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Dear Friends,
Please read Dr. James’ and Mr. Harris’ articles! I can support each of their statements with facts and important information from Russia. Unfortunately, I do not have time right now. Give me a few days…
Nina Short End Of The Stick with Mike Harris: Gordon Duff and Dr. Preston James
Putin’s Truth, the ultimate secret weapon against the Khazarian Mafia?
Has the Russian Federation discovered the greatest new weapon of covert war ever devised? And is that incredibly effective new weapon which is the deployment of hard core real truth, now rapidly eroding the Khazarian Mafia’s World hegemony?
by Preston James
[ Note: This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who haven’t read those, reading this
article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.
This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources, some still living but most passed. None of the novel information included is associated with Veterans Today in any way. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out. ]
During the last 100 years, the World has been overtaken by the
largest organized crime syndicate that has ever existed: the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This KM worldwide
crime syndicate is a well-organized hierarchy that is evil to the core.
A small collection of two-faced liars form its evil core and run most Western governments, and are controlled by several demon-infested, near to death, wrinkled-up old men who sit at the top of its hierarchy — a pyramid of ultimate evil power that functions as the world’s largest parasite on humanity.
This KM Hierarchy is run by a collection of the world’s biggest two-faced liars and criminally insane sociopaths, whom the KM has promoted into the highest positions of all the largest governments.
It appears that the leaders of the new Russian Federation have broken free of the control of the KM hierarchy, and appear to be the good guys.
Is this KM World Hierarchy of control some kind of special disease, a genetic predisposition within the twelve “key bloodlines”, or is it based on a genetic aberration picked up as an “infection” later on by participation in occult “soul transferring” rituals? Or could it be a combination of both?
Were these Two-faced liars selected into the Khazarian Mafia’s hierarchy to be molded into leaders because they were sociopaths in the first place and were selected to be groomed and taken through various initiations in order to climb the KM’s hierarchy of power? Or were they specially “bred” in the first place, and if so, what is their genetic origin and why do they display such an apparent predisposition toward evil?
We don’t have the definitive answers to these questions, but it appears that it is a combination of both. Anyone with a high level of intelligence and a lack of conscience (lack of soul) or apparent sociopathy and the ability to be remarkably two-faced can be selected and recruited into the KM Hierarchy to be groomed and prepared to be a major Cutout.
But these “selected ones” must pass each level of initiation, and be able to conceal their criminal sociopathy by being a skilled two-faced liar and deceiver and be willing to go through the increasingly evil rituals along the way.
When they have reached the higher steps in this hierarchy, we know these recruits then must participate in occult rituals which are incredibly evil. These rituals extract what is left of their souls and replace it with an entity, a cosmic parasite to which they became “hived”. This explains their abject loyalty to the few top leaders of the KM Hierarchy.
Are these top controllers of the KM Hierarchy fallen angels (Nephilim, the fallen ones) or, as some insiders have called them, cosmic or alien ET parasites cloned and hived to an evil master Alien ET or an evil AI system run by him? Could this master evil mind best be referred to as a cosmic interdimensional Dragon or Draco being, as some have referred to it, while other insiders refer to it using the age-old term, Lucifer?
In order to best understand what the World is dealing with, is it best to look at this powerful dark side influence as a human parasite?
Is it a communicable parasite, which seems to always infect and take over most world leaders, and has the ability to infest individuals who are willing to give up their basic humanity and human values in order to gain power, status and riches?
Do these World leaders who have become criminal sociopaths and evil to the core function as though they have lost their ability to be human, or to function as normal humans? And were they perhaps born different than most — maybe already infected with a bloodline gene that makes them un-human and inhuman too?
Why is it different inside the highest echelons of the Russian Federation? Why is it that Putin and his advisers seem to tell the truth about most issues, and use truth as a weapon against the evil of the Western nations, which have all been hijacked by the largest organized crime syndicate in the world (the Khazarian Mafia)?
There have been numerous recent articles which mention the new ultra high tech defensive weapons such as the advanced electronic warfare “Defensive Shield” deployed by the Russian Federation during the Su-24 flyby of the USS Donald Cook which turned off it Aegis radar system temporarily rendering it defenseless for a time. But it now appears that the most powerful weapons of Putin and the Russian Federation is hardcore truth now being disseminated to the World.
Truth appears to be the ultimate Psyops against this KM evil, and it looks like the leaders of the Russian Federation have figured this out and are now deploying it in spades.
It looks like the leaders of the Russian Federation discovered that truth is their ticket to prosperity by exposing to the world the fact that all the controlled Western Mass Media and its News Cartel, and all the governmental systems have been based on the KM’s Hierarchy’s big lies, false-narratives and propaganda — and that this deployment of Truth via the Internet can actually erode the KM’s World Hegemony and deconstruct it.
Putin and his advisers know that the KM has been trying to destroy Russia as a sovereign nation and to keep it enslaved for 1,000 years in a secret blood feud against Mother Russia. Putin also realizes that the KM has been using ISIS, NATO and Israel to surround the Russian Federation and choke it off economically.
Putin is aware that the TTIP and TPP free trade agreements are attempts to undermine Russia’s economy. He is aware that the USG is violating the Agreement of Cooperation to end the Cold War, which it signed with the new Russian Federation when it emerged. This Agreement of Cooperation has a main provision that neither nation will mess with any nation that borders each other.
That Agreement of Cooperation was negotiated by Lee Wanta on behalf of President Reagan, and was perhaps the best action Reagan ever initiated for America. The purpose of this agreement was to end the Cold War and take down the Iron Curtain, to remove KM/Zionist-based Bolshevism from Russia forever and to make sure a cold war between America and Russia would not reoccur, along with decreasing the chances for a hot nuclear WW3 between the two.
It looks like the KM has other ideas and refuses to let go of their 1,000-year blood feud obsession to retake or destroy Russia. And that is one of the main purposes of the KM using Cutouts to create ISIS, and also using Secretary of State “Hillary Clinton” and her assistant Victoria Nuland (married to a Kagan) to institute the coup d’état by funneling 5 Billion USD through the US Department of State to fund this coup in the Ukraine.
Has the Russian Federation figured out that dispensing truth is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the west, or pulling the curtain back to expose the wrinkled up old Oz running the big lie machine that has been keeping most of the world mind-kontrolled?
Has President Putin become a master chess player who has learned how to deploy truth to expose the KM Hierarchy’s big lies, false-narratives and propaganda to the world and be able to do it in such a way that it penetrates and overrides the KM’s Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) Mind-kontrol?
The answer to this question appears to be an obvious YES.
Putin has deployed major Russian Federation air power in defense of his long term ally Syria at the request of President Assad, who was voted into office in an honest election with over 80% of the vote. And we now know for certain that Assad never used poisonous gas on his citizens, but ISIS did, and it was supplied by the John McCain-associated KM/NeoCon faction in the Pentagon.
Russian Federation Air Power has been decimating ISIS and has completely checkmated the KM while exposing the KM’s massive lies to the whole World. Neither the KM, USG nor the Israeli Likudists ever expected Putin to come to the aid of his long-term ally Syria. But immediately after President Assad officially requested help from the Russian Federation, Putin ordered this massive assistance by Russian Air Power. And now because the KM ordered Erdogan to have his Air Force attack and shoot down a Russian Su-24 in Syrian air space, a clear act of war by a NATO member, Putin has deployed the incredibly advanced S-400 system and his electronic warfare Defensive Dome.
Putin’s heroic checkmating of the KM’s ISIS in Syria has created a situation where the grim truth of what ISIS really is has been exposed in a very crafty engineered fashion.
And we now know for certain that ISIS secretly stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and is a large KM mercenary force run by Israel and paid for by the USG and Saudi Arabia, and supported by Turkey and NATO.
The same folks who are responsible for ISIS are also responsible for the staged Ukrainian coup d’état and the placement of the puppet Poroshenko as the Ukrainian KM/Zio-run dictator, with the ultimate goal of creating a new Israeli homeland to replace Israel, which they now know is doomed to be returned to the Palestinians.
The reason Israel is now doomed, because they have now been exposed for being responsible for the attack on America of 9-11-01 and their incredibly evil abuse, tyranny, land-theft and mass-murder of Palestinians and Apartheid against them is now turning the whole World against Israel.
And it is this same KM/PNAC/Top NeoCon dual citizen bunch of tribalists that were responsible for the 9-11-01 attack on America, its cover-up and all the numerous Gladio-style false-flag mass-shootings in gun free zones, some real and some virtual only like Sandy Hook.
It will lead ISIS being financed by large Wall Street Banks using funds provided by oil ISIS has stolen. This stolen oil is transported through Turkey who gets a large cut, then shipped to Israel at a discount along.
This revenue from stolen oil along with KM opium profits, sex trafficking profits and human organ trafficking profits (taken involuntarily of course) provides the money needed to keep the oil derivatives afloat, at least for the time being.
And if you want to dig deep enough all roads lead to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) set up in 1934 and used as a KM slush fund to receive drug trafficking profits and other criminal profits and to dispense vast sums for supporting terrorism and civil wars, coup d’états and revolutions around the World to keep the KM in power everywhere.
Putin’s checkmate of the KM and its ISIS in Syria has now created the emergence of serious truth which is rapidly neutralizing KM power all over the World.
And such truth is even finding support inside America, with the former head of the DIA coming forth and admitting that the USG allowed ISIS and even supports it, and numerous former CIA officers coming forth and also admitting this.
Do you think it is just a coincidence that Putin has formed a strong working alliance with the Eastern Orthodox Church leaders and a joint commitment to build strong character and and morality in young Russians? This has been one of the most surprising actions of Putin and he has the full support of his political advisers and the Russian People. And he has outlawed public displays of homosexuality and other forms of perversion and is providing aid and tax breaks to Christian families.
Nina: Exactly, Dr. James, “This creates plausible set of rationalizations for the USG puppet actions on behalf of their master controllers and blackmailers the KM and Israeli agents inside America (PNACers, top NeoCons and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors who are agents of KM espionage inside America!”
And yet, despite the obviousness of this truth, America’s CMMM just keeps broadcasting and publishing the continuing stream of Big Lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the KM puppets who run the Congress and the USG. This creates plausible set of rationalizations for the USG puppet actions on behalf of their master controllers and blackmailers the KM and Israeli agents inside America (PNACers, top NeoCons and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors who are agents of KM espionage inside America.
But everyday less and less Americans believe much of this CMMM mind-kontrol because the geopolitical changes admitted in the CMMM just plain no longer support these CMMM (KM scripted) Big Lies, false-narratives and propaganda.
How interesting it is that the truth now emanating out of the Russian Federation’s top leadership is functioning as a light in the darkness and appears to be neutralizing the criminal power and Hierarchy of Control of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) all over the World.
Is this the ISIS chain of command?
And we now see the emergence of the new alternative direct trading systems that do not use the US Petro Dollar. And then we now see the emergence of the BRICS and the AIIB which are new gold and silver backed banking systems which in time may surpass the strength of the US Petro Dollar.
The whole World has gotten quite tired of the KM using the US Petro Dollar to gain whatever it wants just by printing or issuing as many USD as it needs, while the rest of the World has to actually work for its earned value.
It was Putin and his advisers who have worked very hard to get this stark truth out to those leaders who have themselves woken up from the evil bondage of the KM.
These leaders now understand the KM spell and want to extricate themselves and their nations form the KM spell of evil KM counterfeit money power, KM pernicious usury and KM debt-slavery.
Should we view these new financial firewalls such as the BRICS, the AIIB, and the numerous direct trading arrangements as further evidence that Truth is a strong antidote to the KM system of lies that has kept it Fiat Counterfeit money-power system in power so long.
Many of the World’s leaders are now awakening from their KM spell and is working with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China to build strong financial and economic firewalls against the US Petro Dollar which is the building block of the KM’s World Hegemony.
Even the top European leaders who have been victims of this KM parasite (whatever it is) have now become bifurcated. Take the case of Angela Merkel (Hitler’s alleged daughter) who has been a loyal KM agent and quickly accepted their will to bring in many thousands of Mideast immigrants which is 100% contrary to the will of the German People.
Despite still functioning as a KM puppet the emergence of Putin’s truth has bifurcated her, that is, woken up art of her and she is now involved in negotiations to establish strong direct trading for Germany with the Russian Federation. Apparently a new very large Volkswagen factory is going to be built in Russia. The Russians love German automobiles and trucks.
If ISIS is supposedly radical Islamic extremism, why has it never attacked Israel or even threatened to do so?
You would think that would be its first objective if it was legitimate. But now we know for sure that it isn’t.
The obvious answer is that ISIS is run at the top by a KM retired American General aided and abetted by Senator John McCain, head of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a host of KM related puppet organizations that control the USG, the Congress and much of the Pentagon. These are the PNACers and top NeoCons who seem to have lost their very souls a long time ago if they ever head one at all.
What will it take to break the back of the KM and rout it out from its hegemonic position of World control?
It seems that the new Russian Federation under the direction of President Putin and his top advisers have found the correct formula.
And it is truth deployed by the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, and forced to the forefront by the very crafty checkmate that the Russian Federation has now placed the KM into in Syria.
Stay tuned because everyday the KM’s Fiat counterfeit “expandable at will” US Petro dollar monetary hegemony is being eroded. The handwriting is on the wall; it just cannot last much longer. And as it fails, will the KM deploy DHS to try and beat back We The People from exerting control and determining what the new system will be inside America?
It is now obvious that Putin and his advisers understand that truth is the ultimate weapon for weakening and deconstructing the KM and its evil Hierarchy of Control over the World. Putin’s clearly effective deployment of such truth is now creating a spontaneous emergence of populism all over the world that looks as if it is strong enough to bring the KM and its hierarchy to ashes once and for all.
Some doubt Putin’s genuineness and view him as a crafty opportunist who dispenses truth as bargaining chips to gain concessions from the top KM controllers, in order to gain a better economic position in the world for the Russian Federation.
I doubt that Putin is a phony sociopathic con man, but certainly Putin can show this to be clearly false by releasing all the Russian Intel (which is vast) that shows how, on behalf of the KM, Israel did the attack on America on 9-11-01, aided by the “Israel-first”, Israeli-American dual citizen traitors, aka the PNACers and top NeoCons.
Plus, we know that Putin is not addicted to the KM Oil Cartel because of his willingness to lower the price of crude down to what it is really worth. We know that Russia now has various types of “Zero Point Energy”, Ether-based energy systems. Some call “Free Energy”.
If Putin moves ahead with the commercialization of these systems as expected, this would drive another wooden stake through the heart of the KM Oil Cartel, which some view as the economic power base underpinning the KM. Without oil, the US Petro Dollar would quickly fail, ending its hegemony as the World’s Reserve currency. Certainly the KM’s ability to use big oil for the last 100 years to control the World’s energy usage has been its strongest bulwark in its Hierarchy of Control over the world.
The KM has had these Free Energy systems ever since they stole Tesla’s work. But they also have been able to back-engineer the crashed and recovered Alien ET anti-gravity craft (AGCs). They have suppressed all this by harassing, threatening and murdering numerous inventors all over the world, as they maintained their grip on energy consumables.
Now for the first time their ability to exercise adequate suppression of free energy systems is limited and the odds are quite high we will see them rolled out soon, perhaps by a new coalition of the Russian Federation and Iran working together.
As Gordon Duff has reported, testing of one such new device is now underway. Hopefully we will be the first to report on its success or failure.
Past VT articles of Preston James can be found here for those interested.
Note: The term “Khazarian Mafia” was coined by VT’s own Financial Editor, VT author and VT talk show Host for the “Short End of the Stick” every Tuesday and Thursday 7-9 PM Central Standard Time, Mike Harris.
Iron Mike” was part of the team of Top VT Directors that attended the groundbreaking and historical International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism in Damascus December 2014. It was the Keynote Address by VT’s own Chairman, Managing Director and Editor in Chief of VT, Gordon Duff who for the first time ever publicly declared that there was no real Terrorist problem in and by itselef, but it was actually an organized crime problem caused by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate. It was Mike Harris who first identified this World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate by name as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), after his extensive research of its secret hidden history that has been largely excised from most public libraries and history books. Mike’s research has included reading translated Russian documents with never before released facts about the Khazarian Mafia’s 1,000 year blood feud against Mother Russia. Mike has been given the nickname “Iron Mike” for his well known ability to take a punch that would normally knock someone out and still be able to come back and win. Most of the top Directors of VT are well trained over many years in full contact martial arts and are extremely proficient, including ground fighting and advanced hand to hand combat.
Synagogues and Prisons
Jewish Leaders Keep the ‘Jewish Rabble’ in Line By Stoking Fears of Gentiles
Corporate Fascism, The Vatican and the 21st Century
Soros and The Gang
The Big Squeeze is now on the Khazarian Mafia
We know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now a sinking ship.
by Preston James
Numerous nations around the World have now ganged up on the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
It is cornered and it is losing power by the day. Expect increased surveillance and harassment by local police who take orders from Homeland Security (DHS) and receive their ridiculous conjured up Domestic Terror Watch Lists.
How much real power does the KM have left and for how long can it hold out? Is the KM still powerful enough to start another major war in the Mideast, or even a nuclear WW3 to serve as a covering event for their impending loss of World hegemony?
There are recent reports from China that the Chinese Government has ordered that its international cargo shipping in both the Pacific and the Atlantic be restricted.
One source with connections to mainland Chinese sources has verified this claim that China has given an ultimatum that there will be a big reduction in their cargo ships unloading any products until the USG begins to honor the Secret Reset Agreement they entered into in 2013 during G-20 meetings.
The Baltic Dry Shipping Index is way down, less than half of what it was at its peak. Crude oil has dropped to$30 a barrel or less, and in Canada shale oil is even as low at $10 a barrel. American retail sales were low during Christmas and many retail chains plan to close stores at multiple locations, including the notorious Walmart.
And oil derivatives of the big Wall Street Banks are under extreme stress due to these oil prices which has now placed several of the largest in jeopardy. The US Pero Dollar is now under stress as never before and the massive continued issuing and printing after the bailouts (repetitive Quantitative Easings) and secret direct USG Plunge Protection Team stock purchases in mass no longer seem to mitigate this slide.
Several foreign nations have asked for their Gold back that has been stored at the Federal Reserve but only a portion has been shipped because the vaults are now apparently empty.
Chinese and Russian purchases of massive quantities of Gold and Silver are fact, not theory, giving them a huge advantage as the Federal reserve System’s Ponzi scheme approached collapse.
Comex paper Gold which is supposed to be backed 100% by real Gold is not and this is just another part of the Federal Reserve System’s massive Ponzi scheme which has probably already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.
The Khazarian Mafia’s top leadership is being squeezed and now seems cornered. They claim to each other to work directly for Lucifer who they describe as their new Rising God. Others describe Lucifer as a renegade Third Force who will cut these folks loose in a NY Minute as soon as they serve no useful purpose anymore. And that is what now seems to be happening. Looks like their “god” is going to let them down. Oh well, should they have expected less pure evil? When you dance with the devil, you are going to get burned. That’s the function of Doofus Cutouts that are propelled to the top and given power, status and riches beyond imagination, to serve as disposables when its all said and done and they are no longer needed.
If there is going to be new monetary system set up for the World and that’s the way it looks, and it likely will not include the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins.
As best we can determine before Chinese cargo shipping decreased, China was demanding that their Renminbi be included in a basket of currencies.
And we know that the Renminbi will be backed by Gold and this basket of currencies will replace the current exclusiveness of the US Petro Dollar which functions as the World’s Reserve Currency.
This same source has claimed that the Japanese Government has just agreed to be part of the Chinese created Asian Infrastructure Investment bank (AIIB). If these reports are accurate then this means that Khazarian Mafia (KM) is being squeezed economically.
For the G-20 nations, especially the USA to honor this Secret Reset Agreement made in 2013 the Khazarian Mafia (KM) must be removed from its position controlling the World Central Banking.
It also apparently requires the acceptance of the Chinese Renminbi based on Gold and Silver as a part of an international basket of currencies and the removal of the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.
When the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate the KM feels cornered one would expect that it would become desperate to re-establish control and take even more drastic actions that it has in the past, unless too much force is arrayed against them from more than one enemy.
And now for the first time numerous enemies have arisen against the KM. And two of them are quite powerful.
The first and most powerful enemy appears to be the Russian Federation.
Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the Khazarian Mafia (KM) both in the Ukraine and in Syria and is now annihilating ISIS by deployment of its superior air power.
The second most powerful appears to be the American People, a very well armed sleeping giant that is now rapidly awaking.
This new exigent power of the American Masses is due to the Alternative Media of the Internet. The Internet has provided incredible speed and the fact that so many Americans are finally figuring out everything out of our elected Politicians’ mouths via the CMMM is their propaganda, big lies and false-narratives.
And the recent dire economy, and massive unemployment since 2008 brought about by all these traitorous Free Trade Agreements and two illegal, unConstitutional “Wall Street Bailouts” have created a spontaneously emerging populism in the American Masses.
This massive populism is not only unprecedented but it is now accompanied by a rising anger towards the DC “doofus” career politicians and this new populism is increasingly powerful.
The KM has deployed false-flag attacks all around the World and in America using Cutouts. Some were mass-shootings in gun-free zones hyped in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), and others were major bombings like at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 or the World Trade Center in NYC on 9-11-01.
The purpose is always to justify more power to central government in order to help the KM protect itself and its Evil Agenda.
But now that the KM is being squeezed from all sides we might see increased harassment of investigative journalists, known truth tellers and dissidents that run counter to the KM’s propaganda, big lies and false-narratives they dispense through their CMMM?
Might we start seeing mysterious and increasingly frequent disappearances like what occurred in the South American Death Squads? After all these Death Squads were all trained by the US Military and the CIA inside the USA, and these schools for torture and murder are still active. And recently Chicago was caught running a black site for DHS to disappear Targeted Individuals to. Other cities have these too. And the Pentagon and the CIA still run the Black Prison sites in East European nations and have black prison ships which are still active. Check this for more information.
We should expect the DHS to put out increasingly negative smear reports to the local Police Departments creating increased fear of known truth tellers, dissidents, patriots and gun owners who have been illegally placed on Domestic terror Watch lists with instructions to begin increased surveillance and harassment against them?
We now know for certain that the KM’s actions in the past in America have included the Bombing of the Murrah Building, first attempted bombing of the NYC Twin towers by the FBI setting up and supplying the Blind Sheikh which was actually a test to establish needs for the devices the KM used in Twin Towers attack on 9-11-01. So this World’s largest organized Crime Syndicate the KM is truly capable of untold evil against the American people as well as the whole World as long as it is allowed to exist and occupy and parasitize the USG for its own purposes.
Inside America the KM has controlled the Alphabets including the FBI, its main cover up agency and entrapment/setup agency and the BATF as well as the CIA and they have always done a lot of the KM’s illegal dirty work..
And of course after the KM attacked America on 9-11-01 to create a New Pearl Harbor event, they were now in a position to establish Homeland Security (DHS) the foundation of the long planned American Police State.
This plan to establish DHS was already written and ready to push through Congress awaiting a major catalytic event such as the major terrorist attack of 9-11-01 which was run by the KM and its stateside assets deep inside the Administration and the Pentagon.
The attack on America of 9-11-01 was designed to consolidate all American Law Enforcement under one central command directly controlled by the KM a known foreign based power and justify becoming a nation based on pre-emptive wars of aggression.
The secret agenda of DHS is to transform America into a total surveillance society, a Police State rivaling East Germany under the Stasi. That is why Marcus Wolfe (former head of the Stasi) was hired as a consultant to set up DHS two years before he mysteriously died.
The ultimate end game here is for the KM to use DHS to transform America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open-air prison camp and to make Americans the New Palestinians. This is all part of the “Greater Israel Plan” which is no longer theory but established fact. And the “Greater Israel Plan” is the cover story used by the KM’s top leadership (aka the “Select Few”) to use its Cutouts and main action agent the American-Israeli “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors and the Likudists in Israel to do their dirty work.
The American Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) has been losing it credibility for years and it popularity is at an all time low.
Since the CMMM is the main mouthpiece and propaganda/mind-kontrol agent for the KM, its demise poses a big loss of power for the KM. And we now know for certain its demise is being engendered by the increasing popularity of the Alternative News of the Internet.
The KM is now cornered and you can bet that Homeland Security (DHS) is busy at work creating smear reports at their fusion centers to send to local police with the instructions to increase the harassment of suspected domestic terrorists. Expect greatly increased surveillance and spying on all Americans even the KM’s underling yes men and women and major doofuses themselves who have been appointed to high positions of power.
And spying and Intel collection has become remarkably advanced and will continue to increase in frequency, scope and intrusiveness.
Much of it is used for banal entertainment by bored “no longer give a damn” NSA and NRO employees who dig watching and listening to bedroom type scenes. The NSA and NRO are collecting far more raw data than they can adequately process effectively and it has become mostly a money-making means to asset strip more and more money from We The People and make a big show of power by the KM.
Some deep black and top secret technologies include; use of one’s own AC house wiring, smart TV’s, personalespecially laptop and handheld computers, cell phones, wired phones, remote phones, smart TV’s and smart appliances; really spooky new methods like driving by and shooting a special micro-transceiver nail in the siding that is matched for color and texture; wall penetrating drive-by radar systems (also used along major highways in unmarked white step vans and 18-wheelers; vehicle, aircraft, and satellite based special infrared sensors); embedded transceiver chips in all cell phones ad auto GPS and blue-tooth communication and “seek help” systems which can be remotely activated and easily traced and used a GPS tracking and used for microphones; orbital super HD electronic day and night vision cameras than can sense an ant on the ground and many license plates; deep black variable and synthetic aperture ground penetrating radar, advance gamma ray and neutron particle senors and other even more secret means involved ground, truck, tower and satellite antennas designed to pick up brain wave transmissions which have been altered by ingested nano-particles in the atmospherically sprayed aerosol chem-trails and gasoline which include nano-particles of aluminum and barium and other magnetic and electrical compounds which can be flashed, id’ed and used to alter brain wave transmissions for external monitoring (referred to as the “prime freak”). There are other even more advance psi-power means that are so far down the rabbit-hole they would be too discrediting to discuss in this article. But they do exists and can be effective in many situations. More on those in another article perhaps.
But even worse DHS uses the special deniable contractor squads and retired miltel, FBI and CIA to gang-stalk, do personal surveillance, walk-bys, and moving in next door or as close as possible to key targeted individuals who are deemed as first line threat to their system of lies. And as if that wasn’t enough, these special squads have specialists that deploy advanced psychotronic warfare against USG, Intel, military and corporate whistle-blowers on behalf of the KM kingpins that is designed to cause chronic health problems, lethal medical disorders and suppression of thinking and acting.
Some of these devices are cell tower activated, some by dopplar weather radar, some closely custom placed transmitters triangulated in from close-by spy cell and corporate proprietaries. For those that claim this is all pure fantasy and bs I can strongly reply you are wrong, dead wrong. How can I say that. Well I have personally swept Mark Novitsky’s residence with sensors used by the German Health Department and found it way over the allowable European accepted limits with some equipment red-lined. Some sources inside the home were disabled or removed, and we found strong external sources.
As we started tracing and triangulating their location of transmission, they were suddenly turned off preventing location. Novitsky is as important in what he knows and has disclosed at Snowden. Sixty minutes was going to do a big story on him but backed out at the last minute because they said it had become too complicated. Other top Federal and Intel whistle-blowers have told Novitsky what he knows about is above their pay grade. Most avoid him like the plague. All his local Senators and Congress-persons were notified by Novitsky (evidence in writing I have seen) and all deny it and did nothing except for Governor Mark Dayton who was a Senator at the time.
Dayton has a good reputation with his staff and when terrorism struck in DC he immediate placed the safety of his staff first. he did what he could for Novitsky and We The people but was stepped on hard. Now Dayton is the Governor of Minnesota and appears to be doing his best to get the the states decaying infra-structure repaired. Novitsky has been placed on the top secret DHS “No Work under any Circumstances” by the FBI which follows him around and tells any employer where he applies that he is a domestic terrorist, “please do not hire him, he is on our watch list and under surveillance–you wouldn’t want to be put on our watch list no would you?”
The one good job Novitsky had in a non-Intel related area was ruined when the FBI showed up and delivered a National Security Letter (NSL) which his employer was allowed to read but not keep and which threatened a $10,000 fine and up to 10 years in a federal prison if he ever disclosed anything about this NSL letter or why he was going to have to separate Novitsky. And Mark has had strange but very real recent medical problems and his first doctors were either dirty, KM worker bees, Sayanims or just plain uncaring and medically lousy. The lab was either dirty or had folks inside that tampered with his blood work. Finally, he was able to find a top physician who is 100% ethical with a top academic reputation and will not Kowtow to illegal government manipulations.
And who are DHS’s listed domestic terrorists? Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, Veterans, libertarians, Christians, Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and alternative media reporters and journalists and many many more individuals and groups that can be placed on the list by any supervisory agent after even one complaint of any kind and these watch lists have no oversight or appeal process. Once on you are doomed to stay on.
Even Senator Ted Kennedy was put on the “No Fly List” by mistake and despite expensive legal efforts and big political muscle he could never get off of it. Why you wonder? Because these Terror Watch lists are creations of the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins. They are visible indicators of their unbridled twisted, sick, evil power produced by their infiltration and hijacking of America through their private pernicious usury debt-note private Fiat counterfeit Ponzi-type central banking system.
We may see increased harassment and abuse of phony domestic terror watch lists.
we may see increased harassment by local police, alphabets as ordered by DHS, according to their whacked out “watch lists” that include almost everyone but the real domestic terrorists who are the KM leaders and the top officials of DHS whose job is to terrorize Americans into subservience and compliance and take away all our Constitutional Rights. On the other hand we may see such a rapid loss of functional day to day power by the KM and their police state mechanism DHS that we do not see a big increase in surveillance and harassment. Maybe we will even see less now that the KM is cornered and being pressed from all sides by the World and by We The People.
The confidential domestic terror “Watch Lists” lists were personally prepared under the watchful direction of Janet Napolitano while she was head of DHS. these were leaked and published on the Internet by DHS insiders that thought she and DHS was a joke but wanted to keep their pay and benefits, so we know for certain they exist and what is on them. Even though he resigned her position at DHS, she is being sued by subordinate men for sexual harassment and for moving their office into the men’s lavatory among other things.
A couple of night ago while driving at night in the early evening I was pulled over and needlessly rousted by a local police Officer who claimed I crossed over the line three times on a stretch of road with no other traffic close by. This fine very young lady police officer tailed me for a couple miles and then pulled me over. I don’t drink, use drugs, speed or drive carelessly nor did I did not cross over any lines.
After the usual license and insurance check the Officer let me go with no ticket. But she ask me a question about something irrelevant that could she have only known about from information gained by a local stingray tap or from the local DHS Fusion Center. Not very professional. She was rousting me and it was a message that I received and am now responding to.
A Deal with the Devil at Langely?
In this same Department some years back the prior Police Chief was provided a free trip to Langley for a special meeting. During that meeting he was asked by the CIA to sign a secret Jurisdictional Agreement on behalf of his Department in which he agreed to submit jurisdiction on any case to the Feds that they requested.
Major amounts of military grade equipment was to be provided in exchange including two armored cars, grenade launchers, full-auto real assault rifles and machine guns, body armor, bullet proof barriers and lots of military grade ammo. The Chief was an honorable man with integrity and refused to sign the agreement. Did he developed a strange neurological condition soon after that and have to resign?
Did the CIA keep secretly working with a couple corrupt officers to distribute illegal drugs to high school kids from “DEA controlled deliveries” a local smaller “feeder airport” through a sea food import “proprietary”, with a local drug task force (with special license plates to identify each other) either looking the other way or involved. Betcha this hasn’t stopped.
The department got a new Chief and now has the equipment offered. You can be sure that this secret transaction has already been successfully made in almost every large Urban Police Department. So far a significant number of Sheriff’s offices have refused. The County Sheriff is the supreme law enforcement officer in any county and has authority even over the Feds.
Be clear about this, these deals with the Devil at Langley to get jurisdiction over your local police are all driven by the KM Kingpins who are Neo-Bolsheviks who plan to terrorize us, tyrannize us, completely asset strip us and and then mass-murder us.
Supposedly all these “1033 Program” military equipment transfers for the big stuff have been stopped. Don’t believe it, that is mere propaganda and the only big stuff going back is for updated electronic warfare systems, new advanced weaponry or for repair and major maintenance.
For now until the KM’s back is broken, expect increased surveillance and harassment by local police if you are in one of the categories on their watch lists (which is about half of the American people).
This is the kind of surveillance and increased harassment Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, Veterans, libertarians, Christians, Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and alternative media reporters and journalists can expect more of as the KM’s power is choked off by the whole World that is now ganging up on it.
DHS is here to militarize the American Police and turn America into a Neo-Bolshevik Stasi-style Police State and transform it into GAZA II with all Americans the New Palestinians. Once that is accomplished the KM plans to treat Americans the same way Bolsheviks treated innocent Russian civilians. It raped, tortured and mass murdered 100 million of them. The KM is Neo-Bolshevik and its top Policy-Makers are from the same age old bloodlines. They have recorded their intentions in stone at the Georgia Guidestones so we know this for certain.
But here’s the deal. America is not Russia in 1917 and is the most armed up populace in the World. Despite all the recent efforts of the KM to force our so-called “elected politicians” to disarm Americas, it will never happen. Americans have been buying guns at an increasing rate ever since the KM deployed all these mass-shootings in gun free zones and major efforts to grab our guns began in earnest.
Of course most County Sheriffs in America are populist oriented and part of their local communities and elected because of the respect they have gained and maintained. But even large urban police are starting to wake up. They have a dangerous enough job already thanks to the CIA drug trafficking into urban cities for black ops money and theirs and the BATF’s continuing gun sales to gangs, especially MS 13 and the Las Zetas who were trained by the US Military inside the USA.
Most American urban police officers have no intention of going door to door to fulfill some crazy unConstitutional Presidential PDD or even a new Congressional law passed. They do not want to turn honest law-abiding American Gun-owners, hunters and Veterans into a Solzenitzen type spontaneously erupting vigilante counter-force that shoots with bigger bore, more accurate, longer reaching rifles than they can. Most police officers want to go home to their families at the end of the day and they know that the anger of the average American grows against the out of control militarized swat teams that attack the wrong homes and often kill and maim innocent women and young children.
Smart Officers and chiefs want to establish good community relations and bee seen as the community as their helpers and public servants, not their oppressors working for the ADL and DHS. By the way most large urban police departments are trained by the ADL to view the avergae civilian as a real or potential domestic terrorists, especially gun owners. Now because of the recent public concerned for increased mass-shootings and terrorism, many police are changing their minds on gun control and actually favor conceal-carry by law abiding citizens who have met the standards and have proper training.
Too many Chiefs of big urban departments are given free junkets to Israel for such training and while their are served some very special Koolaide in their drinks and given some very sophisticated psychotronic mind-kontrol indoctrination training.
Take the recent case when a dumb swan drone broke in the wrong home with no proper warrant and threw a stun grenade into a baby’s crib burning and blowing off part of the young child’s face. Or the many cases where the wrong homes are stormed by out of control savage swat looking for a few $10 rock and innocent life is taken in an instant. Or all the illegal, unConstitutional seizures of cash and autos from innocent non-drug dealers, taken and placed into police and federal coffers sometime into the private pockets of corrupt supervisors and chiefs and judges.
And many Americans are starting to catch on to the fact that some of these mass-shootings in gun-free zones are real with real dead victims while others like Sandy Hook are faked, but that all are engineered, staged false-flag attacks on the Second Amendment. This has kept folks confused up until now but thanks to the efforts of hundreds of tireless researchers the truth is now being published all over the Internet and is now readily available for all.
One thing is certain, the KM is now cornered and its hegemony is rapidly being eroded. It’s false-flag efforts to disarm Americans and any other efforts to do so will fail. The KM is now doomed by the whole World which is building massive financial firewalls against it and ganging-up on it. The KM is being deconstructed bit by bit and you can expect they will have a hard landing and because they are such two-faced psychopaths they will keep lying until the end.
Undoubtedly the Big Squeeze is now on the Khazarian Mafia (KM), they are cornered and increasingly desperate and their private Fiat pernicious usury debt-based counterfeit money system has become a Ponzi scheme nearing collapse.
And the BRICS System is just one of many new financial firewalls being built up against the KM’s financial hegemony which is now destined to fail.
There are certain factions in the Pentagon and American Intel which have so far been able to place strong limits on what the KM can do to retaliate and they have been unable to start a nuclear WW3 with Russia as intended.
Efforts by Senator John McCain and other Traitors like the retired General commanding ISIS have also failed.
And all their recent efforts to attack Russia through Crimea and to destroy Syria and Iran have also failed because of the new military power and technological supremacy of the Russian Federation under the dynamic leadership pf President Putin.
If these reports that China is severely restricting their container shipping companies until the Khazarian Mafia (KM) honors the Secret Reset Agreement this is indeed a very interesting development. And if true it suggests that all the hype in the CMMM that China’s economy is worse than ours is likely exaggerated.
A better guess is that China has prepared for this for quite a while and is no longer so dependent on American sales anymore, perhaps already having established some lucrative markets with Russia, South America, Malaysia and other trading partners. Is this part of a major economic trap for the Khazarian Mafia and its US Petro Dollar? In time we shall find out and it make not take too long.
It was an operation planned by PNAC, a bunch of rabid Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens run by the KM. These parasitical slime balls are KM Cutouts, American stooges and Traitors of the first order, real enemies within the Gates of America who have been functioning as secret agents of espionage for the KM.
In fact all of these Mideast wars have been surrogate wars on behalf of Israel, the Khazarian Mafia and its associated corporate buddies in Big Banking, Big Oil, and Big Defense including the Pentagon which is a revolving door with the largest defense contractors.
The final goal of this build up of Homeland Security (DHS) and its TSA is to transform America into GAZA II with all Americans to become the New Palestinians so they can be systematically genocided.
Is it time for the Russian Federation and all free people of the World to use these same Rules of Engagement against the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins who have been parasitizing the whole World through their Private fraudulent “money from nothing” pernicious usury Fiat Banking System?
Putin’s Dilemma
Is it time to cut the head off the Khazarian Mafia snake that has been parasitizing the World and trying to destroy and enslave Russians for over 1,000 years?
by Preston James and Mike Harris
When the US Military was sent into the first Gulf war, the rationalization was that Saddam unjustifiably invaded Kuwait as an act of outright aggression and this was viewed by the US Administration, Congress and the American People as a serious war crime in and of itself because they had been misinformed.
The American people were never told the truth about this by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
As usual there is always more to any story like this behind the lines that never gets told in the CMMM, the main propaganda arm of the USG and the Pentagon which both have been deeply infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
The actual thing that set this invasion of Kuwait off like a match to kindling was the secret deployment of horizontal drilling into Saddam’s main oil field by Kuwait, and then his being informed of that illegal act by April Glaspie, the US Ambassador.
This actual cause that set off Saddam to invade Kuwait was unknown and unpublished at the time except by Intel insiders and those in the top positions of the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department and the Administration.
This was all part of a sophisticated US covert operation on the KM’s behalf to take America to war in the Mideast for Israel further the KM’s “Greater Israel Plan”.
On the one hand the US Administration along with other NATO nations had been selling huge amounts of arms to Saddam to regain oil dollars spent by the West purchasing Iraqi Oil and were helping him arm to the teeth. Other sophisticated covert operation were conducted by the KM using Cutouts inside the Pentagon and Israel to encourage Saddam to wage war against Iran to weaken both Iraq and Iran.
The purpose of all this was to create chaos to destabilize the Mideast as part of the 50 year “Greater Israel Plan”, and to sell lots of armaments and war supplies to make huge continuing profits for the large KM related Defense contractors and banks.
The US used Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait as an excuse to wage a limited war with Iraq and to set up a no fly zone to maintain a control position for later pre-emptive invasions which were planned by the KM and it’s set of Sayanims in PNAC.
On one hand the US was running a “no fly zone” and using fake Intel to set up another war with Saddam, this time ending in a partial invasion of Iraq.
This invasion part way into Iraq caused the destruction of its infrastructure and its society and the mass-murder of over one million innocent civilians. It was as if the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing. But this confusion and counter purposed tasks always accomplished some main goals. It kept the American Military Industrial Complex profitable.
The attack on America on 9-11-01 was an engineered staged, Gladio-style False-flag attack run by Israel on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia with the cooperation and support of the US Administration, the JCS, the USAF, NORAD and the FAA.
It was an operation planned by PNAC, a bunch of rabid Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens run by the KM. These parasitical slime balls are KM Cutouts, American stooges and Traitors of the first order, real enemies within the Gates of America who have been functioning as secret agents of espionage for the KM.
This 9-11-01 false-flag attack was blamed on Osama bin Laden and Afghanistan along with Saddam Hussein and Iraq. But also blamed were all radical, extremist Islamics which were referred in a way in the CMMM as if that was most Islamics not just a small minority.
US Intel was conjuring up fake Intel to support these conclusions and to use this 9-11-01 attack on America to justify pre-emptive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of Israel and the KM.
It was also used to justify the assassinations of alleged (but never tried in a court of law) Islamic Extremists. Some journalists suspected VP Dick Cheney made all these decisions of who was to be assassinated without Bush2 even being involved since he controlled JSOC.
Official US Military “Playing Cards” were printed up and distributed to US Forces deployed to the Mideast. US soldiers and allies were encouraged to kill any “terrorist” listed on the cards.
These pre-emptive Mideast wars were waged under the rationalization, “they attacked us first”, and “we need to get them over there because they will eventually come here and get us here on our home turf”.
These were big lies, and were actually US Administration and Pentagon war propaganda, “big-lies” created by the PNAC Dual Citizens and top NeoCons on behalf of Netanyahu and the KM.
In fact all of these Mideast wars have been surrogate wars on behalf of Israel, the Khazarian Mafia and its associated corporate buddies in Big Banking, Big Oil, and Big Defense including the Pentagon which is a revolving door with the largest defense contractors.
Putin’s situation with Syria is different, radically different than the USA’s relationship with Israel.
Israel and its Sayanims, PNACers and top NeoCons have claimed that Israel is America best friend and on true ally in the Mideast.
The exact opposite is true. Israel is America’s secret avowed enemy that attacked America on 9-11-01 and has been actively engaged in espionage to asset strip Americans of their hard earned wealth for many years.
This is not what friends do to friends.
America has been functioning as both Israel’s sugar daddy and Israel’s military protector. It has also become Israel’s whore due to all the AIPAC payoffs made to Members of Congress who actually are engaging in foreign based espionage on behalf of Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Perhaps they don’t even realize the seriousness of their actions or the long term damage they are doing to the American way of life, but they are in fact doing this to America and it must be stopped before America is destroyed by this KM parasite that devours everything in its past like a cloud of locusts.
Syria is a long term ally of the Russian Federation. When Syria’s President Assad asked Putin to help defend his ally Syria from terrorist attacks, Putin agreed. Unlike Israel and America, Syria and Russia are real allies. Syria is not a parasite on Russia they have mutual interests for serious trade and joint economic development projects.
Putin’s agreement to honor Syria’s request and come to its defense by attacking Syria’s invader ISIS has not been pre-emptive war by the Russian Federation.
This defense of Syria by Putin and the Russian Federation is the real defense of a long term ally from attacks by real terrorists.
And these terrorists attacking Syria were created, trained, financed and supplied by Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some other NATO nations.
When America went to war in the Mideast the second time, terrorist leaders were considered high priority targets to be assassinated using drones controlled remotely by armchair assassins.
None of this was actually legal under US Law, nor was it Constitutional because it was all based on a big KM lie. The right hand was attacking the left hand which was created by the right hand in the first place.
And unfortunately this was all being done in order to build the Greater Israel and to transform America into a KM slave state best described as a total surveillance Police State top to bottom.
The final goal of this build up of Homeland Security (DHS) and its TSA is to transform America into GAZA II with all Americans to become the New Palestinians so they can be systematically genocided.
Yes, the Russians defense of Syria its ally against ISIS is different and is completely justified under International Law. Assad has every right under International Law to defend Syria from these foreign based invaders, Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others. And Syria had every right to ask its good ally and economic partner the Russian Federation for military assistance in the defense of Syria.
Thus Putin and the Russian Republic had every right under International Law to fight the terrorist forces ISIS which has been attacking and invading Syria.
It should be obvious to all that the invasion of Iraq and Syria by ISIS is a serious International War crime.
Why? Because it is premeditated aggression and mass-murder by those leaders from Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others who started an now run ISIS and who are directly responsible.
All of these monsters must be brought to justice and made accountable for what they are doing and have done in Syria.
But what International mechanism of and being responsible for many human deaths and so much human suffering? What means is now available to prosecute all these master war criminals for creating, deploying, supplying and paying the salaries of these ISIS mercenaries?
What international body or criminal court has the power and the will to indict, prosecute, convict and sentence these KM criminals for their war crimes which include the criminal invasion of another sovereign nation (Syria) the mass-murder and displacement of over a million innocent civilians from their homes?
The International Criminal Court and the UN are toothless and truly a joke so far.
These institutions are continually blocked in any serious corrective prosecutions against Israel for its crimes against Palestinians on behalf of the KM, usually by America a hijacked KM/Israeli slave state. Right now there is no means to bring these master KM war criminals to justice especially for their crimes against Russia’s good ally Syria.
Or for their current attempt to use the US and NATO to encircle Russia and once again destroy it like a replay of the Bolshevik invasion of 1917 which was financed by the KM and its large private Wall Street Banks.
And we now know for certain that these KM criminals rival Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao in their degree of abject evil displayed.
If Putin was to use solutions like the Pentagon has used in the Mideast and around the World (with-prejudice sanctions which have included, playing card and drone frequent assassinations) he would have already instituted covert assassination operations against these anti-human monsters who now walk free among us.
So far Putin has tried diplomatic solutions which have gone nowhere. You cannot successfully negotiate with a two-faced lying snake like the KM and its top Kingpins and the Select few that sit at the top of its private central banking hierarchy aka its “Pyramid of Control”.
So what is Putin and the Russian Federation to do? It’s a fact that Israel, the RKM, America and NATO have been doing their best the last ten years to encircle Russia militarily and to destroy its economy and have been using NATO as a tool to help execute this plan.
Putin has instituted some very crafty counter moves with the creation of the BRICs new development bank.
This will began to place serious economic pressure against the KM private central Fiat Banking System which has become an overextended Ponzi scheme.
And Putin’s massive air assault against ISIS in Syria which has now created a complete checkmate against the RKM, Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and NATO in their proxy war in Syria in which ISIS was supposed to first destroy Syria and them Iran, all as part of the “Greater Israel” Plan.
Putin has the assets and infrastructure to assassinate the entire KM criminal mob that runs the USA both in and outside of government.
And maybe it is the duty of the American people to assist Putin and the Russian Federation and rid ourselves of the KM criminals who are attempting to destroy our country, the freedoms we have been enjoying and completely asset strip all our hard earned wages, savings and property.
If the American people don’t do it then who will? The war the criminals are waging against the Russian people is no different than the war they are waging against the American people. The American people should cooperate with the Russians to destroy this criminal enterprise that jeopardizes everyone on the planet, all free people should unite to destroy this criminal mob starting with the bankers and those who own the banks.
Never forget it was the Khazarian Mafia trans-national and inter-generational criminal organization who set these rules of engagement in the first place with the Pentagon’s assassination playing cards and hundreds of assassinations by air to ground missiles fired by remote controlled attack drone.
Remember it was the Khazarian Mafia leadership who started the Bolshevik revolution funded by Western banks and chartered them to murder the Czar of Russia, his entire family and 100 million innocent Russian men women and children. And all was done without and trials or convictions.
What was motivating the KM was a 900 hundred year blood feud against the Russians and all the gold, silver, jewels artwork and assets Mother Russia held.
The Bolshevik assault on Mother Russia in 1917 was actually a Bankster-financed form of Piracy and was invoked so the KM could steal all the Russian assets, and these KM families still hold and control these assets they stole from Mother Russia even to this very day.
Perhaps it is time for the free people of the world to adopt the same rules of engagement in our war against the Khazarian Mafia?? Hey fair is fair, right??
If the free people adopt the same rules of engagement as the RKM uses on us, then maybe we can rid the world of this criminal parasite RKM once and for all.
Perhaps it is time for Putin and the Russian Federation to adopt these Pentagon rules of engagement against terrorists. Only this time the terrorists are real and are being run by the head of the snake, Khazarian Mafia principals, best referred to as the Head of the Snake.
The simple fact is this, when Putin checkmated ISIS in Syria the Russian Federation was actually checkmating the Khazarian Mafia. This is the first step in stopping the KM’s obsession with using America and NATO to encircle the Russian Federation and destroy Mother Russia and mass murder its innocent civilians once again like it did in 1917.
When Putin came to the rescue of the Syrian people they were being attacked and destroyed under the same control of the folks that ran the Bolshevik Revolution.
And we now know for certain that it was these same Khazarian Mafia private Fiat central banking families who ordered and paid for the brutal murder of the Czar and his whole family in 1917 along with 100 million other innocent Russians while completely asset stripping mother Russia in perhaps the greatest act of international piracy ever committed.
As we know from the continuing efforts to hunt Nazi war criminals, there is no statute of limitations for these crimes against humanity that those who created and run ISIS are committing in Syria.
Putin is now the World’s Hero in this ISIS war against Syria and the US is clearly on the wrong side of this, sad to say. This makes those KM Kingpins and Cutouts who really control Congress and the Administration and the Pentagon who are supporting ISIS elated to the Head of the Snake, the Khazarian Mafia. And we now know for certain that AIPSAC and the other Dual Citizen foreign controlled espionage front for the Khazarian Mafia and Israel are serving the head of the snake.
Nina, “Dr. James and Mr. Harris are absolutely Right! Right!”
It should now be clear to all that Putin and the Russian Federation have the legal right under International law, maritime law and Natural Law to hold secret trials in absentia and declare war on the Khazarian Mafia and its Kingpins and take direct action to eliminate this threat.
Russia is well justified to order and deploy direct action to eliminate any continuing threat the KM Kingpins pose by any reasonable means. Such corrections should of course be done using Russian Intel assets which are actually in place all over the World without harming any innocent civilians.
Nina, “Exactly!”
Not only is such a direct action well justified but it is certainly time for the Russian Federation to cut the head off of the Khazarian Mafia snake before it succeeds in encircling Mother Russian and once again repeats its 1917 Bolshevik invasion, blood fest and asset stripping of Mother Russia.
As those in the upper positions of the Intel community know, there have been special cooperative arrangements between most G-20 nations allowing their agents to exercise free reign and certain rights of diplomacy in each others nations.
Currently these agreements allow direct actions against recognized terrorists, now usually Arab terrorists who have been sheep-dipped and mind-kontrolled patsies.
If Putin makes it clear that these KM Kingpins are now fair game for with-prejudice sanctions, a very strong argument can be made for the rest of the G-20 nations to stand-down and allow Russian assets to do their job and bring the snake to justice by cutting off its head which would stop it cold in its tracks.
The KM owned and controlled Western Banks equipped and ordered the Bolsheviks to use the particular savage rules of engagement they used against Russia during their Bolshevik Revolution, invasion and complete asset stripping of Russia in 1917. The Bolsheviks were ordered by the KM Kingpins to murder the Czar and his whole family and completely eradicate the whole Romanov line forever, which they did.
And now these same Bolshevik Bloodline Bankster Families have ordered the sue of these same savage rules of engagement to be used against the Iraqis and Syrians by ISIS. And we now know for certain that ISIS is a mercenary army the KM has used Israel, America, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to create and deploy to attack Iraq and Syria.
It was the KM Kingpins that ordered Chechen Terrorists to stage terror attacks inside Russia and ordered Turkey to shoot down the Russian Su-24 in side Syria in an ambush from behind like a snake in the grass. So Putin and the Russian Federation have plenty of good reasons to directly attack the KM top leadership for these pre-emptive acts of war.
Is it time for the Russian Federation and all free people of the World to use these same Rules of Engagement against the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins who have been parasitizing the whole World through their Private fraudulent “money from nothing” pernicious usury Fiat Banking System?
Should these Khazarian Mafia kingpins be indicted in secret courts inside Russia and tried in absentia with capital sentences delivered from all the supporting evidence. The answer is a resounding yes.
And since the USG is on the wrong side of this, currently hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia which runs the US Congress and the current Administration, the job lies with Putin and the Russian Federation. But we do know that there are many senior US Intel and Military officials that would strongly support these efforts of Putin to eliminate this KM threat against Mother Russia and as the KM was weakened would likely begin asserting influence to drive the KM out of America’s institutions of Government, Defense and Banking.
We know that these KM two-faced greatest master criminals in history would never surrender for trial or appear for an such trial so such a trial in absentia must be conducted in secret. And any sentence would have to be carried out in secret.
Certainly the time has come for these KM kingpins to be brought to final justice and right now the only nation of the World with the means and the proper mindset to rescue the human race and the World from these KM parasites is the Russian Federation.
After the attack on America on 9-11-01 the American Military took great pride in finding and killing those Mideast Muslim Terrorists they were told were responsible. If most US Special operations were told the truth who really did the attack on America on 9-11-01 which is the Khazarian Mafia, they would certainly support the same rules of engagement against it. it’;s time for the good guys in the HUS High Military Command to proceed with such direct actions that were actually improved early on after 9-11-01 and technically still remain in place.
There is an old Arabic saying, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The Russian people are not our enemy. As Americans that love liberty and Justice for all we stand in solidarity with the Russian Federation and the Russian People in their life and death struggle against the Khazarian Mafia which has been trying to eradicate them and steal all their natural resources for the last 1,000 years.
In an Op Ed letter directly to the American people published in the New York Times on September 11, 2013, Vladimir Putin stated, “if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security.” Looks like International law has failed to stop the KM in its creation and deployment to invade Syria and oust Assad. President Putin must find another way to stop this age old master enemy of Russia, the Khazarian Mafia.
Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans’s Today, a VT radio host Tuesday and Thursday at 5-7 CST, former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman and gubernatorial candidate for Arizona, and Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.
We The People! Friends,
Please, read below Dr. Preston James’ new important article. Today, 1/9/2016, in the evening, the Internet in the place where I temporary reside was disconnected twelve times. I said loudly, “Dear Dr. James, thank you very much for your new article!”
My friend asked me how I know that Dr. James wrote his new article because the Internet was disconnected, and we could not check VT Today’s online journal. I explained to my friend that this is a sign that Dr. James’ new article was published.
I regret that you did not see how my friend was SHOCKED when he checked later and found out on VT Today’s journal Dr. James new article, The Secret Global Reset Agreement. Yesterday, when I finally was ready to send to you Dr. James’s new article with my comments and supporting evidence, the Internet was disconnected again. Please, read my letter now.
Dr. James wrote in this article,
“Certainly we can now conclude that the RKM has been the World’s biggest anti-human parasite. It is a very deceptive crime syndicate, the World’s largest merchant of drugs, war, death, poverty and misery. It is remarkably two-faced and has lived by the Big Lie on all fronts. It is unlikely to go down without pulling as many tricks as possible. It never keeps it agreements and must be forced to comply.”
Below, I briefly list some information that supports Dr. James’ statements about the Khazarian Mafia–the World’s Biggest Anti-Human Parasite!
1. Dr. James wrote, “…We know that the purpose of ISIS has been to destabilize the Mideast, Balkanize Syria and Iran and now Europe with massive immigration…”
We The People! We should have a special attention now to the Kosovo! KOSOVO!!
The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia (Vanguard/ISIL) creates now a “Great Balkan Caliphate” with a center in Kosovo. The Khazarian Mafia also destabilizes now Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well.
ISIl terrorists are trained now in Kosovo and Bosnia. Khazarian Mafia uses every possible method to put their people in all of the US structuresof the Balkans…
I translated to one of my friends the predictions of the Russian and other Orthodox Christian Saints, who predicted many years and even centuries ago that the Satanic Dark Forces would start WWIII in Balkans (Serbia) in 2016 or 2017. My friend reminded to me that the wars are going on in the Middle East, including Syria and Iraq, but not in Balkans.
Please, check what is going on right now in Kosovo (29 minutes ago, January 9, 2016)… Khazarian Mafia and ISIL started new European Maydan. The ISIL terrorists with given to them European passports and Albanians of Kosovo burnt a government building…
Anti-government protests in Kosovo turns violent
Now, the Khazarian Mafia started their last attempt to start WWIII! Now, this Khazarian World’s Biggest Anti-Human Parasite uses their ISIL forces in KOSOVO–SERBIA!
In addition, Khazarian Mafia with its Vanguard’s Puppets initiated one more Maydan with anti-government demonstrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The result of the first wave of protests: a dozen of the destroyed administrative buildings and the resignation of four of the ten cantons …
The Vanguard’s Puppet, Fahrudin Radončić, a former Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, should have our special attention. Fahrudin Radončić, Vanguard’s “Igor Kolomoysky” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is playing one of the major roles in Vanguard’s aka Khazarian destabilization of Balkans.
Again, as in Ukraine, Kyiv 2014, Catherine Ashton, the head of European diplomacy, who was “supervising” the Kyiv Maydan, appeared on a stage of the theater of Khazarian mafia. Catherine Ashton spoke in Brussels after a meeting of the EU Council for Foreign Affairs and emphasized, “The most important thing is that the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina heard that has spoken by the population.”
The Khazarian Mafia is urgently setting fire in Balkans in order to start WWIII and does not allow to a Global Reset to occur, and Dr. James was right, writing in his article, “…despite this secret Reset Agreement being made, it is now being resisted by the RKM and its Cutouts.”
2. Dr. James wrote that the Khazarian Mafia is a very deceptive crime syndicate, the World’s largest merchant of drugs, war, death, poverty and misery.”
As usually, Dr. James is right! For instance, General Secretariat of the World Interpol sent to all the countries – participants of this international organization a special report in which they asked to pay special attention to the rapidly developing mafia clans of the Kosovo Albanians. The report emphasized that the criminal community of Kosovo Albanians took control from 60 to 80 percents of heroin in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Sweden, and Norway.
For the second instance of that, on November 27, 2011, the Assistant Director of the FBI for fighting organized crimes and drug, Mr. Chris Svekker in a special interview with CNN was forced to admitted,“Criminal groups of Kosovo Albanians are acting primarily in New York and other big cities of the East Coast (USA). They are the most serious challenge to the federal agents because of the extreme danger and violence committed by these criminal gangs.”
3. If some of you still do not believe that Khazarian Mafia aka Vanguard, sets fire in Balkans, ask one of the most important Vanguard’s People in US Army, Brigadier General DARSIE D. ROGERS, Deputy Commanding General United States Army Special Operations Command.
Brigadier General Rogers can tell We The People of the USA about US 525 Brigade reconnaissance and electronic warfare (EW) that locates in Kosovo. Brigadier General ROGERS can explain you better than Serbian journalists what two thousand US soldiers, a battalion reserve of ground troops from North Carolina, are doing in Kosovo, and he can tell you a lot about Vanguard’s actions in Balkans…
Am I right, Dear Brigadier General Rogers? I also have a question to Brigadier General Rogers: to whom Brigadier General Rogers gave his Oath, to the USA and We The People of the USA or to Khazarian Mafia aka Vanguard/ISIL? To whom? As many of the US women, I am so curious.
Friends, I like not only an article, but the photo that Mr. Gorgon Duff placed in the begging of his new article,
NEO – The Secret Oil War Has Begun
I regret that Mr. Sandy Berger, another Vanguard’s representative, recently deceased, cannot now say anything about Vanguard’s actions in Balkans. Mr. Sandy Berger was the intermediary between the US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Defense Secretary William Cohen, who has done so much for the company Vanguard aka Khazarian Mafia. Former Defense Secretary William Cohen participated in the operation “Monica”, which allowed to put big pressure on President Clinton and to start a war in Yugoslavia…
Friends, you definitely remember Jewish Prostitute Monica Lewinsky, a Mossad Agent, who was operating (prostituting and spying for Israel)) in Pentagon, and later she was transferred to President Clinton… This was a special Mossad operation, called “Monica”…
Can you imagine, Dear Friends, the level of treason that we have in our country when US Defense Secretary, who was tied with Vanguard, participates in an Israeli Mossad Operation against a US President? Wow!
4. Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that so-called “Syrian opposition” trained and prepared in Kosovo: “Indeed, in recent years the attention of the recent media attracted materials about the contacts between representatives of the Syrian opposition with the government so-called ”Republic of Kosovo”. And it is not only about the “exchange of experience” in the organization of separatist movements aimed at overthrowing the existing regimes but also the preparation of the Syrian militants in Kosovo. This refers to the use of areas, geographically similar to the Syrian reliefs. Not eliminates the possibility of creating training centers on the former bases “Kosovo Liberation Army”.
Tomorrow, I will write to you more, and I will tell the names of some of the Wonderful US Generals who keep their Oath to the USA and who defend We The People of the USA!
The Khazarian terrorists do not allow me now to continue my letter to you. They vandalize my letter, committing cyberattacks, deleting parts of this letter and intentionally making foolish grammar mistakes. These terrorists who are mercenaries of Khazarian Mafia (aka Vanguard/ISIL) and Israeli bandits who are working for US Fusions Centers are attacking me now, using microwave and DE weapons from 900 Henderson Avenue, Unit 9A, Sunnyvale, California.
Do you see, Friends, what these parasites are doing? I am a secret unpaid and unappreciated FBI agent whom the FBI requested this investigation… I am on my duty!
What is doing on? The Khazarian terrorists—Vanguard’s mercenaries attack me–a Secret FBI Agent on her duty and a peaceful, kind and defenseless woman, who is law-abiding US citizen. They do not allow me to say one word, Even One Word, to you, my friends, We The People of the USA!
Was Dr. James right, saying that Khazarian Mafia has been the World’s Biggest Anti-Human Parasite?
Tomorrow, I will tell you more about this
World’s Biggest Anti-Human Parasite!
With my blessings,
Nina Sidorova,
The Secret Unpaid and Unappreciated FBI Agent
The Secret Global Reset Agreement
You are not allowed to know about this secret international Financial Reset Agreement. That’s why VT is covering it. It is just one more reason why the Western Nations created ISIS.
The Group of Twenty (G-20) at their 2013 Meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, September 5-6, Host Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation
By now it has become clear to most VT readers that ISIS was created and trained, and is now supplied and paid by a secret coalition of nations including America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other smaller but real players.
ISIS wounded have been taken to Israel for treatment and some picked up by American Military helicopters.
The current head of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, Senator John McCain has been deeply involved in the creation of ISIS and has worked closely with a retired American general who is now in a Mideast nation functioning as the Commander of ISIS.
Senator McCain was propelled into the power vacuum of our current Administration marked by a President nearing the end of his term who has lost most of his military command. And most VT readers know the foreign power that Senator McCain really works for along with almost every other Member of the US Congress because of their Oath to AIPAC.
And we know that the purpose of ISIS has been to destabilize the Mideast, Balkanize Syria and Iran and now Europe with massive immigration. But also to protect the business interests in Israel related to new massive Golan Heights oil finds and a new planned pipeline to supply oil and gas to Europe.
The RKM has hoped against hope it could provoke the Russian Federation and America into a full scale nuclear WWW3 which could then put them back on top again. So far this seems it will not work.
And we have now seen evidence of this new Russian Military might and technological superiority.
The USS Donald Cook incident in March of 2104 was an eye-opener.
Putin is known to be a very intelligent and astute leader. He has the World’s best electronic warfare defensive weapons systems, the best foreign Intel collection system and the best economic, political and military advisers. But is he getting help from a very technologically advanced group in secret?
The ship’s Aegis system was shut off temporarily during a flyby by two specially equipped Su-24s.
And Putin’s recent complete checkmate of ISIS in Syria by deployment of advanced Russian Federation air defense systems.
But there is another even more important reason for ISIS. That is to create temporary financing for the Western US Petro dollar sinking ship.
This is based on the stolen Iraq and Syrian crude which ISIS has been trucking through Turkey and shipping a substantial amount to Israel at a big discount.
These revenues along with the Afghani opium revenues have kept the large Western Banks afloat.
Now here is a simple fact that is hard to comprehend for most.
The main reasons for all the Mideast wars starting with GHWB and proceeding to the present have been to prop up the West’s failing economic system as a stop gap effort.
Wars and the illegal narcotics trade is so lucrative and so important that without these dollars, the largest Wall Street Banks and the whole Western private central Banking System would collapse and so would the behemoth, the American Defense Industry.
Yes, war and drugs are all about propping up the RKM Banksters system and capturing as much wealth as possible.
The RKM and the large Western Bank shareholder families know their system is now doomed and they want to capture as much wealth as they can when the new World Financial System is rolled out whatever it will be, electronic or a new basket of world currencies or both.
The folks that really run America (infiltrators and hijackers through the private FRS) instructed the Saudis to lower their price of oil to sanction Putin for supporting the Russian Federation’s good long term allies Syria and Iran.
The Select few believed that this would quickly disable the Russian Federation economically especially when added on top of the US Led staged coup d’Etat in the Ukraine paid for by the US and run by Assistant Secretary of State Dual Citizen Zio traitor Victoria Nuland.
Once again President Putin showed the presence of his superior Intel collection and beat them to the punch.
Not only had he prepared the Russian Federation for this move on the international chessboard, he actually prepared for for it in advance as if he knew it might be coming.
How interesting that soon after VT’s own Financial Editor Mike Harris went public that the Russian Federation should respond to this lowering of the Saudi crude Oil price and beat the West at their own game, the Russian federation did exactly that.
Putin never starts anything but as a master martial artist and chess-player he makes the wisest, most strategic moves in defense conceivable.
And the result of this chess move by Putin has been as effective as his unexpected decision to honor Assad’s request for help fight the ISIS terrorists army, a proxy army of the Western Economic Forces.
It is almost as if Putin has had someone or something advising him that is incredibly intelligent.
Add to this the very advanced defensive electronic warfare weapons systems which the Russian Federation is now manufacturing and one begins to wonder just who or what is now assisting the Russian Federation. That subject will be explored in a future article and it will take any reader pretty far down the Rabbit Hole because some of the facts we now know about it are actually very, very strange and really quite hard to fathom.
No matter how the West has tried to provoke Putin and the Russian Federation into a major war with the West, so far he has craftily sidestepped it and responded wisely to the core issues one by one without being unduly provoked.
The Secret Reset is negotiated:
During the year 2013, G20 met three times, once in Moscow (February) and twice in DC (April and October).
The second meeting in DC in April was part of a meeting with the IMF and World Bank. During these meetings it is strongly suspected that an apparent secret agreement was made based on a recognition that the private Rothschild Khazarian central Fiat Banking System was unsustainable.
It was also recognized that the US Petro Dollar had provided the West with a means to gain and take unfair advantage of the rest of the World.
Apparently these “new understandings” by the G20 were based on the presence of a new and increasingly powerful group which is keeping a low profile. The exact date this secret agreement was made is believe to be in late 2013, but we do not have confirmation. A good guess is that this was discussed in these private meeting a number of times in introductory fashion before it was finally entered into.
The City of London statue of the Great Draco, alleged secret God of the RKM and largest parasite of humans in history. Are the Dracos now being overpowered by another more powerful and more human friendly entity or group?
This new group that emerged and appeared on the scene at G20 with a significant presence and apparent power is different than the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) which has held the World captive for at least the last 300 years.
This new group appears to be aligned with the Russian Federation and a sector hidden deep inside some unacknowledged special-access deep-black US Defense contractor programs.
It is very hard to get information on this agreement that has been negotiated in secret because the parties involved believe that if they disclose this they will be severely sanctioned with-prejudice.
But it appears that this new group instructed the G20 members that the current RKM World financial system was unsustainable and the World would no longer accept it anymore or even allow it. During these meetings a plan was apparently proposed and approved to decouple oil from the US Dollar and create a basket of adjusted currencies in place of the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.
A schedule was allegedly set up for rolling out this new World financial system and displacing the RKM system piece by piece.
However despite this secret Reset Agreement being made, it is now being resisted by the RKM and its Cutouts.
This should be no surprise since these “bloodline family” principals have always been remarkably two-faced.
Resistance to this new secret agreement is showing up with ISIS, the Ukraine as the western RKM large banks attempt to prop themselves up as long as they can. The longer they resist the farther they will fall and take much of the West especially Europe and America down with them.
The question always arises, how could such a powerful force as the RKM ever agree to give up their power and monetary hegemony around the World without a major fight using America’s military forces which they hijacked right before WW1?
We don’t yet have the answer to that question, but it appears that this new group has substantial defensive military might which they have shared with the Russian Federation, might which surpasses American military capability even when NATO and Israel are added to it.
It may be that Putin and the Russian Federation holds the main cards in the speed of the demise of the RKM system.
Some with extensive knowledge of the Russian federations new defensive technologies believe that they have a new electronic warfare based Defensive Shield which is impenetrable and would provide a victory over any nuclear attacks by the West.
As this Secret Reset is rolled out the first thing we are likely to see is imported goods rising significantly the first month (maybe even 20%) and another 20% soon after. The sky could be the limit. The standard of living in America (unless free energy is rolled out) is likely to drop to the level of Mexico over a year or two, maybe faster.
As the standard of living in America then drops, the Mexican nightmare will become even more intolerable without the recycled drug dollars provided by the CIA after they get their cut and the reduced jobs for illegal immigrants.
Some have predicted extreme social unrest in the urban centers of Europe and America, even perhaps the whole World and there is an RKM effort to lock down all the major cities of the World under the anti-terror, anti-extremism plan Strong Cities which is related to Agenda 21 and the Free Trade Agreements.
And now you know why the RKM has pushed so hard to militarize the American police and consolidate all Law Enforcement and Intel under their master Police State organization, Homeland Security (DHS). Now you know why the USG has been buying millions of rounds of ammo, AR-16s, 9mm pistols, grenade launchers, body armor and armed barriers for all of its previously unarmed groups like the Department of Education, EPA, etc.
The RKM Cutouts who manage things in America for the RKM are expected try desperately to cling to power even after the RKM has been deconstructed and they believe if they can hold onto power during and after the RESET they will be home free and still in control of America. This conclusion is likely very wishful thinking as most Americans will want serious payback once the Reset occurs.
The reason there has been so many illegal and legal immigrants allowed in America and now Europe is because of the side agreements that accompany this new Secret Reset Agreement. It was agreed that new reduced borders and relaxed immigration policies would be written into all the new Free Trade Agreements in secret clauses and that is what has occurred. NAFTA was the first and is the reason the southern US border has not been closed despite all the USG’s harping about World Terrorism. In fact we know it has deeply involved in all of it with the RKM, the UK and Israel.
Certainly we can now conclude that the RKM has been the World’s biggest anti-human parasite. It is a very deceptive crime syndicate, the World’s largest merchant of drugs, war, death, poverty and misery. It is remarkably two-faced and has lived by the Big Lie on all fronts It is unlikely to go down with out pulling as many tricks as possible.It never keeps it agreements and must be forced to comply.
This could produce a hard landing for all of us here in America as the RKM is dislodged and eliminated from power, which itself is a monumental task because of their depth of infiltration and hijacking of America the last 100 years since they hijacked our money creation and distribution system in 1913.
The question of why such a powerful new group would allow the creation of ISIS. The apparent best answer at this time is that it fits with their overall plan to break down the existing order and eliminate the RKM so that they can rebuild a whole new World economic system from the ground up.
We can only hope this new power control group that is now asserting itself through the Russian Federation plans to develop zero point, Helium3, or some type of new “free energy” system for all, and create an end to the World’s dependence on crude oil, internal combustion engines and nuclear power.
Related Posts:
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/09/the-secret-oil-war-has-begun/NEO – The Secret Oil War Has Begun
We have seen it before, more often than we can guess, manipulated events, phony confrontations, false flag terrorism, staged mass killings and a cast of characters, financial “titans,” sleazy Washington types along with admirals and generals festooned and bespeckled with phony decorations for imaginary chair bound bravery.
The war began between the holidays, Christmas and New Year. It wasn’t found on a battlefield, not all of it anyway, it was found in boardrooms, the public restrooms where business is done secretly in Washington, and in the Straits of Hormuz. Here is what happened:
The powerful Koch Brothers, whose secret donations control America’s press, not just Fox News and InfoWars, but all of it, television and movies, thousands of internet websites and even comment boards, particularly financial boards where rumors that manipulate markets are spread, started it.
The attack was two pronged:
- Create a phony one day oil shortage by misreporting US production and inventories. That had to be done on a much larger than usual scale because of Obama’s new policy of allowing American crude oil exports.
- Inform paid stooges at the Pentagon to report an incident in the Persian Gulf, either by staging one or, if necessary, even killing Americans and blaming Iran. They had done this many times before as covered in Jeff Stein’s Washington Post myopic on Veterans Today editor Gwyneth Todd. The Pentagon, in 2007, attempted to assassinate Todd, then working for the State Department in Bahrain, and blame Iran.
The oil shortage, 2.6 million barrels removed from the books, drove price up nearly a dollar a barrel. This combined with an imaginary Iranian missile firing only one kilometer away from the American aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, had a powerful effect for 24 hours.
Saudi Arabia had pushed the majority of their flagging investment portfolio, run to nothing through waste, pouring cash into ISIS and their war in Yemen. As oil prices crashed to 1970s levels, they moved remaining funds into the bond markets.
These markets had been buoyed recently by Janet Yellen’s treasuries rate interest increase at “the Fed” after a years of cuts that had destroyed the remaining savings and money-market income of American retirees who had not been already crushed by the staged Bush crash of 2008.
In one 24 hour period, thanks to bribes paid to the US Department of Energy and the US Department of Defense, $5 billion in illegal profits in oil and bond futures were realized, this time without firing a shot.
The next day, Iran announced that there was no incident and that the US made it all up. The next day, financial news announced that the oil shortage was a mistake and the one day rise in oil futures, which also coincided with a $.30 rise in gasoline prices for American holiday travelers.
Another $5 billion was made on gasoline price gouging, prices stayed up though oil prices crashed $1.37 per barrel in minutes. It gets even better. Coinciding with a one day short sale of oil futures, the carefully time “buy-back” may well generate up to $10 billion additionally.
ISIS terrorist in Syria with newly unboxed Raytheon missile system
On the equity side, the manipulation of oil stocks has to be taken into account also. Market trends are one thing, but manufactured crises with advance knowledge, particularly when timed with falsified inventory shortages, destroy all market integrity. Institutional investors who are left out of the game are burned but, representing a more serious threat, dangerous patterns emerge.
The illegal profits from Pentagon induced oil price games are used to buy and sustain control of increasing penetration of American foreign policy. Right now, in Washington, there is a rush to get onboard the gravy train, nobody wants to be left behind.
Here is what is being asked to pay for that “ticket:”
- Intelligence agencies are pouring falsified reports into the Pentagon and White House, pushing for increased sanctions against Russia and Iran, coordinating this with deep cover operatives in the CIA and key military commands.
- Operational commanders are preparing a schedule of manufactured incidents. In the past, CIA contractors, a key suspect being Google Idea Groups, working closely with propaganda kings Booz Allen Hamilton, moved Sarin gas through Turkey into Syria, nearly causing a world war.
- Media controllers, not just Rupert Murdoch, working with handlers for the clowning GOP presidential hopefuls, are ramping up rhetoric, both anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic, playing both sides against the middle, while pushing for increased black-white racial tensions in the US, the job of Fox News and InfoWars.
As a minor aside, there are smaller players also, too many to count. Let’s look at one for a second, Raytheon Corporation. Whenever a plane is shot down someplace, Raytheon has an interest, the manufacturer of the Stinger, Patriot and other missile systems.
Raytheon delivers nearly a thousand TOW missiles to ISIS and al Qaeda a month. No one ever asks why or how terrorists get regular deliveries of weapons that even some of America’s allies can’t buy without special dispensation from the State Department.
Does this give Raytheon Corporation a reason to want to manipulate events? Is terrorism good business for them? How about disappearing airliners? Is there money in this also? If they can’t figure out how to profit from this, I can show them how, but I suspect they don’t need my help.
When we take corporation after corporation and intertwine their management, their investors, the politicians they pay off and the collective manipulated events they profit from, and we add this to mass scale oil theft and market manipulation there and the massive fraud in central banks, currencies and the IMF, then war is only a business ploy, something else in the tool box.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/23/short-end-of-the-stick-with-mike-harris-dr-preston-james-is-the-guest-2/ THE SHORT END OF THE STICK with Mike Harris: Dr. Preston James is the guest
Slaying the National Security Beast
Deep-Black Murder Incorporated
Mystery Solved — The Connection between NWO Globalism and the Criminal Underworld
Has the Globalist NWO Plan become a Titanic headed for an Iceberg?
Putins next move on the grand chessboard?
Unknowingly Occupied
American Fantasyland – Down here on the farm
Has the World been invaded and hijacked by an evil alien species that has infiltrated our institutions and consolidated them in order to fulfill an incredibly Evil Agenda? Are we being farmed? Have we all been manipulated into living in a false reality to keep us from fighting back or even knowing how to fight back?
by Preston James
Anyone that is honest…
…about the conditions we find ourselves in down here on Planet Earth living in what is left of America has to admit something is seriously wrong.
Note: This article is for those that are up to speed on Secret Space War and Alien ET matters. For those that aren’t, reading this article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads, no will it seem believable in any manner. Certainly I wish that none of this was true. But we have to go where the real evidence leads and there is a lot of very substantial objective evidence supporting most of the main points of this article. Sometimes truth is far stranger than fiction and this is one of those cases.
This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Those who want more can come back later and read all of the print, or read the whole article the first time. This article is the result of a 30 year quest to shake out the root causes of all the evil down here on Planet Earth and the many un-explained and un-explainable events which stretch the imagination. Many thanks to my secret sources, some still living but most passed. None have been associated with Veterans Today in any way.
I sincerely hope this article will clear up a lot of mysteries and unanswered questions. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out to as many as possible so they can consider this information and evaluate the claims. Each reader can then proceed to examine the available evidence like the validated personal testimonies of the highly credible Disclosure Project witnesses, and then come to their own informed conclusions.
There must be a good explanation of why America is being deconstructed right before our eyes and we are allowing this to happen.
It’s the alien invaders and hijackers of America (and I mean real Alien ETs) who gained a foothold in the early 1950’s but had been working through key “bloodline Families” for hundreds of years.
Why it took them so long to gain a foothold and gain so much control will be explained later in this article.
These Alien ET invaders have infiltrated and hijacked America and its key institutions of government and defense and done so indirectly through their Cutouts selected from the thirteen “Bloodline Families”.
But they have also deployed sinister mind-kontrol to keep the masses both unaware of the truth about this incredibly serious problem which threatens our future and also keep us living in a fantasyland of socially constructed lies.
The basic outcome so far is that they have been able to transform America into their “farm” and most Americans into their farm animals.
There is more an more evidence to now support the notion that the Alien ET invaders have worked through thirteen “Bloodline Families” for many centuries. Their operational ideology seems to be the source of Babylonian Talmudism. If true this would explain the use of the term Goyim by these “Bloodline Families”.
The term “Goyim” is perhaps best translated as “dumb cattle” that exist only to serve those that farm them. Doubt that Babylonian Talmudism has infected some Judaics who are hell-bent on destroying Christianity and any vestiges of our Founding Fathers Deism and/or Christian beliefs. Listen to this student at Berkeley who appears to have had a meltdown over some Christian sign-bearers running a public discussion group of students and staff.
Now you decide if this is an unbridled expression of subconscious Babylonian Talmudic and Khazarian superiority over and hatred of “American Goyim”. Is this the secret malevolent ideology that drives the Select Few, the PNACers, the Top NeoCons and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who planned and deployed the attack on America of 9-11-01? Do they knowingly or unknowingly view us as their farm animals because they have been mind-kontrolled and culturally-shaped by an evil Alien ET race that has invaded Planet Earth? Is this tirade an unconscious snapshot of the Khazarian Mafia’s ethos that has been embedded in a people chosen to be manipulated, mind-kontrolled and used as Cutouts? Is this what we are all up against when we resist or dissent against the Establishment that runs America?
The Khazarian leadership was apparently based on these thirteen “Bloodline Families”. They have no Hebrew blood, are Judaic converts, and are completely two-faced and secretly act in such inhuman ways that some researchers have suggested that they are not really human at all but are Nephilim/human hybrids.
The leaders of these “Bloodline Families” have often presented themselves as converts to Judaism for false cover. Some researchers view these monsters that walk free among us as Anunnaki/human hybrids. Others view them as Alien ET/human hybrids of the Dracos, a particularly vicious, blood thirsty and incredibly perverted bisexual bunch of “renegade ET” energy vampires who have long lifespans of 700-1200 years.
This enemy within our Gates presents itself to be like us, and pretends to be representing us when actually it is here to transform America and then the World into a big farm for us and the rest of humanity as their Goyim (cattle).
America is in distress because of its corrupt elected politicians who only serve special interest groups that provide lavish pay and perks.
Bottom line: America has been infiltrated and hijacked by a very crafty, powerful, and sophisticated Alien ET based enemy that has entered our gates in stealth and will immediately lose power if exposed.
Before we get into a more specific analysis of all this, let’s take a quick snapshot of the incredibly horrid mess we Americans now find ourselves.
1.The American economy is failing, most of our good jobs have been exported under NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO and GATT. Now the USG is Hell-bent on passing TPP and TTIP and shoving Agenda 21 down our throats.
2.We’ve allowed very small foreign based, Neo-Bolshevik directed highly deviant special interest groups to hijack our government and our media and shove political correctness and diversity down our throats.
3.We’ve had our historical traditions and our special holidays such as Christmas excised from our institutions and retail stores despite the fact that the majority still want them.
4. Our borders, our English language, and American Culture are being destroyed before our very eyes. The manipulation of these factors has been a coordinated by the USG at all levels to destroy character and integrity, American values, normal sex roles and independence and self-sufficiency. The PTB have made certain most corporate food has little real nutritional value or minerals and fluoride has been forcibly added to most public water systems to lower thyroid function and as a dumbing-down, dissent-suppression agent. Vaccines have been intentionally contaminated with ethyl mercury, and other toxic contaminants like anti-freeze, aluminum, poisonous adjuvants as well as SV40 and other long acting stealth viruses to create serious health problems. The environment is being poisoned on purpose and chemtrails are being sprayed to poison our food, air and water. Americans and especially young American women have been transformed (actually “farmed”) for the most part into unhealthy, obese, compliant individuals that keep Big Medicine and Big Pharma busy and profitable and take away self-respect. When Americans are no longer needed to build the NWO system, they will be disposed of in mass. In the meantime the USG has been doing everything possible to make Americans more dependent on Welfare, Medicare, Social Security and Food stamps to help destroy their character, integrity, self-respect, and to destroy their independence and independent thinking. The weaker and more dependent people are, the less likely they can and will fight back against an evil enemy that is within their gates that has infiltrated and hijacked their government and is dead set on destroying their nation, torturing, raping and mass-murdering them like these Khazarians did in Russia in 1917 and in Eastern Germany at the end of WW2 when they worked with the Allies to mass-murder about 8 million Germans including mostly innocent non-combatant civilians (including millions of women and children).
5. Our Government has not only exported our heavy industry, manufacturing and most good jobs under their illegal, unConstitutional so-called Free Trade Agreements, creating massive unemployment. But despite all this there is no southern border enforcement and huge numbers of immigrants, legal and illegal, and encouraged to come into America. We hear the constant absurd claims that we don’t have enough engineers and scientists when we have thousands unemployed and underemployed when the real reason is that the large corporations want to drive wages down and keep them down.
6. Our USG has become the World’s largest illegal narcotics and drug trafficker, often going into joint ventures with drug producers and using them to build up large competing drug cartels. This serves several important functions, the first is to raise massive amounts of “off the books cash” for deep-cover black, deep-black, and beyond-black covert operations. But it also help pull out excess US Petro Dollars to help keep inflation from growing uncontrollably. These dollars are then laundered by the large Wall Street banks for large profits and the money is then invested in foreign nations and used to bribe foreign officials and USG officials and members of Congress through espionage fronts. Another purpose is to dirty up the American populace, breed mass addictions, chaos and dysfunctional lifestyles, destroy the family, the fabric of American morality and character, and American society itself.
7. Our own USG which is supposed to protect us is engineering and staging numerous false-flag attacks. It is doing this as an excuse to fight illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual foreign wars of aggression for the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia and its chief action-agent and Cutout, Israel. Bottom line is the our own USG has gone rogue, has become self-serving and has secretly declared war on all Americans and America itself.
8. Americans are being hit with so many rapid social changes and stressors on all sides because of USG corruption, malfeasance and deficiencies in governing that they don’t know what to do in response. Most folks feel overwhelmed and cannot figure out where to take political or social action against this massive onslaught from all sides. Most just then give up and live in quiet desperation while everything they have worked for all their lives is taken from them and their World shrinks every day.
9. Most Americans who openly dissent are labelled domestic terrorists, spied on, put on watch lists and no-fly lists, stalked, some severely sanctioned, and some even murdered. Secret National Security letters (NSLs) are shoved in the faces of company managers and CEOs forcing them to fire, not hire, or these targeted individuals, to censor stories and now even book banning has started. These NSL letters are to be read only, not left and if the reader leaks any information about this NSL or why they fired an employee or didn’t hire an applicant, they have been threatened with prison for 10 years and a huge fine. Want to know how DHS illegally stalks innocent American Whistle-blowers this way and works hard to destroy their lives? Then ask the important whistle-blower Mark Novitsky. He has been claiming that Teletech Holdings threatened him, has made sure he is continually stalked and harassed by the FBI, can’t get any job even fast food, and is at the nexus of most all of the American Police State spying on innocent Americans. So far no major investigative journalist has even dared to deeply investigate Teletech Holdings. According to Novitsky who says his harassment started when he refused to engage in criminal actions for a Teletech Holdings (massive systemic privacy abuses and substantial, repeated securities fraud as a business model) and complained to the proper authorities as he was required to do under US Law, lest he would have become an accessory and would have committed misprision of a felony.
10. American has been transformed into a huge National Security State run by what is best described as a private defense contractor based Secret Shadow Government (SSG) that has asset stripped most of wealth and is now sucking up what little assets we have left. It seems like every day the USG is taking more steps to create more tyrannical Police State power for themselves. Our freedoms and liberty are being attacked almost daily on every front; and the America we grew up in is now being destroyed before our very eyes and replaced with a Stasi-style secret police state.
11. The USG is spending about 58% more than it takes in from Tax Revenues and is borrowing this from the private Federal Reserve System (FRS) with pernicious interest accruing illegally and unConstitutionally. Experts claim that each American is about $1,200,000 in debt to the private Federal Reserve as their part of the National Debt. It is nuts to allow a foreign run private Central bank to print and issue FIAT money as debt-notes and charge us Americans to use what should be our own money in the first place and should actually be the real Constitutionally required Gold and Silver backed currency.
12. 40-50% of New college graduates cannot find suitable jobs, are underemployed if lucky enough to even find a job and are living back home with mom and/or dad while the Middle class shrinks by the day. They are burdened with such large college debts that they face a life of debt-slavery and no private home ownership ever. Even the Baby-boomers who accrued large retirements and high middle class success have been seeing their investments yield less than nothing because of interest rates so low they are almost nonexistent and continual inflation of prices followed by a decrease in the value of the USD. Those that work for the USG (“Big Brother”) get lavish pay and retirements, while most other go down the drain financially. Retirees who worked hard and saved all their lives see their savings eroded by inflation at a rate of about 7-9% a years while they earn no significant interest on those savings (soon many will have nothing left and will be destitute). The economy is headed for collapse and some respected experts claim we will see all pensions devastated even USG and military pensions. Already the largest Union in America has reduced some of its pensions substantially. Many City Pensioners in Detroit found their pensions reduced up to 87% as the city went bankrupt. Chicago and LA are a breath away from bankruptcy according to some experts.This baby-Boomer upper middle class sector of American society is now being transformed into folks struggling to survive off of their social security checks. Those with large USG, State and Corporate pensions will see them rapidly decrease and one large Union has already cut pensions quite significantly. Baby-boomers are now being transformed into baby-Busters, a whole new underclass that has been identified by Mike Harris, VT’s Financial Editor, columnist and Talk Show Host on the VT Network.
13. Everything broadcast or published in the Major Mass Media is controlled by an illegal Media Cartel controlled by six ultra wealthy Media Moguls who operate under the control of one major international investment house which is noted for being on the Vanguard of such matters. A fantasyland false reality has been socially constructed by this Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) using TV, radio and Madison Avenue advertising and mind-kontrol to keep the American masses satiated, confused or feeling powerless. This fantasyland is based on Big Lies, False-narratives and propaganda and is so far from reality that anyone who tries to tell the real truth about anything is viewed as a crackpot or a conspiracy theorist. The average American has been so seriously mind-kontrolled with these CMMM dispensed lies that they have been handicapped from adequately perceiving reality. This fantasyland is actually a very big societal group delusion from which folks must wake up from if they are ever going to be able to start withholding consent from the KM’s Evil Agenda and to be able to take America back from these evil KM infiltrators and hijackers.
14. Despite all their billions in money laundering profits from the CIA’s massive illegal narcotics trafficking into America, the large Wall Street Banks are still failing. The US Congress bailed them out twice with over two trillion dollars and this has not been near enough, the FRS has been issuing huge amounts of more US Petro Dollars each month as Quantitative Easings. But this is not enough, these largest Wall Street Banks are still failing and even at an increasing rate. Why? Because the US Petro Dollar is failing and being systematically and progressively rejected by the rest of the World.
15. The private Federal Reserve System has been the vehicle used to empower and implement the Globalist NWO Agenda in order to create a single World Luciferian Government. It of course is run by the Select Few who run the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and also run the secret Shadow Government (SSG). The ongoing means to implement their Globalist NWO Agenda is to foment wars to create massive chaos, break down the natural order, make huge war profits and thus replace the old order with their new order step by step. And they have been making tremendous progress until the Internet, the American Populist awakening, and the recent complete checkmate of the RKM in Syria by the Russian Republic.
Actually, the foreign owned and controlled private Central Banking System which prints and issues FIAT money which is technically counterfeit money or debt-notes that bear interest for their daily use. The private Federal Reserve System (FRS) was set up as the World’s biggest Ponzi scheme in 1913, designed to serve the needs of the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that owns and control it.
End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?
The American Economic System has been designed to keep expanding until it engulfs the whole world in US Petro Dollar Debt-slavery and then is imploded when desired in order to shove a new RKM electronic monetary/banking system in place. Soon the US Petro Dollar will no longer function as the World’s Reserve Currency. Our FRS Banksters who serve the Khazarian Mafia (KM) will be cut loose like us and the top dogs who are really in control (the Powers that Be aka the Select Few) will just proceed to the next step in their age old plan.
But what is this age-old plan they have been working to implement for many years? It has many different names: Globalist NWO Agenda, One-World Government, Evil Empire are but a few. To truly understand what this NWO Beast is that the RKM is attempting to impose on us against our will and the whole World too, we need to examine some basic trends over the last hundred years.
Once these trends are considered then we must descend into the esoteric in order to fully grasp what is being done to us all, by who, why. Only then can we understand why we have so many Judas Goats leading us as cattle to pillage and to slaughter, why we remain silent, and why we do not fight back.
Major important trends in America the last 100 years.
I – All major US institutions, corporations and industries, private and governmental, progressively infiltrated and hijacked by a foreign-based power one-by-one. This foreign power is the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This infiltration and hijacking began in earnest in 1913 with the illegal passage of the unConstitutional Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and continues to this very day as the Select few attempt to finish taking complete control over America. Insiders claim this end state will only be accomplished when all Americans are disarmed, preventing any serious rebellion when the really draconian sanctions on the American masses began to be deployed.
II – All these infiltrated and hijacked US institutions, corporations and industries were then consolidated into supra-hierarchies so that they could easily be controlled by special Khazarian Mafia (KM) Kingpins (appointed Doofuses). The Select Few find it quite entertaining to select and raise up Doofuses from Bloodline or crime families and promote them to the highest positions of authority. These Doofus absurd figures right out of a Dick Tracy comic book. The result of all this consolidation into hierarchies under direct control of the Select Few has been the complete merger of the Corporation, the State and private Central Banking. This is best described as super fascism where the Corporations (including private Central Banking) merge with the state and take complete control over the state and use it to serve their own corporate needs only, viewing the American masses as sheep to shear and slaughter, and as useless eaters to be eliminated when they are no longer needed or all their accrued wealth has been asset stripped from them.
III – At the Roswell crash and several other ones close by in the American Southwest alien anti-gravity craft (AGCs), Alien ET bodies and even some live Alien ETs were recovered. This was used by private Defense Contractors to hijack American Intel and build their own Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and then overpower the visible USG including Congress, the Judiciary (Courts) and the Executive (President). This lock-down over Alien ET matters was rationalized by claiming that the American People couldn’t handle it. The real reason was that the KM Kingpins were frightened that such knowledhge would soon erode their money and power based on Big oil and combustion engines. The idea of zero point or free cosmic energy scared them beyond reason because they saw it as an end to their criminal family dynasties.
This SSG has frequently deployed murder to silence leaks and scare everyone into compliance with their abject evil. The whole USG is scared to death of them and all the SSG must do is invoke National Security and everyone tows the mark. When the Select Few and their Cutouts invoke National Security, they are really stating, If you don’t provide for our security we will make your life hell or will even murder you if we want to. What few Americans understand is that the Secret Shadow Government has actually made treaties with at least one Alien ET group to exchange our biological and genetic material for their advanced technologies which have included, transistors, integrated circuits and computer chips, fiber optics, lasers, LEDs, anti-gravity generators, scalar/longitudinal waves, inter-dimensional quantum computers and Josephson Junctions, etc.
IV – Once the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins (the Select few) were able to successfully invoke national security to build their National Security State (aka their Secret Shadow Government) they now had complete control over the visible USG and transformed them into their bought, owned, bribed, and human compromised puppets. This allowed them to begin to implement their Globalist NWO Agenda in earnestness. This Evil Agenda includes their goals to: Globalize the World into one World Government that they (the KM Select Few) control; reduce the World’s population by 90%; create a new race of transhumans (“the merging of iron and clay”) by merging machines with human genetics; then eventually get rid of all normal humans leaving only their own new race in small numbers that are served by robots. As soon as the robots are adequately developed and the transhumans are ready, there will be no further need for the labor provided by the human masses and they will be disposed of, of course unless we stop them cold.
Lately the Select Few Globalist NWO Agenda has been completely blocked by Putin and the Russian Federation in Syria. They are helping their close allies the Syrians defend themselves against the Globalist NWO Army, a terrorist mercenary group called ISIS (some insiders claim it is an abbreviation for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service which kind of makes sense since many ISIS wounded have been taken to Israel for treatment and secret Intel reports show ISIS commanders are IDF and Mossad.
Yes, the KM has used their slave-states including America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to assist in their creation training, supply and pay for their ISIS et al terrorist armies. Their goal is part of the Gobalist NWO Agenda which is to create massive chaos in the Mideast especially Iraq, Syria and Iran, flood Europe with Islamic refugees to destabilize Europe and all in order to try and start a nuclear WW3 in the Mideast. So far that ploy isn’t working for several very interesting reasons.
Why isn’t working? Because Putin is a very crafty, highly intelligent statesman with advisers clearly superior to the KM owned and controlled Pentagon Officials advising our US Administration. Not only have these advisers tried to mislead President Obama, but a rogue faction within the Pentagon run by Senator John McCain and PNACers and Top NeoCons left over from the Bush 2 Administration are now running rogue operations to support ISIS. And all this pentagon mischief and terrorism is being done at the direction of US Traitor and betrayer of Vietnam War POWs and MIAs, Senator John McCain, Head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and “light on his loafers”, old droopy eyes, the Zio-controlled Senator Lindsay Graham.
Putin’s weapons systems, especially his “Dome of Protection” is superior to anything we have and easily can neutralize our ships and aircraft should we be dumb enough to challenge the Russian Federation. The USG just recently pulled its fighter jets out of Turkey because the Russians activated it S-300 and S-400 systems it moved into its allies Syria and Iran which use the “Dome of Protection”.
It is important to understand that it has been leaked that the Russian Federation has entered into a treaty with a certain Alien ET race that has shared incredibly advanced technology with them. It is alleged that the Russian Federation agreed to use it only for defensive purposes and not offensive. Putin has successfully checkmated the KM in Syria and this is the first time the KM has been stopped in over 100 years.
The result, the Select Few are now in shock. They are very, very old and their days are limited to attain the completion of their Evil Agenda, so you can imagine the time pressures they feel. Their rush is to gain the tools of transhumanism and “eternal life”. If they fail in their mission they believe they will die soon. There is now substantial reason to believe that they are losing control of their master plan to engulf the whole World in their US Petro Dollar Web of Debt and without this they have little chance of ever attaining their Globalist One-World Government aka the New World Order of the Ages.
During human history an Alien ET race of notably evil, vicious, bloodthirsty male entities has been able to infiltrate and breed with a collection of certain human female bloodlines that have become what we now call Khazarian. They have done this to create their own Draco/Nephilim/Anunnaki/Luciferian/bisexual Bloodlines for infiltrating, hijacking and mastering Planet Earth in order to complete their centuries old Globalist NWO Agenda. The leaders of these special thirteen Family Dynasty Bloodlines are evil and notoriously two-faced criminal sociopaths, monsters walking among us freely, able to conceal their true nature from the masses. That is until the advent of the Internet which has made it possible for some of their victims and former members to speak out and be heard and for these monsters to become exposed for the first time ever.
Special mind-kontrol and very sophisticated economic technologies have been shared with the chosen leaders in each of these family dynasty bloodlines which have enabled them to garner control over the masses and in a sense “farm” them. Framing humans is the use of them for their labor, blood and genetics, and a cannon-fodder in their acquisition of more and more of the World’s nations, their natural resources and the capture and farming of their people.
Some of these technologies include trauma-based mind-kontrol, creation and use of Satanic cults, organized crime rings and pedophile rings to control society from the underbelly, Talmudic Babylonian Money-Magick, and Psi-power and now advanced incredibly advanced psychotronics.
Hard-kill is deployed by the Select Few in the form of wars. And violent crime is elicited through the inculcation of temptations of the flesh and the seven deadly sins. Narcotics and other even more destructive drugs are trafficked to destroy life, and to dirty up and enslave the masses in corruption.
Soft-kill is deployed by the Select Few in the form of various perversions by Fourth Reich Big Pharma, and by Rockefellor created and controlled Big Medicine. These alien invaders, farmers of a now captive human race have a deteriorating genetic code and came her for a number of reasons. Some believe they were exiled here to test and tempt humans. Anyone who looks up onto the sky can see the massive toxic spraying being done as fully deniable, unacknowledged Deep-Black covert operations.
Numerous samples have been recovered by scientists who have had them analyzed and found them to contain Barium, strontium, nano-aluminum and other toxic bacteria and viruses, all designed to soft-kill, aid in mind-kontrol by EMF “flashing” and perhaps even to alter human genetics.
It seem certain they are here as energy vampires to extract the souls of man by providing temptations and “dirtying everyone up” as much as possible. It also seems certain they have set up joint ventures with Deep-black and Beyond-Black Defense Contractors in unacknowledged programs to reinvigorate their genes by selecting key human genes and gene splicing them into themselves and in order to create a new trans-human with inter-dimensional powers and a synthetic soul that is even better than the human soul (the combining of clay and iron).
There are respected researchers that believe that the human race was synthesized by an Alien ET group in the first place, but I do not believe this is so. Here’s why. Right now we have evidence that a certain US Defense Contractor has a beyond-black joint research program with an Alien ET species in the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico to synthesize the human soul and place it in a their android species. They have been working on this for over 20 years and keep failing. There is no way they could have created humans if they cannot even do this. I for one believe there is an Almighty God, our Creator who created us, the Earth and everything.
The best evidence so far is that an ancient Alien ET race bisexual but with a male reproductive appendage for coitus, notably evil, selfish, jealous defensive and murderous, came to earth and bred with human females. Some have called these Nephilim, the fallen angels or the fallen ones. Their offspring were apparently giants with two rows of teeth one in front of the other and six fingers and toes. These skeletons have been recovered and supposedly sit in a secret room in the Smithsonian Museum
The 1915 mass crucifixion of 1,000 of the most beautiful young teenage Armenian girls after gang raping all of them. Take a good long look at this photo from the past because this is the kind of evil the Khazarian Mafia plans to unleash on America as soon as they disarm us all. This was done by the Khazarian led Turks in 1915 and the Turkish Government has covered it up ever since. Now they are involved in the slaughter of innocent Iraqis and Syrians because they support and supply ISIS in return for part of the revenue from stolen transported by ISIS through Turkey on the way to Israel. These poor young girls were told to renounce Jesus and their Christian beliefs or they would die like him. These young ladies all refused to do that and died for their faith. They had iron spikes driven through their wrists and feet and were crucified along main roads. Their parents and families were forced to stand by and watch them scream out in pain, cry in agony, suffer for hours and then die when the Turks smashed their femurs with large iron rods to put them into lethal shock. This is the kind of unimaginable Khazarian Mafia evil that led to the Bolshevik rape, torture and slaughter of up to 200 million Russians and another 200 million in China under Maoists. This ideology is shared by the Top Policy-makers and Select Few that run America and DHS and attacked America on 9-11-01. This is the same kind of evil these Khazarian Mafia want to unleash on America as soon as they can disarms all Americans using emergency executive orders. The evidence suggests that these Khazarians are soulless hybrids of an unimaginably evil Alien ET race of parasites. This is what the Select Few that set all the policies for America and much of the World are really like behind their publicly displayed “nice face”. Is this the same evil cultural force that used mind-kontrol many Judaics to produce Israeli Apartheid and the mass-murder of Palestinians and theft of their land? Must all Americans rise up against a soulless enemy within our gates that serves these evil entities and has become like them if we want to take America back? This is the abject evil all Americans now face when we allowed Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors to get away with attacking America on 9-11-01 without bringing them to justice. Once they got away with this they accelerated the deployment of their “Greater Israeli Plan”, set up Homeland Security (DHS) and planned and deployed many more false-flags, some mass-shootings in gun-free zones with real dead victims, and others like the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hookwith no dead victims. DHS must be completely deconstructed and eliminated and the Khazarian Mafia must be defeated and driven out of America forever.
It is pretty obvious that this Alien ET group at Dulce is somehow related to the Khazarian Mafia (KM) perhaps hybridized from their own species, forming a very small evil hybrid clan from which the Select Few come from.
Some researchers have called this new derivative clan the “Synagogue of Satan”, others have called them the Sabbatteans, others have called them the Frankists. I prefer the term Khazarian Mafia.
They hate humans have been using the KM to infiltrate, hijack us and farm us and when the time comes we are no longer needed they plan to destroy us, all of us.
In the meantime they engage in kidnapping, sex trafficking and sex slavery, organ stripping and trafficking and every can evil one can imagine.
Here is the big question and if one can answer this in a manner that seems sensible many puzzles are solved about this mysterious and unfathomably evil group of Alien ET infiltrators and hijackers.
Question: If they have all that technology and power, why have they had to work through the KM hybrids, why haven’t they already just taken over America and the whole planet and walk around freely in the open?
I can only share with you what I have heard in the past from a highly placed source that is based on rock solid inside evidence, some of which I have seen myself personally.
Apparently this group of Evil Alien ETs is not allowed to proceed without gaining the consent of humans at each step. There are apparently Cosmic “Rules of Play” by which they must obey. Otherwise they would have just taken over and assumed public Kingship.
They did this in the past at least once before (took over and publicly displayed themselves as the Kings), but the evidence suggests that they were destroyed by a major judgment of God Almighty. therefore according to this narrative from a credible highly placed source, they will never attempt this again but will do it man by man with consent craftily obtained through soul snatching and dirtying up humans with evil. When they have the majority souls “snatched” they will then be able to proceed.
Now why do I periodically pinch myself and try to decide none of this is true? Because even today with some very direct evidentiary experiences in the past, I still have difficulty fitting this all into my head. I simply do not want to believe it is true. But I always end up confirming it must be true because that is where the evidence clearly leads. I wish it was otherwise. But everyday more and more evidence becomes apparent.
More and more Americans are waking up to the reality that some very powerful and incredibly evil, parasitical inter-generational entity is using elite deviants (the Select Few and their Cutouts) and the underworld of organized crime groups as ell as secret societies especially secret “High Freemasonry” to transform America and the World into their big farm in order to be able “farm us” as their personally owned Goyim, using us as their “beasts of burden” and wealth and power generators while preparing us for mass slaughter in the not too distant future.
They have a huge number of at least 140 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) connected by high speed Maglev trains in large vacuum tunnels. Some of these bases are joint Alien ET/Defense Contractor operations which kidnap Americans from national parks and use them for brutal genetic and mind-kontrol experiments often subjecting them to long periods of torture and trauma based mind-splitting and soul-murder which produces MPD/DID.
The DUMB at Dulce New Mexico is one of these incredibly evil joint bases which tortures, dissects and experiments on kidnapped humans including young children in their quest to synthesize the human soul with extreme inter-dimensional Psi-powers and also to enhance their decaying genetic material which is becoming a living death for them.
The whole Khazarian Mafia (KM) System of Evil is actually a big House of Cards, an Empire of Lies which can be taken down if we understand how to do it. But it must be done collectively by at least 12% of the population in America. We are now at about 11% and climbing. Exposing the massive, blatant lies with which their Empire of Lies is based on will certainly collapse their empire like the House of Cards that it is.
When we reach 12% enough of the US Military and the US Police will “wake-up”, despite the mind-kontrol conditioning they have been subject to. And they will no longer comply and will support any revolt, just like what happened in east Germany at the end of the Cold War when the Border Guards just started refusing to shoot any border crosser one day, took off their uniforms walked away and the Stasi headquarters was sacked.
It is pretty clear to anyone that thoroughly investigates all this that the Khazarian Mafia’s Select Few and the leaders of the Alien ET group that control them have been able to put a spell on most humans. they are not going to let us break this spell without a pretty good fight. But in the final analysis we outnumber them greatly and are people have deeply infiltrated their ranks at every level. And if we wake up in mass and withdraw consent we can extract their power and take back America.
The question always arises, how can this group of alien parasites be so powerful to keep what they are doing from the American public and why do they get such complete compliance from USG Officials, Congress and most Administrations since they assassinated JFK, RFK, MLK using the BCC/CIA?
Their means is by obtaining complete control over the Mass Media and using it to mind-kontrol; salting the social environment with their Luciferian Symbols and phrases; using sophisticated human compromise operations, advanced psychotronics and psi-chotronics; using unlimited funds to buy, bribe and own, and most powerful of all deploying very sophisticated but hard core teams of completely mind-kontrolled soulless stone-killers who murder by contract, usually put in place by a coded phone call or a single signed photo and file on the target; and their frequently used mean now, the deployment of sophisticated False-flag attacks, some real mass-shootings in gun free zones and some virtual with no dead like the Boston Marathon Black powder puffer bombing of the Sandy Hook DHS “live shooter drill” in a school closed down for asbestos contamination in 2008.
Bottom line is that an evil Alien ET species has morphed itself into human form (most likely human appearing hybrids). These men are called the Men in Black (MIBS) and are responsible for murdering anyone with a high Deep-Black or beyond-Black clearance that continues to leak or any good witness that doesn’t shut up when asked. They have hijacked all these unacknowledged Deep-Black and Beyond-Black programs, have access to all American Intel and Communication systems, and exercise complete control over the whole Congress through Cutouts that will be quickly Arkensided if they go outside their allowed parameters.
How many Members of Congress know these depressing realities? Few, but yes some do that are on the Intelligence or Defense related committees. But they all know if they go against the Establishment beyond political rhetoric, they will be sanction like Senator Paul Wellstone was upon Dick Cheney’s orders.
One hidden aspect of all this that is important to emphasize is the association between this race of Alien ET parasites that has infiltrated and hijacked America through the thirteen “Bloodline Families” and abject evil including appearances of Baphomet, demons or spirit guide/advisers to some top Bloodline family leaders and the select few. This is perhaps the most difficult part of this whole subject to comprehend. But also difficult to fathom is the strange instant morphing of their Anti-gravity Craft from multiple craft, suddenly into one and their ability to change dimensions and alter appearances. Numerous respected targeted individuals have reported the MIBs harassing them have a “cloaked” or blurred face and cannot be recognized.
If we stand up now and house Truth to attack them at their weak underbelly we can collapse their system of power which is a house of cards and an Empire of Lies. There may be a big cost in American lives and blood because they may attack us, but if we do nothing they plan to mass-murder us all eventually anyway. But the bottom line is this: if we spread the truth about the how Khazarian Mafia (their main tool) has infiltrated and hijacked America at all levels and if we wake up about 12% of the populace, a critical mass will be reached and this will end the power of the evil Cosmic Parasites over America and Americans. Yes, by withdrawing consent, this forms a collective Psi-power to which these Cosmic Parasites can not stand against. Our secret weapons is Truth, love for our fellow humans and people, strength of spirit and a commitment to never give up or ever give in to evil in any form.
And no matter what, no law abiding person should ever allow themselves to be taken into the night of disarmed. Right now armed American gun owners are the largest army in the World.
The Khazarian Mafia and their Select Few secret leaders have put a spell on us all and we need to be awakened from it. So far a lot of us have been wakening up from truth nuggets carried by the Worldwide Internet. But, if we all work together and use truth to hit the KM at its weakest point we can take them down and take America back.
This can be a pretty heavy subject, so it can be helpful to take a break with some good music. Here is another great musician that has overcome great odds stacked against him. It took many years but he did it. We can all follow his example of never giving up.
John Fogarty is on one of the all time great performers in Rock History, now a legend in Rock and Roll and a man that just never gives up and always comes back with a vengeance from any setback. Truly a great singer, guitarist, song writer and producer that overcame incredible abuse by the band’s selfish promoter/manager when he was the front man, lead singer, lead guitarist, and song writer for Credence Clearwater Revival many years ago. He has overcome great odds and come back to become one hundred times as successful as he ever was with Credence Clearwater Revival. This just shows what the human spirit can achieve when someone decides never to give up or quit no matter what and when one has such incredible musical talent in so many forms. One of his most famous songs was the Vietnam era huge hit “Who’ll stop the Rain”, itself a true classic that brings back many vivid memories.
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Secret USG Trade and Diplomatic Agreements you are not allowed to know about
NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and WTO and the new proposed TPP and TTIP have clauses that are classified Top Secret under national Security. You are not permitted to know what these contain.
by Preston James
Every recent Trade Agreement that has been approved by the US Congress has contained secret clauses classified under so-called “National Security”.
You are not allowed to know what these secret clauses contain. They are designed to create the right kind of crisis needed to meld the NWO into its long desired form.
These secret clauses have been included in NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO and GATT. But those not yet approved, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) also have such secret clauses too.
It is hard to get an accurate description of what these secret clauses contain, but we now have some of this information.
And the more information we get, the more sinister it appears. And if the American People ever find out for certain what these secret clauses contain that alone could cause a massive boost in spontaneously emerging populism.
The newly proposed TPP and the TTIP contain clauses which can be used to create a whole new layer of censorship by invoking expanded copyright and means to censor the worldwide Internet and other extremely draconian measures to destroy our basic human rights and oppress us.
But these secret clauses are so illegal, so unConstitutional and outrageously oppressive and unAmerican that if they were ever publicly released and acknowledged they would set off a populist uprising that would actually threaten the USG’s everyday control over the American masses.
These secret clauses guarantee certain new immigration rights between member nations without complex legal entanglements, rights that will initially help foreigners and seriously harm Americans, but will then later create a massive worldwide major crisis that will hurt everyone and help meld the Globalist NWO.
The top beneficiary of all these secret clauses is the Khazarian Mafia (KM) who needs to elicit major crises in order to fully implement their age-old unimaginably evil Globalist NWO plan.
Obviously the fact that most Members of Congress and our Administration are allowing any of these Free Trade Agreements and their secret clauses is a complete betrayal of We The People.
These secret clauses provide Intel sharing with special police and arrest powers for each others Intel and Law Enforcement(including rights to order stand-downs for direct action); special new rights for diplomats; obligations for cooperative efforts for anti-terrorism training and cooperation in fighting terrorism; and a commitment to share a new electronic monetary system when it is rolled out by the City of London through the US private Federal Reserve System.
Take the secret clauses in the notorious NAFTA Agreement, signed under President Bill Clinton. Under NAFTA there is a secret timetable to completely merge the USA, Mexico and Canada into one nation-state. That is why the southern US border has been kept so permeable to illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America.
Why was such an onerous secret agreement made allowing this betrayal of We The People? There is a very big reason why. It is called illegal narcotics trafficking and money laundering by the biggest Wall Street Banks.
NAFTA has provided covert cover for Bush Crime Cartel/CIA illegal Drug Trafficking.
The answer is that NAFTA was not only set up to export American manufacturing, heavy industry and jobs. But it was also set up to create a cover for CIA joint efforts with their partners the Mexican, Central and South American Drug Cartels so that drugs could more easily be trafficked into the USA and money could be much more easily laundered.
And that is exactly what has happened under NAFTA and is still going on today more than ever before. Like numerous experts have stated CAFTA is merely NAFTA on steroids.
It should be no surprise that GATT and WTO as well as the two new proposed Free Trade Treaties TPP and TTIP are even more extreme and Orwellian and have the potential to finally shove the KM’s Globalist NWO Plan into place.
These new Trade Agreements if approved will just extend that Narco Terrorism which provides massive off-the-books money for these covert terror mercenary armies used to start wars for the KM.
As one prominent DEA man said, a man who ran CENTAC which was shut down for being too effective, all major trafficking Cartels are always somehow associated with the CIA, and their biggest problem is always laundering the drug proceeds.
Another highly ranked DEA agent once remarked that if the Drug Cartels were eliminated by direct US Military action, the largest Wall Street Banks would go bust within a month because that has been their largest source of revenue and profits.
The deep purpose of all these Trade Agreements are to defang the US economically and militarily, allowing it to be Balkanized with its remains folded into a Globalist NWO System that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been working so hard to create for generations.
As long as the US remains economically and militarily strong and armed it is impossible for the KM to Balkanize America. So naturally the KM is attacking America’s industrial and economic strength and its military might right now too.
There are some even more sinister secret clauses included in the TTIP and the TTP. They both contain two additional quite Orwellian secret clauses: one for complete disarmament of the American People and the other member nations (excluding police, political security and military); and a sinister plan to circumvent the US Constitution and every other member nation’s Constitutions by creation and implementation of the new Globalist concept “World Security”, which is a new extension of the concept “National Security” to a whole new level of consolidation of the Member nations Intel Systems.
It has been rumored that there are also additional secret clauses for new health standards that require a full vaccination schedule by all, no exceptions.
The Globalist NWO folks, the KM, plan to expand the concept of “National Security” to envelope the nations in these new TTIP and TPP Trade Agreements to a new type of supra-national or international “Global Security”.
This will give the KM the rights to use any of the member’s Intel to act inside America to protect their own interests at the expense of American’s basic Constitutional Rights and Rule of Law.
And it will allow the KM eventually to build a new supra-Intel agency that takes precedence and has power over all the member nations. This is to be the KM’s main tool to finish creating their Globalist NWO electronic banking system. Obviously they do not want We The People to become aware of this.
But there are economic considerations too for the KM.
But another important purpose of the secret clauses in the TTIP and TPP has been to create a strong preventative firewall against any efforts by the Russian Federation, China, India or any other nations to build their own independent monetary or exchange systems independent of the US Petro Dollar or the KM’s planned new electronic banking system.
Of course there is the secret diplomatic agreement between the USG, the KM and Israel that the American Military will protect Israel and keep it fat with American aid.
In exchange Israel is expected to generate deniable chaos, terror and drug trafficking all over the World, to keep expanding and stealing Arab lands, to keep generating chaos for the KM and keep genociding Palestinians and provoking Islamics to genocide each other while creating ISIS and then using them to destroy Syria, Iran and then Saudi Arabia, the Russian Federation, Mexico and Venezuela.
This would of course then allow the creation of a new and tightly controlled oil cartel like what John D. Rockefeller created for the City of London in America in the first place, forming the evil Standard Oil.
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News
It would be nice if someone could save us from this disaster, but I am not crossimg my fingers.
Putin is Jewish, says Russian Patriot
Glen Candy A$$ who will not open comments, just gave another NESARA story from James Farganne, Jim Stone Freelance Buddy who closed down Reactor Breach Forum, due to feeling the Burn from those questioning his BS on the Forum.
Here is Whats Real That NONE of You Talk or Write About, Cell Towers only Miles Apart and Powered with 300,000 to over ONE MILLION VOLTS, CHEMTRAILS TURNING US HUMAN BEINGS INTO ROBOTS WHILE KILLING US!!!
Putin is jewish? Part of NWO? Coming from Mr. Makow who wanted “people in the community” to apologize to Alex Jones? The same Alex Jones, funded by zionists who pulled his interview with David Duke the next day and exposed as a shill? What a joke….
Putin is not NWO, he is against them, He knows the damage the Jew has done to Russia.
putin was just named israel’s man of the year.
russia deals with the khazars every day in business like gazprom.
all leaders are in on it together.
the only way to determine who is not part of the mob is to see who is pushing free energy and an end to usury.
all others are evil. period.
Funny how comments disappear when shills are exposed. Like Mr.Makow, who wanted us to apologize to Alex Jones? The same Jones who removed the David Duke interview the next day?
NO Putin is not a Jew, he is Orthodox Christian as was his mother of which Putin followed as his dad was atheist and communist. Putin takes his religious believe seriously.
I am well aware of Henry Makow’s writings as he is a Jew and much of his stuff I agree but not all.
Unless one is bloodline Judah which is nearly impossible to prove, most people who claim to be Jews is linked to the Judaism religion which is Babylonian Talmud teachings contrary to Torah teaching. Rev 2:9 and 3″9 are a witness to my words.
One thing, I noticed however is how the UK news rehashed the Litvinenko poisoning and have been reporting on the sad state of the Russian economy. It raised a couple of red flags for me because I know that there are a few high-ranking British officials either under scrutiny or being investigated for pedo crimes. The articles were up for maybe 2 seconds then all of a sudden Litvinenko and the Russian economy is being plastered all over U.S. and U.K. news. That (pedo crimes), with the egg on their faces for basically funding ISIS. Don’t forget the Paris attacks after France issued an arrest warrant on the Rothschilds. That too, was news for 2 seconds and then buried with the Paris attacks.
Sounds like the biggest pile of crap I’ve ever heard.
Time to re-watch the movie, The Matrix… it’s all in there
love that movie .
Closer Now ~ RE: Cons Owl
Closer Now ~ Clown Sore
Closer Now ~ RE: C Sol NWO
Closers Now ~ ~ C lose SR. Won
Closer Now ~ Loner Cows
Eagle ~ A glee (to view)
Israeli institute prepares priests for Jerusalem’s third temple
The big plan is:
1. Start WW III. and civil wars all around the world
2. Destroy all paper currencys and all nations.
3. Destroy Mecca
4. 80% humans of the world population has to die.
5. Build the thrid temple in Jerusalem
6. Out of the complet Chaos, all people who still living, are very happy to get the NWO via UNO Goverment.
7. the time is finish for the Anti-Christ and the NWO-Religion
all those 7 points are driven by “The Synagogue”
the future will show us what will happen.
Putin is no better than the rest. He has performed his own 911 and used it as an excuse to invade Chechnya. He has invaded and occupied Georgia and Ukraine. Ukraine gave up it’s nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees re it’s territorial integrity. It is called the Budapest memorandum.
I’m sick and tired of Putin being portrayed as a good guy when he is worse than anything we have in our system.
Look up the Budapest memorandum and ask yourselves, “Will any country now give up it’s nuclear weapons in exchange for a worthless agreement?”. They would be mad to do so.
Really? Have you listened/seen any of his speeches? What he talks about? No you have not. Instead you`re overlooking the fact of what USA/Israel have done for over 60 years and Al-Queeda, endless wars and aggression, false-flags etc. It`s funny how you guys who promote this Putin-bashing can change your nick and picture when some1 talks back to your BS, just like the guy I answered above. Is it allso Putin`s fault the american media is BS? Politicians are BS? All the wars have been BS? No.
…..because people don’t lie in speeches.
who says,
‘i am a part of the evil khazar mafia!’ ???
They are all on the same team, the team of the fallen seeking fame and fortune and glory. No different than all the rest
Please stop promoting Putin. He is on the same team and this is all Kabuki for the masses.
Khazar’s are proselyte Jews which the Mafia is Jew run world wide.