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British Ayatollahs: UK Created Islamists

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“The Wise people say: Past events must be studied to see how they have affected and influenced conditions existing to-day. In recent centuries, the West, the Ministry of Truth and Lie Factory tried to mix Truths with Lies, and Fictions with Facts, because they wanted to rewrite history, to fool people, and to create an Orwellian world or an Animal Farm. But today is not the 19th century. Today we all can see what they do / say. We all can see it with our own eyes. We all can see how they tell Big Lies, and how they censor all news. Today is not the 19th century. Now British animals, the UK’s Animal Farm or the Big Brother’s whores cannot fool Iranians and other good guys. Now the UK and its stooges have badly confused. Just look what this British Spy Iraq-chi says in the Masonic Parliament of Mullahs (Mullah TV -IRINN- airs this historic confessions in Sep 2015) Just look what British Hiyatollahs, CIA media and UK media say in recent days. Just look how the West and the UK media censor all facts, and praise / defend Ayatollahs and Islamic Turkmenchay in a childish way. They tell childish lies; they censor all news in a childish way; and they don’t care about their own credibility/ legitimacy! Now the UK and the CIA openly express their love and support for their ‘Hiyatollahs’ ! Now British Ayatollahs (Larijani etc) go to New York, and openly make love with the so-called Zionist Leaders of the Masonic Parliament of Britain & France! Now even idiots can see that Truth is not Conspiracy theory! Now even idiots and the 3% can see the true colors of Islamic Zionists, Islamic Masons, British Ayatollahs, Masonic Regime of Mullahs and Big Brother’s media – from CIA media to BBC, Telegraph, Guardian, Economist etc”, some wise Iranians say. They also add: “If you take a look at history books, you can see that even the Western historians talk about ‘How the UK created Islamists and Islamism’. The West’s historians talk about the Great Game, the UK’s Evil Empire, the Devil’s Game, the British Empire’s crimes, The Brotherhood’s games etc. If you read history, you can see that Britain was the Land of Barbarians, and British Barbarians, like French Barbarians & European Barbarians, were specialists in nothing but drinking human bloods and eating human flesh (for more info, check Archive) But one day -when Aryans (Iranians), the land of Aryans (Iran / Persia) and the Civilized world were naive, exhausted, and busy with silly problems- the West’s Barbarians could wear new masks (civilized masks), could create the Evil Empire of Brotherhood, and caused great disasters, great crimes against humanity, and great problems/ troubles for the world. Those who created world wars and killed billions of people in all around the world – from Africa and America to Australia, Asia and Europe- were British Barbarians & Western Barbarians, ie the Worst Barbarians in history. One day – when most people were naive, ignorant or uneducated- Barbarians could fool people. But today is another day”. They also add: “We Iranians care about the Truth. Since the ancient times, we Iranians say Goodness or being Good Guy is independent of Race or Religion. It’s part of our Iranian Legacy. When we Iranians take a look at their media or their history books, and see how the UK and the West tell Big lies and censor all Facts, we say: Truths must be separated from falsehoods, and fiction from fact. But idiots and Conspiracy theorists just try to mix truths with lies, and fiction with fact, and help the Bad guys. Now even idiots can see why Iranians say: the UK, the West and their Media & their Mullahs tell the Biggest Lies (Doruq Migan Mesl-e Sag .. ! ) ! Now only Sheeple know nothing about Systematic Lies and Systematic Censorship in the UK and the West. Sheeple know nothing about the 2009 Coup, IMF Plans, Anti-Iran Sadism, the West’s Bullies, the 2009 traitors, Rouhanists and other stooges of the West -including Marxists, Mullahs, Mujadehs, Monarchists etc. Now UK’s Ayatollahs -from Khamenei and Larijani to Rouhani and Basiji leaders- openly make love with their Great Satan, their Zionist France, their Masonic Britain etc. In recent days, all Big Brother’s whores – from Noam Chomsky and Hollywood stars to Islamic whores – defend Nuclear Turkmenchay and Ayatollahs! In recent days, the UK media happily report that a few Stupid whores (Jafar Panahi, Shirin Ebadi, Nasrin Sotoudeh) defend Nuclear Turkmenchay! They are happy that Jafar Panahi & Nasrin Sotoudeh have become such stupid whores or political whores ! (We would write more about these whores and recent events later) Now the UK, the West and their stooges show the depth of their bankruptcy & confusion in a childish way. So now even non-Iranians and the 3% are becoming Khar-Fahm ( = aware) Now if you search the internet, you can see that even idiots talk about Nuclear Capitulation, British Islam, Masonic Mullahs, CIA Islamists, Islamic Zionists, Devil’s Game etc. If you search the internet, you can find many books and articles about ‘UK, Islamists and CIA’. For instance, the Westerners write articles such as [1]: ‘Al-Afghani and The British Subversion of Islam’ ! They say silly things, but it’s not the whole story. They also talk about Historical documents and historical facts. These historical facts or true facts are not new things. They are historical documents and historical facts that all informed people are aware of them (and we Iranians care about such true facts) For instance, they talk about ‘this fact that Al- Afghani was the founder of the Arab Mason Society , and say: this fact is something (that even) the Encyclopedia Britannica acknowledges quite openly‘ ! [1] Truth-seekers and Historians care about Al-Afghani, because Al-Afghani is the father of Islamism and the father of Mullahs. As the non-Iranian historians say: (there is no doubt that) Mullah Afghani was a British agent .. Al-Afghani attempted to gain and manipulate power by organizing his followers in a Masonic lodge, of which he became the leader’ [1] The story of British Ayatollahs or British Islamists like ‘Jamal ad-Din Al-Afghani (1838- 1897), Muhammad Abduh (1849- 1905), Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab (1703- 1792), Ibn Saud (1882- 1953), Hasan al-Banna (1906- 1949), Mullah Nawab, Bahais, Khashani, Al-Hindi (Khomeini) etc is actually the story of Mind Control projects and creating Satanic Cults in recent centuries. Even the Western historians talk about British Controllers of Mullahs or Mind Controllers of Islamists, and say: ‘the British controller of Mullah Al-Afghani was W. S. Blunt, who, himself, was controlled by Lord Randolph Churchill and (Masonic agents)’ ! [1] Wilfred S. Blunt was an Orwellian agent of the British Brotherhood. Even the West’s historians say: Wilfred Blunt was an official agent of the British Empire, but he pretended that he is a true anti-imperialist !‘ ! [1] Some refer to such British / Orwellian Games as the Great Game or the Devil Game. In this Orwellian Game -one day in the name of Reform, one day in the name of Anti-Imperialism !, one day in the name of Religion, and one day in the name of Anti-Religion ! – they try to fool and manipulate people with Orwellian methods. One day in the name of X and one day in the name of Anti-X, they try to control the naive people. In the 19th century, most humans were ignorant or uneducated. But it’s important to note that even in the 19th century, most Iranians hated Mullah Afghani. Now even the West’s historians say: ‘In Iran, Afghani’s influence was less than is suggested by British writers as Edward Browne‘ ! [1] The story of this British Freemason, Edward Browne , is a long story. Many have already written about this British spy Edward Browne and Babis, Bahais and Mullahs (we would write more about this issue later) This British faggot Edward Browne is a symbol of UK’s Ministry of Truth, and can show you how the British pigs create or help Evil forces, and try to rewrite history. But today is not the 19th century, and now many talk about ‘the Western Use of Islamism‘, CIA’s Islamists, ISIS, Saudis, Arab Freemasons, Wahhabis, Salafis, the Masonic Roots of Islamists, the Jewish / British Roots of Ayatollahs or the Masonic Roots of Mullahs“.

As some wise Iranians say: “If you want to know the so-called Great Game, you should know Little Britain, Islamists and Jewish / British Barbarians. Recent events are very informative, too. So now even idiots and the 3% can see who have created ISIS / ISIL, Saudis, Basijis, Rouhanis and other Islamists. Now even the 3% can see how British Ayatollahs accept Capitulation and Nuclear Turkmenchay, and why Khamenei and Ayatollahs are puppets of UK, US, France and Zionists. Now even idiots and the 3% can see why the Islamic Parliament is a Masonic Parliament, and why Mullahs are Masons. If you read history, you can see why Iranian intellects said: ‘In the 19th century, Masons and British Brothers tried to create Islamic Pope, Islamic Priesthood, Islamic Church and Islamic Vatican. They created Islamic Pope and called it Vali Vafiq, Grand Mullah or Grand Mufti. They created Islamist Priesthood schools and called it Hozeh. They created Islamic Vatican … ‘. If you read history, you can learn many things about Mullahs, British Money (British-Indian money), Hozeh, Muslim Brotherhood, Fadayan-e Islam, Terrorism, Taliban, Saudis, Wahhabis, ISIS, MEK, Basijis, Bahais etc. The West asks people to read the Ministry of Truth’s books! But now even the Westerners are becoming aware, and say: ‘(It’s so funny and important that ) the main primary materials in English are books by the British Masonic Agent, Wilfrid Blunt [!] (who was the Masonic controller of Mullah Al-Afghani)’ ! [1] In fact, they know the English Ministry of Truth. They even know why ‘Mullah Al-Afghani praised Freemasonry, and said: ‘Masonry is paramount to establishing a leadership authority and serving (its interests)’ ! [1] They know Islamic Lies and Islamic Paradoxes, including Mullah Al-Afghani’s paradoxes. For instance, Mullah Al-Afghani never got married ! [1] Mullah Al-Afghani was a religious fanatic & Islamist, but at the same time, he said Anti-Religion things! Mullah Afghani said: ‘Religion imposes on man its faith and its belief, whereas, philosophy frees him of it totally, or in part’ ! [1] Al-Afghani and all Ayatollahs are bad psychopaths. Many described A-Afghani as ‘a foolish British spy’ ! [1] In fact, Mullah Al-Afghani was like today’s Ayatollahs, Saudis, ISIS and Basijis. Mullah Al-Afghani and his Islamic paradoxes can show you many things. Mullah Al-Afghani defended Satanic Brotherhood, Islamic Priesthood and British tactics! [1] Mullah Al-Afghani’s teachers were the ideologues of British Intelligence [1] For instance, Blunt was a British Freemason and a British agent, who taught Al-Afghani Orwellian tactics. In his Diaries, ‘Blunt wrote: the British Empire is the greatest engine of Evil now existing in the world ! .. We (British Barbarians) are like (other Barbarian invaders) But we do it over a far wider area and more successfully’ ! [1] Mullah Afghani was a stupid as his British masters. ‘The British {Illustrated London News} of December 1891, under the title {The Persian Crisis}, says: Thirty years ago, our learned people (i.e. Mullah Afghani) in the East conceived a great desire to know why Eastern races were not able to assimilate the European civilization [!!!] .. our learned people (i.e. Mullahs) have succeeded in formulating a new doctrine, which, however, agrees perfectly with the essence of Islam [!!!], while it is in perfect harmony with European civilization [!!!] .. our learned people (ie Mullahs/ Muftis) sought to discover in religion the principle which serve (the West’s interests) !’ ! [1] And it’s not a joke. It’s what British pigs said in the 19th century. The so-called Al-Afghani’s plan to reform Islam and to create Islamic Brotherhood was a Masonic Plan. He and other Islamists/ Masons just want to create new cults to serve the West’s interests, and to help Colonialism and Imperialism. All historical documents show that Mullah Afghani and other Masons/ Islamists were children of Colonialism and Imperialism. They openly attacked Iran, Iranian values and Nationalism, but defended Satanic Brotherhood, Tazi / Masonic values and Colonialism/ Imperialism / Islamism! They, like Khamenei and Rouhani, said that Capitulation or Turkmenchay is a good thing, and you should be Brother of Wahhabis, Western Bullies, Barbarians, Savage Arabs and Sworn enemies of Iran & Iranians! We all should ask: Why Masons – form Mullahs/ Islamists to all children of Colonialism and Imperialism- have always attacked Iran, Iranian values and Iranian Legacy?! Why Masons and Mullahs hate the Cradle of Culture and Civilization (Iran / Persia) but love Savage Arabs/ Jews, the UK and Barbarians?! Now the UK media openly praise Hiyatollahs, and British Ayatollahs -from Khamenei to Rouhani- openly defend Capitulation, Turkmenchay, Satanic Brotherhood, Satanic Hajj of Saudi Arabia, Rapists, Saudi killers of Yemenis, Zionists, Zionist France/ UK, Savage Arabs and sworn enemies of Iran and Iranians. But why?! All humans should ask: Why?!”. They also add: “All Islamists -from Saudis to Ayatollahs- are the Brotherhood’s children. As the Westerners say: ‘the British W. S. Blunt was instrumental in installing the Ibn Saud family as Kings of Arabia. And it was Randolph Churchill who provided a British stipend to King Saud‘ [1] Even idiots know the story of Savage Saudis and the Lawrence of Arabia! Even idiots know how British Masons created Saudi Arabia and other new & fake countries. British pigs wrote Orwellian books, and try to hide the true facts. In His ‘Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt’ !, Agent Blunt says many Orwellian things [1] But if the sane people want to know the real ‘Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt or Arabia’, they don’t read Blunt’s books or Orwellian books of the Lie Factory of Occupiers! But Masons are so stupid. Islamists and Masons use the same tactics. For instance, they say: ‘the British never have permanent friends or enemies, they only have permanent interests’ ! [1] In fact, Islamists and Masons hate real friendship / brotherhood. The Jewish-Islamic-Masonic Brotherhood is actually a Satanic Brotherhood in which all Bad guys become Brothers and help each other in serving the Big Brother’s interests. British Ayatollahs like Khamenei and Afghani love such Satanic Brotherhood, and that’s why they openly defend Wahhabis, Saudis, Hajj Rapists, Baby-killers, Zionist France/ UK, Savage Arabs and other Bad guys. Islamic Paradoxes, like the West’s paradoxes, are so important. You cannot ignore Islamic Paradoxes. Even Westerners know that the primary characteristic of Al-Afghani, Islamists and Masons is Satanism [1] They say: ‘During the second half of the 19th century, Mullah Al-Afghani acted as a British agent and a Freemason agent of the West .. the so-called Afghani idea of Pan-Islamism was nothing but a British Intelligence invention … (Mullahs and Masons tried) to create a ferment for the destruction of sovereign nation-States, and the establishment of a New British Imperial World Order .. Mullah Afghani was a Freemason and a British agent, but they had constructed for him a profile image of being the hero of anti-western civilization [!] and especially of anti-British Imperialism ! .. Mullah Afghani’s Pan-Islamic activities generally coincided with the time table of the British geopolitical strategic of the Great Game of subverting and breaking up nations-states throughout Asia .. This puts Mullah Afghani directly in the community of agreement with such neo-cons luminaries as Brzezinsky, Bernard Lewis, and Huntington of today .. Mullah Afghani’s Pan-Islamic intention was a united movement for war, which was run by the British Intelligence Services with the collaboration of French Intelligence .. Mullah Afghani changed roles in accordance with the changes in the background, like a Chameleon .. (Many Historians) say Afghani was born in Kunar, Afghanistan … (very soon) Mullah Afghani was identified publicly as (an enemy of Iran)’ ! [1] It’s really important that Al-Afghani and Mirza Malkum, like today’s Mullahs and Masons, are not Iranians. Mullah Afghani was not Iranian, simply because he was not born and raised in Iran. Afghan was the name of a group of Turk-Mongol Barbarians who lived near China’s borders. Now even idiots can see that Al-Afghani was not Iranian, simply because he helped British Barbarians & Iran’s enemies to occupy Eastern Iran, and then he wrote Afghan History! In 1944, the Afghan Masons moved the bones of al-Afghani to Kabul ! But Iran’s enemies still tell silly lies. People of Great Khorasan / Herat (ie most parts of today’s Afghanistan) were Iranians. They are Herati, Khorasani, Balkhi etc, not Afghani ! Afghan is a British name. Afghan is Barbarian, Mongol and Anti-Iran. Our Brothers and sisters in Herat, Balkh and other parts of Great Khorasan are Iranians, with Persian Language. They are not Afghan (…) British Masons and British Mullahs tell many childish lies. Their childish paradoxes are so laughable. Now they openly defend ‘Followers of Muawiyah & Yazid’ or ‘Followers of the Umayyad & Abu Sufyan’ ! Now they openly defend Mr Char-lie Heb-do (Fabius) or Mr Satanic Verses (UK) ! Now Saudis and Ayatollahs openly make love with Zionists and Netanyahu’s Brothers (Fabius, Hammond etc), and the UK openly defend its Hiyatollahs !”

As some wise Iranians say: “If you know Al-Afghani and British/ Orwellian tactics, then you can easily see the true colors of Islamic Freemasons like Sadegh Zibakalam, Motahari, Tavakoli, Haeri, Mesbah, Jannati, Ganji, Rouhani or Mr Hiyatollah, that the Jewish CIA and the UK love him so much. The story of ‘Renan and Al-Afghani’ is so informative. ‘In 1883, Afghani traveled to Paris where he joined the Grand Orient Lodge of France. This is the period in which Mullah Afghani debates Ernest Renan at the Sorbonne, on the subject of Religion and Islamic role in science and philosophy’ [1] Now if you search the internet, you can can easily find the so-called ‘Response of Al-Afghani to Renan‘. You all should read it. It clearly shows why Mullah Afghani, a religious fanatic / Islamist, was actually Anti-Religion and Freemason. Even non-Iranians say: ‘Mullah Afghani’s Anti-religious response was in total agreement with Renan ! … Mullah Afghani determined his degree of usefulness for British Intelligence’ ! [1] In fact, Islamist = a Religious Fanatic like Afghani, Zibakalam, Ganji, Haeri, Mesbah or ISIS / Al-Qaeda terrorists, who even don’t believe in Religion! This level of Stupidity & Charlatanism, ie when a Religious Fanatic is Anti-Religion !, is Orwellian / Masonic Charlatanism. It’s so important that savage Islamists and their Father, Mullah Afghani said: ‘All religions are intolerant [!], each one in its own way .. But Christian religion seems to advance rapidly on the road to progress and science, whereas Muslim society has not yet freed itself from the tutelage of religion [!!] .. I cannot keep from hoping that Muslim society will succeed some day in breaking its Islamic bonds and marching resolutely in the path of civilization after the manner of Western society [!!!] .. Muslims live in barbarism and ignorance [!!] In truth, the Muslim religion has tried to stifle science and stop progress [!!]‘ [1] All humans should know more about Mullah Afghani, and ‘Response of Afghani to Renan’, and why even non-Iranian historians say: ‘Mullah Afghani was a Soldier of Satan, who tried to manipulate popular ignorance, in the name of religion .. Mullah Afghani went even further in agreeing with the British colonialists in saying that the West or Christianity was a more advanced religion’ ! [1] The West’s paradoxes and Islamic Paradoxes are so important. What the UK and Islamists say are Doruq-e Shakh-dar ! ( = Lies with horns; or apparent paradoxes)! Islamists are the West’s children, and many see this fact as one of the Biggest Secrets. But it’s obvious why Saudis, Islamic dictators, or defenders of 2009 Coup, IMF Plans, Jewish CIA, UK / French Zionists and Nuclear Turkmenchay cannot be Anti-Zionist or Anti-Imperialism! Saudis and Ayatollahs are puppets of the West. Ayatollahs and Masons have always tried to hurt Iran, and to help the West. ‘In 1891-92 Afghani went to England, where he joined the (Freemason) Mirza Malkom in making public speeches against Iran and the Shah .. In the summer of 1892, Afghani arrived in Istambul, where he was welcomed by the Sultan and the religious leaders of Turkey. He spent several years organizing his (Masonic Islamists) and stepped up his campaign against Iran to the point that Iran’s Shah was assassinated by one of Afghani’s terrorists in 1896’ ![1] What Mullah Afghani did in London, Paris, Turkey etc is a long story (we would write more about it later) But it’s important that even non-Iranian historians say: ‘In 1884, Abduh joined Afghani in Paris, where, together, they created the Journal Urwat al-Wuthqa, in which (these two British Agents wrote Ant-British jokes and tried to fool idiots ! )’ ! [1] Now even the good Britons talk about ‘Mind control operations by the British Brotherhood’, and say: ‘The Brotherhood name organizations in a way that leads people to believe their aim is the opposite of what they are really there to do! For instance, they say if you want to run drugs, do it through an anti-drug agency! If you want to (serve the British interests, do it through British agents or regimes that chant anti-British slogans and make Anti-UK gestures!) If you want to run a Satanic ring, do it in the name of God’ ! In fact, many know British pigs and Mullahs. The fate of Mullah Afghani, like the fate of Hajji Baba, is so informative. When Al-Afghani implemented the UK’s plans, and Iran’s Shah was assassinated by Afghani’s followers in 1896, freemasons tried to get rid of Afghani ! Freemasons killed this Masonic Brother in 1897! Mullah Afghani died of cancer of the jaw in 1897, while he even was not able to speak. Many say: Masons poisoned him. Al-Afghani’s fate is like the fate of all puppet dictators”. They also add: “In 1883, Al-Afghani founded the Salafiyya Society [1] In 1878, Al-Afghani founded a Masonic lodge of Scottish rite in Cairo [1] The great leader of the Salafis was / is Al-Afghani and Abduh. And now even non-Iranians say: ‘Mullah Afghani did not propose to bring scientific and technological progress to Muslims, but to brutalize Muslims by having them hate and fight against the idea of science and progress in their own minds. Afghani was prepared to march Muslims even further into the bowels of hell than his British imperial masters did’ ! [1] And it’s what the West’s historians say. In fact, they know that Islamists and their Religion ‘tried to stifle science and to serve (the interests of) Colonialism and Imperialism’ ! [1] In the 19th century, French Freemasons openly defended Mullah Afghani, aka the Masonic Sheikh [1] And now the UK and British Media openly defend the Masonic Sheikhs, including Rouhani, Mr Hiyatollah, Jannati, Larijani, Motahari etc. It’s funny that even non-Iranians say: ‘Mullah Afghani added even more to the argument of Renan, by justifying the Western Imperialists in waging war against Islam because of its regrettable rejection of science and technology! Renan said : ‘Sheikh Afghani seems to me to have brought considerable arguments for my fundamental thesis’ !! [1] Today Ayatollah Turkmenchay stupidly tries to play the role of Al-Afghani, and his British Masters call him Hiyatollah! But now even the 3% curse or ridicule the Ayatollah Turkmenchay or the Ayatollah Fath Ali Shah Khamenei. Now even non-Iranians say: ‘Little wonder that Wilfred Blunt was so happy with his pupil Mullah Afghani. How can British Intelligence object against a Mullah who wishes keep his own colonial people in bondage, and is willing to kill them to prove himself right’ ! [1] In fact, all sane people can see the true colors of the UK and British Ayatollahs. Now Mullahs, their Nuclear Turkmanchay and their Islamic Paradoxes are making all of the 3% aware. What Media whores or Big Brother’s whores say is not important. But it’s important that even the 3% curse Mullahs. It’s important that even non-Iranians say: ‘From 1871 until 1879, Afghani was in Egypt .. It was during that period that Afghani recruited his main student Abduh .. From 1876 to 1879, Mullah Afghani became the Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge of Alexandria .. the Afghani-Abduh team created a number of newspapers .. In 1877, Mullah Afghani joined the Scottish Rite freemasonic {Eastern Star Lodge}, which was used as an occult base for his operations, in affiliation with the Grand Lodge of England …the Eastern Star Masonic Lodge, with Mullah Afghani as its leader, was to become an important political instrument in the growing Egyptian crisis of 1878 and 1879′ [1] It’s important that even non-Iranians talk about ‘Mullah Afghani’s interest in freemasonry‘ [1], and say: ‘Mullah Afghani was recruited by British agents in London. From that moment on, Mullah Afghani became a British agent, with Blunt as his controller. In London, he wrote a couple of articles against the British rule in Egypt to bring attention to himself, and to leave big paw tracks of his anti-British sentiments for British Intelligence and his followers to take notice of’ ! [1] Now even non-Iranians talk about ‘the Little Britain’, and say: (Why) this small gnat calls itself the Great! (they are Great Barbarians, Liars or what?!) The Little Britain suffers from a deep rooted inferiority complex !”.

As some wise Iranians say: “It’s good that even non-Iranians are becoming Khar-Fahm ( = aware) For instance, they say: the West (tries to) create ‘a state of slavery from which there is no hope of escape! They even talk about the 19th century’s Masonic Projects, and say: ‘Knowledge of the methods they used is of importance, because it set the pattern they followed in other countries afterwards’ ! Now even the 3% and idiots are becoming aware, and talk about Systematic Censorship, Systematic lies, and Systematic deceptions in the UK and the West. They even say: ‘In the West’s Evil Empire, the people are still being used as ‘Pawns in the Game’ … (Masons still praise) ‘Fooling the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false’ ! Even the West’s good guys know that ‘the West’s Lie Factory or the West’s Ministry of Truth still dictate which facts should be censored, and which lies should be fabricated’ ! They know that the UK or the West thought to itself: ‘today we censor the true facts and tell Big lies, and tomorrow we would claim that these true facts are conspiracy theories, but our Big Lies – ie what Orwellian media and our Lie Factory said or say – are true things’ ! The UK and the West are really stupid. They still try to hide or censor the true facts of Islamic Capitalism, IMF Plans, 2014 Referendum, 2009 Coup or what Iran’s people say about Rouhani and Turkmenchay. They even censor the story of ‘Milk and Palm Oil’, Rouhani’s lies, Increasing prices, Dollar price, AN’s corruption or Islamic Corruption, because such news reveal the truths. It’s obvious why they try to hide the true facts about Islamic Capitalism, Islamic Corruption, Islamic Lies and Islamic Paradoxes. It’s obvious why they love Islamic Corruption & Islamic crooks and thieves like AN, Rouhani, Jazayeri, Baghai, Rahimi, Zanjani, Rafsanjani etc. It’s obvious why Rouhanis and Khamenei are pan-Arab, pan-Turk, pan-France (Francophile), pan-England (Anglophile), but Anti-Truth and Anti-Iran. Now even non-Iranians and good Arabs say: ‘Saudi Islam or ISIS Islam is a Satanic Religion .. Islamists are not Islamic’ ! (2015) But Mullahs and Masons still defend Savage Arabs, Satanic Cults, Satanic Hajj, Rapists, Islamists, Turkmenchay, Satanic Brotherhood etc. Now even the West’s good guys talk about ‘the British Royal Family and the Islamists’, and say: ‘the Queen of England is the Mother of Islamists, and the Mother of Freemasons’ ! (2015) Now even idiots can see why the UK loves Ayatollahs, or why the UK created Ayatollahs/ Islamists. But the British Masonic Mass Media still say: ‘British foreign secretary is in the House of Mullahs with the hopeful expectation of forging closer ties with the Ayatollahs .. But British Iran Experts say: Iran’s Ayatollahs Will Never Be Friends of the UK” !! (Aug 2015) The UK is really the land of Veqahat & Hemaqat (Shamelessness & Foolishness)! Now even non-Iranians know British Hiyatollahs, and say: Abduh was a Freemason Brother at the time of the British invasion of Egypt in 1882 .. (British pigs such as Lord Cromer shamelessly) said: the Egyptians were too ignorant to rule themselves ! The British had to bring civilization to the poor backward and ignorant people of Egypt ! .. (But Who was Lord Cromer)?! Lord Cromer was the leading Freemason in Egypt, and he belonged to the same Masonic Lodge as Abduh .. In order to gain full control over Egypt, Lord Cromer also had to take over control of the Islamic religion. For that purpose, the UK and Lord Cromer selected Abduh, the favorite student of Al-Afghani, and promoted him to the status of Grand Mufti of Egypt to serve under the British command‘ .. (the Grand Mufti is like the Grand Ayatollah) The Grand Mufti is the head of the Muslim religion .. the Grand Mufti was allowed to change the application of Shari’a Law! So, the UK used Abduh to control and use Islam to serve the British interests’ ! [1] In fact, even non-Iranians know the British Games and British Ayatollahs. They write books such as ‘Imperial Adventures In the Muslim World‘ ! [1], and say: ‘ Both Mullah Al-Afghani and Abduh opened the door for the degradation and bankrupting not only Egypt, but also the entire Muslim world .. During a period of ten years or so, Blunt would deploy Al-Afghani successively to Egypt, Turkey, Iran, India etc to increase the power of the British Empire .. In Iran, Afghani tried to organize a state of rebellion, which ended with the assassination of the Shah by one of Afghani’s pupils’ ! [1] Now even the 3% talk about British Islam or British Ayatollahs. Now even idiots and the 3% can see why the Religion of Islamists, like the West’s Religion, is the Religion of Satan. In all Satanic Religions, Lying, Killing, Raping, Slavery, Barbarity, Intolerance, Bigotry and Savagery are good things, but Honesty, Truth, Tolerance, Humanity, Love and other Iranian values (aka human values) are bad things! In all Orwellian Cults and Satanic Religions, Crooks, Liars and Rapists are called Heroes, Barbarians are called Brothers, Slavery is called Salvation, Whores and Salves are called intellects, and Nuclear Capitulation / Islamic Turkmenchay is called Resistance or Islamic Resistance!”. They also add: “Mullahs and other Islamic whores are Ajnabi or Ajnabi-parast (Devil-worshipers), and that’s why the West loves them. They don’t are about the Truth. But all normal humans know that If you are a good guy, a scientist or an intellect, then you must care about the Truth. Even if you are a religious people, then you must care about the Truth. It’s obvious that Liars, Thieves, Killers and Rapists cannot call themselves Moral People or Defenders of Humanity! But now the West talks about the Dictator’s Democracy ! (Ayatollah’s Democracy etc), or pretends that the Savage West and Barbarians want to ‘Save Civilization’ !! It’s so laughable. Now now even the good British say: ‘the UK is a monstrous abortion of lies and deceits’ ! (2015) Now when people ask: ‘What action must we take?’ Iranians and the West’s good guys say: Don’t be slave; don’t live like sheep .. Don’t trust media; Use your own brain; Use your own research .. Don’t be whore, sheep or slave .. If government is to be Of the people; by the people; for the people’; then the people have every right to know every detail of what is going on’ ! The UK and the bad guys say: There are no morals in politics .. the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals‘ ! They actually ask people to become Terrorists / Barbarians, to lose their humanity, and to remove from their hearts every last vestige of humanity and sympathy’ ! In fact, British values are Satanic values or Barbarian values (…) The Little Britain has committed Great crimes against Humanity, and the British Lie Factory cannot hide the truths. The UK and its stooges still live in the 19th century ( = Ahd-e Boogh !) But today is not Ahd-e Boogh”.


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