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Loneliness of the awakened mind

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I think that once a person reaches a certain level of Awakening, most of all the daily wide range of attempts to keep that person in the matrix illusion fails . .  but, there are other levels/layers of illusion waiting for that person, most obviously in the Alternative Media . . the trick is to not let them trap you and keep you in any stage of awareness, but to always remain conscious and move onward and upward, out of the mind realm.

Today, I wish to address a certain brand of loneliness. It is perhaps the most crippling form of the condition. The state is sometimes referred to as “isolation” or the sense of being disconnected, apart, abandoned or simply different from everyone else you know.

This situation is compounded when friends, associates and even family members begin seeing you’ve changed. They’re not so much captivated by your positive change but rather disappointed by your shift in attitude and may even be concerned for your mental health.

These well-meaning souls are characterized as the “sleeping” and you may very well be part of the “awakening.”

The Awakening Mind

I say “awakening” because the experience appears to be very vibrant and fluid by nature. I’m not sure I would recognize or even fully appreciate an “awakened” mind for they are far and few among us. 

Generally speaking, awakening minds radiate at a much higher vibration than most of the rest. and since this “vibration” prefers to resonate harmonically with similar or complementary energies, it can, and often does, resonate with like-minded people.

It can, however, just as easily create discordance with those who resonate at a much lower vibration. Just imagine striking a disharmonied note on separate pianos, especially with one out of tune. That may be the discord I’m referring to, except in this case, the resonance resides within the psychic and spiritual realms.

Most people are attuned to what is considered to be limited awareness. This does not make them any less sublime or capable as humans because i know that this is merely the channel they are “tuned” to at the time and, as such, they are acclimated with that world.

This vibrational occurrence is impressive in its own right for it has the power to generate fantastic illusions so convincing that even the conscious mind can fully buy into it. This capacity to manifest a false paradigm and to believe it to be true requires significant power.

But you, my dear reader, may have peeked behind the proverbial projector screen and have seen an assembly of gears and levers and perhaps even a portly, unassuming little man attending them with due diligence.

Stepping out of the Matrix

The awakening mind is a different story. The increased vibration of this mind-body state permits a more commanding view. Like stepping up a ladder, you can look down and see the kinetics of lower vibrations.

Each step up the ladder requires tremendous courage, an open and curious mind and a high degree of functional intelligence. Those steps command effort, much more than what most are willing to exert.

Sleepers may go so far as to observe or even stumble over this hypothetical “ladder” and, still yet to recognize what it is or how they may benefit from it.

People on the lower rungs of the ladder almost never look up. They choose to regularly look “down” which may give them a false sense of superiority or dominion over their world. They are particularly susceptible to the hypnotic suggestion media creates and may even go so far as to “act out” various fictional characters or their favorite professional star.

The lower state is easily entertained,  and anything or anyone who challenges their status quo will be dismissed as an outsider, a misfit or a threat.

The Slide and Adrenalin

This downward “thrill” is brief but exhilarating. The slide provides a good physical example of going from a higher state to a lower state and the ensuing thrill from moving in this downward fashion.

Turn on any news station and you will soon be swamped with stories that create a sort of rush –a rush that, curiously enough, is habit forming.

These news sources often report stories of tragedy and high drama so severe they actually can cause the body to produce an adrenalin related “rush” or high.

Once again we find ourselves sliding down into a lower vibrational state. The MSM has created legions of adrenalin junkies and  “sleepers” are their primary focus.

During the course of their day, sleepers gradually build their energy level back up but soon they find themselves back on that hypothetical slide and are sent swooshing down once again into a lower energy state. It is a vicious, recurring cycle that keeps the sleepers fast asleep and drunk happy on adrenalin.

Lonely at the Top

awakened individuals have stayed on top of the ladder long enough to take in the view. They’ve recognized that the view is more exhilarating than the fall.

They saw many things up there.  things that would be hard to describe to those below. The awakening mind continues to build “steps” higher and higher, and soon they are peeking above the clouds.

Now they look down from this lofty position and see the minute dot that was their slide. They are astounded by how that comparatively insignificant slide inspired them to move higher.

Yet, theres another dilemma of the awakening mind. that is once you have experienced the process of awakening there really is no going back.

The higher you get, the more rarefied the air becomes. Loneliness can settle in. The awakening mind is an exceptionally vibrant mind that requires significant stimulation and companionship. But it is lonely up there.

Final Thought

The awakening experience is truly a gift. It is not for the weak or the meek. It requires much strength and will to attain these higher levels of enlightenment. Those who are awakening come in all sizes and shapes, the Indigos, the Crystals, or essentially any individual that realizes their own power and potential and that there is much more to this world than they’ve been told.

One may ponder if those in the process of awakening have a moral obligation to try and wake the sleepers. From my own observation and experience I would advise against this. Simply let them sleep for the best way to reach them is in time and over time.

Be mild and incremental in your approach. This is the same technique that the “powers that be” have used on you – that was until you saw a little “thread” that connected to other strings that held the tapestry of the matrix in place.

So be an example. Radiate with love and truth. Project health, exuberance and happiness. Be aware without being angry (easier said than done, I know!). The sleepers must see the higher steps of the ladder as being worth the effort. They may someday abandon the rush of the fall for the beauty of the view.

Just by virtue of being aware you are already contributing in a vast and energetic way to those around you. They sense your vibration and may try to resonate with you some day. You have been given “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” so you have been blessed.


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