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Dr. David E. Martin Drops Shocking Info on Canadians!

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Source: Vaccine Choice Canada

Dr. David E. Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians, MUST ACT on NOW! Proof of Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.

Dr. David E. Martin:

The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier:

Reiner Fuelmich interview:
Transcript of Interview:

Stew Peters interviews with Dr. David Martin:

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    Total 13 comments
    • allendaves

      #1  “ONE” not triune: ……Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”.  Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image! 

      Jesus is only a son by vertue of the fact that the human flesh that the SINGULAR PERSON GOD occupied belonged to God personaly there was no other spirit in Jesus to lay claim to the male human flesh/son of marry/”SON OF MAN” …..erogo “son OF GOD” bleonging to God (as a possesion) not a second or different person!! As such Jesus is not the bastard son trinitarians or muslims would try to make him out to be

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! … or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or 

      #3 Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      #4 Water babtisim?  HTTPS://WWW.SCRIBD.COM/DOCUMENT/326686356/THIEF-CROSS-3D

    • Rickenbocher

      Dr. Martin Gill says Ivermectin is more effective than any other drug against COVID-19. “I think there is enough evidence now to say this is the drug we have been waiting for. I’ve been using it literally since April with really spectacular results.”

      It is nearly 100% effective at prevention. Dr. Kory notes, “If you take it, you will not get sick.” However, its most profound benefits are in hospitalized patients, where it can save even the sickest patients on ventilators.

      Perhaps most intriguing is that Ivermectin seems to help prevent the “Long Hauler’s Syndrome.” This refers to a group of COVID survivors who have long-term problems with lung scarring, shortness of breath or clotting disorders.

      One has to ask the question that if Ivermectin is so effective, then why is it not in widespread use in the US?

      Get Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine online

    • 9fierce9

      I want to share this- I am over 60 years y.o. a very controlled type 1 diabetic, healthy active guy who has lived in Italy for the past 16 years. I never am sick with ANYTHING…eat right (no junk or crap foods) take vit/mineral supplements. In beginning of 2020, I paid attention to smart Dr’s.and nutritionists and began to up doses of zinc, vit. C, fish and cod liver oil, added higher doses of vit. D3, and added quercetin in addition to the other supplements I take. These are vital to my strong immune system, which I have always had, but now more than ever. I now eat a grapefruit each day and also an avocado and drink as much water as I can. I believe a daily preventative diet and strict regimen of what goes in can prevent a lot of drug/medicine later…just my belief.

      • residentp

        Take note they are mentioning adding GO to the main water supply in the UK….as to help with “purification” of the water. It looks more like purification of the population from their perspective.

        • nikita

          He said he was in Italy. :wink:

          But I’ve noted your comment.

          Hopefully NO ONE here is still drinking raw tap water!! :shock:

    • 9fierce9

      I have listened to accounts and accusations about this for a long time, and have listened to Dr. Martin numerous times make his case- this is the first time I have heard him be this specific, and bravo to him. His expressions are factual and brave.
      I hope he has a good security team, as he is necessary for the future handling of all this.

    • residentp

      This is the most important video in the history of mankind.
      Dr Martin is giving us the knowledge of the kabal’s endgame and the way to fight them.
      In addition to what he says, the simple fact that a ‘trade secret’ secret ingredient of the ‘vaccine’ was withheld from us and not required to be important by the instigators of this, (that seems to qualify as a pandemic), classifies this pandemic as a conspiracy and felony where GO is a poisonous toxin and is not just a small % of the injection, but may be over 90% in quantity relative to other ingredients. Contracts were made with governments to bully civilization to accept the fake vaccines and the corporations make profits at the expense of other. The position of the vatican in this must be questioned, as the RCC has a vast interest in many corporations and acting through the jesuits as the ‘soldiers’ of the vatican. Are the vaccine companies controlled by jesuits only? Then we can assume the biblical message as in Revelation has been fulfilled of the beast making covenants with many countries and we are officially in the tribulation period. How much is the profit on one gallon of covid ‘vaccine’….30000 dollars?….now that is a lot more than paying for a gallon of gas, and they want it to be perpetual with ‘variants’

    • Rickenbocher

      It all boils down to the Judges all over the world. I’m sure the cabal has threatened or bad off most. But pray some will do what’s right and uphold the law for humanity

    • residentp

      -This is the most important video in the history of mankind.
      Dr Martin is giving us the knowledge of the kabal’s endgame and the way to fight them.
      In addition to what he says, the simple fact that a ‘trade secret’ secret ingredient of the ‘vaccine’ was withheld from us and not required to be important by the instigators of this, (that seems to qualify as a pandemic), classifies this pandemic as a conspiracy and felony where GO is a poisonous toxin and is not just a small % of the injection, but may be over 90% in quantity relative to other ingredients. Contracts were made with governments to bully civilization to accept the fake vaccines and the corporations make profits at the expense of other. The position of the vatican in this must be questioned, as the RCC has a vast interest in many corporations and acting through the jesuits as the ‘soldiers’ of the vatican. Are the vaccine companies controlled by jesuits only? Then we can assume the biblical message as in Revelation has been fulfilled of the beast making covenants with many countries and we are officially in the tribulation period. How much is the profit on one gallon of covid ‘vaccine’….30000 dollars?….now that is a lot more than paying for a gallon of gas.

    • truck driver

      Does this mean I can deliver cigarettes and Food inside Canada again. Canadian’s told me to get out of Canada and don’t come back and Canada Freight is for Canada trucks and threaten to sue the shipping and recieving offices around Toronto Ontario airport in 2016. I used to have 4 deliveries from Brampton Ontario down Dixie road and sleep at the Husky. Twice a week

    • truck driver

      When I used to deliver inside Canada to canpar ,where QEW ends in Toronto Ontario I seen people coming out of man hole covers in middle of the street and the eggolicious I would eat at had people saying I don’t have to pay for this I’m a foreign national. Their cash register would do the currency exchange rate when I spent US money inside Canada

    • Sarika

      does anyone have that link which shows the Blood’s reaction to the jab? It was about a week ago.

    • Anonymous

      Lies and propaganda are halfway around the world before the truth puts its boots on. Truth is putting it’s boots on. The covid narrative is crumbling. Time is now to rise up.

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