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X22Report The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War - Episode 861b - YouTube

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The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War – Episode 861b – YouTube


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Report date: 01.07.2016

The government is completely corrupt and the US has become a nation where rule of law no longer exists. Verification of the North Korea nuclear test shows no radiation.US preparing sanctions, moving military assets into South Korea and creating an agenda to push for war. Saudi jets bomb Iran’s embassy in Yemen, US/Saudi Arabia is now provoking a conflict with Iran. US and coalition forces prepared and ready to invade Libya, using ISIS bombing as the bait. ISIS is now creating its own surface to air missiles with parts from the US. Panetta reports ISIS is ready to attack the US, operatives are now standing by and ready to go.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

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    Total 4 comments
    • PeoplePower

      It Will Take 398,879,561 Years To Pay Off The US Government’s.

      The rogue illegitimate federal government will launch a false flag cyber attack to cover up the collapse of the dollar.

      • PeoplePower

        Oops- That’s US Governments Debt.

    • dabu

      Flooding us with a ton of stupid ads, simply forces us all to use ad blockers! You do get that, right! All your ads are now blocked, and nothing comes through! Ads are killing the internet!

      Why not add a donate button. And track them, so that if we donate, then we get no ads.

    • sitrep

      Free Public Web-Bot, and Crawler Situation Reports

      Please do your own research, although use a reliable search engine (Crawler-Spider).
      Be sure to use a dependable browser, and clean your system.
      Do not let them return search results that are useless, get out of the bubble. Use a search engine that also checks inside of public free files, and Video. There is a lot of info, although most only search titles, with a few key words.
      Go to advanced mode, read up, brush up on how to search for info. Most do not realize all the valuable information they are missing out on, because the Eltis (The Hidden Ones), (The Puppet Masters), have Mass groups working to place the Internet users in a total bubble. They are using the Creep tactics in some areas, soon they may do a complete Black Out.

      Yes, N. Korea is on high military alert. They have already ordered moved howitzers, troops, all units to their fighting positions.
      S. Korea, is blasting N.Korea with Huge Sound Wave Devices, blasting them with Propaganda, that penetrates into N. Korea over 24km.
      Some sites reporting these are more than mere Mega speaker systems. They are inducing a distortion in the harmonic wave resonance, and makes people deathly ill. Ear Plugs do not help, as the sound waves can penetrate bone, and cause Neurological damage, thus confusing the enemy in mass numbers.
      Nothing coming in right now on Microwave Beaming Blaster Devices.

      N. Korea is the Keeper of China’s back door, see history of the Korean Conflict now Known as
      (Korean War)
      N. Korea is positioning their entire military for a total Blitzkrieg attack on S.Korea. They will most likely use special covert agents inserted into the South, using covert methods, to create much Chaotic Carnage, as the Main Forces Spear Head into S.Korea, with units flanking, and a mop up wave to cover the Back Door.
      Their Mission, to take total control of S.Korea, and force them to sign an unconditional surrender.
      Also they will be required to state, and sign Oath to N. Korea.
      Some other Reports, and web-bot chatter:
      S. Korea claims they also are on Military High Alert, all Government Officials have been alerted, and bugging out, now in secret bunkers, and in other countries. Emergency meeting, and war time doctrines reviewed, and updated.
      Situation is very hot, Fluid.
      Coming in now, Public Crawler-Spider Reports:
      China may send in Military, and supplies to back up N. Korea, as history points to, see Korean Conflict.

      Web-Reports now indicating, possibly Germany’s top political offices may have been infiltrated, as massive amounts of Military age young men-Invaders are being placed within Germany. Is Merkal just a figure head, and has lost all control, Who is in Charge?. Germans in so much pain, as they cry, asking why, why, why.
      Some reports going viral indicate that a civil war could break out any minute now.

      Web-Reports further indicate, The House of Saud may fall into a civil war as Saudi Arabia Continues to Bomb Yemen, and Bomb the Iran Embassy. Erdogan, whom praises Hitler, and models Turkey using Hitler’s Methods seems to be in line with the house of Saud.
      There are money fronts.

      There is much more info, do some real searches the truth will scare you.
      You will not be safe in your bubble much longer. Now Most everything has come forward, and being reported via the Internet. Yes, Main Stream Media is totally infiltrated, spewing distracting, and Dis info, Instead of the truth.
      Now with all in the open, The Elitis (The Hidden Ones), themselves have revealed their plans.
      They are in a frantic rush to “Pull The Plug” then pressing their reset buttons.
      They have everything in a Fluid Motion to suit their needs, and totally full fill their Mission
      (The Agenda).

      All info coming in, is now pointing to a huge invasion. This info is developing,Please do your own searches. Although it would serve the Elite to have a total Blackout, mass panic, and Chaos.
      Months-Years could go by, before the Elitis Press The Reset Buttons. When They come back online, you will immediately turn on the TV, You will see Unknown People In Different attire, from Jump Suits to Dress Suits, all with one thing in common, Yes, They will all have the “NWO” Logo.
      They will be speaking many different language giving Directions-Orders for the public to comply with.

      Good Luck To All

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