Judy Byington: Cabal Takedown, the Greatest Show on Earth, White Hats Major Moves - Special Intel Report for Sunday Sep 17, 2023 (Video)
by N.Morgan
(Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble)
As we know, Judy’s sources request that she doesn’t share Intel on Sundays.. So there’s a very informative week in review..
So far we know:
The Truth Shall Set You Free
From Truth to Power
It Had to Be This Way.
Your Role is Only Beginning.
The Greatest Show On Earth
Cabal Takedown from 2016 Election to Capitulation Tour of President Trump, Covid-19, 2020 Election, Joe Biden’s Funeral, J6 Setup and how the Continuity of Government will usher in the Greatest Time Ever Known on Earth
Judy Note: Reporter Phil Godlewski tells us that the Supreme Court has already overruled the 2020 election, they just haven’t yet announced it to the public; Joe Biden was executed at GITMO in 2019; in 2021 a body double was sworn in as President of the bankrupt US Inc. private corporation; Trump has been serving as the US President; in 2017 Trump met with global leaders of Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, China and Brazil to show them evidence of Crimes Against Humanity by Cabal in their country who were going to be arrested and tried after which all countries including the Vatican, capitulated to him; Hillary Clinton was executed at GITMO 31 Dec. 2018; the Cabal was a group of global Elites: politicians, high ranking bankers, CEOs of companies and billionaires who control the World without being elected by The People.
Global Currency Reset:
- Tues. 12 Sept. Bruce: As of afternoon today Redemption Staff were in place andfully ready to take incoming calls for redemption appointments. Military personnel and Bond Holders have exchanged but do not yet have access to their funds. On Tues. 12 Sept. the US Treasury gave word to Redemption Centers that everything was signed off and everything was ready to go.
- Tues. 12 Sept. MarkZ: Iraq sources say they are expecting news on Wed. 13 Sept. on rate and timing. Things are getting super exciting. We do know that some of the last representatives needed are expected to be in place on Tues. 12 Sept. and Wed. 13 Sept. It is close. My banking contacts believe it will be in the next day or two. My Iraqi sources say between now and the 20th. We do not know the timing but the indicators look absolutely stunning for this timing of the next eight days…with the emphasis on the next day or two being highly possible.
- Mon. 11 Sept. Hernán Robert Hbravo: It is reported in Iraq that everything is ready and agreed with the United States Treasury for the Revaluation of the DINAR currency.
- All documentation was studied and agreed upon between the government of IRAQ and the US. The documentation was delivered on Mon. 11 Sept. 2023, to the United States Treasury for prompt signature. Today is a very happy day for IRAQ and the world.
- Mon. 11 Sept. TNT Call: Everyone expected the RV over the weekend and it didn’t happen. One Three Letter Agency said everything is done, and it should be over with by Tues. 12 Sept. The other agencies also said it’s all done, and we’re waiting for the full release any second now. Their contact in Iraq said it should be no later than Tues. 12 Sept. evening.
- Mon. 11 Sept. Brent Johnson: The Historical Bonds will go first, then appointments (for Tier4b). There is high likelihood it will go before the end of the month, but only a handful of people know exactly when.
- 21 countries officially agree to ditch the U.S. Dollar in 2023. Keep in mind… this is just how many they want the public to know about. https://watcher.guru/news/brics-21-countries-officially-agree-to-ditch-the-us-dollar-in-2023
God Is In Command
Remember Who You Are – a Divine Being
The Best is Yet to Come
…Trump Office on Telegram Thurs. 14 Sept.
The General Public Doesn’t Know What’s Happening
And What’s Even Sadder Was That
The General Public Doesn’t Know That It Doesn’t Know
Judy Note: The two thousand or so missing children of Maui remain a mystery after Lahaina Hawaii was burned to the ground on Aug. 8. The high school and junior high students were in school and left in school busses. Twelve school busses (72 students each) were videotaped taking students past the bordered off escape route before the fires went out of control. The busses were found empty locked in containers on the Lahaina Dock.
Residents reported seeing white vans rounding up children who were home alone during the fire. Some say they were killed in the fire, but no bodies have been produced.
Others say the Global Alliance Military White Hats were investigating an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring centered in Lahaina. We know the White Hats have been pro active in rounding up and taking care of Maui fire perpetrators.
Some say the children may have been rounded up for human trafficking. Dr. Jan Halper reported that the children were safe, but gave no further information.
No one in authority will talk about the missing children – not the governor, nor mayor, nor police chief, nor Maui Survivors, nor Global Alliance Military. And, certainly not the Fake News Main Stream Media.
Unity Gives Us Strength & Power
And Together We Can Win Back Our God Given Freedoms
On Exchanging:
- Fallawasopy: The big account is with the Treasury. Holding account is with a big bank linked to QFS. You will receive a percentage in the holding account for about a week while the treasury confirms that the they have been paid by the other countries. Then you have full access to the big account. The holding account is the account that can receive from the Treasury. You transfer to other bank accounts from the holding account.
Global Monetary System:
- “The Windsor family was originally from the German Aristocratic family of Saxe Coburg Gotha, that borrowed money from the House of Rothschild and provided a safe haven for the founder of the Illuminati — Adam Weishaupt after he fled from Bavaria. Soon thereafter with Rothschild funding the Illuminati infiltrated European Freemasonry at the Wilhelmsbad Convention in 1789 transforming them from Christian values to a Luciferian ideology where they planned and instigated the French Revolution. This combination of money, secrecy and royalty has gradually been evolving and about to reach it’s culmination as the long planned New World Order ruled from behind a curtain by the House of Rothschild with the House of Windsor as their front puppet and the Lodges of Freemasonry as their secret agencies carrying out the totalitarian will of their “Unknown Superior” the House of Rothschild! Fact is … the Money Rules!”
Global Financial Crash To The Global Quantum Financial System Event:
- The US debt clock could reach 33,000,000,000,000 on Friday morning 15 Sept. and this is just after the ‘Token 2049’ event that will be held in Singapore Wed. and Thurs. (13 and 14 September). This event is part of the ‘Token 2049 Week’, which also includes the Singapore Formula 1 race. What a coincidence. When this happens it will take down Etherium Bitcoin and CBDCs. Why the crypto market should brace for another downward pressure – AMB Crypto https://ambcrypto.com/why-the-crypto-market-should-brace-for-another-downward-pressure/
- Georgia Governor Declares State of Emergency: https://breaking911.com/georgia-governor-declares-state-of-emergency-suspends-fuel-tax/
- US Treasury discusses with CBI foreign trade in three currencies other than the dollar: https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/US-Treasury-discusses-with-CBI-foreign-trade-in-three-currencies-other-than-the-dollar
- Wed. 13 Sept. Cracking the QFS Code: Cracking the Code: A Comprehensive Guide for Expats on Registering for the QFS – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- 7 Billion People to Transition to the QFS: https://amg-news.com/exciting-news-about-qfs-all-banks-are-transitioning-over-into-the-qfs-start-getting-hold-of-the-iso-20022-xlm-and-xrp-7-billion-people-will-inevitably-transition-to-the-qfs-video/
- List of Banks Connected or Being Connected to The QFS System + RTGS Trust The Plan! – https://amg-news.com/boom-a-new-list-of-banks-that-are-connected-to-the-qfs-system-or-are-being-connected-qfs-rtgs-trust-the-plan/
Restored Republics:
- Military Tribunals, Godlewski: New Intel Phil Godlewski: Military Tribunal Executions Real or Not? You Decide! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- Wed. 13 Sept. Deep State Is In Deep Sh*t! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- Mon. 11 Sept. 2023 marked the 126th year of authenticity that there was never a treaty, consent or decree on the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to US Inc. In other words, the native people of the Hawaiian Islands have never agreed that they would become a state of the United States. You can help the native Hawaiians of the Kingdom of AKUA restore Hawaiian Lands to Hawaiian Hands by signing this Petition: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua
- Over the past year around 50 Indigenous Nations united in an Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN). AIN has now added the Sovereign Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands to their platform andrecently met with officials of that Kingdom at the site of the Maui Massacre to formally organize. AIN Contact: Zesesaapi Mukwa [John Cipolla] [email protected] cell (808) 206-2221 Click Here To Learn More About Alliance Of Indigenous Nations – AIN
- Did we find the 2,000 missing Maui Children? They said no helicopters were able to fly but we found a video of one…. It looks like a shipping container helicopter and next door (the next island) we have 11 storage containers. Seemingly 1 container for the kids and 10 containers for the school buses… is this even possible? Crazy to even think but I wouldn’t put it past any billionaire. …JF Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Wed. 13 Sept.
- Dr. Jan Halper confirmed that Space Force did rescue the children of Maui before the Deep State attack.
Help Save Our Constitution – It’s Hanging By A Thread: (VIDEO 1.08.46) Flight of the Brunson Brothers – A Nick Alvear Film (rumormillnews.com)
- Brunson SCOTUS Hearings, Juan O Savin: /alternative/2023/08/juan-osavin-new-intel-the-brunson-scotus-hearings-spaceshot-8-272023-video-3797997.html
- Another Brunson Brothers Petition to make Congress adhere to concepts of our Constitution by investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election has been refused a conference at the Supreme Court. You can add your letter of support to the ongoing Brunson Petitions by going to: www.enoughisenough.me SCOTUSLetter.pdf (brunsonbrothers.com) Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- For over five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling for our right of Freedom from Harassment of the privately owned US Inc.’s Goliath IRS. The IRS took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS.
- Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies. Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies. | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Freedom of Parents to Have Control Over and Raise their Own Children: Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and Tom Fairbanks were battling a corrupt legal system including Child Protective Services who were ripping children away from their parents without a legal basis to do so.
- On Feb. 4 2021 the Bankruptcy of the U.S.A Corporation was finalized, the paperwork filed in Tallahassee, Florida.
- On Fri. 1 Sept. 2023 full integration of the Quantum Financial System took place after the US National Debt of close to $33 Trillion was paid off. This triggered the Global Currency Reset.
- On Thurs. 7 Sept. Executive Order 13848 was extended for a year by Biden. The order was originally signed by President Trump and regarded imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in US Elections. The word “foreign” is in reference to US Inc. that was formed as an illegal corporation government residing on foreign soil in the ten square miles of the District of Columbia, or Washington DC.
- Fri. 8 Sept. monies were moving for the Global Currency Reset. In Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the Green Light.
- On Sat. 9 Sept. The two day G20 Summit began in New Delhi, where the Cabal made major economic changes, among them was announcement of their digital fiat currency activation in Oct. 2023.
- Fri. 15 Sept. EBS?: Donna C “I have a friend in SC works for the convention center. Said the employees have been told that the EBS will go off on 9/15 & all communications will be turned off. I trust this person with my life. Just a heads up.”
- Oct. 4 Emergency Alert System Test – 10 days went dark in 1582 same day as the Cabal has planned a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/manuscriptsandspecialcollections/researchguidance/datingdocuments/juliangregorian.aspx#:~:text=By%20that%20stage%2C%20the%20Julian,1582%2C%20thus%20correcting%20the%20error.&text=In%20Great%20Britain%2C%20the%20new%20calendar%20was%20adopted%20in%20September%201752
Biden Family Corruption:
- Rep. Jim Jordan heads Biden Impeachment Hearings: McCarthy, House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry plans: The case is strong. After good work by the House Judiciary, Oversight and Ways and Means Committees, there is strong evidence that it is time to impeach Biden. Fox News https://t.co/bOEs55pWai
- Biden Admits Government Planning to Manipulate Weather To Make It More Extreme: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/biden-admits-govt-planning-to-manipulate-weather-to-make-it-more-extreme/
- Jim Jordan: The Biden “brand,” but according to Democrats, no need for an impeachment inquiry:
10% for the Big Guy
50% of earnings
Fake Names
Shell companies
Multiple family members getting paid
Multiple times the White House changed their story
“Unveiling the Triumph Over the U.S. Globalist CABAL Regime,” Charlie Ward
- A groundbreaking moment unfolded when over 100,000,000 viewers tuned in to Tucker Carlson’s broadcast – that’s more than 200 times the reach of most mainstream media networks, each of which typically hovers around the 500,000 mark. Tucker masterfully exposed the layers of corruption within the FBI, CIA, Pentagon’s concealment of UFO technology (a revelation from a brave Pentagon whistleblower, sadly unreported by mainstream media), and the insidious weaponization of the media against the people. In a single evening, he touched on multiple issues that resonated with a staggering 100 million viewers!
- BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, JP Morgan Chase – these financial giants have been witnessing a consistent decline in shares and earnings over the past three years, despite attempts to conjure up fake financial reports. The impending collapse of BLACKROCK looms large, threatening a seismic impact within the financial sector.
- Even the largest beer corporation in the U.S. is toppling, its demise accelerated by its ill-fated foray into WOKE, LGBTQ, and TRANS agendas. This should serve as a stark reminder of the deceptive facade propagated by mainstream media. Contrary to their inflated numbers, the WOKE/LGBTQ/trans/democratic/ANTIFA/elitist movements lack the clout they purport to have. Notably, Starbucks has initiated a retreat, removing rainbow-colored signage from its products and shuttering stores across the globe. Their anxiety hints at an imminent corporate collapse.
- The United Kingdom has taken a significant step by banning all puberty blockers across the country. This move is noteworthy as the transgender ideology, dating back to the 60s, was originally crafted by MI6, an organization with high-ranking members in the Bohemian Grove. White Hats have penetrated MI6 extensively since 2008, and sleepers are gradually awakening. Anticipate MI6 whistleblowers to step forward in the coming months, exposing corruption at the highest echelons.
- Meanwhile, in the realm of politics, Trump is surging ahead in the presidential race. Despite the relentless efforts of the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Media and the Biden administration, which is a puppet of the Obama CIA, to dismantle Trump’s legacy, the opposite effect is manifesting. Trump’s influence continues to grow, and an increasing number of Americans are awakening to the corruption within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the broader U.S. government. Even prominent Democrats are beginning to turn on Biden, foreseeing impending indictments as a weaponization of the U.S. system against Trump, patriots, and Republicans.
- Now, let’s address the QAnon phenomenon. While some have called it a federal psyop, it’s more intricate than that. QAnon has undeniably been infiltrated by White Hats, working from within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, with the mission to dismantle the deep state CIA/FBI regime. QAnon played a pivotal role in bringing the Epstein scandal to light, opening the world’s eyes to the horrors of pedophilia and human trafficking linked to the likes of Obama and the Clintons (CIA/FBI). It was QAnon that sparked the Great Awakening – a global phenomenon with the rallying cry of WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All).
Corrupt FBI:
- Robert M. Mueller was nominated by then President George W. Bush and became the sixth director of the FBI on September 4, 2001. Seven days later 9/11 happened.
- FBI keeps Hunter Biden connection to $41 Million Casino Heist Secret: FBI identifies culprits in $41 million casino heist, bringing total to more than $1 billion stolen by gang near to Hunter Biden. The documents released by the FBI mention a group of hackers closely associated with Hunter Biden, another act that has been kept quiet by the public and the courts.
Corrupt CIA:
- CIA Whistleblower Confesses Agency Covered up Covid Origins: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/cia-whistleblower-confesses-agency-covered-up-covid-origins/
- Wed. 13 Sept. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) Must Be Shut Down Before it Shuts US Down – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
16 real Reasons why Gadafi was killed:
1. Libya has no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens.
2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%.
3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home.
4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families.
5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign
6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock.
7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad.
8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price.
9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter.
10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide)
11. Since some Libyans can’t find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can’t find a job.
12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens.
13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000
14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15.
15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas.
16. Kadafi has implemented the world’s biggest irrigation project known as the “BIG MAN PROJECT” to ensure water availability in the desert.
If this is called “DICTATORSHIP” I wonder what democracy is?
Must Watch Videos:
Gene Decode: The Intel & Situation Update Everyone Needs to Hear!! (Video)
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Read Full Report (Doc):
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 13, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 12, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 11, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 9, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 8, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 7, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 6, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Source: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2023/09/17/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-september-17-2023/
Stories Contributed by N. Morgan
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Ladies and gentlemen, I have done DECADES of full-time due diligence research and have mapped out the FACT that Donald Trump repeatedly admits by his own words and actions that he is a Luciferian ZIONIST/Globalist, and as such is authorized by the Elites/Babylonian Talmud to have sex with people as young as 3 years old. This is why in the FINAL ANALYSIS, there is BLOOD on the hands of those who push the FALSE “ZIONIST DEEPSTATE” TAKEDOWN HOPIUM [FAKE TRUMP MEME]! People need to STOP being Satanic Zionist Tools, and INSTEAD, learn how to do REAL RESEARCH!
Shocking Proof that Trump is a Bullish Sexual Deviant and a Threat To Society (Both sides of the aisle are FILLED with Satanic Zionist Pedophiles PEOPLE!):
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/s5nlIkgrznmi
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/9CLRui9SAUsP [Proves Trump Admin is NOT fighting Human Trafficking!]
- https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance
PROOF that Donald Trump was an insider at the CENTER of planning the SCAMdemic:
- /u-s-politics/2023/09/trump-executive-order-13887-covid-5-year-plan-2607330.html
Both Trump and Netanyahu were talking about the 9/11 event BEFORE it happened: “9/11 – Donald Trump & The Israeli Connection”
- https://rumble.com/v3gh2gl-911-donald-trump-and-the-israeli-connection.html
Sorry folks, but Donald Trump is actually behind MULTIPLE genocide programs, not just the COVID SCAMdemic. Trump was the first president to get all 50 states to sign onto the Zionist Noahide Laws which is another Genocide program – /new-world-order/2018/11/your-vote-is-a-hate-crime-8235.html [This is the BOMB!]
Global Politics 101: The Globalist’s Satanic Babylonian Talmud declares their World Domination plan to GENOCIDE essentially ALL NON-ZIONISTS. This is why Donald Trump (who was Knighted by the Satanic Zionists by the way) is 100% behind MULTIPLE genocide programs including PROJECT WARP SPEED, Noahide Laws, and 5G.
Trump and Israel Exempt From Deadly 5G Radiation
- /new-world-order/2019/02/trump-and-israel-exempt-from-deadly-5g-radiation-8417.html
President Trump proclaims that the United States needs to be a 5G world leader:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcWTCD6YiTY
If 5G Is So Important, Why Isn’t It Secure?
“Worse than ignoring the warnings, the Trump administration has repealed existing protections.”
- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/21/opinion/5g-cybersecurity-china.html
Shocking Science Paper Explains How 5G Cell Signals Can Unleash KILL VECTOR PAYLOADS In The Human Body! – Mike Adams
ISRAEL is Behind Deadly 5G Technology & The Extermination of Planet Earth!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikVWoXDt1U
5G Required by [Trump] Presidential Executive Order – Our Cities Everywhere Must Comply – Deborah Tavares
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oKUpRvn9Rc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rocBmF_7PFE
Former UN Employee Says Second Wave Will Involve Electromagnetic Weapon [5G] And Child Lockdowns!!
- /alternative/2023/08/former-un-employee-says-second-wave-will-involve-electromagnetic-weapon-and-child-lockdowns-3797583.html
Trump on video promising to implement the Satanic Mark of the Beast system:
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/dWSABdlZjOrM/
Trump only pretends to be for the people and a nationalist. Here is Trump on video praising Satanic Zionist/Khazarian Mafia leader Klaus Schwab for doing a GOOD JOB with his [GLOBALIST] World Economic Forum:
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tn3X2LUJO4Qt/
WEF’s Yuval Harari – “What do we need humans for?”
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/W87L5IscISFU/
Not a Joke — Rabbi Teaching how Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) Are NOT Human… But Rather From Another Galaxy To Conquer Earth!:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZiEkZG2S84
The Lesser of Two Evils [Trump] Is Killing Your Children [think Operation Warpspeed and Trump's involvement in DEADLY 5G technology which is slated to soon target/damage school children and then quarantine them away from their parents]
This is why INSTEAD people should be checking out Dr Shiva for President:
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/apny2U4wkV7A [go to 58:10 to see Dr. Shiva knock it out of the park!]
- https://youtu.be/8-HOCjs4DsA [Official Campaign Video]
- /alternative/2023/06/dr-shiva-ayyadurai-pres-candidate-2024-find-out-how-few-elite-people-manipulate-the-masses-3794457.html
- https://truthfreedomhealth.com
- https://shiva4president.com
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Vote Trump in 2024! We want two dollar a gallon gas back. Nobody gives a fuck about anything else! Hail Trump!