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EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

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Shawn Helton 
21st Century Wire

The Ebola ‘outbreak’ narrative within the United States has all but dissolved itself in media trickery and hype, reminiscent of 2009′s Swine Flu (H1N1) scare turned viral-flop.

In the latest poorly produced fear campaign coming out of mainstream media concerning Ebola over the past week, we learned that ten people within Seattle, Connecticut and Portland, have been placed under watch for Ebola-like symptoms following their subsequent arrival from West Africa. 

The news comes on the heels of mandatory quarantines being waved around for those who may or may not be infected with Ebola entering the US from affected areas. At the moment there are no new cases of Ebola, but let’s review aspects of the overblown ‘viral’ story that seemed to take America by storm.

Ebola in America?

The Ebola media circus reached new levels of panic upon the return of New York Doctor Craig Spencer, following his treatment of patients in Guinea with Doctors Without Borders. Mainstream media vultures moved quickly spreading fear, as Spencer was diagnosed as having Ebola just 6 days following his arrival at JFK Airport.

IMAGE: ‘Ebola fear’ –  Dr. Craig Spencer seen here on the left and with his fiancée Morgan Dixon on the right. (Photo

It was then reported that Spencer had made his way to several Brooklyn hotspots after a 3-mile run in Manhattan’s Riverside Park without any signs of being ill on Wednesday October 22nd. However, between 10 and 11am, on Thursday, October 23rd, he alerted public health officials that he had a low-grade fever of 100.3. In less than 24 hours without any symptoms of a serious illness, Spencer along with his fiancée, Morgan Dixon and two other friends were placed in quarantine. Dixon was held initially in Bellevue Hospital with Spencer, while the two friends with them, were immediately discharged for self-quarantine at home.

Oddly, without any screening, the Uber car service driver that had driven Spencer and his friends on October 22nd – was not consider a health risk by health officials. 

Let us also not forget that Spencer was said to have traveled from Harlem to Brooklyn by subway, a length spanning a large swath of the New York underground system. Given the decontamination protocols, it would seem that the subway system would’ve needed a through scrubbing if Spencer really did have Ebola – possibly shutting it down for several days, if not weeks, until clean.

IMAGE: ‘The Meatball shop’ – This was one of the places Spencer was said to have visited the day before alerting heath officials about his low-grade fever. Strangely, it only took a few hours to determine if the restaurant was free of Ebola. (Photo

Spencer’s case stirred a national debate over mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from West Africa – prompting many to approve the ‘inhumane’ isolation of anyone suspected of having EbolaThe media buildup around Ebola seemed poised to eclipse the Anthrax scare, SARS, Bird flu and Swine Flu combined, as the bio-world’s version of 9/11 – rebooting the Spanish Flu of 1918.

Currently Spencer is the only remaining Ebola patient in the US and is listed in stable condition, as he was said to have received a plasma transfusion from aid worker Nancy Writebol.

Spencer’s fiancée, Dixon, was released from Bellevue Hospital on October 25th, but Dixon will continue to be under quarantine at her home until November 14th, at the couple’s freshly cleaned West Harlem apartment, where, she is said to have a 24-hour security team outside the building. Additionally, the city has given her an iPad and has decided to cover the cost of her food until she’s allowed to go outside. 

You have to wonder why Dixon’s food and iPad are on the city’s dime, not to mention the private security team she’s had on detail at the apartment she shares with Spencer.

Who is paying for the security team surrounding Spencer and Dixon’s apartment and why exactly?

There have been a host of strange anomalies surrounding Spencer’s case and none more bizarre then the neighbor who failed to recognize a picture of him when interviewed by reporters. Checkout the YouTube analysis by Kev Baker…

Following Spencer’s case, major cities like New York, New Jersey and Illinois, didn’t waste anytime by issuing mandatory quarantines, as was the case in the highly publicized civil rights battle involving nurse Kaci Hickox, who as it turns out -  did not have a fever or any signs of a viral illness upon returning from Sierra Leone on October 24th.

Here’s a YouTube clip of Hickox being interviewed by Candy Crowley on CNN’s State of the Union on October 26th discussing the quarantine she was forced to undergo even though she was asymptomatic…

Both the mainstream media and many alternative media outlets seemed to be giving into the manufactured frenzy of fear   concerning nurse Hickox. Some news outlets were seen promoting the idea of a quarantine without any evidence that nurse Hickox was sick by digging up Hickox’s associations. However, in a moment of constitutional clarity, Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere upheld Hickox’s individual rights, lifting the unjustified quarantine by stating the following:

“The court is fully aware of the misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and bad information being spread from shore to shore in our country with respect to Ebola,” continuing, he clarified his decision, “The court is fully aware that people are acting out of fear and that this fear is not entirely rational.”

IMAGE: ‘The biological truth’ –  Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Kary Mullis (Photo

Science exposes the Ebola hoax

Ebola hysteria within the US was further compounded after a study from the Defence Science and Technology Labratory had been revealed on October 27thThe study stated that the Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV) can survive on surfaces up to 50 days and that marburgvirus (MARV), along with Reston ebolavirus (REBOV) can survive up to three weeks in different liquid media, with all three showing a decay rate of survival within an aerosol.

All of this information directly contradicted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) claims about Ebola’s survival rate on ‘dry’ surfaces.

Over the course of our investigation at 21WIRE, we’ve learned that there is no specific Ebola test, and that PCR blood tests being administered are in fact unreliable – as they are not able to detect a viral-load within a subject. Investigative researcher Jon Rappaport, boldly discussed this very idea by quoting from an article featuring Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Kary Mullis, who as it turns out invented the PCR test. Here is a very telling excerpt from the article by John Lauritsenfeaturing Mullis:

“Kary Mullis… is thoroughly convinced that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. With regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: ‘Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron.’ PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”

In another recent article by Rappaport, we see the dark future of disease play, not only in America but around the globe:

The use of irrelevant, useless, and unreliable diagnostic tests for Ebola sets the stage for future situations in which thousands or even millions of false positive tests invent, out of thin air, so-called epidemics in which viruses actually play no role at all. Just like now.”

This begs the question: Did any of the US patients really have Ebola and what can be gleaned about the detection of cases in West Africa?

IMAGE:  ‘Isolation’ – Kaci Hickox  seen here during her initial quarantine at University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey (Photo link

The US Ebola charade in review

If you go back a few of weeks, we were told that more than a 100 people were still being watched for Ebola symptoms after having contact with those who had come into contact with ‘patient zero’ Duncan in Dallas. However, non of these people have come down with Ebola. In fact, the entire mystery surrounding the green-shirt wearing Liberian, Thomas Eric Duncan, seemed to push the fear of Ebola to an almost ‘pandemic’ level. The fear caused was largely due to irresponsible and sensational reporting that worked in concert with advantageous pharmaceutical companies, the CDC and the World Health Organization.

In the week following Duncan’s death, the CDC claimed there was a ‘breach in protocol’ during the treatment of the Liberian man at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. This caused a string of contradictory claims and reports, as two of the hospital nurses who cared for Duncan, Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, had supposedly contracted Ebola from their exposure to Duncan.

In what can only be described as media misdirection, its worth reviewing what we at 21WIRE reported on October 21st.
In our report, we noted that the National Nurses United shifted the Ebola ‘protocol’ narrative from a lack of preparedness outlined by the CDC, to that of the Dallas-based nurses, which had been treating Duncan.

It was suggested by Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of Nurses United, that perhaps both nurses were not properly protected, during Duncan’s treatment, as she was stated to have, “vetted the claims, and that the nurses cited were in a position to know what had occurred at the hospital,” and additionally that, hazardous waste was allowed to pile up to the ceiling,” without further explanation while treating infected Duncan.

However, after 24 hours of confusion, on October 16th, reports shifted again, stating that both women had in fact worn protective gear while treating Duncan:

“Amber Joy Vinson and Nina Pham both wore protective gear including face shields, hazardous materials suits and protective footwear as they inserted catheters, drew blood and cleaned what have been called “copious amounts” of Duncan’s bodily fluids. Still, the two somehow contracted Ebola from the dying man.”

After weeks of speculation and backtracking by the CDC, we still don’t have a clear answer as to what exactly caused the so-called breach in protocol at the Texas hospital. Both Dallas-based nurses, Pham and Vinson, were said to have been aided by the protective gear they wore, keeping their apparent ‘viral-load’ exposure very low, even though the infected Duncan was stated as being out in the open in the ER for hours.

It appears to me that the only way these nurses could have been exposed was during Duncan’s arrival and wait in the ER, if at all, but this fails to explain why Duncan’s family remained asymptomatic after having very close unprotected contact for several days.

The highly publicized case of nurse Pham seemed to dwarf that of Vinson’s, though both made a rapid recovery following a plasma donation from Dr. Kent Brantly of  USAID connected Samaritan’s Purse, in just two weeks.

It just so happens that Brantly has the second most common blood type, A+ (between 34-36% of the population), enabling him to allegedly heal freelance cameraman Ashoka Mukpo and fellow Samaritan’s Purse aid worker, Dr. Rick Sacra as well. Both Mukpo and Sacra had been receiving treatment at the state-of-the-art facility, Nebraska Medical Center following their diagnosis of Ebola.

Let us not forget the mystery patient from Emory Hospital in Atlanta, that was released on Oct.19th:

“A patient who was transported to Emory University Hospital on  Sept. 9  with Ebola virus disease was discharged from the hospital on Oct. 19, 2014. In coordination with the CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health, the patient was determined to be free of virus and to pose no public health threat. The patient has asked to remain anonymous and left the hospital for an undisclosed location. He will make a statement at a later date.”

In a recent Associated Press release, David Relman a founding member of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advisory board for biosecurity, who also chairs the National Academy of Sciences forum on microbial threats, commented on the projected cases for Ebola in America:

“I don’t think there’s going to be a huge outbreak here, no,” said Dr. David Relman, a professor of infectious disease, microbiology and immunology at Stanford University’s medical school. “However, as best we can tell right now, it is quite possible that every major city will see at least a handful of cases.

Even though Relman admits that there will be no “huge outbreak,” here in America, he still adds that most major cities will see some Ebola-listed cases. Although Relman appeared to be balanced in his comments, the second part of his statement served to hit a fear-based nerve in the minds of everyday Americans by having them imagine a deadly virus lurking in city centers throughout the US.

In 2012, it was revealed that the World Health Organization, outlined the delivery of the Decade of Vaccines’ project in the period 2011–2020. A global vaccine action plan involving none other than W.H.O, UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Was the Ebola crisis engineered?

We should remember how much China’s economy was effected by the SARS virus that emerged in late 2002 in Guangdong, rocking to country for a 30% loss, when it supposedly made its way to Hong Kong.
As Ebola seems to be placed on the back-burner for now, it’s subliminally dialed into your psyche, leaving the idea of disease at your doorstep – thanks to irresponsible public officials and media hype.

IMAGE: ‘Running with the Devil’ –  an old image featuring RAND Corporation’s ‘home computer’ model for the future (Photo

Ebola predictions have gone afoul

According to the Associated Press, predicted simulations modeled by Risk Management Solutions (RMS), have projected that there could be between 15-130 new cases of Ebola in the US by December 2014. In March 2012, it was reported that RMS and the RAND Corporation had joined up to launch a new company called Praedicat, Inc., a consulting services firm dealing with catastrophic management for the “casualty insurance industries with a particular focus on liability risks,” as reported by

As stated on Rand.orgHemant Shahthe president and CEO of RMS, who is also the director of Praedicat, was quoted as saying that, “RMS and RAND, and now Praedicat, are excited to extend this transformation to the casualty insurance market, taking it to the leading edge of an industry trend of deeply embedding analytics and models to increase risk-adjusted profitability.”

Pharmaceutical companies aren’t the only ones who stand to benefit from a large viral outbreak, here you can see how the research and insurance side of things stand to grow business operations as well – over perceived liability through modeling analytics.

In a recent Business Wire article, it was reported that RMS had stated that the, Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa has the potential to be the most deadly infectious disease event since the 1918 flu pandemic,” continuing, it was then reported that according to RMS modeling, “the severity of the outbreak will continue to multiply, with the total number of new cases approximately doubling each month.”

Due to RMS’s bold claims, I wanted to take another look at the back to back comparison of Ebola cases provided by the Liberian Daily Observer, a report that we covered at 21WIRE two weeks ago. The report outlines a rapid decline in Ebola-listed cases in Liberia from March 22nd, 2014, to October 17th, directly contradicting the claims of RMS…

After taking a second look at the declining Ebola numbers reported by Liberia’s largest news outlet, some pressing questions came to mind concerning the connection between RMS’s risk modeling and of their business partner – the RAND corporation.

Think-tanks set the world on fire

The RAND Corporation a well-known think-tank, was founded in 1948 in the aftermath of WW2, marking the early years of the Cold War. Since then, many risky and paranoid-driven creations have been linked to RAND, as their strategy based analysis seemed born out of ‘suspicion and self-interest which was personified in their vision of Game Theory. The theory was used to predict a possible nuclear conflict by gauging a series of mathematical models on Soviet behavior. One of RAND’s most well-known Mathematician’s named John Nashapplied this theory ruthlessly, suggesting it that could be used for other dark purposes, as those engaged in the theory could also betray one another if necessary, resulting  in subterfuge. Nash’s career of course, was glamorized in the Hollywood film, A Beautiful Mind.

RAND has developed a network of so-called field experts, such as political scientists, social psychologists and anthropologists to oversee many of its most pressing projects since its inception. 

The piracy scam could be the model for Ebola

When it comes to any kind of risk-based analysis connected to RAND the public should be very wary of their controversial claims based on history. RAND could be running point for an insurance payout over Ebola-listed cases. Earlier this year, 21WIRE learned that the centuries-old insurer, Lloyd’s of London, had seen their profits soar from the so-called Somali ‘pirate zone’ from a study conducted by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in 2011:

“Many of the relevant players (Somali pirates, local communities, nascent government in pirate regions, international navies, private security and the insurance industry) have no incentive to stop piracy. In fact, there is a relatively stable relationship between these groups, many of whom share a clear business interest in maintaining piracy at its current level.”

DIW unearthed some of Lloyd’s most unsavory maritime enterprises by concluding that it is the maritime insurer’s who are the major beneficiary’s through their coverage of the shipping industry: 

Of an estimated 30,000 ships transiting the Gulf of Aden in 2009, 116 were attacked, less than one in 250. Moreover, the 25 final ransoms are still only a small fraction of the overall value of the ship, crew and cargo”.

Bloomberg reported in 2011, that “India is lobbying Lloyd’s of London to reverse its expansion of the area judged prone to pirate attacks to cover almost all of the nation’s west coast after insurance costs surged as much as 300-fold this year.”

It appeared as though Lloyd’s had rigged the plot, looking to profit from all sides of the ‘piracy’ trend, whether it was by coverage, protection, or through a seizure of a ship. 

Is it possible that pharmaceutical companies, along with casualty insurance market, through corporations like RAND, RMS and their affiliate Praedicat could also be looking to profit from a perceived Ebola outbreak – when you consider that they have a foothold on a big part of the narrative?

Here’s a link to the most recent  Sunday Wire, were 21st Century Wire’s own, Patrick Henningsen, conducts an interview with Dr. Leonard Coldwell, an award-winning doctor who exposes the Ebola scam and other health concerns in great detail…

READ MORE EBOLA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ebola Files

READ MORE USAID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire USAID Files


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