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Here's Why the NWO Ruling Cabal Really Selected Candidate Hillary Clinton

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.







Why did the NWO ruling cabal
really select Hillary Clinton—
a politically defective,
medically unfit,
notoriously untrustworthy
and dangerously misguided candidate?


No Matter Who Wins, Election Day Will
Trigger The Second American Revolution


A Civil War Is Being Painstakingly Manufactured By The Ruling Elites

However, this Illuminati-engineered civil war will likely morph into a
full-blown revolution against the U.S. Federal Government and the
NWO Criminal Cabal that controls it.

State of the Nation

What the country has been experiencing is a
rapidly intensifying war between different
political economies, political platforms,
political philosophies and political ideologies.
The NWO cabal has inflamed the racial tensions,
religious strife, gender competition, financial
disparities, economic inequities, and sexual
orientation issues in order to mask the festering
class warfare.

The 1% know that the 99% will not be placated and that only war– both at home and
abroad — will sufficiently distract the American people from their valid rage and ever-intensifying frustration.

The criminal neocon cabal that currently controls the U.S. Federal Government has a very deliberate plan which is being executed every day from now until the November 8th election, and beyond.

This multi-decade scheme has many purposes but one goal reigns supreme in its highly calculated, covert and systematic implementation.

That aim is to ensure that the U.S. citizenry stays so engaged with their perceived enemies that they will misdirect their justifiable anger held toward the wealthy elites, business magnates, corporate heads, influential power brokers and powerful banksters towards those who do them no harm (like Russia) and/or those who disagree with them politically or socially, religiously or racially.

Race Riots Incited To Overshadow Raging Class Warfare

This desired outcome is by far the cabal’s biggest reason for re-starting the Cold War with Putin’s Russia — a genuinely very peaceful nation.  It is also the primary reason for Obama methodically dividing the nation along racial, religious and political lines … as no other POTUS has done in American history.

Obama is the compliant pawn of the ruling neoliberal cabal (George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, et al.) who is willing to do their bidding no matter how profound the betrayal to the American Republic and We the People.  However, his job was merely to soften up the US citizenry, which he has done over 8 long calamitous years.

Clearly, the quintessential Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was trained and mentored over the course of his lifetime to perform the task which he has done so well. Not only did he deeply divide the nation, the USA is now detested throughout the world.  His domestic despotism was also furtively exported throughout the world community of nations as an international tyranny.  Even a vast number of Americans now long for a real leader like President Vladimir Putin of Russia, just as citizens of nations everywhere do.  Which is why so many have enthusiastically embraced the candidacy of Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton: The Most Hated Presidential Candidate in U.S. History

No one has ever seen anything like it: the Democratic Party has chosen a candidate who is at once reviled by her political opponents, not trusted in any way by the political independents and intensely disliked by many in her own party.  It’s not just that she is an extremely unlikable person (politicians are at the very least supposed to be likable), she has a trail of serious baggage as long as the Mississippi.   As follows:

Hillary Clinton’s High Crimes and Sordid Scandals, Financial Fiascos and Political Debacles 

For so many legitimate reasons Hillary Clinton is truly unfit to serve as POTUS, or in any other official capacity.  She has proven herself to be a dangerous career criminal who is perpetually allowed to get away with her crimes by her real masters.  While this has always been the case in American political life, the depth and breadth of Clinton’s sociopathic criminality has broken out into the open for all to see.

Hence, the $64,000 question is:  Why did the elites choose such a detestable character?

Let’s face it: Hillary (aka as the HildebeastKillaryHitlery, Hilla the Hun, Shillary, Hillary Rotten Clinton, etc. on the Internet) really was chosen because she is universally hated both at home and abroad.  Were she to win the election, many nations around the world now presume that she will be used to start the World War 3 that Obama has been painstakingly setting up. What else would be expected from this now notorious “Wicked Witch of the West Wing”, as she was known by her secret service agents?  Why would so many refer to her with these pejorative names unless they really feel she is bad news for the country and the whole planet.

Many throughout the political sphere have been scratching their heads trying to figure out why the DNC would back such a profoundly flawed candidate who possesses serious defects on so many levels.  On the home front, Clinton is not only as divisive as Obama, the heretofore incomparable Divider-in-Chief, she has bested him in this department.  Her stoking of the flames of gender inequalities compares to Obama’s notorious inflaming of racial tensions. After all, gender represents a 50-50 split of the body politic, whereas race is considerably smaller, although rapidly growing given the lax Democratic immigration policies, lack of immigration law enforcement and neglect to police America’s borders.

Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War

As a matter of historical fact, no other presidential candidate has ever used such inflammatory rhetoric during a presidential campaign season.  Donald Trump is not a politician and has been primarily reacting to Clinton’s outright falsehoods and MSM lies. An objective analysis would clearly indicate that she is an unparalleled political flame-thrower who cares not what she burns down.  Alas, in Hillary Clinton have the elites found the perfect arsonist to burn down the American Republic so that the globalist New World Order agenda can be enacted unimpeded.  Their eventual goal, of course, is a One World Government which has already been designed by TPTB but waiting for a President Hillary Clinton to present to the world-at-large.

Even the Repugnant Neocon Warmongers are Voting for Hillary

You know there is something very wrong with this election cycle when supposedly Republican (really RINOs) Neocons are voting for Hillary Clinton.  What a stellar endorsement it is when a female Democrat candidate is heartily endorsed by the most reviled neocon strategist who ardently pushed the USA into the illicit second Iraq War. That cataclysmic war is still raging to this very day with no end in sight.  The same regional conflict was greatly exacerbated by Clinton’s own actions, and inaction, while she was Secretary of State.

The following titles provide the evidence of such a political paradigm-busting shift, which has occurred only because the inveterate neocon warmongers can fully count on Clinton to further exacerbate the Cold War 2.0, as well as initiate a hot phase of World War 3.  She has, incidentally, already been programmed to do this by alienating Putin’s Russia in ways that only SOS Clinton could have done during her catastrophic tenure at State.  How does anyone make an enemy of Vladimir Putin except by purposeful design and malevolent intention?!

The globalist agenda is unfolding quickly …
… and Hillary Clinton is a central figure in the execution of that agenda.

There is no question that in Hillary Rodham Clinton the Neocons have a willing war-maker.  Not only is she a Democrat (they like Democrat warmongers), she is also a woman like the many other minority secretaries of state (SOS) who did major damage to the international order.  Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice each played significant roles in making the world a more dangerous place while they were SOS.

Why Highly Flawed ‘Minority’ Leaders Are Always Chosen To Greatly Advance The NWO Agenda

Now it should be much easier to understand why the ruling elites are doing everything possible to have Clinton show up for the coming election.  Despite some very serious and purposefully hidden medical ailments and health conditions she will be propped up like El Cid, the dead Spanish general who rode into his last battle propped up on his horse. Hillary has a specially outfitted ambulance, wheel chairs on demand, an ever-present attending physician and scores of secret service agents who have every contingency plan memorized in the event of an anitcipated medical emergency.

Now it should be understood why Clinton refuses to release her quite extensive medical records.  Doing so would disqualify her in a New York minute … even though vaunted The New York Times would likely avoid looking at them.  Of course, the WashPo would also neglect to review them like the rest of the MSM for fear of having to withdraw their glowing endorsement of her.

The bottom line here is that the ruling elites will do everything in their power to advance Hillary Clinton victoriously across the finish line this election day, even if she is secretly an inpatient at the local medical center.  That’s how desperate they are to start the aforementioned civil war and world war so that the NWO cabal can fabricate their New World Order out of the planned chaos and mayhem.
Continue reading HERE.

Special Note:
Whether Clinton wins or Trump does, the revolution will begin in earnest after the November election.  The reasons for this ought to be obvious by now.  If Clinton ‘wins’, it is only by stealing the election in the various swing states.  Trump is on track for a massive popular landslide victory, whereas Clinton will only win the bluest of states. Therefore, if the Democrats steal a victory, the Trumpsters will not sit back after 8 degenerate years of Obama.  Anyone who does not vote for Hillary will likely be disgusted with a POTUS who will effectively function as an Obama-on-steroids.  This outcome will be unacceptable for the true conservatives and many Christians, Tea Partiers and patriots, and therefore a revolution of sorts (not violent) will be inevitable.
On the other hand, should Trump be allowed to win legitimately, as it is his time to lead the nation, the Clintonistas and Obamabots will do everything in their power to overturn the valid victory.  They will not take the loss well and will do everything in their power to sabotage Trump however they can.  If they can’t legally set aside the election result, they will go after Trump himself.  If this fails, they will wreak havoc wherever and whenever they so choose, just as they have throughout this unparalleled campaign season.  Soros-funded riots and protests will become the norm.  After eight years of Obama, the bogus liberals and fraudulent left will not relinquish power easily.  False flag operations in the form of mass shootings, bombings and assassinations are very probable in this devolving scenario.
The good news is that no matter what form the political and social, economic and financial revolution takes, it is absolutely necessary.  The country desperately needs to be purged of so much toxic legislation and so many pernicious laws.  The US government requires a major overhaul and drastic downsizing.  The Congress in particular is in dire need of a deep catharsis whereby all traitors are removed from their offices post haste. Truly, the nation requires fresh start, especially within the banking sector and realm of public fiscal management.  This is where Donald Trump comes into play, while Hillary Clinton would only maintain the ever-worsening status quo.   



There is nothing so scary at this critical point of U.S. history as a Hillary Clinton presidency. Vladimir Putin himself knows that it does not bode well for America or the world.  Likewise, friends and foes alike are grimly aware that Hillary’s primary goal will be world war and global pandemonium.  They know her reputation is such that she could care less what anyone thinks of her legacy.

As for pushing the nation into a full-scale civil war, that eventuality would take the form of a philosophical war absent the guns and bullets.  The Second American Revolution has already begun — peacefully, of course — but still raging to varying degrees across the entire country.  Clinton’s assigned task is to misdirect the festering energies into racial, religious gender, sexual and other social conflicts.  This is why she and Obama have promoted the extremely depraved LGBT agenda with such a vengeance.  They knew the traditionally religious American people would be fighting mad about the current state of affairs, as they rightly are.  This is how the citizenry (the 99%) has been made to fight each other instead of the 1% who have been fleecing them practically forever.

Now the reader knows why The Powers That Be quite deliberately chose such a thoroughly unsavory character to be the next POTUS.  They need a real live Cruella de Vil to implement the most foul agenda on planet Earth toward the creation of a totalitarian One World Government.   Every odious plot to transform the American constitutional republic into a dictatorship needs a dictator, and in “Crooked Hillary” (Trump’s words) they have found her.

The Obamanation: How One President Irreparably Destroyed The USA

Lastly, just like Obama was fastidiously schooled to wreck and ruin the USA beyond repair, so, too, was Hillary Clinton chosen to devastate the Middle East via the fake CIA-directed Arab Spring.  The real problem with this multi-year plan of destruction is that their sights are now set on an American Spring, as well as a Russian Winter (as in nuclear winter).  Therefore, it’s imperative that she and her handlers be thwarted at every turn before they manifest their warped version of Armageddon.

Likewise, the World Shadow Government that really runs the whole place must be exposed and shut down for good.  The shadowy leaders must be arrested, incarcerated, prosecuted at home and abroad, and sentenced severely.  Only if they are forever stripped of their power, money and influence will the world be safe.  Otherwise, the future of this once great nation will be very grim indeed and full of uncertainty.

The Flag Officers of the U.S. Military are obligated to arrest Obama, Biden, Bush, Cheney, Clinton and Kerry and all other co-conspirators

There is only one way to prevent the destruction of the United States of America and continued devastation of the planet: Simply stop it by every means possible and by any means necessary.  The people themselves must put a stop to it, and do so with all deliberate speed.

2016 — A Critical Year! The American People Must Act NOW … Or Face The Consequences Of Electing Treasonous Leadership

Let’s Get Busy!

State of the Nation
September 5, 2016

Author’s Note

It is very fitting to acknowledge in this analysis that it is the Republicans and Conservatives and Christians who own most of the firearms in America.  In fact the concentration of gun ownership in the red states far exceeds the blue states on a per capita basis.  Therefore, if ever there was a serious skirmish that deteriorated into any type of armed conflict, the Democrats would be holed up in their cities, while the political right would control the countryside and everything else in between.  At the end of the day, the patriots would rule the realm without firing a single shot.  Perhaps this is really why The Donald chose to run as a Republican.

Editor’s Note

It should be pointed out that, were Hillary Clinton to submit herself to a full medical exam by a competent military physician within the U.S. Armed Services, she would fail dismally. In other words she would be disqualified from serving on either active or inactive duty given the number and severity of physical deficits and psychiatric conditions that she has exhibited in public. And, yet, here she is poised to act as Commander-in-Chief should she be elected POTUS.   Hillary Showing Signs of Dementia / Alzheimers / Tumor

Recommended Reading

Chaos will erupt across America in less than 100 days… no matter who wins the election


2016 in the USA : A 2nd American Revolution, Civil War, or Both


Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Hillary Clinton’s High Crimes and Sordid Scandals, Financial Fiascos and Political Debacle

Anonymous summarizes & documents 30 year crime spree of Hillary Clinton

How does a woman with so many political liabilities, criminal allegations, physical deficits and foreign policy blunders run for president?

Hillary Clinton: The True Story That Will Terminate Her Presidential Aspirations

Why did the NWO ruling cabal really select Hillary Clinton—a politically defective, medically unfit, notoriously untrustworthy and dangerously misguided candidate? | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.




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    Total 22 comments
    • Equalizer

      A true lying “PSYCHOPATH” Neocon Warmonger.

      • Anonymous

        I totally agree with you here. And by the way, that’s a nice handjob you are giving. A case of the clap, for sure.

    • Elijah

      Warhawk vs pacifist dialectic in order to trick the masses.

    • Ideas Time

      Trump as aligned himself with the police, the border guard, the vets, the military and the well armed patriots. Who do you think will prevale when the lefties don’t have a safe place anymore?


      Obama was a race baiting POS long before he became president and was what he majored in ACORN so to me Putin had nothing to do with his race baiting and this is why Obama recruited Van Jones out of prison no less because race riots was his specialty and Obama gave him a job as the green jobs czar (complete joke). Congres is worthless for they let Obama get away with his numerous crimes against America, Constitution, Military etc.

    • tatsmaki

      According to a notice from the Creators,
      B. Obama and Hillary Clinton will pass away with brain cancer soon.

    • Болеслава

      here is only one reason the appointed Hilary as President. and you’d better listen to what I am saying because no one else is saying it but I can see it clearly///she is the ONLY PERSON WHO WILL ON COMMAND PUSH THE NUCLEAR BUTTON. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING. NO ONE ELSE HAS PICKED UP ON IT. YOU’RE ALL TOO  BRAIN FOGGED …….HILARY CLINTON = WORLD DESTRUCTION. Russia knows it. china probably knows it . Its about time american christians patriots constitutionalists and other sane people in your country realized it.

    • Pink Slime

      Neither Hillary or the negro are qualified to be president. In fact, the truth is BOTH ARE ILLEGAL to be up there. And I am very surprised neither has been arrested. Because it means the ENTIRE CONGRESS IS GUILTY of treason.

      They put the negro up there due to RACIAL qualifications. NOTHING ELSE!! He is not qualified for anything else and that is why racism has risen to the highest level they are now.

      But he is also a Moslem and a sodomite. Something backwards to our Christianity and culture and why America is in decline.

      The Democrap party now offer you Hillary. Equally as WORSE as the negro. Neither qualified nor legal. It should be NO COINCIDENCE this is what is being offered to you.

      Yahuah sends you women and children when you SIN!! In no way Hillary is to be your president and this should not be acceptable.

      • _2Lolo

        Given that the ruling body in this world is controlled by Satan, it only makes sense. Especially as we draw closer to the end times. I’d get the hell out of America, Canada, and go to Russia, if they would have us.

    • Sue Rosenorn

      Its disgusting how this country has been taken over by crooks. In all my years I have never seen a party turn on their candidate. We must truely be living in the end times.

    • carolina4

      i am beginning to think she has more on “them” than “they” have on her. it’s high time to blow this ship. and start all over. with a far less expensive government.

    • Richard Parker

      The main reason the “ruling cabal” selected Hitlery is because whores are much easier to fuck.

    • ELI YAH

      Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

      For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

      Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

      For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:5-8

    • ELI YAH

      New World Order within 1 year!?

      The SIGN of Revelation 12 occurs September 23, 2017

      See. e.g.

      Revelation 12:1-2
      And a great sign was seen in the heavens, a woman having been clothed with the sun, and the moon was
      underneath her feet; and on her head a crown of twelve stars; (…)

      • Mayhem

        It’s always just one more year away, huh, no wonder the atheists think Jesus freaks are all fruit-loops…

        Global financial collapse in 1 year

        Nibiru just 1 more year

        Chem-trails skip 1 year

        FEMA next year

        Zika, soon, like in a year

        .. guaran-bleeping-teed, no refunds.

        • ELI YAH

          When you add the numbers from the Bible:
          Years between the creation of Adam and the end of the Flood (1657) + years passed between the Flood and thedeath of Terah (427) + years between Abraham left Haran, and the everlasting Covenant (24) + years betweenthe covenant and the Exodus (430) + years between the Exodus and the construction of Solomon’s Temple (480) + year of the Construction start of Solomon’s Temple (965 BCE) you will obtain the calendar year 3983 BCE as the year of Adam’s creation.

          Add to the calendar year 3983 BCE the calendar year 2015 CE and you will discover, that 5998 years have already elapsed since the creation of Adam.

          Consequently, in 2017 CE 6000 years will pass since the Creation of Adam and the 1000 year reign of Yahshua Ha Mashiach will be initiated. (Revelation 20:6)


          Take your Bible and check it…

          • Mayhem

            Now why would you tell me to check my Bible if the proof is only found in the books of Irenaeus?

            Are you stupid or just hoping that i am?

            Catholicism is no authority and nor are the early church fathers so what else do you have to impress me with?

          • Mayhem

            Here’s the thing, Elijah, those who call themselves Jews have the year 5776 and yet you put it at it 5998 all the while Ussher would argue for it being the six thousandth and twentieth year.

            Perhaps it’s one of those really contentious issues that has been debated for centuries, without ever arriving at a definitive answer, and one shouldn’t go around spouting off like they’ve figured out something that no one else can.

    • Daffers

      I think if I hear the name Hillary again and see her deranged face I will be physically sick. Surely it must be a sick joke. Perhaps we will all wake up and find out it was just a nightmare – if only

    • Rockledge

      “Neo liberals”… sheeesh! Where do you guys get this crap.
      Neocons ARE liberals, liberals pretending to be conservatives to get voted into office.
      You’ve all been played like a mass produced fiddle.
      Southern Democrats of the 50s and early 60s were far more conservative than anyone in the reagan/bush/cheney cabal.
      It is pathetic that while the herd argues among itself with name calling and blaming the “right wing nut cases” and the “libtards” those orchestrating this shit are sitting back having a good laugh in a cloud of expensive cigar smoke.
      All we really know is that that our politicians, whether they are masturbating the “right” or “left” , are all
      not serving our best interest and obviously serving some God only knows special interest that is being kept hidden from us.
      They play a game to insure that the one party that has two names stays in charge and we are kept in our places.
      As long as the herd keeps on jumping on the “right” or “left” bandwagon and keeps reciting the same old crap they are being fed as if it were original thought, nothing can change.
      Think for yourselves, and instead of being “left” or “right”, be intelligent.

      It is quite obvious Trump is hated by both parties because he speaks against their combined agenda.
      Because he dares to think for himself and speaks to those who also think for themselves.

      You would think that people would wise up when they see a conservative dominated supreme court legalize perv marriage and abortion rights are being decimated under a liberal white house.

      Whether you like him or not, he isn’t THEM. And that is the only thing he has going for him.

    • I AM




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