Donald Trump—The Last President for Greater Israel
Donald Trump—The Last President
for Greater Israel
by James M. (“Mel”) Rockefeller with Jeff Gates
Those who produced the presidency of the dysfunctional George Bush to induce the U.S. to war in Iraq for Greater Israel also produced the presidency of narcissist Donald Trump. Their goal is to take us to war in Iran while further weakening the U.S., eroding confidence in self-governance and displacing democracy with authoritarianism. The first “tell” emerged in the first week of the Trump presidency when the media was described as “the opposition party” by White House strategist Steve Bannon.[1]
Unknown to voters, online voter profiling was used to construct an Electoral College victory for a reality show host unaware that his self-absorbed needs are being manipulated on behalf of pro-Israeli extremists. Not until his election did the real reason for 9/11 become clear. When the 9/11 Commission sought to hold hearings on the motivation for that crime, they were stymied by pro-Israelis. The motive for that mass murder of Americans was to provoke a U.S.-led war on Islam as a successor to the Cold War.
Gaining traction for their Clash of Civilizations narrative required a presidential campaign with a platform promising to eradicate radical Islamic extremists. That agenda traces its roots to radical Jewish extremists including Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, a member of the messianic Chabad Lubavitch sect of ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jews. This strain of evangelical Judaism traces its roots to western Russia of the 1770s culminating in the Russian-Jewish oligarchs of the 1990s who financially pillaged the former Soviet Union as Moscow discarded its Marxist consensus and embraced the Washington consensus.
Roman Abramovich, then the richest man in Russia, co-sponsored the building of an $18 million Chabad Center in Aspen, Colorado, a town of 6,500. The Center opened in August 2014. Long a magnet for wealthy Jewish businessmen, Aspen became a landmark in 1950 with the founding of the Aspen Institute that recruits up-and-coming leaders to study the Western classics as proof that the Washington consensus reflects the values espoused in those seminal books. Yet this consensus is known to create oligarchs everywhere it is embraced, including in Russia and the U.S. Well prior to 9/11, the Institute shut down its Islamic studies program even though it had sufficient funding to remain operational.
My conception in 1951 marks when New York investment banker Donald Stralem produced the film Duck And Cover. Shown by mandatory attendance to more than 40 million schoolchildren nationwide, the film instructed American youth that—when they saw the flash of an atomic bomb—they should duck under their desks and cover their heads. This fear-inducing film internalized the Cold War narrative by terrifying an entire generation of impressionable post-war Baby Boomer children and their parents.
In 1956, Stralem arranged the marriage of my mother to the brother of a Rothschild operative. In effect, that marriage ensured a Rothschild presence in my life commencing when I was four years old. Six years earlier, Israel declared Jerusalem their capital, a provocation that may be revived if the Chabad extremists advising Donald Trump persuade him to treat Jerusalem as the “eternal capital of Israel” even if he does not order that the U.S. embassy physically relocate its operations from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Mental Manipulation. The creation of Israel would not have been possible without the mass murder of the Holocaust. The election of Donald Trump would not have been possible without the mass murder of 9/11. His election, requiring pro-Israeli dominance within both the Democratic and the Republican Party, marks a coming out party for Chabad followers and other Zionist extremists. Their post-election celebration required decades of pre-staging, including the enactment of federal hate crimes legislation to silence anyone presenting facts and analyses (such as these) able to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that this extremism traces to a common source. The facts suggest that the origins of this duplicity can be found in the bifurcation of the Babylonian Talmud in the 5th Century.
The lead-up to this presidency also required the steady manipulation of consensus opinion. That influence includes decades of funding think tanks and shaping the media and pop culture environments essential to create—and internalize—the national narrative. By steadily amassing power in the Congress and the State Department, the White House remained the sole “missing piece” required to control U.S. foreign policy. Thus the joyous response in Tel Aviv to the Trump presidency.
His “election” traces to psychographic microtargeters who harvested online data, much of it from Facebook profiles, Google searches and Internet surveys, to craft political ads tailored to known personality types and emotional states. One firm alone (Cambridge Analytica) has amassed 4-5,000 data points on 230 million adults in the U.S. Specialists in such “psy-ops” claim that voter persuasion is now like “baking a cake.” Algorithm-enabled messaging can generate voter turnout to support a candidate or persuade voters to withhold support from an opponent.
From Truman to Trump. Similar to casting a movie, the presidency of Harry Truman was produced to grant the appearance of legitimacy to an enclave of Jewish elites and Khazar descendants who trace their origins to Eastern Europe and Kiev (aka “the Jerusalem of the Steppes”). As Russian President Vladimir Putin conceded in July 2013 at Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, the first Soviet government “was 80-85 percent Jewish.” That event was presided over by Berel Lazar the Chief Rabbi of Russia, a Chabad devotee of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson who dispatched Rabbi Lazar to Russia in 1991 just as the Jewish oligarchs commenced their massive financial fraud.
Fast-forward to 2016 and we find that those who made this immature and malleable asset “our” Commander-in-Chief again represent the interests of Jewish extremists. As with the Truman presidency, those responsible for the Trump presidency also represent transnational and trans-generational organized crime with Trump’s business success traceable to three key sectors long dominated by those identified: casinos, popular culture (e.g., The Apprentice) and commercial real estate in Manhattan.
Their methods, dating to antiquity, have been adapted for the Information Age by those who “wage war by way of deception”—the motto of the Israeli intelligence services. Deception created the perception of a legitimate election in 2016 much as deceit was used in 1948 to create the perception of a legitimate Jewish state in the resource-rich Middle East. To globalize this fraud on humanity required a U.S. leader with an authoritarian personality supported by a cadre of like-minded advisers such as strategist Bannon who, just seven days into the Trump presidency, announced a war on media—a traditional first step to consolidate power by displacing facts and informed consent (i.e., democracy).
Historical context. Consensus opinion has long been manipulated by those I profiled while being stalked my entire life. The ‘modern’ component of this treachery began with Immanuel Kant and the 18th Century philosophy that, when a critical mass of believers agree, consensus beliefs should be viewed as factual. In 2017, we have a U.S. president who routinely displays an inability to deal with facts—for example, as he insists that millions of (nonexistent) illegal voters cost him the popular vote. The displacement of facts with false beliefs (e.g., Iraqi WMD) is a form of “psy-ops” weaponry repeatedly deployed with geostrategic success by the (predominantly Jewish) extremists chronicled in these accounts.
Thus the public was assured by a pro-Israel mainstream media that Trump campaign strategist Steve Bannon is an anti-Semite when, in fact, he’s a pro-Zionist extremist. Had Donald Trump’s core of white nationalist/alt-right voters known the facts, would they have supported him? Had they known his candidacy was not America First but Israel First, would they have rallied to his side? The “lying media” (his term) is a key source of the fake news that put this pro-Israel asset in the Oval Office.
Facebook and Google enabled the online profiling and micro-targeting of ‘persuade-able’ voters. When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that this social media platform would censor fake news, in truth he signaled the intention to censor facts—like these—able to prove the common source of this Facebook-enabled fraud on the electorate. Social media is only the latest and most effective tool available for displacing democracy in plain sight.
The media emphasis on Russian interference in U.S. elections is misdirection—with no mainstream media outlet reporting on Israeli interference. Instead, the focus is on foreign meddling from Moscow while Tel Aviv redirects U.S. foreign policy from within the Trump White House. How are Americans to know that agent provocateurs within the radical Zionist community have long provoked the violence now branded as radical Islamic extremism? Described by national security analysts as “reflexive control,” the facts and analyses pivoting off my life experience prove how Jewish elites and extremists manipulate outcomes with what my birthfather Nelson Rockefeller described in 1964 as a “tireless genius for crisis.”
Those supportive of Jared Kushner as Trump’s trusted adviser on the Middle East insist that Palestinians are incapable of governing themselves. Yet the ultra-orthodox Kushner was still a student and President of Chabad House at Harvard when Israel’s rightwing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon destroyed the infrastructure essential for Palestinian civil society—police stations, water works, sewage plants, hospitals, etc. Tel Aviv professes an interest in making peace if only they had a partner for peace—while Zionist extremists continue to build the Jewish settlements meant to preclude a peaceful two-state solution.
The opening in 2014 of the Chabad Center in Aspen culminates 64 years of hosting in Aspen the best minds, preparing them to ignore who is in fact the true enemy within. Originating out of Chicago, the Aspen Institute championed the “Chicago model” that morphed into “neoliberalism” to become the globally dominant “Washington consensus.” The decade-long planning of the Chabad Center progressed alongside the pre-staging of the Trump presidency with his closest advisers in the Trump Organization ultra-orthodox Chabad Lubavitch devotees, including bankruptcy attorney David Friedman, his nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and Jason Greenblatt, named as his chief international negotiator.
By Way of Deception. The Zionist experiment was founded as—and remains—a fraud:
- In 1935, Zionist Christian Harry Truman was placed in the Senate by the (predominantly Jewish) National Crime Syndicate operating through the Pendergast political machine in Kansas City.
- In 1945, Nelson Rockefeller was removed as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America when he proposed a “hybrid” economic development model designed to counter the appeal of communism in the developing world. Secretary of State James Byrnes, a product of Bernard Baruch’s political machine in South Carolina, demanded his resignation.
- In 1946, Eugene Meyer was appointed first interim president of the World Bank. His handpicked team insisted on the globalization of a top-down, oligarch-creating “consensus” model branded as the “Washington” consensus (Meyer bought The Washington Post in bankruptcy in 1933).
- In 1948, Zionist Chaim Weizmann assured Harry Truman that Jewish settlers would take no more land. Now we know that’s what they intended to do from the outset—as the Joint Chiefs warned.
- Shimon Peres bragged about how he deceived serial U.S. presidents while Israel secured the components to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons for use by Zionist extremists.
- In 1956, President Eisenhower was outraged when Israel launched its Sinai Campaign (aka the Suez Crisis) during the last week of his reelection campaign. As he told Glenn Olds, he realized he had been “made a liar” when Zionists assured him they would take no more land and then used his credibility to placate Arab leaders and counter General George Marshall’s adamant opposition (as Truman’s Secretary of State) to recognizing this extremist enclave as a legitimate state.
- In 1962-63, they blocked President Kennedy’s efforts to shut down their nuclear weapons program and efforts by Bill Fulbright and RFK to force the Zionist lobby to register as foreign agents. My life experience provides strong circumstantial evidence that they orchestrated the murder of JFK.
- Prior to their 1967 Land Grab, Zionists pre-staged Lyndon Johnson’s affair with Irgun operative Mathilde Krim, wife of Democratic Party finance chairman Arthur Krim, ensuring she was “servicing” our Commander-in-Chief in the White House the night that Zionists launched their provocative war. When LBJ covered-up the Israeli killing of 34 Americans (and the wounding of 174) aboard the U.S.S. Liberty, Tel Aviv knew they could murder Americans with impunity.
- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon assured us that, if only Saddam Hussein were removed, Israel would make peace with the Palestinians.
- A network of predominantly Jewish neoconservatives deceived us to wage an unwinnable war in Iraq and—as my life experience proves—an unnecessary war designed to ignite ISIL and lend plausibility to The Clash of Civilizations as a successor to the Cold War as a fear-induced national narrative.
- Now they’ve made a two-state solution impossible and extremist members of Israel’s rightwing governing coalition seek to grant legal title to privately owned Palestinian lands occupied by Jewish settlers while Chabad Lubavitch advisers press Trump to support annexation of the West Bank, disavowal of the nuclear accord with Iran and relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.
At every turn, Israeli behavior was designed to provoke hatred for the U.S. and the West while deceiving us to advance a Greater Israel agenda that George Marshall and the Joint Chiefs foresaw when they urged that Truman withhold U.S. recognition. The Zionist goal from the outset was to seed a perceived Clash between Islam and the West as a means to advance their goals while deceiving the U.S. for seven decades. They always sought a One State solution. All else was lies.
By endorsing torture (“fight fire with fire”) and by signing an executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim nations, Donald Trump made it appear that Americans see Islam as the problem. That stance reinforces the plausibility of The Clash narrative and provides a rationale for more terrorist attacks against the U.S. and the West to further their centuries-old quest for global power from the shadows.
Systemic Deceit. By inverting my father’s bottom-up hybrid economic development model to a top-down model that retains a sharp divide between public and private, “our” consensus enabled massive corruption, guaranteed worldwide oligarch-ization, undermined both democracies and markets, and discredited the U.S. as we became branded with this dysfunctional and destabilizing model. For example:
- “Communist” China now has more billionaires than the “capitalist” U.S. (594 vs. 535).
- “Our” consensus is on track to create 11 trillionaires within two generations (Credit Suisse).
- “Our” Treasury-sponsored advisory team (handpicked by Larry Summers and Robert Rubin) and “our” State Department (led by Madeleine Albright) enabled the financial pillaging of Russia. Eight of the nine richest oligarchs who benefitted from that mega-fraud, including Chabad supporter Roman Abramovich, qualify for Israeli citizenship in a nation, like the U.S., that is 1.4% Jewish.
- That nation-scale fraud was pre-staged over eight decades by those who created the (unworkable) Marxist model and financed the revolution that created the authoritarian U.S.S.R. With a Chabad-advised asset occupying the Oval Office, the Israel lobby dominating the Congress and Trump able to appoint members of the Supreme Court, Zionist extremists can now put an end to democracy.
A naive U.S. electorate was induced to “elect” a president who has promised to revive Thatcher/Reagan-era supply-side policies that financed the greatest gap between rich and poor since the Great Depression. Those policies also ensured the meteoric rise in government debt, threatening a fragile global financial system susceptible to frauds and crises that have a global impact. Though Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May implied a “special relationship” similar to the Reagan era, Thatcher remains best known for her insistence on TINA—There Is No Alternative to today’s globally dominant Washington consensus model despite the fact that its destabilizing results are fully foreseeable.
Not only does “our” consensus model not work, it never could have worked—except to do what it will continue to do absent a practical business strategy for seeding a replacement. Thus the time-critical need to ensure (a) ongoing exposure—both historical and real time—of the common source of this ongoing deception, and (b) the seeding of a business model solution. Because those complicit overreached by producing such an obvious asset as president, both goals are now within reach. With support, this work can begin to restore the national security of the U.S. and other nations while also recovering the fact-based rule of law and advancing a positive solution.
Diagnosis to Prescription. This proof was gathered over a lifetime as I interacted for more than 35 years with those responsible knowing that, had I approached my father for funding, those I was profiling would have known that I was stalking them as they stalked me. Absent the proof I secured, we would not now be able to seed a solution to stop those doing this. Or, more accurately, to expose and counter those who induced us to do this to ourselves through their manipulation of consensus opinion, their hate mongering and their tireless genius for well-timed crises.
I survived this serial criminal stalking by not responding to what was done to provoke a reaction that would have caused me to become like them—and like those staffing the Trump administration. The identical techniques deployed against me at the personal level (including the use of well-timed personal crises) were also used at the geopolitical level against the U.S. and other nations. The self-obsessed Donald Trump provides the ideal persona for taking this duplicity to global scale.
Unlike Donald Trump who is advised by those who created the abuses at Abu Ghraib, our solution will counter this “enemy within” with facts and with proof of how this was done, by whom and why. That includes proof of how U.S. interests were undermined from within by those who manipulated our compassion and trust to hide in plain sight while deflecting criticism with charges of anti-Semitism.
Rather than deceit and the staging of well-timed crises to manipulate behavior, our only weapons are the truth of what can now be proven and a business model designed to incentivize behavior that promotes healthy and resilient communities, per the accompanying overview.
The rule of law cannot be restored with hate and brute force. Nor can an internalized consensus be displaced except with education, improved design and demonstrations of how an inclusive and locale-attuned business model can out-compete today’s flawed consensus. A systemic solution for a systemic malady of this scale requires both an evidence-based diagnosis and a practical prescription able, step-by-step, to displace those described in these accounts. NewRock is proceeding on three parallel tracks:
- Facts and analyses provide the “push” for reform by confirming the common source of this systemic corruption and—should a course correction be delayed—show where today’s consensus economic model leads—fiscally, socially, geopolitically, militarily and ecologically.
- NewRock’s hybrid business model, designed for bottom-up stakeholder inclusion, provides the “pull through” (in advertising terms) with advocacy for—and demonstrations of—a practical, positive and uplifting alternative that can be implemented on a step-by-step basis.
- NewRock will also counsel those of substantial means on how to approach the management of their wealth with a holistic perspective that includes systemic risk management over multiple generations—tailored to individual/family needs and attuned to emergent dynamics.
[1] See Jake Tapper CNN interview with former CIA agent Evan McMullin: attacks on the media are “highly dangerous.”
Exclusive Interview With Field McConnell – Abel
Danger – McCain & Graham Most Dangerous Men In
Published on Apr 9, 2017
Apologies, We were unable to do video on this one Hard hitting interview /conversation with Field McConnell of Abel Danger. You don’t want to miss this one. We talk about all the turmoil going on in the world and who is likely behind it all.
Special thank you to all those that are supporting us through Patreon. Angie and I are very humbled but the outpouring of kindness and helping us coninue getting the truth out to the masses.
Jared Kushner – The Right Ear of Trump – Chabad
Lubavitch – Jewish Crime Syndicate
Jared Kushner – The Right Ear of Trump – Chabad Lubavitch – Jewish Crime Syndicate
Jared Kushner Belongs to Racist Criminal Jewish
April 1, 2017
Chabad believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash. In the book “Gatherings and Conversations” the Great Rebbe tells his followers that Jewish people are an extension of God and Gentiles are destined to serve the Jews.
Chabad Lubavitch is a nasty Jewish supremicist cult that serve the Illuminati. Despite only having 200,000 followers, it has intimate ties to nearly every powerful government leader on earth.
Chabad’s power derives from two services they provide the Illuminati:
1. They work with Israeli intelligence in criminal and intelligence operations.
2. They promote a supremacist ideology that encourages Zionists to do dirty deeds.
Founded in 18th century Russia, Chabad is a branch of Hasidic Judaism, a form of Orthodox Judaism that promotes Jewish mysticism as the path to enlightenment. Chabad Lubavitchers study the Kabbalah, the satanic creed that erases moral absolutes and believes God is ‘subjective’.
(Left, Barry Soetero with Chabad DC chieftain, Levi Shemtov)
Chabad came to prominence under the guidance of ‘The Great Rebbe’ Menachem Mendel Schneerson. His policies led Chabad through a period of great expansion establishing institutions in 900 cities around the world.
‘The Great Rebbe’ gave regular talks on the coming of the messiah. Over time, Lubavitchers began to realize that he meant himself. The belief that Schneerson was the Messiah was first openly professed by Rabbi Shavom Dol Wolpo in a 1984 book and quickly gained acceptance.
Absurdly, even though he died in 1994 ‘The Great Rebbe’ is still the official leader of Chabad, like ‘Great Leader’ Kim Il-Sung is the leader of North Korea.
In Chabad schoolhouses children chant and salute the invisible Rebbe.
Chabad believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash. In the book “Gatherings and Conversations” the Great Rebbe tells his followers that Jewish people are an extension of God and Gentiles are destined to serve the Jews.
“Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
Rabbi Ginsburgh, a leading Chabad Rabbi, has argued that because Gentiles are genetically inferior to Jews, a Jew should be able to take Gentiles organs if he needs one. He was recorded saying, ‘As for the goyim… Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.”
‘If every single cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.’
‘If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value.’
The Jewish Daily Forward reported a talk given by Chabad Rabbi Mani Friedman.
Asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab neighbors Friedman responded, ‘The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).’
Chabad’s extremism makes them perfect apologists for Israeli crimes. A perfect example is Alan Dershowitz, a Chabad member.
Dershowitz is the premier Zionist apologist rolled out in front of the mainstream news cameras across the world to explain that Israelis are the victims of every massacre they carry out. An unhinged and creepy individual, during a recent speech he gave at Oxford University he took off his glasses and told the students that he has “Zionist eyes” as do all “reasonable people”, Dershowitz is one of many Jewish extremists in sheep’s clothing who lead mainstream political discourse in the West.
As further evidence that Wikileaks is an intelligence operation, Dershowitz recently joined Julian Assange’s legal team.
One of the policies of the Chabad is to send Rabbis across the world to set up Chabad houses. This movement, known as shilchus, has given Chabad a global support network.
Lubavitchers mix with the upper echelons of each host country. Their influence in each country varies.
The Canadian government recently gave the cult $800,000 for the building of a Chabad center in Montreal. Relations with Russia are less warm; the Russians recently refused to hand over two major collections of Chabad texts seized by early Soviet governments.
Where is Chabad’s influence the greatest? You guessed it- the US.
Rabbi Shemtov is Chabad’s Washington representative, and his enormous influence was illustrated when he lobbied successfully for the Great Rebbe to be posthumously awarded the congressional gold medal in 1995, the only religious leader ever to be given the award.
Rabbi Shemtov is an all-pervasive presence in D.C. Sue Fishkoff, author of ‘The Rebbe’s Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch’, writes: “It’s not enough that Chabad’s man in D.C. knows the name and phone number of just about every congressman, senator and foreign ambassador in the nation’s capital — he also knows their legislative assistants, their secretaries and the people who clean their offices.”
Shemtov says that the vast network of shelichim inside the US generates his political power. “We have shelichimin forty-seven states and in [at least] 310 districts. … People sometimes view the world of shelichim as three thousand people, but it’s not only three thousand people, it’s three thousand interconnected networks. So we can place a call from a constituent to almost any member of Congress.”
“Most shelichim have good connections with their senators, congressmen and governors, who represent the most remote places in the United States. For example, when Sarah Palin, a Republican, burst onto the scene, she had already known about Jewish issues and Chabad specifically from Rabbi Yosef Greenberg in Alaska.”
Members of the cast of ‘Friends’ recorded a piece for a Chabad telethon. Bob Dylan appeared on another.
Chabad is a criminal organization with ties to Mossad. Chabad houses provides safe houses and storefronts for Israeli intelligence and criminal activity. This includes everything from terrorism to money laundering, drug running to prostitution.
For instance, in March 1989 U.S. law enforcement rounded up a criminal network in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Colombia, and Israel that involved a Chabad House that was involved in money laundering and currency violations.
Wayne Madsen writes:
‘In Bangkok, Israeli military pilots and drivers who stay at the Chabad House there train Thai Army commandos, divers, and pilots who are fighting a Muslim secessionist movement along the southern border with Malaysia.
‘Bangkok police have long suspected Chabad House as a center for the Israeli Mafia, which runs its Ecstasy and Ice trade from Bangkok for all of Southeast and East Asia. The Israeli Mafia also reportedly runs heroin labs in Myanmar, where an Israeli military officer serves in Myanmar’s feared military counter-intelligence agency.’
Retaliation against the Chabad mafia can be seen in the Mumbai terrorist attacks when Lashkar-e-Taiba militants took hostage of the Mumbai Chabad house and murdered nine Jews, including Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg.
Wayne Madsen has reported that mafia overlord Dawood Ibrahim ordered the attacks partly in response to Israeli mafia attempts to take over his Mumbai drug trade.
‘[Wayne Madsen Report] has learned from Asian intelligence sources that the Russian-Israeli gangsters operating out of Chabad House tried to take over Mumbai’s drug trade with the help of local Jewish mobsters so Ibrahim, while settling scores with India, the CIA, and Britain, decided to have his subcontractor LET terrorists pay a visit to Chabad House and “collect on a debt with high interest.”‘
Chabad are allowed to exist as a powerful international force because they serve Israel in two ways: working with them in intelligence and criminal activities, and a source of extremist ideology to fuel Zionist crimes.
Historian Demands Action on Powerful Doomsday Cults Visit Rebbe
Trump Moving Right Along to the
TalmudicAnti-Christ Plan to Make
Damascus a Ruinous Heap, to Bring
False Christ, Moshiach Ben David
Dear beloved sheep of our Shepherd, Christ Jesus the Lord,
If you have followed the prior post, it is very easy to see that Donald J. Trump who has surrounded himself by Talmudic Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch loyalist of the ShemaGOG of Satan, Sanhedrin, and has been selected to bring in the false Christ AKA, Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, to be seated in that third Temple of Doom in that harlot city spiritual Sodom and Egypt, where our LORD was crucified, jerusalem.
After carefully studying Daniel, I do not believe that Trump will be in office very long, but will stumble and fall, then a raiser of taxes who will die in a few days, then one will come in by flatteries. This could be the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, we will simply have to wait and see.
The Evangelist (of the jews religion) are in a rave along with their Hasidic masters that before they can be secretly Raptured, Damascus must be turned into a Ruinous Heap, KJV Isaiah 17.
As you know on the evening 4-6-2017, Trump did an abrupt about face and attacked Syria. Lets understand why.
If you read the prior article;
Then you may understand how the Sinai-GOG of Satan is setting up the USA and the world for the final Hoax and the Hour of Temptation.
If you have read Isaiah 17, KJV you will find that Isaiah 17:1 does not mention that Damascus will become a ruinous Heap …..”FOREVER” however all Judaized text versions state “Forever”. Damascus has fallen in history several times. But the plan of the jews unto their father the Dragon whom they and their freemasons, catholicos and evangelicals follow, by their prophets of Baa’l are now carrying on their shem sham to manipulate prophecy to fit their scheme, making the jews the “Master Race” of the earth.
An interesting read…
False Prophets, hoax…
Hocus Pocus of the Talmudic anti-Christ… then, lets see what the Chabad Lubavitch the global promoters of the Satanic US law, the anti-Christ Noahide Laws, have to say.
Of course, this blog article is derived from a proselyte of the jews, a promoter of the master race and their false Christ.
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From in the SHADOWS – Deep State
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I look at the Deep State .. and the Jews run Think Tanks .. The Think Tanks are funded by Military industrial Complex.. The Jews are in Trump’s Ear .. So Who Do you Think Runs TRUMP?
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The Planned Annihilation of the Gentile Races
Published on May 2, 2013 Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Daryl Bradford Smith and Eric Hufschmid, February 2, 2006.
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