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DF COS Ridicules Ben Gvir For Questioning Efficacy of Spatial Security

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IDF COS Ridicules Ben Gvir For Questioning Efficacy of Spatial Security In
Tactical Pause
Dr. Aaron Lerner 18 June, 2024

In this excerpt from a Security Cabinet discussion published by Moriah Asraf
& Doron Kadosh (and independently verified by IMRA), Minister Itamar Ben
Gvir challenged the efficacy of spatial security in an arrangement
implemented by the IDF according to which there is a “tactical paise” in
military activity for 11 hours each day on the route from Kerem Shalom
crossing to the Salah a-Din road and then northward to the Khan Younis area.

Ben Gvir was concerned that this daily 11 hour “window” would be exploited
by Hamas and others.

Rather than seriously address Ben Gvir’s remarks, the Chief of Staff
ridiculed Ben Gvir for asking questions given that Ben Gvir had not served
as a commander in the IDF.

Minister Avi Dichter joined in by suggesting that Ben Gvir should simply
accept what the COS said.

It is worthwhile noting that over Israel’s history civilians consistently,
to the annoyance of the brass, showed better judgement in military matters
than the generals.

Before the Six Day War in 1967 civilian PM Levi Eshkol had the nerve to
insist that the IDF make sure it checked how much ammunition it had. As a
result of the findings, supplies were rushed in.

Civilian PM Menachem Begin bucked the objections of almost the entire
defense establishment when he approved making Israeli spy satellites.

COS Ehud Barak didn’t see the point of having submarines which can launch
Jericho missiles.

And best of all, DM Peretz, who was ridiculed for looking through binoculars
without removing the caps, saved Tel Aviv when he insisted, against the
objections of the entire security establishment, that Hezbollah’s long range
missiles be taken out.
If you understand Hebrew you can hear Peretz tell the story himself in this

Ben Gvir criticized the IDF’s handling of tactical pauses in the cabinet

The Chief of Staff to Ben Gvir: “Perhaps in the operations you commanded,
they operated differently.”

Full quotes:

Ben Gvir: Chief of Staff, is there one area where there is combat and one
humanitarian area where there isn’t combat?

What is spatial security? This is a mistake, this is not a form of warfare.

Chief of Staff: I already told you that when the IDF destroys, clears, and
captures an area, a humanitarian space is created alongside it where the
civilian population is located. I know that in the operations you commanded,
you did not see fit to define humanitarian areas.

Dichter to Ben Gvir: If the Chief of Staff tells you, you should understand.

Ben Gvir: We saw who was wrong before 7.10 and who was right when he wanted
to constantly carry out targeted eliminations. The biggest mistake is

Security Cabinet – Moriah Asraf & Doron Kadosh
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