We Are Entering an Ice Age Termination Event. Confused?
This scientist seems pretty smart but within the first minute of his video analyzing the This scientist seems pretty smart but within the first minute of his video analyzing the recent spike in non-man-made methane he expresses confusion. If 100,000 year cycles cause the rise and fall of ice ages, why are we in the beginning stage of another major event just 12,000 years after the last one?
Because the mainstream view of ice ages is nonsense.
There is no such thing as a global ice age when the whole world gets colder. There are regional, local “ice ages” at the poles. Antarctica has such an “ice age” now. And the lands that are at the poles change when there is a pole shift.
Up until about 12,000 years ago the North Pole was in Hudson Bay. Places like where I am in Pennsylvania – New York City too – were under a mile of ice – the Laurentide Ice Cap. Not because there was a global ice age – it was warm in Siberia and huge herds of large animals like mammoths (each of which ate about 500 pounds of vegetation every day) lived and ate well in warm lands that are now in the Arctic… North America had an “ice age” because the poles were about 30 degrees of latitude off from where they are today.
Evidence – tons of evidence from all fields of science – suggest a roughly 12,000 year cycle of pole shift catastrophes in which the entire surface of the Earth moves over the interior in one piece. Few lands remain in a similar climate; most see huge changes in latitude and altitude. Some coastal lands rise far above sea level, like Bolivia. Some fall below sea level, like Atlantis.
The North Magnetic Pole has been racing away from Canada towards Siberia because we are in the early stage of the next/ongoing pole shift. The methane surge detailed in the video below is due to changes deep underground. The video shows the world as “largely ice covered” around 45 seconds in. Where did tropical life survive if that was the case? Thirty seconds later he says “we fundamentally don’t understand.” I agree he doesn’t – mainstream science doesn’t acknowledge the cycle of pole shifts because the next catastrophe is due within our lifetimes – the second quarter of the 21st century. Watch the video below with this perspective in mind, even for one minute, and it makes much more sense.
<iframe width=”1862″ height=”754″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/JCt2MhOzWVE” title=”New Evidence We Are Entering An Ice Age Termination Event – EXPLAINED” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen></iframe>