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By Medeea Greere
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Emergency Alert for La Palma! Extremely Important ! This Video Could Save Millions of Lives!

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The volcanic eruption which began on the Island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean, off the northwest coast of Africa seems to be getting some help: artificial help to make it WORSE! Evidence below:
When the Cumbre Viejo volcano on La Palma began erupting on September 10, it immediately became the focus of intense attention because that island is the only place in the world which can generate a Tsunami wave, which is capable of literally destroying the entire east coast of North America.
Back in the 1990’s several scientists closely studied and even went inside the then-dormant volcano and found that the entire southwest flank had become unstable and could slide into the Atlantic Ocean. That unstable land mass is the size of the island of Manhattan, NYC, and would generate a tsunami wave.
Computer models showed the tsunami would begin hitting the US east coast within 7 to 8 hours, and would smash almost all the major cities, with a wall of water 30 meters to fifty meters high. That would mean a wave 100-164 FEET tall, lasting 5 to 45 minutes as it flooded 12-15 miles inland.
As interest in the eruption grew, people starting paying closer attention to what was taking place there.
Tonight, that attention has paid off.
The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) was founded in 1975, following a recommendation from the European Seismological Commission (ESC). The ESC is a regional commission of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI), itself a specialized association of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Put simply, it is Europe’s equivalent to the US Geological Survey in the USA.
Tonight, if someone goes to the EMSC web site to look at earthquakes taking place on the island of LaPalma, they get a map showing this:

The red dots forming a blob of red indicates the ongoing clusters of earthquakes around the erupting volcano.

But watch what happens when you zoom-in really close:

That’s almost a perfect grid pattern. There is no way that’s natural. No possible way at all.


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    Total 4 comments
    • Just me

      You’ve been wearing a mask too long. The reason it looks like this when zoomed in, is because the data points are INPUT at a low resolution. I’m sure if you zoom in ANYWHERE on that site you will get the same results. Try zooming in to a video screen – looks good from a distance, but too close and all the pixels line up in neat rows and columns. Has covid destroyed our brains?

      • Fly on the wall

        Correct, you get 400 Quatlooms. Simply Data points.

    • dontmesswithme

      Shut Up. You are a deep state, predictive programming shill. That’ not even your real picture.

    • Inge

      THE rest might still be up over there but the Lord’s of tyranny would not allow this part: Nov 4 pm

      [quote:Jd Salinger:MV80OTM1NTgwXzkwNTI0ODI0X0RBNURERTY1]
      [quote:Anonymous Coward 81087009:MV80OTM1NTgwXzkwNTI0Nzg0XzJCRUU3MUQy]
      On, On A, Palma, Palms ALL relate to this worship

      Canary too as in Gran Canaria
      Explain a little more

      I would like to explain more better, but I know what happens when I do, very sorry for rough sketch
      (Surprised this much got thru)
      Palma, Gran Canaria all relate to this God;

      the etymologies of the names that were given to these places, these islands, the worship is plainly that of honouring the Horned king/priest

      Is white, son, and/ or foundation, for a building, or a family lineage; also used for a pit, abyss, serpents hole


      Cur, Cor

      Words we get from the original include: horn, horns, horned, ring, RINGED, rings, CROWN, born, kernel, grain

      These all relate to a ruler God, a God of the grain, or “corn” ( Dagon, Asaur/ Osir, Baal, etc) but he was also violent with wicked destructive side, — like The Goddess, she loves the frenzied fear of battle and death;

      Palm is Tamar
      Breaking it down is to me, Tam at, Tam at
      Dam ar, Tam it! DAMIT! It is a deity name
      Tam, HEBREW and other Semitic languages is twin; look- alike man

      But also Tam in Ancient Egyptian is to tame, to subdue

      This fits the figure of this king/ priest.
      A tamer of animals, a subduer of men A DOMINATOR

      TAM, DAM,
      TOM, DOM


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