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ISIS update 9/13/2016..Experts skeptical over truce in Syria

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Experts skeptical over truce in Syria

Syrian ceasefire II – Why any cessation of hostilities in Syria is doomed to fail and what it would mean for the Syrian Army and its allies

By Aram Mirzaei

………………It should have come as no surprise to anyone that the jihadists broke the ceasefire only an hour after it took into effect last night by firing rockets at the Syrian Army positions in the volatile Northern Hama front. Later that same night, jihadists launched a new assault, targeting the small town of Khattab in Northern Hama.

By all logic, this violation coupled with the jihadists rejecting the ceasefire should make them legitimate targets for the Russian Air Force, the Syrian government forces and its allies on the ground. This seems to be the case in areas such as Northern Latakia, Southern Aleppo, Quneitra and Northern Hama as the Syrian Army has geared up to continue its campaigns against the jihadists who have plagued these areas. As a matter of fact, the Syrian Army has already flooded the Aleppo province with reinforcements from the Republican Guard, IRGC and Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) in preparations for an upcoming offensive, possibly led by the prominent Iranian General Qassem Soleimani who was seen last week in Southern Aleppo, inspecting the troops stationed there.

It remains to be seen how Washington will respond to their proxies’ rejection of the ceasefire agreement, and the continued Syrian Army advance in the aforementioned areas. We can safely assume that Washington has not had a change of heart when it comes to the idea of regime change in Syria. This ceasefire deal is doomed to collapse because the jihadists cannot and will not accept a cessation of hostilities, and while the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it “hope[s] the American side walks its part of the road and exerts due influence on those it considers Syria’s ‘moderate’ opposition to have them completely obey by the regime of cessation of hostilities and implement the Russian-U.S. agreements,” the question remains; will Washington stay true to its words and end its support for these jihadists?

The Russian Foreign ministry also added that “it is worth reminding that despite our consistent calls the United States has given no consent to put Ahrar al-Sham on the United Nations terrorist list.” Washington has kept a consistent policy of protecting terrorist factions in Syria from being designated as terrorists, why would it change its policy now, and label one of its major proxy forces as a terrorist organization, thus legitimizing Russian-Syrian-Iranian efforts against them?

Syrian War Report – September 13, 2016: New Ceasefire Attempt

Firefight wrecks Russian army Syria vid-link, commanders stand ground until dismissed

Russian and Syrian military representatives are caught in gunfire while reporting from Aleppo checkpoint. Representatives of Russian centre for reconciliation of opposing sides in Syria are seen staying on site of report despite the ongoing shooting until dismissed by commander. No injuries were reported so far.

Secretary Kerry on Latest Developments in Syria

‘Ahrar Al-sham not designated as terror group, we maintain contact with them’ – US State dept

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Recaptures More Lands in Aleppo Province

The Syrian army continued its military advances in Aleppo province and recaptured more lands in fierce clashes with the terrorists before the ceasefire went into effect on Monday.

Terrorists sustained heavy losses and casualties in tough battle with the Syrian government forces in Aleppo province.

The army units also continued their military advances in other parts of Syria, including Damascus and Deir Ezzur provinces, over the past 24 hours.


The Syrian army continued to march on militant-held positions in Aleppo and seized control over more lands in the city on Monday.

Several more housing complexes in Aleppo city’s al-Ameriyeh district came under the Syrian army’s control after killing several terrorists and destroying their military hardware.

Meantime, the Syrian air force pounded the terrorists’ positions in Jazmati and Marja districts, inflicting heavy losses on the militants.

Several armored and machinegun-equipped military vehicles of the terrorists were destroyed in the Syrian army offensive.

Earlier on Monday, the Syrian air force pounded the military positions of Fatah al-Sham (the al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) in the Western countryside of the city of Aleppo.

Three Syrian fighter jets struck the Fatah al-Sham terrorists’ positions in al-Mansoura and al-Rashedeen 4 regions in Western Aleppo.

Meantime, heavy clashes continued in Project 1070 front and the Syrian army’s artillery units hit the Jeish al-Fatah terrorist group’s military positions in al-Jabas market and al-Hikma district.


The Syrian army continued pounding the ISIL in the Western Qalamoun region in Damascus countryside, killing several terrorists.

Over five ISIL terrorists were killed when the Syrian army attacked their gathering in Abu Hudeij in Western al-Qalamoun’s Jaroud al-Jarajid region.

Meantime, more casualties were inflicted on the terrorists when they came to collect the dead bodies of their comrades in Western al-Qalamoun region.

Earlier on Monday, the Syrian army tanks and technical vehicles equipped with heavy machine-guns attacked the Jeish al-Islam terrorists’ gathering centers in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside.

The Jeish al-Islam terrorist group’s military positions came under the Syrian army’s heavy attacks in Hosh Nasri region in Eastern Ghouta.

The Syrian army’s artillery units also pounded the terrorists’ military positions in the surrounding areas of Zumalka region in Damascus countryside.


A senior field commander of Ahrar al-Sham terrorist group was killed in the Syrian army offensive in the Southern province of Quneitra on Monday.

Abu al-Mossana al-Shami, a commander of Ahrar al-Sham, was killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian army and its allied forces.

Deir Ezzur

The Syrian army and popular forces repulsed ISIL’s attacks on two districts in Deir Ezzur city in Eastern Syria after several hours of fierce clashes with the terrorists.

The Syrian army and its allies thwarted the ISIL attack on Huwija Sakr and al-Sina’ah districts in Deir Ezzur. After the retreat of the terrorists from the battlefield, the two sides again engaged in intense exchange of fire and clashes pursued between the two sides, reports said.

Meantime, the Syrian air force pounded the ISIL’s military positions in al-Siyaseh bridge, al-Halbiya square, al-Sina’ah and al-Hosseiynieh al-Janiniya districts in Deir Ezzur city, killing several terrorists and destroying their military vehicles.


The terrorist groups continued mortar and rocker attacks on residential areas in the towns of Foua’a and Kafraya in Idlib province on Monday.

The Jeish al-Fatah and Ahrar al-Sham terrorists hit people’s houses in Foua’a and Kafraya with at least 30 mortar shells and rockets.

The attacks were launched from the nearby towns of Binish, Mashtal Ta’oum and Ma’ar Tamsarin.

There is yet no report on the exact number of casualties, but local people said, at least, a dozen civilians have been killed or wounded in the terrorists’ attacks.

The terrorists’ attacks on the residential areas in Foua’a and Kafraya came after they suffered heavy losses in the attacks by the Syrian army and air force in fresh rounds of anti-terrorism offensives in Southern Idlib, claiming the lives of a number of terrorists.

The Syrian army troops, in a coordinated operation with Syrian warplanes, struck Jeish al-Fatah’s strongholds in the villages of Sarjeh, al-Moqbeleh and al-Najiyeh and the regions of Ariha and Jisr al-Shughour, ending in destruction of terrorists’ bases and armored vehicles in large scale.


The Syrian army soldiers beat the terrorists back from their positions in Dara’a province after hours of non-stop clashes, inflicting also major losses on the militants.

The terrorists’ attacks to capture the government forces’ positions in the villages of Tal Bozaq, Tal Qrin and Ayoun al-Moalaq in the strategic axis of the ‘triangle of death’ located between Dara’a and Quneitra provinces were fended off by the strong defense of the Syrian military men.

Early battlefield reports indicated dozens of casualties among the terrorists.

Earlier on Monday, the Syrian army’s helicopters pounded the terrorist groups’ concentration centers in Dara’a province.

The terrorists’ artillery and missile platform in the town of Kafr Nasij came under the rocket attacks of the Syrian army’s military choppers.

Several terrorists were killed in the Syrian army’s air raids and their military hardware sustained heavy damage.


The Syrian army and air force pounded the military positions of the terrorist groups in Hama province, inflicting heavy losses on the militants.

The terrorists of Ajnad al-Qoqaz and Jund al-Aqsa came under attack by the Syrian army helicopters in the surrounding areas of the town of Kokab in the Northern part of Hama province, sustaining heavy losses.

The Syrian army also hit the terrorists who had entered Kokab town with rockets as the Syrian air force also hit their military positions hard.

Fierce clashes are still underway in the surrounding areas of Kokab town. 

Alleged footage of the Syrian Army downing an Israeli jet

FSA rebels beg Israel for help against the Syrian army in south Syria

BREAKING: Israeli Warplane and Drone Shot Down over Golan Heights by Syrian Air Defences

News is coming in of a statement from the Syrian Military Command, claiming that Syrian air defenses have brought down an Israeli warplane and drone illegally entering Syrian airspace in Quneitra. Quneitra is the largely destroyed and abandoned capital of the Quneitra Governorate in south-western Syria. It is situated in a high valley in the long disputed Golan Heights.

This report from Syrian Arab News Agency:

“Quneitra, SANA – The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced on Tuesday that the Israeli enemy’s air force attacked a Syrian military position in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province around 1:00 am on September 13, 2016.

The General Command said the Syrian air defense forces responded to the attack and shot down an Israeli warplane to the southwest of Quneitra and an Israeli drone to the west of Sa’sa’.

It noted that the Israeli attack came in support of the armed terrorist groups and in a desperate attempt to raise the deteriorating morale of their members due to the heavy losses they have suffered in Quneitra.”

This report from Press TV:

“The Syrian army says it has shot down an Israeli warplane and a drone inside Syria following an Israeli attack on Syrian army positions in the south, state media report.

Syria’s official SANA news cited the Syrian military as saying that the intruding aircraft had been detected and targeted by the country’s air defense system while they were striking Syrian military positions. The warplane, it said, was downed in western Quneitra and the drone in an area called Sa’sa’ and located on the Damascus Reef.

Soon after the report, the Israeli military denied that any of its aircraft had been shot down in Syria, claiming that two missiles were fired at them during the airstrike on Quneitra but missed.

Israeli fighter jets had attacked two Syrian army cannons in the Golan Heights, where Quneitra is located, early on Tuesday morning. It was the fifth such attack in just over a week.

Israel seized parts of the Golan Heights from Syria after the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it in a move that has never been recognized by the international community.”

“Never believe anything until it has been officially denied” – Claude Cockburn.

Israel is denying that it’s aircraft was downed by Syrian air defenses, according to the Independent:

“Israel has denied the Syrian government’s claim to have shot down an Israeli fighter jet and drone at the start of a fragile seven-day truce in the country’s civil war.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) immediately refuted the report, saying a Syrian anti-aircraft battery had shot at its aircraft but missed their target.

“Early this morning, two missiles were launched from Syria after the IAF targeted Syrian artillery positions,” a spokesperson said. “IDF aircraft were not harmed.”

Is it a coincidence that this Israeli invasion of Syrian airspace come after a powerful statement from Syria’s President, Bashar Al-Assad, discussing reconciliation, while visiting recently liberated Daraya, and promising that Syria will re-take all terrorist held areas? Particularly when one considers that it is effectively Al Nusra [Al Qaeda in Syria]that has occupied the illegally Israeli claimed areas of the Golan Heights. The same Al Nusra that is being treated in Israeli hospitals and that has never fired a shot in Israel’s direction. Report from SANA:

“In statements to the national media, the President said “Visiting Daraya today has plenty of meanings. They may be symbolic, but they are not addressed to the Syrian people as I and the Syrian people… have been in the same situation since the beginning of the crisis.”

He added that the Syrian people have been aware of the reality of the conspiracy and the existence of traitors and agents and the external factor and share the same feelings whenever an area is taken by the terrorists, or liberated by the army or when a reconciliation agreement is achieved.

The President affirmed that the message of his visit to Daraya is addressed to those who have worked against Syria and bet on its collapse, especially those countries that got directly involved in conspiring against Syria and supporting the terrorists and the Syrian traitors and agents who chose to be part of the foreign plot.

“We as state, by coming to this area, also send a message to those [sides] that the Syrian state is determined to retake every area from the terrorists and restore security and safety,” stressed the President, adding that the state is also resolved to reconstruct all that has been destroyed physically and on the human level.

“We come here today to replace the false freedom they tried to market at the beginning of the crisis, including about Daraya, with the real freedom; the freedom that starts with restoring security and safety, goes through reconstruction and ends with the independent national decision,” said President al-Assad.

He reiterated that the message is addressed especially from Daraya “since there are some who were annoyed that [Daraya] was brought back home and had issued official statements, and they are Western officials.”

He addressed those parties saying “You are sad and extremely distressed, whereas we are happy; firstly because Daraya is back, and secondly because you are sad and distressed,” adding that the when the conspirators reach a point where they are feeling distressed, “it means that things are going in the right direction.”

The President dismissed as “malicious” and “dangerous” the talk about “demographic changes” being attempted by the Syrian state in the areas taken from the terrorists or where reconciliations happen.

He went on saying that this talk targets not only Daraya but Syria as a whole as it aims at creating the impression that the Syrian society is dismembered where social groups are at odds with each other to show that the Syrian cities are divided along sectarian, racial or religious lines.

The President however affirmed that there is no need to worry about this issue as this game has been played so many times, and that it has now become difficult to market such a concept as “demographic change” because the Syrian people have high-level awareness and they have learned a lot throughout the crisis.

As for his message regarding the areas that are still under the gunmen’s control, President al-Assad called on the Syrians to walk towards reconciliation, stressing that experience, especially over the past three years, showed that the Syrian state has kept all its promises and has always been open for reconciliation and for stopping the bloodshed.

The doors of the homeland, he reiterated, will always be open to those who want to get back on the right track at any time and at all levels.

“However, those who are determined and insist on acting as tools in return for a handful of dollars, we simply say to them ‘the armed forces will continue their work unhesitant and undaunted and regardless of any internal or external conditions until restoring security and safety to all areas in Syria,” the President said.”

Israel has a history of denying its military losses or downplaying its defeats. The fact that the Military Command in Syria has made a public statement concerning their air defence reaction against this Israeli incursion into its airspace, particularly over the long disputed Golan Heights, demonstrates that Syria has reached the end of its patience with Israeli aggression and lawlessness.

This is potentially a game-changer. It is a response to US and Israeli hegemony in the region that cannot be ignored.

The original source of this article is 21st Century Wire

Copyright © Vanessa Beeley, 21st Century Wire, 2016

Syrian army removes 6 Daesh terrorists failed attack in Qayyarah in southeastern Mosul

EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi Army Foils ISIL’s Attempt to Capture Al-Qayyara

Iraq’s joint military forces prevented the ISIL terrorists equipped with heavy military equipment from opening their way into al-Qayyara to capture the strategic city in the Southern part of Nineveh province.

Hundreds of ISIL terrorists tried to take control of al-Qayyara city again by using heavy military equipment, but Iraq’s joint military forces foiled their attempt and pushed them away from areas near the city.

The terrorists’ advances were blocked by Iraq’s joint military forces after 7 hours of clashes and the threat to al-Qayyara city was repulsed.

Tens of ISIL terrorists were killed in heavy clashes with Iraqi army and others fled the scene.

In late August, the Iraqi armed forces declared that al-Qayyara city was fully liberated from the ISIL terrorists.

Now Al-Qayyara is fully liberated… Iraqi joint forces raised the country’s flag over buildings and a hospital after they had been fully liberated from terrorism,” the armed forces said in a statement.

Al-Qayyara is the biggest oil-rich region in Nineveh province and is located South of Mosul, which is the main ISIL stronghold in Iraq.

Al-Qayyara city is the biggest oil-rich region in Nineveh province as it has many oil wells there.

ISIL is a terrorist group mainly operating in Syria and Iraq. The terrorists have also claimed responsibility for attacks in Europe. The group is deemed as terrorist entity by international bodies, including UN.

Iraq Underlines Crucial Role of Russia, Iran in Imminent Anti-ISIL Operation in Mosul

Source in the Iraqi Foreign Ministry stressed that the Russian, Iranian and Iraqi intelligence units will continue their close cooperation against ISIL to pave the ground for the Iraqi Army and popular forces’ large-scale operation for the liberation of Mosul in the near future.

“Our troops have received all the necessary information from the Baghdad intelligence sharing center where experts from Iraq, Russia and Iran work, to carry out military operations. This data has helped us to conduct more efficient anti-ISIL offensives,” the Russian language daily, Izvestiya, quoted the source as saying.

“I hope that this cooperation will continue during the operation to free Mosul,” the diplomat said.

Reports said earlier today that Iraqi Army troops and popular forces repelled ISIL’s offensives on government positions in Southeastern Nineveh, claiming the lives of at least 100 terrorists.

“At least 100 ISIL members were killed and many more were wounded in unsuccessful attacks of the Takfiri group on the government positions in al-Qayyara,” Saleh al-Jabouri said, adding, “ISIL attacked al-Qayyara from their directions, but were pushed back by the strong defense of the Iraqi army soldiers.”

“The Iraqi forces captured four terrorists, killed seven suicide attackers and destroyed their weapons and ammunition and military vehicles in the battlefield,” he added.

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