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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Kim Goguen: Full Situation Update - Black Sun Society - Military Treason (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Olympics money laundering like most stadiums. Cryptos run by intelligence agencies – Black Sun. Implants. Archivists.

No money for M. East war; start for free? Attack USA? Blame Isis/Al Qaeda? 



Military treason. More.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

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This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting.

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    Total 3 comments
    • Adi Da Samraj

      ADMIN: Thanks so much. Love you both.

      👐🏻 The world, even the Realm of Nature as a whole, is founded on a righteous Principle. Therefore, the world will be purified, without a doubt. The Force of the Divine pervades everything, and, therefore, It also purifies everything in one way or another. If human beings, while they have the benign capacity to enter into God-Communion, will not do so, but instead create a corrupt culture, a subhuman order, then the purification will not occur within the ordinary and benign course of natural processes. It is then no longer a matter of some Adept’s saying a holy word or speaking the Truth whereupon everybody changes his or her approach to life. It would be good if as many as possible could hear the universal Teaching of Truth and respond to it. But if the Teaching alone is not sufficient, then great upheavals necessarily occur. That is how the righteous Law works. It is not just that we pay our dues for past activity. A righteous Principle is positively at work, constantly to purify and to reestablish order.
      👐🏻 Thus, there are periods of great negative upheaval in the world, including natural disasters, wars, and conflicts of all kinds. On the one hand, during these periods, the world pays its dues for failing to live by the Law. On the other hand, these times of upheaval are the evidence of a continuous process of purification. They are themselves a demonstration of the Law. At the end of these periods, the Law is reestablished in righteousness. 👐🏻

    • Adi Da Samraj

      🌹The Retrieval of Inspired Culture🌹
      👐🏻 For the sake of everyone and all, there must now be the retrieval of really and truly inspired culture.
      👐🏻 The right and true (and, now and forever hereafter, necessarily global) human culture is, by definition, a universal and positively inspired human domain wherein the possibilities of transcendence and ultimacy are cultivated and developed by all.
      👐🏻 The fundamental (and, heretofore, perennial) great disposition that must now be universally retrieved is the disposition to exceed the limitations of mortality, egoity, and gross existence altogether.
      👐🏻 That disposition is the right and true and necessary domain of right and true culture.
      👐🏻 The world-culture of humankind as a whole needs to become re-oriented now—away from its “meditation” on the downward spiral into darkness and the myths of “end-time”, and profoundly toward the disposition that would transcend all limitations. 👐🏻

      • Anonymous

        Get a life already.

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