where all the above details allegedly came from, but as an author of books on Nostradamus prophecies and end times Bible prophecies, I will say that in my opinion:
      Nostradamus wrote a lot of vague messages which are often so vague they are useless – they can be applied to too many things. Some of them, however, are very specific. I think he described the fall of the Soviet Union, gave the exact time frame it lasted, and gave details of WWII preceding it. Many other quatrains are not so clear to me, and at least I majored in history. I see a few predictions on topics with which I am an expert, but probably miss several due to my own lack of detailed knowledge. He had to be extremely vague to appease the wrath of the Church and to avoid the paradox of portraying the future clearly and convincingly enough that some would attempt to alter it based on the predictions. Nostradamus also describes what I believe is a pole shift, though I think he is describing it happening in October, whereas all my other evidence points to late December 2019. Nostradamus also focuses dozens of quatrains on a future apocalyptic war (WWIII/Armageddon) between Islam and the West.

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