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By Brenda Battle Jordan
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I have this interview coming up soon , i will let you know when it's done, thank you so much for everything that you do for us all ,Garry Marino

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Hello Brenda, If you could help me out and Like and share my new fan page for Brain Storm Radio launching May 13th I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help.



Garry Marino,

Garry Marino ok, just got out of meetings today. We are going to be on 3 local stations with Nationwide podcast and Sirrus Satellite Radio. It looks like the launch date is going to be May 6th from 5PM to 7PM EST. Monday through Friday. So we are getting scheduling done, you will be on that first week. I will give you more details this week for sure as to the slot. – Thanks again…***I am giving you an invite now to my upcoming show Launching on the new Brain Storm Radio. It is going to be awesome! Will give more details as the launch date approached in May.
Brenda Battle Jordan,Yes, I have had you pegged for the show. You would not even believe the amount of work that is going into this. I am executed but have the resources. We have got to band together, the conservative pod casts and larger internet shows are going to start promoting each other and working together. It’s already happening. Look forward having you on, it will be great. I am a bit whacky, so it will be lose and direct!

{2013 House Bill 4276}: Ban mandating “common core standards” in public schools,
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on February 19, 2013, to prohibit the Michigan state Board of Education from implementing the “common core standards” promoted by the “Common Core State Standards Initiative” associated with the National Governor Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Also, to require the board to rescind its adoption of those standards in a 2010 resolution.
Referred to the House Education Committee on February 19, 2013.

Tom McMillin – (primary)Tom Hooker, Ed McBroom, Pat Somerville, Martin Howrylak

Categories Education, curriculum; State agencies (existing), education

Education; curriculum; implementation of certain common core standards and assessments in this state; prohibit. Amends sec. 1278 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1278) & adds sec. 1278c.

Bill Document Formatting Information (gray icons indicate that the action did not occur or that the document is not available)
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As Passed by the House is the bill, as introduced, that includes any adopted House amendments.
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As Passed by the Senate is the bill, as received from the House, that includes any adopted Senate amendments.
House Enrolled Bill
Enrolled bill is the version passed in identical form by both houses of the Legislature.

Here some of the Comments from teachers, researchers, experts and parents on YouTube-

ckairnes68 3 months ago

Former Senior Policy Adviser in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle on government activities, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt explains this in her book; “the deliberate dumbing down of america……A Chronological Paper Trail”. She explains how this is all related to the U.N.’s Agenda 21 “Program”. I would also suggest looking into americasremedy(dot)com. John Ainsworth explains how this plan has been in place since the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. Stop giving your consent to the feds.

Bill Gawlikowski 1 week ago

Common Core is the DEATH NELL for the Educational system of the USA! With the ed system (the dept. of ed must be abolished) has lost it’s hold on reality. THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOUNDED AND GOVERNED BY TRHE CONSTITUTION WHICH IS NOT changing and evolving BUT REMAINS THE LAW OF THE LAND provided we can rest it back from the LIARS AND FRAUDS that occupy places in the fed like obama, pelosy, reid, soros and peter b. lewis!

recynd77 1 month ago

60% of all incoming students at California’s community colleges require remediation in either English or math. It is not any better at Cal State or UC schools. This, after the public schools have had these students for THIRTEEN years. Common Core is NOT the answer: all it is is an international curriculum, helping to cement the United Nations’ Agenda 21. This is not “conspiracy theory”, it’s a fact.


The COMMUNIST Core Curriculum.

This is a 5 video series, each video is 5 to 10 minutes long.

They explain in great detail what Democrats/Liberals are DOING TO our Education system.

If you can’t watch them all in one setting then watch one a day.

Take notes.

Then take the ACTION prescribed at the bottom.




Then DAILY, or at least WEEKLY, contact your Senator and Representative:





Then DAILY, or at least WEEKLY, contact your Governor:


Next DAILY/WEEKLY contact your State Secretary of State:


Next DAILY/WEEKLY contact your State Legislature-…

I Oppose Raising the Debt Ceiling


Cut Spending or Shut it Down!



Read Our Lips Cut Federal Spending in the Budget:


ObamaCare Waiver Initiative:


ObamaCare Repeal and Fully Defund:


GF Net Neutrality:


No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens:


Support Arizona SB1070:


No Mosque at Ground Zero:




Partner Organizations:


MRC/ Media Research Center

Obama/Media Love Affair Petition:

CWA/Concerned Women of America

Abortion Funding Petition:

LC/Liberty Council

Uphold the Constitution:


Lastly, DO this as needed:

I have this one coming up soon , i will let you know when it’s done, thank you so much for everything that you do for us all ,Garry Marino Brenda Battle Jordan.

“When an opponent says,’I will not come over to your side,’

The attachment that I sent you regarding “smart meters” coming to Flint is serious and should not be overlooked.  Read below and see how your freedoms are being taken away by Agenda 21, the progressive’s movement to intrusively invade your life, and eventually take property rights.

Agenda 21 is a global effort led by the U.N. and George Soros.  Don’t let this happen.  It’s unhealthy and intrusive.  It’s up to you to push back.

I’ve attached another copy of the letter that I sent to Consumers.  Please feel free to use it to demand that they NOT install these meters on your property.

Share this information with your like-minded friends.  Together we can save our nation from global takeover.   Silvia


Subject: Smart Meters and Agenda 21 Flint

Remember, Flint now part of the global Agenda 21.


The War on ICLEI and Agenda 21 – the One World Group of United Nations Globalists who want to decide everything you think, do and say is progressing well!


In the past 18 months, 138 Cities and Counties have seen the light and that number will likely grow by 19 more to 157 as laws in Tennessee, Arizona and Alabama go into effect outlawing Agenda 21 / ICLEI in those states.


Sadly, 63 new members have signed up for the stealth anti-property group that uses pretty words and phrases like “Smart Growth” and Sustainability to trick localities into giving up these rights and submitting to Agenda 21 and the will and law of the United Nations.


It seems that for every locality ICLEI tricks into joining, two more look behind the curtain and drop out. Which means we are winning the war to keep America free and her property tights intact!


The following list was compiled from a November 23, 2010 snapshot from the ICLEI website using the Internet’s “Way Back Machine” and a snapshot of their current member list.


In the below listing, the ones in RED are new members while the ones with the Strike-through  font have left ICLEI. There were several that Virginia Right! has confirmed that have left ICLEI that are still listed on their website as members. These have been scratched on the below list, but there were only 3.


Keep up the pressure! Contact your local City Council or Board of Supervisors to kick these people out of your county. Start by finding out how much of your local tax dollars are going to this group that is fighting to take away your rights. And write in to your local paper and expose the truth.


ICLEI Member List

Compiled by:

Virginia Right!




Agenda 21 – “Outsmarting” America

Submitted by Terresa on July 10, 2011 – 2:36 pm EST10 Comments

By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Hat Tips: Brian B./Nancy Jacques/Janet Meyerhoff Blaze

Above: Public protest. Middle: Katharina Sandizell-Smith. Bottom: Fairfax council meeting.


Coming soon to your home unless you stop them – and you may never even get a choice – the insidious Smart Meter and the end of privacy as we know it.


People don’t want these Big Brother devices installed and watching/recording their every move. Things are about to get ‘real’ between the government/Agenda 21 pushers and We The People. And if a fight comes, my money is on the Tea Party – they are a scrappy bunch and freedom lovers to boot.


The dance has already begun in certain places around the nation. In Marin, California, residents are slugging it out with PG&E and the FCC, UCLA’s epidemiology department and the California Public Utilities Commission. Looks like the Nanny State spared no expense in the fight to control Americans and I do mean ‘control.’ From Marin Magazine:

“Smart” gas and electricity meters, so called because they use wireless signals to transmit up-to-the-minute usage data rather than requiring visits from meter readers, have been a source of controversy in California since PG&E began installing them in late 2009.


Concerns about privacy and accuracy have created an upswell of opposition from Bakersfield to Santa Cruz, but perhaps none as forceful as that in Marin. Here, educated and experienced activists—many of whom have been fighting against cell phone towers and other sources of electromagnetic radiation for a decade or more—have made smart meters the latest cause célèbre. And their message, which hinges on both health and individual autonomy, is catching on. Cotati, Bolinas and Novato have joined Fairfax in opposing the meters, as have the Marin Association of Realtors and the county Board of Supervisors.


Yet PG&E doesn’t need permission from communities to install the meters.


In fact, 100,000 of the 216,000 smart meters slated for Marin are already in place. Statewide, PG&E has installed nearly 8 million of 10 million meters planned and expects to wrap up the project by early 2012. Similar rollouts are happening nationwide, with PG&E leading the way.

So much for getting your permission. They are going to cram Agenda 21 and Smart Meters right down America’s throat whether they want it or not.


But before you think these were conservatives objecting, look again.


It was primarily liberals. I do believe that we have found a meeting place in the middle – both sides hate big, controlling government. Notice I did not use the word Progressive, as the very definition of Progressivism is a love for big government. And while the liberal residents in California are concerned for their bodily health, conservatives are concerned for their Constitutional health, rights and freedoms.


Both want their privacy. Agenda 21 and Smart Meters are bad for either cause. Here is a great video that explains more about Smart Meters:


Jerry Day, an electronics and media expert from Burbank California, recently detailed many of the ways that smart meters act as surveillance devices when they are installed in our homes….

  • They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
  • They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
  • They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
  • Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
  • Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
  • Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
  • “Smart Meters” are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
  • It is possible for example, with analysis of certain “Smart Meter” data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.

Saddle up boys and girls… Things are about to get very interesting in these United States of America. In a fascist sort of way that is.


Here we are at ‘opposites’ day again… In the name of reducing energy costs, the government wants to replace all meters with these creepy Smart Meters. The meters will cause energy bills to ‘necessarily skyrocket’ (wait, where have I heard that before?) and have a whole set of nifty nasty side effects such as failing systems and the opening of your personal information to hackers. The Feds are spending a ton of money on this conversion process and ask yourself, why is that? It’s obviously not to save money as the costs are astronomical. It’s also not to save the environment as it virtually does nothing to help it. But it does give government control over you – when and for how long to shut down your power, how much you have to pay for said power, usage monitoring, etc. This is all being done in part to catch the smallest of entrepreneurs who work from home to force them to get business licenses and submit to oversight by the government, with the added bennie of forcing many of them out of business. This is the Progressive groundwork to drastically raise the cost of energy, raise taxes and fees and to box Americans in, corralling them with judgments over their income, credit ratings, habits, etc. It’s a Marxist’s dream come true and the ultimate nightmare for freedom-loving Americans. How do you like Obama now America? Time for a do-over in 2012 – if we get that far.


Once installed, these meters will record a plethora of data concerning your personal lives and it will be stored in databases that you and I will never get access to. And the data could be wrong or flawed, but you will have little recourse to correct it. Literally life and death decisions will be made by our overlords using that data. Count on it. And unless you want to live entirely off the grid (and many are moving in that direction), you will submit. The data will be used by law enforcement and the government to ‘protect’ you. Do you really think your Constitutional rights will even figure into the equation down the road?

Fri Jun 24 20:34:56 PDT 2011

Viewers share more smart meter installation complaints

After KHOU 11 News aired the story of a man who said a smart meter installation ruined his AC, many people have come forward to share similar stories. view full article

Welcome to a key element of Agenda 21. It is a plan by the UN not just for the US, but for the world.


It will ‘fundamentally change‘ the entire planet into a Communist utopia if they get their way, ruled over by a select elite, who I guarantee, will not be subjected to the stringent rules and oversight that you and I will be.


When big business and government, along with politicians, combine to do what is best for the ‘American citizen,’ it can’t be good.


GE has their grubby fingers in everyone else’s pie over this travesty. They will make money and gain exponential power doing so. For extra points class, what form of government is represented by the bonding of big business and political power?

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini

In the end, the question is will we as Americans stand for this? I fervently hope not. Our government feels that they along with Agenda 21 are outsmarting America. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Our salvation lies in figuring out how to stop this atrocity being foisted on us by those who seek the ultimate ‘change’ in America that goes along with total control of the populace. Agenda 21 and all its parts such as Smart Meters need to go immediately.


Get involved locally and stop this everywhere you can. If Agenda 21 keeps growing roots, America will be subsumed into the Thing From The Green Lagoon, sucking us all down into an uber-fascist green ooze.



  • Garry Marino,  to    Brenda Battle Jordan

    I am giving you an invite now to my upcoming show Launching on the new Brain Storm Radio. It is going to be awesome! Will give more details as the launch date approached in April.

  • Brenda Battle Jordan


    Thank you, call me at , 810-787-1985… Cell 810-252-553.

    Garry Marino


    Yes, I have had you pegged for the show. You would not even believe the amount of work that is going into this. I am executed but have the resources. We have got to band together, the conservative pod casts and larger internet shows are going to start promoting each other and working together. It’s already happening. Look forward having you on, it will be great. I am a bit whacky, so it will be lose and direct!

  • Today

Agenda 21 is the 21st Century PLAN for a “New World Order”
through GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. Agenda 21 is the UN plan to inventory and control every aspect of human activity.

Regardless of whether you think you understand what is happening in American, you MUST SEE This VIDEO: Iron Mountain, Blueprint for Tyranny

Or read this report: Iron Mountain (858)

Agenda 21 is the ELITIST plan to control your life demanding you, “do as I say, not as I do”. You will be required to give up your individual freedom, your personal property and redistribute your wealth. Gone forever will be American exceptionalism, American nationalism. The western way of life will be classified as unsustainable. The ELITISTS will use the government to take your money, exercise more power and to control every aspect of your life. Agenda 21 is not a Democratic or Republican “plan”, it reaches across the aisle. The Elite will call us names and make up lies to try and divide us. They use doublespeak as code to reinforce their lies. We will not listen. We Are Americans, the largest group of FREE people in the world, never to be divided. Americans will never give up our lives, family, morality or country. Drop the adjectives and join us…


Agenda 21 is the plan to inventory and control every aspect of human activity

Read Agenda21

This link used to go to

Since we have been reporting on the UN involvement with Agenda 21 they have removed the link. Not to worry, the document is on the next link below. Notice the UN logo on the bottom of the cover page.

PDF Version of UN Agenda 21

In their own words:

•“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many…who would actively work to defeat any elected official….undertaking Local Agenda 21/Sustainable Development
•So we will call our process something else such as ‘comprehensive planning’, ‘growth management’ or ‘smart growth’
J Gary Lawrence, 1998 UNEP Conference, UK

In other words folks, they lie…

The 4 “E’s” of Agenda 21 are not what they appear:

Education = Indoctrination into believing that nature is more important than man and the group is more important than the individual . The new purpose of education is to learn values not facts. Students must become global, not American citizens
Equity = Theft of private property, open borders, remove God, morality and responsibility
Economy = Redistribution of America’s wealth to foreign countries by outsourcing jobs, factories and technology creating massive unemployment
Environment = Nature is more important than man. The new god is Mother Earth. Phony science creates phony regulations destroying energy independence and Industry. Each policy and regulation is in place to control more and more of your life.

Join us as we learn the truth together. You are not alone. Become an AgEnder, American against UN Agenda 21. Sign up for our newsletter and connect with other Americans involved in Operation Paul Revere.

Come to a conference, attend webinars. Learn the truth, educate yourself then educate others. United We Stand.

The following article was published in Canada Free Press, written by Judi McLeod. You may think if you don’t have children, you don’t have to worry about Common Core Standards. I hope you will think again. Not only are Common Core Standards unconstitutional, they are designed to complete the government Socialist control of the people. Common Core Standards go after our children with indoctrination. Hidden in the Common Core Standards is a method of tracking our children and their families and storing data on us that the govt. has no business collecting. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who has children. We need to stand together as citizens and stop this far over-reach of the Federal government into our lives. Freedom is being eroded and once they control our children, there will be no citizens in future generations who even understand what freedom is/was. Common Core will have a huge negative impact on our society as we know it if we don’t take steps NOW to stop it.

‘I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would
have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress..
-Ronald Reagan

If Common Core has its way the day will come when the parents of children indoctrinated by this hideous UN program will face a heartless, impossible to change enemy: their own children

Only parents can set their children free from Common Core indoctrination

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The new battle-cry to save a disappearing Republic should begin with the words: “Set our children free”.
While the President Barack Obama-led Socialist regime in Washington calls the tune by keeping the bouncing ball over the concept of Government-Fighting-Patriots, the real battle is the one where it gets to take over your children.
With all eyes trained expectantly on the latest Obama executive order; with the definition of one man, one woman marriage being rewritten by the Supreme Court, progressives in office have been working out the details to come up with a way to capture your children.
Millions of parents with school-age children will never know their children have been captured and led away. The name of the program set up for the kidnap of all time is so innocent sounding: Common Core. But in typical Marxist fashion, the name can be morphed into a myriad of others when it becomes expedient to keep parents in the dark.
Patriotic warriors like Michelle Malkin and CFP’s Ileana Johnson are shining light into the darkness. But if the children of the day are ever to be set free, it will take parents opening the steel gates that now confine them.
Just as the United Nations Agenda 21 now controls every aspect of adult life, Common Core controls the instruction of the school child.
Finding the true intent of Common Core means getting behind the hype of its mask of innocence.
Middlemen advocates in the progressive infrastructure are now trying to palm off the universal standards of Common Core as a “state-led” initiative.
“No they were Gates-led, not state-led, writes Oak Norton at Deseret News. “The Gates Foundation pumped $20 million into the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State Superintendents Organization to create those standards.
They did it to fulfill a contractual obligation stemming from Microsoft’s 2004 contract with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to create a global education system. (Italics CFP’s).
“Gates has paid $173 million so far to create and promote Common Core. The Utah State Office of Education didn’t even know who was on the drafting committee until the standards were written, which happens to be after Utah adopted them.”
Bill and Melinda Gates have three children—and all of yours.
Key to Common Core’s con job is the fallacy that Common Core standards were internationally benchmarked. They never were.
Lie-laden, too, is the progressive myth that adoption of the K-12 standards is in no way mandatory.
But try getting your children out of Common Core if you happen to live in one of the 45 states where it has already been implemented.
“As part of the 2009 stimulus legislation, the federal government created the so-called Race to the Top (RTT) Fund, $4.35 billion in competitive educational grants.” (Christian Post, Feb. 13, 2013).
Sounds nice but only available to states that adopt Common Core.
The long trail of the progressives in public education goes all the way from John Dewey, a major representative in progressive education and liberalism, to modern-day activists like Barack Obama and Bill Ayers, now in league with the deep-pocketed UN apostle Bill Gates.
Known as the power behind the Fundamental Transformation of America, Barack Obama had his nose in your children’s school books long before parental suspicion threw light on Common Core.
Back in the mid-90s, Obama invested his experience as an on-the-street community organizer to co-partner with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
“The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was a Chicago public school reform project from 1995 to 2001 that worked with half of Chicago’s public schools and was funded by a $49.2 million, 2-to-1 matching challenge grant over five years from the Annenberg Foundation. The grant was contingent on being matched by $49.2 million in private donations and $49.2 million in public money. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was one of 18 locally designed Annenberg Challenge project sites that received $387 million over five years as part of Walter Annenberg’s gift of $500 million over five years to support public school reform. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge helped create a successor organization, the Chicago Public Education Fund (CPEF), committing $2 million in June 1998 as the first donor to Chicago’s first community foundation for education.
“Barack Obama, elected by the Board of Directors as founding chairman and president of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (1995–1999), resigned as chairman and president in September 1999 to run as a candidate in the 2000 Democratic primary for the 1st Congressional District of Illinois, and was succeeded by Edward Bottum (1999–2001).” (Wikipedia)
The progressives‘ stranglehold on public education is where it lives, breathes and builds for the future. Nothing is as vital to them as control of young minds.
Meanwhile, in a world that has gone bottom up, top down and inside out, finding others of like mind is essential to the survival of the American patriot.
If Common Core has its way the day will come when the parents of children indoctrinated by this hideous UN program will face a heartless, impossible to change new enemy: their own children.

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    Total 10 comments
    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      Common Core In recent years, the federal government has succeeded in expanding their control over health care, financial markets, the auto industry, the coal industry, and more. Now they have gained greater control over our nation’s public school systems with a program that one Georgia lawmaker calls “No Child Left Behind on steroids.”

      The federal government is in the process of fundamentally transforming America’s historically decentralized public school system into a nationalized system. They call it the Common Core Curriculum and it is sweeping across the country with a vengeance. 45 states have already fallen into line, accepting federal government grant money in exchange for adopting what amounts to a new national curriculum for math and language arts. But a few states have refused the offer, including Texas, Alaska, Virginia, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Now Georgia is considering reversing its position by rejecting it too.

      To help put this into perspective, American school systems operated just fine without any national oversight for about 200 years, until 1980. Before that, there was no federal agency to oversee state and local school districts. All that changed when the Department of Education was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979. Today this agency has a massive annual budget of over $50 billion.

      But not to worry. As President Obama likes to say, the government does not spend money, it “invests.”

      So what has America gotten from this “investment?” Based on standardized test scores, the Department of Education has been a dismal failure. Test scores have been declining steadily for decades. In 2012, reading scores on the SAT hit a 40 year low. According to the College Board, over half the students, 57%, did not score well enough to indicate likely success in college. So it looks like the Department of Education has been another losing investment from our federal government. What a shocker!

      But while the Department of Education has delivered dismal test scores, they have succeeded in two things… expanding their own power and spending more taxpayer money. That seems to be the only things they are consistently good at doing. They accomplished that using the same bag of tricks that has worked so well for them in their dealings with state and local governments on other issues. They spend a large part of their $50 billion annual budget to entice states to adopt their programs. In the private sector this is called bribery. For the federal government it is called standard procedure.

      Isn’t it interesting that American citizens get jail time for offering cash payments to elected officials in exchange for changed behavior, but for the federal government this is just standard procedure in their dealings with state and local governments? Hmm…

      For example, the Department of Education’s latest greatest grant money offer to state governments is called the Race to the Top. The primary performance requirement to get these funds is adoption of the Common Core State Standards. The Race to the Top program is attempting to drive school districts across the country into what amounts to a national “one-size-fits-all” curriculum for math and language arts.

      The Common Core Standards Curriculum offers unproven educational benefits. Some educators believe it will even have a negative impact. The educational benefits will not be known for several more years, but by that time states will be stuck in a program they can no longer change. States that accepted the grant money gave up control over their school curriculum. They are now unable to change any of the curriculum standards and are only allowed to make minor changes to course content, not to exceed 15% of the total content. The remaining 85% is now under federal government control.

      On the surface, the offer looks like easy money for states, but there are strings attached and significant hidden costs. For example, states are required to adopt new testing procedures, which significantly raises the testing cost per student. The grant money expires after four years, leaving the states stuck paying the higher costs.

      Beyond that, the costs of implementing the Common Core Curriculum Standards are enormous. In Texas, the federal government offered $700 million in grant money over four years. But the Texas Education Commissioner, Robert Scott, analyzed the program and determined the total cost of scrapping their curriculum standards and implementing the Common Core would cost Texas between $2.5 and $3.0 billion. After sharing his findings with Texas Governor Rick Perry, the Governor turned down the grant money. Texas schools will maintain their freedom from the mandates of the grant.

      Now other states are taking notes from the Texas cost analysis. Georgia state legislator William Ligon invited Commissioner Scott to come to Georgia to share his findings with Georgia lawmakers. So last week, Commissioner Scott came to Georgia and presented his findings to a standing-room only audience at the state Capitol. After their meeting, Congressman Ligon released a newsletter, which provided the following summary of Scott’s visit:

      During Scott’s visit at the Capitol, he explained that the Common Core State Standards were developed behind closed doors and that they are owned and copyrighted by unaccountable third parties in Washington, D.C. These standards were never vetted by the people of Georgia in an open, accountable process, and the terms of the grant forbid the State from changing the standards or even adding content that exceeds the threshold of 15 percent.

      Commissioner Scott explained how Texas analyzed the Common Core Standards and determined it was a bad financial deal in spite of the “bribe” money.

      Scott explained that the State of Texas was wooed by the federal government with a promise of $700 million to sign onto Race to the Top and Common Core. However, after his calculations, he realized that scrapping his State’s current standards and implementing the terms of the grant would cost between $2.5 to $3 billion. In his eyes, it was a sorry trade to shackle Texas to federal mandates, rob Texas citizens of their right to control educational standards, and then stick taxpayers with a bill of at least $2 billion to make up the difference. To add insult to injury, that amount did not include the ongoing maintenance of the system for the years ahead beyond the four years of the grant.

      That analysis includes the costs for the whole package, which includes all strings attached. Congressman Ligon explained this finding:

      Further, the accompanying tests, developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, known as the PARCC national testing consortium, will create such testing demands that this will probably become better known as No Child Left Behind on steroids. Scott informed us that the PARCC will cost approximately $30 to $37 per student, in comparison to Georgia’s current costs of between $5 to $10 per student. These estimates do not take into account the additional technology, both in hardware and bandwidth, that will be required at the local level for online testing.

      So Texas rejected their offer for $700 million in federal funds and now it appears Georgia might be rejecting their offer for $400 million. Georgia lawmakers are now planning to do their own cost analysis of the Race to the Top program. The results of that analysis will determine whether Georgia stays in the program or gets out.

      Isn’t it interesting that despite having an annual deficit exceeding one trillion dollars our federal government is still throwing billions of dollars at states? They act like they can’t find anywhere to cut spending, yet here is an example of where they are spending billions to implement an unproven, unpopular national curriculum that has very questionable educational benefits and adds significant higher costs for taxpayers. Spending $700 million here and $400 million there, pretty soon you are talking about a lot of money.

      For the federal government, the Common Core Standards have already been a big success because it has helped them to expand their own power, which is ultimately what this is all about. Decades of declining test scores prove educating our kids is not the primary objective. At least there are still a few states holding out, so the federal government expansion is hitting a few speed bumps. Hopefully more states will follow Texas’ lead by completing a thorough cost analysis. If states that accepted the grant money realize it was a bad deal perhaps they will reverse their position and reject the Common Core Curriculum.

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      Thank YOU for Participating in Our Health Freedom Supporter Survey Last Week!

      Health Freedom USA Survey 2013

      1. Do you agree that UN Agenda 21 seeks to impose world government through directing local government agencies to implement strict environmental and economic controls?
      Yes Yes 87.1% 678
      No No 12.9% 100

      2. Do you agree that UN Agenda 21 has population reduction and concentration as its major goals?
      Yes Yes 92.1% 686
      No No 8.2% 61
      3. Do you agree that local resistance can stop UN Agenda 21?
      Yes Yes 82.6% 600
      No No 17.4% 126

      4. Do you consider FDA and Codex restrictions on nutrition and FDA approval of GMOs to be part of the UN Agenda 21 depopulation plan?
      Yes Yes 94.7% 690
      No No 5.3% 39

      5. Do you believe that toxic vaccine, shown to cause infertility, are part of the UN Agenda 21 depopulation plan?
      Yes Yes 95.6% 689
      No No 4.4% 32
      6. Do you consider the violent “side effects” of psychiatric drugs (including mass shootings and suicides in soldiers, teens and others), to be a significant issue ignored by the mainstream media?
      Yes Yes 99.3% 722
      No No 0.7% 5

      Cyprus, Agenda 21 & Your Assets!
      Ready for a ‘Haircut?’

      The latest news from Cyprus: the banks remain closed; the EU money masters have cowed the Cypriot govt into confiscating 40% of all bank accounts over 100k Euros. What will happen to that money? Directly into the coffers of the international (read: “socialized”) banking institutions!

      One silly poster on Huff Post opined that “No one needs that much money anyway; it should go to the poor…” — yes, yes, the poor banksters need all our retirement funds. After all, under Agenda 21 there won’t be much to spend on, anyway!

      Can’t happen in the USA or Canada? Are you sure?

      Imagine what it would mean to you and your family if Cyprus is nothing more than a dry-run for the devastation of your assets in the US, the rest of the EU and Canada? We believe that is the Case… Read more…

      Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee

      Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out that YOU are going to pay for the next bankster robbery, the next bank bailout. How can you do that? By having 10, 20, even 0% of your assets stolen and, in their place, a worthless stock holder’s certificate for an equivalent amount of stock in a bank so non-functional that it took YOUR money to keep it from sliding under the financial waves.

      Cyprus was a legitimate haven for people who were attracted to its safe banking and reliable interest rates. They had confidence in the banks they put their money in. Kind of like the confidence you used to have in your banks.

      Now, anyone paying attention to financial matters feels the tectonic stresses pulling the world financial system apart.

      What if Cyprus is a test case for the US, Canada and Europe?

      Consider what They are trying – and getting away with – in Cyprus. Now consider that it could happen any day now in YOUR bank – and act now!

      By the way, along with a great many financial analysts, we believe that Cyprus is nothing more – and nothing less – than a test case for what will happen in the US, Europe and Canada.

      Let me make one thing clear: I want to be wrong. I want this to be one of the very few predictions we make which turns out to be a total dud. I am truly sad that I do not believe it will be.

      Read more below.

      Natural Solutions Foundation is always at least one step ahead of the situation. That’s why we created our SEC-filed Fund for Natural Solutions,

      We knew that people with meaningful values and assets needed a way to enact the first and protect the second. That is precisely what the Fund For Natural Solutions does. And now, with the financial noose tightening around the US, Canada and Europe, it becomes even more important for people who want to bring their principles and their assets together, while making a profit, to click on that link and contact us about moving your assets offshore and making your assets work for your values.

      We’ve got two sets of vultures eyeing your assets:

      Vulture 1. The cash-starved US government which sees your retirement funds and other real wealth the way a starving fox sees a plump chicken wandering around outside the henhouse. This vulture may not want to crash the economy but he cannot let himself starve to death.

      Vulture 2. The power-mad international globalist world-bankers who want to crash the economy so they can seize even tighter control of the world economy. This vulture is not so much like a hungry fox, but more like a demented, psychotic fox who cannot abide to see anything except itself remain alive so he wants to kill the chick simply because it offends him to see it alive.

      The Fund for Natural Solutions, with its truly sustainable, thrilling and self-supporting projects may be the best investment you’ve ever made in your future and your life. That is what bringing your values and assets together is all about!

      What assets are we talking about? If you can bank it or borrow against it, sell it or trade it, those are the assets we are talking about. You need to get them out of the country in a safe, organized, legal and beneficial way, don’t you? And you need to make sure that they work for you AND for the planet, right?

      To make that easy for you, the Natural Solutions Foundation accepts:

      • Personal funds
      • IRA, trust and similar
      • Precious metals
      • Stocks, bonds and other securities
      • Other assets

      When you visit and visit the FAQ page you’ll find our Planetary Vision and other critically important documents and data.

      We’d love to hear from you about how we can help you bring your assets and your values together while making a profit. If you have other types of assets, please contact us about them.

      The rules are changing and your opportunity to come on this journey with us will end soon.

      But there is good reason to act right away. We truly do not know how much longer the world’s destructive and demented bankers will allow this window of opportunity to remain open. We saw signs that it would be closing rapidly at the first part of 2013. And it was.

      A sudden and unexpected “pushback” from several countries changed the time-line, but the play book is the same.

      The movement of assets, which means your ability to protect them, we anticipate, will be blocked by the new regulations.

      These regulations, which have already been promulgated, were delayed from their announced January 1, 2013 implementation.

      You can, however, bet your bottom dollar, which is the one They are after, that these regulations WILL be imposed, sooner rather than later.

      And when they are, all the recriminations in the world will not move a penny offshore or protect it from a scalping, not just a haircut!

      Yours in health and freedom,
      Counsel Ralph

      More information here:
      Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee
      Contact us at: [email protected]

      [No offer may be made except by Private Offering Memorandum, available by emailing me a request with "Fund" in the Subject Line. Filing No. 021-167619 / 111150148 – CIK #0001532833]

      Cyprus and Agenda 21: News item from March 21st

      The velvet glove slips a bit more, revealing the mailed fist…

      “Given the public unrest of the last few days, it would appear that the Cypriot government, having tried and failed with Plan A (wealth tax versions 1 and 2) and Plan B (beg the Russians directly), they have decided to go with Plan C (Collateralized Cypriot Obligations).

      The current proposal, Ekathimerini reports, to theoretically be voted on … is that Cyprus will form an investment fund to raise the capital needed to payoff their EU overlords. This fund will be collateralized by state assets, possibly including natural gas revenues, church property, and social security fund reserves.

      Though some form of deposit tax was ‘apparently’ not ruled out, it seems the next last best hope for Cyprus is begging the Russians to extend a loan and begging the world to fund more debt from a nation about to see huge capital outflows.

      The approach is, it appears, a ‘solidarity’ approach – rather than tax the current wealth of depositors (and hand it over to Troika), ‘tax’ the future possibility of wealth creation and sell that to the next greater fool sovereign wealth fund (or will the ECB decide that these CCOs are acceptable collateral?)”

      Further rumors have it that all public and private pensions will be rolled into the new government involuntary Investment Fund.

      How does this relate to Agenda 21?

      In a certain sense, how small countries are treated by the globalist elitists shows us their intentions toward all our communities. The type of forced financial consolidation Cyprus represents is exactly the concentration of power sought by A21. It takes all forms of private property (including even pensions and church property) and turns it into collective property, mortgaged to the elite!

      It does this through coerced local consent, subjecting whole populations, entire Parliaments, to Delphi mind-control manipulation.

      A21′s intent to diminish humanity extends to financial manipulation, as well as the well-known food, water and land control; all the better to enslave us and our progeny.

      Will a Cyprus-like confiscation happen in other countries? Are pension funds at risk in the rest of the EU and in the USA?

      Will American’s retirement funds be used to collateralize more deficit spending, with fiat dollars smilingly provided by international banksters? How quickly could that happen? What level of hyperinflation would follow from monetizing all our property?

      The NGO Fund for Natural Solutions may offer you a facility to put aside some of your assets, taking them out of the way of government confiscation.

      A portion of the Fund is invested in several independent leading-edge companies, while the bulk of the Fund is invested directly in Natural Solutions projects, such as our organically grown, all natural Valley of the Moon Coffee™ (and its new companion product, Dr. Rima GreenGold™ — the next step beyond green coffee extracts), our “Food from the Deep South” project, where our field tests in Chile and Benin continue with positive results, and our exciting plans to develop the General Bert MultiSensor™.

      Come on this journey with us. Be part of the adventure, doing good while doing well.

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      We need to inform and educate as many people as possible about Common Core Standards. Once educated, people need to ban together and put pressure on their State Legislatures to stop Common Core Standards. If parents had any idea what Common Core Standards are designed to do, they would be appalled. However, Common Core Standards were brought into the states by the Federal govt. very stealthily and most people have no idea what is going on. It is unconstitutional and it was buried in the Stimulus bill passed right after Obama was elected. Of course, no one read the bill.

      In the Charleston, SC area, many 912 members and other Conservatives are forming a group to fight Common Core Standards in South Carolina. If you live in the area and are interested in joining the fight, please contact Bill Bates at [email protected] (there is an underscore between bill and bates). If you live someplace else, consider starting a group there and/or get your local 912′s and others to get involved. This is extremely important.


      ‘I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would
      have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress..
      -Ronald Reagan

      Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact

      Posted by Michael CHILDS, Admin II on April 4, 2013 at 5:00pm in Patriot Action Alerts

      Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact
      Since taking office, the Obama Administration has been intent on controlling what is taught at every grade level in all of the nation’s schools. It has used its flagship “Race to the Top” competitive grant program to bring states together to adopt the K-12 standards developed by a joint project of the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). It has also suggested, in its 2009 Blueprint for Education Reform, that adoption of these common standards could one day be a qualification for states wanting future Title 1 dollars for low-income schools.

      The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.

      Education ‘Reform’ 101: How The Common Core Relates To Other Big Ideas Sweeping Florida Schools

      That’s a familiar refrain in K-12 education. And the latest big thing may be bigger than all the others: It’s the Common Core education standards that Florida and 45 other states are now putting in place. And it has public schools across the country sitting on the cusp of a massive change in nearly every aspect of how math and English are taught, learned and tested.
      But how does this big thing relate to all the other big things in education that you’ve probably heard about? Here’s a StateImpact survival guide to recent education overhauls.

      States Must Reject National Education Standards While There Is Still Time

      The Obama Administration is intent on nationalizing the content taught in every public school across America. Without congressional approval, the Administration has used a combination of carrots and sticks to spur states to sign on to the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Common Core includes standards for English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics, and federally funded national assessments have been crafted to align with the standards.

      “Economist Debates: State capitalism: Statements”
      “This house believes that state capitalism is a viable alternative to liberal …. Mr Bremmer defines state capitalism as a system in which political elites control … capitalism are autocracies—most importantly China but also Russia” –
      Who’s Behind the Common Core Curriculum?

      Like so many education reform initiatives that seem to arise out of nowhere, the Common Core State Standards is another of these sweeping phantom movements that have gotten their impetus from a cadre of invisible human beings endowed with inordinate power to impose their ideas on everybody.
      For example, the idea of collecting intimate personal data on public school students and teachers seems to have arisen spontaneously in the bowels of the National Center for Education Statistics in Washington. It required a small army of education psychologists to put together the data handbooks, which are periodically expanded to include more personal information.
      Nobody knows who exactly authorized the creation of such a dossier on every student and teacher in American public schools, but the program exists and is being paid for by the taxpayer. And strange as it may seem, it arose seemingly out of nowhere, like a vampire, to suck the freedom out of the American people. Unlike Santa’s elves who work behind the scenes to bring happiness to children, these subterranean phantoms work overtime to find ways of making American children miserable.

      Catholic schools embrace Common Core

      The Common Core isn’t just for public schools anymore.These days, private schools across the country are jumping on the public education standards bandwagon, in many cases restructuring their traditional curricula to meet the nearly national Common Core, the new set of educational standards and tests for public schools.

      Our churches should be fighting this with Church schools. But these churches in America dont want to lose that revenue from the coffers so they refuse to open a school. I personally know one church with probably 60 kids in it. Relatively average size church. A large portion of them are home schooled.
      When asked why they dont open a school. The pastors first response was that they dont want to spend the money on that, plus they could lose church members if something happened within the school. Meaning they would lose money and that cant have that.
      Only about 5% of our Baptist churches have schools, out of a few thousand nation wide.
      If you want to change the hearts and minds of the kids, you better start getting your church to think about opening a school.
      See who is behind Common Core…Eli Broad and Bill Gates are just the beginning. I have found equally disturbing information in the Delaware Common Core/CSCOPE curriculum…
      You cannot win this battle on the defensive. They have vision: Indoctrinate the children to a leftist, socialistic point of view. They will do, say, and sacrifice anything to make this happen.
      The Conservative vision seems to be a live and let live ho hum sorta thing. React if things get bad enough but overall…do nothing.
      In a fight, who would you put your money on?
      Honestly, do Conservatives have a plan to take over education, the courts, the federal governement, and the media? Are they pumping billions into these endeavors?
      Thought the whole IDEA of home schooling was to remove the government from education of our kids. I said to hell with their curriculum teach the basic reading writing math and the Constitution advancing them through out their home school years and then let the child expand into areas that interest them science,physic,biology,mechanic,carpentry,art whatever. but leave the leftist playbook outside the homeschool

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      I am giving you an invite now to my upcoming show Launching on the new Brain Storm Radio. It is going to be awesome! Will give more details as the launch date approached in April.
      Brenda Battle Jordan,Yes, I have had you pegged for the show. You would not even believe the amount of work that is going into this. I am executed but have the resources. We have got to band together, the conservative pod casts and larger internet shows are going to start promoting each other and working together. It’s already happening. Look forward having you on, it will be great. I am a bit whacky, so it will be lose and direct!

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      BREAKING: DHS Says They Can Seize Your Gold, Silver, And Guns If They Feel Like It

      AUTHOR Bookworm

      Last week, we learned that Cyprus, yet another bankrupt EU country, was going to try to replenish its wealth by confiscating money from all but smallest accounts held in its banks. Things were so bad that officials were warning depositors to “get your money out while you can.” In America, we looked on horrified, grateful that it can’t happen here. Except that maybe it can.

      The Investment Watch blog is working to confirm reports that banks are circulating in-house memos telling employees that the DHS has announced that the Patriot Act gives it the right to seize, without a warrant, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced visits” to banks, and to open and inspect “select safe deposit boxes.”
      These same memos also say that the DHS “shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence” such items as “bar gold, gold coins , firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature.”

      The memo also warns bank employees to keep their mouths shut. They can lose their jobs and be prosecuted under the Patriot Act if they release “improper . . . classified DHS Security information” to the public, including customers whose safe deposit boxes the DHS has inspected. Bank employees are also barred from taking to the media or releasing information on the internet.

      As noted, Investment Watch is in the process of confirming this report. It’s not hard, though, to believe that it’s true. To date, the DHS has given itself an open checkbook to buy billions of bullets and thousands of tanks and guns. Moreover, it has held itself out as being above the law, since it has refused to respond to Congressional requests from Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) as well as from fifteen other Republican House members, demanding information about the DHS buying binge, including giving information about the urban warfare tanks that it is shipping all over the United States. Small wonder, then, that so many Americans view it with suspicion.
      Could what happened in Cyprus happen here?

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      “Defending Our Constitution From Enemies Foreign and Domestic”

      With the advent of an excess of unconstitutional legislation coming out of Washington, such as the 2012 NDAA Acts indefinite detention provisions, HR347 making it illegal to protest in front of an elected official, the constitution free zone of which includes the entire State of Michigan and 100 miles inland from all US coastal waters, Obama Care, and the seemingly endless executive orders. It has become apparent, through the direct attacks on the constitutional rule of law of our land; the Obama administration is trying to neutralize the only constitutional law enforcement office in our nation, by taking the arresting rights of the County Sheriffs away in 4 States as of to date, including Delaware, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. The county Sheriff has the constitutional authority to arrest any person or persons that violate constitutional rule of law, such as federal agents or even military officials working with any agency, State or Federal, that choose to violate constitutional rule of law through unconstitutional legislation that negates the common law of the constitution; thus, as the chief constitutional law enforcer in the country, the Sheriff can stand in direct opposition to any unconstitutional action taken!

      Sheriff Richard Mack is a true blue Patriot to our Country and to the return of those Founding Principles that made our country great.

      “God Bless America”

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      My Story Went To Montel TV Show…Until I Told The Judge On My Case To Look For It,, Oh Well.The Judge in my pre- determined divorce and custody case, Judge Joseph J. Farah was bias, and a part of the conspiracy
      against me ,he repeatedly, ruled in line with the conspiracy ,i did not get due process there was libel publish ,perjury under oath, The Judge Farah, miss called, my default case on March 10 -03, all of my true copy court document’s that said anything good about me are missing, from court records submitted by my then Attoy. Kenneth C. Reeds,that’s obstucton of justice, their inability to keep there stories straight,by plaintiff Ex Richard A Battle Sr. and his Attoy. Damika Pace Byrd, the plaintiff’s scandal was covered up by Judge Joseph Farah, a deliberate defauding of the court,that went on for three years…I was facing 20 years to life over a lie that i was going to kill my children my Ex husband and others,they said it on a court made video, that i sent a Hitman out to get the job done,{libel publish} by [1],Judge Joseph Farah [2] , Richard Battle Sr., [3]Damika L. Pace Byrd,Plaintiff Attorney[ 4] Mary Furlett, Court Therapist, [5] Melinda Gather, Friend Of The Court, Worker {6] Dannett Coleman- Long, A School Staff Member,[7] William J. Hayes, My Attoy.[8] Carrie Byrd ,Judge Joseph J. Farah’s Court Clerk,[9] Elizabeth Clay, A School worker,I declare that the statements above are true, Brenda Battle Jordan. NOTE, This is not the clearest, tape it was made by the Genesee Count Courts,****What are they saying?Video ,See Part 1, {Judge Joseph Farah} May 02,, This is the Battle Vs Brenda Battle Case No. 00-227649-DM,Plaintiff {Attorney Damika L. Pace Byrd,} “Yes your honor, this is my clients motion ect., we tried several time’s to have her served by a process service but he could not find her for three days, so i did go on and sent it out through the mail I assumed that she would be here, but i see she’s not, so i’am asking the courts of your opinion on what to do, maybe we can put it off until Friday May 10, 02 { Judge Joseph Farah }”When was it mailed out { Attorney Damika L. Pace Byrd} It was mail out on May 2nd, {Judge Joseph Farah }Dose your client have the children with him”?{Attorney Damika L. Pace Byrd} Yes Mr. Battle did not allow her the last parenting time, {Judge Joseph Farah} ” I will continue,to treat this as a emergency , see if you can follow up on the servicing and we will have your emergency heard at 3:30 on Friday May 10, 02″….. [Friday May 10, 02] {Judge Joseph Farah } Who is your Attorney ? { Brenda Battle Jordan} “Attorney William J. Hayes, and he informed me today on a phone call that i have on tape, that i did not need to be in court today,” {Judge Joseph Farah} Is Hayes your Attorney now? then you want to call him up and let him know that Mrs.Pace Byrd is here right now ? { Brenda Battle Jordan}I did call him and he said ” that lady is down there now” that lady is crazy and i quit, you can come and get your money back” { Judge Joseph Farah }Have you talked to,Mr.Hayes? { Attorney Damika L. Pace Byrd} I did he said the time was not a good time. {Judge Joseph Farah}You can go in front of the Referee if you want on Monday or you can wait on Mr.Hayes , it fine with me”.{Attorney Damika L. Pace Byrd} And to my main request is to get the parenting time stoped”. {Judge Joseph Farah } I remember that,… somebody need to get Mr. Hayes….{ Brenda Battle Jordan} Well in that case i back to pro per repsenting myself …{Judge Joseph Farah }Okay have a seat and i will talk to everyone i need to at my 1st brake,This was part one and two of {Judge Joseph Farah }and the socalled Hitman case. {Part 3{,{Attorney William J. Hayes} Quit {Judge Preisal, May 6 2002}.{Part 4 of this Video The Hitman Case , Hearing…Heard by {Judge Preisal }Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan

      The movie and the testimony to Congress should lead to justice for some of the victims like you. If you aren’t in the testimony presented to Congress, you will miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are going to have mainstream media coverage, and the film will be shown at Sundance and other major film festivals prior to being shown in theatres.

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      Rotten to the Common Core

      1. Action Item from activist Melanie Kurdys
      The House will likely vote this week on the state Department of Education’s budget. Please call/email/fax ASAP and inform your Rep to: STOP ALL funding for Common Core’s implementation in Michigan’s Department of Education budget.

      Last week, Melanie was invited to a debate about common core in Grand Rapids on a public TV channel WGVU. To watch the debate, click HERE

      2. Bill Update
      HB 4276 – The stopping Common Core bill has had one Education Committee meeting. And will have another. Your testimony is vital! You may testify several ways:
      1. Testify (speak) in person
      2. Attend committee meeting and fill out a brief testimony but NOT speak
      3. E-mail your testimony in support of HB 4276 to the Education Committee Clerk at [email protected] and ask that your e-mail be entered into public testimony.
      To be notified via e-mail of upcoming Education Committee Meetings : YOU MAY SIGN UP FOR EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETINGS NOTICE HERE

      3. Guest Author
      Grassroots in Michigan is pleased to have Karen Braun as a guest author writing on the topic of Common Core.

      A little about Karen:
      Karen Braun is married to Steve and a home school mom of six children, All six children were (will be) home educated through high school.

Karen is a popular blogger at SpunkyHomeschool, a free-lance writer and conference speaker on issues related to education, parenting, and family life. She has appeared on television, radio, and in print defending home education and the family. Most recently, Karen testified in the Michigan House Education Committee in Support of HB 4276 to prohibit Common Core State Standards to be used in Michigan. Her article “Homeschooling ‘Internationally Benchmarked’” was published in the April 2013, issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and focused on how national and international standards will impact home education.

 Karen resides in Canton, MI with her husband and four of her six children.

      Homeschoolers and Data Tracking

      Will Estrada, Director of Federal Relations at HSLDA has an article discussing the data tracking aspect of Common Core. National Databases: Collecting Student-Specific Data is unnecessary and Orwellian.

      The 2009 federal stimulus bill created the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program as “a new one-time appropriation of $53.6 billion.” [1] With this money, the Department of Education would award states money in exchange for a commitment to develop and use pre-kindergarten through post-secondary and career data systems, among other criteria.
      A national database of student-specific data is very concerning for many reasons. The national databases being created now include detailed records of students, including race, gender, birth information, learning disabilities, detailed academic records, and much more. This information is being collected soon after birth, all the way through graduation from college.The more personal information that is included, the greater the danger to the student’s privacy and safety if the data is breached. Will certain data make it harder for students to get into higher education? Will it be disclosed to government employers, or even private employers?HSLDA believes that each student is unique, with far more to offer society than just the sum of their academic years. Government tracking students from soon after birth until they graduate from college is Orwellian and seems like a “Big Brother” mentality, and has no place in a free society.It is important to note that there are many reasons for aggregated student data to be available. Such data is helpful for researchers, and it is reported widely so that parents and policy makers can determine how students are doing academically. But HSLDA believes that there are very little reasons for the government to track student-specific data.

      National Databases and student tracking are not new to President Obama. It’s been in the work since President Bush and in the blueprint for years before that….to continue reading click HERE

    • Brenda Battle Jordan

      Law and The Common Person, The Battle Vs Brenda Battle Jordan Case,2001- 2003 UFM Flint Prof. Mars.& her Law Students Thanks
      .by Brenda Battle Jordan on Friday, June 24, 2011 at 5:34am.

      This is our court system, Jim was working on my court case, however, he called and told me he was told to get off the case, i have that call on youtube, so don’t come looking for it,we had a lot of help, Montel Williams, Tv Show.. Lifetime, Court tv,UFM Prof.Mars, who had her students working, on a class of” Law and The Common Person” my court case, they had all three years, …they got the call to get off the class

      Study…i have UFM Flint Dr. Mars’s Call on tape she told me” From what i seen you won your case, but we wont be studying Law and the common person at this time”… Hmmm. Brenda Battle Jordan

      Fraud On The Court By An Officer Of The Court”

      Friday, June 24, 2011 1:19

      “Fraud On The Court By An Officer Of The Court”
      And “Disqualification Of Judges, State and Federal”
      1. Who is an “officer of the court”?
      2. What is “fraud on the court”?
      3. What effect does an act of “fraud upon the court” have upon the court proceeding?
      4. What causes the “Disqualification of Judges?”


      1. Who is an “officer of the court”?

      A judge is an officer of the court, as well as are all attorneys. A state judge is a state judicial officer, paid by the State to act impartially and lawfully. A federal judge is a federal judicial officer, paid by the federal government to act impartially and lawfully. State and federal attorneys fall into the same general category and must meet the same requirements. A judge is not the court. People v. Zajic, 88 Ill.App.3d 477, 410 N.E.2d 626 (1980).

      2. What is “fraud on the court”?

      Whenever any officer of the court commits fraud during a proceeding in the court, he/she is engaged in “fraud upon the court”. In Bulloch v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir. 1985), the court stated “Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. … It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function — thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted.”
      “Fraud upon the court” has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to “embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication.” Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore’s Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, ¶ 60.23. The 7th Circuit further stated “a decision produced by fraud upon the court is not in essence a decision at all, and never becomes final.”

      3. What effect does an act of “fraud upon the court” have upon the court proceeding?

      “Fraud upon the court” makes void the orders and judgments of that court.
      It is also clear and well-settled Illinois law that any attempt to commit “fraud upon the court” vitiates the entire proceeding. The People of the State of Illinois v. Fred E. Sterling, 357 Ill. 354; 192 N.E. 229 (1934) (“The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into which it enters applies to judgments as well as to contracts and other transactions.”); Allen F. Moore v. Stanley F. Sievers, 336 Ill. 316; 168 N.E. 259 (1929) (“The maxim that fraud vitiates every transaction into which it enters …”); In re Village of Willowbrook, 37 Ill.App.2d 393 (1962) (“It is axiomatic that fraud vitiates everything.”); Dunham v. Dunham, 57 Ill.App. 475 (1894), affirmed 162 Ill. 589 (1896); Skelly Oil Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 338 Ill.App. 79, 86 N.E.2d 875, 883-4 (1949); Thomas Stasel v. The American Home Security Corporation, 362 Ill. 350; 199 N.E. 798 (1935).
      Under Illinois and Federal law, when any officer of the court has committed “fraud upon the court”, the orders and judgment of that court are void, of no legal force or effect.

      4. What causes the “Disqualification of Judges?”

      Federal law requires the automatic disqualification of a Federal judge under certain circumstances.
      In 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court held that “Disqualification is required if an objective observer would entertain reasonable questions about the judge’s impartiality. If a judge’s attitude or state of mind leads a detached observer to conclude that a fair and impartial hearing is unlikely, the judge must be disqualified.” [Emphasis added]. Liteky v. U.S., 114 S.Ct. 1147, 1162 (1994).
      Courts have repeatedly held that positive proof of the partiality of a judge is not a requirement, only the appearance of partiality. Liljeberg v. Health Services Acquisition Corp., 486 U.S. 847, 108 S.Ct. 2194 (1988) (what matters is not the reality of bias or prejudice but its appearance); United States v. Balistrieri, 779 F.2d 1191 (7th Cir. 1985) (Section 455(a) “is directed against the appearance of partiality, whether or not the judge is actually biased.”) (“Section 455(a) of the Judicial Code, 28 U.S.C. §455(a), is not intended to protect litigants from actual bias in their judge but rather to promote public confidence in the impartiality of the judicial process.”).
      That Court also stated that Section 455(a) “requires a judge to recuse himself in any proceeding in which her impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Taylor v. O’Grady, 888 F.2d 1189 (7th Cir. 1989). In Pfizer Inc. v. Lord, 456 F.2d 532 (8th Cir. 1972), the Court stated that “It is important that the litigant not only actually receive justice, but that he believes that he has received justice.”
      The Supreme Court has ruled and has reaffirmed the principle that “justice must satisfy the appearance of justice”, Levine v. United States, 362 U.S. 610, 80 S.Ct. 1038 (1960), citing Offutt v. United States, 348 U.S. 11, 14, 75 S.Ct. 11, 13 (1954). A judge receiving a bribe from an interested party over which he is presiding, does not give the appearance of justice.
      “Recusal under Section 455 is self-executing; a party need not file affidavits in support of recusal and the judge is obligated to recuse herself sua sponte under the stated circumstances.” Taylor v. O’Grady, 888 F.2d 1189 (7th Cir. 1989).
      Further, the judge has a legal duty to disqualify himself even if there is no motion asking for his disqualification. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals further stated that “We think that this language [455(a)] imposes a duty on the judge to act sua sponte, even if no motion or affidavit is filed.” Balistrieri, at 1202.
      Judges do not have discretion not to disqualify themselves. By law, they are bound to follow the law. Should a judge not disqualify himself as required by law, then the judge has given another example of his “appearance of partiality” which, possibly, further disqualifies the judge. Should another judge not accept the disqualification of the judge, then the second judge has evidenced an “appearance of partiality” and has possibly disqualified himself/herself. None of the orders issued by any judge who has been disqualified by law would appear to be valid. It would appear that they are void as a matter of law, and are of no legal force or effect.
      Should a judge not disqualify himself, then the judge is violation of the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution. United States v. Sciuto, 521 F.2d 842, 845 (7th Cir. 1996) (“The right to a tribunal free from bias or prejudice is based, not on section 144, but on the Due Process Clause.”).
      Should a judge issue any order after he has been disqualified by law, and if the party has been denied of any of his / her property, then the judge may have been engaged in the Federal Crime of “interference with interstate commerce”. The judge has acted in the judge’s personal capacity and not in the judge’s judicial capacity. It has been said that this judge, acting in this manner, has no more lawful authority than someone’s next-door neighbor (provided that he is not a judge). However some judges may not follow the law.
      If you were a non-represented litigant, and should the court not follow the law as to non-represented litigants, then the judge has expressed an “appearance of partiality” and, under the law, it would seem that he/she has disqualified him/herself.
      However, since not all judges keep up to date in the law, and since not all judges follow the law, it is possible that a judge may not know the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court and the other courts on this subject. Notice that it states “disqualification is required” and that a judge “must be disqualified” under certain circumstances.
      The Supreme Court has also held that if a judge wars against the Constitution, or if he acts without jurisdiction, he has engaged in treason to the Constitution. If a judge acts after he has been automatically disqualified by law, then he is acting without jurisdiction, and that suggest that he is then engaging in criminal acts of treason, and may be engaged in extortion and the interference with interstate commerce.
      Courts have repeatedly ruled that judges have no immunity for their criminal acts. Since both treason and the interference with interstate commerce are criminal acts, no judge has immunity to engage in such acts.

      Brenda Battle Jordan, Case 2001-2003,Brenda Battle Jordan

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