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Obama's Sex Scandal Related To Coming Events

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Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:36 PM

Subject: Obama’s Sex Scandal Related To Coming Events

The Obama gay sex scandal that has gone viral in recent weeks may involve the murder of yet another witness who had to be silenced tp protect Obama’s presidency. The written testimony posted widely across the web is from a Chicago woman who claimed that she happened upon Obama and Donald Young having sex at a convention center in Chicago. (Her testimony is posted at

The unamed woman testifies that the man she saw with Obama looked just like Donald Young. She recognized Young’s face on TV after he was murdered in Chicago. Donald Young and another openly gay man, Larry Bland, who attended the same church as Obama, were both murdered ‘execution style’ within 40 days of one another in late 2007 just prior to Obama’s ascent to the nomination. Another openly gay man, Larry Sinclair, who wrote a book detailing his own sexual encounters with Barack Obama, has said that Young confided to him that he and Obama had an intimate relationship.

Donald Young’s mother has also said her son was friends with Obama and believes his murder was to protect Obama’s presidential campaign. DC investigative juornalist Wayne Madsen has researched and written about Obama’s gay past in Chicago and also the murders of his known gay associates. Mia Pope who knew Obama in their high school days has spoken to radio show host Jeff Rense about her knowledge of Obama trading sexual favours to older white men in order to support his cocaine habits. The woman who provided a lengthy written testimony to internet blogger DW Ulsterman has suffered an untimely death and is thought to have been murdered.

It is important that people know about Obama’s homosexuality as it is related to a serious matter that affects everyone in America. That matter being God’s coming judgment of the USA. Please bear with me for a few minutes as I explain this to you..

It is God’s promise in Amos 3 that He does nothing without announcing it through the mouths of His prophets. God has been warning many of His prophets during the last several decades about His coming judgments. At the time of Obama’s election win in November 2008 God was began warning several people that He put Obama over America as the Antichrist in order to bring judgment on the nation. In addition to God’s numerous warnings about Obama we can also see that the prophet Daniel has also foretold of the Antichrist presidency of Barack Obama.

In Daniel 7; 23 the prophet speaks of a fourth kingdom (nation) to come upon the earth that would be different than all other nations before it. He also says that the kingdom will devour the whole earth and break it in pieces. The United States became the most powerful nation after dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan at the end of WW2. The American Military Industrial Complex has been busy war mongering and brutalizing nations non-stop ever since. The decadent American lifestyle of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, has indeed consumed the whole earth.

In verse 24 the prophet Daniel says that 10 Kings will arise out of the fourth kingdom and that one will arise after the ten that will be diverse fom the first. Truman was 33 and was president at the time that America became a superpower. He does not classify as coming out of the powerful nation. Obama is the 11th! He is of course ”diverse from the first” as he is the first black POTUS.

Daniel also says in verse 24 that the 11th king will subdue three other kings. Prior to the Lord giving the understanding to me of these verses in Daniel, He had given prophet Linda Newkirk a prophecy and a vision (Jan 2009) where it was shown that Bush Senior, Junior, and Bill Clinton were plotting the assassination of Obama. Linda also saw Obama had suffered a wound and was lying in a pool of blood. Linda was also then shown at the time the funeral of the three presidents involved in the plot. (prophecies posted at

In Revelation 13; 3 one of the seven heads of the beast is wounded to death and the scripture goes on to state that the wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast. They are probably in wonderment because Obama will actually be declared to be dead by the media. I believe that Satan will enter into him at that point and bring him back to life. You will then see a very different Obama with a very hypnotic and spell binding attraction to the masses. Many many millions around the world will be decieved and will lose their souls. I also believe that the seven headed beast may be in reference to the G7 nations.

Daniel also had something else to say about the Antichrist in Chapter 11; 37…….

“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers. nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”.

The following is excerpted from one of Linda’s Nov 2008 prophecies. Read all of Linda’s Obama Antichrist prophecies in their entirety along with a few from other prophets at You will also find many more important revelations at the site about what will soon happen in America and what you can do to prepare for it.

November 15th 2008

“My Little One, all of the world shall wonder after what they perceive to be the light of the world! Nations shall wonder after a false light and nations shall heap praises upon a false light! And, many shall wonder after this light! Many shall thereby be deceived and shall fall and worship this false light, giving great honor to what is false! For, many are now longing for someone to come and to rescue them from the forces of great evil! They want a Saviour, but do not wish to bend a knee to the real Saviour, who is Jesus, My Son. For, they love the world and what is in it; and the Real Light of the World, they refuse! For, they do not wish to repent, but to continue on in their wicked ways! Therefore, they shall honor a false light and they shall call him the light of the world! And, many shall fall at his feet and shall worship him, when he is no man, but a beast, who appears to be a man!

And, through this very one, many, many shall fall the whole world over! And, many shall be deceived! For, they are looking for a man to rescue them from the evils of the world! And, this one shall rise and he will begin then to devour parts of Satan’s Kingdom, to devour Satan’s own tail, all in order that he may be crowned king of this world! For, when he is king of the world, Satan will indeed be king, if only for a short while.

If his behavior seems unseemly for someone, who is not yet even inaugurated, it is because of the fact that he dances high for Satan, higher than all of the rest! And, he dances well for the European elite and for the Israeli Mossad, who put him in power.

It is a grave mistake indeed, that so many believe that he has at heart the interests of America. He does not! He is the final nail in the coffin of this great nation.

For, the real light of the world, you, as a nation, have overwhelmingly trampled! And, now, you have the false light, one who is really a beast in great disguise. The real Light, My Son, you have overwhelmingly rejected! But, this false light, you will overwhelmingly follow, and so will many, many the world over!”

“Oh, Father, this is even as I have felt in my spirit.”

“Yes, My Little One, this is even as you have felt; for I have quickened your spirit to see beyond the facade and to see a man of obscurity arise to world power in such a short time. A man, who is no man at all, but a beast! And, the whole world will long after the beast! And, many will take the mark! And, they will fall and worship the Beast! None, whose names are in the Book of Life, will worship the beast, but of the rest, My Little One, vast numbers will take the mark! For, they will idolize this one, and they will believe in him! And, they will do as he says, for they are cut off from My Spirit! But, the wise will know who he is and the wise will teach many!

Now, you know, My Little One; and all will also know, who have the heart to receive! Barack Hussein Obama is Satan’s number one ruler in the world! And, the high-level Satanists of other nations, along with his god Satan, are his driving force! And, he has but one goal for America and this is to bring you down, and to bring other nations down, even other ruling elite of Satan, who stand opposed to giving up their power. For, he will rise and exalt himself above all.

Be not deceived! For, now is the time for the rest of the Book of Revelation to be fulfilled! And, the time is at hand also, when Revelation 12 will also be completed and with it mighty blessings coming back for humanity! For, as the antichrist system rises, My Kingdom also rises in the Earth.

I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 15th day of November, 2008, Linda Newkirk

November 20th 2008 (excerpted)

Now comes the very antichrist into your midst and you see it not! For, you are looking for someone to SAVE you from your own downfall! You are looking to a man to fix the world situation! You are looking to a man to save you from war, to save your houses, to save your jobs and to save your families! Yes, you are looking to a man and I have given you a man, who will lie to you! He will tell you every smooth tale! He will con you with every smooth plan, even as he leads this nation off a cliff, to a point of no return. Even as he sets up death camps in your midst and even as he executes your families and even as he ravages your land with war and destruction, he will tell you that this is for your own good! Even as he beheads and kills you by the hundreds of thousands, oh yes, he will tell you that the terrorists and the dissidents must be purged.

Oh, yes he will do these things! He will cast you into a third world war and quickly so, to cause you to be attacked and to be annihilated and/or carried away by the foreign soldiers. But, he will not be satisfied with only bringing this nation to its knees. He will look to the whole world, and wish to conquer the whole world; and to bring to its knees the whole economic system in the world.

For, he would have all in the world to bend a knee to him and to worship him. And, many, many will bow and serve him and many, many will worship him and many, many will take the mark of the beast. But, the tried and true will not! My Faithful will not, yet these things shall be; for they are now upon you!

Be not troubled, My Little One, for even so, all of these things must be! I tell you now that Barack Hussein Obama is the antichrist and that the false prophet is also already known and is standing in the shadows. For, now is the time that the world knows, even as I have told you, that Barack Hussein is the antichrist and he will rise over this wicked nation! And, know that our Father has placed him here and many, many of you have believed a great lie! Yes, you have first loved a lie!

I have called and sent My prophets throughout this nation to warn you to repent of your wicked ways, and you would not! You would not receive My warnings of correction, but have overwhelmingly scoffed at My warnings to repent, or perish. Therefore, your hour is at hand, wherein I will raise up the antichrist over this land, and you will drink of the bitter cup of your own sins! For, oh so wicked you are, Oh Nation of America!

I have rounded you up, Oh House of Israel, and I have given you this land of America; and I have blessed you above all nations, only to see you raise up your skirts for every whore monger, to see you chase every filthy sin of the flesh, and to love every vain thing! Now, comes the time of My great judgement against you! For, no longer can I bear to look upon your sins and gross rebellion!

Hear Me, you Nation of America, My days of warnings are fast coming to an end! Yes, indeed! For, the time of My judgement is upon this nation and upon the whole world!

But, even so, I will not leave you to be utterly destroyed and consumed by this great evil, which is upon you! For, I will also soon, and Oh so soon, take My Bride and many wedding guests! And, I will send My Bride back into the Earth and most of the wedding guests I will also send back; and for some months I will pour out My glory upon all flesh!

But, also there will come a time of my removal of this glory, wherein I will take My Faithful and will hide them in places of refuge and safety, wherein no evil shall go! And, into these places of refuge, I shall take many others as their hearts become right with Me and as their lives become clean! But, no evil will come therein!

And, I shall also send forth My Bride, who will work mighty miracles in the midst of such darkness and through these also shall come great judgements upon the wicked! But, even so, no harm shall come upon them; for My wrath is not meant for my Bride!

Go in peace, My Little One, and know that I have shown you the truth about Barack Obama and have also now confirmed it to you! Type and send out what I have given you, for it is also time for all to know, who can receive the truth!

I am your Lord of Lords, your King of Kings, Jesus, Messiah, Saviour!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 20th day of November, 2008,  Linda Newkirk

Obama’s current ‘open border’ agenda is part of a very sinister plot to use violent Mexicans to ignite race wars across America. The Lord informed Linda of Obama’s ‘race war’ plans back in 2011. The following is excerpted from those warnings.

Hear Me in this. Your president and his handlers will stop at nothing to destroy this nation. Why do I tell you these things, for I am wroth with this nation? I tell you these things; for I still strive with you and out of love for you, I tell you these things. Be prepared, oh you people; for as you see all of these things come to pass, know that these events represent My great judgement upon you, as a nation.

Repent, oh you nation of America. For, this nation is being brought down systematically, even as I have so decreed. Yet, still I plead with you and care enough about you to continue to warn you; for I have loved you, oh My people, even from the beginning. Yet, you are a rebellious house!

How many of My prophets do I still raise up to carry My words of warning to you? For, out of My anger towards you and because of the rebellion of so many of my prophets, I have ceased to raise up prophets as I once did in this nation, to warn you, and to tell you the plans of the enemy.

But, through My servant, Linda Newkirk, I have often told you the plans of the enemy; and I tell you again, that you might prepare. The streets of the cities will run with blood because of race wars. The countryside will run with blood because of race wars; and you are only seeing the beginning of all that is at hand. For, their plan is also to import many violent Mexicans and to bring the Mexican drug wars over the border, to ignite race wars of one kind, or another, all over this nation.

Hear Me, oh you people of America. Hear Me; for a fire has been kindled. This fire is the destruction of the U.S.A.; and this fire will not be stopped until you are brought down, oh you harlot nation of America.

But, still I plead with you, oh My people. Repent, or perish!

I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2011,

This email has been sent to you by Mark Brander, Sarnia Canada….. please visit and read many more important warnings about what will take place very soon.  Also read the Marriage Supper prophecy/invitation and ask to be a guest,  you will be blessed in a mighty way


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    Total 23 comments
    • old mt. Native

      Obama is a dirtbag, and so are you vile pos


      Obama is a confused little man. He is in trustworthy and corrupt to the fullest extent.

    • Anonymous

      The US arguably fulfills the role of Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots.

      The Bible says that a red beast will desolate it, within a single hour.

    • Sunshine

      Latte’ salute, my eye !

    • wiseoldlady

      I, myself, could also see Obama as a very evil vile destructive person since July of 2007…and I tried to warn everyone. Only the wise listened….for the fools cannot see.

      • Anonymous

        Democracy biggest fault.
        The vote of the wise weights the same than the vote of the fools. As there are more fools than wise, the result of democracy is foolishness.

        • Equalizer

          That’s why America is a “Republic”, idiot.

        • anonymous

          Exactly true. Democracy is a crime against free men and natural rights. So is the so called ‘republic’ which is just a another version of the same criminal fraud of men taking away other men’s natural rights. Free men do not need to vote, or for other men to vote for or ‘represent’ him which was the purpose of the crime of freemasons claiming to make a so called republic government. The constitution is not a legal contract, it does not bind anyone and never has, obviously. Voting and government are and have only ever been criminals taking away the natural rights and property of other men. The claim of a republic is only a claim and it is not a valid claim. The false government criminals have used the so called republic and false constutution to rob other men to buy weapons for themselves, and to tell other men what rights they do or do not have while they themselves threaten and kill free men who oppose them. The crimes and government only continue because half the populace are criminals, politics criminals, big business criminals, negro and immigrant bums and military goons who vote to tax other men and use the goons to enforce the robbery. The other half do not realize the fraud or that they have all of their natural rights, or do not use their natural rights because they are weak and suicidal. The constitution is a proven fraud and the repbulic is fraud.

          This land called North America by natural rights belongs to the populace who built it, not to the fraud government or the criminals in it including in the so called states. The constitution is not a binding contract, neither are any state constitutions. Laying fraud claims upon this land like ‘republic’ or claiming false law over it and over free men based on false constitutions do not mean anything, but that men allow the illusion to continue. Men have all of their natual rights. Men are free to answer any threat against them, they are free to stop invaders upon the land they built, and they are free to do so in any and every way necessary to stop any threat to their life and lands. The invalid republic, criminal government and false laws would be nothing if free men stopped propping up the illusion and used their natural rights.

        • truthlovingsoul

          yes, democracy is actually mob rule, by definition.

        • anonymous

          Democracy is not the only form of mob, or interchangably, criminal rule. The falsely claimed ‘republic’ is also criminal rule, democracy mob part of the illusion though not a total democracy. The so called president is ‘voted’ by criminals in the so called electoral college. Otherwise supposed majority mob rule democracy criminals ‘vote’ for their criminals for false central and state governments. Part or full democracy makes no difference, it is all criminal. Free men enslave themselves by allowing the false government, or any government to exist. The so called governments and laws in America are false as they are all based on supposed constitutions which are not legal contracts. Democracy is not the only form of false and criminal government. All supposed democracies, republics, monarchies, all forms of government including state government are criminal enterprises and always have been. A monarchy or single king rule is another form of criminal rule, or mob rule, whether supposedly voted by a claimed majority or not. The complacency of lazy men who allow it determines how far it goes. Some so called governments or republics were created by criminals using mob rule by supposed ‘voting’, some single monarchist type just assumed control of other mens natural rights without vote. False history has been created to idealize monarchy or king rule which monarchies also fail, because they are criminal in usurping the natural rights of free men, and even in the best circumstance are easily overthrown by an even more criminal ruler or set of rulers, because again, men do not use their natural rights. It all falls under the same, criminals making claim over other men’s natural rights, and weak men falling for illusion while failing to use their natural rights instead.
          The creation of governments have been so that men become lazy and weak, and fail to use their natural rights until mass numbers of men are killed. The criminals never wanted natural rights anarchy, and worked throughout history to ensure it did not take place anywhere for long. Men succumbed to the government illusion over and over again, being robbed and killed because of it, just as we see today. Governments are only a means to amass wealth and weapons for criminals and robbers while other men are told what rights they do or do not have and what weapons they may or may not have. As long as men have chosen others to rule them, men have been robbed and killed in masses. Natural rights anarchy, true responsibility by each man, is the only way men will ever insure their lives and lands, themselves. Men have failed to use their natural rights. The tolerance of men in allowing others to assume control over them has lead to what is now worldwide consolidated and deadly tyranny. None of it would exist if men chose to be responsible and used all of their natural rights, which they are in fact free to do now regardless the false constitution and those who promote the false republic. Tip, put on word page and bold the hard points for easier review. Lysander Spooner.

    • abnegative

      there is no need to try to apply scripture as there are many who believe in the God of the bible yet do not believe his blessing falls upon any earthly nation since the death of his son Jesus the christ. The fact that he was elected on fraudlent pretenses is more than enough to remove him.
      Issues of fraud and more include: his presented heterosexual marriage and moral position , murder of homosexual “associates” , his personal identity and citizenship , his religious beliefs were falsely presented as christian and are clearly not . He is muslim…
      Does there need to be more fraud for removal , charges and conviction ? Let any common citizen try any one of these for a lower political office or public sector job , if exposed , he will be ruined at very least.

    • Drafter X

      well, sounds legit. I mean, Obama as THE antichrist doesn’t jive with about eleventy-billion other bible verses and prophesies, but hey….this lady said she heard from God, so who am I to question her account when compared to actual scripture. This concludes my annoyed, sarcastic post.

    • THOTH

      I’ve been a member of this site for about 2 years and when I tried to post an article I got a message saying I see you’re new to this site and your article is in moderation. Anyone know how long this takes? I tried posting it yesterday and still nothing shows up…

      • Sean

        I posted 5 all waited to be moderated and all then Deleted !

        This is Not a People powered website

        • CrowPie

          I’ve been complaining about moderators deleting comments that were merely in opposition to the conservative opinion. They held no offensive language nor did they violate TOS.

          They simply delete comments out of spite or because they disagree with the sites political objective.

          How can you expect them to respect your submissions, if they don’t even have respect for the comments section that is visible to the entire community?

        • THOTH

          Thanks for the feedback guys. All I wanted to do in the article I tried to post was tell people about Rockefeller getting out of fossil fuels, since it’s been a few days since the announcement and I haven’t seen anything about it on here. He knows something….obviously. The reason given was to join the fight against global warming. HA! We all know Rockefeller’s don’t care about anything but their fortune. If they thought oil would be as profitable in a few years as it is now, why would they get out?
          Possibly the inevitable death of the petro-dollar is imminent? Going under ground? Bailing on oil shares so others follow suit, wait till the market is flooded and buy all the stocks? Who knows at this point? I just thought it was something to pay attention too.

    • Room With a View

      Enough of the false “prophets”.

    • Tamohara dasa

      Its actually G-8.

    • Chazzle

      Linda Newkirk is a false prophet. This article on Obama being the Antichrist is a sham. Obama doesn’t fit any of the description of the Antichrist, and the 10 horns are 10 kings which have their own kingdom. ““The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.”" We won’t know who the Antichrist is until after the rapture anyways. Not to mention the Antichrist will be in the middle east, not America. Stop with the conspiracy theories and actually read the bible. If you are a true believer in Christ you will not see the Mark of the Beast, nor the Antichrist. You’ll see some major disturbances in the middle east (Sunni’s vs. Shi’ites) and some attacks against the Western Wall (abomination of desolation) then we will be raptured. It’s not as complex as most false prophets try to make it.

    • 0773H

      Enjoyed the artical, I to have examined the evidence and believe he is the one also. after all no one else is named lightening from the sky and since his real father is not named this, I can see why they picked it. The head wound in his forty second month of office, is what I tell people to watch for. He stated himself his first term was to early and for reasons we did not know at the time. Next June will make it obvious, one way or another.

      • THOTH

        Every American president since at least Woodrow Wilson has been a ventriloquist puppet with a Zionist hand shoved up his rear end operating his mouth. JFK might be the only exception with consideration to executive order 11110. He wanted troops out of Vietnam,
        to print silver backed USD and to make sure Israel couldn’t acquire nuclear weapons. This meant no more borrowing from Zionist controlled Fed reserve to support Vietnam, no need for Zionist fed reserve with silver backed money printed by government and obviously no nukes for Israel. JFK became the poster boy for what a president can expect for trying to do what’s right for his country, instead of what’s best for Israel. Obombya or what ever his real name is, is just another brick in the wall, so to speak. He doesn’t have a say, he has no control, he does what he’s hold and nothing more. He is completely disposable to his puppeteers and will be take out if he steps out of line. Why would the Anti-Christ need to answer to a bunch of petty mongoloids?

        Obama is not the one.

    • charles allan

      The one world monetary system will have to come in first – electronic currency . Then the ten supernations of the club of Rome – google . Then ten kings of these nations will meet in the UN ‘temple’ – already has 11 seats , guess who the 11th one is for – the anti christ. google the UN temple . Then the world will be told that their currency payment receipt number must have an extra number to work – so to get this number we must worship the antichrist and receive the mark of the beast – some sort of mark – maybe on skin to pay for goods and receive salary.

      Dont ever take the mark or you will go into the lake of fire – it is 100% clear in the bible – it is a test to see who you will worship – dont take it no matter what some false teachers are now saying – get beheaded if you are confronted.

      All these things will take some time – and the temple must be built for this false “messiah” of the jews – who will sitteth in the temple and call himself God. Only a remnant of Jews will see the truth.

      So you can watch and pray through the seasons but we dont know the time only God does.

      Daniel the prophet prophesied these 10 supernations thousands of years ago and see revelations for the mark of the beast.

      • THOTH

        Rothschild is the messiah of the so called “Jews”
        Baron Walter Rothschild is who the Balfour declaration is addressed to, giving him Palestine for the furthering of the Zionist movement. 92-98% of today’s “Jews” have been proven genetically and anthropologically to have NO
        Semitic origins what so ever.

        1980 Jewish almanac
        “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”

        The Jewish author Alfred M. Lilienthal says “…’The existence of [The State of] ISRAEL IS NOT FOUNDED ON LOGIC. IT HAS NO ORDINARY LEGITIMACY. There is neither in its establishment nor present scope any evident justice – though there may be an utter need and wondrous fulfillment.’…

        ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA (1985): “Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel.”

        THE UNIVERSAL JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA: “The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz…Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim…About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”

        Jewish scholar , licensed medical Doctor and a medical examiner in New York City
        Maurice Fishberg : “The PURE SEMITIC skull is dolichocephalic, as may be seen from a study of the heads of modern ARABS, Abyssinians, Syrians .
        If the ancient Hebrews were of the same stock as the modern non-Jewish Semites, and if the modern Jews are their descendants, then a pure dolichocephalic type of head would be expected among the Jews. As has been seen, all results of craniometry prove that the Jews are brachycephalic, and that the dolichocephalic form is only found among them in less than two percent of the cases.”

        Ironically the only TRUE Semites on earth are the ARABS.
        JEWS ARE ANTI-SEMITES. They are a hoard of asiatic MONGOLOIDS.
        None of their ancestors set foot in Palestine, they were exiled out of Asia for being too barbaric. They are responsible for orchestrating and funding the French Revolution WW1, WW2, 9/11.

        THEY ARE NOT GODS CHOSEN RACE. This is where the bible describes them most accurately. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR GARBAGE

        “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan.”

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