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Special Ops Veterans Fighting Back Against Operation Jade Helm!

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Vatic Note: (This has turned into one of my major rants, so be prepared….to read) I believe, without a doubt,  the militia is hard at work preparing.  After what I saw them do at the Bundy Ranch, all I can hope is that I will be as prepared as they are to back them up if and when they need it.  We should all be prepared to do that, since these evil ones are dead serious since timing is everything.  We now have the weapons, and all we need is the training.

My one big question about this author is “Why won’t he discuss the Khazar Zionist Bankers doing all this?”  Not one single word. iN FACT, THE NUMBER OF LINKS IMPLIES INTEL GATHERING.  I have never seen an alternative news site provide such comprehensive links in almost every subject.  I do this every day about 13 hours a day and I do not have such a collection, but I do have one that is typical of those that put in that kind of time.  The only way this big of a collection could happen is if its a cadre of collectors surfing the net to gather up intel and provide it to those who need it that hire them.  BIN has also been outted as just such a disinfo site.  That is why I am certain this has a hidden agenda, I just don’t know what it is.  But be cautious.

Remember, these cretins always include truth to give them credibility.  And we all know who is behind this demise of our nation.  AIPAC and other khazar Org are running our country using Obama as a shill.   Remember, both the Bush’s and Obama are khazars.  Ask yourselves, “how did that happen?”  They were financed by the khazar money elite and controlled by Rothschild, and our CIA WAS CREATED BY BRITAIN’s MI6, who also created and runs Mossad for the Rothschilds, and Britiain whose royalty are Khazars, so there you have it.  And not one word from this guy.  We proved all this on this blog a long time ago. 

Remember, both of our parties leaders are in on the scam and have directed us to do things that will harm us and our children, such as massive vaccinating of our children that has already caused autism, (making them into functioning, working zombies, who would never consider resisting, since they are zombies!)  Here is a link to prove it.  It proves both parties support vaccinations.  And we out here, know what that means and why its so dangerous.  That means we are on our own.  There will be only us to save us, and no one else.  Remember that if we prevail,  justice will have to be meted out in the end. 

With the Twin star here, as indicated by our weird weather,  or as the Kolbrin Bible calls it “The Destroyer” and The Christian Bible mentions Wormwood, and Rahm Emmanuals statement after one of his “gay Bath episodes” in a Chicago gay bath house with Obama,  “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, you can feel the intensity increasing so be prepared to back up our militia,  veterans and military “if” they do their sworn duty to take on those doing this who are traitors “within” to their country.

Now you know why Cheney during his time in office, and Obama, upon orders from their khazar zionist fascist banker handlers, went after all those hundreds of top officers in the pentagon, and is going after the vets, both homeless and not homeless, and wants to confiscate our 318 million guns, and I might add, he will do so without compensation.  They cannot pull this off without them.  So seek out your militia in your area, and train with them.  It doesn’t hurt.  It doesn’t mean you will have to use that training, but you will be ready in case you do.

It will also help if the evil demonic financial criminals are able to start WW III with us as the intended losers.  Be suspicious of all strangers.  Watch for underground construction of laying fibre optic lines, copper water lines, and sewer lines and record where you saw them laid, because they intend to take our water directly so we will die of thirst from no fresh water. They are going to the underground and they need the fibre optics lines for communication, satellite manipulation,  spying, computers etc.  We can disable them by digging those up.  I have my area already fully identified.  It was one advantage to being a woman, no one paid any attention to me. 

That means they will “TRY” to occupy us, after WW III,  like they did Germany, after WW II and killed off 3 million German Christians.  It will be the same here.  Whether your Christian or not, you are still American, and we should never accept any violation of our GOVERNING DOCUMENT, called the Constitution of the United States of America.  We believe in religious freedom and that is enough reason for everyone to stand up and be counted.

And don’t forget the Satanism,  Pedophia, baby killing and drinking of blood that will accompany their rise to power over the globe.  We proved that on here with many blogs going back 6  years.  That is when I discovered what Satanic evil truly was and they are it.  They worship satan and all that he stands for.  It doesn’t matter if you believe in him or not,  THEY DO and that is what they will be acting on, their belief.  So wake up and take a stand now and train with your local militia.

What is important here now, is “who is voice of reason?”  Source becomes important on something like this.   Who can we trust?  Infiltration is a massive tool of the khazar Zionists and they use it everywhere.  Lets hope Voice of reason is willing and able to share that info.  If he is legit, he is on their list anyway, just like I am.   If not, and he has no history of this kind of thing, then where did he come from?  

We need to ask these kinds of questions now, and be cautious like never before.  What we don’t want to happen is to provide an excuse for the powers that be to use force upon us, and if we are led to believe we are under attack, then it can be used to get us to be violent and then we lose the sheep, UNLESS, they can see they are vulnerable as well.   WE MUST STAY UNITED EVERYWHERE TO PREVAIL.  These are real considerations and I am ex military trained during the Viet Nam era.  My age is an advantage….. I am wiser now. LOL  

***Fundraiser status, Please, if you can afford it and want to help us by contributing to our deficit this month, then, please contribute at the pay pal button off to the right of this blog.  Thank you to all who have contributed so far, It helps us to continue our work.  Hopefully the economy will be much better next month, then we won’t have to ask for your help, but right now, we still need it.  Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated.  

By Voice of Reason,   Before Its News,  April 11, 2015



In direct violation of THE POSSE COMITATUS ACT, which I cover in detail in my post titled, US ARMY HAS ADS ON THE INTERNET SEEKING INTERNMENT CAMP/RESETTLEMENT CAMP SPECIALISTS“Operation Jade Helm” is an 8 week exercise being conducted by the United States military and the Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW)PRE-OBAMA, Posse Comitatus has stood in this country as LAW for over 137 YEARS essentially FORBIDDING the use of the U.S. military to police it’s own citizens. “Hope & Change” took care of that!
Operation Jade Helm is designed to simulate a MILITARY RESPONSE to an UPRISING of the American people. Obama has known since Day 1 that his plans did not even RESEMBLE anything constitutional, and it is expected that eventually WE THE PEOPLE will SNAP and try to take our country back. When we do, Obama (VN: the Khazar Zionists, using Obama as a puppet….) and the rest of Crime Inc. will be ready for us. Being the clever little sh** that he is, Obama duped the DEMOCRATS INTO NOT READING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT which essentially did away with Posse Comitatus AND did away with the ENTIRE BILL OF RIGHTS with the exception of the Second Amendment, and we all know how hard Obama is working on that one.

As you can see by the map below, the forbidden military operation now takes up TEN STATES including: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado, Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana.


Infowars Reports:

Jade Helm, a “realistic” military training exercise involving nine states, which will involve the GREEN BERETS, THE NAVY SEALS, AND THE 82ND AIRBORNE DIVISION and is set to take place from July 15-September 15, has prompted concerns after Texas and Utah were labeled “hostile” territory in documents related to the exercise.
Although the U.S. Army insists the drill is designed to prepare troops for combat abroad, concerns have been raised that the exercise is part of a history of the military READYING FOR DOMESTIC ORDER!
During the drill, SOLDIERS WILL OPERATE UNDETECTED AMONGST CIVILIAN POPULATIONS,” TO SEE IF THEY CAN INFILTRATE WITHOUT BEING NOTICED will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.
In response, patriot groups led by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries, will monitor the exercises.
Facebook page for the initiative promises to, “observe the attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm with self sufficient teams in the field conducting counter surveillance.”  (VN:  What????  THAT IS GIVING THE ENEMY FREE INTEL, ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS MONITOR FACE BOOK, AND THEY WILL KNOW WHAT WE KNOW AND CAN ADJUST THEIR METHODS AND THEN IDENTIFY THOSE WHO HIT THAT SITE AS THEY ALREADY DO.  I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS LOGIC.  ARE YOU FOR REAL?)
“Our main focus right now is on gathering intel on when and where the military will be infiltrating SOF teams for Operation Jade Helm,” writes Lanteri. “We have the Texas locations. We need verified info on South Cali and Utah locations. Arizona looks like it will only be on 1 military installation. Once we gather that intel and the field teams are informed then we will start posting information on how to go about locating SOF teams in public. Looking for certain mannerisms, etc. But right now we are focused on locations and dates!!”   (VN: OK, let me understand this….the first part that you are discussing in this paragraph makes sense.   And it won’t hurt us to bad.  It will probably tell them what they already know, but the danger is the rest of your comment,  that as we expose their “LOCATIONS”,  methods and identifiable activity, they will know we know and will change them based on our exposures.  Did you think of that, and how will you accommodate the change??? How will you prevent them from changing it again? This is not very well thought out.  They have had control of face book for a very long time and the owners of facebook are khazars.)
Over 2,000 people have followed the page so far, with many posting updates about Jade Helm, including speculation that Colorado has told the Army it will refuse to allow state or city property to be used for the drill.
Other similar initiatives, named ‘OPERATION TYRANNY RESPONSE’ And ‘OPERATION HOMELAND HAWKEYE’, have also been launched in response to Jade Helm.
A post attributed to Navy veteran Geoff Ross asserts that he has arranged for 25 retired Navy SEAL, DELTA and Rangers to travel to Washington DC to conduct exercises similar to those described in the Jade Helm documents.
“They will wander around and be tourists. They may pop in and visit a few Congressman or maybe they won’t. Or, maybe they will. The 1st Amendment is about to be exercised. Body cams in place. They practice we practice. We all practice. They visit us. We visit them,” writes Ross.
It is not yet known whether the Oathkeepers organization will take part in any of these campaigns. The Oathkeepers were present during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri last year and protected numerous businesses from being targeted by looters.  (VN: they were also present at the Bundy ranch in Nevada, as were militia who made the armed thugs of the BLM back down.  Bundy ranch is still in business…. boy our forefathers were geniuses, when they created the unorganized militia to protect the Constitution. It worked.  I think that is why Jade Helm is going on right now.  To identify and join/infiltrate the organized militia. Check out all new joiners, those on our side won’t mind and those that are not, will mind)
Mainstream media coverage of Jade Helm has poured scorn on concerns about the exercise and merely regurgitated Army talking points that the drill is purely designed to prepare troops for overseas combat.

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Furthermore, Infowars reports that we are learning that ‘INFILTRATION’ EXERCISES will be incorporated in the drills:  (VN: ahuh, just as I suspected.)

A Houston Chronicle report reveals that soldiers will attempt to blend in with the local population in an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques. Residents will be advised to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.
“They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.”
By directly involving unwitting members of the local population, this aspect of the drill contradicts the Army’s assertion that, “The public can expect nothing much different from their day-to-day activities since much of exercise will be conducted in remote areas.”
Jim Stewart, chief deputy with the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office, told the Chronicle that the designation of Texas as “hostile territory” was merely a way of setting up a role playing exercise under which soldiers operate behind enemy lines. (VN: aaah, the “domestic enemies” are calling us enemies, so who is the enemy?  They are for starting all this. That is clear on its face.)

No matter how many articles I read or post about that cover the potential for A SECOND CIVIL WAR (of any variety), or Obama’s never ending pursuit to make ANOTHER gun grab, or even the ECONOMY, one thing is VERY apparent from the emails people send me: VERY few people ACTUALLY believe the United States is ever going to wind up in a state of Martial Law. I think if pressed to answer, most of the people I’ve talked to would probably stop at saying they think Martial Law is certainly “POSSIBLE,” but very UNLIKELY. 
WOW. I find that shocking. Many of the same people who yell at liberals for drinking the Obama Cool Aid have not realized that their very own drinks have been spiked too. Listen to the main stream media enough and it’s easy to understand how that might happen.  I’m here to go on the record as saying I don’t see a 1% chance this country DOES NOT end up in a state of Martial Law. I’m just a nobody, but this is NOT rocket science. Just by using a little common sense, and some basic arithmetic, it’s not hard to see how this story ends. It’s not an original story.
Don’t get me wrong… I’d LOVE to think that when JUSTICE SCALIA ALL BUT PROMISED THERE WILL BE CONCENTRATION CAMPS THROUGHOUT AMERICA IN THE NEAR FUTURE, that it was nothing. I’d LOVE to think the video of Obama found within in the post titled, U.S. SUPREME COURT APPROVES THE PERMANENT DETENTION OF AMERICAN CITIZENS, when Obama says he might have to permanently detain some American citizens he thinks “MIGHT COMMIT A CRIME SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE” is nothing.


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I’d LOVE to believe I’ve misunderstood the NEW ARMY MANUAL AUTHORIZING LETHAL FORCE ON U.S. CITIZENS EVEN IF THEY ARE PEACEFULLY PROTESTING. I tell you what, YOU read the following passage and tell me where I am wrong. Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show writes:
                              Posse Comitatus Is Violated
On the surface, the Posse Comitatus Act (18 USC 1385) act should prevent the Army from deploying the troops in the midst of a protest that is not on the scale of something like the 1992 LA Riots. However, the Army claims exemption from Posse Comitatus in the four following areas. 

  1. 10 USC 331. When a state is unable to control domestic violence and they have requested federal assistance, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
  2. 10 USC 332. When ordinary enforcement means are unworkable due to unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
  3. 10 USC 333. When a state cannot or will not protect the constitutional rights of the citizens, due to domestic violence or conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
  4. House Joint Resolution 1292. This resolution directs all departments of the U.S. government, upon request of the Secret Service, to assist in carrying out its statutory duties to protect government officials and major political candidates from physical harm.

With regard to 10 USC 331, if the local authorities have lost control in the midst of a profound display of domestic violence (e.g. LA Riots), most Americans support the use of National Guard or the military.  However, in 10 USC 332, 333 and House Joint Resolution 1292 are ripe with exceptions which open the door to federal authorities abusing the public for exercising their Constitutional right to protest.
In 10 USC 332, the phrase “unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized,” permits the federal government from being demonstrated against. An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public  because there are no clear distinctions on when the use of lethal and nonlethal force is appropriate (see the two charts displayed below). 
In 10 USC 333, any disruption of federal law can be decisively dealt with by the federal government. The phrase “…conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized” is a telling passage of this Army document. If 10 USC 333 is applied to the letter of the written Army policy, the protesters who recently objected to illegal aliens being deposited in Murietta, California, could be subject to deadly force.


Sadly, I don’t see ANY of these things as nothing. PERHAPS, when viewed in a vacuum, SOME of those news stories COULD be viewed as innocent enough IF COMPLETE DEFERENCE is given to Obama and his alleged “Good Intentions.” When viewed together however, if you somehow don’t notice a VERY disturbing pattern, then don’t worry about any of it. SERIOUSLY!

I doubt you’ll be alive long enough to witness any of the chaos when It all goes down anyway. I’d LOVE to believe that when we found our the PENTAGON HAS BEEN PREPARING FOR A LARGE SCALE ECONOMIC BREAKDOWN here in the United States, that it was nothing. I’ve been warning about the economic collapse FOREVER, and there are plenty of links on the subject at the bottom of this post. PLEASEIf you have children, begin SAVING food and water NOWAlso, be sure to check out the DETAILED GUIDE TO STAYING ALIVE DURING MARTIAL LAW!
If you’re like many of us, it’s time to start paying attention to what is transpiring within our government. Many senior General officers in the military were fired (or “retired early”). SEE THE LINKS AT THE BOTTOM! Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, and several other federal agencies are soliciting for hollow point ammunition on the pretext it will be used for “target practice.” TRY AGAIN! 

Why does the Social Security Administration need hollow point ammo for target practice, you may ask? They don’t, but since the information about DHS soliciting for millions of rounds has some people alarmed, the government has decided to spread-out the purchases amongst other AGENCIES AS NOT TO ALARM THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. THIS ALSO COINCIDES WITH FOREIGN TROOPS (RUSSIAN) PRACTICING CROWD CONTROL MANEUVERS ON AMERICAN SOIL. The government has also constructed a fake town outside Washington D.C. which was BUILT FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRAINING THE MILITARY SPECIFICALLY FOR MARTIAL LAW!

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This ”FAKE CITY” BUILT BY THE U.S. ARMY IS ON 300 ACRES complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios.
The recently opened site is located in Virginia and was built at a cost of $96 million dollars, taking just two years to complete. While the city was ostensibly built to prepare U.S. troops for the occupation of cities abroad, those who undoubtedly feared that the REAL intention was to train for closer to home were proven to be correct. Although the site allegedly includes a mosque, the town looks American in every other way, even with signs in English.

The fact that, as the TELEGRAPH REPORTS, “The subway carriages even carry the same logo as the carriages in Washington DC,” could suggest that the site was built to double both as a foreign city and a mock domestic town.
Barack Hussein Obama is making power grabs more and more; and is openly circumventing the Congress to consolidate more power to the office of the president. This should have some people very alarmed.
As if I haven’t given enough examples, a long time ago I received information about railroad tracks for military use only set up leading to the FEMA camps. The report states that EMPTY BOXCARS WILL DELIVER HUMAN CARGO. Are you STARTING TO GET THE PICTURE YET?
Foreign troops have been PRACTICING CROWD CONTROL MANEUVERS here in the U.S., and an entire American infantry division has been outfitted for the purposes of CROWD or RIOT control.Take a look at several federal agencies who ARE NOT in the business of being police who have also been buying up ammunition:

NOW, add ALL that together, and you can only come to one conclusion: Something BIG is coming. Obama has been PURGING OUT MILITARY OF “LOYALIST” OFFICERS AND NCO’s, and those same individuals, who know the difference between a “LAWFUL ORDER” and an “ILLEGAL ORDER” are being forced out. They are being replaced by a different type of officer and they are teaching our own troops that certain groups like, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS, OATH KEEPERS, TEA PARTIES, AND OTHERS ARE A THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY of America.

Those groups, which I mentioned, will be the first to either be arrested or detained if martial law is enacted, and then after they have been dealt with, government will just work their way down the list until all subversive individuals have either been detained or sent to a “re-education” facility.

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Does anybody see a similarity, or a historical parallel in this? If not the let me jog your memory; IT HAPPENED IN GERMANY BETWEEN 1933 AND 1945. Do you recall what happened with their monetary system at the time? Hyperinflation.
Let me ask YOU: Do you think there is a reason the TOP ADVISER TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT CALLED FOR A “GLOBAL CURRENCY” TO REPLACE THE U.S. DOLLAR? Might it have something to do with the fact that under Spenderbama, our national debt has DOUBLED from the day our country was founded until Barack Obama took office? As of now, OBAMA HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED THE MARKETABLE U.S. DEBT – 106% TO BE EXACT!

Do you think that might have ANYTHING to do with why there was a 221 PERCENT INCREASE IN ONE YEAR OF AMERICANS RENOUNCING THEIR CITIZENSHIP AND GETTING THE HELL OUT OF HERE?  Furthermore, do you think they were all broke people or rich people? These people in many cases paid HUGE taxed JUST TO RENOUNCE their citizenship. When the super wealthy are doing that… if you’ve got any sense… you might ask why?

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At this point I am long past being able to comprehend how more Americans are not aware of what is taking place right under their noses. When I hear one of the talking heads from the mainstream media speaking, I feel like I am listening to Mr. Potato Head. I don’t know how half of those idiots even tie their shoes to leave the house in the morning, much less are delusional enough to believe they are providing news.


I don’t think even Obama can say for sure just yet, but there is no shortage of crises jockeying for the gold medal. Whether or not Iran is able to develop nuclear weapons they can put on a missile warhead is of minor importance at this point as far as I’m concerned.

With our porous borders, to think that a LARGE number of suitcase nukes have not made their way into this country already would be willful ignorance in my opinion. What are they waiting on to detonate? God only knows. Who is “They?” God only knows. That would surely usher in MARTIAL LAW.
Between the missing Malaysia flight 370, the sun flares, and talk of our enemies using an EMP blast that would SURELY usher in MARTIAL LAW. See some of the following links for more on what an EMP blast would do. Personally, I’d rather a nuke land on my head.

My own personal belief is that a combination of a complete ECONOMIC COLLAPSE LIKE THE ONE THE PENTAGON IS PREPARING FOR combined with RACIAL TENSIONS BEING THE HIGHEST OF MY LIFETIME, will result in starvation, riots, and people killing one another for food.

Severe economic or racial tensions would surely usher in MARTIAL LAW. There is no “IF” we have a total economic collapse coming, there is only “WHEN” it will arrive. By my count, using basic arithmetic and a little common sense, I’d venture to say it won’t be long now. FOR ANYONE WHO DOUBTS THAT A CRASH OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS IS COMING, READ THIS.

Even if we were to use an OFF THE WALL hypothetical, and assume the U.S. isn’t the world’s LARGEST DEBTOR NATION, and pretend for a second that we have some CLUE how to manage a budget, that still does not solve the complete implosion coming when we lose the status as the World’s Reserve Currency, otherwise known as the PetroDollar.
Some people think that we’ll wake up one day and it will be formally declared that we are going to remain the global reserve currency, or a replacement will be named. I’m sorry to be the one to tell people that losing the Reserve Status is not an “IF” question either. That process is WELL, WELL, WELL underway. I posted yesterday, THE U.S. DOLLAR IS GOING DOWN! GLOBAL FINANCIERS ARE RUSHING TO GET OUT OF THE DOLLAR AND THE DOOMED WEST. Like most of our problems, that ship set sail at least a decade or two ago, and there is NOTHING we can do to prevent losing that status.


Your life has been and will continue to change, I promise. I’m going to lay out some simple facts, and then I’ll let you decide how the story ends. For the sake of this post I’m going to keep the looming financial collapse centered around the complete death of the PetroDollar aka “The World Reserve Currency.”

Frankly, there are so many factors of epic proportions that will contribute to the coming collapse, I could be here until next week writing about them, but it is primarily the loss of the World Reserve Currency status that I believe will prevent us from being able to get back up after the knockout blow is delivered, like we have after previous recessions or depressions.
Since the rest of the world will no longer be trading in U.S. Dollars, that means we’ll have to be sure not to make the Dollar any more worthless than it will already be. If it wasn’t worthless, we wouldn’t lose it as the reserve, yet all signs point towards it being dead and buried very soon. So, if we make the overwhelmingly likely presumption that the world no longer trusts the Dollar, and that is why we lost the Reserve Status, then might we ask why trust was lost?
It’s not taking a huge leap to say the world has lost faith in the Dollar because we are the planet’s largest debtor, and even while interest rates are at all time lows… we STILL can’t pay back our bills in terms of the Dollars we borrowed the money with. Since taking office Obama has printed roughly $85 BILLION per month out of thin air. Think about that for a second. There was a few months we “only printed” around $65-$75 BILLION, but I think you get the idea.

At that rate, the value of each Dollar is diluted when the money is printed with nothing to back it up, As an example: For every $100 we pay back that we borrowed, that $100 has less buying power to the lender than the $100 that was lent to us when we received it. Why? Because we debased the value by printing more of them. The reason we’ve gotten away with that practice for so long, is because everyone has always traded in, and accepted U.S. Dollars.


Now, if other nations aren’t taking Dollars anymore, then we will have to convert to their currency to buy their products. If we are still devaluing our Dollar, then we won’t be able to get much of their currency in an exchange for ours, and that means we can’t buy anywhere near as much from them in the way of imports. That’s not good, because right now we’ve been running deficits of around $40 Billion monthly.

That means as a people, we are ENORMOUSLY DEPENDENT on those imports. How about borrowing? Could we continue to borrow to finance our lifestyles? Would you lend to the biggest debtor on earth that had to print money to pay you back, giving you a loss right from the beginning? Uh, no. People, institutions, or even countries lend money so they can make money, not to lose it.
If we can no longer print money to get what we need, and we can no longer borrow money to get what we need, then we’ll just have to produce it here then. No problem! We’re Americans right? Actually… BIG problem. We have outsourced most of our production capacity overseas for cheap labor. Even worse, the little manufacturing capacity we DO have, is rapidly being bought up by the Chinese. They figure that before our Dollar finally implodes, it would be best to unload their stash of Dollars somewhere they are still accepted (here) in exchange for assets with more value, like factories.

China would much rather have hard physical assets likely to increase in value, than have worthless paper. Surely if we NEED the factories to be able to produce to survive, then the laws of supply and demand will make those factories much more valuable than debased paper currency. Assuming China is willing to rent or lease the factories to us during our time of need, surely they will charge a premium for that ability which then gives China a cut off the top of whatever we produce.


I realize that is a simplistic view of things, but there is no need to over complicate them when even at the simplest levels the math doesn’t work. When you start to factor in all our other economic woes, you can see why we have continued to fight war after war over the PetroDollar. That is what the Iraq war was fought over, and it’s what we are willing to risk war with Russia if need be.

We lose the reserve… we are TOAST! At the end of the day, the United States has so many terminal illnesses at the moment, that eventually once we start to slip, and one of our “illnesses” catches up to us, EVERYTHING is going to fall apart virtually over night… making livening conditions EXTREMELY dangerous. That is when and MARTIAL LAW AND FEMA CAMPS will be enacted. Hopefully you’re hoarding supplies in a safe place.   (VN: And WHO IS DOING ALL THIS TO OUR ECONOMY???  ROTHSCHILD OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE RING A BELL?  ISRAEL RING A BELL, WHICH IS RUN BY KHAZARS???)



LEARN HOW FEDERAL AGENCIES ARE ALL NOW FULLY ARMED! (VN: I find it interesting how this photo so close up was allowed by the powers that be??? Don’t you?   Is this all propoganda to get us to go violent?  I don’t know but there is no way they would allow this, so it has to be actors for purposes of this article and if that is the case, then the only thing we don’t know is why the photo was taken or set up?  Like I said before we are not as stupid as they would like to believe we are.  That is going to cost them in end.  Its what happens when you are mentally handicapped, and its why they have never won after centuries of trying.)



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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 25 comments
    • JayWill

      In many posts over the last 10 years, it has been written about the increasing power of the American government, at all levels, but mainly at the federal level. No matter what everybody believes, the proof factors straight at a pattern on the way to complete power. That is what governments do over time. But the only way to challenge absolute power is by force and that force happens in the form of civilian or military power where that power can incarcerate you, or kill you …… for any cause!

      • Scanner Darko

        Jaywill, you are a plagiarizing machine. Even your comments are stolen from someone else:

        Ron Ewart:

        “In many of our articles over the last 10 years, we have written about the growing power of the American government, at all levels, but mostly at the federal level. No matter what anyone thinks, the evidence points directly at a trend towards absolute power. That is what governments do over time. But the only way to project absolute power is by force and that force comes in the form of civilian or military power where that power can incarcerate you, or kill you …… for any reason!”


      You wrongfully appropriated, you stole, and you published.

      Which part are you confused about?

      And why the hell am I even talking to you?

      Good evening.


      • FAT AXL!!!

        This just in…

        Unmitigated hypocrisy as WALTER plagiarizes…


        • am123

          So is that called plagiarincest?

        • FAT AXL!!!

          Since when can one commit incest with oneself?

          I leave it to others to concoct the more appropriate word.

          (I actually typed it out, but I just couldn’t bring myself to submit it.)

        • BEEF SUPREME

          A master plagiarist?

        • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

          Close enough.

          [This is what I get for talking to myself?]

        • Scanner Darko

          “Since when can one commit incest with oneself?”


        • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

          You da master.

        • am123

          OK fellas, I’m not touching that stuff with the proverbial foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot pole :wink: :lol:

    • Pink Slime

      You should not go after each other. You are playing into the psychopath’s hands and they are LAFFING at you!

      YOU SHOULD instead go after the foul negro sodomite and Congress!!!! Even the Supreme Court!!!

      • Anonymous

        bringing someone’s error of deceit to light is not “going after someone” if that person acknowledges, and rectifies the offense.. they are in fact facilitating a recovery of character, dignity, and integrity.
        If that person does nothing to improve “his” lot, then going after that someone is hardly enough,, hehe.

        • Anonymous

          and btw, Jay, these guys can shred you.. they’re the best.

        • Anonymous

          misplaced.. not you, Pink.

    • PackersGo

      If you don’t know what to do to stop martial law in your city, this is a must read. You stop martial law in your city by stopping your local police officers/military from getting to their departments. They then have no power over you and your city becomes free.

      To me, anyone in a military/police uniform once something starts means they will be siding to harm/arrest you, your family, and children, at all costs; and have chosen to side with the criminal gov overthrow of our nation. It is important you find out where all your local uniformed families lives. Once they leave to do harm to its community, that is when to peacefully go to their home and get them to side with the freedom of citizens. Imagine what they will do once they see their loved ones on the side of citizens they are ordered to harm you? Think they will drop their weapons? Since they will be containing your children and loved ones, this makes their families important to side with you. Please read this life saving plan to get your personal and nations freedoms back. Make viral and read below:



      RAIN…how would you know that ‘these guys’ are the “best”, unless you are all inter-connected in your troll/shill program?

      man, the pay must be good these days to keep you coming here for your daily dribblings of disinfo/cointelpro.

      JAYWILL is not the problem here – you guys have an agenda – me thinks you protest too much…and have far too much time on your hands…for it to be just a ‘hobby’…


      • Anonymous

        well damn. guess i’m gonna get fired now. thanks a lot.

      • Anonymous

        I fail to understand how you can draw such an absurd conclusion. “best” translates to inter-connected troll/shill program? How so? Please explain.
        from my side of it – I’ve seen these people debate with extreme capability, rationality and intent. However, “best” does not even necessarily refer to debate skills. I like these guys, and IMO they have provided a tremendous amount of information, humor, and wit that is rare.
        Walter turns a phrase like no one else. Darko cuts through crap with incredible ease and am123 brings a warmth and inspiration that few here can.. Yes, to me, these guys AND OTHERS as well, are the “best”.

        • am123

          “Darko cuts through crap with incredible ease”

          And there is more than enough crap to cut through here on BIN :lol:

    • AVG Joe

      I have been reading Before It’s News articles and comments for nearly a year. I have only recently become a member.

      Can someone explain why it has gradually become a Bros before hos environment? Not that I have a problem with it. I would like to start the movement at work.

      • Scanner Darko

        “Can someone explain why it has gradually become a Bros before hos environment”

        …no idea what you’re talking about.

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